academic vita m. dwayne smith

Office of the Provost
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave. CGS401
Tampa, FL 33620
813/974-3151 / 813/974-5093 (FAX)
Ph.D. - Duke University, 1980
Major: Sociology
M.A. - University of Houston, 1973
Major: Sociology
B.S. - University of Houston, 1971
Major: Psychology
Professor, Department of Criminology, University of South Florida, 2000-present
Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work, University of North Carolina
Charlotte, 1994-2000
Assistant to Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Tulane University, 1980-1994
Instructor, Department of Sociology, Lamar University, 1974-1977
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs & Dean, Office of Graduate Studies, University of
South Florida, August 2013 - present
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, University of South Florida, January 2008 – August
Vice Provost for Faculty and Program Development, University of South Florida, July 2005 –
December 2007
Chair, Department of Criminology, University of South Florida, August 2000 – June 2005
Chair, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte, July 1994 – June 2000
Interim Chair, Department of Criminal Justice, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
July 1998 – June 2000
Chair, Department of Sociology, Tulane University, July 1991- June 1994
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, Tulane University, July 1985 – June
Richards, Tara N., Beth E. Bjerregaard, Joseph Cochran, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J.
Fogel. Forthcoming. “Predictors of Death Sentencing for Majority Male, Equal Male/Female,
and Majority Female Juries in Capital Murder Trials” Women and Criminal Justice
Richards, Tara N., M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra J. Fogel, and Beth Bjerregaard. Forthcoming.
“When Domestic Goes Capital: Death Sentencing in Capital Murder Trials Involving
Domestic Homicide.” Law & Human Behavior
Jennings, Wesley G., Tara N. Richards, M. Dwayne Smith, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra J.
Fogel. 2015. “A Propensity Score Matching Analysis of the Relationship between Victim
Sex and Capital Juror Decision-Making in North Carolina.” Social Science Research 52:47-58.
Bjerregaard, Beth E., M. Dwayne Smith, John K. Cochran, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2015. “A Further
Examination of the Liberation Hypothesis in Capital Murder Trials.” Crime & Delinquency.
Advance online publication:
Richards, Tara N., M. Dwayne Smith, Wesley G. Jennings, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra Fogel
2014. “An Examination of Defendant Sex Disparity in Capital Sentencing: A Propensity Score
Matching Approach.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 39:681-697.
Gillespie, Lane, M. Dwayne Smith, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra Fogel. 2014. “Examining the
Impact of Proximate Culpability Mitigation in Capital Punishment Sentencing
Recommendations: The Influence of Mental Health Mitigators.” American Journal of Criminal
Justice 39:698-715.
Richards, Tara N., Wesley Jennings, M. Dwayne Smith, Christine Sellers, Sondra J. Fogel, and
Beth Bjerregaard. 2014. “Explaining the ‘Female Victim Effect’ in Capital Punishment: An
Explanation of Victim Sex-Specific Models of Juror Sentence Decision Making.” Crime &
Delinquency. Advanced online publication.
Jennings, Wesley G., Tara N. Richards, M. Dwayne Smith, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra J.
Fogel. 2014. “A Critical Examination of the “White Victim Effect” and Death
Penalty Decision-Making from a Propensity-Score Matching Approach: The North Carolina
Experience.” Journal of Criminal Justice 42:384-398.
Gillespie, Lane K., Thomas A. Loughran, M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra J. Fogel, and Beth
Bjerregaard. 2014. “Exploring the Role of the Victim in Capital Punishment Sentencing: Victim
Sex, Victim Conduct, and Victim-Defendant Relationship.” Homicide Studies 18:175-95.
Richards, Tara N., Lane K. Gillespie, and M. Dwayne Smith. 2014. “An Examination of the Media
Portrayal of Femicide-Suicides: An Exploratory Frame Analysis.” Feminist Criminology 9:2444.
Fogel, Sondra J., M. Dwayne Smith, and Beth Bjerregaard. 2013. “Capital Punishment.” In Cynthia
Franklin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work (20th ed.). Washington, DC: NASW Press/Oxford
University Press. Available on-line:
Gillespie, Lane Kirkland, Tara N. Richards, Eugena M. Givens, and M. Dwayne Smith. 2013.
“Framing Deadly Domestic Violence: Why the Media’s Spin Matters in Newspaper Coverage of
Femicide.” Violence Against Women 19:222-244.
