1664 N. Virginia St, Mail Stop 216
Reno, NV 89557-0216
TEL: (775) 784-6041
FAX: (775) 784-6804
Department of Chemistry
Vincent J. Catalano, Chair.
Degrees Offered: B.S, M.S, Ph.D.
Fields of Specialization: Inorganic, Organic, Bioorganic, Physical, Theoretical, Surface.
Interdisciplinary Program: Chemical Physics (Department of Physics).
ALPUCHE-AVILES, MARIO A. (b.1975) Assistant
Professor. B.S, 1998, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan
(Mexico); Ph.D, 2005, Mississippi State University.
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2005-2007, The University of
Texas at Austin, Center for Electrochemistry; Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-2009, Ohio State University. Analytical Chemistry. Development of electrochemical methods
for analytical, materials and energy applications. Scanning electrochemical microscopy, electrochemistry of
semiconductors, electrocatalysis and characterization of
nanostructures. TEL: (775) 784-6041 FAX: (775) 7846804
Luis Díaz-Ballote, Mario A. Alpuche-Avilés and David O.
Wipf, Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry—scanning electrochemical microscopy, J. Electroanal. Chem, 604, 17-25 (2007).
Joaquin Rodriguez Lopez, Mario A. Alpuche-Avilés and
Allen J. Bard, Selective insulation with polytetrafluoroethylene of substrate electrodes for electrochemical
background reduction in scanning electrochemical microscopy, Anal. Chem, 80, 1813-1818 (2008).
Mario A. Alpuche-Avilés, John E. Baur and David O.
Wipf, Imaging of metal ion dissolution and electrodeposition
by anodic stripping voltammetry-scanning electrochemical
microscopy, Anal. Chem, 80, 3612-3621 (2008).
Alessandro Minguzzi, Mario A. Alpuche-Avilés, Joaquin
Rodriguez Lopez, Sandra Rondinini and Allen J. Bard,
Screening of oxygen evolution electrocatalysts by scanning
electrochemical microscopy using a tip shielding approach,
Anal. Chem, 80, 4055-4064 (2008).
Joaquin Rodriguez Lopez, Mario A. Alpuche-Avilés and
Allen J. Bard, Interrogation of surfaces for the quantification
of adsorbed species on electrodes: Oxygen on gold and platinum in neutral media, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 16985-16995
Alexander Nepomnyashchii, Mario A. Alpuche-Avilés,
Shanlin Pan, Dongping Zhan, Fu-Ren Fan and A. J. Bard,
Cyclic voltammetry studies of Cd2+ and Zn2+ complexation
with hydroxyl terminated polyamidoamine generation 2 dendrimer at a mercury microelectrode, J. Electroanal. Chem,
621, 286-296 (2008).
Abolfazl Kiani, Mario A. Alpuche-Avilés, Paul Eggers,
Michael Jones, Justin J. Gooding, Michael N. Paddon-Row
and Allen J. Bard, Scanning electrochemical microscopy. 59.
Effect of defects and structure on electron transfer through
self-assembled monolayers, Langmuir, 24, 2841-2849
BAGLIN, FRANK G. (b.1941) Professor. B.S, 1963,
Michigan State University; Ph.D, 1967, Washington
State University. NIH Fellowship, 1968, University of
South Carolina. Chemical Physics; Physical Chemistry.
Interaction induced Raman light scattering as a probe of
the local density structure, and solute-solvent interactions, of binary supercritical solutions. TEL: (775) 7846651 FAX: (775) 784-6804
No publication information submitted for this edition.
Kurt Vermeire, Andrea Lisco, Jean-Charles Grivel, Emily
Scarbrough, Kaka Dey, Noah Duffy, Leonid Margolis,
Thomas W. Bell and Dominique Schols, Design and cellular
kinetics of dansyl-labeled CADA derivatives with anti-HIV
and CD4 receptor down-modulating activity, Biochem. Pharmacol, 74, 566-578 (2007).
Kurt Vermeire, Joachim Brouwers, Yven Van Herrewege,
Roger Le Grand, Guido Vanham, Patrick Augustijns,
Thomas W. Bell and Dominique Schols, CADA, a potential
anti-HIV microbicide that specifically targets the cellular
CD4 receptor, Curr. HIV Res, 6, 246-256 (2008).
