Cadet Camp - St John Ambulance


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Issue 3 2011

N e w s & I n f o r m a t i o n f o r R o y a l B e r k s h i r e

Cadet Camp

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Welcome from the Editor


6 inbrief -

- Here’s a role to fit part-time fundraisers to a T!

- Bouncing Cadets put the fun into fundraising

- Community Talks infocus -

- Media in Berkshire 2010/11




8-12 Cadet Camp - Horley 2011

13 inbrief -

- Race for Life

- Endangered Badgers get police safety tips

Transforming St John Ambulance

Monay Raised

Finance Matters

Tesco Collections

Keep in touch

St John Ambulance Berkshire

County HQ, Church Road, Woodley,

Reading, Berkshire, RG5 4QN.



Member’s/Fundraising website:

Tel: 0118 933 5500

Fax: 0118 933 5555


The Tesco Challenge has been just that and unfortunately we’ve missed two store collecting days due to lack of support.

The goods news is that despite this we have managed to raise nearly £2,500 in four stores, this would not have been possible without the help of Dennis Wildman, Richard Mead, Lisa

Simmonds, Brian Lynch, Janne Rawton, Tricia

Feather, Lindsay Pert and Bracknell/Bracknell

Forest Cadets Sophie, Fred and Cameron – a

HUGE personal thanks to you all and to my niece, Ria Brown, who didn’t realise she enjoyed fundraising so much!

We still have two Reading stores, 23 & 24

September and Bracknell North on 19 & 20

October to go so if you can help please let me know.

In addition I am trying to locate anyone that is not a member who would like to get involved with fundraising for St John in Berkshire so please pass my details on to friends, family or work colleagues anyone that you think might want to help.

As always if you need any assistance, you can email me on

or phone me on 07967 964 886

Kim Adrian, County Fundraiser/

Editor of The Round

Copy Deadline for next edition 28 October 2011

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It has been a busy time in all departments since the last issue of The Round, a huge thank you to everyone for their continued help and support.

Service delivery has been particularly busy with duties and this is reflected in the resultant income. The biggest duty, was of course Royal Ascot, where not only did we provide first aid cover, we also had a street collection on the

Wednesday which raised over £2,100.

In fact it has been all go on the fundraising front as well, with further collections at Morrision, Tescos. We also have some exciting events planned for the future, look out for more information later in The Round.

There will be eight regions covering the country and

Berkshire will form part of the

South East Region. A briefing document has been circulated to all units and County Staff. If you have any concerns regarding the changes please speak to your line manager or Unit Leader in the first instance.

As you are aware Russell Wernham stands down at the end of September as

Commissioner Youth. I am sure you will all join me in thanking Russell for all his help and support during his time in the role. I have no doubt we will continue to see him around the County.

The plans determined by the Governance

Review at National HQ have now been announced which will see some fundamental changes within the management of the organisation. I see the changes as a significant step forward for the organisation, building a platform by which the organisation can successfully meet its charitable aims and objectives.

Another successful Cadet Camp was held the first week in August. This year they returned to a great site at Horley, near

Banbury. We have had great feedback from all who attended, testimony to the hard work and commitment of all the adults who made it such a success.

Sharon Johnson Commander

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Here’s a role to fit parttime fundraisers to a T!

If you fancy doing your bit for

Berkshire St John Ambulance without wanting to commit to full time membership, then we have a role which might just fit you to a T!

We’re looking for volunteers to help with street collections and various other fundraising events – but you don’t need to wear a uniform and you can do as much or as little as you like.

And you’ll get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping to support the vital work of the nation’s leading first aid charity.

Berkshire St John Ambulance provides first aid cover at hundreds of public events across the county each year and the medical skills of its highly trained members are often the difference between life and death.

We teach first aid in local communities, schools and workplaces and our mission is to ensure that no-one dies unnecessarily because they needed first aid and didn’t get it.

