..,'.8582 (99) ldentifyingnumber Name(s)shown on return +BRAD,J & LISA "2011 > See separale inskuctions. > Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1041. l)epartmenl oi the Treasury rnl€rnarFeven!eService O M B N o 1 5 4 51 0 0 4 PassiveActivity Loss Limitations N K SHERMAN Caulioni Complete Worksheets 1, 2, and 3 before Rental Beal Estate Activities With Active Participation (Forthe defin t on of active pa,l cipation, see Special Allowance for Rental Real Estate Activities in the instruct ons.) '! a Activities with net income (enterthe amount from Worksheet 1 , co umn (a) b Activities with net loss (enter the amount from Worksheet 1, co umn ib)) c Prior years unallowed losses (enterthe amount from Worksheet 1. column(c)) d Combinellnes1a. 1b. and 1c Commercial Bevitalization Deductions From Rental Real Estate Activities 2a Commercialrevitalizationdeductions from Worksheet 2, column (a) t_ 8 l - 8 b Prior year unalLowedcommercialrevltalzat on deductions from Worksheet2, column(b) Add I nes All Other Passive Activities 3a Act vities with net income (enterthe amount from Worksheet3, colunn (a, b Actlv ties with net oss (enter the amount from Worksheet 3, colunn (b)) c Pr or years Lrnalowed osses (enterthe amount from Worksheet 3, column(c)) 4 Combine ines 1d, 2c, and 3d. lf this ine is zero or more,stop hereand incllrdethis form with your returntal ossesare a lowed, ncludingany prioryear unallowedlossesenteredon line1c, 2b, or 3c. Reportthe losseson the forms and schedules norma lV used l f l i n e4 i s a l o s sa n d : o L i n e l d i s a l o s s , g o t o P a d l l . . Line2c s a loss(andline1d is zeroor more),sklp Part ll and go to Part lll. 1,818 . L i n e 3 d i s a l o s s ( a n d l i n e s l d a n d 2 c a r e z e r o o r m o r e ) , s k i paPnadrl tl slalnl d g o t o L n e l 5 . Caulioni lf your filing status is ntarried liling separately and you lived with your spouse at any time during the yeardo not camplete Paft ll or Patl lll. lnstead,go to line 15. Nolei Enter all numbers in Patl ll as positive amourfs. See lnstructions for an example. 6 7 Enterthe smallerof the losson llne1d or the losson ine 4 .. Enter$150,000.lf marriedfil ng separately, see instrLrctions 7 Enter modlfied adjusted gross income, but not less than zero (see instructons) Note: /t/me 7 is greater than or equalto line 6, skip Ines I and 9, enter 0 on line 10. Otheftvise,go to line B. Subt'act ne 7'rom Ine 6 8 Mu t ply line8 by 50% (.5).Do not entermorethan $25,000.lf marriedfilingsepar ; I rso,ooo. ATEMENT 1.9 235,743 8 9 1 0 Enterthesmaller of line5 or lineI 9 10 Nolei Enter all numbers in Part III as positlveamounts. See the examplefor Paft ll in the instructions. 11 12 13 14 see instructions Enter$25,000reducedbytheamount, ifany,on ine10. lf marriedfilingseparately, Enterthe lossfrom ine 4 Reduceline12 by the amounton line10 Enterthe smallestof line Add the income,f any, on lines1a and 3a and enterthe total '16 Total losses allowed lrom all oassiveactivitiestor 20ll.Add lnes l0. l4. and 15. See instructions to LHA r 1s76r12r? r r For Paperwork Beduction Act Notice, see instructions. 