HyunJong Kim, Synthetic studies related to a molecular
motor series and development of photoswitching systems on
ODS-TiO2. (D)
Sailaja G. Ambatipudi, Hexagonal lattice-based hydrogen
bonding receptors for guanidine and urea. (D)
CASEY, SEAN M. (b.1966) Associate Professor. B.S,
1988, State University of New York College at Purchase;
Ph.D, 1993, University of Minnesota. NIST/NRC postdoctoral fellow, 1993-1997, JILA, University of Colorado. Chemical Physics; Physical Chemistry. Physical
chemistry; semiconductor surface science; gas-phase
radical-surface reactions; energy transfer. TEL: (775)
784-4133 FAX: (775) 784-6804
No publication information submitted for this edition.
CATALANO, VINCENT J. (b.1965) Professor. B.S,
1987, University of California, Santa Barbara; Ph.D,
1991, University of California, Davis. NSF Postdoctoral
Fellowship, 1992, California Institute of Technology. Inorganic Chemistry. Synthesis, structure and bonding of
luminescent transition metal complexes; metal-metal
bonded compounds; metallophilic and aurophilic interactions; ligand design and synthesis; NHC-complexes and
coordination polymers. TEL: (775) 784-1329 FAX:
(775) 784-6804
Vincent J. Catalano and Anthony O. Etogo, Preparation of
Au(I), Ag(I), and Pd(II) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes
Utilizing a Methylpyridyl-Substituted NHC Ligand. Formation of a Luminescent Coordination Polymer, Inorg. Chem.
(Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 5608-5615 (2007).
Michael T. Huggins, Chris Musto, Lyndsay Munro and
Vincent J. Catalano, Molecular recognition studies with a
simple dipyrrinone, Tetrahedron, 63, 12994-12999 (2007).
CLINE, JOSEPH I. (b.1961) Professor. B.S, 1983,
University of Virginia; Ph.D, 1988, California Institute
of Technology. Postdoctoral Fellow, 1988-1990, JILA,
University of Colorado. Chemical Physics; Physical
Chemistry. Experimental studies of molecular spectroscopy and reaction dynamics in gas and condensed
phases; angular correlations and rotational alignment and
orientation in photodissociation and bimolecular scattering, control of mechanical motions on the molecular
scale: Molecular devices. Experimental techniques include polarized spectroscopies, lasers, molecular beams,
time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and ion imaging. TEL:
(775) 784-4376 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Nicholas A. Sassin, Stephanie C. Everhart, Joseph I. Cline
and Kent M. Ervin, Photodissociation and collisional cooling
of Rhodamine 575 cations in a quadrupole ion trap, J. Chem.
Phys, 128, 234305/1-234305/12 (2008).
CUMMINGS, SARAH A. (b.1979) Lecturer. B.S,
2001, Haverford College; Ph.D, 2006, Columbia University. Postdoctoral Associate, 2006-2007, University of
Utah. Organometallic Chemistry. TEL: (775) 682-6457
FAX: (775) 784-6804
Web: www.chem/
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
BELL, THOMAS W. (b.1951) Professor. B.S, 1974,
California Institute of Technology; Ph.D, 1980, University College London, University of London. NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1980-1982, Cornell University; Visiting Professor, 1990, Universite Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, France; Visiting Professor, 1996, Universite
Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, France. Medicinal and/or
Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. Designed molecular recognition; artificial receptors and optical chemosensors for metals and organic molecules;
novel antiviral drugs, molecular probes for peptides and
nucleotides; molecular motors and devices. TEL: (775)
784-1842 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Keith M. Gligorich, Sarah A. Cummings and Matthew S.
Sigman, Palladium-catalyzed reductive coupling of styrenes
and organostannanes under aerobic conditions, J. Am. Chem.
Soc, 129, 14193-14195 (2007).
