 ARIZONA NONPROFITS ECONOMIC VITALITY STUDY PURPOSE The Seidman Institute at ASU’s W.P Carey School of Business in collaboration with ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, and The Phoenix Philanthropy Group is currently investigating the financial scope and economic footprint of Arizona’s nonprofit sector. The study has been underwritten by the Arizona Community Foundation, Maricopa County IDA, and Arizona Public Service. PARTICIPATION Your organization has been randomly selected to complete the online survey for the Arizona Nonprofit Economic Vitality Study. Please note, you are under no obligation to participate. If you agree to participate, please ensure that your organization’s latest financial statement or year‐end report is close at hand, as the survey includes questions about your organization’s revenues and expenses. If you agree to participate now, you are free to withdraw from the study at any time. There are no known risks from taking part in this study. Participation is estimated to take no more than 30 minutes. CONFIDENTIALITY Your answers will be anonymous and strictly confidential. No individual or group will be able to identify your organization by your answers; and your organization will not be identified in the final report. BENEFITS The information you provide will help to inform anyone who shares an interest in the nature and impact of Arizona's nonprofit community. The research results will be shared widely in printed form, through social media, and at meetings across the state. Elected officials and candidates for public office will have a better understanding of the contribution of nonprofits in achieving common goals. Business leaders will appreciate the value in having nonprofit partnerships in local and regional economic development; and grant makers will be able to identify ways of maximizing their investments in the community. ANY QUESTIONS? If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Anthony Evans, at 480‐965‐5362; or email:
ORGANIZATION NAME (Full name, no acronyms): _______________________________________ ORGANIZATION HEADQUARTERS LOCATION: _______________________________________ YEAR THE ORGANIZATION WAS FOUNDED: _______________________________________ OVERVIEW Q1. What is the 501 (c) tax classification of your organization? Please select one option. [ ] 501 (c) (3) [ ] 501 (c) (4) [ ] Other 501 (c) ‐ Please state: __________________________________________________ [ ] Applied for, but not yet received, 501 (c) status [ ] We are not a nonprofit organization Q2. What is the mission statement of your organization? ______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Q3. What is the main focus of your organization? Please select a maximum 4 options. [ ] Animal Welfare [ ] International Affairs & National [ ] Arts, Culture & Humanities Security [ ] Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy [ ] Mental Health & Crisis Intervention [ ] Community Improvement or [ ] Mutual/Membership Benefit Development [ ] Philanthropy, Volunteerism, Grants [ ] Public Safety & Disaster Relief [ ] Crime & Legal Affairs [ ] Public & Societal Benefit [ ] Diseases & Disorders Research/ [ ] Recreation, Sports & Leisure Medical Research [ ] Religious, Spiritual [ ] Diseases & Disorders Treatment [ ] Science & Technology [ ] Economic Empowerment [ ] Social Science Research [ ] Education [ ] Employment Assistance [ ] Supportive Services [ ] Environment [ ] Trade Association [ ] Food, Agriculture & Nutrition [ ] Tribal & Rural Advocacy [ ] Healthcare Services [ ] Youth Development [ ] Housing & Shelter [ ] Other ‐ Please state: [ ] Human Services ____________________________
[ ] Immigration Q4. Q5. Q6. What broad types of program or service does your organization provide to or for others? Please select all that apply. [ ] Advocacy & Lobbying [ ] Medical Treatment [ ] Economic Empowerment [ ] Offer Financial Support to Others [ ] Offer Information & Guidance [ ] Education [ ] Philanthropy & Grants [ ] Fundraising [ ] Research [ ] Leisure & Entertainment What are the three most appropriate units or indicators for measuring the outputs of your organization? For example, number of meals served, individuals counseled, legislative activities or victories, concert attendees, membership development, white papers published, etc. Please list a maximum of 3 indicators. 1._____________________________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________________ What is the primary geographical focus of your programs and/or services? [ ] Specific locations in Arizona [ ] State of Arizona‐wide [ ] Southwest U.S.‐wide Q7. Q8. [ ] U.S.‐wide [ ] International Who are the principal recipients or target audiences for your programs and services? Please list a maximum of 3 core targets. 1._____________________________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________________ In what month does your fiscal year start? _______________________________________ Q9. Q10. How many people or members benefited from your programs and/or services during your last full fiscal year? Please answer one option below. _____________ Individuals OR _____________ Families OR _____________ Organizations Is the number of beneficiaries during your last full fiscal year higher, lower, or about the same as the previous fiscal year? [ ] Higher than the previous fiscal year [ ] Lower than the previous fiscal year [ ] About the Same STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Q11. How many full‐time and part‐time paid staff (excluding interns) did you employ in your last full fiscal year? __________ Full‐time employees __________ Part‐time employees If you had at least 1 full‐time or part‐time employee, please continue to Q12. If you had no full‐time and part‐time employees, please jump to Q13. Q12. Please estimate the total percentage contribution of your full‐time and part‐time paid employees by type of activity/responsibility for the last full fiscal year. Please note, your answers must add up to 100%. Please enter a 0 to any category that does not apply. _____% Fundraising Support _____% Accounting & Finance _____% Volunteer Management _____% Service Delivery/Program Activities _____% Clerical & Administrative _____% Membership Development _____% Nonprofit Management/Executive _____% Nonprofit Organization Human Resources _____% Not Applicable Q13. How many active volunteers did you have during the last full fiscal year? ______ If you had at least 1 active volunteer, please continue to Q14. If you had no volunteers, please jump to Q15. Q14. Please identify, in rank order, the Top 5 types of activity undertaken by your active volunteers during the last full fiscal year, where 1 = the most common volunteer activity, and 5 = the fifth most common volunteer activity. [ ] Professional & Management Activities [ ] Music, Performance or Other Artistic Activities [ ] Coaching, Refereeing Tutoring, Teaching or Mentoring [ ] General Office Services [ ] Fundraising or Selling [ ] Collecting, Making or Distributing Items [ ] General Labor [ ] Transportation [ ] Membership Development [ ] Event Support [ ] Leadership/Board of Directors [ ] Other Committee Participation [ ] Other – please state _________________________________________________________
