Course 2. Basic Electrical Technology (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. L. Umanand Centre for Electron Design and Technology Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Bangalore 560 012 Uttranchal, India Email : Telephone : (91- 80) Off : 360 0810 Res : Detailed Syllabus : Lecture Title Lecture no. 1 Introduction 2 3 4 5 D.C Networks 6 7 8 9 10 D.C. Transients 11 & 12 Single Phase A.C. Circuits 13 14 15 Topics to be covered Sources of energy, Power generation: steam, hydel, gas, wind & nuclear; Power generation in Indian context. General structure of electrical power system; power transmission & voltage levels; power distribution through overhead lines & underground cables. Basic concepts; concepts of linear, nonlinear, active, passive, unilateral and bilateral elements; ideal and practical voltage & current sources – conversion from one from the other. Kirchoff’s laws – statements & explanation with example. Mesh current method – definition of mesh & loop, advantage; illustrative example. Node voltage method – Definition of a node, formation of equations, advantage & illustrative example. Delta-Star & Star-Delta conversion; necessity, equivalence & relations; illustration with example. Superposition principle – statement, limitations; explanation & illustration with examples; practical verification. Thevenin’s theorem – statement, advantages in case of complex networks; explanation & illustration with examples. Norton’s theorem – concept of duality; explanation & illustration; practical verification. Nonlinear circuits – d.c circuits with one nonlinear element; its solution with example. R-L & R-C transients – solution for current , voltage or charge as a function of time; time constants; R-L-C transients – under damped, over damped and critically damped conditions. Generation of single phase a.c. voltage and determination of average (mean) and RMS (effective) values of voltage and current with special reference to sinusoidal waveforms; Form factor and peak factor for various waves. Representation of sinusoidal time varying quantities as phasors; concepts of reactance, impedance and their representation in complex forms using j operator. Steady state analysis of series R-L-C circuit & its phasor diagram. 18 Concept of power & power factor; expression of power in complex notation. Concept of admittance, susceptance in parallel circuits; calculation of branch currents in parallel circuits. Analysis of series parallel circuits & phasor diagrams. 19 Resonance in series and parallel circuits. 16 17 Lecture Title Lecture no. 20 Three phase A.C. Circuits 21 22 23 Magnetic Circuit 24 25 26 27 Transformer 28 & 29 30 31 32 33 Rotating Machines 34 35 Lecture Title Three phase induction motor. Lecture no. 36 37 38 39 Topics to be covered Generation of 3-phase balanced sinusoidal voltage; star & delta connections; line & phase quantities (current & voltage) Solution of 3-phase star/delta circuits with balanced supply voltage and balanced load; phasor diagram; 3-phase, 4-wire circuits. Measurement of three phase power by two wattmeter method; phasor diagram with balanced load and determination of load power factor from wattmeter readings. Ampere circuital law; magnetic circuit & its similarity with electric circuits; solution of series, parallel & series parallel magnetic circuits. Iron losses – hysteresis & eddy current losses; relationship between B-H loop & hysteresis loss Energy stored in a magnetic field and force of attraction between pole faces. Constructional features and principle of operation; concept of ideal transformer under no load & loaded conditions; its equivalent circuit. Practical transformer rating & its equivalent circuit. Regulation – definition & importance; derivation of expression for it: Losses & efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency. O.C & S.C. tests and determination of equivalent circuit parameters. Various types of three phase connections of transformers. Autotransformer – principle of operation & relative advantages & disadvantages over a two winding transformer. Introduction of general constructional features (stator, rotor & air gap); conditions for production of steady electromagnetic torque. Multi polar machine & concept of mechanical & electrical angle and their relation; importance of the relation n = 2f/p. Expression for generated emf in a coil rotating relative to a field. Topics to be covered Elementary balanced 3-phase distributed winding & production of revolving magnetic field; comment on its strength, speed and direction of rotation. Constructional features and principle of operation; types of induction motors; definition of slip and its importance; relation between stator & rotor frequencies. Per phase equivalent circuit; relation between air gap power, rotor copper loss and mechanical power developed; expression for electromagnetic torque developed. Torque-slip characteristic, stable & unstable zones; modification of torque-slip characteristic for supply voltage, rotor resistance and frequency variation. 