additional persuasive speeches

Cell Phones
Student Speech – Page 2
Speech with Evaluation – Page 4
Student Speech – Page 6
Speech with Evaluation – Page 9
Credit Card Fraud
Student Speech – Page 13
Speech with Evaluation – Page 16
Kim, Linna
Speech 10
Joesting, Linda
Persuasive Speech
Cell Phone
“True health is more than the absence of disease; it is a balanced life of vital, optimal well
being, where your bodies and minds are functioning at their best”. By Amy Worthington
Visual Aid
How many of you use your cell phone more than an hour a day?
Thesis Statement
Today, I’m going to tell you about cell phones. I’m against the usage of a cell phone.
First, I’m going to talk about the problems that cell phone gives to our body and what we
could do to reduce the risk of brain cancer.
I. Problem
A. According to, “It was found that users who spend
more than an hour a day talking on a cell phone have a close to one third higher
risk of developing a rare form of brain tumor. Most frequently, the cancers
were found on the side of the head that the user held that phone up to.”
B. The people that use their cell phone more than an hour per day, increase the risk
of getting acoustic neuroma, a type of tumor, by 30 percent. This tumor occurs
in a nerve in the brain and can lead to deafness in one ear. This cancer has
increased from one tumor per 100,000 people in1980 to one per 80,000. This
cancer is rare.
1. Radiation – Cell phones have radiation. According to, “Italian scientists have recently demonstrated
that cell phone radiation makes cancerous cells grow aggressively”. A
huge amount of radiation comes from the keypad and mouth piece. The
radiation penetrates the brain, ear and eye tissues.
2. According to, here are some problems it can
a. Damage nerves in the scalp
b. Cause memory loss and mental confusion
c. Cause headaches.
d. Create joint pain
3. Rate of brain cancer in USA – according to, it increased by 25 percent since 1975. In
2001, 185,000 Americans were diagnosed with some type of brain cancer.
A brain tumor can grow from the size of a grape to a size of a tennis ball in
four months.
II. Solution
A. Ear piece – To reduce the risk of getting brain cancer, we can use the ear piece.
That way the radiation is not traveling directly through the ear.
B. This won’t work because not many people use the ear piece.
C. What is my solution? Don’t use a cell phone. Find or go online and search for
cell phones that have lower radiation waves. The website, rates the top 10 highest and lowest radiation wave
levels in U.S. models.
D. If you don’t use a cell phone you won’t get any problems with your health.
E. What specifically can we do to help? We could choose to use our cell phone
People that use cell phones have experienced headaches, short term memory loss, and
confusion. The danger is up to five times greater for children. Use your cell phone wisely
or get an earpiece. Also, don’t get your child a cell phone; it’s a greater risk for a child to
get brain cancer then an adult.
Kim, Linna
Speech 10
Joesting, Linda
Persuasive Speech
Cell Phone
“True health is more than the absence of disease; it is a balanced life of vital, optimal well
being, where your bodies and minds are functioning at their best”. By Amy Worthington
This is a good hook; however, there should be another hook that follows this one.
Bring in some startling information, something that provides some emphasis, for this
Persuasive speech.
Visual Aid
How many of you use your cell phone more than an hour a day?
Thesis Statement
Today, I’m going to tell you about cell phones. I’m against the usage of a cell phone.
First, I’m going to talk about the problems that cell phone gives to our body and what we
could do to reduce the risk of brain cancer.
Even though the meaning of this thesis is understood, it still needs to be made clear.
Ultimately, this speech is going to be about Cell phones contributing to the
development of Brain Cancer. How would you re-write this thesis to make that point
III. Problem
A. According to www.mercedsphonecom, “It was found that users who spend
more than an hour a day talking on a cell phone have a close to one third higher
risk of developing a rare form of brain tumor. Most frequently, the cancers
were found on the side of the head that the user held that phone up to.”
B. The people that use their cell phone more than an hour per day, increase the risk
of getting acoustic neuroma, a type of tumor, by 30 percent. This tumor occur
in a nerve in the brain and can lead to deafness in one ear. This cancer has
increase from one tumor per 100,000 people in1980 to one per 80,000. This
cancer is rare.
Make sure that you clarify every point you make. Do not assume that your audience
will follow your thought/meaning. For instance, the second to the last sentence in
“B.” above does not express a complete thought. “…to one per 80,000” – when?
