2015-2016 2015 - 2016 118 Season th Oscar-winning music from The Red Violin and Fantasia; and Jazz and Broadway standards. Our popular, multi-year series including American Classics, Great Cities, and Family Matinee feature great composers you love such as Vaughan-Williams, SaintSaëns, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, and even Paul McCartney! Marisa Buchheit, Miss Illinois 2014, performs torch songs and arias, and the music of Ravel, Rachmaninoff, and Rossini fills the Civic Center for February’s Romance program. The award-winning PSO is dedicated to music lovers of all ages. Our guest artists, symphony musicians, and PSO Guild will be busy throughout the year with visits to schools, hospitals, and other venues. Dear Fellow Music Lovers: Welcome to the 118th Season of your Peoria Symphony Orchestra! As you peruse the following pages, enjoy the dazzling array of artists, programming, and special events we offer. Audra McDonald, star of stage, film, and television, makes her debut with the PSO. One of Time Magazine’s “Top 100,” she has won six Tony Awards and two Grammys. The brilliant cellist Brinton Smith joins us for a bravura performance of Dvorak’s Cello Concerto. The young piano virtuoso Tengku Irfan offers his sophisticated artistry in a program of Copland and Bernstein. Virtuoso oboist Nicholas Stovall will charm you with Vaughan-Williams’ beautiful Oboe Concerto. And, live opera returns to Peoria with Mozart’s sparkling Così fan tutte, featuring exquisite artists from New York and Chicago. We eagerly await the return of rock-star violinist Charles Yang and baritone Nathaniel Olson, both now international stars. This season brings you electrifying works by Mozart,Verdi, Dvorak, and Stravinsky; You will want to get up-close-and-personal with our guest artists at our new Resident Artist Week (RAW) activities. Watch broadcasts on WTVP of our concerts and two new regular series Sound Bites and Musical Discoveries. And if you miss one of our great performances, catch a repeat broadcast on WCBU! Your Peoria Symphony Orchestra is making history, and setting trends and keeping excellent music alive in Central Illinois. We are thankful that you are part of our musical family and the PSO’s 118-year success story. Whether it’s the entire season, Pick Four, or individual programs, the unrivaled quality and excellent pricing the PSO offers make great music readily available to everyone – bring your entire family. I hope to see you soon! Sincerely, G e o r g e S t e l lut o, Mu s ic D i r e c t o r Pe o r i a Sy m phon y O r che s t r a 2015-2016 SEASON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CA RNI VA L ! S ept em ber 1 9 AUDRA M C DONALD Oc t ober 1 7 BRAVURA ! Novem ber 2 1 FA M I LY M AT I NE E Fa i r y Ta le s & Sc ar y Tails Januar y 2 4 RO M A NC E Febr uar y 1 3 M OZA RT M A DNESS C osì f a n tutte M arc h 1 2 A M ERI CA N C L ASSICS Apr il 1 6 L EGENDA RY L ON D ON M ay 7 SYMPHONY SUNDAY “SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE” FREE CONCERT S U N D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 6 • 6 P M P E O R I A R I V E R F R O N T F E S T I VA L PA R K The PSO returns to the Peoria downtown riverfront with Symphony Sunday, the popular free concert featuring light classics, popular music, and a preview of the upcoming concert season. Marisa Buchheit, soprano Bring a picnic, blanket, your family and friends to enjoy great music at the beautiful Riverfront Festival Park featuring your Peoria Symphony Orchestra. This event is a collaboration of: Greg Batton, WMBD/100.3, Emcee City of Peoria Peoria Park District This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency. CARNIVAL! Mardi Gras comes early with a romantic look at New Orleans, Oscar winning music from The Red Violin, and a magical Russian carnival! Experience the charisma of returning violinist Charles Yang - both on stage and throughout the week as part of our new Resident Artist Week (RAW). SAT U R DAY, SEPTEM BER 19 • 8PM PE OR I A C I V IC C E N T E R T H E AT E R G E O RG E S T E L L U T O • C O N DU C T O R C H A R L E S YA N G • V I O L I N EDWARD JOSEPH COLLINS JOHN CORIGLIANO IGOR STRAVINSKY Mardi Gras Red Violin Chacconne Petrushka “Charles Yang plays the violin with the charisma of a Rock-Star!” - Boston Globe Concert sponsored by: Ruby K.Worner Charitable Trust Additional support of the 118th Symphony Season provided by the Illinois Arts Council and PNC World Artist AUDRA MCDONALD Star of stage, screen, and television, Audra