Monday, June 23, 2014, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Adverse Selection
Presiding: Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois
Anatomy of a Slow-Motion Health Insurance Death Spiral
Presenting Author: H. E. Frech, University of California, UCSB
Co-Author(s): Michael Smith, Compass Lexecon
Discussant: Steve Parente, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Risk Selection under Public Health Insurance with Opt-out
Presenting Author: Sebastian Panthoefer, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Discussant: Sebastian Bauhoff, MPAID, RAND Corporation
Multiproduct Risk Selection in Medicare Advantage
Presenting Author: Shulamite S Chiu, University of Pennsylvania - the Wharton School
Discussant: Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B1
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Behavioral Economics, Health, and Health Care
[sponsored by The Commonwealth Fund]
Presiding: Joseph Price, Brigham Young University
Fun in the Lunch-Room: A Nudge to Develop Healthy Taste Buds
Presenting Author: Janani Rajbhandari Thapa, Texas Tech University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Conrad Lyford, Texas Tech University
Discussant: Joseph Price, Brigham Young University
The Effect on Supermarket Food Purchases from Point of Sale Nudges with Community Reinforcement
Presenting Author: Conrad Lyford, Texas Tech University
Co-Author(s): Janani Thapa, Texas Tech University; Barent McCool, Texas Tech University; Barbara Pence, Texas
Tech University Health Sciences Center; Eric Belasco, Montana State University
Discussant: Andres Vargas, Texas Tech University
Deadly Mistakes: Differences in the Formation and Accuracy of Longevity Expectations by Education and
Presenting Author: Owen O'Donnell, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Co-Author(s): Teresa Bago d'Uva, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Esen Erdogan-Ciftci, Pharmerit; Eddy van
Doorslaer, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Discussant: Martin Salm, Tilburg University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 118/120
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Birth Outcomes and Maternal Health
Presiding: Heather Royer, UC Santa Barbara
The Intergenerational Transmission of Low Birth Weight: A Large Multigenerational Cohort Study in
Presenting Author: Mengcen Qian, Lehigh University
Discussant: Heather Royer, UC Santa Barbara
Effect of Neighborhood Characteristics on the Health of Pregnant Women and Their Newborns
Presenting Author: Aparna Lhila, Central Michigan University
Co-Author(s): Vikesh Amin, Central Michigan University
Discussant: Shirlee Lichtman-Sadot, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Effect of Short and Intensive Exposure to PM10 on Birth Outcomes in Montevideo
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Ana Balsa, Universidad de Montevideo
Discussant: Katharina M Janke, University of Bristol
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Competition and Incentives in LTC Markets
Presiding: Sean S Huang, Georgetown University
Competition and Reputational Quality: Results from Nursing Homes
Presenting Author: Susan Feng Lu, University of Rochester
Co-Author(s): Gerard J. Wedig, University of Rochester
Discussant: Richard Hirth, University of Michigan
Quality Reporting and Private Prices: Evidence from the Nursing Home Industry
Presenting Author: Sean S Huang, Georgetown University
Co-Author(s): Richard Hirth, University of Michigan
Discussant: David C. Grabowski, Harvard Medical School
Effect of Competition on Gaming Behaviors: Evidence from the Home Health Care Industry
Presenting Author: Hyunjee Kim, Oregon Health and Science Univeristy
Co-Author(s): Bingxiao Wu, Rutgers; Kyoungrae Jung, Penn State University
Discussant: Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 130
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Economics and Primary Care
Presiding: Eric Sarpong, AHRQ
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Factors Associated with Openings and Closings of Primary Care Clinics in California
Presenting Author: Suhui Li, The George Washington University
Discussant: Yang Wang, Lafayette College
Nurse Practitioners and their Effects on Visits to Primary Care Providers
Presenting Author: Yuriy Pylypchuk, Social and Scientific Systems
Co-Author(s): Eric Sarpong, AHRQ
Discussant: Caroline S Carlin, Medica Research Institute
The impact of primary care supply on quality of care in England
Presenting Author: Laura Vallejo-Torres, Universidad de la Laguna
Co-Author(s): Stephen Morris, University College London
Discussant: Tom Van Ourti, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Economics of Specialty Care
Presiding: Kathleen Carey, Boston University School of Public Health
Presenting Author: Jean M Mitchell, Georgetown University
Co-Author(s): Kathleen Carey, Boston University School of Public Health
Discussant: Vivian Ho, Rice University
Does Health Information Exchange Reduce Redundant Imaging? Evidence from Emergency Departments
Presenting Author: Eric J. Lammers, Mathematica Policy Research
Discussant: Sunita Desai, University of Pennsylvania, Health Care Management & Economics
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Modelling Trajectories of Care for Persons with Terminal Illness
Presenting Author: Sally C Stearns, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Co-Author(s): Mark Holmes, UNC-Chapel Hill; Carla Sueta, UNC-Chapel Hill
Discussant: Kathleen Carey, Boston University School of Public Health
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Environmental Health and Safety Effects of Public Policy
Presiding: Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
As the Wind Blows: The Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution on Mortality
Presenting Author: Michael Anderson, UC Berkeley
Discussant: Reed Walker, University of California at Berkeley
The Impact of Air Pollution on Morbidity, Mortality and Healthcare Cost in the Medicare Population
Presenting Author: David Molitor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Co-Author(s): Nolan Miller, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Garth Heutel, University of North Carolina
at Greensboro
Discussant: Christopher Ruhm, University of Virginia
Did Cash for Clunkers Reduce Traffic Fatalities
Presenting Author: Nicole Hair, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Co-Author(s): Carly Urban, Montana State University
Discussant: Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 101
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Health Care and Child Health
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presiding: Derek S Brown, Washington University in St. Louis
The Affordable Care Act's Free Preventive Care Mandates and HPV Vaccinations: An Early Look at a
Troubled Area
Presenting Author: John Hsu, MGH, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Mary Price, Mongan Institute for Health Policy, MGH; Teresa B Gibson, Harvard/Truven Health;
Arielle Bensimon, MGH/HMS; Vicki Fung, Mongan Institute for Health Policy, MGH and Harvard Medical School;
Mary Beth Landrum, Harvard Medical School; Michael Chernew, Harvard Medical School; Mark Schuster, Boston
Children's Hospital; Joseph P. Newhouse, Harvard University
Discussant: Lindsey Leininger, University of Illinois-Chicago
The Spillover Effects of Immunizations
Presenting Author: Lenisa V Chang, University of Cincinnati
Co-Author(s): Dara Lee Luca, Harvard School of Public Health
Discussant: Elizabeth L. Munnich, University of Louisville
Does selection bias affect children in Medicaid managed care? Enrollment and transitions of children in child
Presenting Author: Derek S Brown, Washington University in St. Louis
Co-Author(s): Ben Allaire, RTI International; Ramesh Raghavan, Washington University, St. Louis
Discussant: Justin Trogdon, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 103
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Improving Drug Treatment for Mental Health Care
[Sponsored by National Institute of Mental Health]
Presiding: Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation
Clinical Inertia and Resource Utilization: Results for Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Presenting Author: Dominic Hodgkin, Brandeis University
Co-Author(s): Elizabeth L. Merrick, Brandeis University; Peggy O'Brien, Brandeis University; Sue Lee, Brandeis
University; Grant Ritter, Brandeis University; Thilo Deckersbach, Harvard Medical School; Andrew A Nierenberg,
Harvard Medical School
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Marisa E. Domino, University of North Carolina
Is There A Patent Expiration Dividend for Medicare Part D: Generic Second-Generation Antipsychotics,
Drug Spending, and Patient Adherence
Presenting Author: Vicki Fung, Mongan Institute for Health Policy, MGH and Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Mary Price, Mongan Institute for Health Policy, MGH; Mary Beth Landrum, Harvard Medical
School; Alisa Busch, McLean Hospital; Andrew A Nierenberg, Harvard Medical School; Joseph P. Newhouse,
Harvard University; John Hsu, MGH, Harvard Medical School
Discussant: Geoffrey Joyce, University of Southern California
Medicaid Formulary Restrictions and Outcomes for Patients with Mental Illness
Presenting Author: Seth Seabury, USC
Co-Author(s): Darius Lakdawalla, University of Southern California; Deborah Walter, Takeda Pharmaceutical; John
Hayes, National Network of Depression Centers; Thomas Gustafson, Arnold & Porter; Anshu Shrestha, Precision
Health Economics; Dana Goldman, University of Southern California
Discussant: Marguerite Burns, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Medical Technology Diffusion and Over-Use: The Role of Markets, Regulation and Information
Presiding: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Medical Technology Diffusion and Physician Market Structure
Presenting Author: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Robert Town, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Laurence Baker, Stanford University
Diffusion of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding after the Medicare National Coverage Decision for
Bariatric Surgery
Presenting Author: Lauren Hersch Nicholas, MPP, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Discussant: Melinda B. Buntin, Vanderbilt University
Low-Value Heath Care and Overuse of Services: Choosing Wisely
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Carrie H Colla, The Dartmouth Institute
Co-Author(s): Nancy Morden, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice; Thomas Sequist,
Harvard Medical School; Meredith Rosenthal, Harvard School of Public Health
Discussant: Anupam Jena, Harvard University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B2
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Nursing Homes, Quality and Outcomes
Presiding: R. Tamara Konetzka, University of Chicago
Medicaid Reimbursement and Nursing Home Quality of Care Revisited
Presenting Author: John R Bowblis, Miami University
Co-Author(s): Muhammad Ismat Amin, Miami University; Robert Applebaum, Miami University
Discussant: John Nyman, University of Minnesota
The Effect of PACE on Costs, Nursing Home Admissions, and Mortality: 2006-2011
Presenting Author: Arkadipta Ghosh, Mathematica Policy Research
Co-Author(s): Robert Schmitz, Mathematica Policy Research; Randall Brown, Mathematica Policy Research
Discussant: Alan White, Abt Associates
Moral Hazard and Long-Term Care Insurance
Presenting Author: R. Tamara Konetzka, University of Chicago
Co-Author(s): Daifeng He, College of William and Mary; John Nyman, University of Minnesota; Jing Guo,
University of Chicago
Discussant: Edward Norton, University of Michigan
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B7
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Organizations and Market Structure
Presiding: Leemore Dafny, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Market Structure as a Determinant of Patient Care Quality: The Importance of Controlling for
Presenting Author: Nathan E. Wilson, Federal Trade Commission
Discussant: Leemore Dafny, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Vertical Mergers & Provider-Based Billing
Presenting Author: Thomas Koch, FTC
Co-Author(s): Nathan E. Wilson, Federal Trade Commission; Brett Wendling, FTC
Discussant: Abe Dunn, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Network analysis of Medicare EHR incentive payments
Presenting Author: Eric Barrette, Bates White Economic Consulting
Co-Author(s): Jesse C Bockstedt, University of Arizona
Discussant: Jeffrey S McCullough, University of Minnesota
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Physician Behavior
Presiding: Victoria Udalova, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Bystander Effect in Medical Consult Provision: A Game Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Presenting Author: Adam S Wilk, University of Michigan School of Public Health
Discussant: Yiyang Li, Johns Hopkins University
Defensive Medicine and Physician Asset Protection
Presenting Author: Jeffrey Traczynski, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Co-Author(s): Victoria Udalova, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Discussant: Euna Han, Gachon University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Conflict of Interest or Valuable Information? The Impact of Pharmaceutical Industry Payments on Physician
Prescribing Behavior
Presenting Author: Sara E Parker, Rutgers Business School
Discussant: Gregory G Lubiani, Xavier University
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Studies on the Demand for Health Care
Presiding: Don Kenkel, Cornell University
The Effect of Copayments on Children's and Adolescents' Demand for Medical Care
Presenting Author: Anton Nilsson, Lund University
Co-Author(s): Alexander Paul, University of Mannheim
Discussant: Galina Besstremyannaya, New Economic School, CEFIR
Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Care: Instrumental Variable Estimates using Health Insurer
Presenting Author: Abe Dunn, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Co-Author(s): Abe Dunn, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Discussant: Rashmita Basu, Scott & White Healthcare
The Relation of Social Networks and Health Service Demand
Presenting Author: Nathan Dong, Columbia University
Discussant: Ian McCarthy, Baylor Health Care System
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B3
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
The Group Insurance Tax Exclusion
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presiding: Mark Pauly, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Optimal Health Insurance and the Distortionary Effects of the Tax Subsidy
Presenting Author: David M Powell, RAND
Discussant: Nirupama Rao, NYU
Coverage Effects of Limiting the Tax Exclusions for Employment-Based Health Insurance
Presenting Author: Allison Percy, Congressional Budget Office
Co-Author(s): Jessica Banthin, Congressional Budget Office; Pamela Moomau, Joint Committee on Taxation;
Alexandra Minicozzi, Congressional Budget Office
Discussant: Priyanka Anand, Mathematica Policy Research
Labor Market Effects of the Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Tax Subsidy: Evidence from Canada
Presenting Author: Nora Becker, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Elena Prager, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Preethi Rao, Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Reagan Baughman, University of NH
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 118/120
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Aging and Demography
Presiding: Karen A Fitzner, DePaul University
Family planning policy and the well-being of elderly in China
Presenting Author: Darjusch Tafreschi, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Co-Author(s): Hao Zhang, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Discussant: Karen A Fitzner, DePaul University
Co-residential Informal Caregiving and Female Labor Market Decisions
Presenting Author: Nicole Hair, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Discussant: Laurel Beck, Public Policy Institute of California
Dying to Win? Olympic Gold Medals and Longevity
Presenting Author: Adam Leive, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Nicolas R Ziebarth, Cornell University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B1
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Behavioral Economics, Incentives, and Preventive Health Behavior: Evidence from Three Randomized Field
[Sponsored by The Commonwealth Fund]
Presiding: Ellen Magenheim, Swarthmore College
Improving the Structure of Financial Incentives for Exercise: Insights from Behavioral Economics
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Heather Royer, UC Santa Barbara
Discussant: John Cawley, Cornell University
Do Financial Incentives Reduce Intrinsic Motivation for Weight Loss?: Evidence from Two Tests of
Crowding Out
Presenting Author: Aditi Sen, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Kevin G. Volpp, University of Pennsylvania; David Huffman, University of Oxford
Discussant: Joseph Price, Brigham Young University
Diagnosing the Reasons for Low Vaccine Take-up, and a Test of Potential Remedies
Presenting Author: Erin Todd Bronchetti, Swarthmore College
Co-Author(s): David Huffman, University of Oxford; Ellen Magenheim, Swarthmore College
Discussant: Eric Zwick, Harvard
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Child Health and Development
Presiding: Michael A Morrisey, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Marital Match Quality and Inputs to Children's Health: The Case of Infants' Exposure to In-home Smoking
Presenting Author: Kohei Enami, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Discussant: Scott Barkowski, University of California, Irvine
Pediatric Concussions: Family Impact of Youth Sports Legislation
Presenting Author: Teresa B Gibson, Harvard/Truven Health
Discussant: Michael A Morrisey, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Is the Economy Associated with Child Maltreatment? — Evidence from the State-Level Data in the 21
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Feijun Luo, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Co-Author(s): Beverly Fortson, CDC; Curtis Florence, CDC; Deborah Stone, CDC; Colby Lokey, CDC; Myriam
Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Discussant: Teresa B Gibson, Harvard/Truven Health
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B7
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Group Insurance Coverage
Presiding: Bradley Herring, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Effect of Health Savings Accounts on Group Health Insurance Coverage
Presenting Author: Jinqi Ye, Syracuse University
Discussant: Bradley Heim, Indiana University
How Does Regulation of the Small Group Market Affect Firm Self-Insurance and Implications for the
Affordable Care Act
Presenting Author: Erin Trish, USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics
Co-Author(s): Bradley Herring, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Discussant: Christine Eibner, RAND Corporation
Pricing of Coverage on SHOP Exchanges
Presenting Author: Jon R. Gabel, NORC at the University of Chicago
Discussant: Sebastian Panthoefer, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 101
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Health Systems and Health Care Finance
Presiding: Jose A Pagan, Center for Health Innovation, New York Academy of Medicine
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Can Patient-Centered Care Reduce the Overall Cost of Care?
Presenting Author: Paul Wong, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute
Co-Author(s): Ming Tai-Seale, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute
Discussant: Jose A Pagan, Center for Health Innovation, New York Academy of Medicine
Market Inefficiency, Insurance Mandate and Welfare: U.S. Health Care Reform 2010
Presenting Author: Juergen Jung, Towson University
Co-Author(s): Chung Tran, Australian National University
Discussant: Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University
Impact of Financial Reserves and Liquidity Constraints on Hospital Capital Investment
Presenting Author: Sung J Choi Yoo, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Sean S Huang, Georgetown University
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
New evaluation results from pay-for-performance in health care
Presiding: Andrew M Ryan, Weill Cornell Medical School
The effects of the Quality-Bonus Program on quality of care in Medicare Advantage
Presenting Author: Timothy Layton, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Andrew M Ryan, Weill Cornell Medical School
Discussant: Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania
Discontinuous provider response to financial incentives for quality improvement: An evaluation of
performance thresholds in nursing home pay-for-performance
Presenting Author: Rachel Werner, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): R. Tamara Konetzka, University of Chicago; Meghan Skira, University of Georgia
Discussant: Sean Nicholson, Cornell University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
The effect of pay-for-performance on mortality in the United Kingdom
Presenting Author: Samuel Krinsky, New York University
Co-Author(s): Andrew M Ryan, Weill Cornell Medical School; Timothy Doran, University of York
Discussant: Matt Sutton, University of Manchester
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 103
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Paying for Mental Health Care in Private and Public Plans
[Sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health]
Presiding: Ming Tai-Seale, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute
Use of Hospital-based Services among Young Adults with Behavioral Health Diagnoses Before and After
Health Insurance Expansions
Presenting Author: Ezra Golberstein, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Ellen R Meara, Dartmouth College; Susan Busch, Yale University
Discussant: Lindsey Leininger, University of Illinois-Chicago
Effect of Medicaid coverage generosity on downstream health care use among dual beneficiaries with
psychiatric and physical disabilities
Presenting Author: Marguerite E. Burns, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Co-Author(s): Haiden Huskamp, Harvard Medical School; Jessica C. Smith, University of Wisconsin- Madison;
Stephen B. Soumerai, Harvard Medical School/Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute; Jeanne M Madden, Havard
Medical School/Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Instiute
Discussant: Sarah Meier, Mayo Clinic
Grading Risk-Adjusted Health Plan Payments: Fit, Power, Balance
Presenting Author: Thomas McGuire, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Thomas McGuire, Harvard Medical School; Michael Geruso, University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Randall P Ellis, Boston University
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Public Health Interventions
Presiding: Timothy Classen, Loyola University Chicago
The Impact of State Contraceptive Insurance Mandates
Presenting Author: Anca Cotet, Seton Hall University
Co-Author(s): Angela Dills, Providence College
Discussant: Tami Gurley-Calvez, The University of Kansas Medical Center
The Effect of State-Level Sex Education Policies on Youth Sexual Behaviors
Presenting Author: W. David Bradford, University of Georgia
Co-Author(s): Danielle Atkins, University of Tennesse
Discussant: Timothy Classen, Loyola University Chicago
Public Health Intervention− Impacts and Behavioral Responses
Presenting Author: Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Cornell University, Policy Analysis and Management
Discussant: Michael T Mathes, Vanderbilt University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B3
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Public Insurance and Children
Presiding: Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute
How Does Expanded Public Health Insurance Coverage Impact Health Care Use of Students? Evidence from
a Natural Experiment in France
Presenting Author: Sophie Guthmuller, ISPED Université Bordeaux Segalen / Open Rome
Co-Author(s): Florence Jusot, Université Paris-Dauphine
Discussant: Margaret S Colby, Mathematica Policy Research
Mixed Eligibility and the Affordable Care Act, Healthcare Access and Utilization for Children with Mixed
Eligible Siblings
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Julie L Hudson, AHRQ
Co-Author(s): Salam Abdus, Social and Scientific Systems
Discussant: Damien Sheehan-Connor, Wesleyan University
Health Care Utilization Among Children Enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP Via Express Lane Eligibility
Presenting Author: Margaret S Colby, Mathematica Policy Research
Co-Author(s): Brenda Natzke, Mathematica Policy Research
Discussant: Benjamin D Sommers, Harvard School of Public Health
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Regulatory Dynamics for Drugs and Devices
Presiding: Heather Taffet Gold, New York University School of Medicine
Innovation Under Regulatory Uncertainty: Evidence from Medical Technology
Presenting Author: Ariel Dora Stern, Harvard University
Discussant: Leila Agha, Boston University
Presenting Author: Louis Garrison, Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program
Co-Author(s): Rosanna Tarricone, Universita Bocconi; Antonieta Medina-Lara, University of Exeter; Frank A.
