IA Natural Sciences Tripos Part IA MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials PRACTICAL BOOKLET Name............................. College.......................... Michaelmas Term 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 Course A Practical Booklet Before attending each session, you will be required to do a short pre-lab exercise which will involve answering a series of questions online based on reading through the relevant script in advance of attending the class. Apart from the introductory practical, AP0, these exercises will be assessed and count for a small amount towards your IA Materials final grade. If you do not complete the exercise in advance of the class and attend the class in person, you will not receive any credit. This booklet contains scripts for all practicals for Course A (Atomic Structure of Materials) of the Part IA Materials Science course – it is important that you bring this booklet with you to every session. Practical Page Title AP0 2 Amorphous Materials: Elastomers – Glasses or Rubbers? AP1 7 Crystalline Materials & Close-Packing of Spheres AP2 15 Lattice Planes, Miller Indices and X-ray Diffractometry AP3 28 Phase Identification and Quantification for Cubic Crystal AP4 37 Introduction to Optical Diffraction Practicals are held in the Teaching Labs at the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy on the West Cambridge site. These are most easily accessed from the Coton cycle path, entering the building from the south entrance, and turning right when in the reception area. You will need your University Card to access the labs – please bring this with you to every session. http://map.cam.ac.uk/Department+of+Materials+Science+and+Metallurgy Please make every effort to attend your allotted session. If, in extenuating circumstances, this is not possible you should attend an alternative session of the same practical and report to the Head of Class of the session that you attend. Practicals begin at 2pm sharp and end at 5pm. The first practical, AP0, will commence from Thursday 9th October 2014, and will include an induction tour and safety briefing, followed by the practical. Note that the online exercise for AP0 is not assessed, but should still be completed in advance of practical to enable you to benefit fully from the session. You will be notified by email about when and how to complete the online exercise. 1 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP0 AmorphousMaterials:Elastomers–GlassesorRubbers? Aims and Objectives of this Practical To introduce you to amorphous materials by using properties of elastomers as an example. In the next practical, you’ll look at crystalline materials; Understand how the elastic properties of elastomers change with temperature; Carry out an experiment to study the glass transition and determine Tg. Materials science is fundamentally concerned with understanding how microscopic structure relates to macroscopic behaviour in a material. In this first practical, you will investigate the change in the properties of a squash ball with temperature and the microstructural explanation for this behavioural change. Squash balls are made from mainly natural rubber (polyisoprene) and can display either rubbery (bouncy) or glassy (hard/brittle) behaviour in response to an impact, depending on the temperature and chemical structure. You may have been used to thinking about the terms ‘glass’ and ‘rubber’ as referring to particular types of material, but actually they relate to the microscopic structure of the system and its physical state. In particular, at a certain temperature known as the glass transition temperature, Tg – see Background section below, an abrupt change in the behaviour of the squash ball is observed. In this practical, you will study this by measuring the bounce height of a squash ball as it warms through the glass transition point from the temperature of liquid nitrogen. IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION During this practical, you will be handling objects that have been cooled in liquid nitrogen to 77 K (–196 ºC). Although the low thermal conductivity of polymer samples will protect you to a certain extent from chill burns, you must observe all safety precautions involving the use of liquid nitrogen, and be careful not to touch objects below ice freezing temperature (0 ºC) with exposed skin. Use gloves and goggles provided when handling liquid nitrogen. Report spillages to the Head of Class. 1 Background - measuring bounce height of squash ball warming through Tg Each group is provided with a squash ball. The main component of these is polyisoprene (–[CH2-CH=C(CH3)]n–), originally extracted from the Para rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, although this is heavily treated with a range of additives to give it the right strength, consistency, colour and elasticity. 2 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP0 Most importantly, the rubber is partially ‘cross-linked’ by addition of sulphur in a process known as vulcanisation. Strong covalent linkages are formed between some isoprene units on adjacent chains, shown schematically below. Not all the isoprene monomer units are cross-linked, as then the ball would be very brittle, like a thermosetting polymer (e.g. Bakelite). The degree of cross-linking is a very important factor in determining elastic properties of the squash ball and also its glass transition temperature, Tg (see below). A small amount of cross-linking will be sufficient to prevent viscous flow of the polyisoprene, but further cross-linking will limit its ability to deform and recover through bond rotations. Most polymers are can exist in either a glassy or rubbery state, depending on the chemical structure and temperature. In a cross-linked rubber, viscous flow is not possible, but shape-change via local bond rotations gives rise to rubbery behaviour. The time necessary for the polymer to change in shape is called the relaxation time, and is temperature-dependent. For high temperatures, the relaxation time is very short, and so shape changes can readily occur and rubbery behaviour is observed. For low temperatures, there is not enough time for shape changes to occur by bond rotation, with only bond deformation (i.e. flexing) possible, and the material behaves as a glass. At the glass transition temperature, bond rotations can occur, but only slowly. Away from Tg, the response to an applied stress is rapid, but around Tg the response is slower, with much of the energy lost as heat rather than stored as elastic potential energy. Since it is obvious that the behaviour of a squash ball is rubbery at room temperature, it is clear that Tg for polyisoprene must lie some way below this. In fact, Tg for pure uncrosslinked polyisoprene is around 200 K (–73 ºC), rising to around 300 K (27 ºC) when 15% of the isoprene monomers have been cross-linked. Note that Tg increases with increasing cross-link density as shape changes by bond rotation become more difficult to achieve. In this practical, therefore, we will consider that Tg is only affected by the degree of cross-linking. To those who play squash, the change in elastic behaviour of the squash ball with temperature, as the ball warms up during play, will be well known. This heating effect comes from the dissipation of energy by repeated uncoiling and coiling of polymer chains as the squash ball is deformed during play. In the vicinity of the glass transition, as stated above, the effect of the dissipation is so great that any kinetic energy of the ball is quickly transformed. Far below the glass transition, as no bond rotations are allowed, the energy dissipation will be low. Hence, it is expected that a minimum in the bounce height should be observed in the vicinity of Tg. 3 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP0 In the following experiment, we will try to identify this minimum, and therefore estimate Tg for the squash balls provided. 2 Measurement of bounce height at room temperature You are given a squash ball, a metal plate (to control the rebound), and a large diameter plastic tube (to confine the ball) to which a measuring scale has been affixed. Arrange the plastic tube on the bench so that the bounce height of a ball inside the tube can be clearly read off the scale, using the top of the ball as the reference point. You may find it helpful to get a rough idea about how high the ball bounces on the first bounce, and then use subsequent bounces to refine your estimate. Use the stickybacked plastic strip to fix a position on the measuring scale, and then adjust after each bounce. Try to estimate the error in your readings (for example: 0.3 cm). This is the precision of the measurement, as opposed to the accuracy of the result, and should reflect your confidence in having achieved the stated precision. Can you devise any procedures to minimize the error in your measurements? You may also find it helpful to work in threes, with one person dropping the ball, and the other two observing and recording the bounce height. 3 Measurement of bounce height at ice water temperature Iced water will be available for communal use on each bench. Place the squash ball into the iced water and leave for 5 minutes to fully cool. Remove the ball from iced water, dry its surface quickly using a paper towel, and measure the bounce height as soon as possible using the same methodology as earlier. In this case you should aim to make your measurement using only as few bounces as possible. Why is this? What happens to the bounce height as the ball warms up? 4 Measurement of bounce height at liquid N2 temperatures Liquid nitrogen will be dispensed into small polystyrene cups on the bench tops. The quantities provided are not sufficient to be dangerous when handled properly, but if a spillage occurs, move quickly away from the area and inform the Head of Class. Do NOT put anything other than squash balls into liquid N2 or attempt to take the liquid N2 out of the containers. Place the squash ball carefully into the cup, using the tongs provided, being careful not to splash liquid N2. Wear goggles to protect your eyes. Do not use the tongs to keep the ball under the liquid N2 surface. 