McDonald makes her Peoria debut with the PSO. Winner of the most Tony Awards in the history of Broadway! S A T U R D A Y, O C T O B E R 1 7 • 8 P M PEOR I A CI V IC C E N T E R T H E AT E R AU DR A MC D ON A L D • VO C A L I S T An unparalled singer and actress, the phenomenal Audra McDonald (six Tony and two Grammy awards) makes her Peoria Symphony Orchestra debut during her international tour! “When Audra McDonald takes to the stage and pours her heart into her voice...a sustained hush settled over the theater. Ms. McDonald sings with rich feeling that commands rapt admiration...” The New York Times Ms. McDonald’s appearance with the Peoria Symphony Orchestra is made possible by a generous gift from Sid and Flo Banwart Additional support from: Illinois Arts Council, and PNC BRAVURA! A concert that flares with passion, magic, and romantic beauty! The brilliant cellist Brinton Smith makes his PSO debut in Dvorak’s awe-inspiring Cello Concerto. He will share his artistry thoughout the community during his Resident Artist Week (RAW). SAT U R DAY, NOV EM BER 21 • 8PM PE OR I A C I V IC C E N T E R T H E AT E R G E O RG E S T E L L U T O • C O N DU C T O R BRINTON SMITH • CELLO GIUSEPPE VERDI La Forza del Destino IGOR STRAVINSKY Firebird Suite (1919) ANTONIN DVORAK Cello Concerto “The sheer bravura of Smith’s performing is infectious” - Grammaphone Concert sponsored by: Trudy and Michael Landwirth Additional support of the 118th Symphony Season provided by the Illinois Arts Council and PNC FAMI LY MATINEE Fairy Tales & Scary Tails An afternoon of musical ghost stories and fairy tales told by some of the world’s greatest composers and designed to entertain the entire family. Join us for pre-concert actitivites beginning at 2:00 pm with an on-stage costume parade and contest! S U N D A Y, J A N U A R Y 2 4 • 3 P M PEOR I A CI V IC CEN T ER TH E AT ER G E ORG E S T E L LU TO • C ON DUC TOR K I M PE R EI R A • NA R R ATOR MODEST MUSSORGSKY Night on Bald Mountain CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS Danse Macabre PYOTR TCHAIKOVSKY Sleeping Beauty Suite PAUL DUKASSorcerer’s Apprentice CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS Carnival of the Animals Concert Underwritten by: Additional support of the 118th Symphony Season provided by the Illinois Arts Council ROMANCE An evening of timeless, romantic favorites, love songs, and (of course) Ravel’s Bolero! Soprano Marisa Buchheit will sing sultry torch songs and arias. Since winning Miss Illinois 2014, among her numerous awards, Marisa Buchheit has embarked on a promising career as a vocalist and actress. S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 • 8 P M PEOR I A CI V IC C E N T E R T H E AT E R M A RISA BUCHHEIT • SOPR ANO GIOACCHINO ROSSINI Italian Girl in Algiers, Overture SERGEI RACHMANINOFF Symphony No. 2 MAURICE RAVELBolero SONGS and ARIAS with Marisa Buchheit Concert sponsored by: Additional support of the 118th Symphony Season provided by the Illinois Arts Council and PNC MOZART MADNESS Bringing Live Opera to Peoria Mozart’s comic opera of love, humor, and intrigue sparkles with charm and wit as he shows us Così fan Tutte “Everybody Does It!” S A T U R D A Y, M A R C H 1 2 • 8 P M G R AC E P R E S BY T E R I A N C H U RC H G E ORG E S T E L LU TO • C ON DUC TOR Fiordilig i J U L I A N N E G R AC E PA R K Dorabella V E RON IC A J E N S E N Guglielmo NAT H A N I E L OL SON F e r r a n d o C H A D C YG A N Despina A L LY S O N H E R M A N D o n A l f o n s o ROB E RT M E L L ON H a r p s i c h o r d NOBY I S H I DA Park Jensen Olson Cygan Herman Mellon Look for the entire cast at special appearances throughout the community during the PSO’s third Resident Artist Week (RAW). Support of the 118th Symphony Season provided by the Illinois Arts Council and PNC. AMERICAN CLASSICS A fantastic evening of American music inspired by Jazz. Antheil’s Jazz Symphony, written in 1925, is one of the first works to successfully incorporate jazz. Copland’s Music for the Theater incorporates jazz influences as part of Copland’s early quest to find an “American Sound.” The concert ends with Bernstein’s Symphony No. 2. S A T U R D A Y, A P R I L 1 6 • 8 P M PEOR I A CI V IC C E N T E R T H E AT E R G E ORG E S T E L LU TO • C ON DUC TOR T E NGK U I R FA N • P I A N O GEORGE ANTHEIL Jazz Symphony AARON COPLAND Music for the Theater LEONARD BERNSTEIN Symphony No. 2 The young piano virtuoso Tengku Irfan is taking international stages by storm. He makes his PSO debut in all three works, closing