white paper Beginners Guide to Managing VMware using PowerShell Title: Author(s): Target Audience: Current Revision: First Published: Product(s): UID: Beginners Guide to Managing VMware using PowerShell Xtravirt (Peter Grant) Technical - Novice 1.0 (Nov 2009) Nov 2009 VMware, Microsoft PowerShell XD10133 Content Overview: • PowerShell Introduction • Install Steps and First Commands • Creating PowerShell Scripts • Running PowerShell Scripts from DOS Command Prompts or Task Scheduler 1.0 Introduction This document is a beginner’s guide to configuring and using PowerShell to perform administration tasks within a VMware Infrastructure. This assumes little or no experience with PowerShell and will go through the steps of downloading, configuring and using it to perform simple tasks. It is meant as a basic introduction to show the steps required to get started. 2.0 PowerShell Introduction PowerShell is Microsoft’s newest scripting language focused on providing administrators with an easy and powerful way to perform certain tasks. PowerShell is either included or can be downloaded and installed on the following operating systems: Native Support: - Windows 2008 - Windows 7 Requires PowerShell Download: (http://tinyurl. com/xtravirt-xd10133-1) - - - command prompt is similar to the traditional ‘DOS’ Command prompt but is used specifically to execute PowerShell commands. It is found in “Start / Programs / Windows PowerShell” or similar depending on your OS. Note: You cannot execute native PowerShell commands by simply typing them into a DOS Command Prompt Cmdlets are chunks of PowerShell code that perform certain predefined actions. VMware has written their own Cmdlets which can be used to manage the Virtual Infrastructure. An example of a VMware Cmdlet is “Start-VM <VMname>” Before the above VMware Cmdlets can be run there are 3 things that need to happen. 1. 2. 3. PowerShell needs to be installed The VMware PowerShell add-ins need to be installed A connection must be made to the vCenter server or ESX Host The next section goes through the steps of installing and running VMware PowerShell commands. Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista Windows XP SP2 Once installed there are several native PowerShell commands, called Cmdlets, that can be executed via the PowerShell command prompt. The PowerShell information@xtravirt.com www.xtravirt.com © 2009 | 1 visit www.xtravirt.com for the latest version of this document Online resources for the virtualization industry We simplify complex concepts and make them valuable, practical assets. Free white papers, articles, how-to-guides, e-books, presentation tools and much more. 3.0 Installation Steps and First Commands Connect-VIServer -Server <vCenterIPAddress> -User <adminUsername> -Password <password> Note: The command above is entered as one line 1. Install Windows PowerShell Note: Skip this step if using Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Browse to the following Microsoft link and install PowerShell for the correct OS being used: http://www. microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/technologies/ management/powershell/download.mspx 2. If Certificates haven’t been configured then there will be a warning as seen below. This can be ignored. Enable PowerShell Script Execution Note: As a security precaution remote PowerShell scripts cannot be executed unless you enable it. This is required before VMware commands can be executed. Open up the Windows PowerShell command prompt and type set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 5. Run the command(s) Now you’re ready to run some commands. Try the following: Get-VM 3. Install the VMware PowerShell Components A list of all your VM’s should be shown. Install the ‘PowerCLI’ onto your local PC. This contains the VMware software management objects and Cmdlets Now type: Download from here: www.vmware.com/go/powercli This will display all the VMware CmdLets 4. Get-Command Connect to vCenter or ESX Now Open the VMware (not Windows) PowerShell Command Prompt and type the following: information@xtravirt.com www.xtravirt.com © 2009 | 2 visit www.xtravirt.com for the latest version of this document Here’s just a tiny sample of the example commands showing what can be done: PowerShell Command Action Start-VM <guestVMname> Power on the VM specified ShutDown-VMGuest <guestVMname> Shuts down Guest OS Get-DRSRule –Cluster Displays DRS rules for specified cluster <ClusterName> Note: All commands above are entered as one line 6. Disconnect from vCenter or ESX Once finished, it is good practice to disconnect. To do this type the following command: Disconnect-VIServer