4 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 AP0 Once the ball has fully cooled and nitrogen has stopped boiling off, remove the ball carefully with tongs, and, using protective gloves, swiftly transfer the ball to a heatresistant tile. Start a stopwatch as soon as the ball is removed from the liquid N2. Be sure to only grip the squash ball lightly with the tongs, as if the ball is held too tightly it is likely to shatter. Being careful to avoid direct contact between exposed skin and squash ball, measure the bounce height about four minutes after removal from N2 using the same methodology as earlier. Bouncing the ball too soon after removal from N2 may result in it shattering! Again, ensure the squash ball is only lightly gripped. Make repeated measurements of the bounce height at 1-minute intervals for a period of 20 minutes after the squash ball is removed from the liquid N2. Use no more than 2 or 3 bounces (taking 10 to 15 seconds) to determine each bounce height. You may need to periodically clean the frozen condensation from the squash ball carefully using a piece of paper towel. Be careful not to burn yourself during this process, and wear gloves. The temperature of an identical squash ball has been measured as a function of time during the heating process, and is shown below. Since direct temperature measurement tends to interfere with the measurement of bounce height, use the calibration curve to transform your data of average bounce height versus time into average bounce height versus temperature. In order to help you do this, a cubic polynomial fit has been added to the calibration curve to help you transform from time, t, (in minutes) to temperature, T (in degrees Celsius). This is not based on any physical law, but is intended to allow easy conversion of time into temperature. The fitted equation for transforming between these two quantities is: T = 0.0447 t3 – 1.9697 t2 + 32.102 t – 199.69 0 -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -40 -60 ] C º[ -80 T , -100 re tu -120 ra e p -140 m e T -160 Heating curve Poly. (Heating curve) T = 0.0447 t3 - 1.9697 t2 + 32.102 t - 199.69 -180 -200 Time, t [min] 5 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP0 Carry out the transformation for your data, and plot bounce height against temperature. Check your curve using reference points taken at ambient and ice water temperatures. Do they agree with the data points from your continuous curve? Is the form of the curve as you would expect? What do you notice about the behaviour of the bounce height with temperature? Use this to estimate the glass transition temperature of the squash ball. Assuming that the increase in Tg relative to pure uncrosslinked polyisoprene is linearly proportional to the degree of cross-linking, estimate the degree of crosslinking in the squash ball, and state clearly any complicating factors. 5 Measurement of bounce height at elevated temperatures Measure the bounce height at room temperature. Heated water is provided in the form of a water bath set to 65 °C. Measure the actual temperature of the water using a thermocouple provided. Place the squash ball into the heated water and leave for 5 minutes to fully heat. Remove from the heated water and measure the bounce height as soon as possible. Once the heated ball has cooled again to room temperature, measure its bounce height one more time. Is the bounce height the same? What are the implications does this have for the glass transition in polymers: i.e., would you say it was a chemical or a physical type of phase transition? Conclusions and take-home points Polyisoprene is an example of an amorphous material, with no long-range order. Amorphous materials can display different properties dependent on the temperature. The glass transition is an example of a physical, reversible change whereas crosslinking represents a permanent, chemical change. You have determined the glass transition temperature, Tg, for polyisoprene by a simple experiment, and quantified (hopefully minimized!) any errors intrinsic to the experimental setup. In the next practical, you will look at crystalline structures, which do possess long-range order and can be described by a crystal lattice. Please remember to fill in the feedback form with any comments on this practical 6 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 AP1 CrystallineMaterials&Close‐PackingofSpheres Aims and Objectives of this Practical To help you visualize crystal structures by building physical models. To make you familiar with using the software package CrystalMaker to view 3-dimensional crystal structures. Understand how to describe crystalline structures using the concepts of coordination numbers, coordination polyhedra and unit cells. Understand what is meant by “close-packing”. Be able to differentiate between cubic and hexagonal close-packed structures. and know how they have different stacking sequences of close-packed planes. Understand the description of the structures in terms of close-packed planes and how this relates to the conventional unit cell for both ccp and hcp This practical has multiple parts. The first part (Section 1) is an exercise in building a physical model of close-packed crystals, which are used later in the practical (Sections 3-5), and the second part (Section 2) uses a computer to represent crystalline structures. Your Head of Class will tell you whether to begin at Section 1 or Section 2, and tell you when to switch to the other sections. 1 Model building You are supplied with a number of plastic balls with which to construct planes of close-packed “atoms” possessing long-range order. Additionally, both the size and shape of the spaces between atoms in close-packed structures are important (formally, these are called interstices) so you will also build small ball models to illustrate two kinds of interstice which occur in close-packing. The balls need to be placed on the hexagonal template provided in a specified arrangement so that each ball is touching its neighbours. You should stick them together as follows: Dip the small spatula into the solvent (butan-2-one) to collect a small amount. Put it just above the point of contact of two balls as in figure (a). The solvent should flow down the balls and be held by surface tension between the two balls; a disc of solvent about 2 mm in diameter should be sufficient to stick the spheres together, figure (b). Only a small quantity of solvent is needed – too much will dissolve the balls. 7 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP1 Extensive inhalation of the solvent would be harmful, so replace the lids on the jars after use. If you splash solvent on your hands, wash it off. When all the balls in a particular arrangement have been stuck together, the tray containing the models should be placed in an oven for 10 minutes to evaporate the solvent, and then quenched in water to solidify the bonds. The models may then be gently lifted off the template on to a sheet of card. You will use a single metal tray to make your models: this has a number engraved on the top so that you can retrieve the correct one from the oven after drying. The suggested arrangement for balls within the tray is illustrated below. At either end of the hexagonal template, stick together a set of six white spheres in the pattern shown in figure (c). Then position a blue sphere so that it rests in the recess at the centre of the model as shown in (d) and glue it in place. These models will be referred to as X models. Now, on the same hexagonal template, place six black spheres and twelve blue spheres in the arrangement shown in (e), and stick them together. 8 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP1 Next place six white balls into the recesses indicated by R in (e) and stick them in position to make the model shown in (f). Make sure that X and Y models are not glued to each other. In between the two X models, glue together a group of three black balls in a triangle as (h) below. (h) Make another set of three white balls in a triangle, as (h) above. Finally, make another triangular group from white balls. However, this time position a single white ball so that it rests on the recess at the centre of one of the triangles, making a tetrahedron (i.e. each ball has its centre at one of the four corners of a tetrahedron). Glue it in place. Once your tray has come out of the oven and your models have been quenched, take the two triangular groups that you have made and carefully position one set on top of the other as shown in (i) below. Glue them together, making an octahedron and leave the model to harden. (i) The X + Y models that you have made represent parts of two adjacent close-packed layers, as found in the crystal structures of many metals. Once your models have set, you should be able to invert each X model and insert it gently into a Y model as shown in (g). 9 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP1 (g) You will use the models in section 3, and you can then take them home: they should be useful throughout the course. 