Abraham - A Hero of Faith - Bethel Community CRC Newmarket

Communion Sunday
February 14, 2016 10 am
Order of Worship
We Gather to Praise
"Shout to the Lord” RH 603
"Jesus Messiah"
"I Will Sing of My Redeemer" RH 568
We Come into God's Presence
Call to Worship/ Greeting of the Lord
Silent Prayer
What’s Happening This Week...
1:00 pm
The Journey
7:00 pm
Voices of Joy
8:00 pm
Cross the Line
8:00 pm
Male Crusaders at Springdale
7:30 pm
Worship Team
9:30 am
Christian Women
12:30 pm Quilters
We Prepare Ourselves
Confession & Assurance
"My Jesus I Love Thee" RH 366
We Serve God with Our Offerings
Offerings: 1 - Bethel Ministries
2 Today: Mission Support - Jon & Cheryl
Baelde—Jon and Cheryl serve as our missionaries with Power to Change in a closed country in
East Asia. They are continuing to build movements of evangelism and discipleship on multiple university campuses so that one day every
student might have an opportunity to engage
with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Abraham - A Hero of Faith
2nd Next Week: TDCH
We Pray for Each Other
Congregational Prayer
We Hear God's Word
Hebrews 11:7-11
Genesis 22:1-13
Scripture Reading:Hebrews 11:7-11 and Genesis 22:1-13 Pages: 1296, 21
Message: Abraham - A Hero of Faith
We Respond to God
"By Faith"
Pastor Kobie duPlessis
February 14, 2016
We are Sent Out with God's Blessing
“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”
RH 964
Worship Next Sunday… Pastor Kobie will lead
us in worship: The Power of Forgiveness
Isaiah 44:22
1:30 pm
Ladies Society
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Share and Care
7:00 pm
TC of JC Bible Study
9:00 am
Share and Care
9:30 am
Coffee Break
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Cross the Line
Welcome! We are happy to welcome you to our services
of worship today. Whatever your circumstances or need,
the Lord Jesus is sufficient for you. May your spirit be
refreshed in his company today as we celebrate the
Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper is for those who are
joined to Christ by faith. We invite all who love the Lord
Jesus and are communicant members of a Christian
Church to take part with us.
Request Cards are available in the pews. If you have
needs, questions or a prayer request, please fill one in
and place it in the collection plate .
Recordings: CD’s are available at the sound board
after the service.
Wireless Assistive Hearing Devices are available.
Feel free to ask one of the ushers.
Large Print: There are large print Hymnals and bulletins available. See Frank Dryfhout.
In Need of Prayer?
Please come to Classroom B
which is downstairs in the middle of the left hall, after
the morning service.
Nursery is available during the morning worship service. Go down the stairs at the parking lot entrance,
take the hall on the right and walk to the last room.
Cheese Orders: have been placed in your mail
slots and are due Sunday, February 21st. When
ordering, please keep in mind the next order is
not until the middle of May.. Extra orders can
been found on the table in the narthex for those
who do not place orders on a regular basis. Thank you....Debbie Ryzebol
Prayer and Praise Breakfast: On Saturday,
March 26, 2016 Chosen Generation Ministries will
host its 4th Annual Praise and Praise Breakfast.
We hope to see you and members of your congregation in our town, praying with us, as we
believe God for a harvest of souls.
Adult Serve Leaders Needed:
Serve: JULY 9-16th We are in need of one male
and one female over the age of 21 to volunteer their time and join 13 of our youth on a service trip this summer. Leaders are small group
leaders, worksite overseers and must be safety
conscious. They will be responsible for general
crowd control and spiritual coaching throughout
the week. They are also responsible for driving
their small group to and from worksites throughout the week. If interested or wanting to know
katie_ryzebol@hotmail.com (905) 251-9045
Hello Bethel Community Church: I am writing to express my thanks for the 121 shoeboxes
Bethel Community Church packed. I had hoped
to connect with you by phone, but was unable to
reach you (I left a message on the church voice
mail), and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity
to share how much I value the partnership of
your church. Through the 121 shoeboxes you
packed, our GTA community collected 62,828
shoeboxes. Across Canada, Operation Christmas
Child collected 730,577 gifts – over 30,000 more
than the previous year!
Each gift is a Gospel Opportunity in the life of a
child. Last year alone, over 1.2 million children
decided to follow Jesus while participating in The
Greatest Journey, the discipleship program that
children are invited to after receiving shoeboxes –
including boxes packed by your church. I encourage
you to visit SamaritansPurse.ca/Celebrate to
learn more about the impact of your partnership,
and to find ways to share this exciting news with
your church. (There is a great Celebration video clip
you can share with everyone!) I have also attached a
graphic that gives an overview of our 2015 season. I
look forward to connecting with you soon and to
another great year of Operation Christmas Child
together. (I am also available to give a presentation
to any of your groups such as a Sunday School class
or Senior’s Group.) Thank you for your faithful
ministry. Sherri
Ministries at Bethel
Children’s Ministries
Genesis Club: Children from JK to gr. 8 go down
stairs after the offering for children’s worship.
Contact Jen Kalsbeek @ 905-836-8263
Youth Ministries
GEMS - Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour:
Girls age 8-13 meet Thursday evenings at 7pm.
Calvinist Cadet Corps: Boys age 7-13 meets
Thursday evenings at 7 pm at church. Contact Bruce
Thompson @ 905-535-1855
Fusion: meets twice a month at church for fun and
Youth: meets on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm at
church. Contact Katie Ryzebol at 905-251-9045
Adult Ministries
Small Groups: meet at various homes every other
Share and Care: is open on Wednesday evenings
from 7 to 9 and on Thursday mornings from 9 to 11
for anyone needing clothes.
Coffee Break: meets on Thursdays at 9:30 am to
11 am from September to May.
Ladies Society: meets Wednesdays at 1:30 pm in
the library from September to May. Contact Joyce
DeWilde @ 905-836-7372.
Quilting: meets Wednesday in the fellowship hall
at12:30 pm. The women enjoy fellowship while making beautiful quilts for people with cancer. Contact
Marg Mount at 905-478-2760 .
Men’s Saturday Bible Study: meets once a month
on Saturday at 8 am at the Buttery for breakfast and
Bible Study. Contact John VanLeeuwen 905-775-0367
For so many years, Bethel has been
blessed by the work of the Bethel Care
Committee. Going forward, we continue
that care through a new ministry we call
Congregational Care. It is YOUR ministry
working for you. Sometimes you give
help, sometimes you need help. Call the
Care Coordinator on duty. She is expecting a call or
an email and will connect you with someone who wants
to help.
Care Coordinator on duty: Verna Joosse
Phone: 905-853-3707 Email: vjoosse@rogers.com
In Case of Emergency
Please leave the building by the closest exits. The
children will be brought out by their teachers and elders and will be brought to their parents at the north
east corner of our parking lot.
Contact Information
Reverend Dr. Kobie du Plessis
416- 917-5727
Youth Leader
Katie Ryzebol
Admin. Assistant
Clara Kalsbeek
Elder of Service: James Winter
Deacon of Service: Angela DeVries
Care Coordinator: Verna Joosse