What year? The last sentence does not seem to be a true statement when the rate of
tumors is increasing. Think about how you word your statements. How about, “even
though the rate of tumors is increasing, this cancer is still considered rare in the
medical world”.
1. Radiation – Cell phone have radiation. According to, “Italian scientists have recently demonstrated that
cell phone radiation makes cancerous cells grow aggressively”. A huge
amount of radiation comes from the keypad and mouth piece. The
radiation penetrates the brain, ear and eye tissues.
2. According to, here are some problem it can cause:
a. Damage nerves in the scalp
b. Cause memory loss and mental confusion
c. Cause headaches.
d. Create joint pain
3. Rate of brain cancer in USA – according to, it increase by 25 percent since 1975. In
2001, 185,000 Americans were diagnosed with some type of brain
cancer. A brain tumor can grow from the size of a grape to a size of a
tennis ball in four months.
IV. Solution
A. Ear piece – To reduce the risk of getting brain cancer, we can use the ear piece.
That way the radiation is not traveling directly through the ear.
B. This won’t work because not many people use the ear piece.
C. What is my solution? Don’t use a cell phone or find go online and search for
cell phone that have lower radiation wave. This website, rates the top 10 highest and lowest radiation wave
level in U.S. models.
D. If you don’t use a cell phone you won’t get any problems with your health.
E. What specifically can we do to help? We could choose to use our cell phone
There could be and should be a lot more to this solution. You are trying to persuade
your audience to believe what you believe – give your audience more of a solution.
People that use cell phones have experienced headaches, short term memory loss, and
confusion. The danger is up to five time greater for children. Use your cell phone wisely
or get an earpiece. Also don’t get your child a cell phone, it’s a greater risk for a child to
get brain cancer then an adult.
This speech has not included children until now. Do not introduce new information
in your conclusion.
By Claudia Grajeda
According to the Animal Rights Community: An average American consumes in his life
time: 11 cows, 3 lambs, 3 sheep, 23 hogs, 45 turkeys, 1,100 chickens and 862 pounds of
fish. That is a lot of meat! And the National Advisory Committee on Nutritional
Education reports that we should reduce our intake of fat and animal products, and
increase our intake of complex carbohydrates and fiber found in fruits and vegetables. The
reality is that America is eating way too much meat and that is destroying lives and the
A meat centered diet has shown to affect people’s life everything around is suffering the
consequences therefore, we need a solution and the best option is to change our diet.
Today, I am going to talk about one of America’s biggest problems, which is the over
consumption of meat. I am going to explain how eating meat affects the environment, the
economy, our health, and humanity itself. Also, I am going to explain why we should care
and what we can do to solve the problem.
I. The Problem – The consumption of animal products harms the economy, the
environment and people’s health.
A. America has a meat-center diet and mainly because of that and the lack of
exercise we are the fattest nation in the world. Obesity rates are increasing as
well as the diseases that come with it. According to the American Diabetic
Association 20.8 children and adults have diabetics, a disease that could be
preventable or control with a healthy diet. And once again it endangers
people’s health. The consumption of animal fats and proteins has been linked
to heart disease, colon and lung cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease,
hypertension, obesity and a number of other conditions.
B. Besides health issues the environment is suffering too. Animal agriculture
takes a devastating toll on the earth. According to The Animal Rights
Community 33% of raw materials are devoted to livestock production.
C. In addition to government is expending tons of money in the production of
livestock. Think about all the money expend to raise cattle, think about
electricity wasted, and who pays all that? Well, the taxpayers.
D. Equally, the over consumption of meat affects humanity in various ways. For
example according to the factory farm methods to raise cattle and
chickens are horrible. The cows and chickens live their short lives caged
drugged, mutilated, and deprived of their most basic freedoms. So there is not
such a thing as a happy cow in America.
E. Why is it wrong to let this problem continue?
1. First of all, because of the environment: According to American Jurist
87% of agricultural land in U.S. is used to raise animals for food. Also
raising animals for food consumes more than half of all the water we use in
the US. And 260 million acres of US forestland has been clear for cropland
to produce a meat center diet.
2. Secondly, because our health: think about all the chemicals, hormones
and additives put into meat. In fact, according to the American Vegetarian
Association 55% of all antibiotics used in US are fed to livestock.