Sarah A. Cummings, Jon A. Tunge and Jack R. Norton,
Direct measurement of the rate of interconversion of zirconaaziridine enantiomers, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 4669-4679
DE BETTENCOURT-DIAS, ANA (b.1968) Associate Professor. M.Sc, 1993, University of Lisbon; Ph.D,
1997, University of Cologne. Postdoctoral Researcher,
1998-2001, UC Davis. Inorganic Chemistry; Materials
Chemistry. Chemistry of lanthanides and lanthanide con-
taining materials. Luminescence of lanthanide ions and
how to utilize this property to develop new emitting materials for display applications. TEL: (775) 682-8421
FAX: (775) 784-6804
Ana de Bettencourt-Dias, Small molecule luminescent lanthanide ion complexes—photophysical characterization and
recent developments, Curr. Org. Chem, 11, 1460-1480
Ana de Bettencourt-Dias, Lanthanide-based emitting materials in light-emitting diodes, Dalton Trans, 2229-2241
Daniel T. De Lill, Ana de Bettencourt-Dias and Christopher L. Cahill, Exploring Lanthanide Luminescence in Metal-Organic Frameworks: Synthesis, Structure, and GuestSensitized Luminescence of a Mixed Europium/Terbium-Adipate Framework and a Terbium-Adipate Framework, Inorg.
Chem, 46, 3960-3965 (2007).
Ana de Bettencourt-Dias, Subha Viswanathan and Alexandra Rollett, Thiophene-Derivatized Pybox and Its Highly Luminescent Lanthanide Ion Complexes, J. Am. Chem. Soc,
129, 15436-15437 (2007).
ERVIN, KENT M. (b.1957) Professor. B.S, 1981,
University of Kansas; B.A, 1981, University of Kansas;
Ph.D, 1986, University of California, Berkeley. Research
Associate, 1986-1990, University of Colorado, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics. Chemical Physics;
Physical Chemistry. Guided ion beam mass spectrometry; ion-molecule reactions; gas-phase ion thermochemistry; proton transfer and hydrogen atom transfer. TEL:
(775) 784-6676 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Nicholas A. Sassin, Stephanie C. Everhart, Joseph I. Cline
and Kent M. Ervin, Photodissociation and collisional cooling
of Rhodamine 575 cations in a quadrupole ion trap, J. Chem.
Phys, 128, 234305/1-234305/12 (2008).
P. B. Armentrout, Kent M. Ervin and M. T. Rodgers, Statistical Rate Theory and Kinetic Energy-Resolved Ion Chemistry: Theory and Applications, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112,
10071-10085 (2008).
Yang Shi and Kent M. Ervin, Hydrogen Atom Transfer
Reactions of C2-, C4-, and C6-: Bond Dissociation Energies of
Linear H-C2n- and H-C2n (n = 1, 2, 3), J. Phys. Chem. A, 112,
1261-1267 (2008).
Beike Jia, Laurence A. Angel and Kent M. Ervin, Threshold Collision-Induced Dissociation of Hydrogen-Bonded Dimers of Carboxylic Acids, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 1773-1782
FROST, BRIAN J. (b.1973) Associate Professor. B.S,
1995, Elizabethtown College; Ph.D, 1999, Texas A&M
University. Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2000-2002,
Columbia University. Inorganic Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry. Synthetic and mechanistic inorganic
and organometallic chemistry; water-soluble organometallic chemistry and catalysis; biphasic catalysis; watersoluble phosphines. TEL: (775) 784-1993 FAX: (775)
Rongcai Huang and Brian J. Frost, Development of a Series of P(CH2N:CHR)3 and Trisubstituted 1,3,5-Triaza-7phosphaadamantane Ligands, Inorg. Chem, 46, 10962-10964
Charles A. Mebi and Brian J. Frost, Isomerization of trans[Ru(PTA)4Cl2] to cis-[Ru(PTA)4Cl2] in Water and Organic
Solvent: Revisiting the Chemistry of [Ru(PTA)4Cl2], Inorg.
Chem, 46, 7115-7120 (2007).
Charles A. Mebi, Radhika P. Nair and Brian J. Frost, pHDependent Selective Transfer Hydrogenation of ␣,␤-Unsaturated Carbonyls in Aqueous Media Utilizing Half-Sandwich
Ruthenium(II) Complexes, Organometallics, 26, 429-438
Charles A. Mebi and Brian J. Frost, Nickel(II) complexes
of 1-alkyl-1-azonia-3,5-diaza-7-phosphatricyclo[,7]
decane—synthesis and solid-state structures, Z. Anorg. Allg.
