NYU Instructions 1 of 8 For admission in spring, summer, or fall of 2008. Instructions for Submitting an Online Application for Admission General Information • Official score reports for two SAT Subject Tests. (Required of all The Application for Admission to Undergraduate Study should be students except those applying for any program in the Tisch School completed by all freshman and transfer applicants wishing to pursue an of the Arts or for the studio art or any of the music programs in the undergraduate degree at New York University except the following: Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. 1. In general, students who are interested in evening or part-time study should file the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS) Application for Admission. The only part-time students who should use this application are those interested in part-time study in the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, the Hotel and Tourism Management or Sports Management and Leisure Studies Program in SCPS, or the College of Nursing. 2. Current NYU students who wish to transfer from one NYU school to another should complete the Application for Internal Transfer. Students applying to programs in the Steinhardt School that do not require an audition or portfolio are required to submit two SAT Subject Test scores.) • High School Report/Counselor Recommendation Form (freshmen only) • Teacher Recommendation Form • Personal Statements and Essay Some programs have special requirements in addition to those listed above. Please refer to the Special Admission Requirements section in these instructions. International students should consult the International Student Admission section for additional information. 3. Readmission, special visiting, and special postgraduate students should complete the Special Student/Readmission Application, which is Application Fee available at admissions.nyu.edu/apply. If you are applying online, you may pay the required application fee of Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions if you are uncertain which application you should complete and/or to secure the appropriate forms. All applications and instructions are available on the undergraduate admissions Web site at admissions.nyu.edu/apply. $65.00 ($75.00 if applying from outside the United States) by credit card online. If you wish to send a check or money order separately, be sure to include your name and Social Security number or NYU ID. Send your check or money order to New York University Application Forms Undergraduate Admissions Processing Center In addition to this online application and our paper application, NYU also 22 Washington Square North accepts the Common Application and gives it equal consideration. You New York, NY 10011-9191 may apply by using the paper version of the Common Application, which should be available in your school’s guidance office, or by applying online at www.commonapp.org. If you use the Common Application to apply to NYU, regardless of whether you use the paper version or the online version, you must also complete the NYU Supplement to the Common Application. If you use the paper version of the Common Application, the NYU Supplement may be downloaded in PDF format from our Web site at admissions.nyu.edu/apply. The NYU Supplement must be mailed with the paper version of the Common Application. If you apply using the online version of the Common Application, you will not be able to submit your application to NYU until you also complete and submit the online version of the NYU Supplement. We strongly suggest that you keep photocopies or printouts of all forms that you complete for your own records. Also, we ask that you be consistent with the application and the forms you provide: if you use the NYU application, please submit only the NYU forms; if you use the Common Application, use only the Common Application forms and the NYU Supplement. Application Requirements Candidates for undergraduate admission must submit the following: The application fee covers processing costs and is nonrefundable. Make checks or money orders payable to New York University. Please do not send cash under any circumstances. If the application fee is a financial burden to your family, see your guidance or transfer counselor regarding a fee waiver. Because of the very limited amount of financial aid available for international students, our general expectation is that international students must be able to provide the entire cost of their education through their own resources. As a result, application fee waivers will not be accepted for international students. Receipt of Application Materials We will send you a written acknowledgement shortly after we receive your application. If you are applying as a Regular Decision freshman and you do not receive an acknowledgement that your application has been received by February 5, you should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. It is your responsibility to make certain that the Office of Undergraduate Admissions receives all of the information required to complete your application. Please note that because of the high volume of mail that we receive, we will be unable to respond to inquiries about received or missing materials for Regular Decision freshman applications until early February, when most of the mail has been opened and filed. • Application for Admission to Undergraduate Study and nonrefundable $65.00 application fee ($75.00 for applicants outside the United States) • Official high school transcript (and equivalency diploma test scores if applicable) • Official transcripts of all college work for which academic credit has been earned • Official score reports for the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT (with Writing Test) Supplementary Materials Unless you are applying to one of the programs that specifically requires an audition or portfolio as part of the admission process, portfolios, videotapes, CDs, or other samples of your artistic ability are not required for admission and will not be considered by the committee. Similarly, while you are NYU Instructions 2 of 8 welcome to share with us personal statements on matters of importance If English is not your native language and if your primary language of to you, please do not send packets of award certificates or similar instruction has not been English, you should also take the Test of English collections of testimonials. Finally, please do not submit your application as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). (Please see the International Student in binders or folders. Admission section in these instructions for additional information.) Intended Area of Study cies. The NYU code for the College Board (SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject You may apply to only one NYU school/college, and you should indicate Tests, and TOEFL) is 2562; the ACT code for NYU is 2838. Please do not use your area of intended study within that school/college. Students applying the “Rush Report” option to have a paper copy of your SAT scores sent. to the College of Arts and Science and the Stern School of Business may We receive daily electronic transmissions of SAT scores, which enables us indicate “Undecided” in the “Are you interested in a specific major” to update