Richards, Tara N., Lane K. Gillespie, and M. Dwayne Smith. 2011. “Exploring News Coverage
of Femicide: Does Reporting the News Add Insult to Injury?” Feminist Criminology 6:178-202.
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra J. Fogel, and Wilson R. Palacios. 2010. “Alcohol and
Drug Mitigation in Capital Murder Trials: Implications for Sentencing Decisions.” Justice
Quarterly 27:517-537.
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2010. “Legal Arguments for Life or
Death: The Use of Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances During the Sentencing Phase of
Capital Murder Trials.” Pp. 225-248 in Roslyn Muraskin (Ed.), Key Correctional Issues (2nd
ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Earl, Judith Cavanaugh, John K. Cochran, M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra J. Fogel, and Beth
Bjerregaard. 2008. “Racial Bias and the Death Penalty.” Pp. 147-196 in Michael J. Lynch,
E. Britt Patterson, and Kristina Childs (Eds.), Racial Divide: Race, Ethnicity, and
Criminal Justice. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.
Kremling, Janine, M. Dwayne Smith, John K. Cochran, Sondra J. Fogel, and Beth Bjerregaard.
2007. “The Role of Mitigating Factors in Capital Sentencing Before and After McKoy v.
North Carolina.” Justice Quarterly 24:357-381.
Stauffer, Amy R., M. Dwayne Smith, John K. Cochran, Sondra J. Fogel, and Beth Bjerregaard.
2006. “The Interaction between Victim Race and Gender on Death Sentencing Outcomes: A
Further Exploration.” Homicide Studies 10:98-117.
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2005. “Benefits and Risks of Using
‘Diminished Capacity’ Mitigation in Death Penalty Proceedings.” Pp. 111-134 in Stephanie W.
Hartwell (Ed.), Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Volume 12: The Organizational
Response to Persons with Mental Illness Involved with the Criminal Justice System.
The Netherlands: Elsevier.
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2005. “Issues in the Use of
Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances During the Sentencing Phase of Capital Murder
Trials.” Pp. 285-310 in Roslyn Muraskin (Ed.), Key Correctional Issues, Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Riedel, Marc and Dwayne Smith (Guest Eds.). 2004. Policy Implications of Criminal Homicide.
Special Issue of Criminal Justice Policy Review 15:127-246.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Paul H. Blackman (Eds.). 2003 (November). The Relationship Between
Non-Lethal and Lethal Violence: Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Homicide
Research Working Group. Chicago, IL: Homicide Research Working Group.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Paul H. Blackman, and John P. Jarvis (Eds.). 2003 (February). New Directions
in Homicide Research: Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research
Working Group. Washington, DC: Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 2000. “A New Era of Homicide Studies? Visions of a Research Agenda for the
New Decade.” Homicide Studies 4:3-17.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 2000. “Capital Punishment in America.” Pp. 621-643 in Joseph F. Sheley (Ed.)
Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Margaret A. Zahn (Eds.). 1999. Homicide: A Sourcebook of
Social Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Margaret A. Zahn (Eds.). 1999. Studying and Preventing Homicide:
Issues and Challenges. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Jay Corzine. 1997. “Finally: A Journal Devoted to the Study of Homicide.”
Homicide Studies 1:3-10.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1996. “The Folly of a Lock 'em Up Laffer Curve.” Social Science Quarterly
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1996. “Sources of Firearm Acquisition Among a Sample of Inner-city Youths:
Research Results and Implications.” Journal of Criminal Justice 24:361-367.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Stephen M. Feiler. 1995. “Absolute and Relative Involvement in Homicide
Offending: Contemporary Youth and the Baby Boom Cohorts.” Violence and Victims
Smith, M. Dwayne and Victoria E. Brewer. 1995. “Female Status and the 'Gender Gap' in U.S.
Homicide Victimization.” Violence Against Women 1:339-350.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Ellen S. Kuchta. 1995. “Female Homicide Victimization in the United
States: Trends in Relative Risk, 1946-1990.” Social Science Quarterly 76:665-672.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Joseph F. Sheley. 1995. “Possession and Carrying of Firearms Among a
Sample of Inner-City High School Females.” Journal of Crime and Justice 18:109-128.
Brewer, Victoria E. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1995. “Gender Inequality and Rates of Female
Homicide Victimization Across U.S. Cities.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1994. “The Death Penalty in America.” Pp. 557- 572 in Joseph F. Sheley (Ed.)
Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Ellen S. Kuchta. 1993. “Trends in Violent Crime Against Women, 197389.” Social Science Quarterly 74:28-45.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Joel A. Devine, and Joseph F. Sheley. 1992. “Crime and Unemployment:
Effects Across Age and Race Categories.” Sociological Perspectives 35:551-572.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Victoria E. Brewer. 1992. “A Sex-Specific Analysis of Correlates of
Homicide Victimization in United States Cities.” Violence and Victims 7:279-286.
Wright, James, Joseph F. Sheley, and M. Dwayne Smith. 1992. “Kids, Guns, and Killing Fields.”
Society 30 (November/December):84-89.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1992. “Variations in Correlates of Race-Specific Urban Homicide Rates.”
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 8:137-149.
Smith, M. Dwayne and James D. Wright. 1992. “Capital Punishment and Public Opinion in the
Post-Furman Era: Trends and Analyses.” Sociological Spectrum 12:127-144.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1991. “Capital Punishment.” Pp. 479-494 in Joseph F. Sheley (Ed.)
Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Sheley, Joseph F. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1988. “Age Composition and Alternative Explanations of
Crime: Directions for Theory and Research.” Sociological Spectrum 8:237-255.
Devine, Joel A., Joseph F. Sheley, and M. Dwayne Smith. 1988. “Macroeconomic and SocialControl Policy Influences on Crime Rate Changes, 1948-1985.” American Sociological Review
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1987. “Changes in the Victimization of Women: Is There a 'New Female
Victim'?” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 24:291-301.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Carl Hand. 1987. “The Pornography/Aggression Linkage: Results From a
Field Study.” Deviant Behavior 8:389-399.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1987. “Patterns of Discrimination in Assessments of the Death Penalty: The
Case of Louisiana.” Journal of Criminal Justice 15:279-286.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1987. “General Versus Specific Support for Capital Punishment.” Journal of
Crime & Justice 10:117-132.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1986. “The Era of Increased Violence in the United States: Age, Period, or
Cohort Effect?” Sociological Quarterly 27:239-251.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Nathan Bennett. 1985. “Poverty, Inequality, and Theories of Forcible
Rape.” Crime and Delinquency 31:295-305.
Parker, Robert Nash and M. Dwayne Smith. 1984. “High Correlations or Multicollinearity, and
What To Do About Either: Reply to Light.” Social Forces 62:804-887.
Lipton, Wendy L. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1983. “Explaining Delinquent Involvement: A
Consideration of Suppressor Effects.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
[Reprinted: Pp. 578-592 in Ross F. Connor, David G. Altman, and Christine Jackson (Eds.),
Evaluation Studies Annual Review, Volume 9 (1984). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.]
Smith, M. Dwayne and Lynne J. Fisher. 1982. “Sex-Role Attitudes and Social Class: A Reanalysis
and Clarification.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 13:77-88.
Smith, M. Dwayne and George D. Self. 1981. “Feminists and Traditionalists: An Attitudinal
Comparison.” Sex Roles 7:183-188.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Robert Nash Parker. 1980. “Type of Homicide and Variation in Regional
Rates.” Social Forces 59:136-147.
Smith, M. Dwayne and George D. Self. 1980. “The Congruence Between Mothers' and
Daughters' Sex-Role Attitudes: A Research Note.” Journal of Marriage and the Family
Parker, Robert Nash and M. Dwayne Smith. 1979. “Deterrence, Poverty, and Type of Homicide.”
American Journal of Sociology 85:614-624.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1979. “The Portrayal of Elders in Magazine Cartoons.” The Gerontologist
Smith, M. Dwayne and Marc D. Matre. 1975. “Social Norms and Sex Roles in Romance and
Adventure Magazines.” Journalism Quarterly 52:309-315.
