Firewall Testing - Information Security

Gerhard Zaugg
Firewall Testing
Diploma Thesis
Winter Semester 2004
ETH Zürich, 26nd January 2005
Supervisor: Diana Senn
Professor: David Basin
The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.
– Genghis Khan
A firewall protects a trusted network from an untrusted network. The traffic is
monitored and filtered by the firewall considering a security policy. To verify that
the firewall system works as intended, tests have to be performed.
Despite their crucial role in network protection, there are no well-defined methodologies to test firewalls.
This Diploma Thesis attacks the problem and proposes a sophisticated firewall testing tool that automatically examines a single firewall by running predefined test
cases. The network security tool crafts, injects, captures and analyzes the test packets and logs the irregularities.
In reality, most firewall systems consist of more than one firewall. Theoretical suggestions concerning multiple firewall scenarios are presented and five fundamental
problems have been analyzed and resolved.
1. Introduction
1.1. About Firewall Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2. Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Related Work
2.1. Theoretical Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2. Practical Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Network Security Tools
3.1. Injection Tools . .
3.1.1. Libnet . .
3.1.2. Nemesis .
3.1.3. Hping . .
3.1.4. Nmap . .
3.2. Sniffing Tools . .
3.2.1. Libpcap .
3.2.2. Tcpdump .
3.2.3. Snort . . .
4.1. Tool Evaluation . . . . .
4.2. Fundamentals . . . . . .
4.2.1. Task . . . . . . .
4.2.2. Synchronization .
4.2.3. File Format . . .
4.3. Architecture . . . . . . .
4.3.1. Initialization . . .
4.3.2. Generation . . . .
4.3.3. Program Logic .
4.3.4. Log File Format .
5.1. Development Environment .
5.2. Control Flow . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1. Initialization . . . . . .
5.2.2. Building the Schedule
5.2.3. Capturing Mode . . .
5.2.4. Time Step Processing .
5.2.5. Packet Analysis . . . .
5.2.6. Logging . . . . . . . .
5.3. Source Files . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1. main.c . . . . . . . . .
4. Design
5. Implementation
lnet.c .
log.c .
util.c .
6.1. General Layout . . . . . . . . .
6.2. VMWare . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1. Virtual Networking . . .
6.3. Virtual Machines Configuration
6.4. NTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Test Environment
7. Results
7.1. Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2. Sources of Information . . . . . . .
7.3. Test Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.1. Test Environment Revisited
7.3.2. TCP Connections . . . . . .
7.3.3. Firewall Rules . . . . . . . .
7.3.4. Log Entries . . . . . . . . .
7.4. Test Run Analysis . . . . . . . . . .
8.1. Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2. Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3. Changing the Perspective . . . . . .
8.3.1. 1 Firewall Scenario Revisited
8.3.2. Increasing Complexity . . . .
8.3.3. Side Effects . . . . . . . . . .
8.4. Testing Host Selection . . . . . . . .
8.4.1. Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4.2. Solution Approach . . . . . .
8.4.3. Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . .
8.5. Journey of a Packet . . . . . . . . . .
8.5.1. Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . .
8.6. Backtracking the Packets . . . . . . .
8.6.1. Problem . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.6.2. Solution Approach . . . . . .
8.6.3. The Spider . . . . . . . . . .
8.7. Connecting Multiple Networks . . .
8.8. Multiple Entry Points . . . . . . . . .
8.8.1. Packet Balancing . . . . . . .
8.8.2. Send Events . . . . . . . . . .
8. Multiple Firewall Scenario
8.9. Extending the Firewall Testing Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Summary
10. Conclusions and Future Work
10.1. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.2. Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Acknowledgements
A. Protocol Units
A.1. IP Datagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2. IP Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.3. TCP Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. TCP Packet Examples
D. Libpcap
D.1. Libpcap Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
D.2. Packet Sniffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
D.3. Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
E. Libnet
E.1. Libnet Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
E.2. SYN Flooder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
E.3. Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
F. Timetable
List of Figures
List of Figures
Single firewall test scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Single firewall test scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Two-dimensional event list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Control Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Establish and terminate a TCP connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Establish and abort a TCP connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Firewall rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Schedule of alice (left) and bob (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tcpdump log file of firewall interface connected to alice . . . . . . . . . .
Tcpdump log file of firewall interface connected to bob . . . . . . . . . .
Log file of alice (left) and bob (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Star topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linear bus topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tree topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patchwork topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-firewall scenario (left) and 3-firewall scenario (right) . . . . . . . . . . .
Multiple hosts covering a single firewall interface . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Network where firewall interfaces are directly connected to a network host
A single interface covering two firewall interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connected Firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Routing a packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Life of a packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Partitioning the packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Backtracking a packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Traditional firewalls (left) versus three way firewall (right) . . . . . . . .
Three networks connected by three (left) or two (right) firewalls . . . . .
A testing host (TH) covers two firewalls (FW1 and FW2) . . . . . . . . .
Two testing host (TH1 and TH2) cover two firewalls (FW1 and FW2) . .
Packet enters network at FW2. TH1 does not intercept the packet. . . . .
List of Tables
List of Tables
Protocol-independent fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Protocol-dependent fields for TCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alert file format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Netfilter hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test packets to be injected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Packet classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
States of test packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Log file entries for receivers and non-receivers of the packet
Ranges of pseudo-random number types . . . . . . . . . . .
TCP segment fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IP header fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 24
. 25
. 30
. 52
. 60
. 60
. 61
. 86
. 112
. 113
. 114
1. Introduction
1.1. About Firewall Testing
Many corporations connected to the Internet are guarded by firewalls that are designed
to protect the internal network from attacks originated in the outside Internet. Firewalls
provide a barrier to deny unauthorized access to the private network. They are also deployed inside private networks to prevent internal attacks. Although firewalls play a
central role in network protection and in many cases build the only line of defense
against the unknown enemy, systematic firewall testing has been neglected over years.
The reason for this lies in the missing of reliable, effective and accepted testing methodologies.
There are three general approaches to firewall testing:
• Penetration testing
• Testing of the firewall implementation
• Testing of the firewall rules
The goal of penetration testing is to reveal security flaws of a target network by running
attacks against it. Penetration testing includes (1) information gathering, (2) probing
the network and (3) attacking the target. The attacks are performed by running vulnerability testing tools (such as Nessus [Der], Saint [Cor] or SATAN [VF]) that check the
firewall for potential breaches of security to be exploited. If vulnerabilities are detected,
they have to be fixed. Penetration testing is usually performed by the system administrators themselves or by a third party (e.g. hackers, security experts) that try to break
into the computer system. The problem is that we have to be sure that we can trust the
external experts.
Penetration testing is a way to perform firewall testing but it is not the only one and it
is not the way we proceed.
Testing of the firewall implementation focuses on the firewall software. The examiner checks
the firewall implementation for bugs. Different firewall products support different firewall languages. Thus, firewall rules are vendor-specific. Consider a hardware firewall
deploying vendor-specific firewall rules. The firewall implementation testing approach
evaluates if the firewall rules correspond to the action the firewall performs (e.g. if the
rule indicates to block a packet but the firewall forwards the packet, we are confronted
with a firewall implementation error). Firewall implementation testing is primarily performed by the firewall vendors to increase the reliability of their products.
Testing of the firewall rules verifies whether the security policy is correctly implemented
by a set of firewall rules. A security policy is a document that sets the basic mandatory
rules and principles on information security. Such a document should be specified in
every company. The firewall rules are intended to implement the directives defined in
the security policy.
The idea is to translate the security policy into firewall rules (or vice versa). We compare the generated firewall rules to the actual firewall rules. If they match, the firewall
1.2 Task
rules implement the security policy correctly. On the other hand, we may transform the
firewall rules into a security policy and compare the generated document to the given
security policy. If they correspond, the firewall rules implement the security policy accurately. The problem in both approaches is the vendor-dependency of the firewall rules
language which complicates the transformations. That is, a translator has to be written
for every language.
Thus, it makes sense to bypass this issue by avoiding the translation operation. We
get rid of the problem by defining test cases based on the security policy. We derive test
packets from these test cases and send the packets to the firewall to analyze its behavior.
If the firewall reacts as proposed in the security policy, everything is okay. Otherwise,
we have to spot the sources of error.
This is how we perform firewall testing: we (1) identify appropriate test cases, (2) derive
the test packets, (3) send the test packets to the firewall and (4) evaluate the reaction of
the firewall.
If the firewall does not react as intended, one of the following failures occurred:
1. The test case is faulty and predicts a wrong firewall reaction (e.g. the security policy specifies to block a packet but the test case indicates that the firewall forwards
the packet).
2. The firewall rules do not implement the security policy (e.g. the security policy
specifies to block a packet but the firewall rules let it pass).
3. The firewall implementation is erroneous and the rules do not correspond to the
actions of the firewall (e.g. the firewall rule specifies to block the packet but the
firewall forwards the packet).
4. Packets get lost in the network.
5. The test environment has bugs.
6. Hardware components are corrupted.
The difficulty in this test packet driven approach is to locate the appropriate source of
error (e.g. it is hard to distinguish between error (2) and (3)). On the other hand, this
drawback shows a strength of this method: we are able to detect a variety of errors and
not just one type of failure. That is, we are able to reveal specification problems, software flaws and hardware failures. Pure penetration or firewall implementation testing
does not get rid of these problems.
1.2. Task
Considering the test packet driven approach, firewall testing includes two phases: (1)
The identification of appropriate test cases that examine the behavior of the firewall
and (2) the practical performance of these tests.
1.2 Task
2. injection
3. capture
4. analysis
1. generation
5. logging
Figure 1: Single firewall test scenario
In this Diploma Thesis, we focus on the second part of the testing procedure. Our goal
is to design and implement a tool that takes test packets as an input and automatically
performs firewall testing by executing the following steps:
1. Generate packets according to the test packet specifications.
2. Inject the packets before the firewall.
3. Capture those packets behind the firewall that are forwarded by the firewall.
4. Analyze the results with respect to the expected outcome.
5. Log the packets leading to irregularities (i.e. packets that are forwarded although
they should be blocked and vice versa).
Figure 1 illustrates the operations the testing tool has to provide and at the same time,
it represents the test environment we are working with: Two hosts (alice and bob) are
connected via a firewall (eve). The hosts build, inject, capture, analyze and log the packets. That is, the packets are crafted and injected by the sending host and the receiving
host captures, analyzes and logs the packets if they make it through the firewall. Both
hosts act as sender and receiver and the communication is therefore bidirectional.
Companies seldom have a single firewall but an entire firewall system. Thus, firewall
testing has to be performed for multiple firewalls. If I have enough time, I will also deal
with the fundamental concepts and issues of n-firewalls scenarios.
2. Related Work
There are a lot of firewall products on the market from vendors like Cisco [Sys], Check
Point [Poi], Sun Microsystems [Mic] or Lucent Technologies [Tec]. Most of the products offer sophisticated tools to configure and maintain the firewall but none of them
includes a reasonable test suite. Whereas the firewall technology has advanced considerably over the last years, the question how to determine if a firewall protects a network
has been overlooked (although this is an important issue). It is a general trend in the
computer industry to minimize the time to market and thereby to disregard evaluation,
testing and verification of the products.
The methodologies to perform firewall testing are not nearly as sophisticated as the
design and implementation of firewalls. The main reason for that lies in the complexity of the topic: Firewall testing is much more than just unleashing some attacks and
reporting the results. One has to be aware of the fact that testing efforts are expensive,
time-consuming and demand skills to reveal breaches of security.
A lot of information concerning firewall testing can be found in the Internet and many
approaches have been proposed. Some of them shed light on the theoretical aspect of
firewall testing ([Vig], [AMZ00]), others make practical suggestions how to evaluate
firewall systems ([Hae97], [Ran], [Sch96]).
2.1. Theoretical Approaches
Vigna introduces in [Vig] a formal model for firewall testing. He argues that firewall
systems are tested without well defined and effective methodologies. In particular, field
testing is performed using simple checklists of vulnerabilities without taking into account the particular topology and configuration of the firewall’s operational environment. Vigna proposes a firewall testing methodology based on a formal model of networks that allows the test engineer to model the network environment of the firewall
system, to prove formally that the topology of the network provides protection against
attacks, and to build test cases to verify that protections are actually in place. Vigna
comes up with some crucial aspects of firewall testing. He
• criticizes the trivial practice of vulnerability testing.
• builds test cases to verify the protection of the firewall.
• incorporates the test environment into firewall testing.
We have already pointed out in the previous section that we understand firewall testing
as an evaluation process that checks if the firewall rules implement the security policy.
We also bring up the idea of test cases to verify the functionality of the firewall. Herein
lies a point of contact between our work and Vigna’s model: The test cases he theoretically works out could be run by our firewall testing tool. Thus, our program can serve
as an instrument to test the theoretical issues and therefore may fill the missing link
between theory and practice.
2.1 Theoretical Approaches
Wool [Woo01] introduces an firewall analyzer based on the work of Mayer, Wool and
Ziskind [AMZ00]. He describes a tool allowing firewall administrators to analyze the
policy on a firewall. His firewall analysis system reads the firewall’s routing table and
the firewall configuration files. The analyzer parses the various low-level, vendor-specific
files, and simulates the firewall’s behavior against a set of packets it probably receives.
The simulation is done completely offline, without sending any packets.
The firewall analyzer is a passive tool (i.e. does not send and receive any packets).
To point out the advantages of their approach, Wool et al. present a list of problems that
active tools (i.e. programs that send and receive packets) suffer from:
1. In large networks with hundreds of hosts, active tools are either slow (if they
test every single IP address against every possible port), or statistical (if they do
random testing).
2. Vulnerability testing tools can only catch one type of firewall configuration error: accepting unauthorized packets. They do not cover the second type of error:
blocking authorized packets. This second type of error is typically detected when
the network users complain about the problem. Note that not every active tool is
a vulnerability testing tool but every vulnerability testing tool is an active tool.
Thus, the problem described here only holds for vulnerability testing tools.
3. Active testing is always after-the-fact. Detecting a problem after the new policy
has been deployed is dangerous (the network is vulnerable until the problem is
detected and a safe policy is deployed), costly and disruptive to users. Having the
ability to cold-test the policy before deploying it is a big improvement.
4. An active tool can only test from its physical location in the network topology. A
problem that is specific to a path through the network that does not involve the
host on which the active tool is running will remain undetected.
In this Diploma Thesis, we will design and implement an active tool that sends and
receives packets. We are not able to resolve problem (1), but we can eliminate problem
(2) and attack to a certain degree problem (3) and (4). The second issue is disabled by
our architecture: we run our program on hosts before and behind the firewall and thus
cover both kinds of errors. The third problem can be prevented by performing excessive
testing before deploying the firewall. We minimize the impact of the fourth problem by
running the testing tool on a number of hosts.
Nevertheless, knowing the topology of the system to be tested and not having the burden of physically send and receive packets on its shoulders, the firewall analyzer is
able to test the firewall system for all reasonable test cases injecting and capturing virtual packets wherever it wants. This is somehow a perfect playground and offers many
improvements to physical testing, but it also holds serious disadvantages. The analyzer
• represents a perfect world and as such, it spares the user from nasty shortcomings
of common testing such as loss of packets, traffic overload or physical damage.
Reality not always works as simulations suggest and hence, simulations can only
be understood as an aspect of truth.
2.2 Practical Approaches
• does not cover firewall implementation problems. An error-free firewall is supposed. This assumption does not always hold. If the firewall does not act as the
firewall rules suggest, the simulation is not reliable.
• has to parse the vendor-specific firewall rules to create the network abstraction.
This is a troublesome task.
To conclude, virtual testing of a firewall system has remarkable advantages but on the
other hand, simulations are only a reflection of reality. Some crucial aspects of firewall
testing are not considered.
Another idea is to use a two-stage approach where we first simulate the firewall infrastructure with a firewall analyzer and then build and run test cases that rely on those
situations where the model does not behave as suggested.
2.2. Practical Approaches
Most practice-oriented papers provide methodologies to perform penetration tests against
firewall systems.
Ranum [Ran] distinguishes two kinds of testing methods:
1. Checklist testing
2. Design-oriented testing
Checklist testing is equivalent to penetration testing in running a list of vulnerability
scanners against a firewall. The test fails if a security flaw is found. The problems of this
approach are manifold. Penetration testing
• is limited. A bug we do not test for could slice right through the firewall tomorrow.
• does not test the interrelationship between firewall rules and security policy. It
just checks for bugs.
• only takes the point of view of an attacker by trying to break into a computer
system not being interested in the interaction between internal and external hosts.
• only catches the unauthorized packets that are passed and not the authorized
packets that are blocked.
• does not take into account the requirements of the specific environment. For example, a bank network has another understanding of security than a school infrastructure and thus, the firewall should be configured and tested differently.
Design-oriented testing provides another access to the problem: Assume you ask the
engineers who implemented the firewall why do they think the firewall protects the
network effectively. Depending on their answers, you formulate a set of tests which
propose to verify the properties the engineers claim the firewall has. In other words,
2.2 Practical Approaches
the test is a custom-tailored approach that matches the design of the system as we understand it. The problem with design-oriented testing is that it’s hard. It takes skills that
are not presently common. It’s expensive, slow and it’s hard to explain since it is not
completely explored yet. But it highly corresponds to our claims and to what we want
to achieve: A set of test cases tailored to the specific test environment that evaluate the
behavior of the firewall.
Corporations such as the ICSA Labs [Laba] and Checkmark [Labb] provide a certification process to firewall product developers. They run standardized test suites. If a
firewall passes these attacks, it is considered “secure” and gets a certificate. The problem is that these organizations only check the firewall implementation. Crucial security
flaws such as wrong firewall rules remain uncovered since it is the task of the firewall
administrator to specify appropriate firewall rules. Even though certification is an important step in the delivery of quality products, this approach is often misunderstood
by the customers. The seals convey a false sense of security and organizations buy and
deploy certified firewall system without further testing of their functionalities. Needless to say that is highly dangerous since the testing environment in the labs are not
comparable to the demands in the real world. You cannot just buy and deploy a certificated firewall in the hope that no attack will hit you. The world changes and with it,
the attacks change. New vulnerabilities are found every day (see [adv]) and an administrator has to be aware of the fact that security maintenance is a never ending process.
The work closest in spirit to ours (except for the design-oriented approach) may be a
practice paper from the CERT [adv] describing step-by-step the testing of a firewall
[Cen]. It emphasizes the importance of a detailed test plan and proposes the need to
test both the implementation of the firewall system and the policy being implemented
by the system.
By testing the implementation of a firewall they focus on the hardware failures and not
on implementation bugs (like we do). An example of an implementation test scenario is
a firewall that suffers from an unrecoverable hardware failure (e.g. the network adapter
is corrupted). This failure can be simulated by unplugging the network cable from the
Testing the security policy implemented by the firewall is more difficult since we have
no chance to exhaustively test an IP packet filter configuration; there are too many possibilities. Instead of exhaustive tests, CERT recommends to use boundary tests. That is,
you identify boundaries in your packet filter rules and then you test the regions immediately adjacent to each boundary.
For each rule, you identify every boundary in the rule. Each constrained parameter
in a rule contributes either one or two boundaries. The space being partitioned is a
multidimensional packet attribute space. Common attributes include: protocols, source
addresses, destination addresses, source ports, and destination ports. Basically, every
attribute of a packet that can be independently checked in a packet filter rule defines
one dimension of this space. For example, a rule that permits TCP packets from any
host to your Web server host on port 80 has checked three attributes (protocol, destination address, and destination port) which partitions the attribute space into three
regions: TCP packets to Web server at ports less than 80 (e.g. 79), port 80, and ports
2.2 Practical Approaches
greater than 80 (e.g. 81).
For each region, you generate some test traffic which stays within that region. You verify that the firewall either rejects or forwards all traffic for a given region. Within a single
region, all traffic should be rejected or forwarded. That is the purpose of partitioning
the packet attribute space.
For a complex set of rules, this strategy may provoke an overwhelmingly number of
test cases which is not practical.
Nevertheless, the rule boundaries method is an exciting approach to simplify the process of test case generation. It provides a technique to systematically identify appropriate test cases. As this Diploma Thesis does not cover this topic, we will not further
advance in this field.
This section points out that there are theoretical and practical approaches to deal with
firewall testing. But there is no solution that completely covers our task. We therefore
go ahead and develop our own application, keeping in mind the ideas of the other
3. Network Security Tools
In this section, we introduce a number of open source security tools and libraries. We
identify software packages that are suitable to form the basis of our testing tool or may
be transformed into a firewall testing tool.
The programs we are interested in can be divided into either packet generation and
injection tools or sniffing and logging tools. Some of them show features of both categories making them very attractive as a starting point to build a new application.
3.1. Injection Tools
There is a bunch of helpful packet generation and injection libraries and tools out there.
We present some of them.
3.1.1. Libnet
Libnet [Sch] is a high-level API (toolkit) allowing the application programmer to construct and inject network packets. It provides a portable and simplified interface for
low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection. Libnet hides much of the
problems of packet creation from the application programmer such as multiplexing,
buffer management, arcane packet header information, byte-ordering and OS-dependent
issues. Libnet features portable packet creation interfaces at the IP layer and link layer,
as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionality. Using libnet,
quick and simple packet assembly applications can be implemented with little effort.