Chem, 633, 368-371 (2007).
Gene W. Wong, Wei-Chih Lee and Brian J. Frost, Insertion of CO2, Ketones, and Aldehydes into the C-Li Bond of
1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantan-6-yllithium, Inorg. Chem,
47, 612-620 (2008).
KING, BENJAMIN T. (b.1968) Associate Professor.
B.S, 1992, Northeastern University, Boston; Ph.D, 2000,
University of Colorado, Boulder. NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2000-2002, University of California,
Berkeley. Organic Chemistry. Preparation of molecules
that might someday serve as useful materials. Design of
synthetic targets using computational chemistry, prepare
by chemical synthesis, and study their properties and behavior. Behavior of benzenoid nanostructures, molecules
incorporating fluorine, and organometallic chemistry.
TEL: (775) 784-1736 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Benjamin T. King, Stefanie Koerbe, Peter J. Schreiber,
Joshua Clayton, Adriana Nemcova, Zdenek Havlas, Kamesh
Vyakaranam, Matthew G. Fete, Ilya Zharov, Jason Ceremuga
and Josef Michl, The Sixteen CB11HnMe12-n- Anions with
Fivefold Substitution Symmetry: Anodic Oxidation and Electronic Structure, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 12960-12980
Benjamin T. King, Wayne M. Saslow and M. Amin Kayali, Hysteresis of two interacting magnetic pairs with inequivalent perpendicular anisotropy, J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 309,
229-236 (2007).
Benjamin T. King, Jiri Kroulik, Charles R. Robertson,
Pawel Rempala, Cameron L. Hilton, Justin D. Korinek and
Lisa M. Gortari, Controlling the Scholl Reaction, J. Org.
Chem, 72, 2279-2288 (2007).
Jason L. Ormsby and Benjamin T. King, The Regioselectivity of Addition to Carbon Nanotube Segments, J. Org.
Chem, 72, 4035-4038 (2007).
Cameron L. Hilton, Jeremy M. Crowfoot, Pawel Rempala
and Benjamin T. King, 18,18’-Dihexyl[9,9’]biphenanthro
[9,10-b]triphenylene: Construction and Consequences of a
Profoundly Hindered Aryl-Aryl Single Bond, J. Am. Chem.
Soc, 130, 13392-13399 (2008).
LEITNER, DAVID M. (b.1963) Professor. B.A, 1985,
Cornell University; B.S, 1985, Cornell University; Ph.D,
1989, The University of Chicago. Research Associate,
1990, Brown University; NSF Postdoctoral Research
Fellow, 1991-1993, Universitaet Heidelberg; Alexander
von Humboldt Research Fellow, 1993-1994, Universitaet
Heidelberg; Research Associate, 1994-1998, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Assistant Project Scientist, 1998-2000, University of California, San Diego.
Biophysics/Biophysical Chemistry; Theoretical Chemistry. Theoretical physical and biophysical chemistry. Energy flow in molecules and its influence on chemical reaction kinetics in gas and condensed phases. Vibrational
energy transfer in proteins, theory of infrared spectroscopy of proteins, and thermal conduction in mesoscopic
systems. Theoretical models for protein mobility in cell
membranes. TEL: (775) 784-1968 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Gia G. Maisuradze, Xin Yu and David M. Leitner, Normal
mode analysis and calculation of the cooling rates of the
chromophore vibrations during isomerization of photoactive
yellow proteins, J. Biol. Phys. Chem, 7, 25-29 (2007).
Johnson K. Agbo, David M. Leitner, Evgeniy M. Myshakin and Kenneth D. Jordan, Quantum energy flow and the kinetics of water shuttling between hydrogen bonding sites on
trans-formanilide, J. Chem. Phys, 127, 064315/1-064315/10
Simon Ebbinghaus, Seung Joong Kim, Matthias Heyden,
Xin Yu, Udo Heugen, Martin Gruebele, David M. Leitner
and Martina Havenith, An extended dynamical hydration
shell around proteins, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 104,
20749-20752 (2007).
Gia G. Maisuradze and David M. Leitner, Free energy
landscape of a biomolecule in dihedral principal component
space: sampling convergence and correspondence between
structures and minima, Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf, 67,
569-578 (2007).