2 Representation of crystal structures A crystal is characterised by having translational symmetry, which implies long-range positional order of the atoms, and can be described by a repeating array of points called a lattice. Each of these points (a lattice point) is in an identical environment, i.e. the lattice points are equivalent, even in non-primitive lattices (see below). The constraint of translational symmetry places a severe restriction on the number of lattices that can exist. In fact, there are only 14 possible Bravais lattices in 3D, each composed of a crystal system and lattice type (defined below). A repeating unit of the lattice, from which the entire crystal can be built, is called a unit cell. This is often, but not always, the smallest repeating unit. The shape of cell (more precisely, the rotational symmetry elements it contains) defines the crystal system (e.g. cubic, hexagonal, orthorhombic). The unit cell can either be primitive, with lattice points only at the corners and one lattice point per unit cell, or nonprimitive, with lattice points at the corners and other locations in the unit cell and more than one lattice point per unit cell. For a cubic lattice, there are 3 possible lattice types: primitive (P), face-centred cubic (F) and body-centred cubic (I). The unit cell can be represented in 3D as a parallelepiped described by 3 vectors a, b and c. In a cubic unit cell, these vectors are orthogonal to each other and equal in length. The structure of a crystal is fully described by a combination of the lattice (i.e. crystal system and lattice type) and the motif. The motif is a list of the atoms associated with each lattice point, with each atom’s coordinates expressed as a fraction of the unit cell length with the lattice point at the origin. Since each lattice point is equivalent, the arrangement of atoms about each one must be the same. Another way of thinking about crystal structures is to use the coordination number, which is the number of nearest-neighbour atoms around a given atom. In a crystal, these nearest-neighbour atoms often form a regular polyhedron. For example, 4 atoms surrounding another atom may define the corners of a tetrahedron, or 6 atoms may define an octahedron, with the reference atom at the centre. An example is the octahedral coordination of Na+ by Cl, or of Cl by Na+, in NaCl (see below). Hence, in addition the description of structures by space-filling models (hard spheres) and by 10 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP1 interatomic bonds (“a ball-and-spoke model”), they can also be described in terms of coordination polyhedra linked at their corners or edges. In this part of the practical, you will be using CrystalMaker, a graphics programme helpful for viewing and manipulating models of crystals on the computer, to help you visualise these structures in 3D. You may also find it helpful to look at the physical “ball-and-stick” crystal models on display. If you are stuck, the CrystalMaker Users’ Guide can be found under the Help menu. There is a large library of crystal structures available to view in CrystalMaker; however, you should start by working through the following sequence. -Fe In the folder labelled “Crystal Structures Library” on the desktop, find the file “Iron – gamma (fcc)” under the directory Minerals\Non-Silicates\Native Elements. Open this and a window showing atoms in one unit cell of the structure should appear. What is the shape of the unit cell, outlined in red (you can rotate the image using the mouse)? How many lattice points are there in one unit cell? From the “Transform” menu, select “Set Range”. Put 4 in each of the “maximum” boxes for the x, y and z-axes and click “Apply”. This will show what the 64 unit cells look like. Do all the Fe atoms have the same coordination? What is the coordination number? NaCl (Halite) Open this file (under the directory Minerals\Non-Silicates\Halides) and a single unit cell of NaCl will be displayed (green = Cl, yellow = Na+). From the “Model” menu, select “Space filling”. The unit cell will now be displayed with Na+ and Cl ions with their correct relative sizes. Alternate between the “Ball and Stick” and “Space Filling” models (in the “Model” menu. Describe the coordination of Na+ by Cl and Cl by Na+. Which lattice does NaCl adopt? (give both crystal system and lattice type) From the “Transform” menu, choose “Set Range” and put 2 into each of the “maximum” boxes for the x, y and z axes. Convert the model to “Polyhedral” from the “Model” menu. What is the basic polyhedral unit of the NaCl structure? How are these polyhedra connected to each other? Hexagonal Close Packing Open the file “Hexagonal Close Packing - Layers” found under Basic Structure Stypes\A. 11 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP1 What lattice does this structure have? (give both crystal system and lattice type) What is the motif? Describe the coordination. How many lattice points are in the unit cell? 3 Hexagonal close-packing Collect the models that you made earlier in Section 1, which should now have dried. They should still have the smaller X models inserted into the larger Y models. Each combined model now represents a pair of close-packed planes (assume all coloured balls represent the same type of atom). Identify the unit cell of a single two-dimensional close-packed layer and draw a 2-D plan of four unit cells with a common corner. Draw touching circles to represent the touching balls. Mark on your plan the positions of holes into which the balls of the next layer could fit. Are the two holes within each unit cell exactly equivalent? Could two balls be fitted in simultaneously? Are the two holes related by a lattice vector? Hold one combined model up to the light; some of the gaps between spheres in the top layer are above gaps in the lower layer, while others are above spheres in the lower layer. Thus, in any one layer the gaps between the spheres are of two types. On your drawing label the circles A, and the two types of recess B and C. Place one combined model on the bench with the layer of white balls uppermost. Superimpose the other combined model, in the same orientation, so that the blue spheres of the top model lie directly over the blue spheres of the bottom model. The sequence of layers is now ABAB and the model represents hexagonal close-packing. Place your model on a light box and note that gaps run right through the stack. Thus one set of sites (the C sites) is always unoccupied in hexagonal close-packing (hcp). Compare your model with a ball-and-spoke model of hcp. Describe or sketch the three-dimensional arrangement of nearest neighbours (ignoring the colours of the balls) around a sphere in a white layer and around one in a blue-and-black layer. Are the arrangements different? Are all the atoms exactly equivalent, i.e. do they have exactly the same environment? How many atoms are associated with each lattice point, i.e. how many atoms are in the motif? Find the three-dimensional unit cell of hcp and draw a large, accurate projection of this structure on the close-packed plane showing four unit cells as above. Label the axes in the close packed plane +x and +y, taking , the angle between them, as 120 Taking care to note that the axes are not orthogonal, write down the fractional coordinates of the atoms in the unit cell. Mark on your plan the 3 close-packed directions in the close packed plane, i.e. the lattice vectors joining the centres of adjacent atoms in the close packed plane. 12 JAE M2014 2014-15 4 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP1 Cubic close-packing Remove the top two layers of the model used earlier. Take the X model from this double sheet and place it on top of the two close-packed layers of the lower double unit so that the six white spheres sit on the recesses above the gaps which run right through the two lower layers. This pyramidal model has the stacking sequence ABCA. Invert the spare Y model and carefully add it to the combined model to show more of the two upper close-packed layers. The two blue-and-black layers should now be directly above and below each other. This model represents cubic close-packing (ccp). Hold your model up to the light. Note there are no gaps running through the structure. Describe or sketch the distribution of nearest neighbours about a sphere in each of the layers of type A, B, and C. Again, ignore the colour of the spheres – they represent chemically identical atoms. (A ball-and-spoke model is available for comparison.) Are the distributions different? Are all the spheres exactly equivalent? How many spheres are associated with each lattice point, i.e. how many spheres are in the motif? Identify the unit cell that has x and y in the blue-and-black close-packed layer and z normal to the layers, and is thus similar to the one drawn in above. Draw a plan of four of these unit cells projected onto the x-y plane. How many lattice points are there in the cell? Is this cell primitive? The stacking sequence ABCA has, in fact, cubic symmetry. There are three other sets of close-packed planes related by this symmetry. Locate these on your model. This is most easily done by removing the top Y model added earlier, leaving the inverted X model on top of the X + Y model. In ccp the symmetry makes it possible to choose a unit cell geometrically simpler than that used above. This conventional unit cell is a cube with atoms at the corners and at the centres of the faces. It may be extracted from your model by removing the top Y model and then lifting out the two X models together, keeping the same relative orientation. Place this cube with one of its faces in the smaller of the two square templates. The edges of the face will lie at 45˚ to the edges of the template. Choose the origin of the cubic unit cell on the blue sphere of the lower face of the cube. Take the cubic reference axes x and y in the plane of the template and the z axis vertical. Draw a plan of this cell projected onto the x-y plane, showing all the atoms. Remove the top X model by lifting its blue ball to expose a close-packed plane. Make a sketch of the arrangement of atoms in this close-packed plane and mark in the three close-packed directions. Replace the upper half of the cube. Locate the three other close-packed planes. 