Dental Assisting Bookshelf

Dental Assisting Bookshelf
Dental Assisting
Prep for
Dental Assisting
For more information or to
place your order, contact your
local sales representative.
LWW’s Comprehensive Dental Assisting
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Dental Assisting
April 2011 /1008 pp./ 900 illus. /978-1-58255-815-8
Instructor Resources:
Student quiz bank, Dentrix
office management software•
simulator, a study guide map
to the DANB exam, Spanishto-English translation guide, •
crossword puzzles, sign
language chart
Student Resources:
PowerPoint slides, lesson plans,
image bank, Brownstone/Diploma
test generator, CODA
Accreditation content map, and
other components
Accompanying Student
Workbook will be available!
Voice of Experience - insider tips from an experienced dental
assistant relating real-life expertise gained on the job
From the Dentist’s Perspective - insight from the dentist’s point of
view on the actions or characteristics he or she finds desirable in
a dental assistant
Extra Patient Care - sage advice on how to go the extra mile in
assisting the patient, including tips on patient education and
patient-centered care
Dental Facts - fun dental factoids and statistics, with topics
ranging from historical developments to interesting beliefs about
the teeth or past dental curiosities
Check Your Ethics - brief scenarios involving an ethical dilemma
that dental assistants commonly encounter in practice, followed
by several critical thinking questions
Apply It - brief patient care scenarios followed by two or three
questions requiring students to apply the knowledge they've
gained from the chapter
Certification Examination Preparation - box at the end of each
chapter that highlights the items to review for the DANB
certification exam
Procedures - approximately 270 step-by-step, illustrated guides to
performing essential clinical skills
Prep for
Dental Assisting
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' Certification
Preparation for Dental Assisting
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
February 2011 / 160 pp./ 30 illus. / 978-1-60547-545-5
Student Resources:
PowerPoint slides, lesson plans,
image bank, Brownstone/Diploma
test generator, CODA
Accreditation content map, and
other components
Study and test-taking skills to help ensure success on the exam.
Review and simulated exam organized by the three sections of
the CDA exam: General Chairside, Radiation Health and Safety,
and Infection Control
Integrated review outline and questions follow the organization
of the DANB exam outline.
A 320-question simulated exam.
Rationales included for all questions.
A CD-ROM with all of the questions found in the book plus 480
additional questions.
Accompanying CD includes an exam simulator, as well as
additional questions
Dental Office Administration
Geraldine S. Irlbacher-Girtel, Med
Guy Girtel, DDS
October 2009/ 464 pp./ 160 illus./ 978-0-7817-9160-1
Instructor Resources:
•PowerPoint Slides
•Test Generator
•Image Bank
•Full Text Online
Student Resources:
•DENTRIX G4 Learning
Edition Software on DVD
•Learning Activities
•Full Text Online
•Quiz Bank
As a free bonus, the book is packaged with DENTRIX G4
Learning Edition software on DVD-ROM by Henry Schein Practice
Solutions for your PC. DENTRIX G4 Learning Edition software is a
full-featured version of the practice management software
specially designed for students to learn software skills using a
market-leading interactive dental office management system.
Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter help your
student’s focus their studies.
What If Boxes ask your students to apply their new knowledge to
resolve problems that often arise in dental office administration.
Legal Tips, Administration Tips, and Tips from the Dentist
strengthen your student’s ability to efficiently manage a dental
Procedure Boxes set forth easy-to-follow directions for
performing office management tasks.
Chapter Review Questions help your students assess their grasp
of key concepts as they advance through the text.
Hands-on Activities get your students involved in performing
essential duties such as dental charting, writing memos, and
communicating with clients.
Clinical Primer: A Pocket Guide for
Dental Assistants
Melanie Mitchell CDA, B.G.S.
2006/ 120 pp./ 978-1-931017-06-0
Convenient pocket size enables the student to take this
reference into clinical practice with them
Numerous illustrations and photographs help students learn
the information more quickly, and to identify instruments
and materials
Information on tray setups, dental materials, dental
charting, cement mixing and XCP instrument procedures,
and film placements
A CD-ROM packaged with the book facilitates learning
and can be used as a reference or for review. CD
− Interactive Exercises
− Procedure Videos
− Database of dental materials
− Internet links
Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide to
Melanie Mitchell CDA, B.G.S.