Sloan, Duke University; Ruben E Mujica-Mota, University of Exeter Medical School
Discussant: Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
The Signaling Effects of the FDA Orphan Designation
Presenting Author: Kathleen L. Miller, UNC-Chapel Hill
Discussant: Ernst Berndt, MIT
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 130
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Risks of substance abuse: smoking and alcohol
Presiding: Jody L Sindelar, Yale School of Public Health
A duration analysis of smoking initiation and cessation in China
Presenting Author: Deliana Kostova, CDC
Co-Author(s): Frank J Chaloupka, Health Policy Center, IHRP,UIC
Discussant: Leah Shiferaw, Emory University
Alcohol Demand and the Business Cycle: A Dynamic Panel-Data Analysis of Nielsen Homescan Households
Presenting Author: Richard A Dunn, Texas A&M University
Co-Author(s): Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut; Nathan Tefft, University of Washington
Discussant: Michael T. French, University of Miami
Discrete choice experiment of the demand for e-cigarettes
Presenting Author: Jody L Sindelar, Yale School of Public Health
Discussant: Catherine Maclean, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B2
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Studies of Hospital Readmission
Presiding: Sarah Stith, University of New Mexico
Hospital readmission rate in US states: Is it higher where more chronically ill patients cluster?
Presenting Author: Jayasree Basu, AHRQ
Co-Author(s): Rosa Avila, university of washington
Discussant: Lee R Mobley, Georgia State University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Does Length of Stay and Institution Mix for AMI Patients Affect Subsequent Health and Costs?
Presenting Author: Linnea A Polgreen, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): John M. Brooks, University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health; Elizabeth Cook,
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy; Stephen Welch, University of Iowa
Discussant: Mark Kurt, Elon University
Incentivizing Cost-Effective Reductions in Hospital Readmission Rates
Presenting Author: Kurt E Schnier, University of California, Merced
Co-Author(s): James C Cox, Georgia State University; Vjollca Sadiraj, Georgia State University; John Sweeney,
Emory University
Discussant: Kurt E Schnier, University of California, Merced
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
The Relationship between Investments in Health Information Technology, Provider Efficiency and Health
Presiding: Chad Meyerhoefer, Lehigh University & NBER
The Impact of Electronic Health Record Adoption and Integration on Physician Productivity and Health
Presenting Author: Chad Meyerhoefer, Lehigh University & NBER
Co-Author(s): Mary E Deily, Lehigh University; Susan Sherer, Lehigh University; Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh
University; Lizhong Peng, Lehigh University; Michael Sheinberg, Lehigh Valley Health Network; Donald Levick,
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Discussant: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
Leveraging Electronic Health Records to Improve Hospital Performance: The Role of Management
Presenting Author: Kirstin W Scott, Harvard University
Co-Author(s): Julia Adler-Milstein, University of Michigan; Ashish Jha, Harvard University
Discussant: Bill Encinosa, Georgetown University
Automated Disease Detection and the Demand for Human Experts: The Case of Diabetic Retinopathy
Presenting Author: Lorens Helmchen, George Mason University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Harold Lehmann, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Michael Abràmoff, University
of Iowa Hospital and Clinics
Discussant: Sabrina Terrizzi, Moravian College
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Wellness and Screening
Presiding: John Hsu, MGH, Harvard Medical School
Positively Frightened: Spillover Effects of False-Positive Mammography on Medication Adherence
Presenting Author: Joel Segel, University of Michigan, Department of Health Management and Policy
Discussant: Preeti Zanwar, University of Texas Medical Branch
Do State Coverage Mandates for Preventive Cancer Screenings Change Behavior?
Presenting Author: Wendy Xu, Division of Health Services Management and Policy, College of Public Health, Ohio
State University
Co-Author(s): Bryan Dowd, Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of
Minnesota; Jean Abraham, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Adam Atherly, Colorado School of Public Health
Responding to Reward: Initiation and Maintenance of Regular Exercise in an Incentive-Based Employer
Wellness Program
Presenting Author: Daniel Crespin, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Jean Abraham, University of Minnesota; Alexander Rothman, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Heather Royer, UC Santa Barbara
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Women's Health Issues
Presiding: Osea Giuntella, University of Oxford
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Are Taquerias Healthier than American Fast-Food Restaurants?
Presenting Author: Osea Giuntella, University of Oxford
Discussant: Melanie S L Lefevre, LICOS, KULeuven
Physician induced demand for cesarean sections: does the convenience incentive matter?
Presenting Author: Melanie S L Lefevre, LICOS, KULeuven
Discussant: Sarah A Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Assisted Reproductive Technology and Women's Choice to Pursue Professional Degrees
Presenting Author: Sarah A Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Co-Author(s): Giulia La Mattina, University of South Florida
Discussant: Osea Giuntella, University of Oxford
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Adoption and Diffusion of New Cancer Therapies: Implications for Costs and Policy
Presiding: Heather Taffet Gold, New York University School of Medicine
Trends in the Treatment of Advanced Stage Colon and Rectal Cancer
Presenting Author: Cathy Bradley, Virginia Commonwealth University
Discussant: Fabrice Smieliauskas, University of Chicago, Department of Health Studies
The effect of the diffusion of the Surgical Robot on the hospital-level utilization of partial nephrectomy
Presenting Author: Ganesh Sivarajan, New York University School of Medicine
Co-Author(s): Glen Taksler, Cleveland Clinic; Dawn Walter, New York University School of Medicine; Marc
Bjurlin, New York University School of Medicine; Cary P Gross, Yale University School of Medicine; Raul Ernest
Sosa, New York University School of Medicine; Danil Makarov, New York University School of Medicine
Discussant: Vivian Ho, Rice University
Diffusion and Health Impacts of New Breast Radiotherapy Technology
Presenting Author: Heather Taffet Gold, New York University School of Medicine
Co-Author(s): Dawn Walter, New York University School of Medicine; Huibo Shao, Weill Cornell Medical
College; Mary Katherine Hayes, Weill Cornell Medical College; Eleni Tousimis, Georgetown University
Discussant: Andrew Briggs, University of Glasgow
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B7
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Behavioral Experiments in Health Economics
[Sponsored by The Commonwealth Fund]
Presiding: Geir Godager, University of Oslo
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Professional norms and physician behavior: Homo oeconomicus or homo hippocraticus?
Presenting Author: Iris Kesternich, University of Munich
Co-Author(s): Heiner Schumacher, Aarhus University; Joachim Winter, University of Munich
Discussant: Randall P Ellis, Boston University
The effect of fee-for-service, capitation, and mixed payment systems on physicians’ behavior: Experimental
Presenting Author: Daniel Wiesen, University of Cologne
Co-Author(s): Jeannette Brosig-Koch, University of Duisburg-Essen; Nadja Kairies-Schwarz, University of
Duisburg-Essen; Heike Hennig-Schmidt, University of Bonn; Daniel Wiesen, University of Cologne
Discussant: Sara R Machado, Boston University
Does Prospective Physicians’ Behavior Depend on the Payment System? Results from a Laboratory
Experiment Applying a Within-Subject-Design
Presenting Author: Geir Godager, University of Oslo
Co-Author(s): Jian Wang, Shandong University; Heike Hennig-Schmidt, University of Bonn; Jing Lin, Max Planck
Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Discussant: Tom Chang, USC Marshall School of Business
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B3
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Exploring Early ACA Impacts: Implications for Health Insurance Coverage
Presiding: Catherine McLaughlin, Mathematica Policy Research
Early Changes in Employer-Sponsored Insurance and Worker Outcomes under the Affordable Care Act:
Real-Time Survey Results from the Health Reform Monitoring Survey
Presenting Author: Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute
Co-Author(s): Frederic Blavin, The Urban Institute
Discussant: Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Small Businesses and Health Reform
Presenting Author: Catherine McLaughlin, Mathematica Policy Research
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Co-Author(s): Adam Swinburn, Mathematica Policy Research
Discussant: Jessica Vistnes, AHRQ
Coverage Impacts of Early State Medicaid Expansions under Health Reform
Presenting Author: Benjamin D Sommers, Harvard School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute; Arnold Epstein, Harvard School of Public Health
Discussant: Margaret S Colby, Mathematica Policy Research
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Health Behaviors
Presiding: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University
The Effects of Language Proficiency on the Health and Health Behavior of Immigrants
Presenting Author: N. Meltem Daysal, University of Southern Denmark
Co-Author(s): Mircea Trandafir, University of Southern Denmark; Ana Ferrer, University of Waterloo
Discussant: Sarah Bohn, PPIC
Does Violent Crime Deter Physical Activity?
Presenting Author: Katharina M Janke, University of Bristol
Co-Author(s): Carol Propper, Imperial College London; Michael A Shields, Monash University
Discussant: Jane E Ruseski, West Virginia University
How Does Time Use Affect the Likelihood of Becoming Obese?
Presenting Author: Joshua C Pinkston, University of Louisville
Co-Author(s): Charles Courtemanche, Georgia State University; Jay Stewart, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Discussant: Olga Yakusheva, Marquette University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 118/120
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Health Care Use for Specific Diseases
Presiding: Frederic Selck, National Center for Health Statistics
Health Services Use and Health Status Among People with Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Diseases
Presenting Author: Chien-Ching Li, Rush University, Department of Health Systems Management
Discussant: Amanda Honeycutt, RTI International
Presenting Author: Preeti Zanwar, University of Texas Medical Branch
Discussant: Frederic Selck, National Center for Health Statistics
Can we identify the impact of social capital on cancer severity and mortality? An exploratory study based on
health surveys and national register data
Presenting Author: Eline Aas, University of Oslo
Co-Author(s): Gudrun MW Bjørnelv, University of Oslo; Geir Godager, University of Oslo
Discussant: Nengliang (Aaron) Yao, Virginia Commonwealth University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 101
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Innovation, Diffusion, and Valuation of New Medical Technologies
Presiding: Leila Agha, Boston University
The Effect of U.S. Health Insurance Expansions on Medical Innovation
Presenting Author: Jeffrey P Clemens, University of California, San Diego
Discussant: Jonathan Kolstad, University of Pennsylvania
The Local Influence of Principal Investigators on Technology Adoption
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Presenting Author: Leila Agha, Boston University
Co-Author(s): David Molitor, University of Illinois
Discussant: David Chan, Stanford
The Insurance Value of Medical Innovation
Presenting Author: Julian Reif, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Co-Author(s): Darius Lackdawalla, University of Southern California; Anup Malani, JD, University of Chicago
Discussant: Marika Cabral, UT Austin, Department of Economics
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Labor Markets and Health
Presiding: Mark H. Showalter, Brigham Young University
Wages, Benefits, and Worker Sorting Under Asymmetric Information
Presenting Author: Mark H. Showalter, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Brandy Lipton, CDC
Immigration, Working Conditions, and Health
Presenting Author: Fabrizio Mazzonna, University of Lugano
Co-Author(s): Osea Giuntella, University of Oxford
Discussant: Bastian Ravesteijn, Tinbergen Institute
The Wear and Tear on Health: What is the Role of Occupation?
Presenting Author: Bastian Ravesteijn, Tinbergen Institute
Discussant: Mark H. Showalter, Brigham Young University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B1
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Market Structure and Market Power in Hospital and Physician Markets
Presiding: Matthew S Lewis, Clemson University
Hospital Systems and Bargaining Power: Evidence from Out-Of-Market Acquisitions
Presenting Author: Matthew S Lewis, Clemson University
Co-Author(s): Kevin Pflum, University of Alabama
Discussant: Samuel Kleiner, Cornell University
Price Effects of Hospital Mergers When the Hospitals are in Different Markets
Presenting Author: Leemore Dafny, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Co-Author(s): Kate Ho, Columbia University; Robin Lee, New York University, Stern School of Business
Discussant: Kevin Pflum, University of Alabama
Physician Practice Consolidation and Prices for Physician Services
Presenting Author: Anne Beeson Royalty, IUPUI
Co-Author(s): Laurence Baker, Stanford University; Kate Bundorf, Stanford University
Discussant: William D. White, Cornell University, Sloan Program in Health Administration
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Moral Hazard Effects
Presiding: Mark Pauly, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Predictors of late-stage cancer diagnoses: multilevel factors and spatial interactions across the entire US
cancer population
Presenting Author: Lee R Mobley, Georgia State University
Co-Author(s): Tzy-Mey Kuo, UNC Chapel Hill
Discussant: H. E. Frech, University of California, UCSB
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
The Effect of Copayments on Non-urgent Emergency Department Visits among Adult Medicaid Enrollees
Presenting Author: Lindsay M Sabik, Virginia Commonwealth University
Co-Author(s): Sabina O Gandhi, RTI International
Discussant: Karoline Mortensen, University of Maryland
Moral Hazard and Economies of Scope in Physician Ownership of Complementary Medical Services
Presenting Author: Brian K. Chen, University of South Carolina
Co-Author(s): Paul Gertler, University of California; Chun-Yuh Yang, Kaohsiung Medical University
Discussant: Karen Eggleston, Stanford University
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Obesity in Young People
Presiding: John Cawley, Cornell University
The Effect of Sleep Duration on Body Weight in Adolescents: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Presenting Author: Young Kyung Do, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Discussant: Bisakha Sen, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Does Banning Carbonated Beverages in Schools Decrease Student Consumption?
Presenting Author: Shirlee Lichtman-Sadot, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Discussant: Lorenzo Almada, Georgia State University
The More the Heavier? Family Size and Childhood Obesity
Presenting Author: Ashlesha Datar, Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern
Discussant: Leigh A Leung, City University of New York Graduate Center
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 103
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Optimizing Medicaid policies for persons with mental illness
[Sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health]
Presiding: Anne Libby, University of Colorado
Effects of the Colorado Medicaid Accountable Care Collaborative on Psychotropic Polypharmacy for Foster
Presenting Author: Anne Libby, University of Colorado
Co-Author(s): Judy Zerzan, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing; Daniel Hartung, Oregon
State University
Discussant: Kenneth John McConnell, Oregon Health & Sci. Univ.