a full Resident Artist Week (RAW). “Eminently cultured...sheer incisiveness and power.” The New York Times Concert Underwritten by: Additional support of the 118th Symphony Season provided by the Illinois Arts Council LEGENDARY LONDON The Great Cities Series continues featuring four renowned English composers! Malcolm Arnold’s Sweeney Todd gets its American debut, Sir Paul McCartney shows his classical side, VaughanWilliams inspires us with nature, and Elgar’s noble voice takes our breath away! Virtuoso oboist, Nicholas Stovall debuts with the PSO. S A T U R D A Y, M A Y 7 • 8 P M G R AC E P R E S BY T E R I A N C H U RC H G E ORG E S T E L LU TO • C ON DUC TOR N I C H O L A S S T O VA L L • O B O E MALCOM ARNOLDSweeney Todd PAUL MCCARTNEYSpiral RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS Oboe Concerto EDWARD ELGAREnigma Variations Since joining the National Symphony Orchestra as Principal Oboe - Stovall has become a main feature.” - The Washington Post Support of the 118th Symphony Season provided by the Illinois Arts Council and PNC. “The Peoria Symphony is uniquely able to provide the many benefits of live music to our community, and we consider it our responsibility and our pleasure to give back to the community which has supported us for 118 seasons. “ Susan Hoffman, PSO Executive Director Expect the unexpected as talented artists delight you with their excellent musical talents and individual personalities in the days leading up to their concert performance with the PSO. PSO RAW - Playing in (and around) Peoria September November Charles Yang, violin Brinton Smith, cello Mike Block at Dunlap Schools March April Opera Cast, vocalists Tengku Irfan, piano Visit to Lutheran Hillside Village The September Resident Artist Week is sponsored by: and Ruby K.Worner Charitable Trust Creative partnership opportunities abound - contact us for more information. ANNUAL STUDENT CONCERT Celebrating Youth Accomplishment F R I D A Y, A P R I L 1 5 , 2 0 1 6 • 9 : 3 0 a n d 1 1 : 0 0 A M PEOR I A CI V IC C E N T E R T H E AT E R G E ORG E S T E L L U T O • C ON DU C T OR T E NGK U I R FA N • PI A NO WIN N ERS OF TH E SYMPHON Y GUILD YO U N G A RT I S T C O M P E T I T I O N A cornerstone of the Peoria Symphony Orchestra’s educational outreach efforts for 63 years, the 2016 Student Concert features music by composers Copland, Bernstein, Antheil, and others. School groups, homeschools, individual parents and children are welcome to participate. Tickets are $5 per student ($2 for subsidized lunch students). For details and registration information, visit www.peoriasymphony.org and click on Outreach, then Education. Thank you to the following organizations for supporting this program: Central States Media, Kidder Music, and Senara Health and Healing Center & Spa 118th SEASON SPONSORS World Artist Concert Underwriter Sid and Flo Banwart Platinum Concert and RAW Sponsor Platinum 118th Symphony Season Underwriters Gold Concert Sponsors Trudy and Michael Landwirth Silver Concert Sponsors Student Concert Sponsors Sponsorship opportunities are still available. For information contact: Andrea Robertson:arobertson@peoriasymphony.org 309.495.0564. SEASON TICKETS REASONS TO SUBSCRIBE Special - New Subscriber First Year Discount If you are a new subscriber or have not purchased a season ticket since 2010, you can buy the eight-concert series in Zone 2 for 50% off! SEASON TICKET OPTIONS • Eight-concert series - Get all eight concerts in our 2015-2016 season - The Best Value • Compose your OWN Pick Four Series - Flexibility to purchase the four concerts you want to attend. Save 10% off single ticket prices. Ease of Purchase - Order once, and you’ve taken care of your ticket needs for the entire season. Select Seats - Keep your same seat from concert to concert, or have priority for changing seating. Subscriber Invitations and Events Receive invitations to special subscriber events. Subscribers get a free ticket to share You’ll receive an “Invite A Friend” voucher to introduce someone to the PSO by inviting them to the September 19 concert as your guest. SINGLE TICKETS INDIVIDUAL TICKETS • PSO Box Office 101 State Street, Peoria • Online - www.peoriasymphony.org • by phone 309.671.1096 • at the door before each concert STUDENT TICKETS Tickets for children and full-time students are $9 with a valid ID. Purchase at the PSO office, online or the box office window before concert (based on availability). GROUP TICKETS PSO concerts are a wonderful way to entertain clients, reward