13 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP1 5 Interstices in close-packed structures Interstices in close-packed structures are sites where low concentrations of small atoms such as H, C and N can be incorporated into crystal structures with minimal distortion to the crystal structure. For example, cubic close-packed iron can take up to 1.7 wt% carbon into solid solution quite happily at 1130 ˚C. It is therefore important to be able to appreciate what interstices are and their sizes relative to the atoms. Examine the two models built in Section 1. They show the distribution of atoms around so-called ‘octahedral’ and ‘tetrahedral’ interstices. These names are used since the atoms around the two types of interstice are located at the corners of a regular octahedron and tetrahedron. Locate some of these interstices in your models of hexagonal and cubic closepacking. On the plan drawn earlier locate one interstice of each type, and give its fractional coordinates. Conclusions and take-home points Physical models and computer software are useful tools for viewing and better understanding crystal structures. We can describe crystalline structures in terms of the coordination of one type of atom around another (coordination number) and the shape that this coordination shell creates (coordination polyhedron). We can also visualise crystalline structures in terms of repeating structures (unit cells) described by a lattice type, crystal system and motif. The following facts about close-packed spheres are of great importance, and will come up in the course time and again: Stacking planes of close-packed layers ABAB… gives hcp, whereas the stacking sequence ABCABC… gives ccp. In both types, each atom has 12 neighbours, but the arrangements are different. In ccp all atoms have identical environments, but this is not true in hcp where there are two atoms in the motif. For ccp a hexagonal unit cell of three atoms can be used, but the conventional unit cell is a face-centred cube, with four atoms. Both structures have tetrahedral and octahedral interstices. These are particularly relevant for describing related structure types. Please remember to fill in the feedback form with any comments on this practical 14 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 LatticePlanes,MillerIndicesandX‐rayDiffractometry ** BEFORE ATTENDING THIS PRACTICAL ** To assist you with the assessed exercises, first work through the DoITPoMS TLP entitled “Lattice Planes and Miller Indices”. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/index.php Aims and Objectives of this Practical Know what “Miller Indices” are and how they are used Be confident in “indexing” sets of lattice planes in 2-D and 3-D Be able to draw a set of lattice planes when given the Miller Indices Be able to use CrystalMaker to construct lattice planes and directions Use a mini X-ray diffractometer to observe diffraction from a LiF crystal See Bragg’s law in action, observing that both incoming and outgoing X-ray beams must be aligned correctly with respect to the crystal to observe a peak Learn that X-rays are not simply reflected from the surface of a crystal but can be diffracted from planes inside the crystal inclined to the surface This practical consists of two halves. The first part (Sections 1-4) is a paper, pen and computer-based exercise on Miller Indices, and the second part (Sections 5-9) is an introduction to X-ray diffractometry. Your Head of Class will tell you whether to begin at Section 1 or Section 5, and tell you when to switch to the other part. 1 Lattice planes in 2-dimensions The indices are defined as (hkl) if the first plane away from the origin makes intercepts on the +x, +y, and +z axes of a/h, b/k and c/l, respectively. Rutile (TiO2) is tetragonal with a = b = 4.59 Å and c = 2.96 Å. A projection on (100), i.e. looking down the x-axis onto the y–z plane, of the lattice is shown in Figure 1. The intersections (traces) of portions of seven sets of lattice planes normal to the paper have been drawn on this plan. What is the h index for all these planes? For each set of planes, determine the indices k and l. How are (hkl) and ( hkl ) related? A projection on (001) is shown in Figure 2. Use it to make a drawing similar to Figure 1 showing the traces of sets of lattice planes (110), (010), (210), ( 210 ) and ( 230 ). A projection of a hexagonal crystal lattice (a = b, γ = 120°, the angle between x and y axes) onto (001), i.e. looking down the z axis onto x-y plane is shown in Figure 3. 15 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 Index the directions shown on the plan, and then draw the lattice vector [310] from the origin to the edge of the plan. Add the trace of one of the (310) planes passing the unit cell closest to the origin. What do you notice about the direction [310] relative to the trace of (310) planes? Remember that the direction [hkl] is not necessarily perpendicular to the (hkl) planes (this is only true in a cubic crystal). 2 Lattice planes in 3-dimensions Figure 4 shows a view of a crystal lattice. Using the axes shown as your reference axes, index the sets of lattice planes I to IV. Remember that in each case you may choose any convenient lattice point as your origin. Near the numeral IV, add to the diagram the traces of a few planes of the set ( 112 ). Open the DoITPoMS TLP entitled “Lattice Planes & Miller Indices” on one of the computers. Go to the page “Draw your own lattice planes” and satisfy yourself that it provides the same answers for the 3-D planes you have drawn and indexed. Complete the TLP questions (including the drag & drop game) if you haven’t already done so. 3 Lattice planes and directions Assign some axes to the conventional unit cell of the cubic close-packed structure (right). What are the Miller Indices of the shaded planes? What are the lattice directions along which the atoms in that plane touch? Use the Weiss Zone Law to confirm that the directions you have written down do indeed lie in that plane. For nickel, cubic close-packed a = 3.52 Å, calculate the separation of the shaded planes using trigonometry. Check your answer by using the formula for interplanar spacing for crystals with orthogonal axes from the Data Book. Now, calculate the interplanar spacing of the (312) planes, and note that this answer would be difficult to obtain purely by trigonometry. 16 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 17 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 18 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 AP2 y x Figure 3 Figure 4 19 JAE M2014 2014-15 4 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 CrystalMaker exercises Open the file Iron - gamma (fcc).cmdf (Found in Crystal Structures Library\ Minerals\Non-Silicates\Native Elements). Open the Set Range window from the Transform menu and set the range from 0 to 2 for x, y and z. It may be helpful to display the axes (ModelShow Axes). You should now have 8 unit cells displayed. Miller indices Bring up the Lattice Plane menu (TransformLattice PlaneEdit) and display the (111) plane. Using the Lattice Plane tool from the Tools palette, adjust the position of the plane so it is not bisecting the atoms and then slice the model to show the closepacked plane (TransformSlice Model). The red (111) plane can be hidden (TransformLattice PlaneHide). Change the model type to Space Filling and compare it to the physical models you have made in AP1. By resetting the model (from the Plot Range window) or by opening another Iron gamma (fcc).cmdf file, try cleaving along higher indexed planes, e.g. (431). What differences do you notice between the close-packed (111) and the higher index planes (HINT: Think about how rough / smooth the planes are)? Lattice vectors In a close-packed structure, there are 12 close-packed directions (or six anti-parallel pairs). The 6 in-plane directions are shown below: Index the 12 close-packed directions for the cubic fcc/ccp unit cell and the 6 directions in a single close-packed plane for the hexagonal hcp unit cell. You may find a 3D sketch helps to index the directions in the fcc cell (remember, close-packed planes are of type {111} in fcc) Which rule could confirm that the directions you have found lie in a closepacked plane? How would you represent the 12 symmetry equivalent directions using crystallographic notation? Plot one of the directions you have indexed as a lattice vector in CrystalMaker. Select one of the atoms in the close packed plane from the previous section using the Arrow tool and define the direction from SelectionVectorAdd. Does it agree with your prediction? 20 JAE M2014 2014-15 5 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 Introduction to X-ray Diffractometry In this part of the practical you will learn how to use a small, low-power X-ray counter diffractometer to collect diffraction data from a LiF crystal. It will be necessary to work in small groups of 2 to 3 students. IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION X-rays are potentially dangerous. In addition to a lead glass domed shield around the X-ray tube, there is an interlocked plastic anti-scatter enclosure. Thus, the shutter can only be opened allowing X-rays to exit the tube when the enclosure is correctly positioned. You should be aware when the shutter is open and when it is closed, but the interlocks are a backup to prevent any possible accident. The LiF crystal may react with moisture, e.g. on your skin. Please wear gloves when handling the crystals. The portable diffractometer you will be using consists of a small solid-state high voltage generator driving a copper anode X-ray tube that can be seen inside the lead glass dome at the rear of the unit. X-rays generated at the anode emerge through a thin glass port blown in the tube and then through a hole in the lead glass dome. After passing through an interchangeable collimating slit, the beam passes over the central turn-table on which a crystal can be mounted. X-rays diffracted by the crystal in a particular direction pass through a receiving slit and are detected by a Geiger-Müller (G.M.) tube positioned in a carriage moving concentrically with