Restoring Medicaid Coverage to Persons with Mental Illness Released from Prison
Presenting Author: Marisa E. Domino, University of North Carolina
Co-Author(s): Joseph P. Morrissey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Gary S Cuddeback, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Jennifer Jolley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discussant: Alison Cuellar, George Mason Univ
Estimating the impacts of Medicaid coverage expansions on psychiatric inpatient utilization and expenditures
Presenting Author: Eric Slade, University of Maryland, School of Medicine
Discussant: Timothy Layton, Boston University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B2
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Pricing, Payment, and Hospital Outcomes
Presiding: Chapin White, RAND Corporation
Measuring the Hospital Length of Stay/Readmission Cost Trade-off under a Bundled Payment Mechanism
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Kathleen Carey, Boston University School of Public Health
Discussant: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
Hospital responses to price changes: Evidence from the 2007 switch to MS-DRGs
Presenting Author: Aditi Sen, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
Cutting Medicare Hospital Prices Leads to a Spillover Reduction in Utilization Among the Nonelderly
Presenting Author: Chapin White, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Jing Guo, American Institutes for Research
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Public and Private Insurance Spillovers 1
Presiding: Noelia Duchovny, Congressional Budget Office
Spillover Effects of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions on Private Health Insurance Markets
Presenting Author: Christine Eibner, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Sean M Lyons, Cornell University
How changes to rating rules under the ACA might affect Medicare spending
Presenting Author: Alexandra Minicozzi, Congressional Budget Office
Co-Author(s): Noelia Duchovny, Congressional Budget Office; Jessica Banthin, Congressional Budget Office
Discussant: Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Migrating to Medicaid? The Potential Spillover Effects of Expanding Medicaid Under Health Reform
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Aaron L Schwartz, Harvard University PhD Program in Health Policy
Co-Author(s): Benjamin D Sommers, Harvard School of Public Health
Discussant: Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
The Great Recession and Health
Presiding: Irina B Grafova, Rutgers School of Public Health
The Impact of Diminished Housing Wealth on Health: Evidence from the Great Recession
Presenting Author: Patryk Babiarz, University of Alabama
Co-Author(s): Fen Liu, Ohio State University; Tansel Yilmazer, The Ohio State University
Discussant: Dean Lillard, The Ohio State University
Healthcare Utilization during the Great Recession: Findings from a Panel of U.S. Workers
Presenting Author: Rita Hamad, Stanford University
Co-Author(s): Mark R Cullen, Stanford University; Sepideh Modrek, Stanford University
Discussant: Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois
How Does Family Health Care Use Respond to Economic Shocks? Evidence from the Great Recession
Presenting Author: Alan C. Monheit, Rutgers School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Irina B Grafova, Rutgers School of Public Health; Rizie Kumar, Rutgers School of Public Health
Discussant: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 130
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Weight Loss Program Effectiveness and Influencing Factors
Presiding: Wen You, Virginia Tech
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
A Field Experiment of the Effect of Cost Sharing on An Employee Weight Loss Program
Presenting Author: Kevin G. Volpp, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Leslie K John, Harvard Business School; Andrea Troxel, Univerisity of Pennsylvania; Joelle
Friedman, University of Pennsylvania; Scott Halpern, University of Pennsylvania; William Yancy, Duke; George
Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University
Discussant: Jody L Sindelar, Yale School of Public Health
Deeper Look at Weight Loss Program Effectiveness: Beyond Prevalence Rate Reduction
Presenting Author: Jackie Yenerall, Virginia Tech
Co-Author(s): Wen You, Virginia Tech; Paul Estabrooks, Virginia Tech
Discussant: Deliana Kostova, CDC
The Effect of Education on Obesity: Evidence from College Attendance during the Vietnam War
Presenting Author: Daniel Grossman, Cornell University
Co-Author(s): Damien deWalque, World Bank; John Cawley, Cornell University
Discussant: Michael F. Pesko, Weill Cornell Medical College
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 101
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Economics of Addictive Behaviors
[Sponsored by the National Institute of Drug Abuse]
Presiding: Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation
The Role of Epigenetics versus Environment on Addictive Behaviors
Presenting Author: Titus J Galama, USC Center for Economic and Social Research
Co-Author(s): Gabriella Conti, University College London
Discussant: Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation
Early childhood adversity, mental health, and substance use: The role of parental investments
Presenting Author: Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Ioana Popovici, Nova Southeastern University; Michael T. French, University of Miami
Discussant: Joseph Sabia, San Diego State University
Is There a Stepping-Stone Effect in Drug Use? Separating State Dependence from Unobserved Heterogeneity
Within and Across Illicit Drugs
Presenting Author: Monica Deza, University of Texas Dallas
Discussant: Kohei Enami, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Health Economics and Decision Analysis at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, I
Presiding: Adam Skelton, CDC
Utilization and Costs of Informal Caregiving Among Congestive Heart Failure Patients
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Heesoo Joo, CDC
Discussant: Ram K Shrestha, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimating the Cost of Increasing Retention in Care for HIV-Infected Patients: Results of the CDC/HRSA
Retention in Care Trial
Presenting Author: Ram K Shrestha, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Ji Lin, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Projection of diabetes burden in the US adult population through 2060
Presenting Author: Ji Lin, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Heesoo Joo, CDC
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Health IT, Nurses, and Outcomes
Presiding: Seth Freedman, Indiana University
Market Dynamics and Health Information Exchange
Presenting Author: Sunita Desai, University of Pennsylvania, Health Care Management & Economics
Discussant: Jeffrey S McCullough, University of Minnesota
Value Added of Nurses in Acute Care
Presenting Author: Olga Yakusheva, Marquette University
Co-Author(s): Richard Lindrooth, University of Colorado Denver; Marianne Weiss, Marquette University
Discussant: Haizhen Lin, Indiana University
Are There Heterogeneous Effects of Electronic Medical Records Adoption on Patient Health Outcomes?
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Haizhen Lin, Indiana University
Co-Author(s): Haizhen Lin, Indiana University; Jeffrey Prince, Indiana University; Seth Freedman, Indiana
Discussant: Jeffrey S McCullough, University of Minnesota
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
HIV and Prevention Economics
Presiding: John Romley, University of Southern California
HIV Treatment, Mortality, and Labor Market Outcomes in Malawi
Presenting Author: Jeremy Barofsky, Schaeffer Center For Health Policy and Economics
Co-Author(s): Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics; Zachary Wagner, UC Berkeley
Discussant: Omar Galarraga, Brown University
Repeat HIV Testing and Risky Sexual Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Malawi
Presenting Author: Zachary Wagner, UC Berkeley
Co-Author(s): Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics; Adeline Delavande, University of
Discussant: Manisha Shah, University of California, Los Angeles
Presenting Author: Emmanuel F Drabo, Titus Family Department of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Co-Author(s): Joel Hay, University of Southern California; Raffaele Vardavas, RAND Corporation; Zachary
Wagner, UC Berkeley; Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Discussant: John Romley, University of Southern California
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 130
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Hospital Integration, Ownership, and Outcomes
Presiding: William D. White, Cornell University, Sloan Program in Health Administration
Hospital Mergers and Quality of Care: Evidence from Heart Attack Patients and Pregnancy Outcomes in
Presenting Author: Shanshan Liu, Lehigh University
Co-Author(s): Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh University
Discussant: Rexford Santerre, University of Connecticut, School of Business
Hospital Ownership Type and Service Provision
Presenting Author: Esra Eren Bayindir, Ipek University
Discussant: Nathan E. Wilson, Federal Trade Commission
The Effects of Vertical Integration on Health Care Costs and Patient Outcomes
Presenting Author: Peter Huckfeldt, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Carrie H Colla, The Dartmouth Institute
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 103
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Incentives and Prevention: Research supported by the NIH Common Fund Health Economics Program
Presiding: Gregory Bloss, NIH / NIAAA
Financial versus Health Motivation to Quit Smoking: A Randomized Field Study
Presenting Author: Jody L Sindelar, Yale School of Public Health
Discussant: Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
The Impact of Wellness Programs and Incentives on Preventive Services
Presenting Author: Alison Cuellar, George Mason Univ
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Adam Atherly, Colorado School of Public Health
Evaluation of Rewards Program for Preventive Care
Presenting Author: Roland Sturm, RAND
Discussant: Ya-Chen Tina Shih, University of Chicago Department of Medicine
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Inside the Institutional Black-box: A Closer Look at Physicians
Presiding: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Learning and Authority: Dynamics of Housestaff Practice Styles
Presenting Author: David Chan, Stanford
Discussant: David Molitor, University of Illinois
The effect of ACGME resident duty hour reforms on outcomes of physicians after completion of residency
Presenting Author: Anupam Jena, Harvard University
Co-Author(s): Lena Schoemaker, Stanford University; Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University
Discussant: Geoffrey Joyce, University of Southern California
Physician-Hospital Stability and Mortality in Cardiology
Presenting Author: Andrew Wilcock, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Kate Bundorf, Stanford University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B7
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Insurance and Incentives for Health
Presiding: Laurence Baker, Stanford University
The Long-Term Impacts of Medicaid
Presenting Author: Michel H Boudreaux, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Ezra Golberstein, University of Minnesota; Donna McAlpine, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Heather Dahlen, University of Minnesota, SHADAC
Presenting Author: Michael R Richards, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Joachim E Marti, University of Leeds
Discussant: Adam Leive, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Health Insurance Subsidies Reduce Mortality for Low Income Individuals
Presenting Author: Martin Andersen, Johns Hopkins University
Co-Author(s): Simona Grassi, University of Lausanne; Mark A Dusheiko, University of Lausanne
Discussant: Benjamin D Sommers, Harvard School of Public Health
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Long Term Impacts of Obesity
Presiding: John Cawley, Cornell University
The time trends and the determinants of adult obesity measured by a fatness-based index
Presenting Author: Minchul Kim, University of California Davis
Discussant: Euna Han, Gachon University
Why is obesity trickling down to lower income classes in China? a longitudinal decomposition
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Tom Van Ourti, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Co-Author(s): Darjusch Tafreschi, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Discussant: Laura Vallejo-Torres, Universidad de la Laguna
Obesity and Long-Term Earnings
Presenting Author: Liisa Väisänen, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Ari Hyytinen, University of Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics
Discussant: Wenjia Zhu, Boston University
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Mental Health Treatment Across the Lifecourse
Presiding: Derek S Brown, Washington University in St. Louis
Role of Pro-social behavior in the causal pathway from Economic conditions early in life to cognitive decline
in the elderly
Presenting Author: Sumedha Gupta, Indiana University, Purdue University
Discussant: Cyril F Chang, The University of Memphis
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Receipt of Specialty Services among Children with Mental Health Need
Enrolled in the Children's Mental Health Initiative
Presenting Author: Susan L Ettner, University of California Los Angeles, Schools of Medicine and Public Health
Co-Author(s): Ioana Popescu, UCLA; Anya Krivelyova, ICF Macro; Haiyong Xu, UCLA
Discussant: Derek S Brown, Washington University in St. Louis
Early Onset Mood Disorders, Human Capital Accumulation, and Labor Market Outcomes in Early
Presenting Author: Erin Kaplan, Rhodes College
Discussant: Asako Moriya, Indiana University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Physician Practice Patterns
Presiding: Coady Wing, University of Illinois
The Impact of an Increased Perception of Malpractice Liability on the Practice of Defensive Medicine
Presenting Author: Brian K. Chen, University of South Carolina
Discussant: Karen Eggleston, Stanford University
Will Medical Homes Impact Health Care Services Utilization and Costs? Lessons from Family Medicine
Groups (Canada)
Presenting Author: Mehdi Ammi, Carleton University
Co-Author(s): Erin Strumpf, McGill University; Mamadou Diop, Direction de Sante Publique de Montreal; Julie
Fiset-Laniel, Direction de Sante Publique de Montreal; Pierre Tousignant, Direction de Sante Publique de Montreal
Discussant: Coady Wing, University of Illinois
The Effects of Quality Standards on Healthcare Provider Behavior: Evidence from Organ Transplantation
Presenting Author: Sarah Stith, University of New Mexico
Co-Author(s): Richard Hirth, University of Michigan
Discussant: Brady P Horn, University of New Mexico
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B1
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Public and Private Insurance Spillovers 2
Presiding: Thomas Rice, UCLA School of Public Health
The Effects of State Medicaid Expansions on Medicare Beneficiaries
Presenting Author: Jennifer M. Mellor, College of William and Mary
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Melissa McInerney, College of William and Mary; Lindsay M Sabik, Virginia Commonwealth
Discussant: James Marton, Georgia State University
Medicare Managed Care Spillovers and Treatment Intensity
Presenting Author: Kevin Callison, Grand Valley State University
Discussant: Troy Quast, Sam Houston State University
The Impact of Means-Tested Medicare Part B Premiums on Retirement
Presenting Author: Padmaja Ayyagari, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
Discussant: Thomas Rice, UCLA School of Public Health
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B3
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Rising Premium Costs, the Cadillac Tax, and Employers' Demand for Labor
Presiding: Alice Zawacki, US Bureau of the Census
Bending the Cost Curve: Explaining the Recent Slowdown in Premium Growth for Employer-Sponsored
Presenting Author: Alice Zawacki, US Bureau of the Census
Co-Author(s): Thomas Selden, AHRQ; Jessica Vistnes, AHRQ
Discussant: Jean Abraham, University of Minnesota
Rising Health Insurance Costs and the Trade-off Between Hours and Employment
Presenting Author: Kristin McCue, Census Bureau
Discussant: Kosali Simon, Indiana University
The Cadillac Tax: Targeting "Luxury" in a High-Cost World
Presenting Author: Jessica Vistnes, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Edward Miller, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Thomas Selden, AHRQ
Discussant: Alan C. Monheit, Rutgers School of Public Health
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B2
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
The Wages of Nurses
Presiding: Peter Buerhaus, Vanderbilt University
Relative Quality of Foreign Nurses in the United States
Presenting Author: Patricia Cortes, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore
Discussant: Edward Schumacher, Trinity University
The Return of Men to Nursing
Presenting Author: Elizabeth L. Munnich, University of Louisville
Co-Author(s): Abigail Wozniak, University of Notre Dame
Discussant: Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
Licensing and Liability: The Effects of Scope of Practice Laws and Tort Reform on Nurse Practitioner and
Physician Assistant Income
Presenting Author: Benjamin J. McMichael, Vanderbilt University
Discussant: Joanne Spetz, University of California, San Francisco
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 118/120
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Women's Health Care
Presiding: Joel Segel, University of Michigan, Department of Health Management and Policy
Social Interactions and Breast Cancer Prevention Among Women over 50 in the U.S
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Natallia Gray, University of South Florida
Co-Author(s): Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida
Discussant: Joel Segel, University of Michigan, Department of Health Management and Policy
Impact of the 2009 United States Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations for Breast Cancer
Screening on Utilization of Mammography: A Longitudinal Data Analysis
Presenting Author: Nengliang (Aaron) Yao, Virginia Commonwealth University
Co-Author(s): Cathy Bradley, Virginia Commonwealth University; Patricia M Miranda, Penn State
Discussant: David Howard, Emory University
The Impact of Family Planning Funding Cuts on Preventive Care
Presenting Author: Yao Lu, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Co-Author(s): David Slusky, Princeton University
Discussant: James Bailey, Temple University - Department of Economics
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, 4:45 PM – 6:15 PM
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Early Life Endowments and the Production of Skill and Health Capital
Presiding: Titus J Galama, USC Center for Economic and Social Research
A Dynamic Model of Health, Education and Wealth with Credit Constraints and Rational Addiction
Presenting Author: Rong Hai, University of Chicago
Co-Author(s): James Heckman, University of Chicago
Discussant: Arie Kapteyn, University of Southern California Center for Economic and Social Research
Personality, Education, and Health-Related Outcomes
Presenting Author: Peter Savelyev, Vanderbilt University
Co-Author(s): Kegon Tan, University of Wisconsin
Discussant: Erik Meijer, Center for Economic and Social Research
A Theory of Early-Life Parental and Middle- and Late-Life Own Investments in Health
Presenting Author: Titus J Galama, USC Center for Economic and Social Research
Co-Author(s): Gabriella Conti, University of Chicago; James Heckman, University of Chicago
Discussant: Rebecca Kilburn, RAND Corporation
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B1
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Economics of Patents
Presiding: Ernst Berndt, MIT
Settlement of Brand-Generic Patent Disputes in Pharmaceuticals: Risk Mitigation or Anticompetitive Payfor-Delay?
Presenting Author: Keith M Drake, Greylock McKinnon Associates
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Martha A Starr, Greylock McKinnon Associates; Thomas McGuire, Harvard Medical School
Discussant: Laura E Panattoni, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute
Pharmaceutical Patent Challenges and Their Implications for Innovation and Generic Competition
Presenting Author: Henry Grabowski, Duke University
Co-Author(s): Rahul Guha, Cornerstone Research; Carlos Brain, Cornerstone Research; Anna Taub, Cornerstone
Discussant: W. David Bradford, University of Georgia
Pharmaceuticals, Incremental Innovation and Market Exclusivity
Presenting Author: Nina Yin, Tulane University
Discussant: Rong Hai, University of Chicago
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Effects of Policies on the Use of Health Care Services
Presiding: Leigh A Leung, Brown University
Medicaid Pay-For-Performance (P4P) Programs and the Use of Preventive Care Services
Presenting Author: Tianyan Hu, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh University
Discussant: Nicolas A Stacey, Brown University
Effect of Cost-Sharing on the Demand for Preventive Cardiovascular Disease Screening: Evidence from
Presenting Author: Shailender Swaminathan, Brown University
Co-Author(s): Leigh A Leung, Brown University
Discussant: Kandice Kapinos, Abt Associates
Moral Hazard and Less Invasive Medical Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease
Presenting Author: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Michael Grossman, National Bureau of Economic Research; Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh University; Jesse
Margolis, City University of New York Graduate Center
Discussant: Christina Marsh, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B3
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Effects of the ACA
Presiding: Scott Harrington, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Health Insurance and the Supply of Entrepreneurs: New Evidence from the Affordable Care Act's
Dependent Coverage Mandate
Presenting Author: James Bailey, Temple University - Department of Economics
Discussant: Steven Hill, U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Thanks, Mom and Dad: Coverage and Selection among Young Adults after the Affordable Care Act's
Dependent Coverage Expansion
Presenting Author: Emily R Gee, Boston University
Discussant: Lindsay M Sabik, Virginia Commonwealth University
Early Evidence on Federal Rate Review Regulation and Premiums in the Individual and Small Group
Presenting Author: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Brent Fulton, University of California at Berkeley; Richard Scheffler, University of California at
Discussant: Scott Harrington, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 118/120
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Equity and Health Economics
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presiding: Linda Dynan, Northern Kentucky University
Interventions to Increase High School Completion Rate among School-aged Children and Youth to Promote
Health Equity: A Systematic Economic Review
Presenting Author: Shuli Qu, CDC
Does Having Health Insurance Reduce Poverty? A Health Inclusive Poverty Measure under the
Massachusetts Reform
Presenting Author: Dahlia Remler, Baruch College, CUNY
Co-Author(s): Sanders Korenman, Baruch College, City University of New York
Discussant: Linda Dynan, Northern Kentucky University
Backdating to Dialysis: Effects on Access and Policy Implications”
Presenting Author: Sarah Stith, University of New Mexico
Co-Author(s): Randall S Sung, University of Michigan
Discussant: Eric J. Lammers, Mathematica Policy Research
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B7
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Health Insurance Expansions, Access, and Utilization
Presiding: Brandy Lipton, CDC
Acceptance of New Medicaid Patients by Primary Care Physicians and Experiences with Physician
Availability among Children on Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program
Presenting Author: Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Deliana Kostova, CDC
The Affordable Care Act and HPV Vaccine Take-Up
Presenting Author: Brandy Lipton, CDC
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Alan C. Monheit, Rutgers University School of Public Health
Expanding Public Insurance to Rural Wisconsin Low-Income Childless Adults Increases the Use of Medical
Presenting Author: Thomas DeLeire, Georgetown University
Co-Author(s): Marguerite Burns, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Laura Dague, Texas A&M University; Lindsey
Leininger, University of Illinois-Chicago
Discussant: Frederic Selck, National Center for Health Statistics
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 103
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Hospital Organization, Regulation, and Outcomes
Presiding: Rexford Santerre, University of Connecticut, School of Business
Repeal of CON Laws and Health Outcomes
Presenting Author: Sabrina Terrizzi, Moravian College
Co-Author(s): Yang Wang, Lafayette College; Susan Averett, Lafayette College
Discussant: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
Hospitalists and Hospital Productivity
Presenting Author: Rezwan Haque, Harvard University
Co-Author(s): Robert Huckman, Harvard University
Discussant: Anupam Jena, Harvard University
Externalities of Inter-facility Patient Sharing: Diffusion of Healthcare Acquired Infections
Presenting Author: Jacob E Simmering, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): Linnea A Polgreen, University of Iowa; Joseph E Cavanaugh, University of Iowa; Philip M Polgreen,
University of Iowa
Discussant: Erik Nesson, Ball State University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 101
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Insurance and Financial Outcomes
Presiding: Richard Hirth, University of Michigan
The Effects of Medicare on Medical Expenditure Risk and Financial Strain
Presenting Author: Mireille Jacobson, University of California Irvine
Co-Author(s): Silvia H Barcellos, University of Southern California
Discussant: Helen Levy, University of Michigan
New Evidence on the Persistence of High Health Spending
Presenting Author: Anup Das, University of Michigan
Co-Author(s): Richard Hirth, University of Michigan; Helen Levy, University of Michigan; Teresa Gibson,
Thomson Reuters; Jeffrey Smith, University of Michigan; Sebastian Calonico, University of Michigan
Discussant: Irina B Grafova, Rutgers School of Public Health
Managing Financial Risk through Social Health Insurance: Welfare Effects of an Indian Health Insurance
Scheme for the Poor
Presenting Author: Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Co-Author(s): Arnab Mukherji, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore; Zachary Wagner, UC Berkeley; Patrick
Mullen, World Bank
Discussant: William H. Dow, University of California, Berkeley
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
International Health Economics
Presiding: Lorens Helmchen, George Mason University
International Health Economics
Presenting Author: Tomas J Philipson, University of Chicago
Co-Author(s): Mark L Egan, University of Chicago Department of Economics
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Martin Gaynor, Carnegie Mellon University
Does the Health Care Kuznets Curve Exist? Evidence from China, 1949-2010
Presenting Author: Xuezheng Qin, Peking University
Co-Author(s): Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Duke Global Health Institute
Discussant: Daniel S Tello, Vanderbilt University
The welfare impact of parallel imports: A structural approach applied to the German market for oral antidiabetics
Presenting Author: Moritz Suppliet, Dusseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)
Co-Author(s): Tomaso Duso, DIW Berlin; Annika Herr, Dusseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)
Discussant: Lorens Helmchen, George Mason University
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW 130
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Market Concentration in Health Care and Health Insurance Markets
Presiding: Andrew Friedson, University of Colorado Denver
How Do Health Insurer Market Concentration and Bargaining Power with Hospitals Affect Health Insurance
Presenting Author: Erin Trish, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Co-Author(s): Bradley Herring, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Discussant: Vivian Wu, USC
Discounts and Denials: Insurance Company and Provider Bargaining
Presenting Author: Andrew Friedson, University of Colorado Denver
Discussant: John Romley, University of Southern California
Provider Market Power and Health Care Costs: Evidence from Claims Data
Presenting Author: Reagan Baughman, University of NH
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Benjamin Crost, UC-Denver
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Modeling the workforce demand impacts of the Affordable Care Act
Presiding: Peter Buerhaus, RN, FAAN, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Projecting Local Healthcare Use in the US through 2030
Presenting Author: Mark Holmes, UNC-Chapel Hill
Co-Author(s): Erin Fraher, Sheps Center (UNC); Marisa Morrison, Sheps Center (UNC)
Discussant: Steve Parente, University or Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Projected Job Growth under the Affordable Care Act and Strategies to Ensure Adequate Supply
Presenting Author: Bianca K. Frogner, The George Washington University
Co-Author(s): Joanne Spetz, University of California, San Francisco; Steve Parente, University or Minnesota,
Carlson School of Management
Discussant: Jean Abraham, University of Minnesota
The Impacts of Health Care Reform on Hospital Salaries, Wages, and Hours: Lessons from Massachusetts
Presenting Author: Melanie Cozad, Furman University
Co-Author(s): Susan Feng Lu, University of Rochester
Discussant: David Auerbach, RAND
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Presiding: Rena Conti, University of Chicago
Do Statins Protect Against Pneumonia?