40 41 & 42 43 D.C. Machines 44 & 45 46 47 48 Measuring Instruments 49 & 50 51 & 52 Basic principles of starting induction motor by direct on line, reactor, autotransformer, star-delta and rotor resistance starters. Constructional features; elementary lap & wave windings; parallel paths in armature circuit. EMF & torque expressions and their uses in both generating & motoring modes. Classification of d.c. generators; characteristics of shunt, separately and compound generator; armature reaction & its effect. Classification of d.c motors; characteristics of shunt & series motors. Starting of d.c shunt motor; 3-point starter for shunt motor. Speed control of shunt and series motors; field of applications. DC PMMC instruments – constructional feature and principle of operation; moving iron meters – construction and principle of operation. Dynamometer type wattmeter; induction type energy meter construction & principle of operation. Course 17. Power Systems Analysis (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. A. K. Sinha Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal Email : Telephone : (91-3222) Off : 283088 Res : 283089, 277771 Detailed Syllabus : Lecture Topics to be covered 1,2 Introduction to Power System Analysis 2,3 Single Line Diagram and Per Unit System 4-8 Transmission line Parameters 9-10 11-12 Modeling of Transmission Lines Steady State Operation of Transmission Lines 13 Review 14 Modeling of Transformers 15 Modeling of Generators and Loads (Steady State Operation) 16,17 18 Introduction to Power Flow Problem and Bus Admittance Matrix Formulation Gauss-Seidel Iterative Solution 19,20 Newton-Raphson Method for Power Flow 21,22 Decoupled and Fast Decoupled Load Flow Solution Methods 23,24 Gauss elimination and Sparsity Techniques 25 Review 26 Introduction to Short Circuit Analysis 27 Symmetrical Components 28 29-31 32 33,34 Sequence Networks Short Circuit Calculations (L-G, L-L, L-L-G and 3-phase Faults) Bus Impedance Matrix Formulation Short Circuit Calculation Using Bus Impedance Matrix 35 Review 36 Introduction to Transient Stability Analysis 37-39 40 Swing Equation, Equal Area Criterion Review Course 19. Power Electronics (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. B. G. Fernandes Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, Mumbai 400 076 Email : Telephone : (91-22) 2. Off : 2576 7428 Res : 2576 8428 Fax : 2572 3707 Prof. Kishore Chatterjee Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, Mumbai 400 076 Email : Telephone : (91-22) Off : 2576-7472 Res : 2576-8482 Detailed Syllabus : Module-1 duration- 2hrs Introduction: Application of Power Electronics to : 1) Motor control with emphasis on Traction and Industrial Process control 2) Power Supplies - Revolution in Personal Computers UPS 3) Power Transmission - Facts Technology, HVDC 4) Chemical Process 5) Battery charging 6) Power extraction from non-conventional enery sources 7) Automotive electronics 8) High energy physics Evolution of Power Electronics Days of Mercury arc rectification--forerunner of Power Electronics Invention of SCR and its impact Advent of Selfcommutated switches and their impact Module-2 duration-3hrs Structure of Power Electronics: How structurally power electronics differs from low power analog electronics Different types of switches Power Diodes: from the viewpoint of an application engineer SCR: Device structure, Static characteristic, dynamic characteristic constraints of Turn on and Turn off time, different relevant ratings. Module-3 duration-2hrs Diode rectifiers Applications: Power Supplies, Front end converter for ac motor drives, battery charger, chemical process 1) Single phase Half wave with R load 2) Single phase Half wave with R-L load 3) Single phase Full bridge rectifier with dc link capacitive filter, issue of harmonics 4) Three phase Full bridge rectifier with dc link capacitive filter, issue of harmonics Module-4 duration-4hrs AC to DC controlled converters Application: DC Motor Drives Battery chargers HVDC transmission 1) Single phase fully controlled AC to DC converter i) Principle of operation: Issue of line commutation ii) Continuous mode of conduction: expression for average output voltage iii) Modes of operation in the voltage-current plane iv) discontinuous mode of conduction v) analysis with R-L-E load, significance of R-L-E load vi) operation as an inverter: constraints for line commutation vii) Dual converter: motivation