your application automatically and far more quickly than we question. Students applying to the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, are able to do if we receive paper score reports. Official test scores should be sent directly to NYU from the testing agen- and Human Development; the Tisch School of the Arts; or the School of Continuing and Professional Studies MUST indicate a major and may not Deadlines select “Undecided.” Students who wish to begin their studies at NYU during the 2008 calendar You may submit only one application to NYU. If you change your choice year may submit their application for admission as early as August 2007. of school/college after submitting your application, contact the Office of Freshmen are considered only for fall (September) entry. Transfer students Undergraduate Admissions with your change request. may enter in either the spring (January), summer (May or July), or fall term, although not all NYU schools/colleges or programs admit new students in Social Security Number Although each NYU student is assigned a unique identification number all terms. Applications submitted after the deadlines indicated in the chart below that does not involve the student’s Social Security number, we ask that you will be considered only if space remains in the division and program include your Social Security number on your NYU or Common Application desired. Credentials (transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, for a variety of reasons. Each year many of our applicants have the same last etc.) received well after your application deadline will put you at a (family) name, a surprising number have identical first and last names, and, disadvantage in the admissions process. occasionally, those students even have the same birth date. Having your Social Security number enables us to process and file your application credentials more expeditiously, which helps us complete your application file more quick- NYU Application Deadlines APPLICANT POSTMARK NYU PROGRAMS AVAILABLE TERM STATUS DEADLINE ( SUBJECT Spring 2008 Transfers only Nov. 1, 2007 TO CHANGE ) ly. Having your Social Security number also greatly assists the computer operation that is performed to match your official test scores with your application. In addition, you are required (by the federal government) to provide your All except Stern School of Business Social Security number if you wish to be considered for federal financial aid. and Tisch School Please be assured that NYU is committed to ensuring the privacy and confi- of the Arts dentiality of student records. (Note: Canadian citizens and other international students should not provide their student ID number or other identity number Summer 2008 Transfers only April 1, 2008 wherever we ask for the applicant’s Social Security number in the application.) Standardized Tests All applicants must provide official score reports. Freshman applicants must All except Stern School of Business Fall 2008 Freshman Nov. 1, 2007 All Jan. 15, 2008 All Early Decision provide scores from either the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT (with Writing Test). Two SAT Subject Test scores are required from all students except those applying for any of the programs in the Tisch School of the Arts or Freshman Regular Decision for the studio art or any of the music programs in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. (Note: Students applying for programs in the Steinhardt School that do not require an audition or portfolio are required to submit scores from two SAT Subject Tests.) For 2008, we do not expect to give significant weight in the admissions process to Transfers April 1, 2008 All except the film and television major in Tisch School of the Arts* either the SAT Writing section or the ACT Writing Test. If you are applying as a Regular Decision freshman, you should plan on completing your testing by the December test date. We strongly recommend that Early Decision applicants complete all testing by the October test date, although November scores usually arrive in time to be considered. If you are applying as a transfer student and you took either one of these tests while in high school, you should not retake the tests now; simply submit the results of your high school SAT or ACT examinations. If you did not take SAT or ACT examinations in high school and have been in college less than one year, you must take either the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT (with Writing Test) and submit the results as part of your application. * New transfers entering the Film and Television Program in Tisch School of the Arts are required to begin their studies in one of the two NYU summer sessions. NYU Instructions 3 of 8 Notification NYU provides Early Decision applicants who are offered admission with Regular Decision freshman applicants are notified on or about April 1. estimated financial aid awards. Please see the Financial Aid section in these Transfer applicants for summer and fall admission are notified beginning instructions and the Early Decision Program Financial Aid Application in in early to mid-May. Early Decision freshman applicants are notified the Supplemental Forms section of this application (Step 4). Early Decision beginning in mid-December or as soon as possible after that upon receipt applicants who do not file the Early Decision Program Financial Aid of all required credentials. Candidates for spring admission are notified Application will not be considered for NYU need-based financial aid. beginning November 15. Please note that students who have been denied admission may We believe that part of our commitment to Early Decision applicants is an “early” decision, and we either admit or deny Early Decision candidates. not reapply to the same or to another NYU school/college for one full Please note that Early Decision applicants who are denied admission may calendar year. not reapply as Regular Decision applicants. Freshman Admission Transfer Admission Admission to the undergraduate schools at NYU is highly selective. You should apply as a transfer student if you currently are or have been Though there are many similarities, the application process differs slightly enrolled as a degree candidate in another college or university. (You from school to school. Our evaluation involves a comprehensive review should apply as a freshman if you have taken college courses as a non- of your academic background, including the relative strength of your degree student or if you are taking college courses during high school.) high school program and your performance in those courses, and your Transfer admission to NYU is highly selective. The Admissions standardized test scores. We also consider your personal statements and Committee considers a variety of factors in reviewing your application, application essay, letters of recommendation submitted on your behalf, including the relative strength of your college program, your performance your activities both in school and in your community, and a review of in those courses, your high school record, standardized tests, one letter creative ability where applicable. Finally, we consider your special talents, of recommendation, extracurricular activities, your essay, and review of alumni affiliation, socioeconomic