the crystal and driven by the vernier wheel outside the transparent radiation protection cover. The motion of the detector and crystal are coupled so that the angular velocity of the former is twice that of the latter (known as a 2or 2 drive). The angular setting (2) of the detector can be read off the scale around the perimeter of the top plate of the unit while the setting () of the crystal is indicated on the scale immediately around the central turntable. Access to the working space is achieved by first checking the state of the X-rays. If they are ON (red light, HT ON), turn (power) OFF, then carefully displace the transparent cover sideways in the direction of the detector carriage and raise it. To make a measurement, close the lid, then centre it (to engage the interlock) and turn on the X-rays (Power ON and then X-rays ON). Lights are top back and switches bottom front of instrument, see Figure 5. Safety interlocks ensure that the high voltage generator can only be switched on when the lid is both closed and centred. The high voltage generator is automatically switched off if the lid is displaced from this position. However, this is a safety backup only, and you always close the shutter manually before opening the lid. The X-ray tube emits a relatively low level “white” radiation together with the strong characteristic radiation Kand Kfrom the copper target; K is the stronger and has the longer wavelength. You will use a filter to block out all but the Cu Kwavelength X-rays. 21 JAE M2014 2014-15 6 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 Operating Instructions Figure 5: Schematic of the portable X-ray diffractometer. Defining the outgoing beam. Carefully remove the G.M. tube from the carriage and insert the 1 mm receiving slit vertically in the detector carriage in sprung slot 14, and the 3 mm slit similarly in the rearmost slot 30. Defining the direction of the incoming X-ray beam. Align the detector carriage pointer with the 2 = 0° graduation. With no crystal in position check that the collimator slit on the lead glass dome is vertical. You should be able to see the anode clearly through all three aligned slits; this line of sight will define the direction of the primary X-ray beam, 2 = 0°. Zeroing both drives. When the detector is at 2 = 0° the crystal-holder (central spindle) scale should read = 0° also, with the "reflecting" surface facing right, as shown in Figure 5. If the scale does not read 0°, it is necessary to adjust it independently of the detector carriage: loosen the knurled ring around the base of the crystal holder, whereupon the setting can be adjusted as required. Tighten the knurled ring fingertight (without straining) so that the two-to-one linkage is re-engaged. You might find it easier to stand over the set and look down to check that both the crystal and detector are aligned at zero. Orienting the crystal. Lithium fluoride is cubic. The lithium fluoride crystal supplied is bounded by {100} cleavage planes. Insert the crystal into the holder at the centre of the turntable with a large face against the vertical reference surface, and the longest 22 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 side vertical. If one of these large faces has a dull appearance due to slight abrasion, mount the crystal so that this duller face is against the reference surface. On looking through the collimating slits you should now see that the primary beam direction lies in the surface of the crystal, as does the axis of rotation. Note that, at this stage, when the detector carriage is moved, the normal to the crystal face always bisects the angle between the primary beam direction and the centre-line of the carriage, i.e. the crystal face is always symmetrically arranged with respect to the incident and detected beam directions, i.e. = . Installing the G.M. tube. Remove the 3 mm slit and replace the detector in sprung slot 24, with the cable emerging vertically upwards. The centre-line of the G.M. tube should then be parallel to, but displaced from, that of the carriage. Place the antiscatter slit in slot 13. Place the Ni filter in slot 15. (Ensure that the cable is free of the diffractometer cover. If you have any difficulty call a demonstrator.) Setting the voltage. Check that the red switch on the top of the turntable is in the 30 kV position and that the time switch (front centre) is not at zero (suggest set for ~50mins) . Checking the crystal holder. Move the detector around to the right (anti-clockwise) through at least 15° of 2. Check that the crystal holder is arranged so that the X-rays will be incident on the face of the crystal in contact with the vertical reference surface. (If it appears that your unit has been set up so that the X-rays will be incident on the other vertical surface of the crystal, consult a demonstrator at once.) Powering up. Close and centre the radiation cover. Check that it cannot be re-opened, simply by raising gently. Switch on the mains supply: “POWER ON” switch. The white indicator lamp should light up. Turn on the high voltage generator to the X-ray tube by depressing the red “X-RAYS ON” button on the front left of the unit. The red indicator lamp at the right rear should light up. If it does not, check that the lid is correctly centred. Notice also that the cathode of the X-ray tube is glowing. 7 Estimating the position of the 200 diffraction peak LiF has the cubic NaCl structure; ball-and-spoke models of the NaCl structure are available for inspection. The arrangement of the ions on a (001) plane is illustrated in Figure 6 below. Estimate the cell parameter a of LiF from the ionic radii: Li+Å FÅ. Note this approach provides a rough estimate. (Such information can often also be obtained from databases.) In this practical you will obtain accurate values for the cell parameters of the crystal that you have been given. 23 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 AP2 Using this estimated value of a and the Bragg equation (see Data Book), estimate 2200 and 2400 for CuKradiation ( = 1.54 Å).the cell parameter a of LiF from the ionic radii: Li+ÅFÅ. Li F Figure 6: Arrangement of ions on (001) plane for LiF. 8 Recording the 200 diffraction peak With the diffractometer set according to the operating procedure outlined in the previous section, the counter arm should be populated as follows: slot 13: anti-scatter slide slot 14: 1 mm slit slot 15: Ni filter slot 24: counter By turning the counter though the appropriate angle (2 and hence the crystal by , locate the 200 reflection close to the 2 value estimated in section 3 above. Record the value of both 2and count rate (intensity) for this peak. The crystal must now be oriented precisely. It has been assumed up to this point that a zero reading on the crystal setting scale corresponds to the incident X-ray beam being parallel to the (100) planes (i.e. the cleavage plane) of the LiF crystal. That assumption is not necessarily precise: there may be a small zero-error in the crystal setting scale, which can easily be eliminated by the following procedure: Turn off the power and open the radiation cover. Note the reading for the crystal setting ( 1/2 2loosen the knurled ring at the base of the crystal holder to disconnect the 2:1 gearing; tighten the knurled ring finger tight without straining, and then loosen it by half a turn so that the 2:1 gearing is loosely engaged. Lay the setting bar flat on the diffractometer table so that its two studs engage with two holes in the centre plate. (It is often easiest to put the setting bar on the same side as the detector – when they are on opposite sides, it is difficult to close the cover properly.) Replace the radiation cover and switch on the X-rays. Hold the counter arm at the 200 peak maximum determined above and adjust the angle of the crystal by moving the setting bar slightly each way to achieve maximum counts. Do this very slowly in order to allow the recorder time to respond. Move the counter arm slightly either way to locate maximum response. 24 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 Repeat the cycle until adjustment of the crystal setting for maximum counts leads to no change in the setting of the counter arm. The normal to (200) planes of the LiF crystal will now bisect the angle between the incident and diffracted X-ray beams. Record this position of the inner ring in case you accidentally disturb it. Compare the intensity measured here with what you measured earlier, before precise orientation. Is there any improvement? Turn off the X-rays. Open the radiation cover, remove the setting bar and gently retighten the knurled ring. Close and centre the radiation cover. Plot count rate (allowing the detector some 5 seconds to respond before each reading) against 2every 0.5° of 2, from 1.5° below to 1.5° above the peak position found in 0, and so determine a value for 2200. Hence evaluate the cell parameter a for your LiF crystal. Repeat the whole procedure in this section using the 400 reflection and the value of 2400 estimated in section 3, as this will lead to a more accurate measurement of the cell parameter. If you want to see why this should be so, refer to the Appendix. 9 Recording the 420 diffraction peak It is important to realize that Bragg “reflection” is not a surface reflection, and therefore incident and diffracted beams are not necessarily symmetrical to the (100) cleavage planes. To investigate this you are asked to find the diffracted beam arising from the (420) planes. Note the (420) interplanar spacing has components both perpendicular and parallel to the large surface face of the crystal, whereas the (400) interplanar spacing is perpendicular to this surface. By combining these 2 measurements one can calculate the cell parameter in both directions. Why might these values differ? For a cubic crystal d(hkl) = a/(h2+k2+l2). Use this expression and the Bragg equation to estimate 2420. Evaluate the offset angle (100):(420) in order to calculate the angle through which the crystal must be rotated (see Figure 7). 