Cengage Learning

•First Introductory book to cover CAPM
•First to differentiate expected and required returns
•First to discuss the intrinsic value of stocks
•First timelines to explain TVM
•First financial calculators to solve TVM problems
•First NPV profiles in capital budgeting analysis
•First Mini-Cases to integrate chapter concepts
•First Spreadsheet Problems
•First with Aplia™ for Finance
•First Lecture Presentation software
•First with WordPerfect Test Bank
•First with Blueprints
Brigham/Houston, the first name in finance education
today, is the last name you need to remember. Because for
Brigham/Houston, First in Finance is not a mere description
of who we are, but a promise of what we deliver, edition after
edition, course after course, to keep you and your students on
the forefront of financial management success.
Whether it’s Fundamentals of Financial Management
or one of the many other leading Brigham products,
you can depend on the remarkable authorship team that
reshaped financial education over the years to provide the
latest innovations, unforgettable content, and exceptional
learning tools and support you won’t find anywhere else.
Trust Brigham/Houston to place you and your students
first in finance every time.
See it Here First!
Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12e & Concise, 6e
Concise. Complete. A True Contemporary Classic.
Like each of Brigham/Houston’s market-leading solutions, Fundamentals of
Financial Management brings you the best in finance first with a classic combination
of hallmark strengths and contemporary innovations. You’ll find everything you
and your students need to remain on the forefront of today’s financial management
education with this leading text’s unique balance of contemporary theory and
practical applications.
The renowned author team’s emphasis on Time Value of Money (TVM) is now
repositioned to allow students to immediately use the concepts after learning them.
A compact, strong foundation in the basics is punctuated with timely examples,
meaningful applications, Integrated Cases, and Spreadsheet Models. Supplements,
prepared by the text authors to mirror the quality consistent within the text, are now
strengthened with yet another first, Aplia™ for Finance.
Count on this contemporary classic for first in finance coverage today!
First-Rate Presentation
with First-Class Support
First to Offer the Aplia™ Advantage
Engage. Prepare. Educate.
Aplia has two interactive learning solutions to help your students
succeed in the classroom:
Aplia for Finance
Aplia for Finance is an interactive learning solution that makes finance relevant
and engaging, while ensuring that students practice the application of course
concepts on a regular basis. Aplia assignments are automatically graded and
include detailed feedback on every question.
Problem Sets
Preparing for Finance Tutorials
News Analyses
Course Management System
Digital Textbook
Aplia’s Preparing for Finance
Make sure your students have the fundamental skills to succeed in finance with
Aplia’s Preparing for Finance tutorials. These interactive tutorials ensure that
students confront and overcome deficiencies in prerequisite math, accounting,
economics, and statistics. A tutorial on using financial calculators is also included.
For more information on how Aplia could benefit you, visit www.aplia.com/finance today!
Proven Test Bank Stronger
Than Ever with Algorithmic Flexibility
Test your students’ knowledge of critical finance concepts and techniques simply and
efficiently with this thoroughly revised, substantial test bank that offers 1,200 class-tested
questions and problems, including new true/false and multiple-choice questions.
ExamView™ Computerized Testing Software allows you to
easily algorithmically modify problems to create unlimited versions
of the test or specific problems—ideal for instructors who teach a
large number of students.
First in Content. Best in Strength.
Time Value of Money (TVM) Allows Students to Immediately Practice Concepts
Based on your feedback, the authors have relocated TVM coverage from Chapter 2 to
Chapter 5 to provide a stronger foundation and seamless flow into concepts that
follow. Students no longer have to wait, but are able to begin applying TVM concepts
immediately after learning them, which deepens their understanding.
New Self-Test Problems Ensure Immediate Understanding
New focused Self-Test Problems now appear immediately after each major section of the
chapter, allowing students to check their comprehension right away rather than waiting
until the end of the chapter.
Ethics Coverage Expanded for Today’s Times
Additional coverage of ethics in this new edition allows you to easily and time-efficiently
locate and integrate critical ethics discussions at appropriate points within your course.
Consistent Strengths of a Contemporary Classic
Unique Balance of Theory and Practice Leads Today’s Learning
A hallmark strength of these leading finance texts, both versions clearly introduce
important financial theories using a unique, practically focused presentation. Students
apply the text’s theories and trends using proven learning features, a wealth of real-world
examples, practical problem sets, and Integrated Mini-Cases.
Integrated Spreadsheet Models Help Perfect Problem-Solving Skills
More than just Excel templates, these unique Integrated Spreadsheet Models accompany
each chapter (except Ch. 1) to assist students in developing effective techniques for
financial problem solving. Spreadsheet Models serve as focused tutorials that show
students how to maximize Excel as a powerful finance tool.
Renowned Contemporary
Author Team Ensures
Innovative Approach
The premier Brigham/Houston
authorship team combines Gene
Brigham’s extensive
teaching background and more
than 40 years of text writing
experience, with
Joel Houston’s recognized
contemporary scholarship and
forward thinking, to deliver a
consistently innovative approach
that’s first in finance today.