Simultaneous and nonsimultaneous control vii) input displacement factor, distortion factor, harmonics viii) Effect of source inductance ix) Requirement of snubber 2) Single phase half controlled converter: operating principle, input displacement factor Modes of operation in the voltage-current plane Module-5 Three phase half wave ac to dc converter Principle of operation Derivation of o/p voltage issue of dc magnetization of the input transformer Module-5 (1hr) (3hrs) Three phase fully controlled ac to dc converter Principle of operation Derivation of average output voltage Derivation of displacement factor Inverter mode of operation Constraints of commutation in inverter mode Effect of source inductance Moduel - 6: Limitation of Line commutated converters Single phase unity powerfactor converter Principle of switched Power power conversion Bi-directional Power converters ( 4 hrs) Module- 7 (8 hrs) DC- DC Power Converters Limitations of Linear Power supplies Switched Power Power supplies ( Buck, Buck-Boost, Boost, Cuk, Fly-back and Forward Convverters) Transfer fucntion for these converters Module-8 Motivation DC- AC Power Converters Principle of operation of Inverters Half bridge, full bridge, three phase- six step operation, voltage control, PWM techniques 8 hrs Modeling and Simulation (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. Laxmidhar Behera Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur – 208016 Email : lbehera[AT] Telephone : (91-512) Off : 2597198 Res : 2598318 Fax : 2590063 2. Prof. Adrish Banerjee Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur – 208016 Email : adrish[AT] Telephone : (91-512) Off : 2597991 Res : - Fax : 2590063 Detailed Syllabus : Module – 1 Need of Modelling , Types of modeling, Modelling Tools, Simulation Tools and Methodologies Module – 2 Continuous Time Modelling, Dynamical System Modelling Module – 3 Discrete Time Modelling Module – 4 Differential / Difference Algebric Module – 5 Statistical Modelling Technique Module – 6 Non-Conventional Modelling Technique Module – 7 Simulation Case Studies using MATLAB Module – 8 Data Analysis, Visualization and Data Compression Methodologies Course 30. Intelligent System (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. Laxmidhar Behra Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur - 208016 Email : Telephone : (91-512) Off : 2597198 Res : 2598318 Fax : 2590063 Detailed Syllabus : Course Objectives 1. Biological motivation to design intelligent systems and control 2. The study of control-theoretic foundations such as stability and robustness in the frame work of intelligent control. 3. Analysis of learning systems in conjunction with feedback control systems 4. Computer simulation of intelligent control systems to evaluate the performance. 5. Exposure to many real world control problems. Course Outline ƒ Module I (9 classes): Biological foundations to intelligent systems I: Artificial neural networks, Back-propagation networks, Radial basis function networks, and recurrent networks. ƒ Module II (6 classes): Biological foundations to intelligent systems II: Fuzzy logic, knowledge representation and inference mechanism, genetic algorithm, and fuzzy neural networks. ƒ Module III (6 classes): Fuzzy and expert control (standard, Takagi-Sugeno, mathematical characterizations, design example), Parametric optimization of fuzzy logic controller using genetic algorithm. ƒ Module IV (6 classes): System identification using neural and fuzzy neural networks. ƒ Module V (6 classes): Stability analysis: Lyapunov stability theory and Passivity Theory. ƒ Module VI (4 classes): Adaptive control using neural and fuzzy neural networks, Direct and Indirect adaptive control, and Self-tuning Pill Controllers. ƒ Module VII (5 classes): Applications to pH reactor control, flight control, robot manipulator dynamic control, underactuated systems such as inverted pendulum and inertia wheel pendulum control and visual motor coordination. Reference Books 1. Stanislaw H. Zak, Systems and Control, Oxford University Press, 2003 2. A.S. Poznyak, E. N. Sanchez and Wen Yu, Differential Neural Networks for Robust Nonlinear 3. Control, World Scientific, 2001. Kevin M. Passino and Stephen Yurkovich, Fuzzy Control, Addison Wesley Longman, Menlo Park, CA, 1998. Course 37. Industrial Instrumentation (Video) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. Alok Barua Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal Email : Telephone : (91-3222) Off : 283032 Res : 283033, 278046 Detailed Syllabus : Basic terminologies (range, span, settling time dead zone, input impedance...........), 1st order and second order instruments with step, ramp and sinusoidal input/ output characteristics, Strain gauge,derivation