0. Form8582 (2011) +BRAD ,J & LISA F0rm8s82(2011) N K SHERMAN pog"z JJ Caulion: The worksheets must be filed with your tax rctum. Keep a copy for your records. Worksheet l -ForForm Lines ta. 1b.and 1c instructions Overallgain or loss Name ot activity (e)Ltss Total. Enter on Form 8582. lines 1a. 1 Worksheet2-ForForm Name ot activity Lines 2a and 2b instructions. (a)Currentyear deductions(line2a) (b) Prior year unalloweddeductions(line 2b) (c) Overallloss Total. Enter on Form 8582, lines 2a and 2b Worksheet 3 - For Form Overallgain or loss Name ol activity (c) Unallowed loss (line 3c) (e) Loss Total, Enter on Form 8582, lines 3a. and 3c Worksheet 4 - Use this worksheet if an amount is shown on Form 10or 14 instructions. (d) Subtract column (c) from column (a) Name of activity Worksheet 5 - Allocation of Unallowed Losses Name of activig Form or schedule and line number to be reported on (see instructions) (c) Unallowedloss EE ATTA 1.00000000 1.818. Form 8 5 a 2( 2 0 I 1 ) F 0 r m s s q ? ( 2 0+1B1R) A D , I & L I S A N K S H E R M A N Worksheet 6 - Allowed Losses instructions. Form or schedule and line number to be repoded on (see instructions) Name of activity pusrg tr. (c)Allowed loss EE ATTA 7 - Activities With Losses Name of activity: on Two or More instructions. (e)Allowed loss Form or schedule and line number lo be reported on (see instructions): 1a Net lossplus prioryear unalowed lossfromform or schedule b Net income from form or scneoute c SubtractIne 1b from Ine 1a. lf zeroor enter-0 Form or schedule and line number to be reporled on (see instructions): la Net lossplus prioryear unallowed loss from form or schedule b Net incomefrom form or schedule c SubtractIne 1b from line1a. lf zeroor enter-0- Form or scheduleand line number to be reported on (see instructions): la Net lossplus prioryear unalowed loss from form or schedule b Net income from form or schedule from lne 1a. lf zero or enter -0- F o r m8 5 A 2( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 r 9 7 6 11 2 1 2 1 1 ,",'..8582 ALTERNATIVE MINTMUM TAX PassiveActivity Loss Limitations 2011 > See separate instructions. Attach to Form 10llo or Form 1041. Dcparlmcntol rhe Treasu.y InlernarRov.n!eService (99) ldentifyingnumber Name(s)shown on return +BRAD'J & LISA N K SHERMAN Wothsheets1, 2. and 3 befote campleling Pan t. Rental Real Estate Activities With Active Participation iFor the definitionof active padicipation,see Special Allowance lor Rental Real Estate Activities in the nstruct ons.) Caution: 1a Activities wlth net income (enter the amount from Worksheet 1, co umn (a)) b Activities w th net loss (enterthe amount from Worksheet 1, co umn ib)) c Prior years unailowed losses (enterthe amount from Worksheet 1, column{c)) 1 818 Commercial Revitalization Deductions From Rental Real Estate Activities 2a Commercralrevitalizationdeductlons from Worksheet 2, column (a) b Pr or vear unallowedcommercialrevitalizationdeductions from Worksheet 2, column (b) c Add lines2a and 2b All Other Passivo Activities 3a Activitieswlth net income (enterthe amount from Worksheet 3, co umn (a)) b Activities wlth net loss (enterthe amount from Worksheet 3, column (b)) c Prior years unallowed losses (enter the amount from Worksheet 3, column (c)) 3b. and 3c 4 C o m b n e l i n e s 1 d , 2 c , a n d 3 dl f. t h i s l i n ei s z e r o o r m o r es, t o p h e r e a n di n c l u d e t h s f o r m w i t hy o u rr e t u r na; l l '1c,2b, or 3c. Beportthe losseson ossesare allowed,lncludingany prioryear unallowedlossesenteredon ine 1 the formsand schedulesnormallvused lf ine 4 s a lossand: . Llne 1d is a loss,go to Part ll. 818 a L ne 2c s a loss(andline1d is zeroor more),skip Pad ll and go to Part lll. . L ne 3d is a loss(andlines1d and 2c are zero or more),sk p Pads ll and I and go to