C:\WINDOWS\system32\ windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell. exe -PSConsoleFile “C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VSphere PowerCLI\vim.psc1” -NoExit –Command Note: The command above is entered as one line Don’t forget you still must connect to a vCenter Server or ESX Host so the first command might look like this: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell. exe -PSConsoleFile “C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\ VSphere PowerCLI\vim.psc1” -NoExit –Command Connect-VIServer -Server <vCenterIPAddress> -User <adminUsername> -Password <password> Note: The command above is entered as one line 4.0 Creating PowerShell Scripts Just like batch files it is possible to run PowerShell commands in a script. To do this simply create a file using notepad with a .ps1 extension. i.e. MyFirstPSscript.ps1 Type your PowerShell commands into this file and then save it. To execute it simply type the name of the file into a VMware PowerShell Command prompt. 5.0 Running PowerShell Scripts from DOS Command Prompts or Task Scheduler Now that you know how to run PowerShell commands to control your VMware Infrastructure you might be wondering how to schedule these commands using Task Scheduler which only recognises ‘DOS’ commands or batch files. This is actually quite simple. PowerShell commands can in fact be executed from a DOS Command prompt by adding the following prefix to the command so Windows knows to call PowerShell and reference the VMware add-ins to execute it. Likewise a PowerShell script named C:\MyFirstPSscript. ps1 can be called by typing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell. exe -PSConsoleFile “C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VSphere PowerCLI\vim.psc1” -NoExit –Command C:\MyFirstPSscript.ps1 Note: The command above is entered as one line The above line is what would be typed into Windows Task Scheduler. Note: These commands assume a vSphere PowerCLI install with default directory locations. 6.0 Summary This article introduces the very basics of VMware PowerShell commands for someone who hasn’t used these before. There is a wealth of information on PowerShell scripting on the VMware and Microsoft web sites along with a number of sample scripts. Most things that can be done via the VI Client can also be scripted using PowerShell making this a powerful tool for the administrator. This concludes the white paper. References and Useful links are located on the following page. At a DOS Command prompt type the following and then add any VMware PowerShell CmdLet command: information@xtravirt.com www.xtravirt.com © 2009 | 3 visit www.xtravirt.com for the latest version of this document About Xtravirt Xtravirt is a knowledge-based company that delivers its expertise in virtualization online and in person. We have developed a reputation for astute leadership and expertise through our work with an impressive array of organisations. It is this real-world experience that drives our ability to provide independent, current and free advice online. We work with organisations whose IT staff are frustrated with how hard it is to find detailed information and skills around virtualization. We help our clients deliver the true benefits of virtualization, resulting in cost and time savings. For more information contact: Dorset House, Regent Park 297 Kingston Road, Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7PL t +44 (0) 1372 824 296 f +44 (0) 1372 824 576 e information@xtravirt.com w www.xtravirt.com © Copyright 2009 Xtravirt Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Xtravirt Ltd shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Xtravirt and the Xtravirt logo are registered trademarks of Xtravirt Ltd. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. This document remains the property of Xtravirt Ltd. Contents may not be copied, reproduced or modified without written consent from Xtravirt Ltd. References Useful Links 1. 1. 2. 3. Microsoft PowerShell Download, http://www.microsoft.com/ windowsserver2003/technologies/management/powershell/ download.mspx VMware PowerShell Components Download and Documentation, www.vmware.com/go/powercli VMware PowerShell Components Install Guide, http://www. vmware.com/support/developer/windowstoolkit/wintk40/ doc/viwin_install.pdf information@xtravirt.com 2. vSphere PowerCLI Administration Guide, http://www.vmware. com/support/developer/windowstoolkit/wintk40/doc/ viwin_admg.pdf vSphere PowerCLI Documentation Guide, http://www. vmware.com/support/developer/windowstoolkit/ Tags VMware, PowerShell, Scripting, PowerCLI, vCenter, ESX, ESXi www.xtravirt.com © 2009 | 4