of gauge factor, strain gauge rosette, unbalanced wheatstone bridge, Link type load cell, beam type load cell, ring type load cell and their sensitivities, Frequency response of link type load cell, Torque cell and its data transmission (slip ring and radio telemetry), LVDT, phase compensation, phase sensitive demodulation, thermistor and its linearization, RTD, its construction, three wire and four wire method Muller bridge, Thermocouple, their relative comparism, cold junction compensation using AD590, grounded thermocouple, potentiometer as displacement sensor, Capacitance as displacement and level transducer, push pull arrangement, Pressure transducer [Bourdon gauge, diaphragm gauge (metal and semiconductor) etc], all vacuum gauges, photo electric transducer and its application, Liquid in glass thermometer, pressure spring thermometer, venturimeter, Orifice meter, pitot tube, Rotameter, Weir, electromagnetic flowmeter, Hot wire anemometer, its phase compensation and expression of volumetric flow rate or velocity in each case, Variable reluctance displacement sensor, tachogenerator, turbine flowmeter. Measurement of viscosity, conductivity and pH of a liquid. Flapper nozzle system and Control Valves. Course 29. Industrial Drives (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. K. Gopakumar Centre for Electronic Design & Technology Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Bangalore 560 012 Email : Detailed Syllabus : 1. Introduction a. Classification of Electric Drives b. Requirements of Electric Drives c. Some Applications (4 hours) 2. Converters and control a. Phase controlled converters b. Four quadrant operation c. Choppers d. AC to DC converters (6 hours) 3. DC motor drives a. Speed-torque characteristics DC shunt, PMDC and series motors b. Dynamic model c. Speed and position control methods (4 hours) 4. Inverters and PWM techniques a. voltage source inverters (1h) b. current source inverters (1h) c. PWM techniques i. sine-triangle comparison (1h) ii. harmonic elimination (1h) iii. hysteresis current controllers (1h) iv. space vector pwm (3h) (8 hours) 5. AC motor drives a. d-q model of induction motor (2 h) b. constant flux speed control structure (2h) c. vector control model (3h) d. vector control structure (3h) (10 hours) Course 33. Industrial Automation and Control (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal Email : Telephone : (91-3222) 2. Off : 283066 Res : 283067,277466 Prof. S. Sen Architecture & Regional Planning Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal Email : Telephone : (91-3222) Off : 283224 Res : 283225, 277055 Detailed Syllabus : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Lecture 1 : Introduction to Industrial Automation and Control Lecture 2 : Architecture of Industrial Automation Systems. Lecture 3: Introduction to sensors and measurement systems Lecture 4: Temperature measurement Lecture 5: Pressure and Force measurements Lecture 6: Displacement and speed measurement Lecture 7: Flow measurement techniques Lecture 7: Measurement of level, humidity, pH etc Lecture 8: Signal Conditioning and Processing Lecture 10: Estimation of errors and Calibration Lecture 3 : Introduction to Process Control. Lecture 4 : P-- I -- D Control Lecture 5 : Controller Tuning. Lecture 6 : Implementation of PID Controllers Lecture 7 : Special Control Structures : Feedforward and Ratio Control. Lecture 8 : Special Control Structures : Predictive Control, Control of Systems with Inverse Response Lecture 9 : Special Control Structures : Cascade Control, Overriding Control, Selective Control, Split Range Control Lecture 10 : Introduction to Sequence Control, PLCs and Relay Ladder Logic Lecture 11 : Sequence Control : Scan Cycle, RLL Syntax Lecture 12 : Sequence Control : Structured Design Approach Lecture 13 : Sequence Control : Advanced RLL Programming Lecture 14 : Sequence Control : The Hardware environment 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture 15 : Control of Machine tools : Introduction to CNC Machines 16 : Control of Machine tools : Analysis of a control loop 17 : Introduction to Actuators : Flow Control Valves 18. : Hydraulic Actuator Systems : Principles, Components and Symbols 19 : Hydraulic Actuator Systems : Pumps and Motors, 20: Proportional and Servo Valves 20 : Pneumatic Control Systems : System Components 21 : Pneumatic Control Systems : Controllers and Integrated Control Systems 22 : Electric Drives : Introduction, Energy Saving with Adjustible Speed Drives 23 : Step motors : Principles, Construction and Drives 24 : DC Motor Drives : Introduction, DC--DC Converters, Adjustible Speed Drives 25 : Induction Motor Drives: Introduction, Characteristics, Adjustible Speed Drives 26 : Synchronous Motor