Libnet was designed and is primarily maintained by Mike Schiffman who has also written a remarkable book about open source network security tools [Sch02].
A lot of tools (e.g. ettercap [OV], nemesis [Nat] or tcpreplay [Tur]) successfully incorporate libnet as a core packet creation engine.
Libnet provides the functionality to craft and inject our own packets keeping us apart
from the nasty low-level programming problems. It is an ideal library to implement a
packet generation and injection engine and would hold one half of the features our tool
has to provide. Libnet is clean, cute, powerful and spiffy. But because libnet is a library
and not a tool, there is no code that can be recycled, the entire application has to be
implemented from scratch which is time-consuming. As libnet only covers generation
and injection, there has to be another library or tool dealing with capturing.
3.1.2. Nemesis
The Nemesis Project [Nat] is a command line-based, portable human IP stack. Nemesis
provides an interface to craft and inject a variety of arbitrary packet types including
ARP, Ethernet, ICMP, IP, TCP and UDP.
Nemesis relies on libnet. It perfectly matches the packet generation and injection demands. All kinds of packets can be sent and the packet parameters are adaptable. But
like libnet, nemesis provides no sniffing capabilities. We need another tool to manage
3.1 Injection Tools
the capturing part. They could be linked via scripts or one of them could be enlarged
by the functionality of the other.
3.1.3. Hping
Hping [ead] is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler and analyzer. The
interface is inspired to the ping command in Unix, but hping is not only able to send
ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and raw IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features. Hping can be used for port scanning, network testing, remote OS fingerprinting,
TCP/IP stack auditing and of course, firewall testing.
Hping implements its own packet generation and injection engine and does not rely on
libnet. This design decision increases the complexity of the source code. We will come
back to this later. The sniffing and analyzing part is based on libpcap.
Hping sends whatever type of packet you craft and captures whatever is sent to your
host and therefore combines both abilities we are looking for. Hence, hping is a candidate to be extended, modified and transformed into our firewall testing tool. Hping not
only provides injection and capture functionality but also implements a clever method
to handle bidirectional communication. Thus, this tool is able to execute complex protocols considering time restrictions. These are problems we will face when for example
an authorized packet is blocked by the firewall and the receiving end waits for its arrival. To solve the problem, there has to be some kind of time limit to synchronize the
As hping provides the functionality we are looking for, it is a notable tool that can be
converted into a more specific firewall testing tool. Additionally, time can be saved because the crucial mechanisms already exist.
3.1.4. Nmap
Nmap (“Network Mapper”) [Fyob] is a free open source utility for network exploration
or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works
fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what
hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those
hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what
type of packet filters or firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics.
Nmap is probably the most famous network security tool out there. Like hping, it makes
use of libpcap and implements its own packet generation and injection engine. The
difference between nmap and hping is that hping is an all-round tool sending user
defined packets to user specified hosts, whereas nmap provides a list of scanning techniques (TCP connect(), TCP SYN (half open)) and advanced features (such as remote
OS-detection, stealth scanning or TCP/IP fingerprinting) that allow the user to run sophisticated attacks against a specified network or host. In other words, nmap provides
a complete and handsome list of scanning techniques but the user loses the facility to
craft and send self-made packets. Nmap resides an abstraction level higher than our
3.2 Sniffing Tools
work is allocated. We want to be able to generate our own packets. Because the different functional modules in the code are interlocked, it would be painful to extract the
injecting and capturing functionalities and to abandon the rest. Of course, time would
be saved compared to developing a program from scratch, but hping offers better opportunities to modify the source code. Furthermore, it has to be said that the nmap’s
code is cryptic compared to hping, putting everything in just one source file (at least in
the early releases, see [Fyoa]).
3.2. Sniffing Tools
Capturing is the other dominating task of our tool. There are many applications and
libraries that address this problem. We introduce the most important ones.
3.2.1. Libpcap
The packet capture library [Groa] provides a high level interface to packet capture systems. All packets on the network, even those destined for other hosts, are accessible
through this interface. Since libpcap uses a special socket family (PF_PACKET), it provides access to the packets in the data link layer bypassing the network stack and the
corresponding verification mechanisms. The programmer grabs the packet in its original state (even the Ethernet header remains untouched).
Libpcap is a de-facto standard in packet capture programming. Many tools use this
classic library including the aforementioned nmap [Fyob] and hping [ead] and others
like tcpdump [Grob] or snort [Roe]. Libpcap is highly suitable to implement the capturing part of our application. The same considerations we listed for libnet also hold for
libpcap: we have a high degree of freedom to design a tailored solution but we have to
implement the program from scratch.
3.2.2. Tcpdump
Tcpdump [Grob] dumps the traffic on a network. It is related to libpcap in that they are
maintained by the same group [Grob] and tcpdump heavily relies on libpcap. Tcpdump
is the most common way to visualize the packets libpcap captures by printing them
directly to the console or logging them in a file. When tcpdump finishes packet capture,
it reports how many packets have been received, dropped and processed. Tcpdump
absorbs the information libpcap provides.
Tcpdump is appropriate for packet capture but does not cover packet injection.
3.2.3. Snort
Snort [Roe] is an open source network intrusion detection system, capable of performing real time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. It features analysis,
content searching and matching and can be used to detect a variety of attacks and
probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, and much more. Snort
3.2 Sniffing Tools
uses a flexible rule language to describe traffic that it should collect or pass, as well as
a detection engine. It has a modular real-time alerting capability, incorporating alerting
and logging plugins for syslog and ASCII text files.
The sniffing mechanism relies on libpcap. Snort provides capturing, logging and analyzing features and therefore outperforms tcpdump. Its broad functionality is by far
more than we will need. The same argument as for nmap holds: the extraction of the
relevant components may be a crucial task. It would be difficult to concentrate on the
core features we are interested in and not to include stuff we do not need.
4. Design
In this section, we evaluate the tools introduced in the previous section and select those
being suitable for implementing our program. We describe the architecture of our solution in-depth, discuss the program logic and solve the synchronization problem.
4.1. Tool Evaluation
There are many network security tools out there. Few of them match in parts our intention. As there is no tool that perfectly fits our needs (if this assumption would not hold,
this Diploma Thesis would be obsolete), we have to either
1. build a new security tool from scratch (using adequate libraries).
2. expand an existing tool and adapt it to our concept.
3. merge multiple tools into a new application.
The advantage of (1) lies in the liberty to tailor a solution that perfectly matches our
demands but it suffers from the drawback to implement the solution from the ground
up and therefore to be very time-consuming. Considering that time is a limiting factor
in writing a Diploma Thesis, good reasons are necessary to proceed in this direction.
Proposal (2) has the advantage of setting up upon well tested code making available reliable functionality and benefiting from the work of others that already faced a similar
problem. Furthermore, it is not as costly as writing the application from scratch.
Approach (3) combines and bundles the strengths of multiple tools. We merge several
applications by incorporating their source code into a single program or link the tools
via a scripting language. The problem with code merging is that the work of different
parties collide and hence different programming styles have to be recombined. Scripting languages have the drawback that we perhaps end up with a complex conglomerate
of functionality units. But both approaches are probably not as expensive as writing our
own tool from the ground up.
Associating these consideration with the presented tools and libraries, the following
ideas seem to be reasonable:
• Use libnet and libpcap
As libnet and libpcap are libraries that provide interfaces to inject and capture
packets, our application has to be built from scratch. This is a serious burden since
much programming has to be performed. On the other hand, we would not have
to struggle with bad design decisions developers have made in already existing
tools. That is, we get liberty but we pay for it with hard work.
It has to be said that both libnet and libpcap are high-quality libraries and a remarkable number of well known tools (such as tcpdump, snort (libpcap) or nemesis, dsniff (libnet)) make use of it. They are both powerful and easy to handle.
• Expand hping
Of all the security tools out there, hping comes nearest to what we are looking for.
4.1 Tool Evaluation
It provides injection and capture capabilities and uses a clever timing mechanism
to oscillate between the two modes. Hping was created in October 1998 and has
been evolve into a considerable tool. A look at the source code sheds light on the
problems of hping: The program is a patchwork. Over the years, functionalities
were continuously added and the source code grew, but the architecture of the
program has never been adapted to these new circumstances. As a consequence,
today there are more than 100 global variables and every field of a packet is still
set by hand (libnet does this for you behind the scenes). The early releases even
did not use libpcap but a raw IP socket (instead of using the PF_PACKET socket
family). Nowadays, we have a fuzzy coexistence of both socket types. In other
words: much code has been written covering tasks that could be passed to libnet or libpcap. Using these libraries would simplify the coding and make it more
readable. Many capabilities and features were added over the years, but the design of the program has been untouched. This leads to dozens of global variables
that are inelegant and complicate the understanding. The code is static and there
are many features (e.g. scan mode, listen mode) we do not need.
• Combine nemesis and tcpdump
Nemesis provides packet building and injection functions whereas tcpdump handles capturing. Nemesis and tcpdump could be merged using a scripting language or by importing the functionality of one tool into the other. It is also possible to merge nemesis and snort. Snort can be used as a packet sniffer (like tcpdump) or as a full blown intrusion detection system. Because we only need its
sniffing capabilities, it is a waste of time to deal with features we do not use.
Therefore, we focus on tcpdump.
Incorporating the functionality of a tools into another one requires the combination of two programming philosophies and coding styles which is a serious
drawback. It would be more reasonable to extend an existing tool like hping instead of making the task even more complex by merging two of them. We do not
have to incorporate the source code but could invoke nemesis and tcpdump via
scripts. The problems of this approach are already explained earlier in this section. Trouble is near when making use of scripting languages because we may
end up with a bulk of scripts and we have no chance to extend the underlying
tools. That is, we can only access the features that nemesis and tcpdump provide
and nothing more. But we look for a compact, elegant, autonomous, extensible
and self-contained solution.
Considering all the advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches and balancing reasons, we decided to use the libraries libnet and libpcap to implement the firewall
testing tool. Hping outperforms the nemesis/tcpdump combination since it is simpler
and it is nearby our needs. But after all, the problems in the hping source code exceed
the time bottleneck of libnet/libpcap. Moreover, we win the liberty to design a tool
from scratch and to act as we think best.
4.2 Fundamentals
4.2. Fundamentals
4.2.1. Task
We already introduced the idea of firewall testing in section 1. We shortly recapitulate
on what we focus our attention in this Diploma Thesis: Our aim is to test whether a firewall implements the given security policy. Instead of converting the security policy to
firewall rules and compare them to the existing rules (or vice versa), we craft and inject
test packets according to predefined test cases. We will explain in section 4.2.3 how test
packets and test cases are related. Our job is to design and implement a program that
runs the test cases by sending, receiving and analyzing the corresponding test packets.
If the reaction of the firewall fits the expectation, the firewall behaves as suggested, otherwise we report the irregularities.
There are five basic actions our program has to perform:
1. Generation. Build the test packets.
2. Injection. Inject the built packets.
3. Capture. Capture the injected packets.
4. Analysis. Detect uncommon events (packets that should be blocked are passed
through the firewall or vice versa).
5. Logging. Log the irregularities.
2. injection
3. capture
4. analysis
1. generation
5. logging
Figure 2: Single firewall test scenario
Figure 2 demonstrates the test scenario for a single firewall: two hosts that are connected via a firewall performing firewall testing. Although the figure suggests that
packets can only be sent in one direction, firewall testing can be performed in both
directions. The firewall testing tool provides the five operations listed above and therefore when running it on two hosts, we are able to perform testing in both directions.
4.2 Fundamentals
4.2.2. Synchronization
Dealing with firewall testing, we face a serious synchronization problem: A firewall is
interconnected between two hosts that run a test protocol (i.e. try to exchange packets
in a predefined order). Some of the packets may pass, others may be blocked. Imagine
the worst case scenario: a firewall that blocks every packet. There is no communication
channel to maintain synchronization or to establish a common state. But how can a host
be sure that its opponent is at the same point in test execution? How can a host be sure
that a packet sent by its opponent is blocked by the firewall? How long does a host have
to wait for a packet?
Synchronization is a key problem in firewall testing since you cannot demand a communication channel. Perhaps every single packet will be blocked by the firewall. In a
large network, it is often not possible to open a channel for testing purposes because it
is expensive, complex or disorganizes the firewall settings. Hence, there is no way to
establish synchronization via communication.
Luckily for us, there is something we can count on: the clocks are synchronized before
testing starts. This is done for example using the network time protocol (NTP) that guarantees a time resolution of ten microseconds. Based on this common mode, we develop
a model that maintains synchronization in the single and multiple firewall scenario.
4.2.3. File Format
Let me first clarify the relationship between test cases and test packets. The test cases
are generated due to theoretical considerations and we will not deal with that. Test case
generation is beyond the scope of this thesis. Note that they are built elsewhere (e.g.
originate in and rely on theoretical work). We just assume that the test cases are appropriate to evaluate the firewall rules. Out of these test cases, test packets are generated.
Again, we do not get in touch with this generation process. The test packets form the
basis of our computations. They are stored in a test packets file (tp file). The testing tool
parses the tp file and generates the test packets according to the entries. Every tp file
defines test packets considering a single protocol (e.g. TCP, ICMP). The protocol is specified by the tp file name extension (e.g. *.tcp, *.icmp).
Each test packet specification in a tp file includes a number of fields. These fields are either protocol-independent or protocol-dependent. The protocol-independent fields are
the same for all protocol types, the protocol-dependent fields differ from protocol to
is a unique identification number. It
Table 1 lists the protocol-independent fields.
Identification number
Expected reaction of the firewall
Table 1: Protocol-independent fields
4.2 Fundamentals
simplifies the packet identification and therefore clarifies log messages. presents
(i.e. the packet is expected to be
the expected reaction of the firewall and is either
passed), (i.e. the packet is expected to be blocked) or (i.e. indefinite reaction).
defines the time to inject a packet. The time format is (e.g. ).
As a consequence, the time resolution is one second, but more than one packet can be
sent per second. This resolution should be precise enough. The field solves the
synchronization problem. By specifying the sending time of a packet in the tp file, the
program does not have to maintain synchronization by communication but only has
to send or receive the packets at the given time. There is no communication between
the hosts needed. To a certain extent, we transfer the synchronization problem to the
author of the tp file. Needless to say, this approach does not answer the question how
long the application has to wait for a packet to arrive. For this purpose, a timeout has
to be defined. We come back to this point later.
In this Diploma Thesis we will only deal with TCP packets (i.e. we will only craft TCP
packets). As can be seen in appendix A, a TCP packet consists of an IP header, a TCP
header and a TCP payload. Both IP and TCP headers include a bunch of fields. We are
only interested in a few of them. These interesting fields are protocol-dependent (i.e.
they are not present in other protocols) and are also specified in the tp file. Fields that
are not explicitly defined are either generated randomly or kept as constants that never
Appendix C presents a simple example of a TCP test packets file.
The protocol-dependent fields vary from protocol to protocol. As a consequence, the
tp files always have to be parsed and interpreted considering the appropriate protocol
(i.e. the fields for TCP will not correspond to the fields for ICMP). Table 2 presents
! ! ! ! "$#%&
% )(!
Source IPv4 address
Destination IPv4 address
Source port
Destination port
Control flags
Sequence number
Acknowledgment number
Table 2: Protocol-dependent fields for TCP
the protocol-dependent fields for TCP. Most of them are self-explanatory. They directly correspond to IP or TCP header fields. The IP addresses can either be declared
in hostname format (e.g. “”) or in numbers-and-dots notation (e.g.
are the well known TCP flags (*+ , -, , ./ , 0* , 123 , 2$4 ).
The fields that are specified in a TCP tp file form the minimal set of attributes to perform TCP testing. A process on a host that communicates over the Internet is uniquely
defined by the port it is connected to and the IP address of the host. Therefore, ! , ,
! ! and ! define a communication channel between two processes. "*#%& is
4.3 Architecture
used to signal different states of the TCP connection (listen, established, closed). '(!
and )(! allow to specify the sequence number and acknowledgment number, respectively.
4.3. Architecture
The architecture of the firewall testing tool is focused on performance, simplicity and
flexibility. We tried to make the architecture for the single firewall scenario as simple as
possible but to hold up flexibility considering an extension to n firewall scenarios later
on. We have seen earlier that the application must provide five functional modules:
packet generation, injection, capture, analysis and logging. In this section we describe
the design of these modules and their interrelationship.
Two prerequisites have to be fulfilled:
1. The clocks are synchronized.
2. A test packet file is provided.
Hosts that run the firewall testing tool are called testing hosts.
A testing host represents an entire network. It acts as a proxy for all hosts of this network. That is, a testing host performs firewall testing for every host being part of the
network it represents. In other words, a testing host crafts, injects, captures, analyzes
and logs the packets affecting its network.
The user specifies at startup which network a testing host covers.
The advantage of this strategy is that we do not have to run the firewall testing tool on
each host and therefore reduce the administrative overhead.
We now concentrate on the data flow on a single testing host.
4.3.1. Initialization
The test packets file is opened. Each line specifies a test packet. As the file is identical for
every testing host, there may be entries that do not address the network a testing host
represents. The parser parses the tp file line-by-line, only taking into account the test
packets that affect the testing host’s network. That is, if the source address corresponds
to an IP address of the testing host’s network, this is a packet we have to inject. If the
destination address corresponds to an IP address of the testing host’s network, this is
a packet we (perhaps) capture (depending on the firewall: if it accepts the packet, we
grab it; if it blocks the packet, we do not get it).
Each test packet is split into two events: (1) a sending event on the testing host that
injects the packet and (2) a receiving event on the testing host that captures the packet.
Thus, every test packet affecting the testing host’s network is transformed either into a
sending or a receiving event.
The event structure incorporates the the protocol-independent and protocol-dependent
fields from the tp file. Our program arranges its events in a two-dimensional linked list,
the so-called schedule.
4.3 Architecture
timestamp: t
event: 1
timestamp: t+1
event: 2
event: 3
event: 4
timestamp: t+2
event: 5
Figure 3: Two-dimensional event list
The primary list links time step structures. These structures include a timestamp and
stand for a point in time when one or more events take place. Every event has a timestamp (indicating when the event is triggered). When an event is inserted into the schedule, it is linked to the corresponding time step structure. If we try to insert an event and
no corresponding time step structure exists, a new element is created and inserted into
the primary list before the event is linked to the newly created timestamp.
The time step list represents the testing chronology.
Every time step points to at least one send or receive event. Every event is associated
with exactly one time step. If there are multiple events of the same type (send or receive)
in a time step, a list connecting these events is built. The list is associated with the appropriate pointer of the time step element (send or receive). These event lists form the
secondary list structure. If there are no sending or receiving events in a time step, the
corresponding time step pointer is 2 .
We clarify the concept with an example. There is a sending event at time , one sending
and another receiving event at time . Three
and two receiving events at time and . The sendtime step structures are linked representing the events at time , ing event at is linked to the sending pointer of time step element . The sending event
is associated with the sending pointer and the two receiving events form a secat points to. The test packet to be sent
ondary list the receiving pointer of time step . Figure 3 illustrates the
at time
is linked to the sending pointer of time step 27
4.3 Architecture
Sending events have to be processed first when dealing with a time step because they
are time critical. Packets have to be sent at the intended time. Receiving packets can be
handled easier. So you first process the sending pointer before traversing the receive
list. Among sending and receiving events, there is no compulsory order.
An event structure contains an ID field, a pointer to the next event structure, the protocol type (e.g. TCP, UDP, ICMP) and based on the type a data structure including the
protocol fields specified in the test packets file. As we only deal with the TCP protocol,
we only designed and implemented a structure incorporating the fields specified in the
TCP test packets file. Furthermore, there is an expectation field indicating the expected
reaction of the firewall. The events are inserted into the schedule also if we expect the
corresponding packet to be discarded. Eventually, the firewall does not behave as intended. Sending events maintain a pointer to the crafted packet that will be sent via
# (
A time step structure includes pointers to the previous and next time step structure and
maintain two pointers to a send and receive event list.
4.3.2. Generation
In the initialization phase, a two-dimensional linked list has been created that serves as
a schedule for the events the testing host’s network is involved into. Because we want
to send the packets at a specific point in time and we do not want to deal with packet
building while testing is performed, we generate the packets to be sent before testing
# (
# ( to generate and inject the packets, we build
starts. Since we use
packets based on the packet specifications in the tp file and associate them with the
packet pointer in the event structure.
4.3.3. Program Logic
There are two operation modes our program knows: (1) The capturing mode and (2)
the time step processing mode. Capturing means awaiting packets. This is the default
mode. To make this point clear: if no events are processed, the program waits for packets. Whenever a packet is captured, it is inserted at the end of the so-called receive queue.
This queue represents the chronology of the captured packets.
In the time step processing mode, the received packets are dequeued and compared to
the receive events of the time step (i.e. the packets we intend to intercept). If the packets
match, everything is okay. Otherwise, an irregularity occurred. We will come back to
this later.