Co-Principal Investigator (with Beth Bjerregaard and Sondra J. Fogel) - “Extra-Legal Influences in
Sentencing Decisions in Capital Murder Trials: North Carolina, 1979-1994.” University of
North Carolina-Charlotte Faculty Research Support Program, July, 1997 - June, 1998. ($8,800)
Principal Investigator - “Predictors of Sentencing Among Convictions For First-Degree Murder: in
North Carolina, 1979-1994.” Center for Death Penalty Litigation, Inc., April, 1996 June, 1997. ($10,000)
Co-Principal Investigator (with Joseph F. Sheley) - “Recruitment of Superior Graduate Students in
Sociology.” State of Louisiana Board of Regents, September, 1992 - May, 1996. ($52,000)
Co-Principal Investigator (with James D. Wright and Joseph F. Sheley) - “Firearms, Violence, and
American Youth: A Study of Firearms Acquisition, Carrying and Use Among Samples of
Incarcerated Juveniles and High School Students.” National Institute of Justice/Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, June, 1990 - May, 1992. ($399,000)
Principal Investigator - “Determinants of Injury Among Elderly Victims of Crime.” Tulane
University Biomedical Research Support grant, September, 1981 - March, 1982. ($3,000)
Co-Principal Investigator (with George D. Self) - “Southeast Texas Needs Assessment and Agency
Use Survey.” Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission, June, 1977 - August, 1977.
Review of Screwing the System and Making it Work: Juvenile Justice in the No-Fault Society by
Mark D. Jacobs. Social Science Quarterly, 1993, 74:918-919.
Review of Drunk Driving: An American Dilemma by James B. Jacobs. Social Science Quarterly,
1990, 71:428-429.
Review of Criminal Career Continuity: Its Social Context by Lyle W. Shannon. Contemporary
Sociology, 1989, 18:588-589.
Review of The Age of Sex Crime by Jane Caputi. Deviant Behavior, 1989, 10:80-83.
Review of Capital Punishment and the American Agenda by Franklin Zimring and Gordon
Hawkins. Journal of Criminal Justice, 1988, 16:255-257.
Review of Heavy Business: Commercial Burglary and Robbery by Dermot Walsh. Social Science
Quarterly, 1987, 68:212.
Review of The Red Lamp of Incest by Robin Fox. Social Science Quarterly, 1982, 63:174-175.
Review of The NAACP Crusade Against Lynching, 1909-1950 by Robert Zangrando. Alabama
Review, 1981, 34:238-240.
Cochran, John, Wyatt Brown, Wesley Jennings, M. Dwayne Smith, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra
Fogel. 2015. “Overkill: An Examination of Comparatively Excessive Death Sentences in North
Carolina, 1977-2010.” American Society of Criminology, November 18, Washington, DC.
Smith, Dwayne. 2015. “The Fates of Defendants Convicted in Capital Punishment Trials: A LongTerm Analysis.” Homicide Research Working Group, June 15, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Cochran, John, Wesley Jennings, Douglas Wholl, M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra Fogel, and Beth
Bjerregaard. 2015. “Rape, Race, and Capital Punishment: An Enduring Cultural Legacy?”
American Criminal Justice Society, March 7, Orlando.
Wholl, Douglas, John Cochran, Wilson Palacios, M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra Fogel, and Beth
Bjerregaard. 2015. “A Qualitative Comparative Proportionality Review: Rape, Race, and the
Death Penalty in North Carolina.” American Criminal Justice Society, March 7, Orlando.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Janine Kremling, Sondra Fogel, and Beth Bjerregaard. 2014. (Poster Session.)
“An Analysis of Long-Term Judicial Outcomes for Defendants Convicted in Capital
Punishment Trials.” American Society of Criminology, November 20, San Francisco.
Bjerregaard, Beth, Tara R. Richards, M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra J. Fogel, and Joshua Cochran.
2013. (Poster Session.) “The Influence of Gender Diversity on Capital Juries.” American
Society of Criminology, November 21, Atlanta.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra J Fogel. 2012. “The Lost Aggravator:
Implications for Capital Murder Sentencing When Juries Reject an Aggravating Circumstance.”
(Poster Session). American Society of Criminology, November 15, Chicago.
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2011. “The Liberation Hypothesis in
Death Penalty Cases: Examining Various Operationalizations of Case Seriousness” (Poster
Session). American Society of Criminology, November 17, Washington, DC.
Gillespie, Lane Kirkland, Tara Nicole Richards, and M. Dwayne Smith. 2011. “Framing FemicideSuicide: The Media’s Portrayal of Female Intimate Partner Homicide Victims and Male
Perpetrated Homicide-Suicides. American Society of Criminology, November 16, Washington,
Smith, M. Dwayne. 2011. “More Findings from the North Carolina Capital Sentencing Project:
Some Not-So-Expected Results.” Homicide Research Working Group, June 10, New Orleans.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2010. “The Impact of the Number of
Female Jurors on Capital Sentencing” (Poster Session). American Society of Criminology,
November 18, San Francisco.