Drives : Motor Principles, Adjustible Speed and Servo Drives 27 : Networking of Sensors, Actuators and Controllers : The Fieldbus 28 : The Fieldbus Communication Protocol 29 : Introduction to Production Control Systems 30 : Concluding Lecture Course 35. Illumination Engineering (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. N. K. Kishore Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal Email : Telephone : (91-3222) Off : 283060 Res : 283061 Fax : 277712 Detailed Syllabus : Radiation, colour, eye & vision; different entities of illuminating systems; Light sources: daylight, incandescent, electric discharge, fluorescent, arc lamps and lasers; Luminaries, wiring, switching & control circuits; Laws of illumination; illumination from point, line and surface sources. Photometry and spectrophotometry; photocells. Environment and glare. General illumination design. Interior lighting – industrial, residential, office departmental stores, indoor stadium, theater and hospitals. Exterior lighting- flood, street, aviation and transport lighting, lighting for displays and signaling- neon signs, LED-LCD displays beacons and lighting for surveillance. Utility services for large building/office complex & layout of different meters and protection units. Diferent type of loads and their individual protections. Selection of cable/wire sizes; potential sources of fire hazards and precautions. Emergency supply – stand by & UPS. A specific design problem on this aspect 1.) Radiation & colour – 2 Lectures 2) eye & vision – 2 Lectures 3) different entities of illuminating systems - 2 Lectures. 4) Light sources: daylight, Lectures incandescent, electric discharge, fluorescent, arc lamps and lasers – 4 5) Luminaries, wiring, switching & control circuits – 3 Lectures 6) Laws of illumination; illumination from point, line and surface sources – 2 Lectures 7) Photometry and spectrophotometry; photocells – 2 Lectures 8) Environment and glare – 2 Lectures. 9) General illumination design – 2 Lectures. 10) Interior lighting – industrial, residential, office departmental stores, indoor stadium, theater and hospitals – 4 Lectures. 11) Exterior lighting- flood, street, aviation and transport lighting, lighting for displays and signalingneon signs, LED-LCD displays beacons and lighting for surveillance – 4 Lectures. 12) Utility services for large building/office complex & layout of different meters and protection units – 3 Lectures. 13) Diferent type of loads and their individual protections – 2 Lecture. 14) Selection of cable/wire sizes; potential sources of fire hazards and precautions. Emergency supply – stand by & UPS - 4Lectures. 15) A specific design problem on this aspect - 2 Lectures. Course 24. Embedded Systems (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. Santanu Chaudhury Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110 016 Email : Telephone : (91-11) Off : 2659 1081 Res : 2659 1606, 26512402 Detailed Syllabus : 1. Introduction to Embedded Computing 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Overview 1.2.1 Characteristics of Embedding Computing Applications 1.2.2 Concept of Real time Systems 1.2.3 Challenges in Embedded System Design 1.3 Design Process 1.3.1 Requirements 1.3.2 Specifications 1.3.3 Architecture Design 1.3.4 Designing of Components 1.3.5 System Integration 2. Embedded System Architecture 2.1 Instruction Set Architecture 2.1.1 CISC and RISC instruction set architecture 2.2 Basic Embedded Processor/Microcontroller Architecture 2.2.1 CISC Examples Motorola (68HC11) Example 8051 2.2.2 RISC Example ARM 2.2.3 DSP Processors 2.2.4 Harvard Architecture PIC 2.3 Memory System Architecture 2.3.1 Caches 2.3.2 Virtual Memory 2.3.3 Memory Management Unit and Address Translation 2.4 I/0 Sub-system 2.4.1 Busy-wait I/0 2.4.2 DMA 2.4.3 Interrupt driven I/0 2.5 Co-processors and Hardware Accelerators 2.6 Processor Performance Enhancement 2.6.1 Pipelining 2.6.2 Super-scalar Execution 2.7 CPU Power Consumption Lab Exercises on: (i) Digital Circuit implementation (ii) Hardware Description Language (iii) Assembly language Programming for different target processors 3. Designing Embedded Computing Platform 3.1 Using CPU Bus 3.1.1 Bus Protocols 3.1.2 Bus Organisation 3.2 Memory Devices and their Characteristics 3.2.1 RAM 3.2.2 ROM, UVROM, EEPROM, Flash Memory 3.2.3 DRAM 3.3 I/O Devices 3.3.1 Timers and Counters Watchdog Timers 3.3.2 Interrupt Controllers 3.3.3 DMA Controllers 3.3.4 A/D and D/A Converters 3.3.5 Displays 3.3.6 Keyboards 3.3.7 Infrared devices 3.4 Component Interfacing 3.4.1 Memory Interfacing 3.4.2 I/O Device Interfacing Interfacing Protocols GPIB FIREWIRE USB IRDA 3.5 Designing with Processors 3.5.1 System Architecture 3.5.2 Hardware Design FPGA Based Design 