The capturing mode is only interrupted when a time step has to be processed. An in%#% ! terrupt is signaled using the
system call. If the initialization is completed and
# (
packets are assembled, a timer set. The timer triggers an alarm signal when
the first time step in the schedule should be processed (according to the first time step
structure in the list). The program then enters the capture mode. When the alarm signal causes an interrupt and the alarm handling function takes over the control, the first
4.3 Architecture
thing this callback function does is to set the timer for the next time step in the schedule.
Then, the callback function handles the event that caused the alarm and returns to the
capture mode.
This is the fundamental architecture of our firewall testing tool: the program captures
packets. The capturing mode is only interrupted when time steps have to be processed.
Time step handling is triggered by alarm signals. The alarm callback routines set the
next alarm and handle the current time step.
Time step processing includes send and receive event handling:
Send events are time critical. If a send event is determined at time in the tp
file, the packet has to be sent at time t. This is why we pre-build the packets so we only
have to write the already generated packets to the wire (which can be performed very
effective). As soon as the packets are injected, the send event handling is completed.
Receive events are more complicated to deal with. If the test packet file indicates that a packet has to be sent at time t, the capturing testing host schedules a receive
event at t + 4 (where 4 is the timeout interval). The idea behind this approach is quite
simple: we assume that the packet has been sent at time t and then we wait for a predefined timeout interval 4 for the packet to arrive. As soon as the timeout runs out,
time step processing takes place and we traverse the receive queue that has been built
in the capture mode. We compare every packet to the receive event we are looking for.
Considering our expectation (specified in the tp file) and the actual outcome (the packet
arrives at the testing host or not), the receiving testing host classifies the packet:
1. True positive: We expect the packet to be dropped and we do not find it in the
receive queue.
2. True negative: We expect the packet to be accepted and we find it in the receive
3. False positive: We expect the packet to be accepted and we do not find it in the
receive queue.
4. False negative: We expect the packet to be dropped and we find it in the receive
We are primary interested in those packets whose expectation and outcome do not
match (i.e. false positives and false negatives).
Coming back to the receive queue, if we expect the packet to be blocked and it is not in
the queue (true positive) or if we expect the packet to be passed and it is in the queue
(true negative), our suggestions are confirmed. This is not very exciting. Otherwise, an
invalid state is reached:
1. False positive: The packet is blocked although it should have been passed.
2. False negative: The packet is passed although it should have been blocked.
4.3 Architecture
3. Packet loss: The packet is lost in the network. This state is not distinguishable from
4. Corruption: A field does not correspond to the value defined in the test packet file.
If the packet is expected to arrive, two errors are logged: A false positive because
the packet we expect is not in the receive queue and a false negative since an
obscure packet we do not expect is in the queue.
5. Delay: The packet arrives too late. Again, two errors are logged: In the time step
when the packet is missing it is a false positive (i.e. packet seems to be blocked
by the firewall), in the next receive event it is a false negative (a packet we do not
expect is in the queue).
If an irregularity occurs, the packet being associated with this event is logged and testing is continued. A testing session will never be stopped because of an unexpected situation. Note that evaluating the receive queue and classifying the receive events builds
the analysis module of the program.
Analysis and logging are only performed when handling receive events and not when
dealing with send events.
4.3.4. Log File Format
Whenever irregularities emerge (false positives and false negatives), the events causing
the error have to be logged. A log file is created in the initialization phase holding the
and ) . Table 3 describes
An entry in the log file consists of three fields: ,
% ) Meaning
Type of error
Packet ID
Content of packet
Table 3: Alert file format
"$%# $ "$%# -( &$% the three fields. is either
. Even complex errors
(corruption and delay) are broken down into these two types. Every complex error
"$%# * "*%# ( &*% leads to exactly two errors (a
and a
corresponds to the identification number specified in the tp file. It is used to make
log file analysis easier for the examiner. ) represents the content of the invalid
If we know the erroneous packet, we save the type of error and the corresponding
identification number. For example, if we classify a packet as false positive, we always
know the corresponding test packet.
If we intercept an unknown packet not correlating to a test packet, we save the type of
error and the protocol-specific fields (in brackets, separated by commas) instead of the
4.3 Architecture
identification number. For example, a TCP content log looks like this:
! ! ! ! "*#%& '(! % ) .
5. Implementation
This section sheds light on the implementation of the firewall testing tool. We describe
the control flow, the different functional modules and discuss the structure of the source
The implementation puts into practice what we theoretically designed in the previous
section. This also means to face reality and adapt the model as we hit unforeseen problems. Some difficulties in the implementation phase are illustrated and the solutions to
overcome the problems are presented.
5.1. Development Environment
The firewall testing tool is written under Linux Debian 3.0 with a kernel 2.4.24. The
program is implemented in the C programming language [KR88]. We make use of the
-!/ ( & [eab] and the GNU debugger
[eac]. The
GNU C compiler *% scripts to run the firewall testing are
shell scripts [eaa]. Our tool heavily relies on
# % # ( # ( [Groa],
[Sch] and
The code was developed under GPL version 2 [Sta].
5.2. Control Flow
In this subsection, we give a brief overview of the implementation before we delve into
the source files later on.
Program execution includes several phases. We describe these phases and clarify the
program logic of the application.
Figure 4 illustrates the control flow of the tool.
5.2.1. Initialization
In the initialization phase, the following operations are performed (more details later):
• Check for root privileges. If the caller does not have superuser rights, the program
terminates immediately.
• Parse command line arguments and set the program variables accordingly.
• Set signal handlers to catch the signals.
• Initialize the network interface the tool is listening at.
• Open the log file.
• Parse the test packets file, create send and receive events and insert them into the
• Initialize libnet and scan the network to determine the MAC addresses of the
5.2 Control Flow
Insert packet
receive queue
first event
Create packet
Capture Loop
Process packet
Process time step
next event
Terminate program
Send packets
Clean up
and exit
Dequeue packets
from receive queue
Analyze packets
Log irregularities
Last event?
Figure 4: Control Flow
• Build packets to be sent according to the schedule.
5.2 Control Flow
• Initialize libpcap and libdnet.
• Schedule the first event. An event is scheduled by setting a timer that triggers an
alarm signal as soon as the timer expires.
• Pass to capturing mode.
5.2.2. Building the Schedule
Every packet specified in the test packets file is crafted and injected by a testing host
and intercepted by another testing host in a distinct network (if it is not dropped by the
firewall). Thus, a test packet is split into a send event on the sending testing host and a
receive event on the receiving testing host.
Every event includes a timestamp indicating when the event takes place. If the event
is inserted into the schedule, it is associated with a corresponding time step node. The
time step nodes are linked and represent the event chronology. If there are multiple
send or receive events per time step, they are arranged in a list that is connected to the
corresponding time step. Whenever an event has to be inserted into the schedule and
there is no matching time step available, a new node is created and put into the list of
time steps. The event is then associated with the newly created time step node. That is,
the nodes are built when an event with an unknown timestamp enters the scene. As a
consequence, at least one send or receive event is associated with every time step node.
These nodes form the primary schedule structure (i.e. they define the points in time
when events take place). The event lists associated with the nodes form the secondary
5.2.3. Capturing Mode
After the initialization phase, the program enters the capturing mode.
In this operating state, the tool grabs packets from the network and inserts them into
the receive queue. Capturing is the basic state of the program. If no events have to be
processed, we wait for packets and put them into the receive queue.
The capturing mode is interrupted by signals that are triggered:
• Interrupt/Kill/Terminate/Quit:
These signals indicate a serious problem (e.g. the user wants to abort program
execution). The allocated data structures are released and the program is terminated.
• Alarm:
Whenever an alarm signal is caught, a time step has to be processed.
5.2.4. Time Step Processing
Processing a time step includes
5.2 Control Flow
1. Schedule next time step
2. Process send events
3. Process receive events
The first thing that we have to consider when processing a time step is to schedule the
next time step. We set a timer that triggers an alarm signal as soon as the timestamp
of the next time step has be reached. The alarm signal will again force the program to
leave the capturing mode and to handle the corresponding events. Thus, this mechanism to set the timer in the time step handling function guarantees that the time steps
are processed one after the other.
The first time step is scheduled before we enter the capturing mode.
After scheduling the next time step, the send events are processed. This means to inject
the crafted packets that are linked to a certain time step into the network. The send
events are processed before the receive events because they are time critical. The stability of the testing protocol relies on the accuracy of the packet injection. We count on
packets being sent in time (i.e. not too late). If this assumption holds, we can guarantee
the reliability of the program because we know that the packet is in the receive queue
(at least if it is not blocked by a firewall) when we check the queue.
Processing receive events includes dequeuing the packets of the receive queue, comparing them to the receive events and logging irregularities. We will look at this in more
detail later in this section.
After a time step has been processed, the program returns to the capturing mode.
While packet capturing is the passive part of firewall testing, time step processing forms
the active part (injection, analysis, logging) of the application. Together they build the
heart of the program.
As soon as the last time step has been processed, the files are closed, the data structures
are released and testing is terminated.
5.2.5. Packet Analysis
Every receive event corresponds to a test packet in the test packets file and for each test
, ). This attribute suggests what the author of
packet, a expectation is specified ( , the tp file thinks will happen to the packet.
Packet analysis is part of time step processing.
After handling the send events (i.e. the associated packets are written to the wire), the
captured packets are dequeued from the receive queue. Because we flush the queue
whenever a time step is processed, the receive queue always contains the packets that
have been intercepted from the last time step to now.
We run through the list of receive events (if there are any) and for every element in this
list, we loop through the receive queue and compare the receive event to each captured
packet. That is, we compare the fields of the receive event to those of the packet. If we
do not find a matching packet in the receive queue but the receive event (i.e. the corresponding test packet expectation field) indicates that it should be there, we log the
5.3 Source Files
test packet as false positive (the firewall has blocked the packet although it should have
been passed). On the other hand, if we find a matching packet in the receive queue
but the receive event (i.e. the test packet expectation field) indicates that it should be
discarded, we log the test packet as false negative (the firewall has accepted the packet
although it should have been dropped).
If there are unknown packets in the receive queue (i.e. packets that do not match a
receive event), we log them as false negative (the firewall lets a packet pass although
it should have been blocked). Although they are both logged as false negatives, unknown packets are not the same as receive events that do not match a captured packet.
A non-matching receive event corresponds to a test packet whereas the unknown packets cannot be associated with a test packet.
5.2.6. Logging
Logging is also part of receive event processing.
We log two kinds of irregularities: packets that do not reach their destination hosts
although they should arrive (false positive) and packets that do reach their destination
hosts although it should be blocked (false negative).
A log entry includes the timestamp of the packet, the type of error (false positive, false
negative) and if known the identification number of the packet. When we deal with
unknown packets where no identification number is available, we log the content of
the packet.
5.3. Source Files
The source code of the testing tool is divided among multiple files. We present the
source and header files and explain what functionality they provide.
5.3.1. main.c
The file main.c builds the backbone of the program. It serves as the entry point and
defines the rough structure of the application.
main.c performs the initialization and handles event scheduling, event processing and
packet analysis.
The initialization phase consists of several operations.
First we check whether the user calling the program has appropriate privileges. As we
build packets starting at the data-link layer, the caller needs superuser rights.
The command line arguments are parsed. The log file where the irregularities are stored
(option ), the network interface to listen at (option ) and the network to be supervised (option ( , e.g. may be specified whereas the test packets file
that contains the test packets has to be specified. Testing will be aborted immediately
if no test packets file is provided because if there are no packets available, the program
5.3 Source Files
would end up with an empty schedule and testing therefore is obsolete. If one of the
optional arguments listed above is not specified, the program defines them. For example, if the interface option is skipped, the program selects an interface and inherits the
network mask of this interface. On the other hand, if no network is defined, the pro# system call)
gram reads the configuration of the specified interface (using the and sets the program variables accordingly.
By now, there is no way to exclude hosts from testing. Assume there are interfaces in the
specified network but the packets addressed to them will not reach the proper testing
host. For example, the firewall interfaces adjacent to the network receive their packets
but do not hand them to the testing host. These borderline interfaces should be kept
away from testing since the testing hosts do not get their packets. The problem can easily be solved by specifying in the test packets file that these packets will be discarded.
Thus, the corresponding testing host will not log an irregularity because it does not
expect the packet to arrive. Unfortunately, we have no chance to control the reaction
of firewalls associated with the adjacent interfaces. It will always be a problem to deal
with this.
The signal handling functions are set. The signals 34 , *4+$ , *4 + , *4 2 +
and *42*1 indicate a serious error and invoke a callback function whenever they are
triggered. This routine cleans up the data structures, closes the files and terminates the
program. The signal *4
0 notifies a time step and forces the program to leave the
capturing mode and enter event processing.
The handling functions are called whenever a corresponding signal is sent. In contrast
. after a single call. The
to the original Unix system V, the handler is not reset to 34 callback function is set at startup and will never be reset until the program terminates.
Catching the signals (1) guarantees proper program termination and (2) kicks off the
time step processing.
The time shift between the local time and the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is calcu&
"*% that we use when scheduling events relies on the
lated. The function time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970). UTC was formerly known as GMT
and (probably) differs from the local time. We want to make sure that the timestamp
we print in the log file corresponds to the local time and therefore we have to adapt
& "*% ’s return values. This is done by calculating the offset of the local time
to GMT and incorporating this offset in all time calculations.
The network interface is initialized. That is, the hardware and IP address of the speci# fied interface (option ) are determined ( system call) and stored in program
variables. These attributes are used while crafting the packets.
The log file is opened and the log file header (including timestamp and program banner) is written. Whenever an irregularity (i.e. a false positive or a false negative) occurs,
it will be written into the log file. The log files of the testing hosts form the basis of the
test evaluation.
The test packets file is parsed and the schedule is built. This process is described in more
detail in subsection 5.3.2. If the schedule is empty (i.e. there are no events the network
of the testing host is involved into), there is no need for the program to be executed and
it is terminated.
5.3 Source Files
The libnet library is initialized. This operation includes making available the routing
table lookup and manipulation facilities of libdnet, scanning the network for reachable
hosts and building a table that associates IP and MAC addresses of these hosts.
The first time step is scheduled. That is, we set the first timer which is going to trigger
an alarm signal and causes the program to leave the capturing mode and enter event
processing mode.
The program finally calls the pcap main loop and passes into the capturing mode. If
$" system call fails), the program rean error occurs while capturing (e.g. the !
turns, cleans up and exits. If no error is encountered, the program terminates after the
last event is processed. In the main loop, we wait for packets. Whenever a packet hits
the network card, the pcap callback function is invoked. This routine inserts the packet
into the receive queue and continues listening.
As soon as the alarm signal for the first time step is triggered, the alarm signal handling
function is called and the time step is processed.
Time step scheduling is also part of main.c. The underlying
mechanism is simple but powerful: When a time step is processed, the first action to
be performed is to schedule the next time step. There is a program variable pointing
to the current time step node. If the current time step is the last one, scheduling another event is obsolete. Otherwise, we advance the global pointer. It now references the
next time step to be scheduled. We read the corresponding timestamp and calculate
" $% comes into play) to this moment in the future.
the offset from now ( A timer is set according to the offset. The timer will never expire before the requested
time, instead expiring some short, constant time afterwards, dependent on the system
timer resolution (currently 10 ms). Regarding the fact that the schedule deals with time
intervals of 1 second and more, this resolution is precise enough.
The timer triggers an alarm signal when expiring. The signal will pull the program out
of the capturing mode and put it into event processing mode. It is this mechanism that
enables the active site of program execution (analysis, logging).
Time Step Scheduling
Time step processing means to process all events (send and receive) associated with a certain time step node. Time step processing includes multiple
Time Step Processing
1. Schedule next event (i.e. a timer is set that triggers an alarm signal)
2. Process send events.
3. Process receive events.
If we handle the last time step, the program cleans up the data structures and exits.
Processing send events implies to inject the packets that are associated with the current
time step. That is, we run through the list of send events and write the pre-built libnet
packets to the wire.
5.3 Source Files
Processing receive events is harder to deal with. The captured packets have to be analyzed, irregularities have to be detected and logged.
In the capturing mode, the intercepted packets are inserted into the receive queue. Because the packets are dequeued each time a time step is processed, the packets that are
taken out of the queue have been arrived at the network interface since the last time step
has been handled. With every time step node, a (perhaps empty) list of receive events
is associated. The dequeued packets should correspond to the list of receive events of
the current time step. This is where analysis comes into play.
Given the two lists (i.e. the list of receive events and the receive
queue), we run through the list of expected packets and for every element in this list,
we check the received packets list for a corresponding packet.
For every test packet, the test packets file specifies the expected outcome: either the
) or we do not care ( ). Every receive event
packet should be passed ( ), blocked (
has a field representing the expected result. If we find a matching packet in the receive
list and the expectation says it should be blocked, we log it as false negative. If we do
not find a packet but it should be in the list, we log it as false positive. We only log
the irregularities. That is, if we find an expected packet in the queue (true negative) or
if a packet that should be blocked is not present (true positive), our assumptions are
fulfilled and we do not write them down. If it is not specified whether a packet should
arrive or not, there will never be a log entry (i.e. we do not care whether a packet arrives
or not).
All packets that are found are removed immediately from the received packets list. After running through the list of expected packets, we deal with the remainders in the
list. These packets can be divided into two classes: (1) the unknown packets that do not
correspond to any test packet and (2) the early birds. The former are no test packets
and are logged as false negatives. The latter are test packets that are sent too early. Due
to synchronization imprecision (one party will always send the packets a little bit before time since the time synchronization is not infinitely precise), packets are sometimes
sent, captured and inserted into the receive queue before the alarm signal is enabled on
the receiving testing host. As a consequence, the packets are enqueued one time step
too early. This would result in two log entries: the packets appear in time step as false
as false positive
negative (because we do not expect the packet to arrive) and in (because we do not expect the packet to miss).
We somehow have to deal with these test packets that are sent too early. Thus, we introduce a simple mechanism to get rid of them. We run through the list of remainders and
for each packet, we jump one time step ahead and try to find a matching receive event
in the next time step. If the packet is an early bird, there is a corresponding packet in
the list of receive events. That is, if there is
Packet Analysis
1. no corresponding receive event, the packet is not an early bird but an unknown
2. a matching receive event but the expectation field indicates that the packet should
be discarded, we log it as false negative.
5.3 Source Files
3. a matching receive event and the expectation field indicates that the packet should
arrive, we mark the receive event as being correctly handled.
If we mark a receive event and revisit it in the next time step, we ignore it and go over
to the next event since we already processed it successfully.
Header file The main header file (main.h) specifies the program name (“fwtest”), the
current version (“0.5”), the default log file (“fw.log”) and the default protocol (“TCP”).
A structure that holds the program variables is defined. This structure includes pointers
to the
• log file
• libpcap session
• schedule
• receive queue
• MAC address table
as well as the
• name of the test packets file
• name of the network interface
• protocol to deal with
• portion of every packet to capture
All the variables are needed throughout program execution. They are globally accessible through the program variables structure.
5.3.2. parse.c
This source file handles the parsing and interpretation of the test packets file and the
assembly of the schedule that includes the events that the testing host is interested in.
Every line in the test packets file not being a comment (comment
lines start with a ) describes a test packet. We argued about the test packet format
in section 4.2.3. Each line represents a test packet and consists of a number of packet
fields. We parse the file line by line (test packet by test packet). Each line is split into
its attributes. They are checked for validity. If the fields are valid, we check whether
the packet is sent from or destined to the network that the testing host represents (i.e.
the testing host is involved into packet handling). A testing host is only interested in
packets that it is affected by.
Every test packet represents two events: a send event for the sending host and a receive
Building Schedule
5.3 Source Files
event for the receiving host. In other words: a single test packet is split into two events
that are inserted into two distinct schedules on different testing hosts. A test packet
appears in the schedule of the sending host as a send event and in the schedule of the
receiving host as a receive event.
If a particular packet is sent from the testing host’s network, a send event is created and
put into the schedule; if the packet is destined to the testing host’s network, a receive
event is created and put into the schedule. An event holds the attributes of the corresponding test packet. They are used to identify the packets.
Every test packet includes a timestamp field indicating when a packet has to be sent.
The derived events are inserted into the schedules according to this timestamp. Because
it takes some time to send the packet over the network, send and receive cannot be performed at the same time but packet reception has to be delayed a certain time interval.
For example, the packet is sent at time t but we check for reception at t + 4. That is,
we wait a timeout interval before we check the receiving host for a packet. As a consequence, the timestamp of a receive event has to be adapted accordingly (i.e. increased
by the timeout interval). The timeout was 1 second in our test settings but of course,
this value can easily be modified and optimized.
After transforming a test packet into two events and adapting the timestamp of the receive event, those events are inserted into the schedule that either have to be sent or
received by the testing host (i.e. that affect hosts in the network the testing host represents).
A schedule can be broken down into two structures: (1) a double linked list of time step
nodes and (2) lists of send and receive events that are associated with these time steps
nodes. Every event is linked to exactly one time step node and every time step node
includes one or more events. In other words: for every moment in time when one or
multiple events take place, a time step node exists and the send and receive events are
linked to this node.
If an event has to be put into the schedule at timestamp t and there is no corresponding
time step node, a new node is created. A time step node provides a pointer to a list of
send events and a pointer to a list of receive events. The timestamp of the newly created
node is set to t and the event is linked to the corresponding pointer. The event builds
the first element of the send or receive list. As a time step node includes at least one
event, one of these lists will not be empty.