Fundraising is the lifeblood of our organisation but not surprisingly many of our own volunteers prefer to concentrate on providing frontline first aid rather than collecting money. Many people wrongly assume we’re part of the NHS or receive our core funding from the Government. In fact we rely on the public’s generosity to fund our work which is why we need all the help we can get when it comes to fundraising.

Believe it or not, collecting can be fun because you do it with other people and there’s a lot of camaraderie involved. It’s also very rewarding because you get so much warmth and so many positive comments from members of the public who really appreciate the work we do.

The role of fundraiser would suit anyone who wants to support St John Ambulance without necessarily learning first aid.

Fundraisers are not expected to wear uniform but will be lent a St John

Ambulance T-shirt for occasions when they’re out and about collecting.

Fundraisers need to be over 16 but don’t need any special expertise – just enthusiasm for the charity’s work and mission.

To find out more about becoming a fundraiser or supporting St John

Ambulance in other ways please call

0118 933 5500 or email

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Bouncing Cadets put the fun into fundraising

Bracknell Forest Cadets rose to the challenge of raising funds for their unit with an exhausting 90 minute sponsored bounce.

The non-stop bouncing session involved 13

Cadets who managed to raise £160

A bouncy castle was provided free of charge by Crowthorne based entertainment company Innovents.

Bracknell Forest Cadet leader Lindsay Pert said: ‘I had a go myself and only managed to do six minutes so I’m amazed that the

Cadets kept going for the full 90 minutes!’

Community Talks

As some of you may have seen or heard for about the last 12 months we have been undertaking talks & demonstrations at groups and organisations throughout

Berkshire. This can be anything from assisting Scout or Guide groups with first aid training to large-scale demonstrations to members of the public and for this we need your assistance.

These events provide benefit for St John

Berkshire at a number of levels, they can help publicise what we do, provide revenue in the way of donations, engage us in partnership working with the commercial sector and hopefully lead to a take up of more organised training courses. The latter may also prove of benefit in the long term

Peter Anderson as revenue we receive from NHQ is

“performance-related” to the number of casualties we treat and people we train – and we can exercise greater control on increasing those we train.

In addition to the benefit to St John

Berkshire, this can also be of benefit to individual member development. We already have one course running for trainers and a second one scheduled for the autumn and this is an excellent way to gain experience and see if this is a part of our work you would like to assist with.

These talks are either in the evening or during the day and I would be grateful if you could let me know if you can assist, when you are available and contact details.

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Media in



Ann Knight – County PRO

Between April 2010 and March 2011

Berkshire St John Ambulance featured in various local newspapers 113 times and 43 media releases were issued during this 12month period.

An equivalent amount of advertising space would have cost £62,257. In total the cuttings reached a circulation of 2,141,628 with the readership three times as much – so that equates to more than six million people.

The coverage was, in the vast majority of cases, positive and much of it included key messages from the new Difference brand and Life Lost campaign.

Radio coverage

It should be noted that the above figures relate only to the print media and do not include the considerable amount of radio coverage we have received which obviously would have required a much larger cost were we to have taken out the equivalent in advertising.

Berkshire St John Ambulance featured on local radio on at least 12 occasions during

2010/2011, with interviewees requested and arranged as a direct result of press releases issued.

Most interviews were broadcast by BBC

Radio Berkshire but volunteers have also given interviews to Reading FM and

Newbury Sound.

Bracknell News / Boehringer Ingleheim partnership

A partnership between Berkshire SJA,

Boehringer Ingleheim and the Bracknell

News resulted in a series of extremely positive features in the newspaper last

October. This focused on three free Baby and Child Lifesaver sessions at South Hill

Park, with all expenses paid by Boehringer


Co-ordinated by Becky Trotman, this was a huge PR triumph (at zero cost to Berks

SJA) which has been repeated this June,

2011 with a launch in the Bracknell News on 7 June and a series of follow-up features throughout the month.