25 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 (a) For planes parallel to the sample surface (1) Offset = 0 (a) AP2 (b) & (c) For general planes (2) Offset 0 (b) 2 ( c) 2 0 n1 is the normal to planes parallel to the sample surface (1); n2 is the normal to general planes (2) Figure 7: Schematic demonstrating location of planes and angles between them. Reset both the angles 2andto zero. Loosen the knurled nut and use the setting bar to turn the crystal through the (100):(420) offset angle calculated in above so that the (420) lattice plane is parallel to the incident X-ray beam, as shown in Figure 7(b). After retightening the knurled nut, moving the detector to 2will result in moving to [1/2(2offset angle], see Figure 7(c). Replace the radiation cover and switch on the X-rays. Locate the 420 reflection. Repeat the crystal alignment procedure in section 4. Then, by plotting counts against 2, obtain an accurate value of 2. Calculate the value of a using this measured plane spacing. How does this result for cell parameter, calculated from 420 peak, compare with those which you obtained in section 4 from the 200 and 400 peaks? 26 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP2 Conclusions and take-home points Planes are described using Miller Indices, a description based on how far away from the origin the first plane intercepts each coordinate axis. The direction [321] is not necessarily normal to the plane (321) – though it is for cubic crystals! The Weiss Zone Law is the way to work out whether a direction [UVW] is contained within a plane (hkl) – it works for any crystal system. In order to measure diffraction peaks from a single crystal both the detector position, 2and the crystal position, must be carefully aligned. Measurements made at higher 2angles give more accurate cell parameters, due to the slower variation of sinat higher diffraction angles. y tilting, or offsetting, the sample cell parameters can be measured in different directions of the sample, e.g. both perpendicular to and parallel to the surface of a thin film. Please remember to fill in the feedback form with any comments on this practical Appendix : Accurate determination of lattice parameter d d tan Differentiate Bragg's law, 2dsin For an error in , of d d tan For the highest sensitivity in angle: tan. d 0, as 90 d d d best as 90 ; i.e. 2 180 1.0 sin 0.8 0.6 use the highest angle line to give highest accuracy. 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 27 JAE M2014 80 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP3 PhaseIdentificationandQuantificationforCubicCrystal Aims and Objectives of this Practical To show the relationship between “single crystal” and “powder” X-ray data To learn how cell parameters and/or relative intensities can be used to identify crystalline phases of a material and measure the amount of each crystalline phase (or material) in a mixture (quantitative phase analysis) To understand how the crystalline structure affects intensities by doing structure factor calculations To ‘index’ a cubic powder pattern, obtaining the lattice type and cell parameter Given possible trial structures with given lattice type, to determine which one is best by comparing calculated intensities with the experimental values Phase identification and quantification are important in materials science and have many applications e.g. forensic work, drugs industry, corrosion, gas, oil & mining exploration, catalysts, cement works and development of new materials & new devices. Both peak positions (which are related to cell parameters) and relative intensities (related to the type of atom and their positions in the unit cell) are important measurements to identify different crystalline phases. In a mixture, the relative intensities are used to quantify each phase. This practical is in several parts, and consists of a practical exercise involving the Xray diffractometers you used in AP2 plus a paper-and-pen exercise. It is important that you attempt the whole practical – your Head of Class will tell you which section to begin with, and when it is time to move on. You can return to any section if you have time at the end. IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION X-rays are potentially dangerous. In addition to a lead glass domed shield around the X-ray tube, there is an interlocked plastic anti-scatter enclosure. Thus, the shutter can only be opened allowing X-rays to exit the tube when the enclosure is correctly positioned. You should be aware when the shutter is open and when it is closed, but the interlocks are a backup to prevent any possible accident. The LiF crystal may react with moisture, e.g. on your skin. Please wear gloves when handling the crystals. 28 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 1 AP3 Cell parameters You are provided with these 4 crystals: LiF, NaCl, KCl and RbCl. From Bragg’s Law, calculate the angle at which you would expect to find the strongest peak, 200 or 002, for the crystals with CuKα radiation (λ = 1.54 Å): (For a cubic structure the position and intensity of the 200 and 002 reflections are identical and they are named by various different conventions) LiF a = 4.03 Å NaCl a = 5.64 Å KCl a = 6.28 Å RbCl a = 6.58 Å Why do you think that these cell parameters are different? You are provided with the same mini X-ray sets (TELTRONS) as in AP2. Take 1 crystal from the choice of those marked: Red, Green and Yellow. They could be: LiF, NaCl, KCl, or RbCl. Mount the crystal and, using the same methodology as described in the previous practical, find and measure the 200 reflection to determine the unit cell (use the 3 mm slit rather than the 1 mm). From your measurement of the unit cell, work out which crystal you have. Do you think that you can measure the difference between KCl and RbCl? If you have time, you may like to measure another crystal. Please replace crystals in the correct tubes after use, as some will absorb water. 2 Intensities and cell parameters – calculation The powder diffraction data for the 4 crystals you have been investigating are given both graphically and in a table. Sample A is a mixture of 2 crystalline phases (i.e. LiF, NaCl, KCl or RbCl). In this practical you will use the peak positions and intensities to a) identify and quantify the crystalline phases present in the experimental powder diffraction data of Sample A and b) gain some understanding of why the relative intensities vary for cubic structures. Counts Intensity (counts) 20 LiF 10 0 400 NaCl 200 0 KCl 500 0 2000 RbCl 1000 0 3000 2000 1000 0 Sample A 29 JAE M2014 10 20 30 40 50 60 2θº CuKα Position [°2Theta] (Copper (Cu)) 70 80 90 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 LiF Height /cts 18 24 12 3 3 d /Å 2.33 2.02 1.42 1.22 1.16 NaCl 2 38.67 44.95 65.45 78.68 82.93 KCl (hkl) Height /cts d /Å 2 111 002 022 113 222 41 455 279 10 89 39 5 104 78 3.26 2.82 1.99 1.70 1.63 1.41 1.29 1.26 1.15 AP3 27.37 31.70 45.45 53.87 56.47 66.23 73.07 75.29 83.99 RbCl (hkl) Height /cts d /Å 2 (hkl) Height /cts d /Å 2 (hkl) 111 002 022 113 222 004 133 024 224 111 002 022 113 222 004 133 024 224 115 333 044 7 1040 656 4 214 93 1 246 181 1 1 59 3.63 3.14 2.22 1.89 1.81 1.57 1.44 1.40 1.28 1.21 1.21 1.11 24.54 28.41 40.61 48.02 50.30 58.78 64.65 66.55 73.88 79.20 79.20 87.89 799 2797 1930 394 645 290 158 782 582 116 116 185 119 402 402 3.80 3.29 2.33 1.98 1.90 1.64 1.51 1.47 1.34 1.27 1.27 1.16 1.11 1.10 1.10 Identify which two materials are in Sample A. Use the graphs and/or tables. Using the strongest peak, roughly estimate the ratio (weight fraction) of these two materials. Looking at the intensity scales on the graphs or intensities in the tables above (they are the same) can you obtain a calibration coefficient for the strongest peaks of these two materials? Now we will calculate the relative intensities (I) of the strongest peak (002) I hkl Fhkl Fhkl where Fhkl is the structure factor: The atomic scattering factors (also known as form factors, fn) are given below: 2 /o 0 39 45 27 32 25 28 23 27 Li 3 1.8 1.7 - Na 11 8.8 8.5 - Atomic Scattering Factors, fn K Rb F 19 37 9 6.5 5.8 15.2 14.6 32 31.2 - Cl 17 13.3 12.3 13.7 13 14.1 13.2 (note: fn increase with increasing atomic number and decrease with increasing angle) 30 JAE M2014 23.40 27.09 38.68 45.70 47.86 55.85 61.38 63.15 70.00 74.95 74.95 82.96 87.69 89.26 89.26 111 002 022 113 222 004 133 024 224 115 333 044 135 006 244 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP3 All the crystals have the same cubic structure (NaCl). The atomic positions (x, y, z) in fractional co-ordinates (i.e. as a proportion of the unit cell dimensions) are: Metal cation (M) Anion (A) 0,0,0 1/2,1/2,0 1/2,0,1/2 0,1/2,1/2 1/2,1/2,1/2 0,0,1/2 0,1/2,0 1/2,0,0 Using your intensities calculated for the structure factor and the relative peak heights of the strong 002 peak, now see what value you get for the weight fractions in sample A. Looking back at the graphs and tables of the data for all 4 cubic structures, note how both the peak positions and intensities vary. In particular, compare say KCl to LiF or RbCl and note that the relative intensities vary, e.g. (111) and (002): h+k+l is even as compared with h+k+l is odd. For two of these materials, calculate the structure factors of (111) and (002). You may have already done (002) in section 2 above. What factors contribute to the variation in the relative peak intensities? 