We recapitulate: A test packet is split into a send and receive event. A testing host is
only interested in events it is involved into. A schedule consists of a primary list of time
step nodes and associated with them are secondary lists of send and receive events.
If the schedule of the testing host is empty after parsing, nothing has to be done and the
program terminates immediately. A pitfall in implementation may be that the chronology of the test packets in the file does not have to be correct. The packet at line may
since you also have to incorporate the timeout
be sent later than the packet at line intervals and this may change the chronology. Therefore, if an event is inserted into
the schedule structure, you cannot just traverse the list of time steps, check whether a
matching node already exists and create a new node at the end of the list if this assumption does not hold. A new time step node has to be placed in the right place within the
5.3 Source Files
list. The correct place is where the timestamp of the current node is smaller and the
timestamp of the next node is bigger or undefined (end of list) than the timestamp of
the event.
There is a global program variable pointing to the “current” time step node. Actually,
this variable always points to the time step that will be triggered next and therefore
references a point in the future. As soon as an alarm signal indicates the next time step
to be processed, the “current” pointer is advanced.
The parse header file defines the data structures of the schedule: the event
structure, the time step structure and the protocol headers holding the fields specified
in the test packets file. Because the events and time steps have to be arranged in lists,
they provide pointers to the previous and next element.
As mentioned above, a time step node contains a timestamp and pointers to the send
and receive event lists. An event maintains pointers to all kinds of protocol headers but
only the pointers to the protocols we are dealing with (e.g. IP and TCP) reference nonempty header structures containing the attributes of the test packets. The send events
also maintain a pointer to a libnet context handler representing a packet that is injected
as soon as the corresponding time step is processed.
Header File
5.3.3. lpcap.c
This source file deals with the arriving packets and puts them into the receive queue.
There is an initialization function that defines the number of bytes
libpcap will capture from every packet. This portion depends on the protocol type the
testing tool handles. In this Diploma Thesis we only capture the headers of packets but
no payload (this parameter can easily be adapted). A pcap session is opened and the
first element of the receive queue is created (i.e. a dummy element pointing to the actual first packet being captured). The dummy element simplifies the management of
the queue when dequeuing the packets. The captured packets are dequeued when a
time step is processed.
The packet handling routine builds the heart of this file. This function is called by libpcap whenever a packet arrives. All packets that hit the network card are handled by the
callback function.
Packet reception in libpcap is interrupt-safe. That is, whenever a packet is made avail$" . If this call is interrupted
able in the kernel, libpcap gets it with a call to !
$" and the interrupt service routine gets the control, !
indicates an interrupt by
" ! returning and libpcap repeats packet reception by calling !
again. This
mechanism guarantees that no packet is truncated due to an interrupt or is lost on its
way from the kernel to user-land.
If the handling function is invoked, a reference to the packet is passed. It is important to
internalize the packet (i.e. allocate memory space and copy the packet therein). Libpcap
recycles the memory space the reference points to and therefore, its content is overwritHandling Packets
5.3 Source Files
ten. This is a source of error that we met while writing the program.
The packets are sent over the Ethernet in network-byte order (big-endian) whereas
Linux platforms operate in host-byte order (little-endian). Therefore, fields that exceed
one byte have to be transformed into network-byte order when the packets are crafted
and injected. Captured packets have to be translated into host-byte order if we deal
with them on the testing host. Fields of only one byte or less are not affected because a
single byte is represented the same way in both ordering styles.
If the packet is
• truncated (i.e. the captured portion is less than the number of bytes we specified)
• not of the protocol type we are dealing with
• not destined to the network the testing host represents
• an outgoing packet
the packet is skipped.
An exception are ARP requests that are always answered by the testing host. As the
testing host represents an entire network, it will answer all ARP requests concerning its
network even though the corresponding host does not exist. Our tool will scan the network at startup, create a table of the existing hosts and MAC addresses and introduce
random hardware addresses for the non-existing or unreachable hosts. We will look at
this in more detail in section E.
If a packet is not skipped, it is inserted at the end of the receive queue. Whenever a
time step is processed, the captured packets are dequeued and compared to the packets
the host expects to be present. As a consequence, the receive queue always contains the
captured packets since the last time step was processed.
There is a cleanup function that frees the allocated memory and is called after the last
time step has been processed. The remaining packets are logged as false negatives since
they have been passed by the firewall although they were not expected to do so.
The lpcap header file specifies the data structures that are used to deal
with packets returned by libpcap. The fundamental packet structure maintains pointers to all components of a packet (e.g. Ethernet header, IP header, TCP header). The
protocol headers are specified in the header file to not rely on the system-dependent
definitions in the Linux header files (avoid conflicting structures). The packet structure
includes pointers to the previous and next packet. Every captured packet is put into
a packet structure and inserted into the receive queue. But how is a packet put into a
packet structure?
Whenever a packet arrives at the network interface, libpcap calls the packet handling
function and provides a pointer to the start of the captured packet. Libpcap will overwrite the memory space the returned pointer references. Thus, we allocate memory
and copy the packet therein. A new packet structure is created and linked to the copied
packet. The pointers to the packet headers (e.g. Ethernet, IP, TCP) in the packet structure
are enabled by letting them point to the appropriate offsets in the stored packet.
Header File
5.3 Source Files
5.3.4. lnet.c
This source file builds the packets that have to be sent by the testing host (according
to the specifications in the test packets file) and sets up a table to map IP addresses to
MAC addresses. The libnet library is used to craft the packets.
When shaping a packet with libnet, the packet headers have to be
specified in a top-down manner (high layer headers first). For example, a TCP packet
consists of a TCP header, an IP header and an Ethernet header. Using libnet, the packet
has to be assembled in the following order:
Mapping Table
1. TCP header
2. IP header
3. Ethernet header
For the Ethernet header, we need the source and destination MAC address. The test
packets file only specifies the source and destination IP. To be able to set the correct
MAC address when building the Ethernet header, we scan the network of the testing
host for reachable hosts to determine and save their MAC addresses in a table.
The table is built by sending a single UDP packet to every host of the network. Before
the UDP packet is injected, the kernel has to know the hardware address of the destination host (because the Ethernet header includes the source and destination MAC
addresses; the source MAC address is the one of the sending host). If the kernel does
not know the hardware address, it will send an ARP request and wait for an ARP reply
of the host. With this trick (sending a UDP packet) one can force the kernel to deal with
the determination of the MAC addresses in the network. You just have to send a single
UDP packet to every host. If a machine answers, the kernel will create an entry in the
ARP cache. We now only have to read the entries of the ARP cache (system call )
to get the MAC addresses of all the existing hosts in the network. A table entry holding
the MAC address is created and put into the table. If a host did not answer, a hardware
address consisting of the IP address (32 bits) and padding zeros (16 bits, ) is generated and inserted into the table. With this table including existing and non-existing
hardware addresses, the testing host is able to simulate an entire network. It can build
packets down to the Ethernet header and answer all ARP requests.
Shaping Packets After building the schedule in the initialization phase, we run through
the schedule and shape a packet (using libnet) for every send event. The crafted packet
is linked to the send event. This pre-build packet approach has the advantage that we
only have to inject the packets when the corresponding time step is processed and we
do not have to care about packet crafting in this operation mode.
For every send event, a separate libnet context handler is created. This data structure
represents a packet in libnet. All operations (build, inject, destroy) are applied to this
handler. The send event maintains a pointer to the handler to control the corresponding
5.3 Source Files
As mentioned above, libnet builds the packets layer by layer in a top-down manner.
Because we primary deal with TCP packets, we build the TCP header followed by the
IP header, followed by the Ethernet header.
For all protocol headers, the header fields have to be specified when building them in
libnet. Some of the fields are defined in the test packets file (and therefore the event
structure holds their values), others are not. For TCP headers, the source and destination port, the sequence number, the acknowledgement number and the control flags
are specified in the test packets file. The window size is set to a random number. The
checksum is calculated by libnet and the urgent pointer is set to . For IP headers, the
source and destination address are pre-defined. The header length is the sum of the
IPv4 header length and the TCP header length, the type of service is , the identification is set to a random number, the time-to-live field has a fixed value ( ), the protocol
is TCP and the checksum is calculated by libnet. Crafting the Ethernet header is a little
bit tricky because we have to set the source and destination MAC addresses correctly
but we do not know the destination hardware address.
To understand the problem, we shortly explain how packet routing works. If a packet
is sent to a remote network, we cannot deliver it directly. Instead, we send it to the
default gateway. The gateway queries its routing table and sends the packet to the appropriate router. The packet is then handed over from router to router until it reaches
the destination network. The last router delivers the packet to the legitimate host. The
important point herein is that the testing host sends the packet to the gateway and
therefore we have to specify the IP address of the destination host in the IP header
but the destination MAC address of the gateway in the Ethernet header. The Ethernet
header addresses change for every hop whereas the IP addresses remain untouched.
Every router will set the source address to its own hardware address and the destination address to the MAC address of the next router. The last router knows the hardware
address of the destination host and sets the correct destination MAC address.
As we know the MAC addresses of all hosts in the network (the gateway interface is
also part of the network), we are able to set the correct source MAC address (the one of
the sending host) and the correct destination MAC address (the one of the gateway).
But there is another problem. No packet will be delivered to the local network (we
want to test firewalls and therefore every packet has to leave the local network to pass
a firewall). Therefore, every shaped packet has to be sent to the appropriate gateway. A
testing host can have multiple associated gateways, so we have to determine to which
gateway a packet has to be sent. The libdnet library provides an interface to read and
write the kernel routing table. That is, given the destination IP of a packet, libdnet returns the IP address of the gateway the packet has to be sent to. The destination MAC
address of the Ethernet header is set to the gateway’s hardware address.
The file !
( ! contains the entries of the routing table. Because the testing
host probably has more than one interface, we have to know to which interface the
gateway is linked to. We read the entries and extract the interface corresponding to the
gateway that libdnet provides. The packet will be injected by libnet on this interface.
There is a cleanup function that destroys all the libnet context handlers linked to the
5.3 Source Files
send events. The routine is called before destroying the schedule.
5.3.5. log.c
This source file provides the logging features of the testing tool.
There is a function to open the log file (called in the initialization phase) and a complementary function to close the log file (called right before the program terminates). The
opening function writes a banner with the program name and version and a timestamp
to the file.
The testing tool knows two kinds of irregularities that have to be logged: (1) False positives and (2) false negatives. A packet is a false positive if the firewall drops it although it
should have been passed. A packet is a false negative if the firewall lets it pass although
it should have been blocked. As you can see, these terms reflect the perspective of the
firewall: If the firewall classifies a packet as being positive (“wrong”, “dangerous”), it
is discarded whereas a packets is passed if it is classified as being negative (“correct”,
Three attributes of a packet are logged when an irregularity occurs: the time of capture,
the type of error and either the packet ID or the content of the packet.
False positive means that no packet hits the network interface although a packet is
expected. In other words, we have a receive event in the schedule but there is no corresponding packet in the receive queue. Facing this problem, we log the timestamp of
the receive event, the type of error (false positive) and the packet ID (according to the
ID field in the receive event). We do not log the fields of the packet since the packet is
uniquely identified by its ID and there is no need to write down the fields accessible
through the test packets file.
False negative means that a packet arrived that was not expected. That is, we have a
packet in the receive queue and no corresponding receive event in the schedule or a
receive event indicating that the packet should have been blocked. If there is no receive
event (i.e. the packet is unknown), we log the timestamp of the unexpected packet (set
by the kernel after packet reception), the type of error (false negative) and the content
of the packet. We only log the most important fields: source and destination IP, source
and destination port, sequence number and acknowledgement number. Because we do
not know the packet, we are not able to set the packet ID. On the other hand, if there
is a captured packet and a corresponding receive event in the schedule that says that
the packet should have been dropped, we log the timestamp, the type of error (false
negative) and the packet ID. We know the packet but it should not be here.
5.3.6. util.c
This source file contains a bunch of helper functions that
• parse the command line arguments at startup.
• parse the network mask and set the corresponding program variable. This routine
is called when parsing the ( command line option.
5.3 Source Files
• determine the IP and hardware address of an interface.
• set a signal (i.e. associate a signal type with a handling function).
• replace special characters (carriage return, line feed, tab) with spaces in a data
• split a string into its tokens. This function is called when parsing the test packets
file to separate the packet attributes of a single line.
• calculate the difference between GMT and local time.
• print the content of a timeval structure.
• print failure, error, warning, usage, program banner.
6. Test Environment
This section describes the environment in which we perform the test runs. We present
the layout of the testbed, we introduce the principles of virtual machines, we describe
how they are configured and demonstrate how virtual networking works. We go on
a journey through the Linux kernel network stack to understand the internals of the
Netfilter hooks and present a solution for the time synchronization problem.
6.1. General Layout
We set up a small network to test our tool. The network is depicted in figure 5: alice and
Figure 5: Test environment
bob are the testing hosts that represent the networks and,
respectively. That is, all packets addressed to are handled by alice whereas
bob deals with all the packets destined to The testing hosts are connected
via the firewall eve that has two interfaces adjacent to both networks and a third network adapter linked to which forms the access point to the local network.
There are two switches vmnet2 and vmnet3 that connect the testing host interfaces and
the firewall interfaces. The switches have IP addresses ending with , the firewalls
have IP addresses ending with and the testing hosts have IP addresses ending with
Alice, bob and eve build a minimal 1-firewall testing environment.
The Router maintains time synchronization and serves as NTP server. The firewall testing tool runs on alice and bob.
6.2. VMWare
Due to a lack of physical machines, we use virtual machines to perform the testing.
VMware Workstations [VMw] provide virtual machine software that allows software
developers to implement and test complex networked applications running on different platforms (e.g. Microsoft Windows, Linux) all on a single physical machine. The
operating systems are isolated in secure virtual machines that co-exist on a single piece
6.2 VMWare
of hardware. The VMware virtualization layer maps the physical hardware resources
to the virtual machine’s resources, so each virtual machine has its own CPU, memory,
disks, I/O devices, etc. Virtual machines are the full equivalent of a standard x86 machine. A documentation of the VMware platform can be found in [VWw].
Alice, bob and eve are virtual machines running on top of the VMware software. Inside
each virtual machine, a guest operating system is installed (Linux RedHat 7.3 in our
case). This is essentially the same as installing an operating system on a physical computer.
6.2.1. Virtual Networking
The virtual machines allow three kinds of networking:
• Bridged Networking. The virtual machine is connected to a network using the host
computer’s Ethernet adapter.
• Network Address Translation (NAT). NAT gives a virtual machine access to network
resources using the host computer’s IP address.
• Host-Only Networking. Host-only networking creates a network that is completely
contained within the host computer.
Alice and bob do not require access to the network since they only send packets to and
receive packets from the firewall. Although there is no urgent need to enter the network, time synchronization has to be guaranteed. Therefore, eve serves as NTP server
for alice and bob whereas the Router serves as the NTP server for eve. That is, only
the firewall maintains a connection to the network (via a bridged network adapter)
and the hosts build their own private networks. As a consequence, the virtual Ethernet adapters of alice and bob (and the virtual Ethernet adapters of the firewall they are
connected to) run in host-only networking mode. As illustrated in figure 5, the virtual
network adapters of alice and eve are connected via the virtual switch vmnet2 and the
virtual network adapters of bob and eve are connected via the virtual switch vmnet3.
Like a physical switch, a virtual switch lets you connect other networking components
together. You can connect one or more virtual machines to a switch.
This host-only networking configuration keeps the virtual machines isolated and protects them against misleaded packets from the network increasing the reliability of the
test results.
The firewall interface linked to the network runs in bridged networking mode since
the firewall has to contact the NTP server on the network writing the packets to the
wire. For a host computer connected to an Ethernet network, bridged networking is
the easiest way to give the virtual machine access to the network. The virtual machine
gets its own IP address and hence is a full participant in the network. It uses the host
computer’s Ethernet adapter to access other machines on the network and it can be
contacted by other machines as if it was a physical computer on the network. Eve’s
6.3 Virtual Machines Configuration
bridged virtual Ethernet adapter is linked to via the virtual switch vmnet0
that is normally used for bridged networks.
If all interfaces run in bridged mode and are connected to a single virtual switch (such
as vmnet0), all packets that are sent from alice to bob and vice versa are written to the
physical interface twice (by the host and by the firewall that forwards the packets). Because the virtual switch acts like a hub and delivers all packets written to the wire to
all participants, the receiving host captures two copies of the same packet. Therefore
we end up with duplicated packets. Thus, it is more reliable to maintain two isolated
networks (using vmnet2 and vmnet3) and having only one interface to the network.
6.3. Virtual Machines Configuration
The three virtual machines all run Linux RedHat 7.3 with kernel 2.4.18 as their guest
operating system. Because we face memory and disk space problems when installing
the entire system, we restrict ourselves to a minimal installation, turning the X window
system and the glittering software down.
In our test environment, the Internet daemons listening on particular ports of the virtual machines are a serious problem. Whenever a packet is sent to a given port of a
host, the listening daemon may answer by returning a packet. We want to avoid these
answering packets because they are not specified in the test packets file and therefore
are not part of the test run. Only packets that are defined in the test packets file should
be written to the wire.
We have to guarantee that the applications associated with the particular ports do not
get the packets we send (and therefore have no chance to react to them). That is, we
have to bypass the Internet daemons and give our tool the total control over the packet
Of course, the firewall testing tool will correctly log the unexpected packets but we do
not want to put risk on the reliability of the results by struggling with dozens of unknown packets. Furthermore, the unknown packets may bring the firewall into a fuzzy
or unexpected state and therefore falsify the test proceeding. Assume a SYN packet is
sent from alice to bob via the firewall eve. The reaction of the application at bob’s destination port may be to reset the connection whereas the reaction of the firewall testing
tool is to establish the connection. Hence, the daemon sends a RST packet and our tool
injects a SYN,ACK packet. The firewall first resets the connection and then gets a packet
signalling the establishment of a connection. A stateful firewall will be confused since
it does not expect this packet after resetting the connection. This is an simple example
for a situation we want to avoid.
So we have to keep the packets away from the application layer. The way we proceed
is to discard the packets before they reach the applications. This has to be done in the
Linux kernel before the packets reach the user-space. There are several places to get rid
of the packets in the kernel. We want to discard the packets as early as possible in the
network stack.
The crucial question is whether the firewall testing tool can discard the packets or do
we have to make use of other tools to drop them. We will see that the firewall testing
6.3 Virtual Machines Configuration
tool is not able to keep the packets away from the applications but we introduce an
elegant strategy to eliminate them.
To understand the different approaches, we describe the journey of a packet through
the Linux 2.4 network stack.
Harald Welte wrote a paper [Wel] concerning this topic. Gianluca Insolvibile deals with
the same issues in his excellent articles [Insc], [Insa] and [Insb].
Kernel 2.4.18 serves as reference since our testing hosts run with these kernel.
Whenever a network card detects an Ethernet frame whose MAC address matches
its local address or a broadcast address, it starts reading the packet into memory. After completing packet reception, the network card generates an interrupt request. The
interrupt service routine that handles the request is the network card driver itself.
It fetches the packet data from the card buffer into an allocated buffer and invokes
( " -! , the generic network reception handler. It puts the packet structure into the
incoming packet queue and marks the $+ softirq. If the queue is full, the packet
is discarded and lost forever. Softirqs are kernel software interrupts that are processed
by the kernel when requested (without a strict response-time guarantee). They are pro
cessed in the $ !$'
routine which is called either when a hardware interrupt
has been executed, when an application-level process invokes a system call or when
a new process is scheduled for execution. Since these events take place quite often,
softirqs do not wait too long for execution.
$ " !' %
calls the ( -! (
routine. This function dequeues the packets
from the queue and runs through two lists of packet handlers, calling the relevant pro%
calls each protocol handler function regiscessing functions. That is, (-! -(
tered to handle the packet’s protocol type. The handling functions are registered either
at kernel startup time or when a particular socket type is created. The two lists are the
crucial point in the packet processing chain: The protocol handler associated with our
1. 10* + socket gets the packet as well as the packet handler of the daemon sockets
(and every other handling function that is interested in the packet). This handler invoca%
tion takes place right after packet reception (the packets dequeued by ( -! (
are enqueued by (
in the interrupt service routine). There are no filters before the packets are passed to the processing functions and hence there is no possibility
to prevent (-! -(
to hand them over to the handlers that pass the packets
to the listening daemons. The only way to keep them away from the other processing
" ! functions is to not invoke (
by modifying the network card driver. But this
is an inelegant, complex and dangerous operation since modifications in the sophisticated network driver code needs expert knowledge. Furthermore, changes have to be
performed for every network card driver in the testbed (and there may be different network interface cards).
Another idea is to register our own handling function at the first place in the list and to
discard the packets as soon as we processed them. In doing so, we end up crashing the
kernel since a NULL pointer will be dereferenced.
Let me make this point clear: There is no easy way to discard the packets before they
are handed over to the handling functions of the daemon sockets.
Not preventing that the packets are passed to the other packet handlers does not mean
6.4 NTP Server
that is impossible to discard the packets before they are delivered to the applications.