The Difference/Life Lost campaign

An evaluation of the new Difference brand/Life Lost campaign four months after its launch in April 2010, showed:

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• a 72% improvement in terms of people feeling more positive towards SJA

• 65% had a better understanding of SJA

• 63% more likely to visit the SJA website and 62% more likely to donate

• 66,228 first aid guides requested

• 305,377 website visits with 19,098 visitors testing their first aid knowledge

• 18% growth in Facebook fans

• 13,756 iPhone app downloads.

During the initial campaign launch the

South East region had more than 30 pieces of coverage in the print media, over

20 radio interviews and a TV interview on

BBC Oxford.

We have seen some immediate

PR-related success stories

Success stories

The positive media coverage we’ve seen in

Berkshire over the last year has been designed to raise the profile of the charity in the county within the national context of reinforcing the Difference brand and Life

Lost campaign messages, with a view to encouraging increased take-up of first aid training, donations and new recruits.

We have seen some immediate PR-related

“success stories”.

These include excellent newspaper coverage of an appeal for new Cadets for the Cippenham Unit. A press release was printed verbatim and resulted in 11 new recruits for Cippenham, Maidenhead,

Windsor and Langley.

Chris Thornton reports that the PR surrounding our efforts to recruit new

ACCs resulted in applications from candidates of an exceptionally high calibre.

The year ahead

While we have enjoyed a great deal of positive media coverage over the last 12 months, many PR opportunities have been missed simply because I have not been informed of newsworthy activities until after the event.

Although I am only employed to work one day per week for Berks SJA, I am happy to work flexibly and answer enquiries from members (by phone/email) at any time other than when I am on annual leave.

In the coming year I would like to see far more members maintaining regular contact with me, providing updates on any planned fundraising events, open days etc and keeping me informed of any potentially newsworthy situations where they have used their first aid skills in a medical emergency.

07858 101356

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Cadet Camp

Horley 2011

Libby Maddocks

Cadet Camp 2011 was held from

Saturday 30 July to Saturday 6 August

2011 in Horley, Oxfordshire.

Saturday 30 July

24 extremely eager Cadets bundled into the Woodley headquarters, hauling their suitcases behind them. As the minibuses pulled in to the car park, the cases were bundled onto the resource vehicle and goodbyes to families were said. The two minibuses packed full of excited Cadets pulled away from Woodley at 12:30.

The Cadets arrived at the campsite at around 14:30, and very excitedly made their way over to the Cadet Mess where they were introduced to all of the adults and were separated into their tent groups.

Each tent was assigned an adult to help them and all Cadets managed to pitch their tents successfully. The Cadets quickly settled in with the people with whom they were spending the next week by playing some ice breaker games, including the famous and well-loved parachute games!

Sunday 31 July

Emerging tired and heavy eyed from their tents at 07:30, unaware of what the day had in store for them. The morning consisted of training (‘That’s Entertainment’ was the badge subject, tying in nicely with the Circus theme). The Cadets were

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Swimming was the main event of the afternoon, allowing all of the Cadets to have a good splash about in the local swimming pool.

Monday 1 August – Theme Day!!

Training commenced in the morning and it was very pleasing to see all of the Cadets with their heads down and participating so vigorously with this subject. All of the performances were coming along nicely, including one group who were practicing their human pyramid! Megan Bates joined

Cadet Camp on this day.

As the afternoon drew closer, it was clear that all of the Cadets (and some adults!) were excited about what the Theme Day had in store for them! Changing into their brightly coloured circus costumes and awaiting the day’s activities.

First was a visiting Circus Entertainer who taught some interesting tricks, such as unicycling, how to use a Diablo, how to

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For the last couple of camps, bivying has not always been possible due to the weather, but thankfully, this year the weather was on our side and the bivying went ahead! The Cadets all bundled into the Cadet Mess and were taught vital things for the bivying, such as how to tie specific knots and where would be the best place to set up their shelter for the night!