David M. Leitner, Energy flow in proteins, Annu. Rev.
Phys. Chem, 59, 233-259 (2008).
Simon Ebbinghaus, Seung Joong Kim, Matthias Heyden,
Xin Yu, Martin Gruebele, David M. Leitner and Martina Havenith, Protein Sequence- and pH-Dependent Hydration
Probed by Terahertz Spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130,
2374-2375 (2008).
David M. Leitner and Martin Gruebele, A quantum model
of restricted vibrational energy flow on the way to the transition state in unimolecular reactions, Mol. Phys, 106, 433-442
LIGHTNER, DAVID A. (b.1939) R. C. Fuson Professor of Chemistry. A.B, 1960, University of California at
Berkeley; Ph.D, 1963, Stanford University. NSF Fellowship, 1963-1964, Stanford University; NSF Fellowship,
1964-1965, University of Minnesota. Bioorganic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. Synthesis; stereochemistry and
conformational analysis; molecular structure from circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopy; photochemistry,
stereochemistry and metabolism of tetrapyrrole pigments
related to bilirubin. TEL: (775) 784-4980 FAX: (775)
Edward B. Nikitin, Michael J. Nelson and David A. Lightner, A new bipyrrole coupling reaction, J. Heterocycl. Chem,
44, 739-743 (2007).
Antony F. McDonagh and David A. Lightner, Influence of
Conformation and Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding on the
Acyl Glucuronidation and Biliary Excretion of Acetylenic
Bis-Dipyrrinones Related to Bilirubin, J. Med. Chem, 50,
480-488 (2007).
Sanjeev K. Dey and David A. Lightner, 1,1’-Bipyrroles:
Synthesis and Stereochemistry, J. Org. Chem, 72, 9395-9397
Nicholas T. Salzameda and David A. Lightner, Intramolecular hydrogen-bonding in a C(10)-exploded bilirubinoid,
Monatsh. Chem, 138, 237-244 (2007).
Sanjeev K. Dey and David A. Lightner, Amphiphilic Dipyrrinones, Monatsh. Chem, 138, 687-697 (2007).
Steven D. Roth, Tetyana Shkindel and David A. Lightner,
Intermolecularly hydrogen-bonded dimeric helices: Tripyrrindiones, Tetrahedron, 63, 11030-11039 (2007).
Stefan E. Boiadjiev and David A. Lightner, Converting 9methyldipyrrinones to 9-H and 9-CHO dipyrrinones, Tetrahedron, 63, 8962-8976 (2007).
Antony F. McDonagh, Stefan E. Boiadjiev and David A.
Lightner, Slipping past UGT1A1 and multidrug resistanceassociated protein 2 in the liver: effects of steric compression
and hydrogen bonding on the hepatobiliary elimination of
synthetic bilirubins, Drug Metab. Dispos, 36, 930-936
Antony F. McDonagh and David A. Lightner, Photooxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin and bilirubin structure, J. Chem.
Ed, 85, 199-201 (2008).
Sanjeev K. Dey and David A. Lightner, Toward an amphiphilic bilirubin: The crystal structure of a bilirubin e-isomer,
J. Org. Chem, 73, 2704-2714 (2008).
Suchitra Datta and David A. Lightner, Facile synthesis of
2,3,7,8-tetramethyl-2,2’-dypyrrin trifluoroacetate and its xray crystal structure, Monatsh. Chem, 139, 1113-1117
Sanjeev K. Dey and David A. Lightner, Methoxyl-induced
fluorescence quenching in N,N’-bridged 9h-dipyrrinones and
an x-ray crystal structure, Monatsh. Chem, 139, 1377-1385
Suchitra Datta and David A. Lightner, Converting dipyrrinone lactams to lactim ethers to fluorescent N,N’-difluorylboryl derivatives, Monatsh. Chem, 139, 1519-1525 (2008).
Stefan E. Boiadjiev and David A. Lightner, Strongly-fluorescent dipyrrinones. Internal quenching, Monatsh. Chem,
139, 503-511 (2008).
T. Nehira, Stefan E. Boiadjiev and David A. Lightner, Fluorescence detected circular dichroism of a red-shifted exciton-coupling chromophore N,N’-carbonyl-bridged dipyrrinone derivative using an ellipsoidal device, Monatsh. Chem,
139, 591-595 (2008).