On it’s way to user-space, there are a number of Netfilter hooks the packets have to
pass. Netfilter is a subsystem in the Linux 2.4 kernel. It makes such network tricks
as packet filtering, network address translation (NAT) and connection tracking possible. We focus on the filtering features as we want to attach filters to the Netfilter
hooks that drop the packets before they enter user-land. Netfilter provides five hooks
for IPv4 in the network stack (Table 4). The Netfilter hooks can be modified in userHook
$. 1 1 $. 1 0
$. 1 0
$. 1
$. 1 1 + 2+$4
. $0 2$+
After sanity checks, before routing decision.
After routing decision; incoming packets of local host.
Packets destined for other host.
Outgoing packets of local host.
Just before outgoing packets are written to wire.
Table 4: Netfilter hooks
% 3# *
% 3# *
space with the command. There are corresponding chains: 12+
(links to . 1 0 ), . 0 (links to . 1 0 . 0 ), 2$+12+ (links to
. 1 0 2$+ ), 1 2$+/4 (links to . 1 1 2+4 ) and 1 + 2+4 (links
to $. 1 1 + 2$+/4 ). Filters can be attached to these chains and therefore to the associated Netfilter hooks. As a consequence, the packets that match the filter conditions
may be discarded in the network stack before they are passed to the listening daemons.
The 1. 10$ + socket we use in libpcap (and therefore in our firewall testing tool) is
not affected by the Netfilter hooks. They are all part of the ordinary packet processing
chain. The 1. 10* + socket family bypasses the network stack and therefore avoids
the Netfilter hooks.
Thus, there is an elegant way to get rid of the packets: before we start a test run, we set
the default policy of the $12+ chain to 1 . That is, every packet destined to the testing host will be dropped in the network stack and therefore never reaches the listening
Internet daemon.
In other words, whereas the Internet daemons never see the packets because we discard
them in the Netfilter hooks, the firewall testing tool gets them all. This is exactly what
we are looking for.
6.4. NTP Server
As we pointed out in section 4, time synchronization is a major issue in firewall testing.
Reliable testing is only possible if we maintain a proper time synchronization mechanism. Our test protocol heavily relies on starting times and time intervals. If we do not
care about exact time synchronization, performing tests is worthless.
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) [Pro] provides an opportunity to synchronize the
clocks of computers to some time reference. NTP is an Internet standard protocol originally developed by Professor David L. Mills and specified in RFC 778. NTP uses UTC
(Universal Time Coordinated) as reference time. The protocol needs some reference
6.4 NTP Server
clock that defines the true time to operate. All clocks are set towards that true time.
NTP will not just make all systems agree on some time, but will make them agree upon
the true time as defined by some standard. NTP is a fault-tolerant protocol that will automatically select the best of several available time sources to synchronize to. Multiple
candidates can be combined to minimize the accumulated error.
NTP provides an accuracy of ±200 µsec (times can vary depending upon contention)
which is far enough for our purposes since we deal with intervals of 1 second.
In our test environment, the Router serves as NTP server for eve which acts as NTP
server for alice and bob. The virtual machines run a NTP client (version 4). Alice and
bob adapt their time according to their server eve which adjusts its time according to
the router.
7. Results
In this section, we discuss the results of a sample test run.
We do not perform firewall testing but tool testing. That is, we do not want to know
whether the firewall in our test environment works correctly but we want to know
whether our tool works as intended. The firewall in the sample network is considered
to be perfect whereas our tool is considered to be at fault. We prove correctness of the
program by performing tests in the test environment and demonstrate that the tool
provides the expected results. If our program passes the tests, we are sure that it works
and therefore can be applied to real firewall testing scenarios. In other words, by testing
our program we demonstrate that the tool is appropriate to test firewalls. Testing the
tool we developed completes our works.
After all, it is not the subject of this Diploma Thesis to perform firewall testing but to
implement a tool that simplifies and automatizes this task.
7.1. Checklist
The following features of the testing tool are evaluated:
1. Building the schedule
2. Packet crafting (Send events, ARP replies, Ethernet addressing)
3. Packet injection
4. Packet capture and enqueuing into the receive queue
5. Packet analysis
6. Logging the abnormalities
Besides the fundamental tasks (shaping, injection, capture, analysis, logging) we are
particularly interested in the ARP replies that the testing host has to generate whenever an ARP request concerning its network arrives as well as the Ethernet addressing
(i.e. proper source and destination MAC addresses of the crafted packets). This is a
problem because the testing host builds the packets for the entire network. Therefore,
most of the time the source MAC address in the Ethernet header of a shaped packet
does not correspond to the hardware address of the testing host but holds the MAC address of the source host. Furthermore, the destination MAC address has to be set to the
hardware address of the appropriate gateway that forwards the packet. Thus, the destination hardware address of the packet does not relate to the destination IP address.
In other words, the source IP and MAC addresses of a crafted packet may not match
the IP and MAC addresses of the testing host and the destination MAC address of the
packet may not correspond to the hardware address of the destination host. We have to
take care when specifying the Ethernet header.
It is essential to check whether the fundamental mechanisms listed above work reliably.
This is what we do when performing tool testing.
7.2 Sources of Information
7.2. Sources of Information
There are three sources of information we make use of when analyzing the results:
• Debugging information
We implemented functions to print
– the current receive queue
– the header fields of a packet when it is captured
– the status of a packet in the analysis
– the schedule
This debugging information allows us to trace program execution. We can manually check the control flow of the application, print information about lists, packets, queues and therefore reveal bugs and sophisticated errors. The debugging
output provides the most valuable information since we can look behind the
scenes and understand the internals of the program.
• Log file
The logging functions are called in the packet analysis phase. Whenever a packet
is identified as false positive or false negative, the corresponding logging function
is invoked and a log entry is written. Therefore, the log file is a side effect of the
program execution and simply visualizes the irregularities of a test run.
• Tcpdump:
Tcpdump is a network security tool that dumps the traffic on a network segment.
We run tcpdump on the firewall interfaces adjacent to the testing hosts and monitor the passed and dropped packets. We log the packet headers and therefore
detect when the firewall modifies the Ethernet frames. We can prove that the ARP
requests are answered and the Ethernet source and destination MAC addresses
are set correctly.
Tcpdump is a powerful tool to analyze the packet flow. It spots problems in packet
crafting, firewall rules, ARP packet handling and Ethernet addressing.
7.3. Test Settings
In the testing phase of the Diploma Thesis, we have run a number of tests in the test
environment we introduced in section 6. The packets have been crafted, injected, captured, analyzed and logged. We have met and eliminated some problems and fixed
some bugs. The program now works properly and produces reliable results.
It would be an overkill to present here the outcome of all the tests including dozens
of packets and log entries. Instead, we consider a simple test scenario. Based on it we
demonstrate how testing was performed, how the results look like and how they are
Our test includes two TCP connections that are established and immediately terminated. Establishing the first connection will succeed: the firewall accepts the related
7.3 Test Settings
packets. The second attempt will fail because the firewall blocks the packets.
Keep in mind that every packet is either passed or dropped by the firewall. According
, ) specified in the test packets file and the actual outcome,
to the expectation ( , the testing tool classifies the packets either as (1) true positive, (2) true negative, (3)
false positive or (4) false negative. Knowing the configuration of the firewall (i.e. the
firewall rules) and defining the expectations for the packets appropriately, we are able
to cover these four states. In other words, we simulate all states by only establishing
and shutting down two TCP connections.
SYN k, ACK j+1
ACK k+1
FIN j+1, ACK k+1
ACK j+2
FIN k+1, ACK j+2
ACK k+2
Figure 6: Establish and terminate a TCP connection
SYN k, ACK j+1
ACK k+1
RST j+1
Figure 7: Establish and abort a TCP connection
It takes three packets to establish a connection (three-way handshake) and four packets
to terminate a connection (figure 6). To reduce the number of packets, we do not terminate but abort the connection by sending a single RST packet from the client to the
server. (figure 7). As a consequence, we cut down the number of packets to establish
and abort a connection from seven to four which is a total of eight packets for two TCP
connections. Abortion instead of termination saves packets and clarifies testing for the
reader since we deal with fewer packets.
7.3 Test Settings
7.3.1. Test Environment Revisited
Figure 8: Test environment
The test environment is depicted in figure 8.
Alice listens at ( The packets crafted by alice are all destined to a host
in bob’s network and therefore will be sent to the default gateway ( The
firewall will then apply the firewall rules to the packets and forward those to bob’s
network that pass the test.
The same assumptions hold for bob. Bob listens at ( and sends the
shaped packets to its default gateway ( where they are checked against the
firewall rules and depending on the outcome dropped or forwarded to alice’s network.
To make testing more exciting, the packets are not destined to existing hosts (i.e. the
testing hosts) but to non-existing hosts that are part of the network the testing hosts
represent. That is, the packets crafted by alice are sent to the fictitious host
(bob’s ghost) in bob’s network. The packets generated by bob are sent to the fictitious
host (alice’s ghost) in alice’s network.
Note that the hosts do not have to be available to participate testing. The testing hosts
do the work for all the hosts in their network. It is even better when the hosts are not
present because we do not have to worry about unexpected reactions and replying
packets sent out by the receiving hosts. To make this point clear: the testing hosts act as
proxies for the (potentially inexistent) hosts in their network. They perform all testing.
Because they run in promiscuous mode, they capture every packet and are able to react
to all kinds of requests. The testing hosts shape the packets and set the source and
destination IP addresses as well as the hardware addresses as if they were the source
host. For the default gateway it is impossible to determine whether the source host or
the testing host has crafted a packet. This is exactly what we are looking for. We want
the testing host to be a proxy for the entire network. This includes that the packets
created by the testing host are indistinguishable from the packets built by other hosts
in the network.
7.3.2. TCP Connections
A TCP connection is defined by four parameters: the source and destination IPs and the
source and destination ports.
7.3 Test Settings
The two connections we try to establish both link (alice’s ghost) and (bob’s ghost). First, alice’s ghost connects to bob’s ghost from port 1025
to port 25 (smtp). This attempt will succeed since the firewall accepts the packets. The
connection is aborted and bob’s ghost tries to connect from port 1025 to alice’s ghost at
port 25. This attempt will fail because the firewall drops the packets.
To recapitulate: packets from alice’s ghost port 1025 to bob’s ghost port 25 are allowed
whereas packets from bob’s ghost port 1025 to alice’s ghost port 25 are blocked.
7.3.3. Firewall Rules
We use Linux’s administration tool iptables to perform packet filtering. Listing 9 presents
Figure 9: Firewall rules
the firewall rules accepting the connection from alice’s ghost to bob’s ghost port 25.
The rules indicate that all packets are dropped that are not part of a connection from
alice’s ghost to bob’s ghost port 25. As a consequence, a connection attempt from bob’s
ghost to alice’s ghost will fail. This is an example for a “default deny” policy. Reject
everything that is not explicitly allowed.
For those who are not familiar with iptables I briefly explain what the iptables rules
cause (for an iptables crash course check out [Net]).
Iptables consists of an INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD chain. Every firewall rule we
define is associated with one of these chains. Suppose we have a host running iptables,
packets that are destined to the host pass the INPUT control point, packets that are sent
out by the host pass the OUTPUT control point and packets that are forwarded by the
host pass the FORWARD control point. Each packet passing an iptables control point
is checked against the associated firewall rules. The rules decide whether a packet is
dropped or accepted. Because our packets may be forwarded, we append our firewall
rules to the FORWARD chain to control the packet flow.
We explain the impact of the firewall rules line-by-line:
% *# $
Flush all chains
% *# $
Delete the user-defined chains.
% *# $
7.3 Test Settings
Set the policy of the input chain to 1 . All packets destined to the firewall (i.e.
the destination IP address of a packet matches a firewall interface) are dropped.
% *# *
2$+12$+ 1
Set the policy of the output chain to 1 . All the packets sent by the firewall (i.e.
the source IP address of a packet matches a firewall interface) are dropped.
% *# *
1 . 0 1
Set the policy of the forward chain to 1 . All packets related to our our test
pass this hook. The input and output chains are irrelevant for our considerations
because the packets are never checked against these chains. The only chain that
matters is the forward chain.
The default policy only comes into play if no more specific rule matches. The
following rules replace the default forward policy ( 1 ) for packets sent out from
alice’s ghost to bob’s ghost.
0 . 0 0$1+
Accept the SYN packets from alice’s ghost to bob’s ghost port 25.
% *# *
-! (
% % 0+$ 0 . 0 *-+0/--$ 0*1+
Accept all the packets associated with an existing TCP connection. In terms of iptables, a TCP connection is established as soon as a SYN,ACK packet (answering
a SYN packet) is captured. Every following packet related to this connection is
accepted by iptables. In other words, the previous rule accepts the SYN packet
and this rule accepts all the other packets associated with the TCP connection.
% *# *
0 $12+
This rule accepts packets to the loopback interface but it has no practical implications for this test run.
% *# *
The key issue herein is to understand that these firewall rules only accept packets that
correspond to a connection from alice’s ghost to bob’s ghost port 25.
This “default deny” policy (i.e. drop everything by default and selectively open ports)
has the advantage that iptables only accepts packets that are explicitly allowed and we
do not run into trouble when forgetting to close some ports.
Applied to our test run, the firewall rules accept the first connection attempt. Anything
else will be dropped.
Table 5 presents the packets we inject. For each packet, we specify the time to send,
a unique identification number, the source IP and source port, the destination IP and
destination port, the flags, the sequence number, the acknowledgment number and the
expectation. This is exactly what is specified in the test packets file.
As mentioned earlier in this section, the first four segments (corresponding to the first
TCP connection attempt) are accepted and the second four packets (corresponding to
the second TCP connection attempt) are dropped by the firewall.
7.3 Test Settings
Source IP:Port
Destination IP:Port
Table 5: Test packets to be injected
7.3.4. Log Entries
When packet analysis takes place, two different point of views come into play:
1. Expectation: Specification in the test packets file (i.e. a packet may be classified as
or ). It represents the assessment of the examiner.
2. Outcome: What really happens to the packet.
The outcome is the actual result whereas the expectation shows what the author of the
test packets file suggests will happen. Based on these perceptions, the packet can be
divided into four categories. Table 6 shows how the packets are classified. If we expect
a packet to
1. be discarded and it is blocked indeed, the packet is classified as true positive (TP).
2. be accepted and it is dropped instead, the packet is classified as false positive (FP).
3. be discarded and it is passed instead, the packet is classified as false negative
4. be accepted and it is passed indeed, the packet is classified as true negative (TN).
drop accept
Table 6: Packet classification
Table 7 illustrates in which states our test packets may end up based on the expectation
and the actual outcome. False negatives and false positives provoke entries in the log
file. Thanks to the clever specification of the expectations we cover all states: The first
two packets are true negatives, packets 3 and 4 are false negatives, packets 5 and 6 are
true positives and the last two packets are false positives.
7.4 Test Run Analysis
Table 7: States of test packets
7.4. Test Run Analysis
We run through the checklist and evaluate the listed features. After starting the program, the initialization phase is executed. The test packets file is parsed and the schedule is built. Every packet is split in two events: a send event at the source host and a
receive event at the destination host. The send events have to be scheduled at the timestamps the test packets file suggests whereas the receive events have to be postponed by
the timeout interval. The reason for this lies in the fact that it takes some time for the
packet to reach the destination host and therefore we wait a given time interval before
we check for a packet in the receive queue of the destination host. The timeout interval
is one second.
# & #
( (
& *
&# & &#
!" !" % $
" !" $
" % $" $" $" % $
" !" !" $
" !" $" % !" $" Figure 10: Schedule of alice (left) and bob (right)
Table 10 presents the schedules of both testing hosts. You can see that the timestamps
of the send events (time in seconds) correspond to the timestamps in table 5 and the
receive events indeed are postponed by one second. Take the identification number
as a point of reference to associate the entries to those in table 10. We conclude that
building the schedule works correctly.
Now the tcpdump printouts come into play.
Table 11 and 12 hold the log files of the firewall interfaces adjacent to both testing hosts.
Every packet that is accepted and forwarded by the firewall will appear in both log files
whereas packets that are dropped by the firewall will only be listed in the log file of the
firewall interface adjacent to the sending host. That is, the log file of the firewall inter-
7.4 Test Run Analysis
& &
& & & & & & & & & & & & 7 RESULTS
& & && & && && % % !" % & & % % " % % !" % % % !" % ! % % " % &
" #" & &
$ %&
' "
( )
Figure 11: Tcpdump log file of firewall interface connected to alice
& & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & !
& & % % !" % % % " & % % !" % & % % !" % ! % !" % !" % !" ! * " #" & ), % -
& + %
& ! ' "
( )
Figure 12: Tcpdump log file of firewall interface connected to bob
face connected to alice detects all the packets injected by alice and those packets sent
out by bob that are not dropped. The same assumption holds for the other tcpdump log
Note that the firewall will create a new Ethernet header for every packet it forwards.
The source MAC address is set to the hardware address of the sending firewall interface
and the destination MAC address is set to the hardware address of the receiving host.
The Ethernet header is replaced by every host routing the packet.
Thus, before the firewall forwards a packet that has been accepted, it has to know the
hardware address of the destination host to be able to set the correct destination MAC
address in the Ethernet header. The firewall will send an ARP request asking for the
hardware address of the destination host. In our test scenario, the host will not answer
because it does not exist. Nevertheless, the testing tool crafts and injects an ARP reply
containing the fictitious hardware address of the fictitious host. Based on the log entries, we check whether the ARP requests are answered and if the Ethernet source and
destination addresses are correctly set by the testing host.
As you can see in table 11 and 12, the ARP requests are answered: the Ethernet source
address is set to a fictitious hardware address (48 bits) consisting of the IP address (32
bits) and (16 bits). By incorporating the IP address, we are sure that the hard%
ware address is unique. For example, alice’s ghost’s hardware address is .
corresponds to the IP address and completes the MAC address.
Furthermore, the destination hardware address is set to the MAC address of the default
7.4 Test Run Analysis
gateway. For example, the hardware address of alice’s default gateway is .
You can see that every packet injected by alice has an Ethernet header with this destination MAC address.
We watch the packets that should be blocked by the firewall. They are all sent by bob
and appear in the listings at the associated firewall interface ( ). But they do not
appear in the log file of . This is what we expect. The packets are dropped by the
Checking the timestamps of the log entries shows that the synchronization works as
intended (the precision ranges within a tenth of a second). We have to deal with three
time measurements in this test scenario: the system times of (1) the firewall, (2) alice
and (3) bob. The tcpdump log file rely on (1). If we assume that the crafted packets are
sent out by alice and bob exactly at the specified point in time, we are able to correlate
(2) and (3). We use the tcpdump printouts as a frame of reference. Suppose alice injects
its packets too early (relatively to (1)) whereas bob injects its packets too late (relatively
to (1)), we know that alice sends its packets earlier than bob, bob’s system time is too
late compared to alice and therefore bob receives alice’s packets too early. On the other
hand, alice captures bob’s packets too late. Never mind. Packets that are sent too early
are no problem (thanks to our early bird detection mechanism) as well as packets that
are injected a split second too late (thanks to our timeout interval).
We explained earlier in this section that the debugging information is the most important source of information but in our analysis we foremost made use of the tcpdump
log files. Debugging information is important when we debug the program. When the
program works properly, it is the logging information we are interesting in. As the
debugging phase is completed, the tcpdump files are now the primary source of information.
At last, we concentrate on the log files generated by the testing tool. The log files only
hold the irregularities: False positives and false negatives.
& (
Figure 13: Log file of alice (left) and bob (right)
Listing 13 presents the log files of the testing hosts and we notice that the irregularities
) in the first
are logged as described in table 7: the packets we expect to be dropped (
connection attempt result in false negatives whereas the packets we expect to arrive
( ) in the second connection attempt cause false positives.
For those we know, the identification number is logged instead of the header fields. As
you can see, we know all the packets.
This simple test analysis shows that the firewall testing tool we implemented produces
reliable results. We have run a number of more complex test cases and the testing tool
managed them all.
8. Multiple Firewall Scenario
So far, we focused on single firewall scenarios. But large networks include many firewalls. We have to deal with these more sophisticated set-ups.
This section provides food for thought concerning multiple firewall test scenarios.
We try to answer the following questions:
• What problems emerge when testing networks with multiple firewalls?
• How can we solve these problems?
• How has the testing tool to be modified and extended to be applicable to multiple
firewall scenarios?
The problems considering multiple firewall scenarios are manifold. Introducing more
firewalls means more hurdles to cross, more degrees of freedom and more complexity.
We did not have the time to analyze the entire topic in-depth and to find solutions for
each problem we encountered. To delve into all the difficulties and to address all the
problems is a time-consuming task.
In this section, we want to shed light on the fundamental issues of multiple firewall
testing and provide some ideas and approaches to get rid of them.
8.1. Fundamentals
To make clear statements, we need clear terms and rules:
1. An entity in a test environment is either a host or a firewall.
2. Testing hosts are special hosts running the testing tool.
3. Hubs, Bridges and Switches are special hosts forwarding packets.
4. Routers are special firewalls routing packets but performing no filtering.
5. The networks are connected by firewalls and routers.
6. Hosts send, receive or forward packets.
7. Malicious hosts or firewalls may drop, modify or duplicate arbitrary packets.
8. Firewalls apply their firewall rules to every packet they get and accept or drop
the packets based on these rules.