I ne 15. Caution lf your filing statusis married liling separatelyand you lived with your spouseat any time during the yeardo nat catnplete ParI ll or Paft lll. lnstead, go to line 15. Notei Entet all numberc in Patl ll as positive amaunts. See instructions for an example. Enterthe smaller of the losson llne1d orthe Losson Line4 see nstructlons Enter$150,000.lf marriedfilingseparately, Enter modlfied adjusted gross income, but not less than zero (see instrLrctions) Note: /rrrre 7 is grcater than or equalto line 6, skip linesB and 9, enter -0- on line 10. Otherwise,go to line B. S u b h a c lr : n e7 ' r o m I n p 6 5 .000. 7 2 3 5, t 4 3 I Mu tiply lineB by 50% (.5).Do not entermorethan $25,00o-lf marriedf ilingseparetely,see instructlons 1 0 Enterthesmaller of line5 or lineI '10 Notei Enter all numberc in Paft lll as positlve amounts. See the example for Paft ll in the instructions. see Instructions 1 1 Enter$25,000redLrced by the amount,if any,on llne10. lf marriedfilingseparately, 1 2 Enter the loss from ine 4 1 3 Reduceline12 by the amounton line10 ota 15 Add the lncome,if any,on lnes 1a and 3a and enterthe tota '10,14, and 15. 16 Total losses allowed fiom all passiveactivitiesfor 2011.Add lines See lnstructions to I nd out how to the losses on vour tax return LHA ris76r12i2 1i For Paperwork ReductionAct Notice, see instructions. 0. Forma5a2 (2011) F 0 r m 8 s 8 2 ( 2 0+1Bi R ) AD 'J & LISA ALTERNATIVE N K SHERMAN MINIMUM TAX puor2 l- Cautjon: Ihe worksheetsmust be filed with your tax rcturn. Keep a copy lor your records. Worksheetl-ForForm L i n e s I a , 1 b , a n d 1 c { S e ei n s t r u c t i o n s . Overallgain or loss Name of activity (e) Loss Total. Enter on Form 8582. lines la. '1b.and 1c Lines 2a and 2b Name of activity instruct ions. (a) Current year deductions (line 2a) (b) Prior year unalloweddeductions(line 2b) (c) Overallloss Total. Enter on Form 8582, lines 2a and 2b Worksheet 3 - For Overallgain or loss Name ot activity (e) Loss Total. Enter on Form 8582. lines 3a. and 3c Worksheet 4 - Use this worksheet if an amount is shown on Form line10 or 14 instructions. Name of activity Worksheet 5 - Allocation of Unallowed Losses Name of activity Folm or schedule and line number to be reported on {see instructions) {c) Unallowedloss 1.00000000 L.818. Form 8 s 8 2( 2 0 1 ) ALTERNATIVE F 0 r r 8 5 8 2 r 2 0+ t lB ! RAD ,J & LISA N K SHERMAN Worksheet 6 - Allowed Losses instructions MINIMU}4 TAX Form or scheduls and line number to be reported on (see instructions) Name of activity Worksheet 7 - Activities With Losses Name ot activity: p"o"s lE (c) Allowed loss Forms or Schedules instructions. (e) Allowed loss Form or scheduleand line number to be reported on (see instructions): '1a Net loss plus pr or year unallowed loss from form or schedule b Net income from form or schedule ine 1b from ine 1a. lf zero or enter'0'. Form or schedule and line number to be reported on (see instructions): 1a Net oss p us prioryear unallowed loss from form or schedu e b Net incomefrom form or schedLrle enter"0- line1b from line 1a. lf zeroor Form or scheduleand line number to be reported on (see instructions): 1a Net lossplus prioryear unallowed lossfromform or schedule ) b Net lncome from form or schedLrle c Subtractline1b from line1a. lf Total r 1 9 / 6 31 2 - 1 2 - 1 1 enter.0. Form8582(2011) ,,',',4562 (lncluding Intormation on Listed Property) DepanmenroJlhe Treasury InternalFevenueServ ce {99) +BRAD .f & LISA 2011 Depreciationand Amortization See separate instructions. > Attach to N K SHERMAN SUMMARY tax tetutn. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Electi0n ToExpense Cerlain Property Under Section 179Note:/l have Patl V before you complete Paft l. Iisted 1 Maximumamountisee Inslruclrons) Total cost of section 179 property placed in serv ce (see nstructions) Thresholdcost of section179 propertybeforereductionin llmitation .. .. Reductionin Limitatlon. Subtractline3 from Ine 2. lf zeroor less.enter 0. 5 Oo ar limilalion lor lax vear Subtracl line 4 Jromline 1 ll zso or loss. entcr -0-. tt ma(icd (a)Descrplion ot propedy (b)cosl (bus,nessuse only) BEEBE DRAW 7 Listedproperty.Enterthe amountfrom iine29 Total elected cost of sect on 179 property. Add amounts n colLrmn(c), ines 6 and 7 9 Tentativededuction.Entertbe smaller of line5 or ine 8 1 0 Carryoverof disaloweddeductionfrom ine 13 of your 2010 Form4562 1 1 Businessincomeljmitation. Enterthe sma ler of businessncome(not lessthan zero)or line5 2,284. 1 2 Section179 expensededucton.Add lnes I and 10, but do not entermorethan line l1 '13 or disdLo\tueddedu(tion1o2012.Add linesI and I0. lessI ne 12 Note: nal use Parl ll ot Pan lll below {or lisledpropedy. Allowanceand Other use Part V. not includelsted Specialdepreciational owance for qual fied property (other than listed property)p aced n serv ce during the tax year Property sublect to section 168(t(1) election MACRS Depreciation (Do not nclude isted nstructons Section A 1 7 N4ACRSdeduct ons for assets p aced in service n tax years beginningbefore 201 1 't8 o>sel- D d-ed rn Fr n!€ dL no lhe ld^ r'e-r rnro lne or more oe.e.1l dssel Section B - Assets Placed in Service 2O11Tax Year the GeneralDepreciationSystem {a) Classliicatiof01propedy 19) Ireprecialio. ded!.lio. Res dential rental property Nonresdentialrealpropeny Section C - Assets Placed in Service During 201 1 Tax Year Using the Alternative Depreciation System 2l Listedproperty.Enteramountfrom Ine 28 22 Total.Add amountsfromline12, Lines14 throLrgh17, lines19 and 20 in co umn (g),and Ine 21. Enter here and on the appropriate llnes of your return. Partnershipsand S corporations. 23 For assets shown above and p aced in service during the current year. enter the LHA For PaDerwork Reduction Act Notice. see seoarate instructions. Form4562 (2011) ,",^4562 SCHEDUI-,EC 1 Depreciationand Amortization instluctions. > Attach lo your tax return. BLE ENERGY TNC BEEBE +BRAD . J & L I S A N K S H E R M A N property Electj0n ToExpense Certain UrderS"aionIZS N;;7;;E;;rc; RAW#6 3.125I 1 Maximumamount(seeinstructions) 2 Tota cost of section 179 property placed in service (see lnstructtons) 4 2011 (lncluding Information on Listed property) Deparlmentot lhe T.easury hienra Revenle Seryicc 19s) HAMBERT Patl V belore I hresnoldcost o' secr,onI /9 propertybe'orereductionin tmitat,on BedLrction rn I mitation.Subtractline3 from line2. lf zero or less.enter_0, Dollar lim lalion tor lai year. Subtracl line 4 trom tine i H zero or tess, ertar ,O . tmared ( a )D e s c d p t o no r p r o p c r t / ( b t C o s r( b L s r n c suss e o . t y ) 7 Listed property. Enterthe amount from Ine 29 8 Total e ected cost of secion '179property.Add amounts ln column (c), lines 6 and 7 9 Tentativededuction.Enterthe smaller of line5 or line8 1 0 Carryoverof disalloweddeduction from ine .13of your 2010 Form 4562 1 1 Busrnessncome,imlatron.Lnterlhe smallerof businessincome(not lessthan zeroy ,rne or 5 Sectron179 expensededuction.Add linesg and 10, but do not entermorethan line1j 13 to2012. 