3 Intensities and cell parameters - computational In this section you will use the same mixture data as in section 2 (Sample A) and the commercial software X’pert Highscore Plus, with a small reference database, to identify the compounds in the mixtures and obtain a semi-quantitative measure of their relative amounts. The current commercial ICCD database contains over one hundred thousand unique crystalline phases. Here, for simplicity, this database only contains data on the 4 cubic phases you are studying. The procedure for using the software is described below: i. Open the program X’pert Highscore Plus (HS+). ii. (The database should be set to Mary mini cubic database. If a problem check CustomiseProgram SettingsReference PatternsMary mini cubic database.) iii. Open the mixture data from the FileOpen menu. Start with Sample A, which is printed in this document and considered in section 2 iv. Now, to account for the background scattering, open the TreatmentDetermine Background window. Check the background fitted looks okay and click Accept. v. To automatically find the peaks present, go to TreatmentSearch Peaks and search for the peaks. Check the assignment looks okay and then click OK. vi. Now that the peaks have been found, the phases present can be analysed. Go to AnalysisSearch and MatchExecute Search and Match and ensuring the Restriction Set is at None, click Search. vii. Set the additional graphics pane to enable easy peak comparisons at Set ViewAdditional GraphicsSeparate Patterns. 31 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP3 viii. In the lists pane, you should now have the pattern list at the top and the list of possible candidates at the bottom. ix. Select the patterns in the bottom pane to check the match with the data on the graph. Drag those that fit up to the Pattern list pane. x. You may find it easier to see if you change the colours of the lines, using the tab in the Pattern list pane. xi. Remove candidates that don’t fit from the bottom pane. xii. Once the peaks are assigned, scroll to the right-hand side in the Pattern list pane. The last box should give the SemiQuant(%) value. This is the semiquantitative estimate of the relative amounts of each phase present. xiii. (It is worth noting that once all the peaks are assigned then there will be no more arrows on the lines denoting the peaks above the main pattern.) How well do the results of this analysis agree with your work in section 2? The semi-quantitative analysis is calculated using the I/Ic values for each phase. I/Ic (RIR- reference intensity ratio) is the intensity of the strongest peak compared with the strongest peak in corundum Al2O3. This ‘calibration’ accounts for differences in the structure factors, multiplicity, absorption and other factors allowing relative intensities to be converted to weight fractions. In this analysis, the intensity is calculated from a single peak height rather than using the areas of all the peaks which gives more reliable results. Thus this quick RIR method gives a ‘semi-quantitative result’. (xiv In pattern list, if you double click on the reference data, all the crystallographic information for that phase should appear as in the data base) Now, if you have time, try the same approach on some of the other data files – Sample B, C &/or D (just using the HS+ software not manual calculations) 4 Interpretation of a cubic diffraction pattern X-ray diffraction is the main technique for determining the structure of materials, i.e. the crystal system, unit cell, space group and positions of the atoms in the unit cell. Usually a full set of single crystal data are required (~1000 spots measured) but some simple cubic structures can be determined from powder data with relatively few peaks. Here we follow this method for the compound gallium phosphide (GaP). For any powder diffraction pattern the interplanar spacing d of each powder line can be calculated from the measured Bragg angle . For cubic powder patterns, in this case from gallium phosphide, GaP, it is easy to go further and assign Miller indices to each powder line and then determine the lattice type and unit cell parameter. Because GaP is cubic and has a simple unit cell it is possible to do even better, and determine the crystal structure by comparing the observed relative intensities of different powder lines with those predicted on the basis of candidate crystal structures. The sample used to obtain the powder pattern was sulphur-doped GaP provided by the ESPRC III-V Semiconductor Facility in the University of Sheffield. This material is used as the conducting substrate on which a thin film of gallium-aluminium-arsenic32 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP3 phosphide is deposited for use in opto-electronic devices. A level of sulphur doping of < 0.1 at.% is used to tailor the electronic properties of the GaP substrate. 4.1 Determination of unit cell parameter and lattice type You are provided with a powder diffractometer trace, obtained using CuK1 radiation. Values of 2 for the centre of each peak, obtained from the diffractometer output, are also given. Label each powder line in the pattern from n = 1 to n = 9 with increasing diffraction angle . Set up a table of values of n and 2. In view of the fact that the crystal is cubic, and thus: 1 h2 k2 l2 2 d hkl a2 a2 a2 and, using the Bragg equation: 2 =4d 2 sin 2 and N hkl a2 2 d hkl Nhkl is thus proportional to sin2. Add columns to your table for, sin2, (sin2n)/(sin21), N and hkl, where 1 is the Bragg angle of the line with lowest 2, and n is the Bragg angle of the nth line. Find the simplest set of integers, N, consistent with the values of (sin2n)/(sin21). Using the values of N obtained above, index the diffraction pattern, i.e. assign hkl values to all the powder lines. Use the pattern of the indices of the observed reflections to determine the lattice type. Use your value of the diffraction angle for the line with largest 2 to determine the value of a. (Use the value of (CuK1) given in the Data Book.) Estimate the accuracy of your result for a, if the uncertainty in measuring 2 for each powder line is ~ ± 0.02°. 5 The structure of gallium phosphide The structure of this relatively simple cubic substance can be determined by considering the alternative atomic arrangements possible for the atoms contained within the unit cell. We may then distinguish between the alternatives by calculating the ratios of the intensities of certain reflections for each possible structure and comparing these with the ratios that are observed experimentally. 33 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP3 5.1 Identifying the candidate crystal structures From the evidence of section 4 it is clear that GaP is face centred cubic. From measurements of density, it is found that there are 4 formula units of GaP per unit cell. How many GaP units are there per lattice point? Deduce the multiplicities of the 420 and 331 powder lines, e.g. by writing down all the equivalent {420} and {331} planes. GaP may exist as either the sodium chloride (NaCl) structure type or the sphalerite (ZnS) structure type. For each structure type, write down the coordinates of the atoms associated with the lattice point at the origin, i.e. the motif. Figure 1: NaCl (top) and ZnS (zinc blende) (bottom) structure types for GaP. 34 JAE M2014 2014-15 5.2 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP3 Calculating the relative diffraction intensities for the candidate structures Write down expressions for the intensities of the permitted hkl reflections for each of the candidate structures, using the coordinates of atoms associated with the lattice point at the origin only. Hence obtain expressions for the intensities of the 420 and 331 reflections and for the ratio of intensities I(420) / I(331) for each of the two structures. Work out the ratio of intensities for the NaCl and ZnS (zinc blende) type structures, using the following values for the atomic scattering factors: fGa = 18.0, fP = 7.5 for the 420 reflection. fGa = 18.3, fP = 7.6 for the 331 reflection. Why are the values for a given atom not the same for both reflections? Compare your qualitative observation of I(420) / I(331) for GaP with your calculated estimates of the ratio for the two structures and hence determine the crystal structure of sulphur-doped gallium phosphide as used for a substrate in opto-electronic devices. Conclusions and take-home points The size of the unit cell and the lattice type can be determined from the peak positions in the diffraction pattern. The positions of atoms within the unit cell can be determined from the relative peak intensities in the diffraction pattern. X-ray diffraction is a powerful technique used to measure both the position and intensity of diffraction peaks. The peak positions are related to the size of the unit cell by Bragg’s law. The peak intensities are related to both the type and the positions of atoms in unit cell. Thus by comparison with reference data, crystalline phases can be identified and, with a suitable calibration factor, the amounts can be quantified. Please remember to fill in the feedback form with any comments on this practical 35 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP3 36 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 AP4 IntroductiontoOpticalDiffraction ** BEFORE ATTENDING THIS PRACTICAL ** Work through the DoITPoMS TLP entitled “Diffraction and imaging”. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/index.php Aims and Objectives of this Practical To understand the basic principles behind optical diffraction. To understand how a lens can be used to form an image from a diffraction pattern To understand the difference between bright field and dark field imaging To estimate the data density of a CD and DVD. 1 Introduction to diffraction Diffraction concerns the spreading of light as it passes through a narrow slit or past the edge of a small object. Laser light provides a narrow, coherent beam of light and hence is ideal for use in diffraction experiments. Laser light is diffracted by a mask (e.g. a grating composed of narrow slits) and the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen some distance away. The diffraction pattern arises from the interference of light diffracted through each of the slits in the grating. s Figure 1: diffraction from a section of a diffraction grating. 