9. A test environment consists of at least three elements: A firewall and two testing
hosts (as proposed in section 6).
10. A testing host represents an entire network. Hence, a test environment includes
at least two networks.
8.2 Topology
11. It is forbidden to modify the testing network. For example, putting a testing host
into the network for testing purposes as well as removing machines or changing
the configuration of a host is not allowed.
12. It is allowed to select a set of hosts in a network as testing hosts.
13. It is allowed to run passive monitoring tools (e.g. tcpdump) that just capture the
packets but do not modify them.
14. Firewalls (e.g. ordinary firewalls, routers) are part of multiple networks: They
connect two or more networks. As a consequence, firewalls have at least two interfaces adjacent to two or more distinct networks.
15. Hosts (e.g. ordinary hosts, testing hosts, hubs, switches, bridges) are part of a
single network.
16. For every firewall interface adjacent to a network, a testing host has to be specified
to monitor the firewall interface.
17. A firewall interface is covered by exactly one testing host interface.
18. A testing host interface may cover more than one firewall interface.
8.2. Topology
We concentrate on Ethernet networks. Other network types such as token rings, ATM,
X.21 or V.35 are not considered.
A network is an accumulation of hosts and firewalls that form a topology. Figures 14,
15, 16, 17 present well known topologies: (1) the linear bus, (2) the star, (3) the tree
(combination of (1) and (2)) and (4) the patchwork topology (combination of (1)-(3)).
The patchwork topology may involve cycles: packets are routed in cycles and are never
delivered. We explicitly allow cycles because more complex networks that grow over
years often are a loose arrangement of network segments where configuration errors
may lead to these kinds of artifacts.
8.3. Changing the Perspective
8.3.1. 1 Firewall Scenario Revisited
Life is easy in a simple test environment such as the one we presented in section 6:
Packets are exchanged between two testing hosts via a dedicated firewall. The firewall
testing tool is running on both testing hosts. Every packet injected by a testing host
reaches the corresponding firewall interface and is dropped or forwarded by the firewall (according to the firewall rules). We watch the firewall interface using tcpdump
and are able to detect the packets and to spot the irregularities.
Assuming that there are no hardware failures (e.g. corrupted cables or network cards)
8.3 Changing the Perspective
Figure 14: Star topology
Figure 15: Linear bus topology
Figure 16: Tree topology
Figure 17: Patchwork topology
there is only one source of error: the firewall. A malicious firewall may modify or duplicate arbitrary packets, a badly configured firewall may drop or accept the wrong
packets. As we run virtual machines and make use of virtual networks in our test environment, we do not have to bother with hardware problems and focus on the firewall
and the firewall rules when facing problems.
The tcpdump log files we introduced in section 7.2 empowers the tester to uncover
how the packets are handled by the firewall. If a packet is logged by two interfaces,
it is forwarded. Furthermore, the timestamps indicate the direction of the packet (they
both rely on the same system time). If a packet is only logged by a single interface, it is
captured and dropped by the firewall. If a packet is logged in one log file, an unknown
packet is logged by the other interface a few microseconds later and no other packet is
logged within this period, the packet is either modified or a packet from the destination
network hits the network interface. We are able to distinguish these events by watching
8.3 Changing the Perspective
the Ethernet source hardware address: If the source MAC address corresponds to the
firewall interface, the packet is generated by the firewall and therefore holds a modified
packet. Otherwise, a new packet enters the scene. If a single packet reaches the firewall
but multiple log entries concerning this packet appear in the other log file, a packet is
duplicated. As you can see, the tcpdump log files point out fundamental phenomena:
accept, drop, modification, duplication.
8.3.2. Increasing Complexity
In larger networks, a packet will not only pass one but many firewalls or hosts that may
forward, drop, modify, route or duplicate the packet. The outcome remains the same:
the packet either reaches its destination or not, but the number of options to achieve
this result increases. A packet is accepted or dropped by every machine dealing with it.
We define a hop as one portion of the path between source and destination. If a packet
uses n hops to reach its destination, there are n − 1 machines (firewalls and hosts) forwarding the packet. The sending and receiving end are excluded as these are the testing hosts in contrast to the firewalls and hosts handling the packet. The complexity
increases with the number of forwarding machines. Each of these machines may do
harm to the packet.
Figure 18 illustrates the situation: In a 1-firewall scenario, the firewall accepts or drops
the packet (2 options). In a n-firewall scenario, there are n + 1 ways to proceed (where n
is the number of forwarding machines). At each machine, the packet is either accepted
or dropped. If it is accepted, the journey continues; otherwise the journey ends. You
have two possibilities at every machine and n + 1 paths altogether. The complexity increases from O(1) (constant) for a 1-firewall scenario to O(n) (linear) for a n-firewall
scenario. Not included herein are duplicated packets (because they are unlikely). Packets may be duplicated by the firewalls and hosts on their way through the networks.
The situation is even worse if we would take these duplicates into account.
8.3.3. Side Effects
More complexity due to many firewalls and hosts is just one aspect of the problem.
There are the packets that reach their destination host and provoke replying packets
we do not expect. If there are multiple hosts linked to a network segment, we cannot
keep the packets away from their destination host. This may provoke reactions we cannot control. Due to the principle of not changing the network configuration (as defined
in 8.1), it is not allowed to specify firewall rules that drop these packets. Such operations
may change the characteristic of the network and therefore put at risk the reliability of
the test results. We are just allowed to passively monitor the network and to inject our
test packets, it is forbidden to actively drop or reject packets. Since we are not able to
keep the packets away from their destination, we cannot prevent replying packets. We
will come back to this later.
In our test environment (introduced in section 6), we monitored the firewall interfaces
with tcpdump. If we test hardware firewalls (e.g. Checkpoint, Cisco) that run their own
8.3 Changing the Perspective
Figure 18: 1-firewall scenario (left) and 3-firewall scenario (right)
operating system, we have no chance to control the packet flow at the firewall interfaces. Apart from that, the administrative effort to supervise every firewall interface
would be overwhelming. Tcpdump printouts as a source of information are obsolete.
In a 1-firewall scenario, the receiving host determines whether an irregularity has occurred or not: If the receiving end expects a packet but it does not arrive, a false positive
is logged and if it expects a packet to be dropped but the packet arrives, a false negative is noted. The decision whether a test packet fulfills the assumption depends on the
assessment of a single testing host. Assume a n-firewall scenario where the destination
address of a packet is modified by a firewall. The packet does not reach the intended
host but another machine. If the packet is expected to be dropped, the original receiving
host will not detect the problem because the packet does not arrive. From its point of
view, everything is okay. The testing host that captures the unexpected packet evaluates
the situation differently since it gets a packet it does not expect. Whereas the original
testing host has no chance to get rid of the problem, a foremost non involved testing
host evaluates the situation correctly.
In contrast to the 1-firewall scenario, we have to deal with many perspectives in the
n-firewall scenario. We cannot just concentrate on the opinion of one party to evaluate
the situation. We have to delve into a more complex multi-party analysis. Whereas the
assessment of a single host suffices to solve the problem in a 1-firewall scenario, we
have to take into account the opinions of many hosts in a n-firewall scenario.
Facing these issues, we somehow have to reduce the complexity. We have to separate
the problems to get rid of them.
Keep in mind that we want to perform firewall testing and we have a working solution
for the 1-firewall scenario. The idea now is to break down the n-firewall problem to
8.4 Testing Host Selection
n 1-firewall problems. That is, we try to discretize the problem space to end up with
something we already know.
Our approach looks as follows: We first establish n 1-firewall situations and then solve
some obvious problems related to this new scenario.
8.4. Testing Host Selection
A test environment is a bunch of hosts and firewalls arranged in a number of segments
and networks. Before we test the firewalls, we first have to select a number of testing
hosts that run the testing tool and perform the firewall testing. Two preconditions have
to be fulfilled: The testing hosts must be able to run the testing tool (i.e. are Linux boxes)
and we want the number of testing hosts to be minimal (to reduce the administrative
This section presents an algorithm to identify a set of testing hosts not far away from
the optimal set.
8.4.1. Task
Suppose we have a firewall and two hosts that are connected to the same network segment (figure 19). The question arises which host should be selected to serve as testing
Figure 19: Multiple hosts covering a single firewall interface
host. If there is only one host directly connected to the firewall (figure 20), this is the
one. But if there are multiple hosts at the same link as the firewall interface, we run into
problems. Which of them is appropriate to serve as testing host?
Coming back to the 1-firewall scenario, there are two testing hosts: One immediately
before and the other immediately behind the firewall. “Immediately” here means that
the testing host interfaces and the firewall interfaces share the same link. A link is a network segment that connects at least two interfaces. In more abstract words: A link is a
set of interfaces with at least two elements. Every interface is connected to a link. Every
host has at least one interface. Every firewall has at least two interfaces (otherwise it is
8.4 Testing Host Selection
not able to connect two networks).
Each firewall interface in the 1-firewall scenario is covered by a testing host interface.
Covering means that the firewall and testing host interfaces are connected to the same
link (i.e. they share the same link). To achieve our goal and to establish a 1-firewall scenario for each firewall, we have to select hosts that cover the firewall interfaces.
The links that include a firewall interface are called firewall links. We are interested in
hosts with interfaces associated to firewall links because these hosts (1) cover the firewall interfaces and (2) will capture all the packets that enter or leave the firewall (i.e.
packets that are sent or received by the firewall) when running in promiscuous mode.
This is what we want: a testing host has to grab all the packets that are sent to or from
the firewall interface. Therefore, all hosts with interfaces connected to the firewall links
are potential testing hosts.
A single host may cover more than one firewall interface (figure 20), even a single interface may cover more than one firewall interface (figure 21) but every firewall interface has to be covered by exactly one testing host. Keep in mind that a network may
have more than one entry point and thus more than one adjacent firewall interface. The
question now is how to select a minimal number of testing hosts. Running the firewall
testing tool on minimal number of machines reduces the administrative effort.
Figure 20: Network where firewall interfaces are directly connected to a network host
Figure 21: A single interface covering two firewall interfaces
8.4 Testing Host Selection
8.4.2. Solution Approach
We recapitulate the fundamental findings of the previous section: Every interface is associated with exactly one link. A link connects two or more interfaces. Each host has at
least one interface.
For every host, we determine the set of firewall links the host is connected to. Starting from the set of interfaces, we derive the set of links and identify the firewall links
therein. In other words, for every host, we build the set of those links that connect a
firewall interface and a host interface.
The task is now to select the minimal set of hosts whose firewall link sets cover all firewall links. These hosts become the testing hosts.
By covering all the firewall links, each firewall interface shares a link with a testing host.
As a consequence, the 1-firewall scenario is established for every firewall in the test environment and our goal to replace the n-firewall scenario by n 1-firewall scenarios is
We need an efficient algorithm to pick a minimal set of hosts covering all firewall interfaces. The following greedy algorithm solves the problem:
1. Select the set of firewall links that covers the maximal number of uncovered links.
2. Add the corresponding host to the solution and reduce the set of uncovered links
by those elements that are covered by the newly selected host.
3. If the set of uncovered links is not empty go to (1).
To make sure that the algorithm guarantees good results, we have to know its approximation quality. Most of the time it is a non-trivial task to prove this ratio for a greedy
algorithm. But we are lucky and have found a more elegant way to get rid of the challenge: we reduce our problem to the well known minimum set cover problem. An instance of the minimum set cover problem consists of a finite set X and a family F of
subsets of X such that every element of X belongs to at least one subset in F . Consider
the set of firewall links being the set X. The set of firewall links of a host is a subcollection of the set of firewall links (S ⊆ X). All these sets form the family F of subsets of X.
The minimum set cover problem is NP-complete but can be approximated in polynomial time within approximation factor 1 + log(n) where n = max S∈F {|S|}. That is, n is
the number of elements of the biggest subset in F . Thus, the approximation quality of
the greedy algorithm presented above is 1 + log(n).
By providing a solution for the testing host selection problem we are now able to specify those hosts in the networks that run the firewall testing tool.
We pick a testing host for every firewall interface and therewith restore the 1 firewall
scenario for every firewall.
8.4.3. Drawbacks
We have to state clearly that this greedy algorithm does not prevent us from elementary
problems listed earlier in this section. For example, if there are multiple hosts associ-
8.4 Testing Host Selection
ated with a firewall link, we are not able to keep the packets away from the non-testing
hosts. We cannot prevent the packets from getting captured by the other hosts sharing
the same firewall link or reaching the destination host. This may provoke replying packets from the receiving end we do not expect and cannot control. The only reasonable
solution (regarding the fact that we are not allowed to modify the topology of the network) is to specify firewall rules on each non-testing host dropping the packets before
they reach the application level. Unfortunately, this approach violates the fundamental
principle of not changing the network configuration. Furthermore, specifying firewall
rules for many hosts produces an enormous administrative overhead.
We have to deal with a trade-off: either we cope with unexpected packets affecting the
test runs or we modify the test environment and question the reliability of the test results.
From our point of view, it makes more sense to manage the unexpected packets than to
compromise the test results.
There are other problems. Suppose a firewall interface is not connected to a network
segment but to another firewall interface (figure 22). Trouble is near. We have no oppor-
Figure 22: Connected Firewalls
tunity to cover firewall interfaces connected to other firewall interfaces. There are no
hosts that share these firewall links (thick line in figure 22). Our fundamental assumption to cover every firewall interface with exactly one testing host is broken.
An idea to resolve the problem is to logically bypass the firewalls (i.e. to merge the firewalls into a single firewall). So if there are connected firewalls and routers, we regard
them as one entity. The problem is that it is difficult to transform this trick into reality.
But it is an appropriate abstraction for theoretical suggestions. In this section, we only
deal with firewall interfaces that are covered by a testing host.
This example proves that there are conceptual problems we cannot eliminate completely. Cutting down the problem does not mean that all troubles magically disappear.
There are no easy solutions for complex issues. Sometimes we have to balance reasons
and take the best solution although it is not perfect. This is the way how life goes.
When we deal with multiple firewalls in larger networks, the complexity in testing and
the degrees of freedom explode. After establishing 1-firewall scenarios in multi-firewall
networks and selecting the testing hosts, we realize that there are elementary problems
we cannot resolve.
8.5 Journey of a Packet
8.5. Journey of a Packet
In the previous section, we focussed on the testing hosts, now we concentrate on the
packets flowing through the network. We classify the packets and analyze the events
the packets are affected by.
There are three main questions related to packets in the test environment:
1. What types of packets are out there?
2. What may happen to them?
3. What are the implications of these events?
The journey of a packet starts at the source host and ends at the destination host. If
packets are injected for which no route to the destination host exists, they have no
chance to reach their destination. This is no problem since the packet will be dropped
as soon as the time-to-live field is 0. Therefore, undestined packets do not harm the
network. Figure 23 illustrates the situation: For every packet, a route exists (RT) or
does not exist (!RT). The exclamation mark stands for a negation. The routeable packets
(RT) either reach their destination (i.e. go from RT to A) or not (i.e. go from RT to !A)
depending on the firewalls on their path. Packets without a route (!RT) traverse the
network (LOOP) and are dropped at the latest when the time-to-live counter reaches 0
(TTL = 0). They never reach their destination and end up in !A.
We approach the questions listed above with an attack tree (figure 24). At every stage
of the tree, we partition the set of packets and therefore achieve a sophisticated classification.
Given the set of packets P, a packet is either a test packet T and therefore part of the test
run or an unexpected (“wild”) packet (!T) not foreseen in testing. The unexpected packets are not generated by the testing hosts but by the hosts or firewalls in the network.
When captured by the testing hosts, these packets lead to entries in the log files. They
are classified as false negatives; packets we do not expect. Test packets T that reach the
destination network but are supposed to be dropped are also logged as false negatives.
Although they may cause the same type of irregularity, it is not difficult to establish
a border between unforeseen packets and the well known test packets. Log entries of
test packets T include their identification number whereas a subcollection of the header
fields is logged when dealing with unknown packets. The problem is that sorting out
the unexpected packets is an administrative effort.
We follow for a moment the path of the wild packets (!T). They are divided into packets
that arrive (A) or are discarded (!A). If the unexpected packets do not reach the destination host (because they are blocked), they do not provoke an entry in the log file of
the destination testing host and everything is okay. This ideal situation dramatically
changes if the wild packets arrive at their destination host. The corresponding testing
host is not able to associate the packet with a receive event and therefore logs the packet
as false negative (i.e. a packet is delivered that should have been blocked).
After tracing the unknown packets, we focus on the subtree representing the life cycle
of a test packet (i.e. the left branch of the attack tree starting from T). The test packet tree
8.5 Journey of a Packet
! RT
Figure 23: Routing a packet
illustrates what can happen to a packet on its journey through the networks. A couple
of operations may take place. The packet may be
1. passed without being modified.
2. dropped.
3. modified.
4. duplicated.
Duplication means to produce a (theoretically infinite) number of copies. If a packet is
duplicated, operations (1)-(4) can be applied to every instance of the packet.
Considering the operations, a single packet may end up in 0 packets (if it is dropped),
1 packet (untouched or modified) or more than 1 packet (duplication).
The life of a packet is illustrated in figure 24 in a two-step presentation: A packet is either modified (M) or not (!M). Both kinds of packets (modified and untouched) either
arrive at the destination host (A) or not (!A). Based on the expectations, the untouched
packets (!M) may provoke log entries (if they arrive and should be dropped and viceversa).
Modified packets are handled differently. From a more abstract point of view, modified
8.5 Journey of a Packet
Figure 24: Life of a packet
packets are not one but two packets: The original packet (parent) dies as soon as it is
modified and a new packet (child) is born. That is, whenever a packet is modified, the
parent is virtually dropped and the child is created. We split modification into a drop
and a creation phase. This is just a trick to simplify the presentation but it makes sense
in that the child will be handled like an unknown packet by the destination host. No
matter how serious the manipulation is (even if only a single field in a packet header
is changed), the testing host has no chance to recover the original packet as we do not
perform some sort of pattern matching.
Coming back to figure 24, we see that a packet dies when it is modified (M) and a wild
packet is created instead (follow right branch from M to !T). The child is handled like
an ordinary unknown packet. The parent becomes a zombie (dotted line) and may still
influence testing in that the original destination testing host will log a false positive if
the parent is expected to arrive. Otherwise, the testing host classifies the parent as true
8.5 Journey of a Packet
positive (which is not logged). In this abstract world, modification means death of the
original packet and birth of a wild packet.
If the destination IP address of the parent is not affected by the modification, the child
will arrive at the same destination host as the zombie and therefore may lead to two
log entries: If the testing host expects the parent to arrive, it registers a false positive for
the missing parent and a false negative due to the unforeseen child.
Duplication of packets can be expressed in figure 24 by creating a wild packet (following the right branch from P to !T) whenever a packet is duplicated. That is, duplication
does not immediately affect the original packet (e.g. by putting it into another state)
but involves the creation of an unexpected packet. There is no correlation between the
original packet and its copies. The duplicates magically appear as wild packets when a
duplication takes place.
Set theory provides an alternative to classify the test packets. Figure 25 illustrates the
Figure 25: Partitioning the packets
situation: All packets belong to the set of packets P. We partition the set P in two distinct
subcollections: T, the set of test packets and P − T, the set of wild packets. Furthermore,
the set P can be divided into packets that are captured by a testing host C and those that
are not captured P − C. We partition the set of test packets T according to their expectation in three distinct subcollections: OK, NOK and ?. Wild packets are not categorized,
but implicitly they are classified as NOK since they should not arrive the destination
host. The set union T ∪ C represents all the packets that are sent or captured by testing
host. These are all the packets that may provoke log entries. Packets that are sent out
by non-testing hosts and are not captured (P − T − C) do not cause log entries.
According to the expectation, the packets in T remain in one of four final states: true
positive, true negative, false positive and false negative. The packets in C − T are classified as false negatives because the wild packets should be discarded but make it
8.6 Backtracking the Packets
through the network.
A modified packet is represented by two packets: The parent is in set T − R, the child
resides either in P − T − C (if the packet does not reach the destination host) or in C − T
(if the packet reaches the destination host).
Duplicates are regarded as unexpected packets and appear in P − T. If a duplicate is an
element of C, the log entry is generated.
All sets containing false positives (TOK − C) as well as all sets containing false negatives
(TNOK ∩ C and C − T) provoke log file entries whereas true positives and true negatives
indicate no problems and therefore cause no entries.
8.5.1. Drawbacks
We introduce two notations to represent the life cycle of a packet. Again, we face subtle
issues: Given two packets, we expect the first to be dropped and the second to arrive.
Strange things may happen: The first packet (to be accepted) is dropped whereas the
second packet (to be dropped) is transformed by a firewall into the first packet (to be
accepted). The modified packet reaches the destination host and everything is alright.
The destination host will not complain because it gets the packet it expects. This is
a special situation because we have a correct outcome but a wrong course of action.