TOTAL REVENUE Q15. To the best of your knowledge, please estimate the total revenue raised in dollars from each of the following sources for your last full fiscal year: $___________ Foundations or Trusts $___________ Private Companies or Corporations (Sponsorship and Program‐Specific Contributions) $___________ Individual Contributions/Fundraising $___________ Federal Government Grants, Contracts, and Funding $___________ State Government Grants, Contracts, and Funding $___________ Local Government Grants, Contracts, and Funding $___________ Membership Fees or Dues $___________ Events and Performance Ticket Sales $___________ An In‐House Business Enterprise or Sales $___________ Subsidiaries $___________ All Other Forms of Other Earned Income Q16. Approximately what percentage of total non‐Government revenue for the last full fiscal year was raised from sources and activities inside the State of Arizona? ___________% Q17. Please estimate (in percent) for the last full fiscal year the extent to which of the following types of non‐Government revenue were sourced inside or outside the State of Arizona. Please note, each row should sum to 100%. If a revenue type does not apply, please select ‘Not Applicable’. Not
INSIDE OUTSIDE AZ Foundations or Trusts Private Companies or Corporations Individual Contribution Membership Fees or Dues Events and Performance Ticket Sales An In‐House Business Enterprise, Sales, or Other Earned Income All Other Forms of Non‐Government Earned Income Applicable AZ % % % % % % % %
Q18. How did your organization’s total non‐Government revenue for the last full fiscal year compare to the previous fiscal year? [ ] Increased substantially (25% or more up) [ ] Increased moderately (5% to 24% up) [ ] Stayed about the same [ ] Decreased moderately (5% to 24% down) [ ] Decreased substantially (25% or more down) Q19. How did your organization’s total Government revenue for the last full fiscal year compare to the previous fiscal year? [ ] Increased substantially (25% or more up) [ ] Increased moderately (5% to 24% up) [ ] Stayed about the same [ ] Decreased moderately (5% to 24% down) [ ] Decreased substantially (25% or more down) [ ] Not Applicable – we do not receive any revenue from Federal, State, or Local Government Q20. Which types of revenue (if any) decreased in value for the last full fiscal year, compared to the previous fiscal year? Please select all that apply. [ ] Bequests [ ] Business enterprise revenue [ ] Individual gifts and donations [ ] Corporate gifts and donations [ ] Foundation and Trust revenue [ ] Federal Government grants [ ] State Government grants [ ] Local Government grants [ ] Federal Government contracts [ ] State Government contracts [ ] Local Government contracts [ ] Membership fees, sales, dues, performance ticket sales & other earned income [ ] Other ‐ Please state: _________________ __________________________________ [ ] No revenue decrease in last full fiscal year TOTAL EXPENDITURE Q21. What was your organization’s total expenditure for the last full fiscal year? $_____ Q22. Please estimate your total expenditure in dollars for each of the following areas for the last full fiscal year: $___________ Program/Service Delivery (excluding staff costs) $___________ Fundraising, Advertising, PR & Marketing (excluding staff costs) $___________ Staff Salaries & Benefits $___________ Buildings/Space/Occupancy Costs $___________ Materials & Supplies $___________ Equipment Costs $___________ All Other Forms of Expenditure Q23. Approximately what percentage of your total expenditure for the last full fiscal year was spent inside the State of Arizona? ______% Q24. Please estimate in dollars the total expenditure by category spent outside the State of Arizona for the last full fiscal year. Please enter a 0 for an expenditure category if it does not apply. $___________ Out‐of‐state programs and services $___________ Businesses/Private Sector suppliers $___________ Non‐Arizona based Government $___________ Non‐Arizona based nonprofit organizations $___________ Other ‐ Please state: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Q25. How did your organization’s total expenditure for the last full fiscal year compare to the previous fiscal year? [ ] Increased substantially (25% or more up) [ ] Increased moderately (5% to 24% up) [ ] Stayed about the same [ ] Decreased moderately (5% to 24% down) [ ] Decreased substantially (25% or more down) Q26. Did your organization undertake or experience any cost‐saving strategies for the last full fiscal year? Please select all that apply. [ ] Discontinued existing program(s) [ ] Scaled back programs [ ] Served fewer clients [ ] Laid off staff [ ] Initiated a hiring freeze [ ] Initiated a salary freeze [ ] Reduced salaries [ ] Reduced staff hours [ ] Reduced employee benefits [ ] Reduced operational hours [ ] Furlough Implementation [ ] Transfer Funding Project [ ] Cut admin. /overhead costs [ ] Collaborated with other nonprofits to reduce overhead [ ] Merged with another organization [ ] Received additional or extended lines of credit [ ] Engaged in deficit spending [ ] Other ‐ Please state: _________________ [ ] Our organization did not implement any cost‐saving strategies during last full fiscal year PLEASE RETURN YOUR COMPLETED SURVEY TO: Dr. Anthony Evans L. William Seidman Research Institute 660 S. Mill Avenue, Ste. 300 Tempe AZ 85281‐4011 