9and1 lne 12 Note: Do nof use Part ll or Paft lll below use Paft V. Allowance and Other not include I sted 14 speclal depreciationarrowancefor qua ified property (otherthan listed property)praced in servicedurnq the tax year 15 Property subject to section f Oe(0(f) eteition 16 MACRS (Oo not nclude isted .) (See nsiructrons.) Section A la) classilicalionot proporly (q)Dcprcc at on dcdld on Residentialrental property Nonresidential rea propeny Section C - Assets placed in Service 2011 Tax Year Using the AlternativeDepreciationSystem instructions. 2 1 Lrsted property. Enter amount from line 2g Total.Add arnountsfrom line I2, linesj4through17, lines1g and 20 in column(g),and ine 21. Enter here and on the approprate lines of your return. partnershipsand S corporalons _see For assets shown above and p aced in service during the current year, enter the 573 the LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate inskuctions. Form4562 (2011) ruAD part V I ,J & LrSA N K SHERMAN I LiCt" amusement.l I!IrP.q" 2 erarnmenr, recrea.on, or Uln';r'L1U!:!!i:"'Z:!f':ii"';i,:':;,";i.3'!::;S|t'f ordeductins tease expense, comptete ontv 24a,24b,cotumns (a) S:J",t!"lEte Section A - Dep.eciation and Other Information you Do have evidence 24a t0 thebusiness/investment useclaimed? (a) TypeofproperV (lstvehrcles f rst) See the instructionsIor limitsfor passengerautomobjtes.l No I 24b lf 'Yes,' is the ev de.ce wrillen? (e) Yes (i) Elected sectron 179 c0sl 25 spec al depreciat on alrowancefor qua ified listed property placed in service during the tax year and used more than 5070 in a used more than 50o%ln a oLrsrnessuse: used 50oZor ess in a 28 Add amountsin co umn (h),lines25 through27. Enterhereand on ine 21, page l Add amounts n qolumn(i),tine26. Enterhereand on ine 7, Daqe1 Section B - Intormation on Use of Vehicles Completeth s section for vehicles used by a sole proprietor,partner,or other'more than 5yo owrer,' or related person. lf you provided vehicles to your employees,frrst answer the questions in section c to see if you meet an exception to comptet ng this section for thosevehicles. (r) Totalbusiness/investmenl milesdrivenduringlhe y e a (r d o n o t i l c l J d F corrllinq mtesj Vehice 3 1 lola commutingntles drivendLrringlhe year 32 Total other personal (noncommuting)miles onven. 33 Totalmilesdrivenduringthe year. Add lines 30 throLtgh32 34 Was the veh cle avaitablefor person;l u;e durlng off,dLrtyhours? Was the vehicleused primariyby a more than 50%owner or related person? ls another vehtc e availablefor personal use? Section C - Questions lor Employers Who provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees Answer these quest ons to determine if you meet an exception to comp eting Section B for vehicles used by emp oyees who are not more than 57o owners or re ated 37 Do you maintaina writtenpo icy statementthat prohibltsall personalLrseofvehcles,nclLrding commutng, byyour emp oyees? 38 Do you maintaina writtenpolicystatementthat prohrbitspersonaluse of veh,cles,exceptcommutng, by your employees?see the instructionsfor veh cles used by corporate offcers, directors,or 1oz or more owners 39 Do you treatall Lrseof vehiclesby employeesas personaluse? .. .. zto Do you provide more than five vehiclesto your employees,obtain nformation rrom your emproyeesabout the use ol the vehicles,and retain the informationreceived? 