Needless to say that it is difficult to identify such sophisticated errors. Probably, we
will never get rid of them. Due to the testing hosts, we just see which packets enter and
leave the firewall but do not know what happens inside. From our point of view, the
firewall is a black box and we have no chance to look behind the scenes. Because we are
only interested in the outcome, the transformation scenario described above and the
normal operating sequence are equivalent. As a consequence, if all testing hosts agree
with the result, we will not try to identify these kinds of failures.
In economics, risk is defined as
risk = probability of potential loss ∗ potential loss
In case of these subtle problems, the impact is low and the probability that something
happens is minimal. Therefore, the risk coming from them are negligible and we do not
8.6. Backtracking the Packets
After pointing out the problems a packet faces on its journey through the network, we
address these problems and identify the sources of error.
8.6.1. Problem
Whether we deal with 1-firewall scenarios or n-firewall scenarios, the problems remain
the same: the firewall testing tool logs two kinds of irregularities: (1) false positives and
(2) false negatives. These are the errors we cope with in each test environment. The
nature of the problem does not change, but an increasing number of firewalls make the
8.6 Backtracking the Packets
identification of the sources of an error more and more difficult. To attack the problems
and to find the failures, we have to answer the following questions:
1. False positives: Where are the packets blocked although they should have been
2. False negatives: Where are the packets accepted although they should have been
The question concerning false negatives is much more difficult to answer. If we want
to find out where a packet is blocked, we only have to trace the packet and identify the
firewall or host that discards the packet. But if we have to identify the machine that
without legal cause accepts a packet, things are more complicated. We distinguish two
situations: (1) we know which firewall should block the packet and (2) we do not know
the discarding firewall. The second scenario is more likely since most of the time, we
do not know the path of a packet and therefore have no idea which firewalls it passes.
In (1), we just have to follow the packet. If it is accepted by the specific firewall, there is
a problem in the firewall configuration: either the firewall rules are badly specified (i.e.
do not block the packet) or the firewall implementation is at fault (i.e. the firewall rules
indicate to block the packets but they do not). If the packet is redirected and does not
reach the firewall, not the firewall failed to block the packet but we failed to predict the
correct route. In (2) where we do not know the blocking firewall, our only chance is to
follow the packet and check for every firewall whether it should block the packet or not.
If there is a firewall that should drop the packet according to the firewall rules but does
not perform this task, we found a bogus firewall implementation. If there is no firewall
discarding the packet, we revealed a leak in our line of defense. We missed to configure our firewall system to drop the packet. Both findings are considerable breaches of
8.6.2. Solution Approach
In this section, we do not care about how to spot bogus firewall implementations or bad
firewall rules. Instead, we provide an approach to solve the underlying problem both
questions (where is the packet blocked or passed, respectively) suggest: How to follow
a packet in a complex test environment if we only have the testing hosts to control the
network? We develop a method to recover the path of a packet.
Keep in mind that the testing hosts are the only machines in the test environment we
can be sure to be able to run the firewall testing tool and passive monitoring applications (e.g. tcpdump). So only the testing hosts can collect information (i.e. capture
packets). In a worst case scenario, all the other machines do not provide the abilities
to accumulate valuable information (e.g. we cannot run tcpdump on the interfaces of a
Cisco Router or firewall). Nevertheless, to be able to trace a packet, we need information. Therefore we have to add a new feature to the firewall testing tool to provide this
information. That is, we do not just capture every packet and log the irregularities but
we log every packet that hits the interface. The testing tool runs in promiscuous mode
8.6 Backtracking the Packets
and thus is able to log all packets passing the wire. An alternative would be to not extend the testing tool but to simply run tcpdump on the testing host interface and let
tcpdump log the packets. Essentially, both approaches are equivalent. But as the testing
tool already captures all the packets, it would be easy to log them, too. It is pure overhead to force tcpdump to do the same job a second time. However, the new log files
(we call them “packet logs” in contrast to the ordinary “irregularity logs”) form the
basis of our computations. To evaluate the packet logs, we provide a new application:
the spider. Based on the log file entries, the spider follows the packets and reveals their
8.6.3. The Spider
Due to our effort in breaking down the n-firewall problem to n 1-firewall scenario, a
packet that enters and leaves a firewall (i.e. not being dropped or modified or duplicated and every firewall interface is covered by a testing host) will be captured and
logged by the testing hosts before and after the firewall. That is, for every firewall,
there will be two log file entries concerning a single packet.
A firewall may have more than two interfaces but a packet that is not duplicated or
dropped will only affect two of them when entering and leaving the firewall. Because
there are testing hosts associated with every firewall interface, there will be exactly two
entries in the log files in two of these testing hosts.
To make things easier to understand, we split packet tracing into two phases:
1. to phase: Refers to the log entry generated when a packet enters a firewall (i.e.
going to a firewall).
2. from phase: Refers to the log entry generated when a packet leaves a firewall (i.e.
coming from a firewall).
A packet traveling through the networks alternates between to and from phases: Starting from a testing host, the packet traverses the local network, enters the firewall (and
thereby is logged by a testing host), leaves the firewall (and thereby is logged by a
testing host), traverses the newly entered local network, enters a firewall, leaves the
firewall and so on until the packet arrives at the destination host or is dropped or modified. Whenever a packet leaves a local network, it enters a firewall and whenever a
packet leaves a firewall, it enters a local net. This assumption only holds if we merge
connected firewalls into a single firewall. Each of these transitions provokes a log entry
in the corresponding testing host. The to phase relates to the leaving network - entering
firewall transition whereas the from phase corresponds to the leaving firewall - entering
network crossover.
For every phase we have a log entry; the track of the packet.
Based on these considerations, we developed a simple two-phase algorithm that handles the problem of following a packet and therefore may serve as the backbone of a
spider implementation.
Before we start, we have to know
8.6 Backtracking the Packets
• the set of testing hosts for every local network.
• the testing host associated to each firewall interface.
The two-phase algorithm works as follows:
1. TO phase:
Identify the local net we are in and get the testing hosts of this network. Sort out
the entry in the log files concerning our packet. If there is no entry, the packet has
reached the destination host. If there is exactly one entry, we determine the destination MAC address in the Ethernet header. The hardware address corresponds
to the firewall interface (and therefore the firewall) the packet is sent to. Knowing the firewall, we go to (2). If there are multiple log file entries, the packet has
been duplicated within the local net. For each copy, we determine the firewall the
packet enters and go to (2).
2. FROM phase:
Identify the firewall we deal with and all the testing hosts associated with the
firewall interfaces. We also take into account the testing host which registered the
entering packet because a packet may enter and leave a firewall through the same
interface. We watch the log files of the testing hosts and sort out the entries concerning our packet. If there is no entry, the packet has been dropped (or modified)
by the firewall. If there is exactly one entry, the packet is forwarded to the local
network of the testing host and we enter this network and go to (1). If there is
more than one entry, the packet has been duplicated. We follow every duplicate
of the packet separately.
Figure 26 illustrates the algorithm. The two-phase strategy allows us to trace the packets
and to identify successful arrivals, drops and irregularities (such as unexpected drops,
modifications, duplications).
The source and destination IP addresses in the IP header of a packet define the sending
and receiving end. The source and destination MAC addresses in the Ethernet header
of a packet specify a hop (portion of path). Consecutive hops build the path of a packet.
In other words, the TCP and IP header define the packet, its origin and destination, but
the Ethernet headers specify the route.
We briefly mentioned duplication handling. If a packet is duplicated, we trace every
copy. Note that they probably take the same route and it is impossible to distinguish
them in the log files. We will not go further into this question.
If the packets and its copies take different paths, it is easier to supervise them. We create
multiple instances of the spider and trace the copies in parallel or follow them using a
breadth-first strategy with a single spider. That is, we reproduce the next step for each
copy and perform the step. We continue doing that until they are dropped or arrive at
the destination host. Instead of multiple spiders in parallel each tracing a single packet,
we have one spider tracing multiple packets in parallel.
The spider is a powerful tool when searching the sources of errors of irregularities (false
positives and false negatives). We have presented a two-phase algorithm tracing the
packets and therewith show how a spider may approach the problem.
8.7 Connecting Multiple Networks
Set of networks (N)
contains a single element n:
network of sending host
TO phase
elements n in N
get testing hosts
of n
check entries of
testing hosts
log files
No entry?
Define set of
associated firewalls
FROM phase
elements f in F
get firewall
get associated
testing hosts
search log files
No entry?
Set of networks
Figure 26: Backtracking a packet
8.7. Connecting Multiple Networks
We talked about finding the testing hosts, we shed light on the nature and life of the
packets, and we provided a method to trace the packets in the network. We transformed
an n-firewall scenario into n 1-firewall scenarios and realized that we suffer from the
8.7 Connecting Multiple Networks
same problems but struggle with the degrees of freedom that make everything more
complicated because the failures are difficult to locate. We introduced a simple algorithm to spot the origin of an error but did not solve all the associated problems.
We now concentrate on a subsidiary problem. Until now, we expected a firewall to connect exactly two networks. In reality, firewalls often connect more than two networks.
Figure 27 shows three networks that are connected by a firewall with three interfaces (a
so-called three way firewall) instead of three double-interfaced firewalls.
Figure 27: Traditional firewalls (left) versus three way firewall (right)
We want to know which approach is better and how a three way firewall affects our
backtracking algorithm.
The drawbacks with three interfaces are that
• the configuration of the three way firewall is more complex. We have to apply the
security policy that is distributed among three two way firewalls in a common
scenario (figure 27). Therefore, the firewall rules are more comprehensive and the
probability to make a mistake is more likely.
• one has to watch two adjacent networks for log entries when tracing a packet.
With only two interfaces, we just check the testing host covering the interface
where the packet did not enter but will leave (assuming that a packet is not sent
back to the same local network it came from).
On the other hand, there are some advantages of the three way firewall approach:
• Fewer firewalls are required. This means fewer potential sources of error (implementation bugs) and fewer testing effort is necessary.
• Fewer firewall interfaces (in figure 27: 3 instead of 6) involve fewer testing hosts
and less administrative overhead.
• Cycles are less likely because we save firewalls that could produce cycles. For
example, in figure 27 there is only one way to reach the destination network regarding the three way firewall (i.e. we have a tree structure) whereas there is a
cycle in the two way firewall scenario. Using three way firewalls does not guarantee that there are no cycles, but by connecting more than two networks, we
eliminate elementary cycles such as the one in figure 27.
8.7 Connecting Multiple Networks
The reduction of firewall interfaces and therefore of testing hosts (from 6 to 3 in figure 27, a decrease of 50%) is not always as impressive as this simple example suggests.
Some networks may only be loosely connected. For example, instead of connecting
three networks with three double-interfaced firewalls, one could only use two. We do
not demand for complete coverage (i.e. connecting each network with each other). A
network just has to be connected to at least another network.
Suppose we have a test environment consisting of at least three networks connected
by two way firewalls. Even if the networks are loosely connected (e.g. two firewalls
connect three networks) we can proof that fewer testing hosts are required when using three way firewalls. The prove is simple and works as follows: To connect three
networks with double-interfaced firewalls, we need at least two firewalls, four firewall
interfaces and four testing host interfaces (assuming that a single testing host interface
can cover multiple firewall interfaces). Or more general: To connect n networks, we
need at least n − 1 firewalls (arranged in a line). Given an arbitrary test environment
Figure 28: Three networks connected by three (left) or two (right) firewalls
consisting of at least three networks that are linked by two way firewalls, we select
three consecutive networks that are connected by either two or three firewalls (figure
28). There are always three consecutive networks in a test environment like the one described above.
We replace the firewalls by a single three way firewall. This is possible since a three way
firewall links three networks. As a consequence, we reduce the number of involved interfaces (and therefore the number of involved testing hosts) by at least one. This reduction is applicable to every test scenario including more than two networks. By the way,
it would make no sense to use a three way firewall in a test environment with only two
networks. The reduction changes for the better if a firewall connects even more than
three networks.
All in all, a first analysis shows that the advantages of three way firewalls outperform
the drawbacks. We need fewer firewalls and testing hosts which minimizes the administration and reduces the potential sources of error. From this point of view, it is clever
to use firewalls that connect more than two networks.
8.8 Multiple Entry Points
8.8. Multiple Entry Points
Another subsidiary problem concerns networks with more than one entry point. An entry point of a network is a firewall interface. Firewalls connect networks. Packets enter
or leave the network through firewall interfaces. As a consequence, the firewall interfaces build the entry points of a network. It is possible that a single testing host handles
multiple firewall interfaces (figure 29) and therefore detects packets concerning multiple entry points but this constellation is unlikely. Therefore, we assume for a moment
that multiple entry points are covered by multiple testing hosts (figure 30).
Figure 29: A testing host (TH) covers two firewalls (FW1 and FW2)
Figure 30: Two testing host (TH1 and TH2) cover two firewalls (FW1 and FW2)
Multiple entry points make testing more difficult. Suppose a packet that is destined to
a specific network. This network has two entry points and two distinct testing hosts
supervising the entry points. When entering the network, the packet passes exactly one
entry point and is captured by exactly one testing host before it reaches its destination.
The other testing host probably does not detect the packet (unless the packet is destined
8.8 Multiple Entry Points
Figure 31: Packet enters network at FW2. TH1 does not intercept the packet.
to an interface that shares the link with the other testing host; figure 31). Assume we
expect the packet being dropped. The testing host that captured the packet will log a
false negative whereas the “blind” testing host generates no log entry (because it does
not detect the packet; as expected). We end up in an inconsistent log state. Although
the testing hosts await the same packets, their log files differ.
An idea to resolve the problem is to partition the network among the testing hosts (i.e.
the testing hosts are responsible for a specific region). But the packets may further on
enter the network through the “wrong” firewall interface and are therefore captured by
the “wrong” testing host. We cannot force the packet enter the network according to
the partition we suggest. Thus, the partition approach does not eliminate but amplifies
the problem.
To keep things simple, we do not divide the network. Instead, every testing host is responsible for the entire network. After testing is performed, we adjust or balance the
log files.
The important point is the fact that at least one testing host in the network registers the
packets. Since all firewall interfaces are covered by a testing host, we guarantee that
every packet entering a network is captured by a testing host.
Not every testing host gets the packets it expects but at least one testing host captures
the packets. We somehow have to propagate this information. We cannot prevent the
testing hosts from generating wrong (from their point of view correct) log entries because they miss a packet, but we are able to gather the information after testing is finished.
8.8.1. Packet Balancing
If all the testing hosts intercept a packet, their state is consistent and we do not have
to bother. The same assumption holds for packets not reaching the network: no testing
host will detect them and thus the log entries will be consistent.
We run into trouble if a packet enters the network and some testing hosts register the
packet and others do not. The trick is that at least one testing host has detected the
packet if it reaches the destination network. In other words, we have to look for logging
8.8 Multiple Entry Points
entries that indicate the arrival of a packet. If we find such an entry, we know that the
packet has not been dropped on its way.
To get rid of the inconsistency problem, we introduce a superior log file (i.e. a meta-level
log file) that provides a consistent view of the test results in a network by incorporating
the log files of all the testing hosts.
If all testing hosts log a false positive (or false negative), the superior log file also logs a
false positive (or false negative).
¬ Receiver
Table 8: Log file entries for receivers and non-receivers of the packet
Table 8 illustrates the situation when a packet made it to the network. If we expect
a packet to arrive ( ) and at least one testing host does not log a false positive, the
packet indeed reached the network (the testing host that captured the packet classifies
the segment as true negative which is not logged). Since true negative is the correct
classification, the meta-level log file registers no entry.
) and at least one testing host logs a false
If we expect a packet to be dropped (
negative, then the packet reached the network and provokes this log entry. As a consequence, a false negative has to be inserted into the superior log file.
If the expectation of a packet is undefined ( ), we have to do nothing because the testing
hosts that detect the packet classified it as true negative. The testing hosts not detecting
the packets classified it as true positive. None of these classifications provokes an entry
in the log files.
The way to approach the problem is to focus on the testing hosts that capture a certain
packet. If we find a log entry indicating that the packet has been detected, the other log
files are wrong and the meta-level log file has to be adapted accordingly.
8.8.2. Send Events
All testing hosts in a local network await the packets destined to this network. We
answered the question how a consistent log view can be established but we did not
address another fundamental problem: which testing host injected the packets coming
from this network? We suggest that every testing host handles the receive events but
only one testing host deals with the send events because a packet should only be sent
We need a mechanism to pick one testing host that performs crafting and injection
whereas the others only focus on interception, analysis and logging.
A simple solution is to define for every network a superior testing host (e.g. via a monitor election algorithm) that manages the active part of practical firewall testing. We
could introduce a command-line option into our testing tool indicating at startup which
activities the caller performs (e.g. receive, send and receive).
8.9 Extending the Firewall Testing Tool
8.9. Extending the Firewall Testing Tool
To cope with multiple firewall scenarios, the tool has to be extended in several directions:
1. We have to select an appropriate set of testing hosts given an arbitrary test environment. The testing host selection algorithm may be used to perform this task.
2. The fundamental mechanisms (send and receive) remain unchanged but the testing tool must be able to listen for packets on multiple interfaces. So far only one
interface is monitored. Listening on multiple interfaces calls for running multiple libpcap sessions in parallel. As a consequence, the program must be multithreaded and we have to deal with well known problems such as race conditions
and process synchronization.
3. We have to create a meta-level log file that incorporates the log files after testing is
performed if there is more than one testing host in a network (balancing problem).
We have to inform the testing hosts whether they must perform both the active
and the passive part of practical firewall testing.
4. To find the sources of error (false positives and false negatives) we have to trace
the packets and to uncover their journey through the networks. We need a spider
to perform this task. The spider requires log files containing all the intercepted
packets. Furthermore, we have to know (1) the set of testing hosts of every network and (2) the set of adjacent testing hosts for every firewall.
These are the fundamental modifications that make the firewall testing tool multiple
firewall compatible. There are many problems we did not address so far that have to
be resolved (and the testing tool has to be adjusted accordingly) when we face larger
9. Summary
Firewall testing includes (1) a theoretical aspect (finding appropriate test cases) and (2)
a practical aspect (performing the tests based on these test cases). The major part of this
Diploma Thesis deals with the practical aspects of firewall testing. We designed and
implemented a firewall testing tool that allows for testing single firewalls.
A minimal test environment consists of two testing hosts connected via a firewall. The
testing tool runs on both testing hosts, crafting packets, injecting them, capturing the
packets that are accepted by the firewall, analyzing the packets, comparing them to the
expectations and logging the irregularities. The testing tool holds two operating modes:
(1) the capturing mode where we wait for packets and put them into the receive queue
and (2) the event processing mode where packets are sent out, the received packets
are analyzed and irregularities are logged. By default, the program awaits packets. A
simple but powerful mechanism triggers alarm signals to indicate an event and forces
the program to switch to the event handling mode. After the events are processed, the
program falls back into packet reception. Every testing host can both send and receive
packets (i.e. testing is performed in both directions).
Whenever the analysis spots an irregularity (i.e. expectation and outcome do not match),
a log file entry is generated. The log entries indicate serious errors such as wrong firewall rules, firewall implementation bugs or hardware failures. Based on the log file, the
examiner is able to identify the source of error.
Extended tests in a simple environment have shown that the testing tool provides reliable results and therefore may be applied to more complex networks.
We spent some time to understand the multiple firewall scenario. We developed some
solution approaches for a bunch of problems: We have split the n-firewall scenario into
n 1-firewall scenarios and introduced a greedy algorithm to identify a minimal set of
testing hosts covering all the firewall interfaces. The algorithm repeatedly selects the
host that covers the maximal number of uncovered firewall interfaces from the set of
hosts not yet taken until all firewall interfaces are included. The greedy testing host
selection algorithm can be reduced to the greedy algorithm solving the minimum set
cover problem. The approximation quality of the algorithm is 1 + log(n) where n is the
maximal number of firewall interfaces a testing host covers.
Although the irregularities remain the same in a multiple firewall scenario, it is more
difficult to reveal the sources of error. To spot an irregularity, we have to know the path
of a packet. To achieve this goal, we developed a strategy to trace a packet. The testing
hosts create a special log file including each captured packet (and not only the irregularities). Based on these log files, a so-called spider is able to reproduce the path of a
packet and to identify all sorts of events (accept, drop, modify, duplicate).
We discussed the problems a packet faces on its way to the destination host: A packet
either is untouched, may be dropped, modified or duplicated. We introduce a packet
classification methodology (based on elementary set theory and attack trees) that empowers us to express events like modification or duplication.
We argue about firewalls connecting more than two networks and prove that these firewalls reduce the number of testing hosts.
If there are multiple testing hosts in a network, the packets destined to the network are
probably not detected by every testing host although all testing hosts await them. The
different perspectives lead to logging inconsistency. We present a method to merge the
involved log files.
Multiple firewall testing is a complex and large topic. We only solved some problems
in the spotlight. Other areas still remain in the fog of obscurity.
Looking back at this Diploma Thesis, we eliminated some problems and new challenges
have arisen. After all, we are just at the beginning of the journey.