Presenting Author: Linnea A Polgreen, University of Iowa
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Philip M Polgreen, University of Iowa; Elizabeth Cook, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
Discussant: Rena Conti, University of Chicago
Pricing trends in the market for anticancer drugs
Presenting Author: David Howard, Emory University
Co-Author(s): Rena Conti, University of Chicago
Discussant: Mary C. Schroeder, University of Iowa
Presenting Author: Richard Grieve, LSHTM
Co-Author(s): Jasjeet Sekhon, University of California
Discussant: Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Roles of Financial and Nonfinancial Incentives in Health Promotion
Presiding: Wen You, Virginia Tech
Designing Financial Incentives to Maximize Participation of Target Populations in Weight Loss Programs
Presenting Author: Wen You, Virginia Tech
Co-Author(s): Yuan Yuan, Virginia Tech; Kevin Boyle, Virginia Tech
Discussant: Nathan Tefft, University of Washington
Personality Traits and Body Weight: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
Presenting Author: Asia Sikora, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Co-Author(s): Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Michael R Richards, University of Pennsylvania
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Financial Incentives for Home-Based Health Monitoring
Presenting Author: Aditi Sen, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Kevin G. Volpp, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Todd Olmstead, LBJ School of Public Affairs; UT-Austin
Monday, June 23, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Sex, Substance Use, and Salacious TV
Presiding: Joseph Sabia, San Diego State University
The Effect of Changes in Emergency Contraception Availability on Pregnancy Intendedness: Evidence from
Presenting Author: Christine Durrance, UNC-Chapel Hill
Co-Author(s): Danielle Atkins, University of Georgia; W. David Bradford, University of Georgia
Discussant: Karen S Conway, University of New Hampshire
Do Recessions Rein in Your Teen?
Presenting Author: Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Co-Author(s): Laura Argys, University of Colorado, Denver
Discussant: Susan Averett, Lafayette College
The Role of New Media on Teen Sexual Behaviors and Fertility Outcomes
Presenting Author: Jennifer Trudeau, University of New Hampshire
Discussant: Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Monday, June 23, 2014, LAW B2
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
The Impacts of Medical Marijuana Laws
Presiding: Christopher Carpenter, Vanderbilt University
The impact of medical marijuana laws on youth attitudes toward and use of illicit substances
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Joanne Spetz, University of California, San Francisco
Co-Author(s): Laura Schmidt, UCSF
Discussant: D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University
The Effect of legalization Medical Marijuana on Emergency Room Visits Involving Other Substances
Presenting Author: D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University
Discussant: Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation
Do Medical Marijuana Laws Increase Hard Drug Use?
Presenting Author: Yu-Wei Luke Chu, Victoria University of Wellington
Discussant: Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
- 55 Updated on May 20, 2014
ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 103
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Can self-reported health measures be more useful to health economists?
Presiding: Thomas Rice, UCLA School of Public Health
Anchoring vignettes and measures of health: adjusting for systematic differences in reporting behaviour
Presenting Author: Paula Lorgelly, Monash University
Co-Author(s): Rachel J Knott, Monash University; Nicole Au, Monash University; Bruce P. Hollingsworth, Furness
College, Lancaster University
Discussant: Susan L Ettner, University of California Los Angeles, Schools of Medicine and Public Health
Mis-Reporting and heterogeneous reporting behaviours in models of self reported health
Presenting Author: Mark Harris, Curtin University
Co-Author(s): Bruce P. Hollingsworth, Furness College, Lancaster University; William Greene, NYU; Nigel Rice,
University of York
Discussant: John Wildman, Newcastle University
Anchoring vignettes and self-assessed ratings: Monte-Carlo evidence on specification
Presenting Author: Nigel Rice, University of York
Co-Author(s): William Greene, NYU; Mark Harris, Curtin University
Discussant: Teresa Bago d'Uva, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B7
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Causes and Consequences of Health Plan Choice
Presiding: Sebastian Bauhoff, MPAID, RAND Corporation
Health Insurance for “Humans”: Information Frictions, Plan Choice, and Consumer Welfare
Presenting Author: Jonathan Kolstad, University of Pennsylvania
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Benjamin R Handel, UC Berkeley
Discussant: Joachim Winter, University of Munich
Selection Effects Versus Default Power: The Choices of Terminated Medicare Advantage Clients
Presenting Author: Anna Sinaiko, MPP, Harvard School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Richard Frank, Harvard University; Richard Zeckhauser, Harvard Kennedy School
Discussant: Ashley Swanson, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
The Price Sensitivity of Health Plan Choice among Retirees: Evidence from the German Social Health
Presenting Author: Amelie Wuppermann, LMU Munich
Co-Author(s): Sebastian Bauhoff, MPAID, RAND Corporation; Markus Grabka, DIW
Discussant: Jason Abaluck, Yale School of Management
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 101
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Coverage expansion and the demand for health services: New data sources for measuring access
Presiding: Katherine Hempstead, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Monitoring Demands for Hospital Care: An Analysis of State Discharge Data
Presenting Author: Katherine Hempstead, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Discussant: Sujoy Chakravarty, Rutgers University
Using an Internet-Based Survey to Measure Coverage and Access to Health Care: The Health Reform
Monitoring Survey
Presenting Author: Stephen Zuckerman, The Urban Institute
Co-Author(s): Sharon K. Long, The Urban Institute; Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute; Dana Goin, The Urban
Discussant: Pamela Farley Short, The Pennsylvania State University
Assessing Access to New Patient appointments: Comparing Survey to Audit Methodology
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: John Graves, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 130
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Demand for Illicit Drugs
Presiding: Andrew Epstein, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Estimating the Price Elasticities of Demand for Illicit Drugs: Real-World vs. Laboratory Data
Presenting Author: Todd Olmstead, LBJ School of Public Affairs; UT-Austin
Co-Author(s): Sheila Alessi, University of Connecticut Health Center; Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND
Corporation; Nancy Petry, University of Connecticut Health Center; Brendan Kline, UT-Austin
Discussant: Brendan Salomer, University of Pennsylvania
Substance Use Disorder Treatment under New Payment and Delivery System Models
Presenting Author: Haiden Huskamp, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Colleen L Barry, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Discussant: Wendy Xu, Division of Health Services Management and Policy, College of Public Health, Ohio State
Estimating Demand for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Models
Presenting Author: Susan Busch, Yale University
Co-Author(s): Colleen L Barry, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; Andrew Epstein, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine; David Fiellin, Yale University
Discussant: Li Wang, Penn State University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B1
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Drivers of Health Care Costs
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presiding: Don Kenkel, Cornell University
Presenting Author: Galina Besstremyannaya, New Economic School, CEFIR
Discussant: Mark Pauly, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Federally-Qualified Health Centers and the Use of and Costs of Care for Medicaid
Presenting Author: Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Stacey McMorrow, The Urban Institute
Peer effects among hospitalized patients: Evidence from roommate assignments
Presenting Author: Olga Yakusheva, Marquette University
Discussant: Justin Trogdon, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 103
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Economics of Hospital Quality
Presiding: Sean Nicholson, Cornell University
Measuring The Quality of Hospital Quality Assessment: Implications for Reference Pricing
Presenting Author: John Graves, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Co-Author(s): John Graves, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Jonathan Gruber, MIT; Joseph Doyle, MIT
Discussant: Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University
Are Higher-Volume Hospitals Really Better?
Presenting Author: Woohyeon Kim, Rice University
Co-Author(s): Vivian Ho, Rice University; Stephen H Wolff, Rice University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Woohyeon Kim, Rice University
Patient Selection Under Quality Incentives: Evidence from Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program
Presenting Author: Lizhong Peng, Lehigh University
Discussant: Sara R Machado, Boston University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 100
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Effects of Insurance Market Regulations: Filling in the Puzzle
Presiding: Christina Marsh, University of Georgia
Why Do Firms Use Insurance to Fund Worker Health Benefits? The Role of Corporate Finance
Presenting Author: Christina Marsh, University of Georgia
Discussant: Michael A Morrisey, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Impact of State Health Insurance Mandates on Self Insurance
Presenting Author: Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Co-Author(s): Phillip Cooper, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Ginger Jin, University of Maryland
Discussant: Kate Bundorf, Stanford University
Entrepreneurship and Job Lock: The Interaction Between Tax Subsidies and Health Insurance Regulations
Presenting Author: Sayeh Nikpay, University of Michigan
Discussant: Jessica Vistnes, AHRQ
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B3
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Evaluating the young adult dependent coverage provision of the Affordable Care Act
Presiding: Yaa Akosa Antwi, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Impacts of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Mandate on Health-Related Outcomes of Young
Presenting Author: Charles Courtemanche, Georgia State University
Co-Author(s): Silvia Barbaresco, Georgia State University; Yanling Qi, Georgia State University
Discussant: Anne Beeson Royalty, IUPUI
Access to Health Insurance and the Utilization of Medical Care: Evidence from the 2010 ACA Extension of
Health Insurance to Young Adults
Presenting Author: Asako Moriya, Indiana University
Co-Author(s): Kosali Simon, Indiana University; Yaa Akosa Antwi, Indiana University-Purdue University
Discussant: Lauren Hersch Nicholas, MPP, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Financial protection due to Dependent Care Provisions in the Affordable Care Act
Presenting Author: Ellen R Meara, Dartmouth College
Co-Author(s): Susan Busch, Yale University; Ezra Golberstein, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Christopher Whaley, University of California, Berkeley
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 205
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Health Insurance and Prescription Drug Coverage
Presiding: David B Ridley, Duke University
Modeling and Evaluating Consumers' Prescription Drug Plans Choices in Medicare Part D
Presenting Author: Jonathan Ketcham, Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School of Business
Co-Author(s): Nicolai Kuminoff, W.P. Carey School of Business; Christopher Powers, Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services
Discussant: John Romley, University of Southern California
Did Medicare Part D Contribute to the Rise in Opioid Overdose Deaths in the U.S.?
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Erin A. Taylor, RAND Corporation
Co-Author(s): Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Marisa E Domino, University of North Carolina
Identifying the E ect of the Tennessee A ordable Drug Act of 2005: Do mandatory generic substitution laws
Presenting Author: Sabrina Terrizzi, Moravian College
Co-Author(s): Chad Meyerhoefer, Lehigh University & NBER
Discussant: David B. Ridley, Duke University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 102
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Marriage and Fertility
Presiding: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
Presenting Author: Michael Grossman, National Bureau of Economic Research
Co-Author(s): Jenny Williams, University of Melbourne; Mabel A. Andalón, PAM, The University of Melbourne
Discussant: Alison Cuellar, George Mason Univ
2. Till Bad Health Do us Part? Gender Differences in Spousal Abandonment after Health Shocks
Presenting Author: Lauren Hersch Nicholas, MPP, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Yaa A Antwi, Indiana University
Discussant: Ana Balsa, Universidad de Montevideo
3. Publicly-provided Health Insurance and Ex Ante Moral Hazard: The Case of Medicaid Expansions for
Pregnant Women
Presenting Author: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
Co-Author(s): Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois; George L Wehby, University of Iowa and NBER
Discussant: Wen You, Virginia Tech
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 219
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Medication Adherence
[Sponsored by PhRMA]
Presiding: Dominic Hodgkin, Brandeis University
Understanding Medication Adherence Using Stated-Preference Data
Presenting Author: Juan Marcos Gonzalez, RTI Health Solutions
Co-Author(s): Christine Poulos, RTI Health Solutions; F. Reed Johnson, RTI Health Solutions; Patrick Mollon,
Discussant: Dominic Hodgkin, Brandeis University
Impact of Provider Mailings on Medication Adherence in Medicare Part D Patients
Presenting Author: Bijan J. Borah, Mayo Clinic
Co-Author(s): Yang Qiu, Prime Therapeutics; Nilay Shah, Mayo Clinic; Patrick Gleason, Prime
Discussant: W. David Bradford, University of Georgia
Using Medication Adherence as a Measure of Healthcare Quality
Presenting Author: Seth Seabury, USC
Co-Author(s): Darius Lakdawalla, University of Southern California; Dana Goldman, University of Southern
California; Jeff Sullivan Sullivan, Precision Health Economics; Samantha Dougherty, PhRMA
Discussant: Rashmita Basu, Scott & White Healthcare
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B2
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Obesity and Health Care Spending
Presiding: Noelia Duchovny, Congressional Budget Office
Lifetime reductions in medical expenditures as a result of participation in diet and exercise counseling
programs designed to reduce child and adolescent obesity
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Andrew James Messali, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Jason Doctor, University of Southern California
Discussant: Joel Segel, University of Michigan, Department of Health Management and Policy
Medical Innovation and the Changing Health and Health Care Costs of Obesity
Presenting Author: Etienne Gaudette, USC Schaeffer Center
Co-Author(s): Etienne Gaudette, USC Schaeffer Center; Dana Goldman, University of Southern California; Neeraj
Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics; Andrew James Messali, University of Southern California
Discussant: Laura Shinn, Rowan University
The Impact of Obesity Duration on Healthcare Use
Presenting Author: Eamon Molloy, Congressional Budget Office
Co-Author(s): Noelia Duchovny, Congressional Budget Office
Discussant: Amanda Honeycutt, RTI International
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 118/120
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Payment Systems and Primary Care
Presiding: Richard Lindrooth, University of Colorado Denver
Do patients use online messaging to substitute for office visits and phone calls? Results from a natural
Presenting Author: Laura E Panattoni, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute
Co-Author(s): Sean McClellan, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute; Ming Tai-Seale, Palo Alto
Medical Foundation Research Institute
Discussant: Christine Pal Chee, Health Economics Resource Center
Evaluating pay-for-performance programs in health care: a comparison of synthetic control and differencein-differences approaches
Presenting Author: Noemi Kreif, LSHTM
Co-Author(s): Richard Grieve, LSHTM; Matt Sutton, University of Manchester; Silviya Nikolova, Manchester
Centre for Health Economics
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Andrew M Ryan, Weill Cornell Medical School
Competition through wait times in the market for unscheduled care
Presenting Author: Ari B. Friedman, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Elena Prager, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Sean McClellan, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 106
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Political Economy and State Choices
Presiding: Vivian Ho, Rice University
Predictors of Increased Privitization and Competition in Medicaid
Presenting Author: Victoria Perez, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Andrew Mulcahy, MPP, RAND Corporation
How do State Revenue Swings Influence the Provision of Health, Education, and Welfare Services?
Presenting Author: Vivian Ho, Rice University
Co-Author(s): Richard T Boylan, Rice University
Discussant: Nathan Dong, Columbia University
Do Hospital Employees Gain from a CON law
Presenting Author: Rexford Santerre, University of Connecticut, School of Business
Co-Author(s): Resul Cesur, University of Connecticut
Discussant: Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 207
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Subjective well-being, health, and income
Presiding: France Weaver, Indiana University Bloomington
An anatomy of old-age disability in low- and middle-income countries: Time use, emotional experiences and
subjective wellbeing
Presenting Author: Jurgen Maurer, University of Lausanne
Co-Author(s): Michael Ingenhaag, University of Lausanne, IEMS; Gabriela Flores, University of Lausanne, IEMS
Discussant: Gema Zamarro, USC Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research
Where the streets have no name: Comparing, Rating and Happiness in the US
Presenting Author: Arie Kapteyn, University of Southern California Center for Economic and Social Research
Co-Author(s): Caroline Tassot, USC Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research; Maria Björnsdotter Dahlin,
University of Southern California Center for Economic and Social Research
Discussant: Yaa A Antwi, Indiana University
Inequalities in subjective well-being among the 50+ in the United States and Europe: is it money or health?