3.6 Implementation 3.6.1 Development Environment 3.6.2 Debugging Techniques 3.6.3 Manufacturing and Testing 3.7 Design Examples 3.7.1 Data Compressor 3.7.2 Alarm Clock 4. Programming Embedded Systems 4.1 Program Design 4.1.1 Design Patterns for Embedded Systems 4.1.2 Models of Program Control and Data flow Graph 4.2 Programming Languages 4.2.1 Desired Language Characteristics Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Data Typing Overloading and Polymorphism Control Multi-tasking and Task Scheduling Timing Specifications Run-time Exception handling 4.2.2 Use of High Level Languages C for Programming embedded systems Object Oriented Programming for Embedded Systems in C++ Use of Java for Embedded Systems 4.2.3 Programming and Run-time Environment Compiling, Assembling, Linking Debugging 4.2.4 Basic Compilation Techniques 4.2.5 Analysis and Optimization of Execution Time 4.2.6 Analysis and Optimization of Energy and Power 4.2.7 Analysis and Optimization of Program Size 4.2.8 Program Validation and Testing 5. Operating System 5.1 Basic Features of an Operating System 5.2 Kernel Features 5.2.1 Real-time Kernels Polled Loops System Co-routines Interrupt-driven System Multi-rate System 5.3 Processes and Threads 5.4 Context Switching 5.4.1 Cooperative Multi-tasking 5.4.2 Pre-emptive Multi-tasking 5.5 Scheduling 5.5.1 Rate-Monotonic Scheduling 5.5.2 Earliest-Deadline First Scheduling 5.5.3 Task Assignment 5.5.4 Fault-Tolerant Scheduling 5.6 Inter-process Communication 5.6.1 Signals 5.6.2 Shared Memory Communication 5.6.3 Message-Based Communication 5.7 Real-time Memory Management 5.7.1 Process Stack Management 5.7.2 Dynamic Allocation 5.8 I/O 5.8.1 Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O 5.8.2 Interrupt Handling 5.8.3 Device Drivers 5.8.4 Real-time Transactions and Files 5.9 Example Real-time OS 5.9.1 VxWorks 5.9.2 RT-Linux 5.9.3 Psos 5.10 Evaluating and Optimising Operating System Performance 5.10.1 Response-time Calculation 5.10.2 Interrupt latency 5.10.3 Time-loading 5.10.4 Memory Loading 5.11 Power Optimisation Strategies for Processes 6. Network Based Embedded Applications 6.1 Network Fundamentals 6.2 Layers and Protocols 6.2.1 Network Architectures 6.2.2 Network Components: Bridges, Routers, Switches 6.3 Distributed Embedded Architectures 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Elements of Protocol Design High Level Protocol Design Languages Network Based Design Internet-Enabled Systems 6.7.1 Protocols for industrial and control applications 6.7.2 Internetworking Protocols 6.8 Wireless Applications 6.8.1 Blue-tooth 7. Embedded Control Applications 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Open-loop and Closed Loop Control Systems 7.2.1 Examples: Speed Control 7.3 PID Controllers 7.3.1 Software Coding of a PID Controller 7.3.2 PID tuning 7.4 Fuzzy Logic Controller 7.5 Application Examples 7.5.1 Washing Machine 7.5.2 Automotive Systems 7.5.3 Auto-focusing digital camera 7.5.4 Air-conditioner 8. Embedded System Development 8.1 Design Methodologies 8.1.1 UML as Design tool 8.1.2 UML notation 8.1.3 Requirement Analysis and Use case Modeling 8.1.4 Static Modeling 8.1.5 Object and Class Structuring 8.1.6 Dynamic Modeling 8.2 Architectural Design 8.2.1 Hardware-Software Partitioning 8.2.2 Hardware-Software Integration 8.3 Design Examples 8.3.1 Telephone PBX 8.3.2 Inkjet Printer 8.3.3 PDA 8.3.4 Set-top Box 8.3.5 Elevator Control System 8.3.6 ATM System 8.4 Fault-tolerance Techniques 8.5 Reliability Evaluation Techniques Course 9. Electromagnetic Fields (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. Harishankar Ramachandarn Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai - 600036 Email : Telephone : (91-44) Off : 2257 8408 Res : 2663 1863 Detailed Syllabus : Electrostatics 16 1 Scalar and Vector fields 2 2 Coulomb’s Law and concept of Electric Field 2 3 Divergence, the Divergence Theorem and Gauss’ Law 2 4 Concept of Electrostatic Potential, Poisson’s Equation 2 5 Energy in the Field, Capacitance 2 6 capacitance of common two-plate capacitors, including two-wire capacitors 2 7 Dielectrics, dielectric boundary conditions 2 8 Solution of Laplace’s Equation and Poisson’s Equation in 1-D. Capacitance calculations with multiple dielectrics 2 Magnetostatics 12 9 Force due to a Magnetic field, Force due to combined Electric and Magnetic fields 2 10 Biot-Savart Law, calculation of Magnetic Field for simple coil configurations 2 Topic Lectures 11 Ampere’s Law 1 12 Magnetic flux, Stokes theorem 2 13 Magnetic materials, magnetic boundary conditions 2 14 Inductance calculations from phi=L*I, for common geometries 2 15 Force on a dipole 1 Slowly Time-Varying Systems 5 16 Frames of reference and motional emf. Faraday’s law 2 17 Stored energy in the magnetic field. The Inductance equation 2 18 Examples from electric machines and transformers 1 Time-Varying Fields 13 19 The Displacement current. Maxwell’s Equation 2 20 The wave equation in 1-Dimension 1 21 Solution of the wave equation. Plane waves 2 22 Wave propagation in vacuum and lossy dielectrics 2 23 Skin depth and frequency dependence of lumped elements 2 24 Energy transport by waves. The Poynting vector 2 25 Reflection at boundaries. Normal incidence formula. Impedence matching. 