Leinaala's Kitchen – 933-3663 (call for delivery and check prices)

34 Rainbow Drive  Hilo, Hawaii 96720  (808) 961-3747  Fax (808) 961-3740  www.hawaiiislandadultcare.org
Hilo Adult Day Center
34 Rainbow Drive, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 961-3747
These rights, policies and procedures insure that each participant attending the Hilo Adult Day Center
program has the right to:
1. Be fully informed, prior to or at the time of admission and during attendance, of these rights and
of all rules governing staff and participant conduct.
2. Be fully informed, prior to or at the time of admission and during attendance, of services
available in the program and related charges, including any charges not covered by the
program’s daily rate.
3. A care plan developed by our Health Services Department with caregiver and/or case manager to
fit each participant’s need.
4. Receive medication for treatment as ordered by a physician, as needed.
5. Not to be humiliated, harassed, injured, or threatened and shall be free from chemical and
physical restraints.
6. Be encouraged and assisted throughout their daily attendance to exercise their rights as
participants, and to this extent, voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services
to the program’s staff, participant council or outside representative of their choice free from
restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
7. Confidentiality of records. Confidential information contained in the records, including
information contained in an automatic data bank and the patient’s written consent shall be
required for the release of information to persons not otherwise authorized under law to receive
it. Case discussion and consultation are confidential and will be conducted discretely. Permission
must be granted by the participant for those not directly involved in his/her care to be present.
8. At all times be treated with consideration, respect and in full recognition of their dignity and
individuality, including privacy in toileting and in showering. Likewise staff must be treated with
consideration and respect at all times.
Participate in activities of their choice and leisure.
34 Rainbow Drive  Hilo, Hawaii 96720  (808) 961-3747  Fax (808) 961-3740  www.hawaiiislandadultcare.org
Hilo Adult Day Center
34 Rainbow Drive, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 961-3747
The mission of Hawaii Island Adult Care Inc. (HIAC) is to provide quality care for elders, adults
with mental and/or physical challenges, as well as support for their families.
The agency strongly promotes the independence of each participant and protects the individual’s
right to commend, comment, criticize, or complain about any aspect of the operation or management
of the program. The center has a Participant Council comprised of 18 elected center members. The
Council meets once a month, and conducts its business according to adopted bylaws. The meeting is
attended by the Executive Director. All recommendations by the Participants’ Council are
considered for action by Hawaii Island Adult Care. In conjunction with the Participants’ Council,
Hawaii Island Adult Care has adopted the following procedure as an easy unencumbered way for
any participant to register a grievance.
1. The participant can talk with any staff or Participants’ Council member to register the
grievance. The staff or Council member will inform the Program Director immediately. The
Program Director will make every effort to respond as soon as possible or not longer that two
working days to resolve the grievance.
2. If the participant is dissatisfied with the action of the Program Director, he/she may submit
the grievance orally or in writing to the Executive Director, or my have a staff or Council
member submit the grievance on his/her behalf within two working days of the attempt to
resolve the grievance.
3. The Executive Director will meet with the participant and any member(s) of the Participant
Council wishing to represent or advocate for the participant within two working days of the
submission of the grievance. The Executive Director may also choose to meet with the
participant and his/her family or caregiver as a means to solve the grievance. The decision of
the Executive Director will be final, and will be submitted in writing to the participant and
any appropriated parties to the grievance within five working days following the meeting.
4. Any written resolution to the grievance will be maintained in the agency’s central file.
I have received a copy of the Participant’s Rights and Participant Grievance Procedures of Hawaii
Island Adult Care, Inc. and will comply with the Center’s Participants rights policies.
Signature of the participant or caregiver
Name of participant