Presenting Author: France Weaver, Indiana University Bloomington
Co-Author(s): Judite Goncalves, Geneva School of Economics and Management
Discussant: Owen O'Donnell, University of Macedonia
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 102
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Economics of Long Term Care
Presiding: David Cutler, Harvard University
Does home care policy generosity impact hospitalization?
Presenting Author: Judite Goncalves, Geneva School of Economics and Management
Co-Author(s): France Weaver, University of Geneva
Discussant: Courtney Harold Van Houtven, VA /Duke University Medical Center
Evaluating the Effects of Five-star Composite Ratings of Nursing Homes
Presenting Author: Marcelo Coca Perraillon, University of Chicago
Discussant: David Cutler, Harvard University
Does Home Equity Substitute Long-term Care Purchases?
Presenting Author: Richard Hirth, University of Michigan
Co-Author(s): Kenneth Langa, University of Michigan; Helen Levy, University of Michigan; Yubraj Acharya,
University of Michigan
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 100
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Economics of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Presiding: Guy David, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Off-Label Use of Pharmaceuticals: Trends and Drivers
Presenting Author: W. David Bradford, University of Georgia
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Jonathan W. Williams, University of Georgia; John L. Turner, University of Georgia
Discussant: Guy David, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Effects of DTC Advertising on R&D Effort
Presenting Author: Eric Keuffel, Temple University
Discussant: Salama Freed, Vanderbilt University
The Costs of Clinical Trials
Presenting Author: Bradley Herring, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Jason Matheny, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)
Discussant: Nathan Dong, Columbia University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 106
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Economics, Alcohol, and Outcomes
Presiding: Christopher Carpenter, Vanderbilt University
Does Exposure to Alcohol Advertising Cause People to Drink and Drink and Drive?
Presenting Author: Dean Lillard, The Ohio State University
Co-Author(s): Hua Zan, University of Missouri
Discussant: Christopher Carpenter, The Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine
Alcohol and Mortality: Insights from South Dakota's 24/7 Sobriety Project
Presenting Author: Beau Kilmer, RAND
Co-Author(s): Nancy Nicosia, RAND Corporation; Beau Kilmer, RAND; Paul Heaton, RAND; Gregory Midgette,
Discussant: Peter Eibich, DIW Berlin
Heavy Drinking, Health and Mental Wellbeing
Presenting Author: Colin P Green, Lancaster University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Maria Navarro, Lancaster University; Bruce P. Hollingsworth, Furness College, Lancaster University
Discussant: Timothy Classen, Loyola University Chicago
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 205
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Education and Health
Presiding: Benjamin Cowan, Washington State University
Does Increased Education Lower Health Care Spending? Findings for Self-Managed Health Conditions
Presenting Author: Minkyoung Yoo, University of Utah
Discussant: Shirlee Lichtman-Sadot, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Correlation Between Education and Health: The Role of Differential Reporting Error
Presenting Author: Anna Choi, Cornell University
Co-Author(s): Anna Choi, Cornell University; John Cawley, Cornell University
Discussant: Benjamin Cowan, Washington State University
Does Increasing Schooling Improve Later Health Habits? Evidence from the School Reforms in Australia
Presenting Author: Jinhu Li, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of
Co-Author(s): Nattavudh Powdthavee, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics
Discussant: Hans Van Kippersluis, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B1
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Estimating the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Labor and Insurance Markets
Presiding: Steve Parente, University or Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Will Americans Keep the Consumer Driven Health Plans they had following Health Reform in 2014
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Bianca K. Frogner, The George Washington University
Co-Author(s): Steve Parente, University or Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Discussant: Eric Barrette, Bates White
Estimating the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Labor and Insurance Markets
Presenting Author: Steve Parente, University or Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Co-Author(s): Bryan Dowd, Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of
Minnesota; Roger Feldman, University of Minnesota; Joanne Spetz, UCSF
Discussant: Jeffrey S McCullough, University of Minnesota
State Participation in Health Insurance Exchanges is Associated with Lower Premiums
Presenting Author: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Kelly Krinn, University of Minnesota; Lynn Blewett, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Lindsay Bockstedt, Medtronic
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 103
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Financial and Non-Financial Risks of Public Policies
Presiding: Kurt E Schnier, University of California, Merced
Unintended Effects of the CMS Final Rule on Transplantation: A Patient Welfare Question
Presenting Author: Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University
Discussant: Frederic Selck, National Center for Health Statistics
Out-of-Pocket Spending in the Marketplaces for Adults in States Not Expanding Medicaid
Presenting Author: Steven C. Hill, U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Discussant: Christine Eibner, RAND Corporation
The Assessment of Medical Expenditure Risk and the Impact of an Insurance Benefit: Implications for the
Development of a Measure of Medical Care Economic Risk
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Sarah Meier, Mayo Clinic
Discussant: Nicole Hair, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 118/120
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Health Economics and Decision Analysis at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention II
Presiding: Adam Skelton, CDC
Infant Immunization Coverage in the SCHIP Era: An Instrumental Variables Approach
Presenting Author: Jing Xu, CDC
Discussant: Joseph Njau, CDC
What Drives the Purchase Cost of Childhood Vaccines? - Determinants of Childhood Vaccine Prices in the
US Public Sector
Presenting Author: Weiwei Chen, University of Memphis
Discussant: Jing Xu, CDC
Economic Benefits of Vaccines in Low-Income Countries and Transitional Economies: A Systematic Review
Presenting Author: Joseph Njau, CDC
Discussant: Weiwei Chen, University of Memphis
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 219
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Macroeconomics and Development
Presiding: Jessica Banthin, Congressional Budget Office
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Recessions and Health Revisited: New Findings for Working-Age Adults
Presenting Author: Benjamin Crost, UC-Denver
Co-Author(s): Andrew Friedson, University of Colorado Denver
Discussant: Irina B Grafova, Rutgers School of Public Health
Defining Disease Episodes and the Effects on the Components of Expenditure Growth
Presenting Author: Abe Dunn, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Discussant: Jessica Banthin, Congressional Budget Office
Counter-Cyclical Nursing Home Quality
Presenting Author: Sean S Huang, Georgetown University
Discussant: Haizhen Lin, Indiana University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 207
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Medication Utilization
[Sponsored by PhRMA]
Presiding: Mary C. Schroeder, University of Iowa
Demand Elasticities for Pharmaceuticals: Evidence from a Payment Update in Medicare Part D
Presenting Author: Colleen M Carey, University of Michigan
Discussant: Vicki Fung, Mongan Institute for Health Policy, MGH and Harvard Medical School
Single-source vs. off-patent drugs: What is the role of physician preferences?
Presenting Author: Niels Skipper, Aarhus University
Co-Author(s): Mariana Carrera, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Erin Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Differential Responses of Minorities to the Medicare Part D Coverage Gap
Presenting Author: Lauren M Scarpati, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Lauren M Scarpati, University of Southern California; Geoffrey Joyce, University of Southern
California; Julie Zissimopoulos, University of Southern California
Discussant: Mary C. Schroeder, University of Iowa
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B3
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
New Evidence on Geographic Variations in Health Care
Presiding: Joseph P. Newhouse, Harvard University
Geographic Variation in Medical Care Spending
Presenting Author: Joseph P. Newhouse, Harvard University
Discussant: Carrie H Colla, The Dartmouth Institute
Do Commercial Health Care Prices Influence Medicare Spending?
Presenting Author: John Romley, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Dana Goldman, University of Southern California; Erin Trish, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and
Economics, University of Southern California
Discussant: Josh Graff Zivin, Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego
Geographic Variation in Quality of Care for Commercially Insured Patients
Presenting Author: Michael Richard McKellar, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Michael Chernew, Harvard Medical School
Discussant: Laurence Baker, Stanford University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B7
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Physician Consolidation and Integration
Presiding: Anne Beeson Royalty, IUPUI
Hospital-Physician Integration and Health Care Spending
Presenting Author: Laurence Baker, Stanford University
Co-Author(s): Kate Bundorf, Stanford University; Anne Beeson Royalty, IUPUI
Discussant: Richard Lindrooth, University of Colorado Denver
Hospital Employment of Physicians: Changing Referral Patterns?
Presenting Author: Caroline S Carlin, Medica Research Institute
Co-Author(s): Roger Feldman, University of Minnesota; Bryan Dowd, Division of Health Policy and Management,
School of Public Health, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Yaa A Antwi, Indiana University
A Case Study of Physician Re-Organization
Presenting Author: Alison Cuellar, George Mason Univ
Co-Author(s): Thomas Buchmueller, University of Michigan; Peter Kongstvedt, George Mason University
Discussant: William D. White, Cornell University, Sloan Program in Health Administration
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 103
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Provider Response to Medicare and Medicaid Policy
Presiding: Sarah Miller, University of Notre Dame
Provider Mix, Regulatory Hurdles, and New Patient Primary Care Visit Availability
Presenting Author: Michael R Richards, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Helen Levy, University of Michigan
How Do Providers Respond to Public Health Insurance Expansions? Evidence from Medicaid Adult Dental
Presenting Author: Sarah Miller, University of Notre Dame
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Craig Garthwaite, Northwestern University
Physician Agency and Competition: Evidence from a Major Change to Medicare Chemotherapy
Reimbursement Policy
Presenting Author: Mireille Jacobson, University of California Irvine
Discussant: Nolan Miller, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B2
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
The Economics of Hospitals
Presiding: Melinda B. Buntin, Vanderbilt University
High-tech versus high-touch: Components of Hospital Costs and Charges Vary Widely By Clinical Condition
Presenting Author: Paula Song, The Ohio State University
Co-Author(s): Kristin Reiter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discussant: Merle Ederhof, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
A News Media Analysis of the Economic and Reputational Penalties of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Presenting Author: Jose A Pagan, Center for Health Innovation, New York Academy of Medicine
Co-Author(s): Melissa Winborn, University of North Texas Health Science Center; Joyce Alencherril, University of
North Texas Health Science Center
Discussant: David Howard, Emory University
Predicting Price-to-Charge Ratios for Community Hospitals in the United States
Presenting Author: Herbert Wong, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Co-Author(s): Mark W. Smith, Truven Health Analytics; Zeynal Karaca, AHRQ
Discussant: Vivian Wu, USC
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 101
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
The effects of Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data
Presiding: Benjamin R Handel, UC Berkeley
Plan switching and inertia in Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data
Presenting Author: Joachim Winter, University of Munich
Co-Author(s): Amelie Wuppermann, LMU Munich
Discussant: Benjamin R Handel, UC Berkeley
Substitutes in medical care? The impact of Medicare Part D on health care service utilization and spending
Presenting Author: Geoffrey Joyce, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Julie Zissimopoulos, University of Southern California; Dana Goldman, University of Southern
Discussant: Amelie Wupperman, University of Munich
Prescription Drug Advertising and Drug Utilization: The Role of Medicare Part D
Presenting Author: Abby Alpert, University of California Irvine
Co-Author(s): Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Discussant: Sean Nicholson, Cornell University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 130
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
What Do We Know About Early ACA Impacts? Assessing the Evidence from Non-traditional Data Sources
Presiding: Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute
Monitoring Coverage Changes in Early 2014: New Information from the Health Reform Monitoring Survey
Presenting Author: Sharon K. Long, The Urban Institute
Co-Author(s): Dana Goin, The Urban Institute
Discussant: John Graves, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tracking early ACA coverage expansion impacts in pharmacy transaction data
Presenting Author: Andrew Mulcahy, MPP, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania
The Gallup-Healthways Daily Tracking Survey: A New Data Source for Assessing the Impacts of Health
Presenting Author: Benjamin D Sommers, Harvard School of Public Health
Discussant: Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B7
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Current Issues in Pharmaceutical Markets
Presiding: Leemore Dafny, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
How do Prescription Drug Copayment Coupons Affect Generic Utilization and Branded Drug Pricing?
Presenting Author: Leemore Dafny, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Co-Author(s): Christopher Ody, Management and Strategy; David Schmidt, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade
Discussant: Sean Nicholson, Cornell University
Co-payment Coupons for Prescription Drugs: A Framework for Assessing Economic Efficiency
Presenting Author: Richard Manning, Bates White
Co-Author(s): Chris Stomberg, Bates White
Discussant: Dan Kessler, Stanford University
The Effect of Regulation and Competition on Drug Supply
Presenting Author: David B. Ridley, Duke University
Discussant: Rena Conti, University of Chicago
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 207
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Econometric Frontiers of Treatment Effect Estimation
Presiding: David Frisvold, University of Iowa
Robustness and Interpretability of Treatment Effect Estimates Generated by Nonlinear 2SRI in Alternative
Models of Treatment Effect Heterogeneity and Choice
Presenting Author: Cole G. G Chapman, University of Iowa
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Cole G. G Chapman, University of Iowa; John M. Brooks, University of South Carolina Arnold
School of Public Health
Discussant: Padmaja Ayyagari, University of Iowa
Specification in difference-in-differences models
Presenting Author: Andrew M Ryan, Weill Cornell Medical School
Co-Author(s): James F. Burgess, Boston University School of Public Health; Justin B Dimick, University of
Michigan Medical School
Discussant: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
Are Difference in Difference and Interrupted Time Series Methods An Effective Way to Study The Causal
Effects of Changes in Health Insurance Plans? Evidence From Within Study Comparisons
Presenting Author: Coady Wing, University of Illinois
Co-Author(s): Vivian Wong, University of Virginia; Kevin McConeghy, University of Illinois at Chicago
Discussant: David Frisvold, University of Iowa
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 205
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Economics of Early Childhood Interventions
Presiding: Ciaran Phibbs, Health Economics Resource Center
Understanding Returns to Birthweight
Presenting Author: Eskil Heinesen, Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
Co-Author(s): Shiko Maruyama, University of Technology Sydney
Discussant: Heather Royer, UC Santa Barbara
The Effect of Breakfast in the Classroom on Obesity and Academic Performance: Evidence from New York
Presenting Author: Sean P Corcoran, New York University - Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human
Co-Author(s): Brian Elbel, New York University; Amy Ellen Schwartz, NYU Wagner; Elizabeth M Debraggio,
Northwestern University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Time of birth, breast milk feeding and health outcomes in the neonatal intensive care unit
Presenting Author: Sarah M Martin-Anderson, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Discussant: Ciaran Phibbs, Health Economics Resource Center
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 219
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Economics of Mental Health
Presiding: Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
Leaving school in an economic downturn and self-esteem across early and middle adulthood
Presenting Author: Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Michael Grossman, National Bureau of Economic Research
Episodes of Mental Health Treatment Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Children and
Presenting Author: Brendan Saloner, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Andrew Barnes, Virginia Commonwealth University
Maternal Depression and Urban Homelessness
Presenting Author: Hope Corman, Rider University
Co-Author(s): Marah Curtis, University of Wisconsin; Kelly Noonan, Ryder University; Nancy E. Reichman,
Rutgers--RWJ Medical School
Discussant: Benjamin Cook, Harvard Medical School
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 130
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Hospital Markets
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presiding: Deborah Haas-Wilson, Harvard Kennedy School
The Financial Impact of Hospital Closings on Surrounding Hospitals
Presenting Author: Ashley Hodgson, St. Olaf College
Co-Author(s): Paul Roback, St. Olaf College; Andrew Hartman, St. Olaf College; Erin Kelly, St. Olaf College;
Yujie Li, St. Olaf College
Discussant: Deborah Haas-Wilson, Harvard Kennedy School
Estimating hospital choices when the true choice set is unknown
Presenting Author: Andrew E. Sfekas, Temple University, Risk Insurance & Healthcare
Discussant: Samuel Kleiner, Cornell University
Selective Assignments of Disadvantaged Patients to Low Quality Hospitals and Disparities in the Quality of
Medical Care
Presenting Author: Daisuke Goto, Rutgers University
Discussant: Andrew Wilcock, University of Minnesota
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 102
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Incentives and Choices
Presiding: Osea Giuntella, University of Oxford
Digitizing Doctor Demand: The Impact of Online Reviews on Doctor Choice
Presenting Author: Sonal Vats, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Michael Luca, Harvard Business School
Discussant: Osea Giuntella, University of Oxford
“Loss aversion and altruism in repeated blood donation”
Presenting Author: Sara R Machado, Boston University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Abigail Friedman, Harvard University
The Relationship Between Costs and Quality in Veterans Health Administration Nursing Homes
Presenting Author: James F. Burgess, Boston University School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Michael Shwartz, Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research; Kelly
Stolzmann, Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research; Erol A. Pekoz, Center for Healthcare
Organization and Implmentation Research; Cindy L. Christiansen, Boston University School of Public Health; Dan
Berlowitz, Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research
Discussant: Gustavo Mery, University of Toronto
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 101
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
New evidence on consumer-directed health plans and health care utilization
Presiding: Peter Huckfeldt, RAND Corporation
The Long Term Effects of Consumer-Directed Health Plans (CDHPs) on Use of Preventive Care
Presenting Author: Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Discussant: Srikanth Kadiyala, RAND
Patient Responses to Incentives in Consumer-Directed Health Plans: Evidence from Pharmaceuticals
Presenting Author: Peter Huckfeldt, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Julie Donohue, University of Pittsburgh
The Long Term Effects of Consumer-Directed Health Plans on Health Care Costs
Presenting Author: Amelia M Haviland, CMU
Co-Author(s): Matthew Eisenberg, Carnegie Mellon University; Peter Huckfeldt, RAND Corporation; Ateev
Mehrotra, Harvard Medical School; Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Discussant: Kate Bundorf, Stanford University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 103
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Public Policy and Physician Payment
Presiding: Mary C. Schroeder, University of Iowa
The Impact of Health Care Reform on Physician Payments: Evidence from
Presenting Author: Adam Shapiro, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Discussant: Amanda Kowalski, Yale University
The Effect of Mandated Health Insurance on Physician Reimbursement: Evidence for the Massachusetts
Health Reform
Presenting Author: Allison Marier, Abt Associates
Co-Author(s): Allison Marier, Abt Associates; Andrew Friedson, University of Colorado Denver
Discussant: John M. Brooks, University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
The Effect of Medicaid Reimbursement Generosity on Physician Access: Diagnosing of Asthma in Children
Presenting Author: Mary C. Schroeder, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): Amber Goedken, University of Iowa; Matthew Nattinger, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy;
John M. Brooks, University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
Discussant: Youjin Hahn, Monash University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 100
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Regulations, Private Health Insurance, and Outcomes
Presiding: H. E. Frech, University of California, UCSB
Do State Non-Group Health Market Regulations Affect Early Retirement?