Givens, Eugena M., Gillespie, Lane K., Tara N. Richards, and M. Dwayne Smith. 2010. “A
Comparative Frame Analysis of Femicide News Coverage.” American Society of Criminology,
November 18, San Francisco.
Smith, M. Dwayne, 2010. “A Profile of Sentencing in Capital Murder Trials: North Carolina, 19772008.” Homicide Research Working Group, June 11, Baltimore.
Fogel, Sondra J., M. Dwayne Smith, and Beth Bjerregaard. 2009. “When Domestic Goes Capital:
Predictors of Death Sentencing in Domestic Murder Cases Tried Capitally.” American Society
of Criminology meetings, November 7, Philadelphia.
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2008. “A Test of the Liberation
Hypothesis in North Carolina.” American Society of Criminology meetings, November 14, St.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Sondra J. Fogel, and Beth Bjerregaard. 2007. “Overview of a Population of
Capital Sentencing Decisions: Variations in Legal and Extralegal Factors.” American Society of
Criminology meetings, November 17, Atlanta.
Kremling, Janine, John K. Cochran, and Dwayne Smith. 2007. “Geographic Disparities, Minority
Threat, and Death Sentencing in North Carolina.” American Society of Criminology meetings,
November 15, Atlanta.
Fogel, Sondra J., Beth Bjerregaard, and M. Dwayne Smith. 2006. “The Post-Woodson Era of
Capital Punishment in North Carolina.” (Poster Session.) American Society of Criminology
meetings, November 2, Los Angeles.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Sondra J. Fogel, Beth Bjerregaard, and Wilson R. Palacios. 2005. “I was
Stoned, and High: Drug/Alcohol Use as a Mitigating Factor in Capital Sentencing.” American
Society of Criminology meetings, November 16, Toronto.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2004. “The Effects of Jury Racial
Composition on Capital Sentencing.” American Society of Criminology meetings, November
19, Nashville.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2003. “Revisiting the Influence of Jury
Gender Composition on Capital Sentencing.” American Society of Criminology meetings,
November 20, Denver.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2002. “Patterns of Murder in Death
Penalty Cases: Not Necessarily What You Think.” American Society of Criminology meetings,
November 14, Chicago.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 2001. “Missing Persons or Missing Homicide Data?” American Society of
Criminology meetings, November 7, Atlanta.
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J. Fogel. 2001. “The Influence of Mental Health
Mitigators on Jury Decisions in Capital Sentencing Proceedings.” Academy of Criminal Justice
Sciences, April 4, Washington, DC.
Feiler, Stephen M. and M. Dwayne Smith. 2000. “Absolute and Relative Involvement of Youth in
Homicide Offending: An Update.” American Society of Criminology, November 16, San
Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith, and Sondra J. Fogel. 1999. “An Analysis of Mitigating
Factors Presented in Capital Murder Sentencing Trials.” American Society of Criminology,
November 18, Toronto.
Bjerregaard, Beth and M. Dwayne Smith. 1999. “Jury Composition and Death Sentencing: The
Influence of Gender.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 11, Orlando.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1999. “Etiologic Factors in Female Homicide.” Femicide Research Conference,
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill School of Public Health, February 4, Chapel Hill.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1998. “Capital Punishment: A Failure of Social Science to Influence Public
Policy.” Southern Sociological Society, April 3, Atlanta.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Beth Bjerregaard. 1997. “Race and Sex of Jury Effects on Sentencing
Outcomes in North Carolina Capital Murder Trials.” American Society of Criminology,
November 19, San Diego.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard, and Philip Monte. 1997. “A Post-McClesky Analysis of
Capital Punishment in North Carolina.” Southern Sociological Society, April 5, New
Riedel, Marc and Dwayne Smith. 1997. “Arrest Clearance for Homicide in Chicago.” Academy of
Criminal Justice Science, March 15, Louisville.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Beth Bjerregaard. 1996. “Variations in Use of the Death Penalty Among
North Carolina Counties.” American Society of Criminology, November 22, Chicago.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1996. “Assessing an MA Department of Sociology.” Workshop facilitator,
American Sociological Association, August 16, New York City.
Fogel, Sondra J. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1996. “Secondary Casualties: The Impact of Murder on
the Parents of Victims.” Southern Sociological Society, April 12, Richmond.