MCCULLOUGH, SÉSI M. (b.1960) Lecturer. B.A,
1986, California State University, Sacramento; Ph.D,
1992, University of California, Davis. Research Fellow,
1992-1993, Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope
National Medical Center. Chemistry Education. TEL:
(775) 784-1942 FAX: (775) 784-6804
No publication information submitted for this edition.
SHEARER, JASON (b.1976) Assistant Professor.
B.S, 1998, University of Maryland, College Park; Ph.D,
2001, University of Washington. Postdoctoral Research
Associate, 2002-2004, Johns Hopkins University. Bioinorganic Chemistry. Electron transfer metalloproteins,
the involvement of transition metals ions in prion diseases, role transition metal ions play in cellular protection from oxidative stress. Protein design and synthesis
and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. TEL: (775) 7847785 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Jason Shearer and Pamela Soh, The Copper(II) Adduct of
the Unstructured Region of the Amyloidogenic Fragment Derived from the Human Prion Protein is Redox-Active at
Physiological pH, Inorg. Chem, 46, 710-719 (2007).
Lisa M. Brines, Jason Shearer, Jessica K. Fender, Dirk
Schweitzer, Steven C. Shoner, David Barnhart, Werner Kaminsky, Scott Lovell and Julie A. Kovacs, Periodic Trends
within a Series of Five-Coordinate Thiolate-Ligated [MII
(SMe2N4(tren))]+ (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) Complexes,
Including a Rare Example of a Stable CuII-Thiolate, Inorg.
Chem, 46, 9267-9277 (2007).
Kosh P. Neupane, Kristie Gearty, Ashish Francis and Jason
Shearer, Probing Variable Axial Ligation in Nickel Superoxide Dismutase Utilizing Metallopeptide-Based Models: Insight into the Superoxide Disproportionation Mechanism, J.
Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 14605-14618 (2007).
Jason Shearer and Pamela Soh, Ni K-edge XAS suggests
that coordination of NiII to the unstructured amyloidogenic
region of the human prion protein produces a Ni2 bis-␮-hydroxo dimer, J. Inorg. Biochem, 101, 370-373 (2007).
Jason Shearer, Ahmad Dehestani and Franklin Abanda,
Probing Variable Amine/Amide Ligation in NiIIN2S2 Complexes Using Sulfur K-Edge and Nickel L-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopies: Implications for the Active Site of
Nickel Superoxide Dismutase, Inorg. Chem, 47, 2649-2660
Jason Shearer, Pamela Soh and Stefanie Lentz, Both Met
(109) and Met(112) are utilized for Cu(II) coordination by
the amyloidogenic fragment of the human prion protein at
physiological pH, J. Inorg. Biochem, 102, 2103-2113 (2008).
Jason Shearer, Influence of Sequential Guanidinium Methylation on the Energetics of the Guanidinium···Guanine Dimer and Guanidinium···Guanine···Cytosine Trimer: Implications for the Control of Protein···DNA Interactions by Arginine Methyltransferases, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 1699517002 (2008).
SHERIDAN, ROBERT S. (b.1953) Professor. B.S,
1974, Iowa State University; Ph.D, 1979, University of
California, Los Angeles. NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship,
1979-1980, Yale University. Photochemistry; Physical
Organic Chemistry. Photochemistry; generation and
chemistry of reactive intermediates including biradicals
and carbenes; synthesis and study of novel molecules;
matrix isolation; quantum mechanical tunneling in organic chemistry. TEL: (775) 784-6730 FAX: (775) 7846804
Jian Wang and Robert S. Sheridan, A Singlet Aryl-CF3
Carbene: 2-Benzothienyl(trifluoromethyl)carbene and Interconversion with a Strained Cyclic Allene, Org. Lett, 9, 31773180 (2007).
Robert S. Sheridan, Quantum mechanical tunneling in organic reactive intermediates, Rev. React. Intermed. Chem,
415-463 (2007).
SHIN, HYUNG KYU (b.1933) Professor Emeritus.