3. Also think about the animals that are killed. The Animal Rights
Community states that 660,000 animals are killed for meat every hour.
F. Why should we care?
1. Because we are using all our natural resources to produce meat.
According to The Animal Rights Community it takes 25 gallons of water to
produce a pond of wheat and 5,000 to produce a pound of meat. Also if
every human ate a meat-centered diet, the world’s oil reserves would last
only 13 years. If people would become vegetarians it would last for 260
Transition: As I have said, America has a big problem and the government hasn’t done
anything about it. But, thank God there are conscious people that are considering a plant
base diet.
II. Solution
A. A vegetarian diet works because it doesn’t affect the environment and doesn’t
kill innocent animals. Plus, according to a typical
vegetarian diet reflects most of the dietary recommendations for healthy eating.
Also the Vegetarian Association states that contrary to popular opinion, iron and
protein can be found in foods other than meat.
B. Also if more people would follow a vegetarian diet certain illness and
conditions would disappear. For example obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart attacks,
osteoporosis, and more.
C. In addition, vegetarianism just makes sense; according to humans
are designed to eat plant foods. People get ill so often because our body is not
suited for meat. Our teeth are flat, not pointed and sharp; also our digestive tract is
much longer. Meat-eating animals have a very short digestive system, designed to
move the meat through their bodies as quickly as possible. You know who much it
takes a person to digest meat? It takes two weeks and there is people eating meat
twice a day.
D. What can we do to help?
1. Well certainly not everyone should go from being meat eater to a strict
vegan but if people would eat less meat it would make their life and the
planet better. Start with eating meat just once a day, then once every other
day, then every week and work your way through. It is worth it, you won’t
regret it and you will feel great within a week!
Conclusion: Today we talked about the devastating effects that a meat diet has in the U.S.
We learned how it affects our environment our economy and our health. We found out the
best solution for this problem, which is a vegetarian diet. If we eat a plant base diet then
our health, our environment and our economy would benefit. If we don’t, then in some
years we would had used all our natural resources and there would be an epidemic of
diseases relating to ad eating habits. I know that not everyone in this room is going to
become a vegetarian even a semi-vegetarian or a lacto-vegetarian you will save water for
our kinds’ future, we would have a forest and happy animals but especially you could
influence others. So think about it, it only takes a decision.
By Claudia Grajeda
According to the Animal Rights Community: An average American consumes in his life
time: 11 cows, 3 lambs, 3 sheep, 23 hogs, 45 turkeys, 1,100 chickens and 862 pounds of
fish. That is a lot of meat! And the National Advisory Committee on Nutritional
Education reports that we should reduce our intake of fat and animal products, and
increase our intake of complex carbohydrates and fiber found in fruits and vegetables. The
reality is that America is eating way too much meat and that is destroying lives and the
This is a good Introduction. Shocking statements are a great way to get your
audience’s attention!
A meat centered diet has shown to affect people’s life everything around is suffering the
consequences therefore, we need a solution and the best option is to change our diet.
This Thesis Statement is not only a Run-On Sentence, but the grammatical errors
have already begun. It is imperative that you double check your grammar.
Today, I am going to talk about one of America’s biggest problems, which is the over
consumption of meat. I am going to explain how eating meat affects the environment, the
economy, our health, and humanity itself. Also, I am going to explain why we should care
and what we can do to solve the problem.
Pretty good Preview. However, the points that will be “explain[ed]” are vague.
Don’t’ assume that your audience is going to follow along with your train-of-thought.
Just because you start-off talking about “America” does not mean that your audience
is going to keep this in mind. You should always try to remove the big questions:
Which “environment”?, Who’s “economy”?, what if the is Nothing Wrong with MY
“health”?, etc.
III. The Problem – The consumption of animal products harms the economy, the
environment and people’s health.
A. America has a meat-center diet and mainly because of that and the lack of
exercise we are the fattest nation in the world. Obesity rates are increasing as
well as the diseases that come with it. According to the American Diabetic
Association 20.8 children and adults have diabetics, a disease that could be
preventable or control with a healthy diet. And once again it endangers
people’s health. The consumption of animal fats and proteins has been linked
to heart disease, colon and lung cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease,
hypertension, obesity and a number of other conditions.
