Franchi Musculo Skeletal Assessment

Musculoskeletal System
ž  Joint structure and function
•  Articular structures
•  Extra-articular structures
•  Ligaments
•  Tendons
•  Bursae
ž  The
600 skeletal muscles account for 40% 50% of the body’s weight.
ž  Three Types:
•  Skeletal: Voluntary muscles, those under
conscious control. Muscle that is connected
with a bone.
•  Smooth: Muscle tissue that is involuntary in
action and found principally in visceral
•  Cardiac: Myocardium
ž Flexion: bending
limb at joint
limb at joint
ž Abduction: moving limb away from
ž Adduction: moving limb toward midline
ž Pronation: turning forearm so palm is
ž Supination: turning forearm so palm is up
ž Extension: Straightening
ž Inversion
- moving sole of foot inward at
the ankle
ž Eversion - moving sole of foot outward at
the ankle
ž Rotation - moving head around a central
ž Elevation - raising a body part
ž Depression - lowering a body part
ž Dorsiflexion – point toe to nose
ž Plantar flexion – point toe to floor
ž  The
vertebrae are 33 connecting bones
stacked in a vertical column.
•  Cervical- 7
•  Thoracic- 12
•  Lumbar- 5
•  Sacral- 5
•  Coccygeal Vertebrae- 3 - 4
ž  Joints
•  Pain (onset, location, duration, characteristic
symptoms, associated manifestations, relieving/
exacerbating factors)
•  Stiffness
•  Swelling, heat, redness
•  Limitation of Movement
•  Systemic symptoms (fever, chills, rash,
weakness, weight loss)
ž  Neck
pain (onset, location, duration,
characteristic symptoms, associated
manifestations, relieving/exacerbating factors)
ž  Low back pain – (onset, location, duration,
characteristic symptoms, associated
manifestations, relieving/exacerbating factors)
•  on the midline, over the vertebrae or off the
•  Radiation to the legs? Numbness or paresthesias
ž  Muscles
•  Pain (onset, location, duration, characteristic
symptoms, associated manifestations, relieving/
exacerbating factors)
•  Weakness
ž  Bones
•  Pain (onset, location, duration, characteristic
symptoms, associated manifestations, relieving/
exacerbating factors)
•  Deformity
•  Trauma (fractures, sprains, dislocations)
ž  Functional
Assessment (ADL’s)
ž  Meds (statins cause back pain)
ž  Self-care
ž Trauma
during labor and delivery
ž Any fractures or broken bones
ž Any bony deformities, spinal curvature,
unusual shape to feet/toes?
ž Sports/protective equipment
ž Motor
ž  Inspection
•  Size and Contour of the Joint
•  Skin Color and Characteristics
ž  Palpation
•  Skin
•  Muscles
•  Bony Articulations
•  Joint Capsules
•  Pulses
ž Range
of Motion (ROM)
ž Muscle
ž  Neck
- range of motion (flexion, extension, lateral
movements and rotation), strength testing
ž  Upper
extremities - shoulders, arms wrists, hands
– inspect, palpate, check pulses, ROM and strength
ž  Lower
extremities - hips, knees, ankles, feet and
toes – inspect, palpate, check pulses, ROM and
strength testing
ž  Spine
– inspect, palpate, check for curvature of the
spine and ROM