Presenting Author: LeeKai Lin, Indiana University
Discussant: Peter Eibich, DIW Berlin
Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Private Health Insurance
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: David M Powell, RAND
Co-Author(s): Dana Goldman, University of Southern California
Discussant: Mireille Jacobson, University of California Irvine
Medical Insurance and Uncertain Treatment Effect
Presenting Author: Gilad Sorek, Auburn University
Discussant: H. E. Frech, University of California, UCSB
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 103
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Risky Behaviors
Presiding: Michael T. French, University of Miami
Alcohol Use and Earnings Revisited: New Evidence from Twin Samples
Presenting Author: Andrew Barnes, Virginia Commonwealth University
Discussant: Lauren Hersch Nicholas, MPP, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Tattoos and Labor Market Earnings: Is There a Link in the Ink?
Presenting Author: Michael T. French, University of Miami
Discussant: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
The Self-Medication Hypothesis: Evidence from 9/11
Presenting Author: Michael F. Pesko, Weill Cornell Medical College
Discussant: Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 106
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Presiding: Jody L Sindelar, Yale School of Public Health
Smoking initiation and cessation in India – a duration analysis
Presenting Author: Ce Shang, IHRP, UIC
Co-Author(s): Prabhat Jha, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto; Emmanuel Guindon,
Faculte´ de Me´decine, De´partement d’administration de la sante´, Universite´ de Montre´al; Pavel Dramski,
Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago; Frank J Chaloupka, Health Policy Center, IHRP,UIC
Discussant: Leigh A Leung, City University of New York Graduate Center
Health Information, Taxes and Life-Course Smoking: Evidence from Turkey
Presenting Author: Zeynep Onder, Bilkent University
Co-Author(s): Dean Lillard, The Ohio State University
Discussant: Vahe Heboyan, Georgia Regents University
An integrated life-cycle model of addiction, health capital and smoking: theoretical and empirical
Presenting Author: Eugenio Zucchelli, Univesity of Lancaster
Co-Author(s): Andrew M Jones, University of York (UK); Audrey Laporte, University of Toronto; Nigel Rice,
University of York
Discussant: Chun-Chieh Hu, Syracuse University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B2
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
State Medicaid Initiatives to Improve Access and Contain Costs
Presiding: Laura Wherry, University of Michigan
Evaluating the Impact of Statewide Implementation of Medicaid Managed Care in Kentucky
Presenting Author: James Marton, Georgia State University
Co-Author(s): Jeffery Talbert, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science; Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Thomas DeLeire, Georgetown University
Using Parent-Reported Health Measures to Predict High-Need Pediatric Patients in Public or Subsidized
Health Insurance
Presenting Author: Lindsey Leininger, University of Illinois-Chicago
Co-Author(s): Laura Wherry, University of Michigan; Brendan Saloner, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Laura Dague, Texas A&M University
Does Family Health Insurance Coverage Matter for Children's Health? Evidence from Auto-Enrollment in
Presenting Author: Laura Dague, Texas A&M University
Discussant: Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 118/120
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Studies in Dental Health Economics
[Sponsored by American Dental Association]
Presiding: Kamyar Nasseh, American Dental Association
Quantile and IV Regression Analysis of Dental Care Expenditures and Utilization
Presenting Author: Simon Condliffe, West Chester University
Co-Author(s): Charles Link, University of Delaware
Discussant: Paul Solano, University of Delaware
Is Dental Care Coverage Worth the Price? Evidence from Medicaid
Presenting Author: Sasha Brodsky, Michigan Ross School of Business
Discussant: Joanne Spetz, UCSF
Does a periodontal dental treatment after diagnosis of diabetes lead to lower healthcare costs and utilization
in later years among a commercially insured population?
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Kamyar Nasseh, American Dental Association
Co-Author(s): Marko Vujicic, American Dental Association
Discussant: Anthony T. Lo Sasso, University of Illinois, Chicago
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B1
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
The Effect of the Medicare Program on Private Insurers
Presiding: Amanda Starc, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Government Contract Generosity and Its Effect on Firm Behavior: Evidence from the Medicare Advantage
Presenting Author: Amanda Starc, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Joshua Gottleib, University of British Columbia
Bargaining in the Shadow of a Giant: Medicare's Influence on Private Payment Systems
Presenting Author: Jeffrey P Clemens, University of California, San Diego
Co-Author(s): Joshua D Gottlieb, University of British Columbia
Discussant: Matt Lewis, Clemson University
Incentives and Strategic Formulary Design in Stand-Alone and Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans
Presenting Author: Kurt Lavetti, Ohio State University
Co-Author(s): Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Discussant: Ashley Swanson, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B3
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Vital Trends in U.S. Health and Health Care
Presiding: John Romley, University of Southern California
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Are the Rich Getting Healthier than the Poor? Trends in Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy by
Socioeconomic Status in the U.S. from 2000 to 2010
Presenting Author: David Cutler, Harvard University
Co-Author(s): Lisa F Berkman, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies; Susan T Stewart, National
Bureau of Economic Research
Discussant: Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University
Health Expenditures and Health Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis in the Medicare Population
Presenting Author: Carrie H Colla, The Dartmouth Institute
Co-Author(s): Amitabh Chandra, Harvard; Jonathan Skinner, Dartmouth College
Discussant: Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania
Is the Cost Disease in U.S. Hospitals a Misdiagnosis?
Presenting Author: John Romley, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Dana Goldman, University of Southern California; Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy
and Economics
Discussant: Melinda B. Buntin, Vanderbilt University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 130
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Behavioral Economics Interventions to Reduce Antibiotic Overprescribing
Presiding: Joel Hay, University of Southern California
Nudging guideline uptake: A randomized trial of physician public commitments
Presenting Author: Jason Doctor, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Daniella Meeker, Rand Corporation; Tara Knight, University of Southern California; Mark W
Friedberg, RAND Corporation; Jeffrey A Linder, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Noah J Goldstein, UCLA; Craig
R Fox, UCLA; Alan Rothfeld, Cope Health Solutions; Guillermo Diaz, QueensCare Family Clinics
Discussant: Kevin G. Volpp, University of Pennsylvania
Provider Preferences for Interventions for Reducing Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing
Presenting Author: Joel Hay, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Greg Strylewicz, University of Washington; Alan Rothfeld, Cope Health Solutions; Jason Doctor,
University of Southern California
Discussant: Ning Gu, University of New Mexico
A Behavioral Economics Multi-site Randomized Trial to Reduce Provider Antibiotic Overprescribing
Presenting Author: Jason Doctor, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Daniella Meeker, Rand Corporation; Craig R Fox, UCLA; Noah J Goldstein, UCLA; Joel Hay,
University of Southern California; Stephen D Persell, Northwestern University; Mark W Friedberg, RAND
Corporation; Jeffrey A Linder, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Discussant: Kevin G. Volpp, University of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 103
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Developing New Risk Adjustment Models for Adjusting Costs and Performance Measures
Presiding: Timothy Layton, Boston University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Good-enough risk adjustment models for physician payment and performance assessment
Presenting Author: Randall P Ellis, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Arlene S. Ash, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Juan Fernandez, Boston University;
Maria Trottmann, University of Zurich
Discussant: Michael Geruso, University of Texas at Austin
How effective is risk adjustment under alternate time periods?
Presenting Author: Kimberley H Geissler, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Keith Ericson, Boston University School of Management; Benjamin Lubin, Boston University School
of Management
Discussant: John Graves, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Association of Diagnostic Coding with Trends in Acute Myocardial Infarction Incidence and Mortality
Among Medicare Beneficiaries, 1999 – 2008
Presenting Author: Naomi Sacks, Tufts University School of Medicine
Co-Author(s): Kaushik Ghosh, NBER; Arlene S. Ash, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Amy K. Rosen,
University of Massachusetts Medical School; Allison B. Rosen, Quantitative Health Sciences
Discussant: Joshua D Gottlieb, University of British Columbia
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 103
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Drunk Driving and Public Policy
Presiding: Richard A Dunn, Texas A&M University
Technological improvement and the externality to drunk-driving
Presenting Author: Richard A Dunn, Texas A&M University
Discussant: Benedic Ippolito, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Does the Minimum Drinking Age Reduce or Delay Traffic Mortality? Evidence from a Cohort-Based
Presenting Author: Benjamin Crost, CU Denver
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Timothy Classen, Loyola University Chicago
Fast times during spring breaks: Are traffic fatalities another consequence?
Presenting Author: Gulcin Gumus, Florida Atlantic University
Co-Author(s): Michael T. French, University of Miami
Discussant: Linnea A Polgreen, University of Iowa
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 219
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Economic Factors Affecting Diet and Obesity
Presiding: John Cawley, Cornell University
Does leaving school in an economic downturn persistently affect body weight? Evidence from panel data
Presenting Author: Catherine Maclean, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Olga Yakusheva, Marquette University
Marijuana Laws and Body Weight: New Evidence on Diet, Exercise, and BMI
Presenting Author: Joseph Sabia, San Diego State University
Discussant: Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation
Nudging Nutrition: How the Framing of Relative Price Changes as Taxes or Subsidies Affects Grocery
Purchases in a Seven-Month Field Study
Presenting Author: John Cawley, Cornell University
Co-Author(s): Brian Wansink, Cornell Univ; David Just, Cornell Univ; Andrew Hanks, Cornell University
Discussant: Nathan Tefft, University of Washington
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 207
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Economics of Risky Behaviors
The Role of Information in the Market for Opioid Pain Relievers: An Analysis of Prescription Monitoring
Presenting Author: Sharmini Radakrishnan, Cornell University
Discussant: Andrew Mulcahy, MPP, RAND Corporation
Adverse Events and Risky Behaviors: Evidence from Adolescents
Presenting Author: Abigail Friedman, Harvard University
Discussant: Margo Bergman, University of Washington
The Effects of Merit-Based Financial Aid on Drinking in College
Presenting Author: Benjamin Cowan, Washington State University
Discussant: Angela Fertig, Medica Research Institute
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B2
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Effects of Public Programs on Family Food Insecurity
Presiding: Hope Corman, Rider University
Understanding the Relationship between the School Breakfast Program and Food Insecurity
Presenting Author: David Frisvold, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): Jason Fletcher, Yale University
Discussant: Katie Fitzpatrick, Seattle University
The Effect of Safety Net Programs on Food Insecurity
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Tara Watson, Williams College
Co-Author(s): Lucie Schmidt, Williams College; Lara Shore-Sheppard, Williams College
Discussant: Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University
Family Health Shocks and Food Insecurity: The Role of Food Assistance Programs
Presenting Author: Hope Corman, Rider University
Co-Author(s): Kelly Noonan, Ryder University; Nancy E. Reichman, Rutgers--RWJ Medical School
Discussant: Charles Courtemanche, Georgia State University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B3
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Exploring Key Trends in Hospital Pricing Using Data From the Health Care Cost Institute
Presiding: Zack Cooper, Yale University
How Does Competition Impact Prices for Dialysis Services? A Case Study of the US Dialysis Industry
Presenting Author: Christopher Ody, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Co-Author(s): David Cutler, Harvard University; Leemore Dafny, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern
Discussant: Dan Kessler, Stanford University
Do Higher Priced Hospitals Deliver Higher Quality Care?
Presenting Author: Zack Cooper, Yale University
Co-Author(s): Martin Gaynor, Carnegie Mellon University; John Van Reenen, London School of Economics
Discussant: Jason Abaluck, Yale School of Management
Comparing the Medical Productivity of Providers Treating Elderly Patients with and without Mental Illness
Presenting Author: Steve Parente, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Discussant: Rena Conti, University of Chicago
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 205
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Financing Long-Term Care
Presiding: Gopi S Goda, Stanford University
Costs and Benefits of In-Kind Transfers: The Case of Medicaid Home Care Benefits
Presenting Author: Lee Lockwood, Northwestern University
Co-Author(s): Ethan MJ Lieber, Notre Dame
Discussant: Norma Coe, University of Washington
Family Structure and Long-Term Care Insurance Purchase
Presenting Author: Courtney Harold Van Houtven, VA /Duke University Medical Center
Discussant: Kathleen McGarry, UCLA
Closed for Business: Counterparty Risk and Insurance Purchase Decisions
Presenting Author: Gopi S Goda, Stanford University
Discussant: R. Tamara Konetzka, University of Chicago
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Lewis 100
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Health Insurance, Utilization and Outcomes
Presiding: Padmaja Ayyagari, University of Iowa
Hospital payment and volume of care
Presenting Author: Martin Salm, Tilburg University
Discussant: Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Do Young Adults Exhibit Moral Hazard Behavior? Evidence from the ACA Dependent Coverage Mandate
Presenting Author: Dan M Shane, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): Padmaja Ayyagari, University of Iowa; George L Wehby, University of Iowa and NBER
Discussant: Yaa A Antwi, Indiana University
The Impact of Medicare Part D Coverage on Mental Health
Presenting Author: Padmaja Ayyagari, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): Dan M Shane, University of Iowa
Discussant: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 102
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Maternal and Infant Health Policies
Presiding: Robert H Lee, University of Kansas
Breastfeeding in the Workplace Polices and Maternal Employment Decisions
Presenting Author: Lindsey Bullinger, Indiana University
Co-Author(s): Tami Gurley-Calvez, The University of Kansas Medical Center
Discussant: Kandice Kapinos, Abt Associates
Do Insurers Risk-Select Against Each Other? Evidence from Medicaid and Implications for Health Reform
Presenting Author: Katherine Meckel, Columbia University
Co-Author(s): Ilyana Kuziemko, Columbia University; Maya Rossin-Slater, University of California, Santa Barbara
Discussant: Thomas Selden, AHRQ
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Telephone Peer Counseling Program to Support Breastfeeding among
WIC Participants
Presenting Author: Onur O Altindag, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Co-Author(s): Theodore Joyce, Baruch College and Graduate Center
Discussant: Alice Chen, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B1
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Medicare Advantage: New methods, new models, new policy implications
Presiding: Melinda B. Buntin, Vanderbilt University
Premium Increases and the Concentration of the Medicare Advantage Market: A Finite Mixture Modeling
Presenting Author: Gretchen Jacobson, Kaiser Family Foundation
Discussant: Chapin White, RAND Corporation
Premium Sensitivity and Persistence of Health Plan Choice Among the Elderly
Presenting Author: Paul Jacobs, Congressional Budget Office
Discussant: Joseph P Newhouse, Harvard University
Effects of Medicare Advantage Plan Rebates on Enrollment and Beneficiary Health
Presenting Author: Lauren Hersch Nicholas, MPP, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Discussant: Joseph P Newhouse, Harvard University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW B7
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Price Shopping for Healthcare
Presiding: Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Price Shopping in Consumer Directed Health Plans
Presenting Author: Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Co-Author(s): Zachary Wagner, UC Berkeley; Ateev Mehrotra, Harvard Medical School; Amelia M Haviland,
CMU; Peter Huckfeldt, RAND Corporation
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Michael Chernew, Harvard Medical School
The Impact of a Novel Price Transparency Platform on Prices of Laboratory Procedures
Presenting Author: Christopher Whaley, University of California, Berkeley
Co-Author(s): Sophie Pinkard, Castlight Health; Jennifer Schneider Chafen, Castlight Health; Neeraj Sood,
Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Discussant: Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University
Shopping for a Physician: Is Per Visit Costs Useful Information?
Presenting Author: Ateev Mehrotra, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics; Amelia M Haviland, CMU; Peter
Huckfeldt, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Anna Sinaiko, MPP, Harvard School of Public Health
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Waite Phillips 106
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Regulation and Child Health Outcomes
Presiding: Seth Freedman, Indiana University
The Effects of Clean-Milk Regulations on Urban Infant Mortality, 1900-1910
Presenting Author: Sarah A G Komisarow, University of Chicago
Discussant: Linda Dynan, Northern Kentucky University
Impacts of Prenatal Exposure to Sulfure Dioxide on Infant Birth Weight: Evidence from a Pennsylvania
Plant Located Upwind of New Jersey
Presenting Author: Rhea Bhatta, Lehigh University
Co-Author(s): Muzhe Yang, Lehigh University; Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh University; Cheng-I Hsieh, National Taiwan
Discussant: Rahi Abouk, Ohio University
Air Pollution and Children's Cognitive and Health Outcomes
Presenting Author: Victoria Shier, Pardee RAND Graduate School
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Ashlesha Datar, Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern
California; Nancy Nicosia, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Michael T Mathes, Vanderbilt University
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, LAW 101
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Understanding the effects of the Affordable Care Act on the use of hospital inpatient and emergency
department services
Presiding: Herbert Wong, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Establishing benchmarks to understand hospital utilization following Medicaid expansion under the
Affordable Care Act
Presenting Author: Herbert Wong, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Co-Author(s): Gary Pickens, Truven Health Analytics; Ginger Carls, Truven Health Analytics; Zeynal Karaca,
AHRQ; Audrey Weiss, Truven Health Analytics
Discussant: Vivian Wu, USC
The Effect of Massachusetts Health Care Reform on Hospital Inpatient Use
Presenting Author: William Marder, Truven Health Analytics
Co-Author(s): Greg Lenhart, Truven Health Analytics; Zeynal Karaca, AHRQ; Lauren Wier, Truven Health
Analytics; Herbert Wong, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Discussant: N. Meltem Daysal, University of Southern Denmark
Projecting the Use of Inpatient and Emergency Department Services After the Affordable Care Act Medicaid
Presenting Author: Zeynal Karaca, AHRQ
Co-Author(s): Gary Pickens, Truven Health Analytics; Ginger Carls, Truven Health Analytics; Christine Eibner,
RAND Corporation; Audrey Weiss, Truven Health Analytics; Herbert Wong, Agency for Healthcare Research and
Discussant: Benjamin Cook, Harvard Medical School
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 130
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Comparing Outcomes Across Hospitals: Measurement, Selection, and Access
Presiding: Kevin Pflum, University of Alabama
Benchmarking Patient Safety and Quality in U.S. Hospitals: The Stochastic Frontier Approach
Presenting Author: Richard Hofler, University of Central Florida
Co-Author(s): Lynn Unruh, RN, University of Central Florida
Discussant: Matthew S Lewis, Clemson University
Do Medicare Advantage Enrollees Visit High-Cost Hospitals?