Kennedy, David and M. Dwayne Smith. 1995. “Youth and Guns: Knowledge and Options.”
American Society of Criminology, November 16, Boston.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1995. “Chairing an M.A. Department.” Workshop facilitator, American
Sociological Association, August 19, Washington.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1995. “Studying Crime Across Communities.” Keynote speech, Conference on
the Statistical Analysis of Law and Justice Data, June 23, San Antonio.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1995. “Absolute and Relative Involvement in Homicide Offending:
Contemporary Youth and the Not-So-Bad-After-All Baby Boomers.” Homicide Research
Working Group, June 11, Ottawa, Canada.
Feiler, Stephen M. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1995. “Youth and Violence: A Longitudinal Analysis of
Relative Contributions to Homicide Offending.” Southern Sociological Society, April 8, Atlanta.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1994. “Access to Firearms by Juvenile Felons.” American Society of
Criminology, November 11, Miami.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1994. “Kids and Guns: Policy Implications from the Emerging Research.”
American Society of Criminology, November 10, Miami.
Brayfield, April, Victoria Brewer, Kimberly Goyette, and M. Dwayne Smith. 1994. “Sex Ratio
Effects on Gender Inequality in U.S. Central Cities.” Southwestern Sociological Association,
April 1, San Antonio.
Joseph F. Sheley, M. Dwayne Smith, and James D. Wright. 1993. “Weapons Possession and
Carrying Among Inner-City High School Females.” American Society of Criminology,
October 29, Phoenix.
Brewer, Victoria E. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1993. “Social Structure, Gender Inequality, and Risk of
Homicide among Women.” American Sociological Association, August 13, Miami.
Brewer, Victoria E. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1993. “Exploring the Relationship between
Socioeconomic Gender Inequality and Rates of Female Homicide Victimization.” Southwestern
Sociological Association, March 18, New Orleans.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Ellen Kuchta. 1993. “Female Homicide Victimization in the United States:
Trends in Relative Risk, 1946-1988.” Western Society of Criminology, February 20, Monterey.
Wright, James D., Joseph F. Sheley, and M. Dwayne Smith. 1992. “Where and How Juveniles
Obtain Guns.” American Society of Criminology, November 5, New Orleans.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1992. “Circumventing Gun Control: Acquisition of Firearms by Inner-City
American Youth.” Southwestern Social Science Association, March 20, Austin.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1991. “Urban Segregation and Race-Specific Rates of Homicide.” American
Society of Criminology, November 22, San Francisco.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Joseph F. Sheley. 1990. “Variations in Race-Specific Urban Homicide
Rates.” American Society of Criminology, November 8, Baltimore.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Joel A. Devine, and Joseph F. Sheley. 1989. “Age and Race Effects on the
Crime-Unemployment Relationship.” American Sociological Association, August 9,
San Francisco.
Smith, M. Dwayne, Joel A. Devine, and Joseph F. Sheley. 1988. “Crime and Unemployment:
Effects among Population Segments.” American Society of Criminology, November 11,
Smith, M. Dwayne, Joel A. Devine, and Joseph F. Sheley. 1987. “Macroeconomic and SocialControl Policy Influences on Crime-Rate Changes, 1950-82.” Society for the Study of Social
Problems, August 15, Chicago.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Carl Hand. 1987. “The Pornography/Aggression Linkage: Results From a
Field Study.” Southern Sociological Society, April 11, Atlanta.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1986. “Women and Crime: Is There a 'New Female Criminal'?” American
Society of Criminology, October 31, Atlanta.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1986. “Correlates of Crime at Three Levels of Analysis.” Southwestern
Sociological Association, March 21, San Antonio.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1985. “Patterns of Discrimination in Assessing the Death Penalty: The Case of
Louisiana.” American Society of Criminology, November 16, San Diego.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Cathy S. Sutton. 1985. “General vs. Specific Support for Capital
Punishment.” Southwestern Sociological Association, March 21, Houston.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Nathan Bennett. 1984. “An Empirical Examination of Inequality Theories
of Forcible Rape.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 24, San Antonio.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Donna A. McCurley. 1983. “The Pornography/Delinquency Linkage: An
Assessment of Current Evidence.” Southwestern Sociological Association, March 19, Houston.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1982. “Determinants of Injury Among Elderly Victims of Crime.”
Southwestern Sociological Association, March 19, San Antonio.