employees. Groups of 10 or more receive a 20% discount when purchasing together. No additional student discount. PSO BOX OFFICE 101 STATE STREET PEORIA, IL 61602 309.671.1096 MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Order your tickets online at www.peoriasymphony.org NO RISK SUBSCRIPTIONS: If your plans change or you have a conflict with a concert date, it is no problem. Effortless Ticket Exchange Policy You can exchange your tickets for another performance in your series. (Exchanges based on availability) Tax credit - You can receive a charitable donation credit for the value of the ticket purchase price if you return your tickets three days in advance of the concert. Peoria Symphony Orchestra • 101 State Street, Peoria IL 61602 • 309.671.1096 • www.peoriasymphony.org IT’S EASY TO ORDER TICKETS! MAIL CALL VISIT OU R BOX OFFICE ONLINE Complete the order form in this brochure Call 309.671.1096 to order tickets. and mail it to the PSO Box Office, 101 State Street, Peoria, IL 61602. Single concert tickets and new The PSO Box Office is open from 10 am subscriptions can be ordered online at to 4 pm, Monday – Friday. We are located www.peoriasymphony.org. in the WTVP Studio Building at the intersection of Water and State Streets, next to the downtown Peoria Post Office. Renewing Subscribers - Call or stop by our office 309.671.1096 2015-2016 Single Ticket Prices * Zone 1 Main Floor, Rows A - C, W - EE $28 Zone 2 Main Floor, Rows D - V $48 Zone 3Balcony 1$54 Zone 4 Balcony 2$39 Zone 5 Lower Box$74 Zone 6Upper Box$69 Students$9 * Audra McDonald concert add $10 per ticket Peoria Symphony Orchestra • 101 State Street, Peoria IL 61602 • 309.671.1096 • www.peoriasymphony.org SEASON TICKET ORDER FORM EIGHT CONCERT SEASON TICK ET ZON ES PR ICES T O TA L 1-MAIN FLOOR $204 x ______ = _________ 2-MAIN FLOOR $344 x ______ = _________ 3-BALCONY 1 $386 x ______ = _________ 4-BALCONY 2 $281 x ______ = _________ NEW SUBSCR IBERS - 50% OFF ZONE 2 EIGHT-CONCERT SEASON TICKET SUBSCRIPTION First time subscriber or haven’t subscribed since 2010 Regular Price $344 New Subscriber Price $172 x __________= $_________ Call for Box Seat availability COMPOSE YOU R OWN/PICK FOU R # OF PICK FOU R PICK FOU R PR ICE Select the FOUR concerts you’d like in your T O TA L Compose Your Own series (Seating will be in Zone 2) Sep. 19 $180 x__________ $___________ Nov. 21 Feb. 13 Apr. 16 Jan. 24 Mar. 12 May 7 SINGLE TICK ET ORDER FORM (Hall, Maps, Zones and Pricing on previous page) C O N C E RT ZON E PR ICE SEP. 19 CARNIVAL! __________ __________ OCT. 17 AUDRA MCDONALD __________ __________ # OF TICK ETS T O TA L X __________ = __________ X __________ = __________ NOV. 21 BRAVURA! __________ __________ X __________ = __________ JAN. 24 FAMILY MATINEE __________ __________ X __________ = __________ FEB. 13 ROMANCE __________ __________ X __________ = __________ MAR. 12 MOZART MADNESS __________ __________ X __________ = __________ APR. 16 AMERICAN CLASSICS __________ __________ X __________ = __________ MAY 7 LEGENDARY LONDON __________ __________ X __________ = __________ X _________ = ________ Ticket fees ($2 per single ticket) $2 Grand Total Single Tickets Order new subcriptions and single tickets online at www.peoriasymphony.org Renewing subscribers please call, mail, or visit our Box Office Peoria Symphony Orchestra • 101 State Street, Peoria IL 61602 • 309.671.1096 • www.peoriasymphony.org TICKET TOTALS Season TicketsTOTAL Eight Concert Series$__________ Pick Four Series$__________ Single Concert Tickets Total $__________ GRAND TOTAL DUE$__________ Renewing subscribers: ____ I want my same seats ____ Call me to discuss my seats NAME ADDRESS CITYSTATEZIP PHONEEMAIL T H E P EO R I A S Y M P H O N Y O R C H E S T R A CHECK VISA G R AT E FUMASTERCARD L LY AC K N OW L E D G E S ODISCOVER UR SPONSORS AMEX CREDIT CARD NUMBEREXP DATE SIGNATURE Mail form or visit our box office at 101 State Street, Peoria, IL 61602 Call 309.671.1096 New subscriptions and single tickets available online at www.peoriasymphony.org Peoria Symphony Orchestra • 101 State Street, Peoria IL 61602 • 309.671.1096 • www.peoriasymphony.org A D D R E S S S E RV I C E R E QU E S T E D 1 0 1 S t a t e S t re e t Pe o r i a I L 6 1 6 0 2 309.671.1096 w w w. p e o r i a s y m p h o n y. o r g If you are a new subscriber or have not purchased a season ticket since 2010 you can get an 8-concert season ticket subscription in Zone 2 for 50% off. N E W S U B SC R I BE R S S AV E 50% PA ID permit 646 peoria il nonprofit us postage