Again, grammar! Take a look at the underlined words. Think about Subject – Verb
Another important element in speech writing and delivery is ORDER. Go back up to
“Point I. The Problem”. Take note of the order of points to be covered and then
look at the order written. The order listed is the order you should deliver. Some
instructors will tell you to talk about the most important point LAST – this is good
B. Besides health issues the environment is suffering too. Animal agriculture
takes a devastating toll on the earth. According to The Animal Rights
Community 33% of raw materials are devoted to livestock production.
What “raw materials” are being talked about here? If you are going to use a quote,
make sure you can explain the information.
C. In addition to government is expending tons of money in the production of
livestock. Think about all the money expend to raise cattle, think about
electricity wasted, and who pays all that? Well, the taxpayers.
This comment regarding “electricity wasted” feels, almost, blindsiding. If electricity
is a big deal then make sure you build up, introduce, explain, something before you
say it and then leave it hanging!
D. Equally, the over consumption of meat affects humanity in various ways. For
example according to the factory farm methods to raise cattle
and chickens are horrible. The cows and chickens live their short lives caged
drugged, mutilated, and deprived of their most basic freedoms. So there is not
such a thing as a happy cow in America.
E. Why is it wrong to let this problem continue?
1. First of all, because of the environment: According to American Jurist
87% of agricultural land in U.S. is used to raise animals for food. Also
raising animals for food consumes more than half of all the water we
use in the US. And 260 million acres of US forestland has been clear
for cropland to produce a meat center diet.
2. Secondly, because our health: think about all the chemicals, hormones
and additives put into meat. In fact, according to the American
Vegetarian Association 55% of all antibiotics used in US are fed to
3. Also think about the animals that are killed. The Animal Rights
Community states that 660,000 animals are killed for meat every hour.
F. Why should we care?
1. Because we are using all our natural resources to produce meat.
According to The Animal Rights Community it takes 25 gallons of
water to produce a pond of wheat and 5,000 to produce a pound of meat.
Also if every human ate a meat-centered diet, the world’s oil reserves
would last only 13 years. If people would become vegetarians it would
last for 260 years.
Point F.1 looses clarity in the gallons of water needed for the production of wheat
versus meat. What does the “world’s oil reserves” have to do with “[us] using all our
natural resources to produce meat”? Not that this is a bad point, but it deserves to
have its own space and clarification.
Transition: As I have said, America has a big problem and the government hasn’t done
anything about it. But, thank God there are conscious people that are considering a plant
base diet.
IV. Solution
A. A vegetarian diet works because it doesn’t affect the environment and doesn’t
kill innocent animals. Plus, according to a typical
vegetarian diet reflects most of the dietary recommendations for healthy eating.
Also the Vegetarian Association states that contrary to popular opinion, iron
and protein can be found in foods other than meat.
B. Also if more people would follow a vegetarian diet certain illness and
conditions would disappear. For example obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart
attacks, osteoporosis, and more.
Be careful when making statements that “guarantee”. Illnesses, such as Cancer and
osteoporosis, will not necessarily “disappear” with a “vegetarian diet”. What if a
woman has a family history of osteoporosis and her doctor makes this statement – she
changes her diet, but she is still diagnosed with osteoporosis a year later. What would
you do if it were you? Can you say Medical Malpractice Law Suit?
C. In addition, vegetarianism just makes sense; according to humans
are designed to eat plant foods. People get ill so often because our body is not
suited for meat. Our teeth are flat, not pointed and sharp; also our digestive
tract is much longer. Meat-eating animals have a very short digestive system,
designed to move the meat through their bodies as quickly as possible. You
know how long it takes a person to digest meat? It takes two weeks and there is
people eating meat twice a day.
D. What can we do to help?
1. Well certainly not everyone should go from being meat eater to a strict
vegan but if people would eat less meat it would make their life and the
planet better. Start with eating meat just once a day, then once every
other day, then every week and work your way through. It is worth it,
you won’t regret it and you will feel great within a week!
Good points and explanations for “C.” and “D.”. If all of the preceding points were
this clear, this speech would have been perfect.
Conclusion: Today we talked about the devastating effects that a meat diet has in the U.S.
We learned how it affects our environment our economy and our health. We found out the
best solution for this problem, which is a vegetarian diet. If we eat a plant base diet then
our health, our environment and our economy would benefit. If we don’t, then in some
years we would had used all our natural resources and there would be an epidemic of
diseases relating to bad eating habits. I know that not everyone in this room is going to
become a vegetarian even a semi-vegetarian or a lacto-vegetarian you will save water for
our kinds’ future, we would have a forest and happy animals but especially you could
influence others. So think about it, it only takes a decision.