B.S, 1959, University of Utah; Ph.D, 1961, University of
Utah. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1961-1962, National Bureau of Standards; Postdoctoral Fellow, 1962-1964, Cornell University. Physical Chemistry; Theoretical Chemistry. Dynamics of gas-phase and gas-surface reactions;
collision-induced energy transfer in large molecules; intramolecular energy flow in weakly bound complexes;
energy transfer at low temperatures; theory of vibrational
relaxation. TEL: (775) 784-6684 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Jongbaik Ree, Yoo Hang Kim and Hyung Kyu Shin, Reactions of gas-phase atomic hydrogen with chemisorbed hydrogen on a graphite surface, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc, 28, 635646 (2007).
Jongbaik Ree, Yoo Hang Kim and Hyung Kyu Shin, Classical trajectory study of the formation of XeH+ and XeCl+ in
the Xe+ + HCl collision, J. Chem. Phys, 127, 1-13 (2007).
Jongbaik Ree, Yoo Hang Kim and Hyung Kyu Shin, Formation of complex XeHCl+ in the Xe+ + HCl collision, Bull.
Korean Chem. Soc, 29, 795-798 (2008).
TAM-CHANG, SUK-WAH (b.1961) Professor. B.Sc,
1983, University of Hong Kong; Ph.D, 1992, University
of California, Los Angeles. Postdoctoral Fellowship,
1992-1993, Harvard University; NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1994, Harvard University. Organic Chemistry.
Supramolecular chemistry, materials chemistry, design
and synthesis of molecular devices and sensors. TEL:
(775) 784-6661 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Liming Huang, Suk-Wah Tam-Chang, Wonewoo Seo and
Kyle Rove, Microfabrication of anisotropic organic materials
via self-organization of an ionic perylenemonoimide, Adv.
Mater, 19, 4149-4152 (2007).
Suk-Wah Tam-Chang, Travis D. Carson, Liming Huang,
Nelson G. Publicover and Kenneth W. Hunter, Stem-loop
probe with universal reporter for sensing unlabeled nucleic
acids, Anal. Biochem, 366, 126-130 (2007).
Liming Huang, Vincent J. Catalano and Suk-Wah TamChang, Anisotropic fluorescent materials via self-organization of perylenedicarboximide, Chem. Commun, 2016-2018
Suk-Wah Tam-Chang, Delfin Mahinay and Liming Huang,
Multifunctional materials via molecular self-organization
into liquid-crystalline phase, Adv. Mater. Res. 47-50, 165168 (2008).
Suk-Wah Tam-Chang and Liming Huang, Chromonic liquid crystals: properties and applications as functional materials, Chem. Commun, 1957-1967 (2008).
Michelle D. Regulacio, Michele H. Pablico, Joan Acay
Vasquez, Peter N. Myers, Stuart Gentry, Michael Prushan,
Suk-Wah Tam-Chang and Sarah L. Stoll, Luminescence of
Ln(III) Dithiocarbamate Complexes (Ln = La, Pr, Sm, Eu,
Gd, Tb, Dy), Inorg. Chem, 47, 1512-1523 (2008).
Suk-Wah Tam-Chang, Jennifer Helbley and Isaac K. Iverson, A Study of the Structural Effects on the Liquid-Crystalline Properties of Ionic Perylenebis(dicarboximide)s Using
UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Polarized Light Microscopy, and
NMR Spectroscopy, Langmuir, 24, 2133-2139 (2008).
Suk-Wah Tam-Chang, Liming Huang, Aryal Gyan, Wonewoo Seo, Delfin Mahinay and Isaac K. Iverson, Designing
chromonic mesogens for the fabrication of anistropic optical
materials, Proceedings of SPIE-The Internationals Society of
Optical Engineering, 6911 (2008).
WOO, HYUNG-JUNE (b.1971) Assistant Professor.
B.S, 1993, KAIST, South Korea; Ph.D, 1997, University
of California, Berkeley. Postdoctoral Associate, 19992001, Iowa State University; Postdoctoral Associate,
2001-2002, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Postdoctoral Associate, 2002-2004, Weill Medical College of
Cornell University. Biophysics/Biophysical Chemistry;
Theoretical Chemistry. Theoretical and computational
study of condensed matter and biological systems using
statistical mechanics and simulations. TEL: (775) 7841406 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Hyung-June Woo, Exploration of the conformational space
of myosin recovery stroke via molecular dynamics, Biophys.