41 Do you meetthe requirements concerntngqualifiedautomoblledemonstraionuse? Ilpur answerto 37,38,39, 40, or 41 /s ,yes,,do Dot Section B for Amortization 42 Amortizationof costs that 2011 tax Amortizationof costs that began befofe yout 2Oj1 iaxyeal T Form4562 (2011) +BRAD .J & LISA rI- N K SHERMAN F O R M1 0 4 0 STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAX REFUNDS 2070 GROSS STATE/LOCAL LESS: TAX PAID IN NET TAX REFUNDS INC TAX REFUNDS FOLLOWING YEAR CALIFORNIA TOTAL NET TAX REFUNDS 2009 STATEMENT 1 2008 CAL I FORNIA 5,787. 5 , 1 8 7, 5 , 7 8 7. STATEMENT(S) 1 +BRAD .J & LISA FORM 1,040 N K SHERMAN - TAXABLE STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAX REFUNDS 20L0 NET TAX REFUNDS FROM STATE AND LOCAIJ INCOME TAX REFI]NDS STMT . 2009 STATEMENT 2 2008 5 ,7 87 . LESS : REFUNDS.NO BENEFIT DUE TO A].{T SALES TAX BENEFIT REDUCTION 1 NET REFUNDS FOR RECALCUIJATION 2 3 4 TOTAL ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS BEFORE PHASEOUT DEDUCTION NOT SUB.J TO PHASEOUT NET REFUNDSFROM LINE I 5 6 7 8 LINE 2 MINUS LINES 3 AND 4 MUIJT LN 5 BY APPL SEC. 68 PCT PRIOR YEAR AGI ITEM. DED. PHASEOUT THRESHOLD 9 SUBTRACT LINE 8 FROM LINE 7 (IF ZERO OR LESS, SKIP LINES ]- O THROUGH ].5 , AND ENTER AMOUNT FROM IJINE 1 ON LINE 16) MULT LN 9 BY APPL SEC. 68 PCT ALLOWABLE ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS (LINE 5 LESS THE I,ESSER OF LINE 6 OR LINE 10) ITEM DED. NOT SUB.J TO PHASEOUT 10 I1 L2 13A TOTAL AD.f . ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS 138 PRIOR YR. STD. DED. AVAILABLE T4 P R I O R Y R . A I J L O W A B L EI T E M . D E D . 5.787. 75.328. 5.'787. 69.541. 69,54L. 11,400. 75,328. T7 18 SUBTRACT THE GREATER OF LINE ].3A OR LINE 138 FROM I,INE 14 TAXABLE REFUNDS ( I.,ESSEROF LINE 15 OR LINE ]. ) ALLOWABLEPRIOR YR. ITEM. DED. PRIOR YEAR STD. DED. AVAILABLE 19 20 2L S U B T R A C TL I N E 1 8 F R O ML I N E 1 7 L E S S E RO F L I N E ] - 6 O R L I N E 1 9 P R I O R Y E A R T A X A B L EI N C O M E 22 AMOUNTTO INCLUDE ON FORM 1040. LINE 10 * IF LINE 21 IS _O_ OR MORE, USE A]4OUNTFROM LINE 20 * I F L I N E 2 1 I S A N E G A T I V EA M O U N T ,N E T L I N E S 2 0 A N D 2 1 15 16 5,787. 5 ,787 . 75.328. 11,400. 63,928. 5,787 . I27,742. 5,787. STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAX REFIJNDSPRIOR TO 2OO8 T O T A L T O F O R M1 0 4 0 , L I N E 1 0 S T A T E M E N T (S ) 2 +BRADJ&LISANKSHERMAN F O R ML 0 4 0 -- TAX EXEMPT INTEREST STATEMENT AMOUNT NA-}.{E OF PAYER L ,8 6 0 . VANGUARD_CA IT TAX EXEMPT INVESTOR DREYFUS CA A].{T FREE MUNI S O U T H W E S TS E C U R I T I E S I N C TOTAL TO FORM 1040, LINE F O R M1 0 4 0 I , 80r,. ? 8B FEDERAL TAX WI THHELD A}4OUNT PAID T HOUSE OF REP'MEMBERS SE R V I C E S S U. S. DEPARTMENTOF STATE 1s0,349 34,091. 4 4, 7 3 t 5, 3 0 2 . STATE CITY TAX SDT WITHHELD TAX W/H o r-95,080. TOTALS SCHEDULE A D ES C RI P T I O N Dc sr sE, wASHTNGToN TOTAL TO SCHEDULE A, 9Ee FICA TAX LINE SCHEDULE B MEDICARE TAX 4 , 4 8 6. 2 , 4 ' 1 9. 2 , 0 3 6, !2,337. 6, 5 2 2 . AMORT. PERIOD /MOS. TOTAL P OI N T S 03/30/07 703. 3,009. l-,080. AMORTIZATION THIS YEAR 926. 360 926 12 TAX EXEMPT INTEREST 6 STATEMENT A-}.{OUNT NAME OF PAYER L ,8 6 0 . 