2004/ 400 pp./ 978-1-931017-04-6
•Flashcards with images of dental instruments are organized
according to function and procedure
•Each 2-page spread contains:
−Instrument name
−Additional Uses
−Tray Set-up Placement
−Illustration of instrument
−Notes section
•Bonus CD-ROM includes 200 images, interactive puzzles and
tray set-up exercises, review questions, a final exam, and a
printable "report" function to review progress
•Facilitates multiple learning styles
•Ideal for self-study or classroom use
Cottone’s Practical Infection Control in
Dentistry, Third Edition
John A. Molinari, PhD
Jennifer A. Harte, DDS, MS
February 2009/ 400 pp./ 126 illus./ 978-0-7817-6532-9
Instructor Resources:
•PowerPoint presentations
•Review Questions
•Test Generator
•Image Bank
•WebCT and Blackboard
Ready Cartridge
•Full-Text Online
Student Resource:
•Full-Text Online
Updated and revised reflecting latest technological
advances in dentistry and infection control
New findings in the microbiology of airborne
infectious diseases and the latest health care
recommendations for prevention
Scientific and clinical information on viral hepatitis,
Discussions on infectious diseases transmitted by
respiratory droplets and aerosols
Guidelines for keeping dental unit waterlines safe
Sections citing scientific and clinical evidence and
reinforcing rationale for infection control practices
and protocols
Glossary of terminology and acronyms at the
beginning of each chapter
Woelfel’s Dental Anatomy: Its
Relevance to Dentistry, Eighth Edition
Rickne C. Scheid DDS, MA
January 24, 2011/ 608 pp./ Approx. 605illus./978-1-60831-746-2
Instructor Resources:
•Test Generator
•PowerPoint Slides
•Image Bank
NEW: Illustrations are full-color to reach the visual learner.
NEW: Text is full-color, which also appeals to the visual learner.
Topic List: Outlines topics presented in the chapter.
Learning Objectives: Helps the student appreciate what to expect. The student can refer
to the objectives to ensure that they are mastering the appropriate knowledge and skills.
New Terms: As each new term is encountered for the first time, it is highlighted in bold print
and is defined within the text at that time, often with references to figures or diagrams to
improve understanding. The bold print is helpful when using the text as a reference for
understanding terms that can be found within the text's index.
Pronunciations: New terms that may be difficult to pronounce have phonetic suggestions
placed within brackets [like this] immediately after the word is first encountered.
Summary Tables: Throughout the text, the authors have placed numerous tables to
summarize the many facts presented within the text. These tables are helpful when
reviewing the highlights of content found within each section.
Learning Exercises: These exercises are presented within the body of each chapter at
intervals where the authors feel an active learning experience would be helpful for you to
understand and/or apply the topic.
Review Questions with Answers: Many chapters or sections end with a series of review
questions to test the learner's mastery of the objectives. These questions, in many cases,
cover topics similar to those included on past dental and dental hygiene national
examinations. For the convenience of quick and convenient feedback, the answers are
presented immediately following the questions.
Critical Thinking Questions: Most chapters end with Critical Thinking Questions so students
can apply what they've learned in the chapter to answer more complex questions or
Research Data: This text is unique in providing you with both original and reviewed
research findings based on the study of thousands of teeth, casts, and mouths.
Appendix of Comparative Dental Anatomy: This text's unique appendix is designed to
help the learner visualize the many tooth similarities and differences that are often difficult
to understand with words alone.
Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials:
Theory, Practice and Cases, Third
Marcia Gladwin, RDH, EdD
Michael Bagby, DDS, PhD
March 2008/ 416 pp./ Approx. 220 illus./ 978-0-7817-6489-6
Instructor Resources:
•Image bank
•PowerPoint lecture
•Answers to the review
•Answers and Justifications for all chapter and clinical case
review questions in Appendix 1
•Perforated Skill Performance Evaluation Sheets in
Appendix 2
•Tips for the Clinician and Precaution boxes are included in
almost all of the chapters in Part II
•Summaries of procedures are highlighted in boxes to
provide easy review
•A 4-page color insert that contains several photographs
with descriptive captions
•Two new chapters have been added: Chapter 36,
"Finishing and Polishing Composite Restorations" and
Chapter 37, "Tips for the New Hygienist"
•Part I, has more Review Questions
•Part II have had Review Questions
Principles of Dental Imaging, Second
Olaf E. Langland DDS, MS, FACD
Robert P. Langlais DDS, MS, FACD
John Preece DDS, MS
2002/ 480 pp./ 564 illus./ 978-0-7817-2965-9
•Combines elements of radiographic technique with
interpretation information for readers
•Five sections cover the concepts of radiologic imaging,
radiographic techniques and procedures, special imaging
techniques, radiation health, and assessment and
•Based on the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology guidelines
published by the American Association of Dental Schools
•New information on digital radiography, radiation health,
periodontal disease, and image assessment is included, as
well as chapter review questions, case-based questions,
and workshop and laboratory exercises
•To help readers prepare for certification, sample multiplechoice and case-based questions for the National and
State Board Certification Examinations are also included
Nutrition for a Healthy Mouth, Second
Rebecca Sroda, RDH, MS
April 2009/ 384 pp./ Approx. 60 illus./ 978-0-7817-9825-9
Instructor Resources:
•Brownstone test generator
•Image bank
•PowerPoint presentations
•Multiple choice questions with
interactive clicker technology
•Nutritional counseling forms
•Case studies
•Role-playing exercises
•Full-Text Online
Student Resources:
•PowerPoint presentations
•Multiple choice questions with
interactive clicker technology
•Full-Text Online
•Emphasis on patient counseling – a major role of practicing
dental hygienists
•New Food for Thought boxes highlight chapter facts
•“Special Nutritional Needs” (Chapter17), was expanded with
new content on patients with cancer, HIV, who are homeless,
or substance abusers
•"Putting This into Practice" boxes present the student with a
real-life situation with exercises
•Nutritional Counseling Forms that students can customize and
use to counsel patients on varying nutritional subjects
•Only concepts necessary for understanding dental nutrition
and to the practice of dental hygiene are covered
•Nutrients at a Glance charts Part II
•Web Resources at the end of each chapter
•Each book contains a "Dental Nutrition Quick Reference"
card – a guide with images of healthy and diseased teeth and
examples of healthy foods and unhealthy snacks.
Nutrition in Dentistry CD-ROM
Linda Lolkus, RDH, MS
Mary Cooper, RDH, MSEd
2007/ Single User: 978-0-7817-6797-2/ Network Version: 978-0-7817-8988-2
Package with Sroda – Nutrition for a Healthy Mouth: 978-0-7817-8810-6
Package with Wilkins – Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 9e: 978-0-78179293-6
•The interactive format allows students to learn the material
at their own pace and review material they did not
understand in class
•Numerous illustrations of clinical/oral manifestations of
nutritional deficiencies (more illustrations are needed by
instructors, but are not currently available through any other
•Students can compare and contrast similar symptoms of
nutritional deficiencies and their causes
•Animations review processes related to nutrition and
•Subject Outlines for each unit
•Each unit ends with board review questions, answers, and
LWW’s Dental Drug Reference with
Clinical Implications
Frieda Atherton Pickett, RDH, MS
Geza Terezhalmy, DDS, MA
March 2009/ 832 pp./ 450 illus./ 978-0-7817-9827-3
Monographs for more than 550 drugs
- General –highlight drugs dental professionals do not
prescribe, but that the patient might be taking and which
might affect the patient's oral health and the dental
professional's care
- Detailed –highlight drugs that dental professionals
Bonus CD-ROM:
Instructor and
Student Resources:
•An image collection
featuring all of the
figures from the book
•Full-Text Online
•All drug monographs from the book
•Printable drug monographs that can be included in patient
•Full-color photographs of adverse drug effects and selected
oral conditions
•Examples of prescription writing to help practitioners write
prescriptions accurately and efficiently
•Chapters detail how drugs work and why, adverse drug effects,
how to use drugs to manage common oral conditions, and other
•Appendix on Herbal and Nutraceutical Supplements
•Appendix on Spanish/English Communication Guidelines
•Alphabetical index for trade and generic drug names and
Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide to
Identification, 2e
Melanie Mitchell, CDA, BGS
January 2011/ 592 pp./ 300 illus./ 978-1-60831-638-0
Instructor and
Student Resources:
Back of Book Student
Resource CD-ROM,
including an image
bank, interactive tray
set-ups, flashcards,
student quizzes, audio
glossary, games
• NEW: New units of study for instruments used in:
— Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
— The Dental Laboratory
— Dental Radiography
— Infection Control
• NEW: This Second Edition is enhanced with updated
technology, related equipment, tray set-ups for numerous
dental procedures, and in-use photos and diagrams.