10. Conclusions and Future Work
10.1. Conclusions
Looking back at this Diploma Thesis, I recognize the importance of well considered decisions. The design and implementation of the firewall testing tool took less time than
expected because we worked hard at the concept of the program and picked the appropriate libraries to base our work on. After a detailed evaluation process, we decided
to make use of libpcap and libnet although it seemed to take more time and effort to
implement a tool from scratch than to rely our program on an already existing application. With the benefit of hindsight, I am sure that we would have spent more time on
implementing the network security tool when modifying an available program. Due to
careful evaluation, we took the right decision: Using two libraries that take the burden
of packet shaping, injection and capture. By absorbing these challenges, we got the freedom to concentrate on the fundamental issues of our task and we were not forced to
deal with the nasty details of packet crafting and capture. Another advantage of using
the libraries is that they have been developed for multiple platforms which simplifies
the port of the firewall testing tool to other operating systems.
The difficulties in the implementation phase came up when dealing with lower-level
networking mechanisms (i.e. identification of interface and gateway to send a packet
to). In the beginning, I did not realize that it will be necessary to specify the Ethernet
header for every packet the program injects. I was focussed too much on the testing
hosts and have overseen that they represent an entire network and therefore have to
act as proxies for all the other hosts in the system. Similarly, the whole concept of answering the ARP requests concerning the testing host’s network was also introduced
after we faced the problem in reality. We met some problems we theoretically did not
cover and therefore fixed after identifying them in the test runs. There is always a gap
between theory and practice one has to cross. What theoretically seems to be easy to
implement sometimes turns out to be such more complicated in practice. There are always pitfalls one does not consider.
The results of the testing tool heavily rely on the time synchronization. If time synchronization is not maintained, the test results are useless and allow no further interpretation. In some test runs, we suffered from time synchronization problems although we
made use of the network time protocol that synchronizes the system times. It makes
sense to rethink time synchronization and to focus on this issue in the future to find
ways to get rid of the problem.
We evaluated the firewall testing tool in a protected test environment consisting of only
three virtual machines (two testing hosts, one firewall). This is a somehow theoretical
configuration. In reality, there will be other hosts in the network that participate the
testing and may generate traffic the testing hosts have to deal with. In the available release, the testing tool performs well in this simple test environment, but trouble is near
when incorporating additional hosts. There is always the trade-off between changing
the configuration of the hosts to suppress their reactions (and therefore change the network configuration which is not allowed) and accepting the unexpected packets but to
10.2 Future Work
struggle with the contaminated log files. Up to this point, we did not address this problem. The testing tool will work in real-life networks, but not very well if no techniques
are introduced to handle the traffic of the other hosts in the network.
Time synchronization and incorporation of additional hosts will be the dominating
problems when bringing the firewall testing tool to life. All in all, we were fast in implementing the tool because we picked the appropriate libraries and did not have to
consider about hosts that influence the test runs.
We spent some time to think about multiple firewall scenarios and to address some
problems therein. The biggest challenge was to pose the crucial questions and to identify the fundamental issues. Multiple firewall testing is a complex and large field of
research. Plenty of problems grow up and one has to distinguish between important
and irrelevant questions.
When attacking the n-firewall issues, we started from a high level of abstraction and
tried to delve into the problem. We thereby encountered new problems to deal with.
We were forced to narrow our focus and to simplify the task to be able to solve the underlying problems. For example, considering backtracking a packet, multiple firewalls
may be concatenated in a network. As the corresponding firewall interfaces will not be
covered by a testing host, we merged the firewalls into a single firewall incorporating
the characteristic of its components. This trick allows us to easily handle the problem,
but this short cut has to be resolved before implementing the solution. That is, before
we go into practice, a more detailed analysis has to be performed.
I learned a lot about security tool programming, firewalls and the inner working of networks in this Diploma Thesis. I faced challenging tasks and struggled with a number
of remarkable problems. The process of understanding and resolving a problem was a
satisfying experience.
10.2. Future Work
This Diploma Thesis is a first step towards understanding and mastering firewall testing.
Our testing tool supports tests involving the TCP protocol. Other protocols are not yet
implemented. Knowing that extensibility is a key issue for the future, we designed and
implemented the program so that modifications can easily be incorporated. There are
hooks in the source code allowing these operations. The tool is able to deal with multiple protocols in parallel.
A crucial question in firewall testing is how to perform the tests on application level.
The testing tool only handles link-, network- and transport-layered protocols. Because
all network applications rely on these protocols, our application may serve as a building block in a superior solution.
A drawback in the implementation is that packet injection is performed on multiple interfaces but packet reception is bound to a single interface. Testing hosts with multiple
interfaces require a program that listens for packets on more than one interface at the
same time. Parallel capture requires multiple libpcap sessions and therefore multiple
10.2 Future Work
threads or processes. Multi-threading leads to well known problems such as concurrency control and race conditions (e.g. multiple threads read from and write to the
receive queue). These issues have to be analyzed and solved before extending the tool.
The libnet version we currently use ( suffers from a serious bug. The checksum
libnet calculates for packets with an odd number of bytes is bogus. As we only injected
packets with an even number of bytes, we were not struck by this issue. At the time this
document is written, there is no debugged version of libnet available but the community announces that a release will be available soon fixing the bug.
The questions concerning multiple firewall scenarios are not completely solved yet.
Our ideas only cover some aspects of the problem. We neglect lots of crucial problems
and only handle the fundamental issues (e.g. testing host selection, packet balancing,
packet tracing). A more detailed analysis has to be performed to fully understand the
problems and to develop approaches to fight them. Our suggestions may serve as starting point to get in touch with the various issues.
The solutions we theoretically worked out are not implemented yet (e.g. the greedy
selection algorithm, the spider, monitoring multiple interfaces). If the firewall testing
tool has to be applied to multiple firewall scenarios, the program has to be extended
accordingly. Note that answering an issue in theory and solving a problem in practice
are completely different tasks. What seems to be easy in theory is complex in practice
and vice-versa. There are problems you only spot when trying to implement a solution.
Particularly when looking at the multiple firewall scenario, we realize that we just
scratched the surface. We entered a new world and stand at the beginning of an adventurous and exciting journey.
This Diploma Thesis solved some problems of firewall testing but many await their
11. Acknowledgements
The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.
– Abraham Lincoln
I would like to thank Diana Senn for her support throughout this Diploma Thesis and
for leading me out of the darkness into the light a thousand times. Due to her critical
comments and her helpful ideas, the Diploma Thesis evolved into the most instructive
and satisfying experience in all the years of study at ETH Zürich. Thank you for all the
knowledge I gained from you, Diana.
I thank Van Jacobson, Craig Leres and Steven McCanne who wrote the original version
of libpcap and the Tcpdump Group that advances this beautiful library. My thanks go
to Mike Schiffman for writing libnet, making packet crafting an easy and elegant task. I
thank Mark Roesch for implementing snort, Dug Song for developing libdnet and Salvatore Sanfilippo for giving hping to the world. All these tools are amazing and were a
source of inspiration throughout my work. I have stolen ideas and code liberally from
them. These guys have the greatness and the wisdom to share their knowledge.
I thank my fellows at ETH for the wonderful years: Adrian, Christian and Roland. They
uncomplainingly suffered from my shortcomings and did not stop talking to me.
I thank my family and my friends (you know who you are) for encouraging and supporting me all my life, being there for me in good and in bad times.
You are the beauty in my life.
A. Protocol Units
A.1. IP Datagram
IP datagram
TCP Segment
IP header
TCP header
20 bytes
20 bytes
TCP data
A.2. IP Header
15 16
header length
total length (in bytes)
time to live (TTL)
type of service (TOS)
fragment offset
header checksum
source IP address
destination IP address
options (if any)
20 bytes
A.3 TCP Header
A.3. TCP Header
15 16
source port number
destination port number
sequence number
acknowledgment number
header length
20 bytes
window size
urgent pointer
TCP checksum
options (if any)
data (if any)
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C. TCP Packet Examples
D. Libpcap
This is brief introduction to the packet capture library (libpcap).
Libpcap is an open-source, freely available C library providing a user-space interface
to packet capture. Libpcap was originally written by Van Jacobson, Craig Leres and
Steven McCanne, all of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The current version
is maintained by The Tcpdump Group.
We introduce the most important components of libpcap and write a fancy TCP packet
sniffer that reads packets from the wire and prints their content.
The code has been tested under Linux Debian 3.0 with the kernel 2.4.24 using libpcap
D.1. Libpcap Life Cycle
Computing with the pcap library includes multiple steps:
1. Device Identification. Let pcap look for an appropriate interface or specify the device you want to work with manually (e.g. “eth0” under Linux).
2. IP and net mask. Determine the IPv4 address and the net mask of the specified
interface. These informations are required as parameters in other functions.
3. Initialization. Open a pcap session and get a pcap context handler. The handler
holds the session information and serves as an argument in almost every pcap
function. It is the most important data structure in libpcap.
4. Filtering. To sniff specific traffic (i.e. discard packets that are not of interest), a filter
can be defined, compiled and set in the kernel to only get the intended traffic. This
step is optional. If you want to capture everything on the wire, you do not have
to specify a filter.
5. Sniffing. Pcap waits for packets to arrive. Whenever a packet is detected, it is
passed to the user. A user-defined callback function is invoked for every arriving packet.
6. Termination. Close the pcap session.
D.2. Packet Sniffer
First of all, we need a device to sniff on. There are two ways to select a device in pcap:
1. Do it by hand and specify the device manually. For example,
% !
2. Ask pcap to do it for you:
D.2 Packet Sniffer
% ! - !! " 10$1 2*. 3
# -) -!! " % # -) is a wrapper to % " ( $%## that returns a list of all
devices being “up”. ) returns the first entry in this list. If you
want to address a device that probably is not the first entry in this list, specify
the device manually. We recommend you to use -) because it is
reliable (i.e. we get an interface that really exists) and you do not have to struggle
% # -) when developing the snifwith invalid input. We make use of fer.
!! " holds a description of the error if the function call fails. The error buffer
should be of size 1$0$1 2$. 3 . Most of the pcap commands allow the user
to pass an error buffer to get rid of the problems that were encountered.
After selecting an appropriate device, we want to get its IP address and the network
mask (the IP address is needed to compile the filter later on).
( % # ) ( % ! " ( ( " ( /% ) % ! -
! ! " % # -) ( saves the IP address and the network mask of the specified %
in network byte order (big-endian) in ( and ) . The error buffer holds an error
message if the function call fails.
Now that we selected a device and know the interface parameters, we are ready to open
a pcap session.
% % -( # % !
( ! (
( ( % # - (
% !
-!! " % -( # returns the pcap context handler. This structure determines the pcap
session context and will be passed to every function we call. To establish a session, we
) and the maximum number of bytes to capture from
pass the device name ( %
% -
( # . ! specifies if the
every packet (
) as parameters to interface is put into promiscuous mode. Promiscuous mode means that every packet
sniffed on the wire will be handed to the user, no matter whether the packet is intended
for this host or not. Non-promiscuous mode only considers packets that are destined to
is the timeout in milliseconds. It causes to not return immedithe sniffing host. to grab more than one packet in one
ately if a packet is detected but to wait for catch. Linux does not support this feature and it can be ignored.
% -
( # succeeds, we get a context handler and are ready to
If the call to define a filter to discard redundant traffic. We only want to keep the packets we are in /%
terested in. The filter is a string holding a filter expression (see ( ).
For example, the filter
will only accept packets with source or destination
port 22.
Before taking effect, the filter has to be compiled and installed in the kernel.
D.2 Packet Sniffer
% # % ! " ! & ! % " %
" ( ( % ) ! ! ( % -# compiles the filter expression in ! into a filter program and stores
is a boolean
it in . is the context handler and identifies the pcap session. % )
and determines if the filter program is optimized.
specifies the IP address of
( the device so that the filter is applied to the correct interface.
( % * " # ! % ! " ! & ! % " % $ " -# -! installs the filter program " and binds it to the device specified in
. The filter is registered and we are now ready to sniff those wires.
Pcap provides several functions to capture packets.
( % % % ( ( % % ( *# -! %## *% )
% ! / -! %
( ( ( % % ( $# ! %## 3% )
% ! -! % and % # capture and process packets. ( is the maximum
number of packets to sniff before returning. loops indefinitely or until an
%## 3% )
is set to $ .
is a callback function that is invoked with three
error occurs if
arguments whenever a packet arrives in user-land.
% ) % ! -! -( ! % ) ! % !
-(/ % ! % ) % % ) %## *% )
is the function we use in our packet sniffer. ! holds user
/ ! ) when calling % % data that can be passed as a parameter (
% -!
or respectively. Most of the time, we will not use it. points to
a structure containing information about the captured packet (time stamp, length of
packet, captured portion). ) is a pointer to the start of the actual packet. In the
callback function, the programmer implements the operations he wants to apply to the
packet. For example, our sniffer prints the timestamp (i.e. the exact time of capture)
% -!
which is saved in . Furthermore, we print the IP address of both the source and
destination host as well as the source and destination ports. These informations are
stored in specific fields in the IP and TCP header. Because we know the structure of
a packet, we are able to point to the appropriate offsets in ) to reference the IP
header (contains the IP address) and the TCP header (includes the port numbers).
-!( % -! ( ! ! 1 % ! ( ! +$1 % -! ( ! !
( ( ( ! $ !$ ! $ " ! "
! " ! ! ! -!( % - !
1 !
% -!
! !
! %
! !
% # % % ! D.3 Source Code
% ) ) ! $ %
) ! $ ! $ % ) !$ !$ !* The fields of the headers are accessed by simply selecting them (e.g. Before we terminate the pcap session, we evaluate the statistics.
( % $ % % ! % * % / % * % $! ).
returns a pcap statistics structure / that provides how many packets
have been received by the kernel, how many packets have been delivered to the user
and how many packets have been dropped.
% # $ % % # $ terminates the pcap session and destroys all associated data structures.
D.3. Source Code
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E. Libnet
This is a brief introduction to the libnet library.
Libnet is an open-source packet crafting and injection library, written and maintained
by Mike Schiffman.
We shed light on the fundamental libnet functions and demonstrate how they can be
applied by writing a simple SYN flooder. This program injects a number of TCP packets
(SYN flag set) with random source IP addresses and ports to a specified destination
The code has been tested under Linux Debian 3.0 with kernel 2.4.24 using libnet
E.1. Libnet Life Cycle
There are four phases in libnet computation:
1. Initialization. Initialize the library, define the injection type and optionally the network interface.
2. Creation. Build the packets. They are shaped in a top-down manner (i.e. from the
highest protocol level to the lowest). For example, crafting a TCP packet requires
the creation of the TCP layer before building the IP layer.
3. Injection. Write the packet to the wire.
4. Termination. Close the library.
E.2. SYN Flooder
The first step is the initialization of the library:
# ( # ( ( (
( -( %
! -!! " # ( % !
initializes the the libnet library and returns a libnet handler. This structure identifies the libnet context and is passed as a parameter to almost every libnet
( -
( is either / $+ or + 0 . The former type includes the
data-link layer whereas the latter starts at the IP layer (raw socket interface). + /
provides full control in packet creation even allowing the specification of the Ethernet
header. This power sometimes turns out to be a serious drawback because every detail
down to the hardware addresses has to be specified. We will use + 0 in our
SYN flooder since we are only interested in the TCP and IP layers. There is no need to
set the hardware addresses manually.
represents the name of the network interface where injection takes place and can
be defined either by a canonical string (e.g. “eth0” under Linux) or in a numbers-anddots notation (e.g. “”). If the device is 2 , libnet tries to find an appropriate
E.2 SYN Flooder
device for you. We will use this feature in our SYN flooder to auto-detect an appropri"
ate device. -!! is a string of size / + 2$. * that holds the error message
if the function call fails.
Note that you have to be root to call this function since the creation of packets on the
data-link layer or the network layer requires root privileges.
There are two IP address representations we have to deal with: (1) the human-readable
notation (e.g. “”) and (2) the numbers-and-dots notation (e.g. “”).
On the network, data is represented in network byte order (big-endian). As our Linux
platform is a little-endian architecture, we have to convert the fields in a TCP packet
from network byte order (big-endian) to host byte order (little-endian).
% ! # ( % ! -( % # -( &
( $ ! -( % # ( % ! ( % converts the big-endian IPv4 address ( to either its hostname
% or the numbers-and-dots notation depending on the value of (
is / $+ *
, the function returns the hostname representation, othIf (
erwise ( + + $$
) the numbers-and-dots notation is returned.
# ( & # ( ( % % ! % ! *( % *-! / ( % % goes the other way round converting *(
into its big-endian
% % , the function expects $(
network address. If / (
is $+ *
to be in
+ *
) the numbers-and-dots notation
hostname notation, otherwise ( $+
# (( % % !
is considered to be used.
As we deal with arbitrary source IP addresses and port numbers, it is always useful to
have a reliable pseudo-random number generator.
( # ( $ ! % ( # ( # ( # ( & ! % ( ( # (* ! % ( # ( & ! % ( seeds the random number generator and
returns a random number.
specifies the range of the returned numbers (see Table
In the next phase we build the TCP packets to be injected. Libnet provides a sophisti
1 1 1$ 1 Range
0 - 255
0 - 2147483647
0 - 4294967295
Table 9: Ranges of pseudo-random number types
cated packet creation mechanism. Packets are not built as a whole but pieces are crafted
that together form an entire packet. The different parts are internally merged to a complete packet. This approach allows the programmer to replace or modify units of a
packet without having to rewrite the entire packet if only a small part changes.
E.2 SYN Flooder
Libnet follows a highest to lowest level building approach. That is, in our program, we
first generate the TCP segment (TCP header and data) before creating the IP segment
(IP header). By using + 0 we do not have to bother about the Ethernet header.
# ( The different parts are managed and merged by the
handler. This structure
represents the shaped packet.
# ( %& # ( -# $-! *! # -( &
# -( & % )
% ! (! #
$ -! (
# % $ !
*! !
( ( # ( # builds the TCP segment (illustrated in A.1) of the TCP packet.
# ( %& This segment is associated with the context handler . The function returns a
# ( %& structure that can be used to identify and modify this part of the packet.
# (
is returned whenever a
routine is called and the parameter is
, and the
empty ( ). If you want to modify a packet unit, you pass the saved # ( # function will not create a new packet part but change the old one and
return . Using this method, it is possible to recycle pieces of a packet (making minor changes) without being forced to build a new packet from scratch. Figure 10 lists
# (
-# (compare figure
the fields that have to be specified when calling
% # % % # % *
is the TCP data and is its size (e.g. in our example code, the
A.3). Parameter
% )
(! #
! & -( # (
Data type
# -( &
# -( &
% !
source port
destination port
sequence number
acknowledgment number
control flags
window size
urgent pointer
total length of the TCP packet
Table 10: TCP segment fields
forms the TCP data). defines the context handler the TCP seg%&
ment is associated with. If
is , a new packet unit will be created. Otherwise, the
specified piece of a packet is modified.
E.2 SYN Flooder
# (
-# ! ! ! # (
# (
# ( & ! % ( / $+ 1 ! % ( / $+ 1 ! % ( / $+ 1 + - ,
# ( & ! % ( / $+ 1 % # % $
/ + +*1 % # % % # % *
# # ( -# This is how we call
in the SYN flooder. As we do not care about ,
' , ) and ( , these fields are filled with random numbers (i.e. # ( & ! % ( is called). The + -, flag is set since we build a TCP SYN packet. We set )/ to
to force libnet to calculate the checksum of the TCP segment. The size of the chunk
% # % $
is the sum of the TCP header ( + +*1 ) and the payload size (
). We do
not modify an existing protocol tag, hence
is .
To complete the TCP SYN packet, we have to specify the IP header.
# ( %& # ( # *! # (
% ! $
*! $ ! " ! %&
% ! #
% ! ! #
# % *!
! -(
! # ( %& %& # -( & % # % * # ( #
# (
-# # ( %& #
builds an IPv4 header and returns a
is linked to the created IP header. To modify an already existing protocol tag, pass the
saved . Figure 11 presents the IP header fields (see also figure A.2).
The SYN flooder crafts an IPv4 header like this:
# -(
" ! %&
! Data type
% !
% !
% !
# ( &
# ( &
Total length of IP packet
Type of service
IP identification number
Fragmentation flags and offset
Time to live
Header checksum
Source IPv4 address
Destination IPv4 address
Table 11: IP header fields
E.3 Source Code
# ( # + 1
% # % $
+ +$1 # ( & ! % ( / + 1 # ( & ! % ( / + 1
11 +
! # ( & ! % ( + 1 2
# The length of an IPv4 packet is the sum of IP and TCP header and the TCP payload.
and ! are randomly chosen whereas the destination IP ( $ ) is fixed since
we always want to address the same host. The !
field is set to 11 + +$1 (we
build TCP packets). The checksum field is to force libnet to calculate the checksum for
% # % us. is 2 and therefore the payload size is .
Our TCP packet is now complete and we are ready to send it to the destination host.
( # ( ! # ( # # ( ! #
writes the packet represented by to the wire. After spending so much
time on crafting a packet, injection is quite simple.
The SYN flooder repeats the building and injection process a user-defined number of
In the end, the libnet structures have to be removed.
# ( $! # ( # # ( $!
terminates the libnet session and destroys the associated structures.
E.3. Source Code
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E.3 Source Code
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E.3 Source Code
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E.3 Source Code
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F. Timetable
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