299. L ,8 0 1 . VANGUARD-CA IT TAX EXEMPT INVESTOR DREYFUS CA AMT FREE MUNI S O U T H W E S TS E C U R I T I E S I N C TOTAL TAX_EXEMPT INTEREST 2 , 3 0 6. STATEMENT POINTS NOT REPORTED ON FORM ]-098 DATE RE' F INANCED q6n STATEMENT WAGES RECEIVED AND TAXES WITHHELD T S EMPLOYER'S NA],IE lfa ,oo TO SCHEDUI-,E B, 3,960 LINE 1 S T A T E M E N T ( S )3 , 4, 5, 6 +BRADJ&LISANKSHERMAN FORM 8949 A LONG-TERM CAPITAL GAfNS AND LOSSES DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PRI CE 50 BALDY MESA CA WTF INFLATION. PROTECT SEC ADM 378.931 INFLATION- PROTECT SEC ADM 568.397 INFLATION_ PROTECT SEC ADM TOTAL TO SCH D, LINE OTHER BASIS 50,000. s992.509 'l L 2 , 5 8 2, 23s,000. LONG TERM CAPITAL 2 1, 7 0 9 . 8,388. 1s,000. FORM 8949 B 3L2. r 3 2 , 2 9 1 ,. 10,000, 7 GAIN OR L O SS 49,688. L60,000. 8 ADJUS TMENTS TO GATN OR cosT oR Dfr!ED STATEMENT K1 ) 2 , 4 L 8, 2 0 2, 9 4 9 32,051 GAINS AND LOSSES STATEMENT 8 ADJUS TMENTS Dfi!11D DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY L41, , O44 DREYFUS CA A.I4T FREE MUNI BOND FUND 988.707 CA IT TAX EXEMPT INV L7775.752 CA IT TAX EXEMPT INV TOTAL TO SCH D, LINE PRICE 2,000. 9 SCHEDULE D 1 49. 10,856. r.0,846. 10. 19s,000. t-95,000. 0. 2 0 7, 8 5 6 . 2 0 7, 7 9 7 . 59. CAPITAL GAIN DISTRIBUTIONS STATEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL GAIN PROTECT SEC ADM TOTALS TO SCHEDULE D, LINE GAIN OR LOSS Aq' ] NAME OF PAYER VANGUARD INFLATION COST OR TO GATN OR OTHER BASTS L O SS 28t GAIN 7 3 2. 13 S T A T E M E NST) ( 7 , 8 , 9 +BRAD,f IITI & I-JISA N K SHERMAN RESTDENTTAL SEE FOOTNOTE- lll-t DC 20003 WASHTNGTON, AMOUNT D ES C RI P T I O N L7L. 89. 67, GARDENING PEST CONTROL DC BUSINESS & FRANCHISE TAX CLEANING TENANT INFO SERVICE PAINT ING TOTAL TO SCHEDULE E, F O R M2 4 4 1 L0 STATEMENT OTHER EXPENSES SCHEDULE E 11 90. 180. PAGE 1, LINE 668 19 PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS WHO PROVIDED THE CARE ID NO. ADDRESS NAME 11 STATEMENT AMOUNT PAID 4 2, 2 2 r. I- 6.830. 5- 6, r 4 2 , F O R M2 4 4 1 STATEMENT QUALIFYING PERSONS QUALIFYING PERSONS MOLLY H NAOMI C I-,UCY R S O CI A L SEC NO LAST NAME FIRST NAME SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERMAN TOTAL TO F O R M 2 4 4 1 . P A G E ] . , L I N E 3 L2 QUALIFIED E X P E N SE S r- rr -I '7 q ( 111 1 q ? S T A T E M E N T )( S1 0 , 1 . L , L 2 +BRADJ&LISANKSHERMAN F O R M2 4 4 1 CREDIT LIMIT ENTER THE AMOUNTFROM FORM 1040, STATEMENT WORKSHEET LINE 46; FORM 1040A, LINE 28; O R F O R M1 O 4 O N R , L I N E 4 4 ENTER THE AMOUNT FROM FORM 1040, LINE LINE 45; FORM 1040A FILERS. ENTER 0 L3 27,34L. 47, OR FORMlO4ONR, SUBTRACT LINE 2 FROM LINE ].. ALSO ENTER THE AMOUNT O N F O R M 2 4 4 1 , T , I N E 1 0 , B U T I F Z E R O O R L E S S , S T O P ; Y O U CANNOT TAKE THE CREDIT 2 7, 3 4 L . STATEMENT(S) ],3 --t +BRADJ&LISANKSHERMAN FUTA TAX LINE SCHEDULE H L4 SUM PERCENTAGE LINE ],3 WAGES TIME PERIOD STATEMENT 14 B E F O R E7 / L / 2 0 L L 9 , 9 8 7, x .008 80. AFrER 6/30/2011 9,986. x .006 60. F O R M8 5 8 2 ACTIVE RENTAL OF REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL _ SEE FOOTNOTE 'I-T W A S H I N G TON, DC I, NET INCOME NET LOSS 0. 587 -587. TOTALS F O R M8 5 8 2 RESIDENTIAL _ SEE FOOTNOTE - 1 WASHINGTON, DC 2 0 0 0 3 IIII FORM OR SCHEDULE STATEMENT L O SS GAIN 1 1",81-8 t?'t -L ,23I. L O SS 15 OVERALL GAIN OR LOSS 1,818. AI.,LOCATION OF UNALLOWED LOSSES - WORKSHEET 5 NAME OF ACTIVITY TOTALS WORKSHEET 1 PRIOR YEAR UNALLOWED CURRENT YEAR NA-T{EOF ACTIVITY 140. TOTAL H, LINE 14 SCHEDUIJE RATIO STATEMENT 1.6 UNALLOhIED L O SS SCH E 1,818 ]- 000000000 1,818. 1 , , 8 1 8 .1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,818. S T A T E M E N(TS ) 1 4 , 15, 16 +BRAD .J & LISA N K SHERMAN F O R M8 5 8 2 ALLOWED LOSSES WORKSHEET6 FORM OR SCHEDUI,E NA]4E OF ACTIVITY RESIDENTIAL - sEE FooTNoTE W A S H T N G T o ND, c 2 0 0 0 3 -, 1,818. 