2 Total 46 References 1. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields - Plonsey, R. and COllin, R.E., McGraw Hill. 1961. 2. Engineering Electromagnetics - William H. Hayt, Jr. Fifth Edition. TMH.1999. Course 15. Electrical Machines 2 (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. S. P. Gupta Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee - 247 667 Email : Telephone : (91-1332) Off : 285597 Res : 285038, 271225 Detailed Syllabus: Construction of AC machines - Armature windings - emf equation - MMF of poly phase windings, rotating magnetic field. - IM action, Generalized transformer - Equivalent circuit, Performance calculation. - Testing, losses, efficiency - Torque, Power, and Power factor Starting, speed control and braking - Single phase induction motor - Armature reaction in induction motors. - Equivalent cage rotor. - Induction generators, line excited, self excited. Cascade connection, Induction frequency converter -. Harmonics and their effects - High torque cage machines - Induction regulators, Linear induction machines - Magnetic circuit of AC machines - Magnetizing and .leakage fluxes. Basics of induction machine design. Armature reaction, - Equivalent circuit - Generator load characteristic - Regulation by emf method. Regulation of alternators by MMF and Potier methods - Parallel operation of alternators.. Generators on infinite bus bars, Capability chart of alternators. Electrical load diagram. Determination of xd, xq of salient pole machines - Mechanical load diagram, O & V curves - Regulation of salient pole alternators -Three phase and single phase short circuit on alternators - Starting of synchronous motors. Synchronous condensers. Synchronous induction motor. Principles of design. Reluctance machines Course 11. Electrical Machines 1 (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. S. P. Gupta Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee - 247 667 Email : Telephone : (91-1332) Off : 285597 Res : 285038, 271225 Detailed Syllabus : Basic Theory, - Ideal transformer - Magnetizing current waveform. - Construction of transformers. - Effects of harmonics and harmonic compensation - Practical single phase transformer, - Equivalent circuit - Variable frequency operation. - Phasor diagram, - Regulation. - Switching surges, Mechanical forces in transformers Losses, Efficiency. - Parallel operation - Three winding transformer .- Polyphase connections. - Scott connected transformer - Auto transformer - Transformer windings. - Tap-changing and voltage control - Basics of transformer design Construction of DC machines – lap and wave windings - EMF equation - Torque equation. - Methods of excitation of DC generators. - Commutation in DC machines. - Armature reaction, - Equivalent circuit. - Self excitation of generators. - Characteristics of DC generators. - Parallel operation of generators. - DC motor operation and characteristics. - Parallel operation of motors. - Losses in DC machines, Efficiency. - Brush less, commutator-less DC machine - Starting, speed control & braking of DC.motors. Design of DC machines. Course 5. Electrical and Electronic Measurements (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. V. Jagadeesh Kumar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Email : Telephone : (91-44) Off : 2257 8380 Res : 2257 9380 Detailed Syllabus : Lecture Topics to be covered 1,2 Units of measurement – the Fundamental units of SI, derived units, conversion factors 2,3 Errors in measurement – systematic errors – propagation of errors 4 Presentation of data – significant figures – rules for rounding off 5,6 random errors – treatment – Gaussian distribution – combination of random errors 7,8 Analog indicating instruments-the PMMC, rectifier, MI and electrostatic type meters 9,10 Electro-dynamic type watt meter, induction type energy meter 11,12 True RMS meters, PWM type wattmeter 13,14 Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin bridge, Megger 15,16 Maxwell bridge, Anderson bridge, Wien bridge and Schering bridge 17,18 transformer ratio bridge 19 Q meter 20,21 Vector impedance analyzer 22,23 Instrument transformers – CT/PT 24 Measurement of errors of instrument transformers 25 Digital systems – quantization 26,27 Counter