Once all of the shelters had been set up, the Cadets all bundled together on a sheet of tarpaulin drinking soup and singing campfire songs (they were a day early for campfire songs – with the campfire set for


Tuesday 2 August

For one last time, training began the day and there was not much time for the

Cadets to add any finishing touches to their performances, but it didn’t look like they needed it at all! All seemed pretty worn out already with all of that rehearsing, so it was time to take them down the local swimming pool again for another splash about.

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Everyone loves a good singsong around a campfire – especially when it involves dancing like a penguin! I think it’s fair to say that the Penguin Song is a new Camp favourite along with Little Green Frog

Song, led by two Badgers from Theale!

Wednesday 3 August

All trundled onto the minibuses for their morning of ice skating, all appeared normal on the ice until we noticed all Cadets standing in a circle on the ice singing the

Penguin Song and a couple of other songs that they’d learnt at the campfire the night before!

After the ice skating, it was a 10 minute walk to Oxford city centre where the Cadet film of choice, Cars 2, was watched. They all enjoyed the film and their chance to sit down after a few fun-filled days!

Thursday 4 August

Today was the big performance, each group took it in turns to perform their carefully prepared shows which were a huge success for everyone! Each group received numerous bottle tops for their hard work and determination to capture the essence of the Circus in their work.

The Cadets brought to the stage acts such

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03184_SJA_Sept2011_16pp.qxd:19166_SJA_August-News.qxd 2/9/11 11:34 Page 12 as mime artists, singers, magicians, dancers and many more! We have some very talented Cadets in Berkshire, well done, everyone!

This afternoon’s trip consisted of a shopping trip to Bourton-on-the-Water. All enjoyed wandering around the little village shops and paddling in the little river that runs through it.

The evening’s entertainment was a quiz, divided up into their tent groups and answering questions on general knowledge, a picture round of Harry Potter characters, the circus and first aid.

Everyone was very eager, knowledgeable and all did extremely well.

Friday 5 August

Today was the last day of Camp 2011, so to end on a high; the Cadets were taken to

Warwick Castle. Whilst at the castle, they were free to look around, they were invited to a historical party at Secrets and

Scandals and they walked along the towers. They then went to see the Merlin

Show where they talked to the apprentice and a dragon!

There’s no better way to end Cadet Camp than with a disco, it was great to see one and all thoroughly enjoying the disco and up and dancing!

I hope everyone had an absolutely amazing week at

Cadet Camp 2011 in Horley.

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Race for Life

On the 10 July our Berkshire volunteers were there to provide first aid support at

Newbury’s Race for Life in aid of Cancer

Research UK. There were approximately

2,000 participants who walked and ran the 5km.

As usual a strong team was deployed comprising Peter Burningham, Wendy

Wickham, Stuart Morgan, James Wickham,

Richard Mead, Laura Irving, Aton

Gerrasimov, Stephen Cook, Nigel

Domaingue and Eddie Chan.

In total 10 casualties were treated (none to hospital) mainly sore feet and legs with the

4x4 deployed (Stu and James navigating the course) to attend to a participant feeling very unwell.

The photo was kindly taken by the Heart


Endangered Badgers get police safety tips

Maidenhead’s youngest members have been helping police with their enquiries…into what goes on in a lively Badger sett.

Loddon Valley Police visited the

Badgers to find out more about their activities and to help them in their efforts to earn their safety badge. They explained how police equipment has changed over the years and enabled the sett to try on police uniforms.

In September the sett will start working towards their Healthy

Badger badge – learning about food, nutrition, exercise and being healthy.

Jack Knibbs William Hattey

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St John Ambulance

The Trustees have made a decision to streamline the structure and oversight

(governance) of St John Ambulance


We need to increase our charitable and community impact so fewer people die when first aid could have saved them – increasing our community training, working more closely with schools, and delivering more first aid in local communities. We need a greater consistency in our quality – so that we can meet more-stringent regulatory requirements and also better support the front line. And we need to balance our budget, minimising costs and increasing income to achieve sustainable


North West



Greater Manchester



West Midlands




West Midlands


South West








North East




North Yorkshire and Teeside

South and West Yorkshire

East Midlands


Leicestershire and Rutland




South East




Isle of Wight





East of England







London finances so we can protect and increase our charitable work in local communities.