1,818. L,818. l,,818. S U M M A R YO F P A S S I V E A C T I V T T I E S R R E A NAME X RESIDENTIAL FOOTNOTE_ D -lEl, UNALLOWED LOSS 1"7 ALLOWED LOSS ScH E -I TOTALS FORM 8582 LOSS STATEMENT FORM OR PRIOR SCHEDULE GAIN/LOSS YEAR C/O NET GAIN/LOSS STATEMENT UNALLOWED LOSS 18 ALLOWED LOSS SEESCHE TOTALS -587. t,231,. 1,818. 1,8r-8. 587. -I ,23L. 1,818. 1,818. PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVERS ALLOWED DUE TO CURRENT YEAR NET ACTIVITY TOTAL TO FORM 8582, INCOME IJINE 16 qTATTFMI'NI,TI / < \ ,1 ? 1O +BRADJ&LISANKSHERMAN F O R M8 5 8 2 MODIFTED AGI STATEMENT 19 INCOME WAGES, SALARIES, TIPS ETC. DIVIDEND INCOME TAXABLE REFUNDS ALIMONY RECEIVED TAXABLE IRA DISTRIBUTIONS TAXABLE PENSIONS AND ANNUITIES UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION OTHER INCOME INTEREST INCOME ADD: SERIES EE AND I l_95,080. 2 4 , 9 9 9, 5,787. 47. EXCLUSTON BUSINESS INCOME OR LOSS ADD; PASSIVE LOSSES SUBTRACT: PASSIVE INCOME 3,907. ? SALE OF ASSETS ADD; PASSIVE/RREA PROFESSIONAL LOSSES SUBTRACT: PASSIVE INCOME RENTAL, ROYALTY OR PASSTHROUGH INCOME OR LOSS ADD: PASSIVE/RREA PROFESSIONAL LOSSES SUBTRACT: PASSIVE INCOME 1'1 on7 111 L3,737. FARM OR FARM RENTAL INCOME OR LOSS ADD: PASSIVE/RREA PROFESSIONAL LOSSES SUBTRACT: PASSIVE INCOME TOTAL INCOME 2 3 5, 7 4 3 , AD.TUSTMENTS MOVING EXPENSES SELF.EMPLOYED HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION PENALTY ON EARLY WITHDRAWAL OF SAVINGS ALIMONY PAID KEOGH/SEP DEDUCTION OTHER AD,JUSTMENTS TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS TOTAI, TO FORM 8582. LINE 7 2 3 5, 7 4 3. (S ) 19 STATEMENT +BRAD .J & IJISA N K SHERMAN F O R M8 5 8 2 ACTIVE ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX WORKSHEET1 RENTAL OF REAL ESTATE CURRENT YEAR NET INCOME NAI4E OF ACTIVITY RESIDENTIAL'SEE FOOTNOTE II WASHINGTON, DC I, LOSS 0. )a I _ 1 F O R M8 5 8 2 ALLOCATION GAIN --l-,8L8 )'11 -1,818 ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX OF UNALLOWED I,OSSES _ W O R K S H E E T 5 FORM OR S CHEDULE NAME OF ACTIVITY 20 OVERALL GAIN OR LOSS I ,23I TOTALS RESIDENTIAL PRIOR YEAR UNALI-.,OWED LOSS STATEMENT STATEMENT UNALLOWED L O SS RATIO L O SS SCH E SEE FOOTNOTE TTTTIIT D ,C 2 O O O 3 WASHINGTON 1,818.1.000000000 1,818 TOTALS 1,81"8 1.000000000 1_,8r-8, F O R M8 5 8 2 NAME OF ACTIVITY RESIDENTIAL SEE FOOTNOTE - I WASHINGTON, DC 2 0 0 0 3 IIl TOTALS STATEMENT ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX W O R K S H E E T6 ALLOWED LOSSES FORM OR SCHEDULE UNALLOWED LOSS L O SS 22 ALLOWED LOSS SCH E 1,818 1,818. 1,818. 1,818 S T A T E M E NS T )( 2 0 , 2 7 , 2 2 r-I +BRADJ&LISANKSHERMAN FORM 8582AMT R R E A NAME X RESIDENTIAL FOO'INOTE - II S U M M A R YO F P A S S I V E A C T I V I T I E S FORM OR SCHEDULE GAIN/LOSS PRIOR YEAR C/O _ AMT NET GAIN/LOSS STATEMENT UNALLOWED LOSS 23 ALLOWED LOSS SEESCH E 587, 587. TOTALS -L,23I. L,23L. -t-,818. 1,818. 1,818, 1,818. PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVERS ALLOWED DUE TO CURRENT YEAR NET ACTIVITY TOTAL TO FORM 8 5 8 2A]'{T . LINE INCOME 1-6 (S ) 23 STATEMENT +BRAD,f & LISA t-t N K SHERMAN F O R M4 5 6 2 PART I BUSINESS INCOME INCOME TYPE STATEMENT 24 AMOUNT WAGES SCHEDULE C SECTION 179 EXPENSE 195,080. 3 , 9 0 1. 2,284. T O T A L B U S I N E S S I N C O M E U S E D I N F O R M4 5 6 2 . L I N E 1 1 L93,457. S T A T E M E N T (S ) 2 4