Presenting Author: Zeynal Karaca, AHRQ
Co-Author(s): Herbert Wong, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Jeffrey Stensland, Medicare Payment
Advisory Commission
Discussant: Richard Hofler, University of Central Florida
Competition and Quality Choice in Hospital Markets
Presenting Author: Kevin Pflum, University of Alabama
Co-Author(s): Matthew S Lewis, Clemson University
Discussant: Ryan Mutter, SAMHSA
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Cost-Effectiveness Studies for Pharmaceuticals
The Cost-Effectiveness of PIMA Alere CD4 Analyser for CD4 Counting in HIV Patients
Presenting Author: Elena Pizzo, Imperial College Business School
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Nadia Pillai, Imperial College Business School; Marisa Miraldo, Imperial College Business School;
Clifford B Jones, Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Imperial College; Anna Obi, St. Marys
Hospital; Nicola Mackie, St. Mary's Hospital; Angela Bailey, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Discussant: Patrick Richard, USU
Cost-effectiveness comparison of Denosumab and Zoledronic Acid in the treatment of Postmenopausal
Presenting Author: Joel Hay, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Yuchen Ding, University of Southern California
Discussant: Shraddha Chaugule, University Of Southern California
Cost-effectiveness analysis of abiraterone and sipuleucel-T in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Presenting Author: Cynthia Gong, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Joel Hay, University of Southern California
Discussant: Cynthia Gong, University of Southern California
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Economics of Physician Prescribing Behavior
Presiding: Linnea A Polgreen, University of Iowa
Geographic and Hospital Variations by Payer Type in New Medical Technology Use: The Case of Drug
Eluting Stents
Presenting Author: Esra Eren Bayindir, Ipek University
Co-Author(s): Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Ellen R Meara, Dartmouth College
Diffusion of Drug-Eluting Stents in PTCA Procedures
Presenting Author: Yang Yu, Lehigh University
Discussant: Andrew Epstein, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
The Effect on Physician's Prescribing from Prescribing Tendencies of Physicians in their Patient-Sharing
Presenting Author: Cole G. G Chapman, University of Iowa
Co-Author(s): Cole G. G Chapman, University of Iowa; Stephen Welch, University of Iowa; John M. Brooks,
University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health; Mary C. Schroeder, University of Iowa
Discussant: Aaron C Miller, University of Iowa
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Effects of Interventions to Improve Mental Health Treatment
Presiding: Yuhua Bao, Weill Cornell Medical College
The Zero Suicide Initiative: Applying a Systems Science and Stock & Flow Mapping Process to Suicide
Presenting Author: Charles Lunati, Calibre
Co-Author(s): Jessica Graziano, CALIBRE Systems Inc
Discussant: Ramya Sundararaman, CALIBRE Systems Inc
First-month Intensity of Collaborative Care and Patient Depression Outcomes
Presenting Author: Yuhua Bao, Weill Cornell Medical College
Co-Author(s): Chunshan Li, Weill Cornell Medical College; Jurgen Unutzer, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
University of Washington
Discussant: Susan L Ettner, University of California Los Angeles, Schools of Medicine and Public Health
The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Evaluation Study: Impact on Mental Health
Services Access, Utilization and Expenditures
Presenting Author: Susan L Ettner, University of California Los Angeles, Schools of Medicine and Public Health
Co-Author(s): Francisca Azocar, OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions; Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation;
Michael Ong, UCLA; Jessica Harwood, UCLA; Sarah Friedman, UCLA; Kenneth Wells, UCLA; Amber
Thalmayer, OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions
Discussant: Yuhua Bao, Weill Cornell Medical College
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Empirical Results for Current Health Policy: Parental Involvement Laws, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, and
Prescription of Psychotropic Drugs for Youths
Presiding: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University
The Effect of Parental Involvement Laws on Birth Control and Mental Health: New Evidence from the YRBS
Presenting Author: Joseph Sabia, San Diego State University
Co-Author(s): D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University
Discussant: Michael T. French, University of Miami
Moral Hazard and Less Invasive Medical Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease: An Analysis of Smoking
in the National Health Interview Survey
Presenting Author: Jesse Margolis, City University of New York Graduate Center
Co-Author(s): Shin-Yi Chou, Lehigh University; Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University; Jesse Margolis, City
University of New York Graduate Center; Michael Grossman, National Bureau of Economic Research
Discussant: Michael F. Pesko, Weill Cornell Medical College
Are Racial/Ethnic Differences in Youth Psychotropic Drug Use Due to Overuse of Whites or Underuse of
Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Presenting Author: Benjamin Cook, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Nicholas Carson, Harvard Medical School; Susan Busch, Yale University; E. Nilay Kafali, Harvard
Medical School-Cambridge Health Alliance; Juan David Rueda, Cambridge Health Alliance; Sarah Coe-Odess,
Swarthmore College
Discussant: Michael Grossman, National Bureau of Economic Research
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B7
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Health Insurance Exchanges
Presiding: Wenjia Zhu, Boston University
Health Insurance Coverage and Marriage Behavior: Is There Evidence of Marriage-Lock?
Presenting Author: Tianxu Chen, Boston University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Nicholas C della Cioppa, Duke University
Selective Entry, Plan Designs and Premium Discrimination in the Health Insurance Exchanges
Presenting Author: Ye Wang, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Calvin Luscombe, Boston University; Wenjia Zhu, Boston University
Discussant: Emily R Gee, Boston University
Labor Supply Response to Income Cutoffs of Health Insurance in the Massachusetts Reform
Presenting Author: Julie Shi, Boston University
Discussant: Chao Zhou, CDC
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Health Investment, Human Capital, and Economic Outcomes
Presiding: Jeremy Barofsky, Schaeffer Center For Health Policy and Economics
Malaria Eradication and Economic Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Uganda
Presenting Author: Jeremy Barofsky, University of Southern California
Discussant: Jacob Bor, Boston University
Do Health Investments Improve Education Outcomes? Evidence on the Intergenerational Effects of
HIV/AIDS Treatment
Presenting Author: Adrienne Lucas, University of Delaware
Discussant: Manisha Shah, University of California, Los Angeles
Impact of the Chiranjeevi Yojana Program on Institutional Deliveries and Birth Outcomes in Gujarat, India:
A Difference-in-Difference Analysis
Presenting Author: Manoj Mohanan, Duke University / Sanford School of Public Policy
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Neeraj Sood, Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 101
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Impact of Food Access on Nutrition
Presiding: Charles Courtemanche, Georgia State University
The Impact of Food Deserts on SNAP Participation and Food Insufficiency among the Elderly
Presenting Author: Katie Fitzpatrick, Seattle University
Co-Author(s): Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley, Kent State University; Michele Ver Ploeg, USDA
Discussant: Tara Watson, Williams College
Children’s Food Insecurity, Food Preparation Time and the Effects of Food Environment
Presenting Author: Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University
Co-Author(s): Helen H Jensen, Iowa State University
Discussant: David Frisvold, University of Iowa
Do Big Box Grocers Improve Food Security?
Presenting Author: Charles Courtemanche, Georgia State University
Co-Author(s): Art Carden, Samford University; Xilin Zhou, Georgia State University
Discussant: Hope Corman, Rider University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Incentivizing Healthy Behaviors
Presiding: Justin S. White, Stanford University
Conditional Economic Incentives to Reduce HIV Risks Among Male Sex Workers: Results from a
Randomized Pilot in Mexico
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Omar Galarraga, Brown University
Co-Author(s): Sandra G Sosa-Rubí, INSP; Carlos J Conde, INSP; Luis Juarez-Figueroa, Clínica Condesa; Andrea
González-Rodríguez, Clínica Condesa; Florentino Badial-Hernández, Clínica Condesa; Sergio Bautista-Arredondo,
INSP; Caroline Kuo, Brown University; Don Operario, Brown University; Kenneth H. Mayer, Harvard University
Discussant: Damien de Walque, World Bank
Small Incentives and Nudges for HIV Testing
Presenting Author: William H Dow, University of California, Berkeley
Co-Author(s): Juan Carlos Montoy, University of California, San Francisco
Discussant: Justin S. White, Stanford University
Does the Benefits Schedule of Cash Assistance Programs Affect Impulse Buying? Evidence from a Natural
Experiment in Peru
Presenting Author: Justin S. White, Stanford University
Co-Author(s): Sanjay Basu, Stanford University
Discussant: Omar Galarraga, Brown University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B2
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Is There Any Good News for Population Aging: A Global Perspective
Presiding: Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Duke Global Health Institute
The Value of Delaying Alzheimer’s Disease Onset
Presenting Author: Julie Zissimopoulos, Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, USC
Co-Author(s): Dana Goldman, University of Southern California
Discussant: Karen Eggleston, Stanford University
Adapting the Future Elderly Model to a Super-Aging Society: Implications for Health, Health Spending, and
Health Policy in Japan
Presenting Author: Brian K. Chen, University of South Carolina
Co-Author(s): Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University; Karen Eggleston, Stanford University
Discussant: Ya-Ming Liu, National Cheng-Kung University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Access to the Public Home Health Care and the Use of Health Care Services among the Elderly: Are They
Substitutes or Complements?
Presenting Author: Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Duke Global Health Institute
Co-Author(s): Te-Fen Lo, Economics Department, National Dong Hwa University; Ya-Ming Liu, National Cheng
Kung University
Discussant: Brian K. Chen, University of South Carolina
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B3
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Medicare Markets
Presiding: Michael Geruso, University of Texas at Austin
Plan Quality, the ACA, And Medicare Advantage Plan Offerings
Presenting Author: Christopher C Afendulis, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Michael Chernew, Harvard Medical School; Mary Beth Landrum, Harvard Medical School
Discussant: Roger Feldman, University of Minnesota
Identifying Upcoding in Markets with Adverse Selection: An Application to Medicare
Presenting Author: Michael Geruso, University of Texas at Austin
Co-Author(s): Timothy Layton, Boston University
Discussant: Joshua D Gottlieb, University of British Columbia
Externalities and Taxation of Supplemental Insurance: A Study of Medicare and Medigap
Presenting Author: Marika Cabral, UT Austin, Department of Economics
Co-Author(s): Neale Mahoney, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Discussant: Jeffrey P Clemens, University of California, San Diego
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 118/120
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Smoking Behavior in China
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presiding: Xi Chen, Yale University and Jing Li, University of California at Berkeley
Relative Prices and Quality Substitution in the Chinese Cigarette Market: A Discrete Choice Analysis Using
ITC China Data
Presenting Author: Jing Li, University of California at Berkeley
Co-Author(s): Justin S. White, Stanford University; Geoffrey T Fong, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research,,; Tehwei Hu, University of California at Berkeley; Yuan Jiang, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Nengliang (Aaron) Yao, Virginia Commonwealth University
Weight Control Belief and Its Impact on Cigarette Consumption and Quit Attempts: Findings from ITC
Presenting Author: Ce Shang, IHRP, UIC
Co-Author(s): Frank J Chaloupka, Health Policy Center, IHRP,UIC; Geoffrey T Fong, Ontario Institute for Cancer
Research,,; Mary Thompson, university of waterloo; Mohammad Siahpush, University of Nebraska Medical Center;
William Ridgeway, Department of Economics, UIC
Discussant: Lu Shi, Clemson University
Skewed Sex Ratios, Marriage Market Pressure and Parental Smoking Behavior in Rural China
Presenting Author: Xi Chen, Yale University
Discussant: Xuezheng Qin, Peking University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
The Impact of Medical Technologies on Child and Family Outcomes
Presiding: N. Meltem Daysal, University of Southern Denmark
Returns to childbirth technologies: Evidence from preterm births
Presenting Author: N. Meltem Daysal, University of Southern Denmark
Co-Author(s): Mircea Trandafir, University of Southern Denmark; Reyn van Ewijk, University Medical Center
Discussant: Michael Anderson, UC Berkeley
Cutting Fertility? The Causal Effects of Supply-Determined Cesarean Section on Fertility
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Pilar Garcia-Gomez, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University
Co-Author(s): Michael Hummer, Johannes Kepler University Linz & The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and
the Analysis of the Welfare State; Harald Mayr, University of Zurich; Gerald Pruckner Pruckner, Johannes Kepler
University Linz & The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State
Discussant: Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Long-term Consequences of ADHD Medication Use for Children’s Outcomes
Presenting Author: Marianne Simonsen, Aarhus University
Co-Author(s): Helena Skyt Nielsen, Aarhus University; Soren Dalsgaard, University of Southern Denmark
Discussant: Mircea Trandafir, University of Southern Denmark
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 103
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
The Interaction of Disability, Labor Force Participation, and Health Care Coverage in the United States
Presiding: Frederic Selck, National Center for Health Statistics
Source of Health Insurance Coverage and Employment Survival Among Newly Disabled Workers: Evidence
from the Health and Retirement Study
Presenting Author: Kathleen J Mullen, RAND
Discussant: Brandy Lipton, CDC
Trends in Access to Care Among Workers with Disabilities, 1997-2011, and Implications for the ACA
Presenting Author: Jody Schimmel, Mathematica Policy Research
Co-Author(s): Gina Livermore, Mathematica Policy Research
Discussant: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Who among the Working-age Disabled on Medicaid Transitions into Dual-eligibility?
Presenting Author: Frederic Selck, National Center for Health Statistics
Co-Author(s): Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Gilbert Gimm, George Mason University
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B1
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Presiding: Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
Presenting Author: Kate Bundorf, Stanford University
Co-Author(s): Laurence Baker, Stanford University
Discussant: Richard Lindrooth, University of Colorado Denver
Presenting Author: Lorens Helmchen, George Mason University
Co-Author(s): Alison Cuellar, George Mason Univ; Gilbert Gimm, George Mason University
Discussant: Abby Alpert, University of California Irvine
Presenting Author: Guy David, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Adam Leive, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Ellerie Weber, RAND-University of
Pittsburgh Health Institute (RUPHI)
Discussant: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 118/120
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Adolescent Behavioral Health: Implications from Prescription Drug Abuse, Teenage Fertility & Smoking
Presiding: Mir Ali, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs and Mental Health among Adolescents
Presenting Author: Mir Ali, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Discussant: Olga Yakusheva, marquette university
Racial Disparities in Peer Effects on Teenage Fertility: Evidence from Using Peer Miscarriages as a Natural
Presenting Author: Olga Yakusheva, marquette university
Co-Author(s): Kandice Kapinos, Abt Associates
Discussant: Silda Nikaj, Texas Christian University
Teacher Smoking, School Level Policies and Adolescent Smoking in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Presenting Author: Silda Nikaj, Texas Christian University
Discussant: Travis Minor, Food & Drug Administration
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B2
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Consumption Decisions, the Environment, and Obesity
Presiding: Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
Effects of environmental factors on prevalence of obesity: A case study of immigrants
Presenting Author: Bhagyashree Katare, University of Minnesota
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Timothy Beatty, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Matthew C Harris, University of Tennessee
Food Choices, the Novelty Effect and Health: Evidence from the East German Transition to Capitalism
Presenting Author: Nicolas R Ziebarth, Cornell University, PAM
Co-Author(s): Davide Dragone, University of Bologna
Discussant: Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
Soda Taxes and Purchases: Evidence from Household Scanner Data
Presenting Author: Roy Wada, University of Illinois, Chicago, Institute for Health Research and Policy (MC275)
Co-Author(s): Lisa Powell, University of Illinois, Chicago; Jamie Chriqui, University of Illinois at Chicago
Discussant: David Frisvold, University of Iowa
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 101
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Health Care Provider Micro-Foundations
Presiding: Michael F. Pesko, Weill Cornell Medical College
Market Power and Provider Consolidation in Physician Markets
Presenting Author: Samuel Kleiner, Cornell University
Co-Author(s): William D. White, Cornell University, Sloan Program in Health Administration; Sean M Lyons,
Cornell University
Discussant: Ellerie Weber, RAND-University of Pittsburgh Health Institute (RUPHI)
Clocking Out: Shift Work in the Emergency Department
Presenting Author: David Chan, Stanford
Discussant: Sean Nicholson, Cornell University
Impact of Home Health Nurse Communication with Physicians on Readmissions: An Instrumental Variable
Presenting Author: Michael F. Pesko, Weill Cornell Medical College
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Co-Author(s): Matthew J. Press, Weill Cornell Medical College
Discussant: Elizabeth L. Munnich, University of Louisville
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Health Economics and Decision Analysis at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention III
Presiding: Adam Skelton, CDC
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the First Federally Funded U.S. Antismoking National Media Campaign:
Tips from Former Smokers
Presenting Author: Xin Xu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Muhammad Jami Husain, CDC
The Association between Insurance Access and Vaccination Status among Adult Children under Age 26
Presenting Author: Jing Xu, CDC
Discussant: Xin Xu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tobacco Free Economy: A SAM-based Multiplier Model to Track Transmission Mechanism of Demand
Driven Interventions in Bangladesh
Presenting Author: Muhammad Jami Husain, CDC
Discussant: Jing Xu, CDC
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B3
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Medicaid and Preventive Health Care
Presiding: Laura Wherry, University of Michigan
Medicaid Expansions and Cancer Screening for Low-Income Women
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Lindsay M Sabik, Virginia Commonwealth University
Co-Author(s): Wafa Tarazi, Department of Healthcare Policy and Research; Cathy Bradley, Virginia
Commonwealth University
Discussant: Stacey McMorrow, The Urban Institute
Access to Primary Care for New Medicaid Patients and Preventive Care Utilization: Evidence from an Audit
Presenting Author: Brendan Saloner, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Daniel Polsky, University of Pennsylvania; Karin Rhodes, Department of Emergency Medicine; Ari
B. Friedman, Leonard Davis Instisute of Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: John Graves, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Persistent Health Effects of Early Life Medicaid Coverage
Presenting Author: Sarah Miller, University of Notre Dame
Co-Author(s): Laura Wherry, University of Michigan
Discussant: Andrew Goodman-Bacon, University of Michigan
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Physician decision-making
Presiding: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
Testing for “Schools of Thought” in Physician Practice Patterns
Presenting Author: Andrew Epstein, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Discussant: Martin Andersen, Johns Hopkins University
Inertia in physicians practice patterns
Presenting Author: David Howard, Emory University
Co-Author(s): Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
Discussant: Lauren Hersch Nicholas, MPP, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Hospital and physician prices and treatment choice in labor and delivery
Presenting Author: Patricia K Foo, Stanford University
Co-Author(s): Robin Lee, New York University, Stern School of Business; Kyna Fong, Stanford University
Discussant: Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Prices, Pharmaceuticals and Prevention
Presiding: Chao Zhou, CDC
Does Cost-Sharing Affect Response to Signals? The Effect of Bad News on Utilization of Prescription Drugs
with Cost-Sharing
Presenting Author: Sonal Vats, Boston University
Discussant: Seth Freedman, Indiana University
The Effect of Free Provision of Preventive Care under ACA on Prevention Utilization: Evidence from
Commercial Health Plans
Presenting Author: Wenjia Zhu, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Ye Wang, Boston University
Discussant: Don Kenkel, Cornell University
Myopic and Forward Looking Behavior in Branded Oral Anti-Diabetic Medication Consumption: An
Example from Part D
Presenting Author: Naomi Sacks, Tufts University School of Medicine
Discussant: Cameron Kaplan, University of Pittsburgh
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B7
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Protecting Against Adverse Selection in Competitive Health Insurance Markets
Presiding: Randall P Ellis, Boston University
The Welfare Consequences of Risk Adjustment in Competitive Health Insurance Markets
Presenting Author: Timothy Layton, Boston University
Discussant: Martin Andersen, Johns Hopkins University
Efficiency in Plan Choice with Risk Adjustment and Premium Discrimination in Health Insurance Exchanges
Presenting Author: Julie Shi, Harvard Medical School
Discussant: Kimberley H H Geissler, University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health
Incorporating Taste Heterogeneity in Risk Adjustment Models
Presenting Author: Randall P Ellis, Boston University
Co-Author(s): Wenjia Zhu, Boston University
Discussant: David Cutler, Harvard University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Racial Disparities in Early Child Health and Development: New Evidence on Prevalence and Mechanisms
Presiding: George L Wehby, University of Iowa and NBER
Sunshine, Temperature and Racial Disparity in Birth Outcomes -- Starting at Conception
Presenting Author: Karen Conway, University of New Hampshire
Co-Author(s): Jennifer Trudeau, University of New Hampshire
Discussant: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
Racial Differences in Early Cognitive and non-Cognitive Neurodevelopment in Brazil
Presenting Author: Antonio Trujillo, Johns Hopkins
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Co-Author(s): George L Wehby, University of Iowa and NBER
Discussant: Karen Conway, University of New Hampshire
Racial Disparities in Birth Outcomes in Multiple South American Countries
Presenting Author: George L Wehby, University of Iowa and NBER
Co-Author(s): Mariela Pawluk, ECLAMC; Jorge Lopez-Camelo, ECLAMC; Juan Gili, ECLAMC; Fernando Poleta,
Discussant: Jennifer Trudeau, University of New Hampshire
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B1
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Regulations, Bans and Markets: Implications for Pharmaceuticals
[Sponsored by PhRMA]
Presiding: Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Association between characteristics of novel therapeutics and approval times by the Food and Drug
Presenting Author: Nilay Shah, Mayo Clinic
Co-Author(s): Nicholas Downing, Yale University; Jenerius A Aminawung, Yale University; Harlan Krumholz,
Yale University; Joseph S Ross, Yale University
Discussant: Steve Parente, University or Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
A double-edged sword: Exhaust the ozone layer or ban ozone depleting asthma drugs?