• Includes Tray Set-Up for each instrument, which gives
students practical information of on which tray an
instrument is placed
• Varieties of each instrument, which introduces students to
the different varieties that exist for an instrument that they
will encounter
• Flashcard style format, which can be used in the classroom
and for independent study as the student masters
identification of the instruments used in all areas of dentistry
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the
Dental Professions, Second Edition
2010/ 704 pp./ Over 500 illus./ 978-1-60831-146-0
•Contains definitions for nearly 13,000 terms relevant to the
dental professions
•Over 500 images and illustrations
•Special full-color Oral Conditions and Disorders insert
•Icons identify terms with images, common medical
prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms
•Appendices include:
−Tooth numbering systems
−Dental imaging errors
−Guidelines for infection control in dental health care
FREE Online Subscription:
•FREE three month
−Weights and measures
subscription to Stedman’s
−Medical prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms
−Common medical and dental abbreviations
•All terms in the print
−Common abbreviations used in medication orders
dictionary available online
−Laboratory reference range values
•Access to 5,600 images
−Professional organizations
Pharmacology for Health Professionals
Plus Smarthinking Online Tutoring Service
Sally Roach MSN, RN
2005 / 512 pp./ 70 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-6633-3
Instructor Resources:
•Teaching Strategies
•Instructor’s Notes
•Study Guide Answers
•Test generator
•PowerPoint Slides
Student Resources:
•Student Study Guide
•Bonus CD-ROM
•Organized by body system
•Text explains basic information about drug classes, with content
on specific drugs provided in bulleted lists, boxes and tables for
easier comprehension
•Features include Key Terms, Key Points, Website Activities, Case
Studies, and Review questions
•Critical Thinking Exercises highlight realistic patient care
situations that help the student apply the material contained in
the chapter by exploring options and making judgments
•Chapter features include
−Alert Boxes highlight safety information
−Gerontologic Alerts alert specific problems for which the
older adult is at increased risk
−Contraindications, Precautions, and Interactions of the
most commonly used drugs
−Patient Education boxes provide information to practice
teaching patients
−Summary Drug Tables contain commonly used drugs
−Factoids provide historical tidbits of interesting information
−Natural Alternatives
LWW’s Student Success for Health
Professions Made Incredibly Easy,
Second Edtiion
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
February 2011/ 326 pp./ 173 illustrations/ 978-1-60913-784-7
Instructor Resources:
•Test Bank
•Syllabi for 8-week, 10-week, and
16-week courses
•PowerPoint presentations
•Strategies for effective teaching
•Chapter-specific teaching tips
•WebCT/BB/Angel course
Student Resources:
•Learning styles assessment
•Self-Paced Online Course
•“Playing for Real” narratives
•Printable planner pages
•Sample cover letters and
•Career resource links
• Revised and updated with a more user-friendly organization
and design, but retains the health professions focus, the
concise and approachable narrative, and the fun features
and art.
• The first and only student success text designed specifically
for health professions students and programs!
•Self-Paced Online Course with activities and a final exam
• Winning Strategy Lists set forth the objectives for the chapter
• Playing for Real Scenarios: show students how content is
applied to real-life situations in the classroom and in clinical
• Tips from the Pros offer expert advice and proven strategies
for overcoming study and test-taking problems
• The Finish Line Summaries highlight the key concepts and
skills that students need to master
• Keeping Score Questions and Activities challenge students
to consider how they will apply the content
Communication Skills for the Health
Laurie Kelly McCorry, PhD
Jeff Mason
February 2011/ 256 pp./ 50 illus./ 978-1-58255-814-1
• Presents the fundamentals of communication skills geared
specifically for students in the allied health professions
• Includes a clear, concise presentation of the principles of
communication theory as well as verbal and nonverbal
• Instructs the health care professional on communicating with
patients whose ability may be impacted by anxiety, cultural
differences, language differences and other situations.
• Organized into three main sections outlining basic communication
principles and their uses in clinical and administrative settings
• Chapters on cultural sensitivity, adapting communication to adjust
to a patient’s ability to understand, and dealing with other roadblocks
provide students with techniques to handle many situations that they
will encounter as a healthcare professional.
• Role Play boxes interspersed throughout the chapters teach students
how to work through various scenarios that they may encounter in
• Clinical applications, included in each chapter, offer more complex
scenarios to aid the students in developing the critical thinking skills
they will need to apply in practice.