Chem, 125, 127-137 (2007).
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ZHANG, LIMING (b.1972) Assistant Professor. B.S,
1993, Nanchang University, PRC; M.S, 1996, Nankai
University, PRC; M.S, 1998, University of Alabama;
Ph.D, 2004, University of Michigan. Postdoctoral Fellow, 2003-2005, University of Chicago. Organic Chemistry. Dr. Zhang is interested in development of novel
chemical transformations, especially those of transitionmetal catalysis, and total synthesis of natural products
with significant biological activities. TEL: (775) 7846688 FAX: (775) 784-6804
Meng Yu, Guotao Li, Shaozhong Wang and Liming
Zhang, Gold-catalyzed efficient formation of ␣,␤-unsaturated
ketones from propargylic acetates, Adv. Synth. Catal, 349,
871-875 (2007).
Guotao Li and Liming Zhang, Gold-catalyzed intramolecular redox reaction of sulfinyl alkynes: efficient generation of
␣-oxo gold carbenoids and application in insertion into R-CO
bonds, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 5156-5159 (2007).
Guozhu Zhang, Vincent J. Catalano and Liming Zhang,
PtCl2-Catalyzed Rapid Access to Tetracyclic 2,3-IndolineFused Cyclopentenes: Reactivity Divergent from Cationic
Au(I) Catalysis and Synthetic Potential, J. Am. Chem. Soc,
129, 11358-11359 (2007).
Fu-Qiang Shi, Xin Li, Yuanzhi Xia, Liming Zhang and
Zhi-Xiang Yu, A DFT study of the mechanisms of “In Water” Au(I)-catalyzed tandem [3,3] rearrangement/nazarov reaction/[1,2]-hydrogen shift of enynyl acetates: A protontransport catalysis strategy in the water-catalyzed [1,2]-hydrogen shift, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 15503-15512 (2007).
Xiaogen Huang and Liming Zhang, Two-step formal [3+2]
cycloaddition of enones/enals and allenyl MOM ether: goldcatalyzed highly diastereoselective synthesis of cyclopentanone enol ether Containing an All-Carbon Quaternary Center, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 6398-6399 (2007).
Meng Yu, Guozhu Zhang and Liming Zhang, Gold-Catalyzed Efficient Preparation of Linear ␣-Iodoenones from Propargylic Acetates, Org. Lett, 9, 2147-2150 (2007).
Xiaogen Huang and Liming Zhang, AuCl-Catalyzed Synthesis of Benzyl-Protected Substituted Phenols: A Formal
[3+3] Approach, Org. Lett, 9, 4627-4630 (2007).
Guotao Li, Xiaogen Huang and Liming Zhang, Pt-catalyzed reaction of n-(2-alkynylphenyl)lactams: Formation of
cyclic ketone-fused substituted indoles, Agnew. Chem. Int.
Ed, 47, 346-349 (2008).
Guotao Li, Xiaogen Huang and Liming Zhang, Platinumcatalyzed formation of cyclic-ketone-fused indoles from N(2-alkynylphenyl)lactams, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 346349 (2008).
Guozhu Zhang and Liming Zhang, Au-Containing All-Carbon 1,3-Dipoles: Generation and [3+2] Cycloaddition Reactions, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 12598-12599 (2008).
Guozhu Zhang, Xiaogen Huang, Guotao Li and Liming
Zhang, Au-Containing All-Carbon 1,4-Dipoles: Generation
and [4 + 2] Annulation in the Formation of Carbo-/Heterocycles, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 1814-1815 (2008).
Guotao Li, Guozhu Zhang and Liming Zhang, Au-Catalyzed Synthesis of (1Z,3E)-2-Pivaloxy-1,3-Dienes from Propargylic Pivalates, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 3740-3741 (2008).
Guotao Li, Xiaogen Huang and Liming Zhang, Au(I)-Catalyzed Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized Bicyclo[3.2.0]
heptanes, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 6944-6945 (2008).
Yu Peng, Meng Yu and Liming Zhang, Au-Catalyzed Synthesis of 5,6-Dihydro-8H-indolizin-7-ones from N-(Pent-2en-4-ynyl)-␤-lactams, Org. Lett, 10, 5187-5190 (2008).