January 2015 MATH 096-3004 Intermediate Algebra SYLLABUS and COURSE EXPECTATIONS • Instructor: Josh Martin • Email: josh.martin@csn.edu • Website: http://sites.csn.edu/jmartin • Office: H-101, office G (Charleston campus) • Phone: 651-7579 • Office Hours: See my schedule at http://sites.csn.edu/jmartin/s2015sched.pdf • Class Meeting info: Tuesday 9:30-10:50 am in I-307, Charleston campus COURSE DESCRIPTION: Topics include factoring polynomials, rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, quadratic equations, graphs, and applications. REQUIRED TEXT: MyOpenMath Access (free) Note 1: MyOpenMath (www.myopenmath.com) is an open source website (like Wikipedia) created by math instructors to give students free access to math books, homework problems, and videos. Note 2: There is no book required for this course; however, the book Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, 2nd Edition by Tyler Wallace is available in an electronic version through our course shell. Note 3: To find our course you will need the following information: Course ID: 4858 Enrollment Key: csnmath96 CALCULATORS: A TI-30XA or TI-30XIIS calculator may be used exams. Note 1: These are the ONLY two calculators allowed on in-class exams. Note 2: I keep about 10 extra calculators that can be handed out during our exam times on a first-come, first-served basis. Note 3: The use of technology to learn math is very much encouraged. Sites like https://www.desmos.com/calculator and http://www.wolframalpha.com are very helpful learning tools; however, when it comes to exams, you will only be allowed to use one of these calculators. So, prepare yourself accordingly! OUTLINE: The topics in this course have been broken into modules. Here is what each module covers: Module A: Module B: Module C: Module D: Module E: Module F: Module G: Factoring polynomials Rational Expressions Rational Equations and Applications Radical Expressions (part 1) Radical Expressions (part 2) Quadratic Equations Introduction to Functions Note: A tentative schedule outlining which sections will be discussed during each class meeting can be accessed through my website. http://sites.csn.edu/jmartin/096-3004-spring2015-lectureschedule.pdf GRADING BREAKDOWN: Online Practice Module Tests------------Online Module Tests----------------------(7 module tests, 3% each) In-Class Exam 1---------------------------In-Class Exam 2---------------------------In-Class Final Exam ----------------------- 10% 21% 23% 23% 23% GRADING SCALE: A: 92-100%, A−: 90-91.9%, B: 82-89.9%, B−: 80-81.9%, C: 72-79.9%, C−: 70-71.9%, D: 62-69.9%, D−: 60-61.9%, F: 0-59.9%. Note: A college policy dictates that the instructor CANNOT give a grade of “W.” If a student wishes to withdraw from a 16-week Spring 2015 class, he or she must do so on their own through MyCSN or at the registrar’s office by Friday, April 3rd. ABOUT THIS CLASS: The learning of material in any class is always the responsibility of the student. This class is a hybrid class, so even more responsibility falls on your shoulders. Lecture videos created by myself and Professor Tina (Hughes) Martin have been posted in MyOpenMath. Your job as a student is to watch these videos, try the corresponding homework, and write down all questions you have while doing the homework. During our meeting each week, I will try to answer all these questions, and add any extra explanation I feel is necessary. Then you will return to the online material, and take the corresponding online module test. Here are some tips on how to be successful in this class: Do NOT waste time! Get started on the homework ASAP!!! Be diligent! You should set aside AT LEAST 15 hours per week for studying math. Some students may require 30 hours per week to study. Ask questions! You will learn the most by ACTIVELY considering the material, and the best way to do that is to ask questions. • I check my email constantly. Feel free to ask me any questions via email (or use the “Message instructor about this question” button in at the bottom of any question in MyOpenMath). If you take a picture of your work, I can more easily identify where you are going wrong. • You can visit me in my office (H-101) or ask me questions before/after class. • Class meeting time will be dedicated almost exclusively to questions, so bring your questions to class. • The Math Resource Center (K-406) is a great place to work on HW and get questions answered at the same time. ONLINE HOMEWORK (HW) AND MODULE TESTS: The online Video Assignments, Homework, Practice Module Tests, and Module Tests for this class will be run through the following site: www.myopenmath.com To access the online components of this class