1 of 9 Creating a GatorLink Account Before you create an account you should think about what you want to use as your Username and Password. The username must be all lowercase letters. Usually it helps to have it be the same as the beginning of your email address, but it's not required. The password is the most difficult part. This must be at least 8 characters; it must contain an Uppercase letter, a lowercase letter and a number. And this cannot contain a dictionary word. password Password1 Psswrd1 Psswrd12 FAIL - No upper, no number, and in Dictionary FAIL - In Dictionary FAIL - 7 characters Good! Don't use this, come up with your own! Go to: http://my.ufl.edu Click on the link for GatorLink Account Creation. Your UFID # can be found on the back of your Shands badge. It's written sideways along the short side. It's an 8 digit number. Enter your UFID, your last name, and birthday. 2 of 9 The next step is to choose your USERNAME. This is the name you will use as your login (GatorLink Name). For example, Bob Smith might use bsmith, bobsmith, bob.smith, unclebob. The next step is to set your password. This is the tricky one, be sure to follow the rules. 3 of 9 The next step is accepting the University's Acceptable Use policy. The next step shows a confirmation of the account you have just created. (we are almost done!) 4 of 9 After you click "CREATE" you will need to set a password hint. This can be any question, not necessarily related to your password. The idea is if you forget your password, this is a question we could ask you to confirm your identity. Examples: Father's middle name Favorite High School Teacher Favorite resaurant Oldest child's birthday 5 of 9 After you set your password hint, log into myUFL using your new GatorLink Username and Password. 6 of 9 Now have a UFID number and a GatorLink Account. This is a onetime setup process and shouldn't have to be done again. Thank you for your patience. You will need to know your GatorLink Username and Password for all of our workshops. Register for workshops Go to: http://training.health.ufl.edu The first time you log in please enter your Preferred Information. The Phone number must be entered as (###) ###-#### or as (###) ###-#### ext #### 7 of 9 When you log in you will usually see the window below. This will show all the workshops you are currently registered for, as well as workshops you have taken with us before; because you have just created your account this window will be mostly blank. If you have taken workshops with us before, please let us know you have created an account (send us your new UFID and GatorLink Name) and we can put you in the past workshops. To register for new workshops click on the Schedule link at the top of the window. This will show all the workshops offered in Gainesville and Jacksonville. If you would like to see only the Gainesville workshops, change the sponsor to HSC Training Gainesville. 8 of 9 This will limit the list to the workshops we are offering in Gainesville. Select the workshop(s) you would like to attend and click the Register button. You will receive a confirmation screen and should receive an email 9 of 9 To cancel workshops from the home page change the status to cancelled and clicking Save.