U.S. President Age, Height, and Facial Feature Changes with the Social and Economic Climate Terry F. Pettijohn II Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina, USA 100 J ohn son T ru ma n 74 0 Eise nh owe r 80 Rea gan Nixon 75 72 70. 5 69 71 .5 7 4.5 74 73 69 .5 72 70 60 Ro ose velt Bu sh C arte r 40 Bu sh 30 -1 Ken ne dy 20 Goo d Times 10 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 19 92 1990 1988 1986 19 84 1982 1980 19 78 1976 19 74 1972 1970 1968 1966 1964 1962 19 60 1958 1956 1954 1952 1950 1948 1946 1944 19 42 1940 1938 1936 Year Figure 2. U.S. President Age and General Hard Times Measure Across Time (1932-2004) 2 0 Hard Times These results support recent investigations considering how face shape of political candidates across war and peace times can influence voting patterns (Little et al., 2007). Masculine, dominant manipulated faces were preferred during war-time contexts and feminine faces were preferred during peace-time contexts. Similarly, the current study finds presidents with more mature facial features (smaller eyes and larger chins) and who were taller (social dominance feature) were preferred during more threatening times. Future research may consider the relative difference between presidential candidates in each election to determine whether the more mature, socially dominant candidate is more likely to win during more difficult times. Other studies may focus on local elections, cross-cultural elections, and consider how the features of female candidates determine election outcomes. 0 19 34 -1.5 Consistent with the Environmental Security Hypothesis, U.S. presidents who were taller and who had larger chins and smaller eyes were elected to office during times of social and economic threat. Contrary to predictions, U.S. presidents who were younger were elected when times were difficult. Younger presidents may have been perceived as more charismatic (McCann & Stewin, 1987; McCann, 1991, 1997) and able to handle the responsibilities and challenges of a difficult economy and social state. Although correlational, and based on a very limited sample size, these results suggest that environmental security may influence perceptions and preferences for U.S. presidents with certain age, height, and facial features. 50 -0.5 These results have important implications for future political races. While physical appearance is only one dimension of consideration when voting, it may be more important than previously believed. 10 1.5 20 1 Selected References 46 Carter Nixon 51 55 0 Tru man 59 54 58 60 62 64 50 50 52 56 57 60 40 Cl int on 43 60 Age (years) 30 Kenn edy 0.5 64 66 69 -0.5 70 73 Roo sevelt Bush 80 Bu sh Johnson -1 Ei sen ho wer Good Times 90 Reagan 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1988 1990 1986 1984 1982 1980 1978 1976 Year 1974 1972 1970 1966 1968 1964 1962 1960 1958 1956 1954 1952 1948 1950 1946 1944 1942 1940 100 1938 -1.5 1934 1936 Figure 3. U.S. President Chin Area and General Hard Times Measure Across Time (1932-2004) 2 1.5 0.21 0.18 1 Ke nnedy 0.16 0.5 0.14 0. 13 Chin Area 0.15 Reagan Cli nto n Johnson Truman 0.1 2 0.1 2 0 0.1 2 0.11 0.1 2 0.1 2 0.12 0.1 0 Eisenh owe r 0.09 0.09 Roosevelt -0.5 Little, A., Burriss, R., Jones, B., & Roberts, S. (2007). Facial appearance affects voting decisions. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 18-27. McCann, S. J., & Stewin, L. L. (1987). Threat, authoritarianism, and the power of U.S. presidents. Journal of Psychology, 121, 149-157. Nelson, L. D., Pettijohn, T. F. II, & Galak, J. (2007). Mate preferences in social cognitive context: When environmental and personal change leads to predictable cross-cultural variation. In V. Swami & A. Furnham (Eds.), Body beautiful: Evolutionary and socio-cultural perspectives (pp. 185-206). New York: Palgrave. Young, T. J., & French, L. A. (1998). Heights of U.S. presidents: A trend analysis for 1948-1996. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 87, 321-322. Acknowledgements 0.24 Hard Times Bush Carter Bush 0.03 Good Times 2004 2006 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1982 1984 1978 1980 1976 Year 1974 1972 1970 1968 1966 1964 1962 1960 1958 1954 1956 1952 1950 1948 0 1946 -1.5 I thank Lauren McDermott and Ginny Naples for assistance with data collection and facial feature measurement. Contact Information Terry F. Pettijohn II, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Coastal Carolina University P.O. Box 261954 Conway, South Carolina 29528-6054 0.06 Nixon -1 1944 Election Age Height Year Name (years) (inches) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt 51 74 1936 Franklin D. Roosevelt 55 74 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt 59 74 1944 Harry S. Truman 60 69 1948 Harry S. Truman 64 69 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower 62 70.5 1956 Dwight D. Eisenhower 66 70.5 1960 John F. Kennedy 43 72 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson 57 75 1968 Richard Nixon 56 71.5 1972 Richard Nixon 60 71.5 1976 Jimmy Carter 52 69.5 1980 Ronald Reagan 69 73 1984 Ronald Reagan 73 73 1988 George H. W. Bush 64 74 1992 Bill Clinton 46 74.5 1996 Bill Clinton 50 74.5 2000 George W. Bush 54 72 2004 George W. Bush 58 72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mean 57.84 72.29 StDev 7.65 1.93 Max 73 75 Min 43 69 90 C li nto n 1932 Table. Age and Height of Presidents of the United States by Election Year (1932-2004) Height (inches) General Hard Times Measure _____ _____ 110 0.5 1942 When economic security is threatened, attributes associated with mature individuals should become more important and preferred in order to assist with the demands of a more threatening situation. In accordance with the Environmental Security Hypothesis, a relationship between threatening social and economic conditions and U.S. president height, age, and facial characteristics was hypothesized. In particular, U.S. presidents who were relatively taller, older, and who had smaller eyes and larger chins were predicted to be popular with the voting public in poor social and economic times. In good social and economic conditions, U.S. presidents who were relatively shorter, younger, and who had larger eyes and smaller chins were predicted to be elected to office. 