The conclusion started off okay. The underlined sentences just don’t make much
sense. Like a gymnast, you want to stick the landing! Make sure your ideas are not
running together.
Credit Card Fraud
Persuasive Speech
By Herb Tripp
By a show of hands, who is interested in walking out of this class today two hundred
dollars richer? Well, guess what class, you are all in for a big surprise, because I am
having a raffle blowout, which is a non profit fund raiser by the St. John Kids
Corporation to help children who suffer from any type of disease. All I need you to
do is to fill out the raffle ticket completely and quickly, with you full name, address,
date of birth, and social security number. Once everyone has completed their raffle
ticket, please place the raffle ticket in the bag. After I’m done with my speech I will
have one of you pick the winner of the raffle blowout and the person gets to walk out
of here two hundred dollars richer. Oh and I forgot the mention, the first ten who
complete there raffle ticket, receives a bonus.
By a show of hands, how many of you own a credit card, or interested in one?
By a show of hands, how many of you hate when people accurse you of things that
you didn’t do?
Thesis Statement/PreviewToday I will demonstrate to you why you should be extremely careful who you give
your personal information to so that you don’t fall victim of credit card fraud. First,
I’ll tell you the history of the problem and how large the problem is. Secondly, I will
discuss who this problem effects, how it affects us, why should we care, and why is it
wrong. Finally, I will tell you what has been done to date about the problem why it
hasn’t worked, what will work, and what each of you can do to decrease your
chances of falling victim to credit card fraud.
The Problem
I. History of the Problem? How Large Is The Problem?
A. According to, Fraud is nothing new to the
merchant. Since the beginning of time, man has always looked for the
opportunity to defraud others to gain goods or services without making
payment. For the credit card industry, fraud is a part of doing business, and is
something that is always a challenge.
B. However, the use of credit cards originated in the United States during the
1920s, when individual firms, such as oil companies and hotel chains, began
issuing them to customers. But, references to credit cards have been made as
far back as 1890 in Europe.
C. In 2004, illegal credit-card purchases totaled $788 million in the U.S., and it is
on the rise.
II. Who/What Does Problem Effect? How Does It Affect Us/Why Should We Care About
the Problem?
A. According to, anyone that is able to have a credit
card issued in their name, is a potential victim of credit card fraud. A thief does
not have to steal your credit card or rifle through your trash to get account
numbers. Any time you use your credit card you are making your account
number available to everyone who is involved in the transaction, from the sales
clerk to the billing staff of the creditor.
B. For those of you who don’t have a credit card, and you think, “Oh, I can never
be a victim of credit card fraud!” Well think again. All a criminal need is your
full name, address, date of birth, social security number, with that alone they
are able to open new credit card accounts in your name. When they use the
credit cards and don’t pay the bills, the delinquent accounts are reported on
your credit report.
C. Then they may also call your credit card issuer, to change the billing address on
your credit card account. Then the imposter runs up charges on your account,
and you don’t even know it. And do you know why? Because the imposter is
having the bill sent to another address.
D. You all really need to wake up, and care because these imposters are getting
your information while they’re on their jobs having access to your accounts or
even bribing an employee who has access to your records.
E. They may steal your mail, including your bank and credit statements, credit
card offers, new checks, and tax information. They may also get your credit
reports by posing as a landlord, employer, or someone else who may have a
legal right to access your report.
F. Not to mention, it costs businesses billions of dollars each year, causing
businesses to pass these costs on to you in the form of higher prices, interest
rates and fees. You also pay with your time and inconvenience of getting your
credit cleared.
1. After all, what’s stopping a waiter from writing down your credit card
number and placing orders, on the phone with it later?
2. Nevertheless, I encourage you to take precautions when giving out any
confidential information.
III. Why is it Wrong to Let Problem Continue?
A. It’s illegal; its’ stealing from someone else and leaving them in debt.
B. How, I know your wondering what is the credit card companies doing to
decrease credit card fraud?
I. What Has Been Done To Date About The Problem? Why Hasn’t It Worked?
A. According to, credit card companies are
taking steps to make the cards more secure. Some display a photograph of the
cardholder so criminals can’t make face-to-face purchases with a stolen credit
card. Most cards have holograms, secret imprints, or hidden images so thieves
have a harder time making a new credit card with a stolen card number.