Presenting Author: Anupam Jena, Harvard University
Co-Author(s): Dana Goldman, University of Southern California; Pinar Karaca-Mandic, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Michael Chernew, Harvard Medical School
The Health Consequences of Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising
Presenting Author: Jeffrey S McCullough, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Serena Ng, Columbia University
Discussant: Seth Seabury, USC
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Social Consequences of Mental Illness and Access to Treatment
Presiding: Chad Meyerhoefer, Lehigh University & NBER
The Effect of Depression on Labor Market Outcomes
Presenting Author: Lizhong Peng, Lehigh University
Co-Author(s): Chad Meyerhoefer, Lehigh University & NBER; Samuel H. Zuvekas, Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality
Discussant: Ezra Golberstein, University of Minnesota
Fighting Crime through Treatment: The Effect of Treatment for Substance Use Disorder on Crime
Presenting Author: Hefei Wen, Emory University
Co-Author(s): Jason M Hockenberry, Emory University and NBER; Janet R Cummings, Emory University
Discussant: Alison Cuellar, George Mason Univ
Neighborhood- and State-Level Characteristics Associated with Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health
Presenting Author: Samuel H. Zuvekas, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Co-Author(s): Benjamin Cook, Harvard Medical School; Jie Chen, University Maryland
Discussant: Darrell J. Gaskin, John Hopkins University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 130
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
The economic causes and consequences of US drug shortages
Presiding: Rena Conti, University of Chicago and Ernst Berndt, MIT
Specialty drug prices and utilization after loss of patent exclusivity, 2001-2007
Presenting Author: Rena Conti, University of Chicago
Co-Author(s): Ernst Berndt, MIT
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Marta Wosinska, CDER, FDA
Drug Pricing, Reimbursement, and Drug Shortages
Presenting Author: Chris Stromberg, Bates White Economic Consulting
Discussant: Alison Goetsch, Government Accountability Office
The impact of oncology drug shortages on patient welfare
Presenting Author: Abby Alpert, University of California Irvine
Co-Author(s): Mireille Jacobson, UC-Irvine
Discussant: Jennifer Malin, WellPoint
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 103
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Tracking the ACA
Presiding: Dana Goldman, University of Southern California
How Prepared are Americans for the Affordable Care Act? Results from a Survey of Health Insurance
Literacy and Health Reform Knowledge
Presenting Author: Amelie Wuppermann, LMU Munich
Discussant: Mireille Jacobson, University of California Irvine
Tracking Public and Individual Opinion of the Affordable Care Act
Presenting Author: Katherine Carman, Rand Corporation
Discussant: Mireille Jacobson, University of California Irvine
How capable are people of making health insurance choices? Evidence from a hypothetical choice experiment
Presenting Author: Sebastian Bauhoff, MPAID, RAND Corporation
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Discussant: Mireille Jacobson, University of California Irvine
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Understanding Hospital Pricing
Presiding: Ellerie Weber, University of Texas School of Public Health
Presenting Author: Avi Dor, George Washington University
Discussant: Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
High-Priced Hospitals: Bigger, Not Necessarily Better
Presenting Author: Chapin White, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Ethan MJ Lieber, Notre Dame
The Relationship Between Hospital Prices & Charges: A Case Study of a Major Commercial Carrier in
Presenting Author: Ellerie Weber, University of Texas School of Public Health
Discussant: Pierre-Thomas Leger, HEC Montreal
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Work and Health
Presiding: Andrew Barnes, Virginia Commonwealth University
How Does Actual Unemployment and the Perceived Risk of Joblessness Affect Smoking Behavior? Gender
and Intra-family Effects
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Irina B Grafova, Rutgers School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Alan C. Monheit, Rutgers School of Public Health
Discussant: Andrew Barnes, Virginia Commonwealth University
The Consequences of Work and Family Demands and Resources on Employees' Health and Health Behaviors
Presenting Author: Jean Abraham, University of Minnesota
Co-Author(s): Theresa Glomb, University of Minnesota; Tao Yang, University of Minnesota; Devasheesh Bhave,
Singapore Management University; Erin Kelly, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Anne Beeson Royalty, IUPUI
(Re)Funding Health Care Spending: The Timing of EITC Refunds, Liquidity, and Investment in Health
Presenting Author: Matthew J Niedzwiecki, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, UC Berkeley, UCSF
Discussant: Reagan Baughman, University of NH
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 100
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Advances in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Presiding: Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
Cost-Effectiveness of Periodic Screening for Diabetes and Prediabetes
Presenting Author: Thomas J Hoerger, RTI International
Co-Author(s): Wesley Crouse, RTI International; Ping Zhang, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Xiaohui
Zhuo, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Henry Kahn, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Yileng
S Cheng, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Albert Bethke, RTI International; Edward Gregg, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Margo Bergman, University of Washington
The Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Management Strategies for Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the
United States: A Markov Model Analysis
Presenting Author: Christina Chen, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Joel Hay, University of Southern California
Discussant: Jing Guo, American Institutes for Research
Cost effectiveness analysis of TV campaign to promote flu shot among elderly
Presenting Author: Minchul Kim, University of California Davis
Co-Author(s): Byung-Kwang Yoo, University of California Davis
Discussant: Frank A. Sloan, Duke University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 130
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Economic Cost and Outcomes
Presiding: Ciaran Phibbs, Health Economics Resource Center
Estimating the health burden and costs of patient safety events using English hospital data
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Shaolin Wang, Imperial College London
Co-Author(s): Katharina Hauck, Imperial College London; Professor Peter C. Smith, Imperial College Business
Discussant: Adam Atherly, Colorado School of Public Health
The Net Benefit of Adequate Prenatal Care: New Estimates Incorporating Outcomes of both Infant and
Presenting Author: Edward Coffield, Fellow
Co-Author(s): Norman Waitzman, University of Utah
Discussant: Ciaran Phibbs, Health Economics Resource Center
The Economic Cost of Selected Public Health Core Services in Colorado
Presenting Author: Adam Atherly, Colorado School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Sarah Lampe, CALPHO & PH Alliance of CO; Lisa VanRaemdonck, CALPHO & PH Alliance of
CO; Melanie Mason, Colorado School of Public Health
Discussant: Paul Brown, University of California, Merced
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B7
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Economics and Physician Care
Presiding: Thomas Koch, FTC
Healthcare Delivery, Costs and Quality: Evidence from Emergency Departments
Presenting Author: Pierre-Thomas Leger, HEC Montreal
Co-Author(s): Gautam Gowrisankaran, University of Arizona; Keith Joiner, University of Arizona
Discussant: Thomas Koch, FTC
The Impact of National Medical Liability Standards on Local Access to Physician Services
Presenting Author: Seth Seabury, USC
Co-Author(s): Michael Frakes, Cornell University; Matthew B Frank, Harvard University
Discussant: Michael Punzalan, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
The role of patient-physician communication on healthcare costs
Presenting Author: Zeynal Karaca, AHRQ
Co-Author(s): Herbert Wong, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Discussant: Seth Seabury, USC
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 102
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Economics of Behavioral Health and Crime
Presiding: Johanna Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
Deployments, Combat Exposure, and Crime
Presenting Author: Daniel Rees, University of Colorado Denver
Discussant: Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut
Treatment-based Approaches to Juvenile Crime: Effects on Education Outcomes
Presenting Author: Alison Cuellar, George Mason Univ
Co-Author(s): Dhaval Dave, Bentley University
Discussant: Daniel Grossman, Cornell University
Seatbelt Use Following Stricter Drunk Driving Regulations
Presenting Author: Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut
Discussant: Asia Sikora, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 152
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Health and Labor Markets
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Presiding: Michael R Richards, University of Pennsylvania
Income Receipt and Mortality - Evidence from Swedish Public Sector Employees
Presenting Author: Elvira Andersson, Lund university
Co-Author(s): Petter Lundborg, Lund University; Johan Vikstrom, IFAU, Uppsala university
Discussant: Sofie Gustafsson, Lund university
The Impact of the COBRA Premium Subsidy on the Duration of Unemployment: Evidence from the 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Presenting Author: Chun-Chieh Hu, Syracuse University
Discussant: Hefei Wen, Emory University
How do Smoker Protection Laws affect Labor Market Outcomes for Smokers?
Presenting Author: Joseph A. Benitez, Division of Health Policy & Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago
Co-Author(s): Pavel Dramski, Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago
Discussant: Michael R Richards, University of Pennsylvania
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 157
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Insurance Coverage and Specific Disease Outcomes
Presiding: Bradley Herring, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Evaluating the Impact of Marijuana Use on Metabolic Syndrome Using Data from the Continuous National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Presenting Author: Christin A Thompson, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Economics & Policy &
Leonard Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics, University of Southern California
Co-Author(s): Joel Hay, University of Southern California
Discussant: Laura Shinn, Rowan University
Effects of Health Insurance on Osteoporosis Medication Use among U.S. Women
Presenting Author: Eric Sarpong, AHRQ
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Co-Author(s): Eric Sarpong, AHRQ
Discussant: Angela E Micah, Tulane University
Transplant Market Concentration and the Underutilization of Viable Donors: Theory and Evidence from
Liver Transplants
Presenting Author: Frederic Selck, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Co-Author(s): Bradley Herring, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Discussant: Preeti Zanwar, University of Texas Medical Branch
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 101
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Market Structure and Long-Term Care
Presiding: Courtney Harold Van Houtven, VA /Duke University Medical Center
Influence of For-profit Agencies in the Home Health Market
Presenting Author: Edward Norton, University of Michigan
Co-Author(s): Hyunjee Kim, Oregon Health and Science Univeristy
Discussant: Guy David, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Market Structure and Public Reporting: Evidence from Nursing Homes
Presenting Author: R. Tamara Konetzka, University of Chicago
Co-Author(s): Daifeng He, College of William and Mary; David C. Grabowski, Harvard Medical School
Discussant: Christina Marsh, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
Market Competition and the Quality of Nursing Home Care
Presenting Author: David C. Grabowski, Harvard Medical School
Co-Author(s): Momotazur Rahman, Brown University; Omar Galarraga, Brown University; Vincent Mor, Brown
Discussant: Richard Hirth, University of Michigan
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B3
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Medicare Policy
Presiding: Bianca K. Frogner, The George Washington University
Calculating Disease-Based Medical Care Expenditure Indexes For Medicare Beneficiaries: A Comparison of
Method and Data Choices
Presenting Author: Anne E Hall, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Co-Author(s): Tina Highfill, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Discussant: Bianca K. Frogner, The George Washington University
The Effects of Contract Cancellation on Health Insurance Generosity in Medicare Advantage
Presenting Author: Daria M Pelech, Harvard University
Discussant: Anna Chorniy, Clemson University
Demand Response to the Medicare Advantage Star Rating System
Presenting Author: Samuel S Richardson, LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Timothy Layton, Boston University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 150
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Physical Activity, Tobacco Policy and Obesity
Presiding: Jane E Ruseski, West Virginia University
Do Smoking Bans Lead to Higher Levels of Obesity?
Presenting Author: Patrick Manzi, West Virginia University
Co-Author(s): John Deskins, West Virginia University
Discussant: Karen Conway, University of New Hampshire
Physical Activity, Obesity and Present Bias
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Jane E Ruseski, West Virginia University
Co-Author(s): Brad Humphreys, West Virginia Unversity; Li Zhou, University of Alberta
Discussant: Patrick Manzi, West Virginia University
A Closer Look at Tobacco Policy and Physical Activity
Presenting Author: Karen S Conway, University of New Hampshire
Co-Author(s): Gregory Colman, Pace University; Dhaval Dave, Bentley University
Discussant: Brad Humphreys, West Virginia Unversity
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B1
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Physician Incentives and Treatment Outcomes
Presiding: Amanda Starc, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Physician vs. Patient Incentives in Prescription Drug Choice
Presenting Author: Michael J Dickstein, Stanford University
Discussant: Jeff Clemens, University of California, San Diego
Betting on Your Health: How Uncertainty Affects Physician Choice
Presenting Author: Ashley Swanson, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author(s): Jonathan Kolstad, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Kurt Lavetti, Ohio State University
Teamwork and Moral Hazard among Emergency Department Physicians
Presenting Author: David Chan, Stanford
Discussant: Kurt Lavetti, Ohio State University
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW B2
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Regulation and Risky Behavior
Presiding: Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation
Do Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Addictions and Deaths Related to Pain Killers?
Presenting Author: David M Powell, RAND
Co-Author(s): Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation; Mireille Jacobson, University of California Irvine
The Comprehensive Effects of Tobacco Control Policies on Tobacco-Related Purchases
Presenting Author: Erik Nesson, Ball State University
Co-Author(s): Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut; Nathan Tefft, University of Washington
Discussant: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
Buying cigarettes from Indian reservations: Magnitude of the discount
Presenting Author: Xin Xu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Kai-Wen Cheng, National Taiwan University School of Public Health
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 101
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Regulations in Nursing
Presiding: Joanne Spetz, UCSF
Nurse Practitioner Independence, Health Care Utilization, and Health Outcomes
Presenting Author: Victoria Udalova, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Co-Author(s): Jeffrey Traczynski, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Discussant: Kevin Stange, University of Michigan
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
The effect of nurse practitioner prescriptive authority regulation on prescription drug utilization among
Medicare beneficiaries
Presenting Author: Ulrike Muench, MSN, Vanderbilt University
Discussant: Sarah Miller, University of Notre Dame
State Regulation and the Mobility of Nurses: An Examination of the Nurse Licensure Compact
Presenting Author: Christina DePasquale, University of Michigan
Co-Author(s): Kevin Stange, University of Michigan
Discussant: Samuel Kleiner, Cornell University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 118/120
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Social Security Programs in Rural China
Presiding: Xi Chen, Yale University
Health Care utilization with China's New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme: Update Evidence from the
2011-2012 China Health and Retirement Study
Presenting Author: Lu Shi, Clemson University
Co-Author(s): Donglan Zhang, University of California Los Angeles
Discussant: Jing Li, University of California at Berkeley
Does Health Insurance Lead to Ex-ante Moral Hazard? Evidence from China’s New Rural Cooperative
Medical Scheme
Presenting Author: Xuezheng Qin, Peking University
Co-Author(s): Tianyi Lu, Peking University
Discussant: Lizheng Shi, Tulane University School of Public Health
Household Decision Making under the New Rural Pension Scheme in China: A Regression Discontinuity
Presenting Author: Xi Chen, Yale University
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Discussant: Xuezheng Qin, Peking University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, LAW 103
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
The Economics of Preventive Care
[Sponsored by The California Endowment]
Presiding: Helen Levy, University of Michigan
Information or Compensation? Understanding the Role of Information Technology in Physician Response to
Presenting Author: Benjamin R Handel, UC Berkeley
Co-Author(s): Jonathan Kolstad, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Richard Lindrooth, University of Colorado Denver
Effects of State Cervical Cancer Insurance Mandates on Pap Test Rates
Presenting Author: Marianne Bitler, UC Irvine
Co-Author(s): Christopher Carpenter, The Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine
Discussant: Sayeh Nikpay, University of Michigan
The Impact of Health Care Reform's Preventive Services Requirement at the University of Michigan
Presenting Author: Laura Wherry, University of Michigan
Co-Author(s): Helen Levy, University of Michigan; Thomas Buchmueller, University of Michigan
Discussant: Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Von KleinSmid 156
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
What Can We Learn About the Likely Effects of Future Expansions from Differences in Recent Medicaid
Policies Across States and Within States Over Time?
Presiding: Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Have Past Medicaid Expansions Improved Access to Care for Low-Income Adults?
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ASHEcon Fifth Biennial Conference Preliminary Schedule
Presenting Author: Stacey McMorrow, The Urban Institute
Discussant: Lan Liang, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Effect of Dental Insurance Coverage and Payment Rates to Dentists on Use of Dental Care and Dental Health
Outcomes Among Adults on Medicaid
Presenting Author: Brandy Lipton, CDC
Discussant: Seth Freedman, Indiana University
Prevalence, Awareness, and Control of Chronic Health Conditions Among Low-Income Adults with
Medicaid Compared to Private Insurance
Presenting Author: Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discussant: Tianyan Hu, University of Pennsylvania
- 131 Updated on May 20, 2014