Civics and Economics Midterm Review

Name: _____KEY_____________
Date: ______________________
Civics and Economics Midterm Review
1. What requirements are there to vote in the United States? (3 Separate Answers)
be at least 18 years of age
be a citizen of the United States
be registered in your state of residence
2. At the Constitutional Convention the _______the Great Compromise_______ led to Congress being a two-house
3. __Judicial review__ is the power of the Supreme Court to decide whether or not a law violates the Constitution.
4. __Articles of Confederation__ was the first government for the newly independent United States of America.
5. ____Popular sovereignty_____ is a principle in which citizens have a right to choose their leaders.
a. CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES: popular sovereignty, rule of law, separation of powers, checks and
balances, federalism, limited government
6. _____________________________ is the name of the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution.
7. What are the terms of office for the following:
a. President - 4 years (2 terms max)
b. Vice President - 4 years (2 terms max)
Member of the HoR - 2 years (unlimited)
d. Senator - 6 years (unlimited)
8. Providing a check and balance system is the chief advantage of a _____bicameral______ legislature
9. A two-house body is an example of a _______bicameral__________ legislature
10. The Leandro case deals with ______education & funding______, which the General Assembly usually funds.
11. ____Federalism_____ is the system of government in which a central government and regional governments
share power.
12. __A simple majority (more than half)__ is needed for a bill to pass in Congress
13. __Separation of powers__ is the idea that different powers and duties should be given to different branches of
Name: _____KEY_____________
Date: ______________________
14. ___Miranda v. Arizona____ is the Supreme Court case that forces the police to read a suspect his rights.
15. The Supreme Court case ____Marbury v. Madison____ established Judicial Review.
16. What are the 3 requirements to be president of the United States?
a. 35 years old
b. natural born citizen
resident for 14 consecutive years
17. The president’s veto of a bill is an example of _____________________________.
18. The Constitution is reinterpreted throughout history by _____Supreme Court cases_____
19. To become a member of the Supreme Court you need to be appointed by the _____________________________
and approved by the _____________________________.
20. The idea that fair action by the government is required in all circumstances is known as __due process__.
21. Driving privileges, education, marriage and divorce laws are examples of ____reserved____ powers, meaning
that they are powers given to the states.
22. Students living in all 50 states were given the freedom of speech in schools after ___Tinker v. Des Moines____
(court case).
23. The right of Congress to declare war is an example of a ____expressed__ power.
24. Why did the Colonists object to paying British taxes – they had no ___representation___ in Parliament.
25. ___3/5 Compromise___ dealt with the issue of counting the slave population for congressional representation
26. __Mapp v. Ohio___ (court case) is centered on the illegal searches and seizures
27. A _____________________________ is a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the
28. Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka demonstrate a way in which the Supreme Court’s
decision can be changed. In this instance, Brown v. Board ________________________ the decision in Plessy v.
Name: _____KEY_____________
Date: ______________________
29. A __constitution__ is the framework for a national or state government.
30. The _____________________________ was intended to protect individual’s rights from government abuse.
31. The addition of the Bill of Rights is the best reason that the ____Anti-Federalist___ agreed to the ratification of
the US Constitution.
32. The Great Compromise solved a disagreement between ____large states (Virginia Plan)______ and ______small
states (New Jersey Plan)________.
33. What powers did the Government have during the Articles of Confederation
a. pass laws
b. negotiate treaties & acquire land
coin money
34. According to the __Virginia__ plan population would decide representation to Congress.
35. The ___Anti-Federalists__ objected to the Constitution because it gave the federal government too much power
and too little to citizens.
36. The leader of the House of Representatives is the _____________________________
37. The _____________________________ follows the Vice President in succession to the Presidency.
38. The Framers of the Constitution intended for ____House of Representive__ to focus more closely on the
concerns of the people it represents, rather than the ____Senate_____.
39. Under the _______22nd__________ amendment Ten years is the maximum number of years that an individual can
serve as President. They may also only be elected twice according to this amendment.
40. What are 3 powers the Constitution grants to the President
a. Veto bills
b. Sign treaties
Appoint judges, and other executive cabinet members
41. The first representative assembly in the English colonies was the ____Virginia House of Burgesses____.
42. The uprising known as ___Shay’s Rebellion___ was the main event to rewrite the Articles of Confederation.
43. After 1763 _____________________________ began placing steep taxes on the American colonies because of
Name: _____KEY_____________
Date: ______________________
heave war debts due to the French and Indian War.
44. In order to check the power of the Supreme Court the _____________________________ can remove judges
through the impeachment process
45. The framers of the US Constitution included a system of _____federalism_____ in order to divide power among
national, state, and local levels of government.