B. Despite these improvements, you still can be a victim of credit card fraud. It
can be a pain to lose a credit card or find unauthorized charges on your credit
card bill. That’s why it’s important to protect your credit card, your credit card
number, and your credit card sales slip.
What do I advocate for the solution? What do I think each on of you can do to help this
II. What Do You Advocate For The Solution/ What Specifically Can Each Member Of
The Audience Do To Help?
A. Well, according to, use common sense when it
comes to your credit cards. Don’t lend your card to anyone else. If you want
someone else to use your credit card, go with the person and do it yourself.
Some other tips are.
1. Be aware of con artists who pretend to sell you something just to get
your credit card number.
2. Con artists also may pretend to be your Credit Card Company or bank
and say they need to verify your card number because of some
“computer problem”. Don’t fall for this scam.
3. Make sure your transactions are accurate. Be on guard for dishonest
merchants who might change your credit card slip after you sign it.
4. Always add up your charges before signing the credit card receipt.
Don’t leave blank spaces where additional amounts could be added.
5. Never sign a blank charge slip.
6. Keep track of your credit card receipts as proof the purchases you
actually authorized.
7. Read your monthly billing statement carefully.
8. Shred your receipts and anything with your credit card number on it.
Thieves go through trash looking for this valuable information.
If you do all of these tips, that I give unto you today.
III. What Will Your Solution Do To Curb Problem?
A. Criminals will not longer have an easy access to your information, also it will
make you feel more secure, knowing you keep a tab of all of your personal
According to, credit card fraud is a serious crime. People whose
identities have been stolen can spend months or years and thousands of dollars cleaning up
the mess trying to make there name and credit good again.
In the meantime, victims of credit card fraud may lose job opportunities, be refused loans
for education, housing, or cars, and even get arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.
As of today, you have been forewarned, make sure you be very careful, who you give your
personal information to so that you won’t fall victim of credit card fraud. Now who would
like to pick the winner? Oh, I forgot to mention the whole raffle ticket thing is a fraud.
Credit Card Fraud
Persuasive Speech
By Herb Tripp
By a show of hands, who is interested in walking out of this class today two hundred
dollars richer? Well, guess what class, you are all in for a big surprise, because I am
having a raffle blowout, which is a non profit fund raiser by the St. John Kids
Corporation to help children who suffer from any type of disease. All I need you to
do is to fill out the raffle ticket completely and quickly, with you full name, address,
date of birth, and social security number. Once everyone has completed their raffle
ticket, please place the raffle ticket in the bag. After I’m done with my speech I will
have one of you pick the winner of the raffle blowout and the person gets to walk out
of here two hundred dollars richer. Oh and I forgot the mention, the first ten who
complete there raffle ticket, receives a bonus.
By a show of hands, how many of you own a credit card, or interested in one?
By a show of hands, how many of you hate when people accuse you of things that
you didn’t do?
NICE MYSTERY! Great Hook and questions.
Thesis Statement/PreviewToday I will demonstrate to you why you should be extremely careful who you give
your personal information to so that you don’t fall victim of credit card fraud. First,
I’ll tell you the history of the problem and how large the problem is. Secondly, I will
discuss who this problem effects, how it affects us, why should we care, and why it is
wrong. Finally, I will tell you what has been done to date about the problem why it
hasn’t worked, what will work, and what each of you can do to decrease your
chances of falling victim to credit card fraud.
The Problem
IV. History of the Problem? How Large Is The Problem?
A. According to, Fraud is nothing new to the
merchant. Since the beginning of time, man has always looked for the
opportunity to defraud others to gain goods or services without making
payment. For the credit card industry, fraud is a part of doing business, and is
something that is always a challenge.
B. However, the use of credit cards originated in the United States during the
1920s, when individual firms, such as oil companies and hotel chains, began
issuing them to customers. But, references to credit cards have been made as
far back as 1890 in Europe.
C. In 2004, illegal credit-card purchases totaled $788 million in the U.S., and it is
on the rise.
V. Who/What Does Problem Effect? How Does It Affect Us/Why Should We Care About
the Problem?