Lipton, Wendy L. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1981. “Explaining Delinquent Involvement: Alternative
Approaches and Explanations.” American Society of Criminology, November 14, Washington,
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1981. “Situational Delinquency: New Directions for the Interpretation of Data.”
Southwestern Sociological Association, March 27, Dallas.
Lipton, Wendy L. and M. Dwayne Smith. 1980. “Patterns of Homicide Revisited: Results from a
National Population.” American Society of Criminology, November 7, San Francisco.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1980. “Type of Homicide and Variation in Regional Rates.” Southwestern
Sociological Association, April 3, Houston.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1980. “Sex-Role Attitudes and Social-Class Influences.” Southern Sociological
Society, March 28, Knoxville.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1979. “Increases in Youth Homicides: Age, Period, or Cohort Effect?”
American Sociological Association, August 31, Boston.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1979. “A Longitudinal Analysis of Youth Violence.” Southern Sociological
Society, April 5, Atlanta.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1979. “Assessments of Blame for the Energy Crisis.” Southwestern
Sociological Association, March 30, Ft. Worth.
Parker, Robert Nash and M. Dwayne Smith. 1978. “Relationships Among Deterrence, Poverty, and
Type of Homicide.” Alpha Kappa Delta Research Symposium, February 18, Richmond.
Smith, M. Dwayne and George D. Self. 1978. “Feminists and Traditionalists: Ideologies and
Consistencies.” Alpha Kappa Delta Research Symposium, February 17, Richmond.
Smith, M. Dwayne and George D. Self. 1977. “Who Shall Survive? An Unobtrusive Measure of the
Influence of Gender of Perceptions of Self-Esteem.” Southwestern Sociological Association,
March 31, Dallas.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1975. “Patterns and Functions of Ethnicity in Professional Wrestling.”
Southwestern Social Science Association, March 27, San Antonio.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Sheila G. Sheinberg. 1974. “Pornography: Toward a Working Definition.”
Southwestern Sociological Association, March 28, Dallas.
Smith, M. Dwayne and Marc D. Matre. 1974. “Social Norms and Sex Roles in Romance and
Adventure Magazines.” Texas Academy of Sciences, March 1, Denton.
Smith, M. Dwayne. 1973. “Conflict vs. Consensus Dialogue in Theories of Society and Social
Stratification.” Southwestern Sociological Association, March 23, Dallas.
University of South Florida
Member, USF System Performance Based Funding Accountability Team, 2015-present
Member, Enrollment Planning & Management Committee, 2015-present
Member, Emergency Preparedness Committee, 2015-present
Chair, Academics and Campus Environment Advisory Council, 2010-present
Ex-Officio Member, Committee on Educational Policy & Instruction, 2006-present
Member, USF Sarasota-Manatee Strategic Plan Committee, 2015
Member, BOT Finance and Audit Workgroup Advisory Council, 2014-2015
Member, USF System Academic Program and Policy Coordinating Committee, 2013-2015
Ex-Officio Member, Tenure & Promotion Guidelines Revision Committee, 2013-2014
Member, SACS Reaccreditation Team, 2012-2015
Chair, Student Systems Information Advisory Board, 2012-2015
Chair, Dean of College of Behavioral & Community Sciences Search Committee, 2011-2012
Member, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Search Committee, 2011
Member, Associate Vice President for Human Resources Search Committee, 2010-2011
Member, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Search Committee, 2008
Member, NCAA Certification Steering Committee, 2006-2007
Faculty Liaison, Board of Trustees Workgroup on Fiscal and Governmental Relationships, 2005
Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Committee, 2003-2004
Chair, Provost’s Task Force on Student Retention, 2002
Member, College of Arts & Sciences Chairs’ Steering Committee, 2001-2004
University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Member, Public Policy Ph.D. Steering Committee, 1999-2000
Member, Faculty Athletic Council, 1996-2000
Member, Academic Affairs Council, 1994-2000
Chair, NCAA Certification Committee, 1995-1998
Tulane University
Chair, NCAA Certification Steering Committee, 1993-1994
Member, University Faculty Senate, 1992-1994
Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Athletics, 1992-1994
Member, Academic Requirements Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1990-1993
Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Human Subjects, 1989-1992
Homicide Studies: An Interdisciplinary & International Journal [Founding Editor, 1996-2001]
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling
American Sociological Association
American Society of Criminology
American Colleges and Universities Associates Program
Homicide Research Working Group
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Southwestern Sociological Association