you will need to first register with the site (by clicking the button that says register as a new student), second: enter the requested information, as well as the Course ID: 4858 and the Enrollment Key: csnmath96, and third: click “sign up.” Note: When filling out the registration information, please use the name you see when you log into MyCSN After you are registered and enrolled in our course shell, you can access the online materials by going to www.myopenmath.com and logging in with your new user name and password. Inside the course shell, you will find many folders, usually corresponding to modules. In these folders are Video Lessons, Homework Assignments, Practice Module Tests, and actual Module Tests. Click on the Module A folder to get started. Note 1: Video Lessons and Homework Assignments are recommended to help you learn, but do not count as part of your overall grade in the class. Note 2: Video Lessons, Homework Assignments, and Practice Module Tests can be done any time throughout the semester. Note 3: Module Tests have specific due dates! (See below) Note 4: You must complete the Practice Module Test to a grade of 70% or better in order to gain access to the actual Module Test. Note 5: Module Tests are timed. You will have 2 hours to complete each Module Test. Once you open the module test, the timer starts timing. Even if you close the tests, the timer keeps timing!!! So make sure you have a solid two hour block of time before you start a module test. Assignment Module A Test Module B Test Module C Test Module D Test Due Date 1/30 2/6 2/20 3/13 Due Time 11:59 pm 11:59 pm 11:59 pm 11:59 pm Assignment Module E Test Module F Test Module G Test Due Date 4/3 4/17 5/8 Due Time 11:59 pm 11:59 pm 11:59 pm IN-CLASS EXAMS: There will be two in-class exams and one comprehensive final exam. Note 1: Exams will have multiple-choice as well as free response questions, and will be designed to test your understanding of the critical principles covered in the class. Questions on exams may ask you to apply previously studied concepts in new settings. This is how understanding is tested. Note 2: Practice problems for exams will be posted at least one week prior to the exam. Practice problems are a helpful study tool, but being able to complete practice problems does not guarantee a good grade on the actual exam! No such guarantee can ever be made. EXAM DATES: Here are the dates and locations for each exam. If the location or time changes, you will be notified by email. EXAM 1 is on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th at 9:30 am EXAM 2 is on, TUESDAY, APRIL 21st at 9:30 am The FINAL EXAM is on TUESDAY, MAY 12th at 9:30 am MAKE-UP POLICY: Absolutely NO late Module Tests or in-class exams will be accepted. Please make every possible effort to attend the in-class exams. In the case of a prearranged absence, exams may be taken early, but special arrangements with the instructor must be made in advance. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Quizzes and exams are to be completed independently with no aid from other persons or forbidden items as specified by the instructor (such as books, graphing calculators, cell phones, ipods, etc). Dishonest work on an exam or quiz will be punished by a zero on that assignment. No exceptions. (Students’ rights and responsibilities regarding academic dishonesty are outlined in the CSN academic integrity policy, which can be found at http://www.csn.edu/pages/3342.asp.) AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT STATEMENT: Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring academic adjustments, accommodations or auxiliary aids will need to contact a campus Disability Resource Center. Only the Disability Resource Center determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of services. (Information regarding the DRC can be found at http://www.csn.edu/pages/544.asp, and information about the ADA can be found at http://www.csn.edu/pages/2566.asp.) OUTSIDE RESOURCES: If you find yourself falling behind or becoming even the slightest bit confused, seek help immediately! CSN provides free tutoring for all enrolled math students. There is a free walk-in tutorial lab on all three CSN campuses that is staffed with tutors and math instructors (http://www.csn.edu/pages/2729.asp or http://sites.csn.edu/math/mrc.htm). In addition, a student can sign up for one-on-one tutoring sessions by visiting http://www.csn.edu/pages/1903.asp. DISCLAIMER: Information contained in this syllabus, other than the grading, late assignments, make-up work, and attendance policies, may be subject to change with advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor.