Adrenal Causes of Hypertension Myron H. Weinberger T he adrenal gland is involved in the production of a variety of steroid hormones and catecholamines that influence blood pressure. Thus, it is not surprising that several adrenal disorders may result in hypertension. Many of these disorders are potentially curable or responsive to specific therapies. Therefore, identifying adrenal disorders is an important consideration when elevated blood pressure occurs suddenly or in a young person, is severe or difficult to treat, or is associated with manifestations suggestive of a secondary form of hypertension. Because these occurrences are relatively rare, it is necessary to have a high index of suspicion and understand the pathophysiology on which the diagnosis and treatment of these problems is based. Three general forms of hypertension that result from excessive production of mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, or catecholamines are reviewed in the context of their normal production, metabolism, and feedback systems. The organization of this chapter provides the background for understanding the normal physiology and pathophysiologic changes on which effective screening and diagnosis of adrenal abnormalities are based. Therapeutic options also are briefly considered. Primary aldosteronism, Cushing’s syndrome, and pheochromocytoma are discussed. CHAPTER 4 4.2 Hypertension and the Kidney Adrenal Hypertension PHYSIOLOGIC MECHANISMS IN ADRENAL HYPERTENSION Disorder Cause Pathophysiology Pressure mechanism Primary aldosteronism Autonomous hypersecretion of aldosterone (hypermineralocorticoidism) Extracellular fluid volume expansion, hypokalemia (?), alkalosis Cushing’s syndrome Hypersecretion of cortisol (hyperglucocorticoidism) Pheochromocytoma Hypersecretion of catecholamines Increased renal sodium and water reabsorption, increased urinary excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions Increased activation of mineralocorticoid receptor (?), increased angiotensinogen (renin substrate) concentration Vasoconstriction, increased heart rate FIGURE 4-1 The causes and pathophysiologies of the three major forms of adrenal hypertension and the proposed mechanisms by which blood pressure elevation results. Extracellular fluid volume expansion (?), increased angiotensin II (vasoconstriction and increased peripheral resistance) Increased peripheral resistance, increased cardiac output Histology of the Adrenal FIGURE 4-2 Histology of the adrenal. A cross section of the normal adrenal before (left) and after (right) stimulation with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) [1]. The adrenal is organized into the outer adrenal cortex and the inner adrenal medulla. The outer adrenal cortex is composed of the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis. The zona glomerulosa is responsible for production of aldosterone and other mineralocorticoids and is chiefly under the control of angiotensin II (see Figs. 4-3 and 4-5). The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis are influenced primarily by ACTH and produce glucocorticoids and some androgens (see Figs. 4-3 and 4-19). The adrenal medulla produces catecholamines and is the major source of epinephrine (in addition to the organ of Zuckerkandl located at the aortic bifurcation) (see Fig. 4-25.) Capsule Zona glomerulosa Zona fasciculata Zona reticularis Medulla Normal human suprarenal gland Human suprarenal gland after administration of crude ACTH Adrenal Causes of Hypertension 4.3 Adrenal Steroid Biosynthesis 17α−Hydroxylase CH3 C=O HO Pregnenolone CH3 O C=O OH HO 17-Hydroxypregnenolone HO Dehydroepiandrosterone 3 β-OH-Dehydrogenase: ∆5 ∆4 Isomerase O CH3 CH3 C=O C=O –OH O 17-Hydroxypregnenolone Pregnenolone 21-Hydroxylase OH2OH CH2OH C=O C=O OH O 11-Deoxycorticosterone O 11-Deoxycortisol 11β-Hydroxylase CH2OH HO O HO O Corticosterone 18-Hydroxylase 18-OH-Dehrydrogenase CH2OH HO O CH2OH C=O OHC C=O Aldosterone Cortisol } Zona glomerulosa only C=O OH O O ∆4 Androstene 3,17-dione FIGURE 4-3 Adrenal steroid biosynthesis. The sequence of adrenal steroid biosynthesis beginning with cholesterol is shown as are the enzymes responsible for production of specific steroids [2]. Note that aldosterone production normally occurs only in the zona glomerulosa (see Fig. 4-2). (From DeGroot and coworkers [2]; with permission.) 4.4 Hypertension and the Kidney ACTH PRA Aldosterone Cortisol Morning 6 AM Noon 6 PM Morning FIGURE 4-4 Circadian rhythmicity of steroid production and major stimulatory factors. Aldosterone and cortisol and their respective major stimulatory factors, plasma renin activity (PRA) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), demonstrate circadian rhythms. The lowest values for all of these components are normally seen during the sleep period when the need for active steroid production is minimal. ACTH levels increase early before awakening, stimulating cortisol production in preparation for the physiologic changes associated with arousal. PRA increases abruptly with the assumption of the upright posture, followed by an increase in aldosterone production and release. Both steroids demonstrate their highest values through the morning and early afternoon. Cortisol levels parallel those of ACTH, with a marked decline in the afternoon and evening hours. Aldosterone demonstrates a broader peak, reflecting the postural stimulus of PRA. Kidney ↓Perfusion pressure Kidney Juxtaglomerular apparatus 1 ↑Perfusion pressure ↓Sodium content ↑Sodium content 6 ↑Extracellular fluid volume Juxtaglomerular apparatus 9 12 Renin Renin 2 Angiotensin II 5 ↑Extracellular fluid volume 8 ↑Sodium reabsorption Adrenal complex Aldosterone Zona glomerulosa 4 10 Angiotensin II 11 ↑Sodium reabsorption Adrenal complex Aldosterone Zona glomerulosa 7 13 14 A Normal K+ ACTH B Primary aldosteronism K+ ACTH FIGURE 4-5 Control of mineralocorticoid production. A, Control of aldosterone production under normal circumstances. A decrease in renal perfusion pressure or tubular sodium content (1) at the level of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and macula densa of the kidney triggers renin release (2). Renin acts on its substrate angiotensinogen to generate angiotensin I, which is converted rapidly by angiotensin-converting enzyme to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II then induces peripheral vasoconstriction to increase perfusion pressure (6) and acts on the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex (3) (see Fig. 4-2) to stimulate production and release of aldosterone (4). Potassium and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) also play a minor role in aldosterone production in some circumstances. Aldosterone then acts on the cells of the collecting duct of the kidney to promote reabsorption of sodium (and passively, water) in exchange for potassium and hydrogen ions excreted in the urine. This increased secretion promotes expansion of extracellular fluid volume and an increase in renal tubular sodium content (5) that further suppresses renin release, thus closing the feedback loop (servomechanism). B, Abnormalities present in primary aldosteronism. Autonomous hypersecretion of aldosterone (7) leads to increased extracellular fluid volume expansion and increased renal tubular sodium content. These elevated levels are a result of increased renal sodium and water reabsorption (8) at the expense of increased potassium and hydrogen ion excretion in the urine. The increase in sodium and volume then increase systemic blood pressure and renal perfusion pressure and sodium content (9), thereby suppressing further renin release (10) and angiotensin II production (11). Thus, in contrast to the normal situation depicted in panel A, the levels of angiotensin II are highly suppressed and therefore do not contribute to an increase in systemic blood pressure (12). In primary aldosteronism, ACTH (13) has a dominant modulatory role in influencing aldosterone production and hypokalemia, resulting from increased urinary potassium exchange for sodium, which has a negative effect on aldosterone production (14). 4.5 Adrenal Causes of Hypertension Aldosteronism TYPES OF PRIMARY ALDOSTERONISM Types SCREENING TESTS FOR PRIMARY ALDOSTERONISM Relative frequency, % Solitary adrenal adenoma Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia Unilateral adrenal hyperplasia Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism Bilateral solitary adrenal adenomas Adrenal carcinoma Test Serum potassium ≤3.5 mEq/L Plasma renin activity ≤4 ng/mL/90 min Urinary aldosterone ≥20 µg/d Plasma aldosterone ≥15 ng/dL Plasma aldosterone–plasma renin activity ratio ≥15 Plasma aldosterone–plasma renin activity ratio ≥30 65 30 2 <1 <1 <1 FIGURE 4-6 Types of primary aldosteronism. (Data from Weinberger and coworkers [3].) Sensitivity, % 75 >99 70 90 99.8 96 Specificity, % ≈20 40–60 60 60 98 100 FIGURE 4-7 Screening tests for primary aldosteronism. Serum potassium levels range from 3.5 to normal levels of patients with primary aldosteronism. Most hypertensive patients with hypokalemia have secondary rather than primary aldosteronism. The plasma aldosterone-to-plasma renin activity (PRA) ratio (disregarding units of measure) is the most sensitive and specific single screening test for primary aldosteronism. However, because of laboratory variability, normal ranges must be developed for individual laboratory values. A random peripheral blood sample can be used to obtain this ratio even while the patient is receiving antihypertensive medications, when the effects of the medications on PRA and aldosterone are considered. (Data from Weinberger and coworkers [3,4].) LOCALIZING TESTS FOR PRIMARY ALDOSTERONISM Test Adrenal computed tomographic scan Adrenal isotopic scan Adrenal venography Adrenal magnetic resonance imaging Adrenal venous blood sampling with adrenocorticotropic hormone infusion Sensitivity, % Specificity, % ≈50 ≈50 ≈70 ? >92 ≈60 ≈65 ≈80 ? >95 FIGURE 4-8 Localizing tests for primary aldosteronism. Adrenal venous blood sampling with determination of both aldosterone and cortisol concentrations during adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation provides the most accurate way to identify unilateral hyperaldosteronism. This approach minimizes artefact owing to episodic steroid secretion and to permit correction for dilution of adrenal venous blood with comparison of values to those in the inferior vena cava. (see Fig. 4-12). (Data from Weinberger and coworkers [3].) A FIGURE 4-9 Normal and abnormal adrenal isotopic scans. A, Normal scan. Increased bilateral uptake of I131-labeled iodo-cholesterol of normal adrenal tissue is shown above the indicated renal outlines. (Continued on next page) 4.6 Hypertension and the Kidney FIGURE 4-9 (Continued) B, Intense increase in isotopic uptake by the left adrenal (as viewed from the posterior aspect) containing an adenoma. B FIGURE 4-10 Adrenal venography in primary aldosteronism. A, Typical leaflike pattern of the normal right adrenal venous drainage. B, In contrast, marked distortion of the normal venous anatomy by a relatively large (3-cmdiameter) adenoma of the left adrenal. Most solitary adenomas responsible for primary aldosteronism are smaller than 1 cm in diameter and thus usually cannot be seen using anatomic visualizing techniques. A B Normal Plasma aldosterone, ng/dL 60 Adenoma Hyperplasia 50 40 30 20 10 0 8 AM Supine A Noon Upright 8 AM Supine B 8 AM Supine Noon Upright Noon Upright C FIGURE 4-11 Changes in plasma aldosterone with upright posture. A–C, Depicted are individual data for persons showing temporal and postural changes in plasma aldosterone concentration in normal persons (panel A), and in patients with primary aldosteronism owing to a solitary adrenal adenoma (panel B) or to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia (panel C). Blood is sampled at 8 AM, while the patient is recumbent, and again at noon after 4 hours of ambulation. In normal persons the increase in plasma renin activity associated with upright posture results in a marked increase in plasma aldosterone at noon compared with that at 8 AM (see Fig. 4-4). In adenomatous primary aldosteronism, the plasma renin activity is markedly suppressed and does not increase appreciably with upright posture. Moreover, aldosterone production is modulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (which decreases from high levels at 8 AM to lower values at noon (see Fig. 4-4). Thus, these patients typically demonstrate lower levels of aldosterone at noon than they do at 8 AM. In patients with bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, the plasma renin activity tends to be more responsive to upright posture and aldosterone production also is more responsive to the renin-angiotensin system. Thus, postural increases in aldosterone usually are seen. Exceptions to these changes occur in both forms of primary aldosteronism, however, making the postural test less sensitive and specific [3]. 4.7 AC TH TH AC TH AC AC TH Adrenal Causes of Hypertension A C A C A C A C A C A Bilateral aldosteronism FIGURE 4-12 Adrenal venous blood sampling during infusion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) [3]. A, Bilateral aldosteronism. A schematic representation of the findings in primary aldosteronism owing to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia is shown on the left. When blood is sampled from both adrenal veins and the inferior vena cava during ACTH infusion, the aldosterone-to-cortisol ratio is similar in both adrenal effluents and higher than that in the inferior vena cava. In such cases, medical therapy (potassium-sparing diuretic combinations such as hydrochlorothiazide plus triamterene, amiloride, or spirolactone and calcium channel entry blockers) usually is effective. B, Unilateral aldosteronism. On the right is depicted the findings in a patient with a unilateral right adrenal lesion. This lesion can be diagnosed by an elevated aldosterone-to-cortisol ratio in right adrenal A C B Unilateral aldosteronism venous blood compared with that of the left adrenal and the inferior vena cava. Even if the venous effluent cannot be accurately sampled from one side (as judged by the levels of cortisol during ACTH infusion), when the contralateral adrenal venous effluent has an aldosterone-to-cortisol ratio lower than that in the inferior vena cava, it can be inferred that the unsampled side is the source of excessive aldosterone production (unless there is an ectopic source). In such cases, surgical removal of the solitary adrenal lesion usually results in normalization of blood pressure and the attendant metabolic abnormalities. Medical therapy also is effective but often requires high doses of Aldactone® (GD Searle & Co., Chicago) (200 to 800 mg/d), which may be intolerable for some patients because of side effects. A—aldosterone; C—cortisol. 4.8 Hypertension and the Kidney FIGURE 4-13 (see Color Plate) A section of a typical adrenal adenoma in primary aldosteronism pathology. A relatively large (2-cm-diameter) adrenal adenoma with its lipid-rich (bright yellow) content is shown. 180 FIGURE 4-14 Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism. A–C, Seen are the effects of dexamethasone and spironolactone on blood pressure in a father (panel A) and two sons, one aged 6 years (panel B) and the other aged 8 years (panel C). Blood pressure levels are shown before and after treatment with dexamethasone (left) or spironolactone (right) [5]. Note that the maximum blood pressure reduction with dexamethasone required more than 2 weeks of treatment. Similarly, the maximum response to spironolactone was both time- and dose-dependent. Father 160 140 120 100 80 mg 200 100 60 A Son 1 Blood pressure 160 Dexamethasone Spironolactone 140 120 100 80 60 B 200 100 40 Son 2 160 140 120 100 80 60 200 100 40 C 0 1 2 3 4 Weeks 5 6 0 2 4 6 Months 8 Adrenal Causes of Hypertension Urinary aldosterone, µg/ 24 h 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 20 15 10 Dexamethasone 5 B 5 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 50 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Serum potassium, mEq/L A Plasma renin activity, ng AI/mL- 3hr 25 25 Plasma aldosterone, ng/100 mL Plasma cortisol, µg/ 100 mL Changes with dexamethasone 40 30 20 10 7 6 5 4 3 0 C 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 D 1 2 3 4 5 E 0 1 2 3 4 Weeks FIGURE 4-15 Humoral changes in glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism with dexamethasone. A–E, Depicted are the changes in plasma cortisol (panel A), urinary aldosterone (panel B), plasma renin activity (PRA) (panel C), plasma aldosterone (panel D), and serum potassium (panel E) before and after dexamethasone administration in the patients in Figure 4-14. Note that before dexamethasone administration, serum cortisol was in the normal range and was markedly suppressed after treatment. Urinary aldosterone was completely normal and plasma aldosterone was Glomerulosa Glomerulosa AII AII Aldosterone Aldosterone ACTH Aldosterone ACTH Cortisol Chimeric Aldos Fasciculata A Fasciculata B Aldosterone Cortisol + Aldosterone + 18–OH cortisol + 18–OXO cortisol 4.9 elevated in only one patient before dexamethasone administration. The diagnosis was made by demonstrating that the plasma aldosterone concentration failed to suppress normally after intravenous saline infusion (2 L/4 h) [6]. After dexamethasone administration, both plasma and urinary aldosterone levels decreased markedly (except for one occasion when it is suspected that the patient did not comply with dexamethasone therapy). PRA, which was markedly suppressed before treatment, increased with dexamethasone. Note also that serum potassium levels were normal in two of the three patients before treatment with dexamethasone but increased with therapy in all three [5]. All of these changes reverted to control baseline values when dexamethasone therapy was discontinued. FIGURE 4-16 Normal and chimeric aldosterone synthase in glucocorticoid-remedial aldosteronism (GRA). A, Normal relationship between the stimuli and site of adrenal cortical steroid production. Aldosterone synthase normally responds to angiotensin II (AII) in the zona glomerulosa, resulting in aldosterone synthesis and release (see Figs. 4-2 and 4-3). B, In GRA, a chimeric aldosterone synthase gene results from a mutation, which stimulates production of aldosterone and other steroids from the zona glomerulosa under the control of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (Fig. 4-17). Thus, when ACTH production is suppressed by steroid administration, aldosterone production is reduced. 4.10 Hypertension and the Kidney FIGURE 4-17 Mutation of the (11-OHase) chimeric aldosterone synthase gene [8]. The unequal crossing over between aldosterone synthase and 11-hydroxylase genes resulting in the mutated gene responsible for glucocorticoid-remedial aldosteronism is described. 11–OHase 5' 3' 5' 3' Unequal crossing over 5' 3' Aldosterone synthase 5' 3' 5' 3' 5' 3' 5' 3' Chimeric gene 11–OHase Cushing’s Syndrome B A FIGURE 4-18 (see Color Plate) Physical characteristics of Cushing’s syndrome. A, Side profile of a patient with Cushing’s syndrome demonstrating an increased cervical fat pad (so-called buffalo hump), abdominal obesity, and thin extremities and petechiae (on the wrist). The round (so-called moon) facial appearance, plethora, and acne cannot be seen readily here. B, Violescent abdominal striae in a patient with Cushing’s syndrome. Such striae also can be observed on the inner parts of the legs in some patients. 4.11 Adrenal Causes of Hypertension Pituitary Pituitary Pituitary CRF (–) (–) (–) Cortisol ACTH ↑ Cortisol ACTH ↑ Cortisol ↑ ACTH Adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata zona reticularis) FIGURE 4-19 Normal pituitary-adrenal axis. Corticotropinreleasing factor (CRF) acts to stimulate the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary. ACTH then stimulates the adrenal zona fasciculata and zona reticularis to synthesize and release cortisol (see Figs. 4-2 and 4-3). The increased levels of cortisol feed back to suppress additional release of ACTH. As shown in Figure 4-4, ACTH and cortisol have circadian patterns. Adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata zona reticularis) Adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata zona reticularis) FIGURE 4-20 Pituitary Cushing’s disease. Pituitary Cushing’s disease results from excessive production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), typically owing to a benign adenoma. Excess ACTH stimulates both adrenals to produce excessive amounts of cortisol and results in bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. The increased cortisol production does not suppress ACTH release, however, because the pituitary tumor is unresponsive to the normal feedback suppression of increased cortisol levels. The diagnosis usually is made by demonstration of elevated levels of ACTH in the face of elevated cortisol levels, particularly in the afternoon or evening, representing loss of the normal circadian rhythm (see Fig. 4-4). Radiographic studies of the pituitary (computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging) will likely demonstrate the source of increased ACTH production. When the pituitary is the source, surgery and irradiation are therapeutic options. FIGURE 4-21 Adrenal Cushing’s syndrome. Adrenal Cushing’s syndrome typically is caused by a solitary adrenal adenoma (rarely by carcinoma) producing excessive amounts of cortisol autonomously. The increased levels of cortisol feed back to suppress release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticotropin-releasing factor. The finding of very low ACTH levels in the face of elevated cortisol values and a loss of the circadian pattern of cortisol confirm the diagnosis (see Fig. 4-4). Additional anatomic studies of the adrenal (computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging) usually disclose the source of excessive cortisol production. Surgical removal usually is effective. 4.12 Hypertension and the Kidney Cushing's syndrome: ectopic etiology SCREENING TESTS FOR CUSHING’S SYNDROME Ectopic Tumor Test Pituitary Elevated PM serum cortisol Elevated urinary 17-hydroxy corticosteroids Elevated urinary free cortisol Sensitivity, % Specificity, % ≈75 >90 >95 ≈60 ≈60 >95 (–) Cortisol ACTH ACTH FIGURE 4-23 Screening tests for Cushing’s syndrome. Whereas elevated evening plasma cortisol levels typically indicate abnormal circadian rhythm, other factors such as stress also can cause increased levels late in the day. Urinary levels of 17-hydroxy corticosteroids may be increased in association with obesity. In such cases, repeat measurement after a period of dexamethasone suppression may be required to distinguish this form of increased glucocorticoid excretion from Cushing’s syndrome. The measurement of urinary-free cortisol is the most sensitive and specific screening test. Adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata zona reticularis) FIGURE 4-22 Ectopic etiology of Cushing’s syndrome. Rarely, Cushing’s syndrome may be due to ectopic production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from a malignant tumor, often in the lung. In such cases, hypercortisolism is associated with increased levels of ACTH-like peptide; however, no pituitary lesions are found. Patients with ectopic Cushing’s syndrome often are wasted and have other manifestations of malignancy. FIGURE 4-24 Algorithm for differentiation of Cushing’s syndrome. The first step in the differentiation of Cushing’s syndrome after diagnosing hypercortisolism is measurement of plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels. Typically, these should be reduced after the morning hours (see Fig. 4-4). In pituitary Cushing’s disease and ectopic forms of Cushing’s syndrome, elevated values are observed, especially in the afternoon and evening. The next step in differentiation is an anatomic evaluation of the pituitary. When no abnormality is found, the next step is a search for a malignancy, typically in the lung. The finding of low ACTH levels points to the adrenal as the source of excessive cortisol production, and anatomic studies of the adrenal are indicated. CT— computed tomography; MRI—magnetic resonance imaging. Adrenal Causes of Hypertension 4.13 Catecholamines FIGURE 4-25 Synthesis, actions, and metabolism of catecholamines. Depicted is the synthesis of catecholamines in the adrenal medulla [9]. Epinephrine is only produced in the adrenal and the organ of Zuckerkandl at the aortic bifurcation. Norepinephrine and dopamine can be produced and released at all other parts of the sympathetic nervous system. The kidney is the primary site of excretion of catecholamines and their metabolites, as noted here. The kidney also can contribute catecholamines to the urine. The relative contributions of norepinephrine and epinephrine to biologic events is noted by the plus signs. BMR—basal metabolic rate; CNS—central nervous system; NEFA—nonesterified fatty acids; VMA—vanillylmandelic acid. 4.14 Hypertension and the Kidney Pheochromocytoma Blood pressure taken at 2-min intervals 5-min intervals 150 100 240 230 220 210 190 180 170 160 140 130 120 110 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 10 0 50 Blood pressure, mm Hg 200 250 Calibrate 8:30 10 2 5:00 7:45 9 10 11 PM PM AM AM AM AM AM AM 12 Noon 1 PM During the attack: Blood pressure, 192/100 mm Hg Pulse 108 Respirations, 24 FIGURE 4-26 Paroxysmal blood pressure pattern in pheochromocytoma. Note the extreme variability of blood pressure in this patient with pheochromocytoma during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring [9]. Whereas most levels were within the normal FIGURE 4-27 (see Color Plate) Neurofibroma associated with pheochromocytoma. Neurofibromas are sometimes found in patients with pheochromocytoma. These lesions are soft, fluctuant, and nontender and can appear anywhere on the surface of the skin. These lesions can be seen in profile in Figure 4-28. range, episodic increases to levels of 200/140 mm Hg were observed. Such paroxysms can be spontaneous or associated with activity of many sorts. (Adapted from Manger and Gifford [9]; with permission.) FIGURE 4-28 Café au lait lesions in a patient with pheochromocytoma. These light-browncolored (coffeewith-cream-colored) lesions, sometimes seen in patients with pheochromocytoma, usually are larger than 3 cm in the largest dimension. In this particular patient, neurofibromas also are present and can be seen in profile. 4.15 Adrenal Causes of Hypertension DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA FIGURE 4-29 Disorders associated with pheochromocytoma. In addition to the neurofibromas and café au lait lesions depicted in Figures 4-27 and 4-28, several other associated abnormalities have been reported in patients with pheochromocytoma. (From Ganguly et al. [9]; with permission.) Cholelithiasis Renal artery stenosis Neurofibromas Café au lait lesions Multiple endocrine neoplasia, types II and III Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (hemangioblastoma and angioma) Mucosal neuromas Medullary thyroid carcinoma COMMON SYMPTOMS AND FINDINGS IN PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA Patients, % Symptoms Severe headache Perspiration Palpitations, tachycardia Anxiety Tremulousness Chest, abdominal pain Nausea, vomiting Weakness, fatigue Weight loss Dyspnea Warmth, heat intolerance Visual disturbances Dizziness, faintness Constipation Finding Hypertension: Sustained Paroxysmal Pallor Retinopathy: Grades I and II Grades III and IV Abdominal mass Associated multiple endocrine adenomatosis 82 67 60 45 38 38 35 26 15 15 15 12 7 7 61 24 44 40 53 9 6 FIGURE 4-30 Common symptoms and findings in pheochromocytoma. Note that severe hypertensive retinopathy, indicative of intense vasoconstriction, frequently is observed. (Adapted from Ganguly et al. [10].) SCREENING AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTS IN PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA Test Elevated 24-h urinary catecholamines, vanillylmandelic acid, homovanillic acid, metanephrines Abnormal clonidine suppression test Elevated urinary “sleep” norepinephrine Sensitivity, % Specificity, % ≈85 ≈80 ≈75 >99 ≈85 >99 FIGURE 4-31 Screening and diagnostic tests in pheochromocytoma. Drugs, incomplete urine collection, and episodic secretion of catecholamines can influence the tests based on 24-hour urine collections in a patient with a pheochromocytoma. The clonidine suppression test is fraught with false-negative and false-positive results that are unacceptably high for the exclusion of this potentially fatal tumor. The “sleep” norepinephrine test eliminates the problems of incomplete 24-hour urine collection because the patient discards all urine before retiring; saves all urine voided through the sleep period, including the first specimen on arising; and notes the elapsed (sleep) time [10]. The sleep period is typically a time of basal activity of the sympathetic nervous system, except in patients with pheochromocytoma (see Fig. 4-32). 4.16 Hypertension and the Kidney Sleep urinary norepinephrine excretion, µg 1000 Patient I Patient II Patient III Patient IV Patient V Patient VI 100 FIGURE 4-32 Nocturnal (sleep) urinary norepinephrine. The values for urinary excretion of norepinephrine are shown for normal persons and patients with essential hypertension as mean plus or minus SD [10]. Values for patients with pheochromocytoma are indicated by symbols. Note that the scale is logarithmic and the highest value for patients with normal or essential hypertension was less than 30 µg, whereas the lowest value for a patient with pheochromocytoma was about 75 µg. Most patients with pheochromocytomas had values an order of magnitude higher than the highest value for patients with essential hypertension. Maximum for normal Maximum for hypertensive 10 Hypertensive mean + SD Normal mean + SD 0 LOCALIZATION OF PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA Test Abdominal plain radiograph Intravenous pyelogram Adrenal isotopic scan (meta-iodobenzoylguanidine) Adrenal computed tomographic scan Sensitivity, % Specificity, % ≈40 ≈60 ≈85 ≈50 ≈75 ≈85 >95 >95 FIGURE 4-33 Localization of pheochromocytoma. Once the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma has been made it is very important to localize the tumor preoperatively so that the surgeon may remove it with a minimum of physical manipulation. Computed tomographic scan or MRI appears to be the most effective and safest techniques for this purpose [10]. The patient should be treated with -adrenergic blocking agents for 7 to 10 days before surgery so that the contracted extracellular fluid volume can be expanded by vasodilation. FIGURE 4-34 Intravenous pyelogram in pheochromocytoma. Note the displacement of the left kidney (right) by a suprarenal mass. Adrenal Causes of Hypertension A B C D FIGURE 4-35 A–D, Computed tomographic scans in four patients with pheochromocytoma [10]. The black arrows identify the adrenal tumor in A FIGURE 4-36 (see Color Plates) A and B, Pathologic appearance of pheochromocytoma before (panel A) and after (panel B) sectioning. This 3.5-cm-diameter 4.17 these four patients. Three patients have left adrenal tumors, and in one patient (panel B) the tumor is on the right adrenal. B tumor had gross areas of hemorrhage noted by the dark areas visible in the photographs. 4.18 Hypertension and the Kidney References 1. Netter FH: Endocrine system and selected metabolic diseases. In Ciba Collection of Medical Illustrations, vol. 4; 1981:Section III, Plates 5, 26. 2. DeGroot LJ, et al.: Endocrinology, edn 2. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1989:1544. 3. Weinberger MH, Grim CE, Hollifield JW, et al.: Primary aldosteronism: diagnosis, localization and treatment. Ann Intern Med 1979, 90:386–395. 4. 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