Author-Written Support
Mirrors Text Quality and Consistency
Since the first edition, all supplements have been written by the text authors to ensure the
same level of accuracy and precision crafting that has made this text a leader.
First-Class Supplement Support
in Author-Written Package
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (IRCD)
Place teaching resources at your fingertips with this all-in-one resource that
includes the Instructor’s Manual, Word Test Bank, Spreadsheet Models, solutions to
Spreadsheet Problems, and PowerPoint® slides. These supplements can also be found
on the text Companion Web site: www.cengage.com/brigham.
PowerPoint® Lecture Presentation Software
Bring lectures to life as new, colorful PowerPoint slides cover the essential topics for
each chapter. Graphs, tables, lists, and calculations are developed sequentially for
your convenience. Easily modify slides for your specific needs. Slides are available
on the IRCD or Companion Web site: www.cengage.com/brigham.
Spreadsheet Models for Excel
Study Guide
Easily illustrate the application of spreadsheets to finance concepts using Spreadsheet
Models and the book’s Integrated Case
data. Spreadsheet models show students
how to best utilize Excel as a finance tool.
Spreadsheet models are available on the
IRCD or Companion Web site:
Give your students essential support as this
invaluable tool, written by the text authors,
lists learning objectives for each chapter,
outlines key sections, provides self-test
questions, and offers an additional set of
problems with fully completed solutions.
Strengthened Test Bank
Instructor’s Manual
Save time with this tool’s answers to all text
questions and problems, detailed solutions
to the Integrated Cases, descriptions of how
to best use all available supplements,
sample syllabus and course schedule. A
digital version is available on the IRCD or
password-protected Companion Web site:
Fundamentals of Financial
Management Companion Web site
Place your students first in finance with
the leading learning tools and convenient,
password-protected resources found on
this dynamic companion Web site. Easily
access digital versions of the authorwritten supplements.
This edition’s significantly revised Test Bank
provides more than 1,200 class-tested questions and problems. Each question includes
information regarding the topic, degree of
difficulty, correct answers, and completed
numerical solutions.
ExamView™ Electronic
Testing with Algorithmic
Make test preparation, scoring and grading easy with
this reliable testing software. This fully-customizable
algorithmic test bank allows you to create unlimited
variations of each test or specific problems, which is
particularly useful for large class enrollments.
iChapters.com, Cengage Learning’s online store, is
a single destination for more than 10,000 new print
textbooks, e-books, single e-chapters, and print,
digital and audio supplements. Students have the
freedom to purchase a-la-carte exactly what they
need when they need it. Save your students time
and money. Tell them about www.iChapters.com
for choice, savings . . . and a better chance
to succeed in your class.
Brigham/Houston Community Web site
Be first in finance with the latest financial innovations
for you and your students. Download demonstrations
of the latest Brigham/Houston technology. Discover
how the valuable tools and technology offered in
this leading family of products will keep you first in
finance throughout the year!
Engage. Prepare. Educate.
Help your students learn finance with Aplia’s online, interactive homework
solution. Trusted by over 3,400 instructors and 900,000 students worldwide,
Aplia has become an industry leader in online learning solutions.
Aplia™ for Finance
• Problem Sets: Chapter-specific problem sets ensure that students
are completing finance assignments on a regular basis.
• Preparing for Finance Tutorials: Interactive tutorials help students
overcome skill deficiencies in prerequisite subjects that would
otherwise prevent them from learning
finance. Aplia also includes tutorials on
using financial calculators.
• News Analyses: Students connect course
concepts to real-world events by reading
relevant news articles and answering
graded questions about them.
• Course Management System
• Digital Textbook
Preparing for Finance
• Interactive tutorials ensure that
students overcome skill deficiencies in
prerequisite subjects
• Reviews accounting, economics,
math, and statistics
• Teaches students how to use a
financial calculator
For more information on how Aplia could
benefit you, visit www.aplia.com/finance.
Do you want your students to bring concepts to life with real data?
Do you want to give them current information for research projects?
Do you want them to conduct their research online?
Thomson ONE – Business School Edition (BSE) meets all of these needs!
Integrated throughout
the book, Thomson ONE –
Business School Edition
places the same tool that Wall Street
analysts, traders, and finance professionals
use every day into students’ hands.
This powerful database of financial
information based on Thomson Financial’s
commercially available product, Thomson
ONE Banker, allows students to access
financials, earnings estimates, market data
and Excel worksheets from thousands of
domestic and international companies.
Free with every new text!
Each new edition of Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12e or Concise, 6e comes with
a Thomson ONE – Business School Edition registration card which gives students access to
this valuable tool. For more information, visit www.cengage.com/thomsonone today!
For a First-Class Approach that’s a Favorite Every Time,
Take a Look at the Pages that Follow.
See For Yourself how Brigham/Houston’s
Fundamentals of Financial Management Keeps
You and Your Students First in Finance with this
Contemporary Classic Approach!