120 1 1940 Current Study Hypotheses 130 1938 Pettijohn & Tesser’s (1999) Environmental Security Hypothesis is a context-dependent theory of attraction and preferences drawing on evolutionary theory and ecology. The theory suggests that when social and economic conditions are threatening, individuals will prefer others with more mature characteristics compared to non-threatening conditions because maturity is associated with the ability to handle threatening situations. Past archival research on American actress facial features (Pettijohn & Tesser, 1999), Playboy Playmate facial and body features (Pettijohn & Jungeberg, 2004), Billboard music and musical artists (Pettijohn & Sacco, 2009), as well as experimental studies (Pettijohn & Tesser, 2005) have supported this theory. See Nelson, Pettijohn, & Galak (2007) for a review. 140 1936 The Environmental Security Hypothesis At the time of data analysis, some social and economic statistics for 2008 were not yet available, so the 2008 election of Barack Obama could not be included in the current results. 150 1932 1934 Past research has also shown that facial features, such as eye size and chin size, are associated with specialized sets of attributes (see Zebrowitz, 1997). Small eye size and large chin size are components of a mature face, which is associated with the attributes of strength, dominance, competency, expertise, maturity, independence, status, and shrewdness. Rationale for the Current Sample Standardized measures regarding social and economic statistics in the U.S. were not available or consistently collected before the 1920s. In addition, more recent presidential elections were more widely covered by the press and presented in the media, thereby making appearance and body features of candidates more salient. For these reasons, we chose to begin our investigation with the 1932 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 160 1.5 1932 Taller individuals are believed to be stronger, more independent, and more dominant than shorter individuals (Melamed, 1992; Adams, 1980; Young & French, 1998; Boyson, Pryor, & Butler, 1999), while older individuals are believed to be more responsible and mature than younger individuals (Adams, 1980). President Features Each of the 11 elected Presidents of the United States of America from the 19 elections between 1932-2004 were identified (see Table). Age at elected term and height measurements were collected from historical records. Complete, face-front images of each of these presidents were collected and two independent researchers completed facial feature measurements on these images (see Cunningham et al., 1995, for exact measurement schema) with aid of computer software. Facialmetrics related to eye size and chin size were the focus of this investigation due to their relation to maturity dimensions in previous research. 2 Hard Ti mes General Hard Times Measure _____ Past archival studies have found societal measures of threat in America have been related to powerful and charismatic presidential candidate preferences (McCann & Stewin, 1987; McCann, 1991, 1997). But what characteristics connote power? Height, age, and facial features may offer insight into the voting habits of the American people during presidential elections in fluctuating socioeconomic states. Discussion Figure 1. U.S. President Height and General Hard Times Measure Across Time (1932-2004) _____ Introduction General Hard Times Measure To test the hypotheses, U.S. social and economic statistics (unemployment rate, change in disposable personal income, change in consumer price index, death rate, birth rate, marriage rate, divorce rate, suicide rate, and homicide rate) for each year (1929-2004) were collected and standardized to create a General Hard Times Measure (GHTM). Higher values on the GHTM indicate more threatening social and economic conditions. The GHTM for the election year and three years prior to each president’s election were averaged and used as the dependent measure in this study. Results Overall, in threatening social and economic conditions, U.S. presidents were taller, r(17)=.60, p<.01 (see Figure 1), younger, r(17)=-.28, p=.12 (see Figure 2), and had larger chins, r(17)=.31, p=.09 (see Figure 3), and smaller eyes, r(17)=-.24, p=.17 . General Hard Times Measure _____ Age, height, and facial characteristics of U.S. presidents over the past 75 years were identified and investigated to explore their relationships with social and economic factors. Consistent with the Environmental Security Hypothesis, presidents with more mature features (taller, older, smaller eyes, and larger chins) were predicted to be elected in conditions of social and economic threat. Results revealed that in more difficult times, U.S. presidents who were taller, younger, and who possessed smaller eyes and larger chins were elected to office. Method: Data Collection _____ Abstract Phone: 843-349-6447 Fax: 843-349-2857 Email: pettijohn@coastal.edu Presented at the 117th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 7 th, 2009