The current structure means that we can’t share resources and target areas that need it. These changes will mean that we can be more responsive to society’s first aid needs.


Eight new regions will provide the management and oversight that currently takes place at county level.

The new structure will be introduced on a phased basis between January and

September 2012 the first two regions announced during October 2011.

Any questions

You can also leave any questions at gthedifference

Any HR questions can be addressed to

Any general programme questions to

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Money Raised

Harris Garden bears fruit

I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped at the open day in July at the

University of Reading’s Harris Garden; we raised nearly £500.

The sale of plants during the day raised

£49 in aid of Growing Places – a Berkshire based charity which uses horticultural therapy to support adults with learning difficulties; £429 was received from entrance fees and cake sales and an additional £40 was raised by selling tickets for the Holiday for Disabled raffle.

Holiday for Disabled Ball & Raffle

A total of £3,893 was raised by the ball; with an amazing £2,058, included in this, from the raffle.

Raffle winners

1st Prize Holiday - Gary Joseph

2nd Prize iPad - Inc. Design

3rd Prize Digital Camera - claimed on the night

4th Prize Sat Nav - Jo Hendy

5th Prize Bicycle - Julie Ross

6th Prize Hampton Court ticket - Inc. Design

7th prize ipod shuffle - John Hunter authorised materials that explain the work of St John Ambulance locally and they will not collect cash or cheques.

Each supporter will be issued with a free first aid guide providing advice on how to deal with common life threatening conditions so that if someone chokes, has a heart attack, stops breathing or cuts themselves, some useful information will be close at hand.

Wesser will be in Berkshire until September, at the time of writing, with three weeks to go, this campaign has secured regular pledges from over 900 people for Berkshire

St John Ambulance.



to 70007 to give £3 today

Texts cost £3 plus one message at your standard network rate. St John Ambulance

Berkshire will receive a minimum of £2.81

from each text.

Wesser Success

Door-to-door fundraising is one of a number of methods used by St John

Ambulance to raise much needed funds to help provide life saving activities. Wesser, a professional fundraising agency, is employed to recruit supporters their fundraisers are all trained and clearly identifiable, carrying ID badges as well as

For terms & conditions please visit

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finance matters

Ben Tichband, Deputy County Treasurer

We have had a very strong first half of the year finishing £57k ahead of plan. It is worth noting that we made an operating surplus of £20k in these months (prior to capital expenditure).

First Aid Services have beaten budget in terms of public duty income by £13k and have seen savings in terms of rent, uniform and training. We are expecting to catch up with budget in the second half of the year with the launch of the new service delivery uniform and training to implement the new operational volunteer roles.

Youth continue to track budget by managing expenditure in line within income.

In the last quarter we had good local fundraising with the Morrisions weekend raising £3k and the Ascot High Street

Collection in Royal Week raising £2k.

Our Wesser income was below budget due to timing.

The budget for the second half of the year is more demanding for us to meet, with challenging targets for fundraising and duty income.

In summary the results for the three months ended March 2011 were:

Surplus /(Deficit) from

First Aid Services

(Deficit) from Youth Activities

Surplus from fund raising

Operating Surplus

Administrative costs

Contribution to NHQ costs

Investment and other gains and losses

Net (Deficit)/Surplus

Actual Budget

£000 £000

Grant from Commercial Training 104





(107) (121)













Martins Heron, Bracknell




Totals to date





Future store collections for which we still need help to cover

Napier Road, Reading

23 & 24 September - 9.30 - 18.00

Portman Road, Reading

23 & 24 September - 9.30 - 18.00

Bracknell North

19 & 20 October - 9.30 - 18.00

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