37 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP4 The path difference between the diffracted rays in Figure 1 is s sin , where s is the slit spacing. Hence the condition for constructive interference is: n s sin (1) where is the wavelength of the light and n is an integer. Usually, we deal with just first order diffraction, where n = 1. If we assume that the distance from grating to an observation screen, L, is large in comparison to the diffraction spot spacing, x, then sin tan x / L and so, the relationship between the slit spacing, s, and the diffraction spot spacing, x, is: s L x (2) This is a reciprocal relationship, i.e. as the slit spacing, s, is reduced the spacing in the diffraction pattern, x, increases, as shown in Figure 2 below, and we say that the diffraction pattern is a representation of the mask in reciprocal space, or is the reciprocal lattice of the mask. Figure 2: taken from www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/diffraction/ The gratings we have been discussing vary in one dimension, and so give a 1D diffraction pattern, but diffraction gratings are not restricted to one dimension. If two diffraction gratings are perpendicularly superimposed they create a 2D array of apertures (see Figure 3). The diffraction pattern corresponding to this is analogous to the reciprocal lattice of the array, and the separate patterns are repeated to form a 2D array. In this part of the practical you will investigate both 1D and 2D diffraction gratings. 38 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 AP4 Figure 3: taken from www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/diffraction/ IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION Laser light is very bright. The lasers you will be using are relatively low power, and are similar in intensity to looking directly at the sun. Never look directly down the laser beam, and be careful to avoid reflections. Take care not to shine the laser at anyone else. You are provided with a slide comprised of various diffractive and refractive gratings, shown below, and a laser pointer. Taking care that the beam does not shine at, or reflect at, anyone, observe the diffraction patterns arising from the various gratings. Diffractive Structures 1 2 4 9 5 10 Refractive Structures 3 6 11 7 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 8 13 Figure 4: Slide with gratings Examine the gratings under the optical microscopes, noting the features of 10-13. Using the built-in graticule, can you calculate the spacings of the lines in 12 and 13? 39 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP4 Now, set up the laser pointer and the laser bench, as shown in Figure 5 below. The diffraction gratings can be held on the mounts using the metallic tape. The laser pointer can be switched on and off by using the clamp to depress the on/off button. Pointer in clamp Magnetic mount Grating with metallic tape Screen with paper Switch depressed Figure 5: laser bench setup Laser bench You will first investigate the 1D diffraction pattern arising from the gratings labelled 12 and 13. For these two gratings, calculate the slit spacing, s, from the diffraction patterns using equation (2). The wavelength of the laser light is 660 nm. Does this correspond to the spacing you measured under the microscopes? Now look at the 2D pattern produced by the gratings 10 and 11. Given the reciprocal relationship between the mask structure and the diffraction pattern, can you work out the grating shape necessary for the pattern and their relative sizes? Does this result agree with what you observed under the microscopes? 2 Abbe theory and image formation By introducing a convex lens to the setup, an image of the grating can be resolved, as shown in the Figure 6. Note that both the diffraction pattern and the image can be resolved depending on the position of the screen. The diffraction pattern is seen when the screen is placed in the back focal plane of the lens and the image of the slits is formed when the screen distance, v, satisfies: 1 1 1 u v f (3) with u, v and f defined as below. 40 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP4 Figure 6: Abbe theory of imaging using all diffracted spots In this part of the practical, you will investigate this effect by forming an image of one of the diffraction gratings. Some of the diffraction patterns produced by the mask require very complex diffraction structures and hence are difficult to observe using this simple setup, so it is recommended you restrict your observation to gratings 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. To form an image of the diffraction gratings, the convex lens needs to be introduced to the laser bench. The spacing on the gratings is very small, so the image needs to be large to resolve the features of the grating. To achieve this, position the lens one focal length away from the grating, so that the image distance becomes very large, by equation (3). The focal length of these lenses is 12.7 cm. The mirrors on the mounts can be used to extend the image distance, and increase the magnification of the image. Set up the laser bench as described to form an image of the grating 12. Check that the diffraction pattern appears in the back focal plane of the lens by putting a sheet of paper there. Look at the images formed from the gratings listed. It may be easier to view the image with a hand lens. For the 1D and 2D gratings, can you observe the reciprocal relationship between slit spacing and diffraction pattern spacing (c.f. equation (2))? Describe / sketch the appearance of the images. Do these correlate with what you observed under the microscope? 41 JAE M2014 2014-15 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials AP4 It is possible to highlight particular information in the object (diffraction grating) by isolating certain diffraction spots to form the image. In microscopy, this is known as bright field and dark field imaging. For bright field, the image is formed from light transmitted directly through the object, so that the clear/transparent areas appear brighter. For dark field, the image is formed from light diffracted by the object, so that the surrounding regions appear dark. Bright field images can be formed by selecting the central spot in a diffraction pattern (i.e. the straight-through beam) and dark field images by selecting an off-centre spot. To observe this effect, it is recommended that, using the same set up as before, the laser is shone on the gap between gratings 12 and 13, so both are illuminated. You should see an image of the two gratings, with different spacings, and the clear glass slide between them. Now, place the variable aperture in the back focal plane of the lens and isolate the central spot. You should observe just the transmitted light. Describe the bright field image. Move the aperture so that only one of the dark field spots goes through the aperture and contributes to the image. The image is now formed just by scattered light. If you are very careful in the alignments, you may be able to make out different images for the 2 gratings, as each diffracts light to a different position in the back focal plane, and can therefore be imaged independently. Describe the dark field image. Now, open or remove the aperture, and observe the complete pattern again. 3 Diffraction from CDs and DVDs As shown in Figure 7, the information recorded on CDs and DVDs is laid out in regularly spaced tracks. The spacing of these tracks is of the order of the wavelength of optical light (in order to achieve high data storage densities) and so the tracks can act as a diffraction grating. The same reciprocal relationship as discussed above applies here also between the track spacing and disk capacity (i.e. data density). Figure 7: Scanning electron microscope images of the surface of either a CD or DVD, shown at different scales. The results of your measurements will indicate which one. 42 JAE M2014 MATERIALS SCIENCE Course A: Atomic Structure of Materials 2014-15 AP4 Position the laser pointer in the clamp such that the beam is directed down onto the surface of the CD as shown in Figure 8. Keep the screen close to the CD and adjust the incidence angle of the laser beam so that you get the first diffraction maxima on the screen. By moving the CD around slightly, you should be able to observe a beam diffracted out to the side as shown below. The pattern you are looking for will have a large spacing and will be horizontal. There may also be a closely-spaced vertical pattern which is from the different layers in the disc, not the tracks. viewing screen CD laser pointer Figure 8: Experimental setup, with an indication of the conditions leading to the first order diffracted beam Measure the angle between the direct beam and the first diffracted beam and estimate the spacing between the tracks on the CD, using equation (2). The wavelength of the light is marked on the laser pointer. Repeat for the DVD. Is this the result you would expect, based on the relative storage capacities of a CD and DVD? Does figure 7 show the surface of a CD or a DVD? What diffraction pattern spacing would you expect for a multi-layer DVD? Now repeat the experiment using the green laser pointer, if available, and estimate the wavelength of the green light. Conclusions and take-home points The principles underlying optical, X-ray and electron diffraction are very similar, and are based on the Abbe theory of image formation. Information about the periodicity of a diffraction grating can be obtained from the diffraction pattern and an image of the grating can be obtained by focusing this using a lens. Bright and dark field imaging can be used to examine different spatial features of an object. The relative storage capacities of CDs and DVDs can be related qualitatively to their diffraction pattern. Please remember to fill in the feedback form with any comments on this practical 43 JAE M2014