timer 28,29 Analog to digital converters, flash, successive approximation type 30,31 Dual slope ADC – digital multimeter 32,33 The CRT, analog oscilloscope, 34 35-37 Digital oscilloscope Virtual instrumentation Course 13. Control Engineering (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. S. D. Agashe Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, Mumbai 400 076 Email : Telephone : (91-22) Off : 2576 7411 Res : 2576 8411 Detailed Syllabus : Introduction to control problem Industrial Control examples. Transfer function models of mechanical, electrical, thermal and hydraulic systems. System with dead-time. System response. Control hardware and their models: potentiometers, synchros, LVDT, dc and ac servomotors, tachogenerators, electro hydraulic valves, hydraulic servomotors, electropeumatic valves, pneumatic actuators. Closed-loop systems. Block diagram and signal flow graph analysis, transfer function. Basic characteristics of feedback control systems Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and robustness. Basic modes of feedback control: proportional, integral and derivative. Feed-forward and multi-loop control configurations, stability concept, relative stability, Routh stability criterion. Time response of second-order systems, steady-state errors and error constants. Performance specifications in time-domain. Root locus method of design. Lead and lag compensation. Frequency-response analysis Relationship between time & frequency response, Polar plots, Bode’s plot, stability in frequency domain, Nyquist plots. Nyquist stability criterion. Performance specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency-domain methods of design, Compensation & their realization in time & frequency domain. Lead and Lag compensation. Op-amp based and digital implementation of compensators. Tuning of process controllers. State variable formulation and solution. State variable Analysis Concepts of state, state variable, state model, state models for linear continuous time functions, diagonalization of transfer function, solution of state equations, concept of controllability & observability. Introduction to Optimal control & Nonlinear control Optimal Control problem, Regulator problem, Output regulator, treking problem. Nonlinear system – Basic concept & analysis. Suggested Text Books & References • Gopal. M., “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997. • • • Kuo, B.C., “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, sixth edition, 1993. Ogata, K., “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, second edition, 1991. Nagrath & Gopal, “Modern Control Engineering”, New Ages International. Course 7. Circuit Theory (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. S. C. Dutta Roy Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110 016 Email : Telephone : (91-11) Off : 2659 1080 Res : 2656 1619 Detailed Syllabus : Review of Signals and Systems Network equations Step Impulse and Complete Response 2nd order Circuits Transform Domain Analysis Network Theorems and Network Functions Tuned Circuits Two-port Networks Elements of Realizability Theory Positive Real Functions L C, R C and R L Driving Point Synthesis LC 1-port and 2-port Synthesis Properties and synthesis of Transfer Parameters Resistance Terminated L C Ladder Network Transmission Criteria 2 1 1 1 1 4 5 9 2 3 4 2 1 3 1 Lectures Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lectures Lectures Lectures Lectures Lectures Lectures Lectures Lecture Lectures Lecture Course 27. Power Systems Operation and Control (Video Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. S. N. Singh Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Kanpur - 208016 Email : Telephone : (91-512) Off : 2597009 Detailed Syllabus: 1) Introduction (Characteristics of Modern Power Systems) (3-4 lectures) Physical Structure Operation and Control Functions and Hierarchies Design and Operating Criteria 2) Equipment and Stability Constraints (12-15 lectures) Capabilities and Constraints of Generators/Exciters/Turbines/ Network Elements (Lines, Transformers etc.) Constraints of Energy Supply Systems Load Characteristics Introduction to Angle/Voltage Instability phenomena Stability Constraints 3) Frequency and Voltage Control (15 lectures) Primary Control of Frequency : Governors Secondary Control of Frequency : AGC Voltage control : Automatic Voltage Regulators (generators), Shunt Compensation, SVC Introduction to Power Flow Control : HVDC, FACTS Load Curves Unit Commitment Introduction to the use of Optimization Methods 5) Load Dispatch Centre Functions Contingency Analysis Preventive, Emergency and Restorative Control (3-4 lectures) 6) Additional Topics relating to new developments (3-4 lectures)