A. According to, anyone that is able to have a credit
card issued in their name is a potential victim of credit card fraud. A thief does
not have to steal your credit card or rifle through your trash to get account
numbers. Any time you use your credit card you are making your account
number available to everyone who is involved in the transaction, from the sales
clerk to the billing staff of the creditor.
B. For those of you who don’t have a credit card, and you think, “Oh, I can never
be a victim of credit card fraud!” Well think again. All a criminal need is your
full name, address, date of birth, social security number, with that alone they
are able to open new credit card accounts in your name. When they use the
credit cards and don’t pay the bills, the delinquent accounts are reported on
your credit report.
C. Then they may also call your credit card issuer, to change the billing address on
your credit card account. Then the imposter runs up charges on your account,
and you don’t even know it. And do you know why? Because the imposter is
having the bill sent to another address.
D. You all really need to wake up, and care because these imposters are getting
your information while they’re on their jobs having access to your accounts or
even bribing an employee who has access to your records.
E. They may steal your mail, including your bank and credit statements, credit
card offers, new checks, and tax information. They may also get your credit
reports by posing as a landlord, employer, or someone else who may have a
legal right to access your report.
F. Not to mention, it costs businesses billions of dollars each year, causing
businesses to pass these costs on to you in the form of higher prices, interest
rates and fees. You also pay with your time and inconvenience of getting your
credit cleared.
1. After all, what’s stopping a waiter from writing down your credit card
number and placing orders, on the phone with it later?
2. Nevertheless, I encourage you to take precautions when giving out any
confidential information.
VI. Why is it Wrong to Let Problem Continue?
A. It’s illegal; its’ stealing from someone else and leaving them in debt.
B. How, I know your wondering what is the credit card companies doing to
decrease credit card fraud?
II. What Has Been Done To Date About The Problem? Why Hasn’t It Worked?
A. According to, credit card companies are
taking steps to make the cards more secure. Some display a photograph of the
cardholder so criminals can’t make face-to-face purchases with a stolen credit
card. Most cards have holograms, secret imprints, or hidden images so thieves
have a harder time making a new credit card with a stolen card number.
B. Despite these improvements, you still can be a victim of credit card fraud. It
can be a pain to lose a credit card or find unauthorized charges on your credit
card bill. That’s why it’s important to protect your credit card, your credit card
number, and your credit card sales slip.
What do I advocate for the solution? What do I think each of you can do to help this
III. What Do You Advocate For The Solution/ What Specifically Can Each Member Of
The Audience Do To Help?
A. Well, according to, use common sense when it
comes to your credit cards. Don’t lend your card to anyone else. If you want
someone else to use your credit card, go with the person and do it yourself.
Some other tips are.
1. Be aware of con artists who pretend to sell you something just to get
your credit card number.
2. Con artists also may pretend to be your Credit Card Company or bank
and say they need to verify your card number because of some
“computer problem”. Don’t fall for this scam.
3. Make sure your transactions are accurate. Be on guard for dishonest
merchants who might change your credit card slip after you sign it.
4. Always add up your charges before signing the credit card receipt.
Don’t leave blank spaces where additional amounts could be added.
5. Never sign a blank charge slip.
6. Keep track of your credit card receipts as proof the purchases you
actually authorized.
7. Read your monthly billing statement carefully.
8. Shred your receipts and anything with your credit card number on it.
Thieves go through trash looking for this valuable information.
If you do all of these tips, that I give unto you today.
IV. What Will Your Solution Do To Curb Problem?
A. Criminals will not longer have an easy access to your information, also it will
make you feel more secure, knowing you keep a tab of all of your personal
Notice that the order given at the beginning of this speech is the order the speech was
According to, credit card fraud is a serious crime. People whose
identities have been stolen can spend months or years and thousands of dollars cleaning up
the mess trying to make there name and credit good again.
In the meantime, victims of credit card fraud may lose job opportunities, be refused loans
for education, housing, or cars, and even get arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.
As of today, you have been forewarned, make sure you be very careful, who you give your
personal information to so that you won’t fall victim of credit card fraud. Now who would
like to pick the winner? Oh, I forgot to mention the whole raffle ticket thing is a fraud.
Remember that your conclusion is a time to “wrap-up” your speech. Do not
introduce anymore new information and do not use quotes. This is the point in which
you tell your audience what you told them.
The Speech Mantra: Tell your audience what you’re going to tell them, Tell them,
and then Tell them what you told them!