background, geographic location, and creative ability where applicable. race and ethnicity. Since our applicants come from a broad range of high schools from Most successful transfer applicants follow a general liberal arts curriculum at their school. Typically, the successful candidate will have completed around the United States and many foreign countries, it is difficult to at least a year of college credit (minimum 30 semester hours) and recommend a single course of study that would maximize your chances maintained at least a B average overall, although the most competitive of admission. However, we expect your preparation to include the candidates usually exceed these minimum standards. If you have been following: 4 years of English with a heavy emphasis on writing, 3-4 years in college less than a year, your high school record will be an important of history/social studies, 3-4 years of mathematics, 3-4 years of a consideration for admission. laboratory science, and 2-3 years of a foreign language. Please note Transfer credit is evaluated on a course-by-course basis. To be consid- that these are minimum requirements for consideration. Students most ered eligible for transfer, each course must have been taken for credit at competitive for admission will exceed these minimums. International an accredited college or university and you must have earned a minimum students should be completing a program of study that would qualify grade of C. If you are admitted, you will receive a detailed evaluation of them for admission to selective universities in their own country. transfer credit with your offer of admission. We are not able to evaluate You are considered a freshman applicant if you are currently in high your course work until you are admitted. school, even if you are taking college courses. If you are participating in Please note that the Leonard N. Stern School of Business will not a dual-enrollment program, you should apply as a freshman even if you consider for transfer admission students who enter NYU by transferring will have earned enough college credits for an associate’s degree upon into another NYU school or college. completion of your program. (If you have left high school early, however, and are attending a residential college as a full-time student, you are International Student Admission considered a transfer student.) Please contact the Office of Undergraduate If you are not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, you must Admissions if you are uncertain of your status. provide the information requested in the “Other Citizenship” portion of the application for admission—even if you have an application for Early Decision Option permanent residency or citizenship in progress. If you are not a U.S. citizen, If you are a freshman applicant who is certain that NYU is your first-choice you should enter your legal name exactly as it appears on your passport, college, and you are prepared to attend if you are offered admission, we if you have one. encourage you to apply under the Early Decision option. Students applying as Early Decision candidates will receive their admission decision in In addition to the requirements listed elsewhere in these instructions, international students should note the following: December or early January. If you are offered admission through Early Decision, you must withdraw all applications you may have submitted to other colleges and pay a tuition deposit within three weeks of notification. You may use this online application to apply as an Early Decision • Documents If your secondary education culminates in a maturity certificate examination, you must submit an official copy of the grades you received in each subject of your examination. If you are preparing candidate. Identify yourself as an Early Decision applicant by clicking on for these examinations, you must submit predicted scores. All docu- the Early Decision line in the “Classification” question under “Filing ments submitted for review must be official; that is, they must be either Status” on the first page and by electronically signing the Early Decision originals or copies certified by authorized persons. (A “certified” copy is Agreement on the fourth page. If you use the Common Application to one that bears either an original signature of the registrar or other des- apply for admission, follow the instructions to indicate your status as an ignated school official or an original impression of the institution’s seal.) Early Decision applicant. Uncertified copies are not acceptable. If these official documents are NYU Instructions 4 of 8 in a foreign language, they must be accompanied by an official English to be named in traditional terms, a brief summary of course content is translation from an accredited translation agency. NYU cannot assume required. Other materials, such as course bibliographies or syllabi, may be responsibility for the return of any documents you provide in support submitted, but are not required. If homeschooling has been supplement- of your application for admission. You should not submit diplomas or ed by formal course work either at the secondary school or postsecondary original single copies of records that cannot be replaced. level, official transcripts from the school(s) or college(s) are required. • Standardized Tests All applicants are required to submit official score • Standardized Tests All applicants to NYU, including homeschooled reports for the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT (with Writing Test). If you applicants, must submit official score reports from either the SAT live in an area where the ACT Writing Test is not available, you must take Reasoning Test or the ACT (with Writing Test). Because of the difficulty the SAT Reasoning Test. If your native language is not English, and if your inherent in assessing a homeschool experience compared to preparation primary language of instruction has not been English, you should also in a traditional high school setting, homeschooled students who provide take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the IELTS SAT Reasoning Test scores must also submit at least three SAT Subject (International English Language Testing System) examinations to ascertain Test scores. Homeschooled students who send ACT scores must also your English language proficiency. For information about the TOEFL, submit at least two SAT Subject Test scores, even if applying to the please contact TOEFL, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ 08541- Tisch School of the Arts or to the art or music programs in the 0001, USA, or visit www.toefl.org. For information about the IELTS, please Steinhardt School. visit www.ielts.com. If you are in the United States and in the New York area, you may arrange to take the English proficiency test of the • Recommendations Homeschooled applicants must provide at least American Language Institute (New York University) located at 48 Cooper two recommendations, including one from the person(s) who has Square, New York, NY 10003-7154; telephone 212-998-7040. Students may served as the primary instructor or who has primary responsibility be further tested upon arrival at the University. If your ability to speak for assessing the applicant’s academic performance. A second recom- and write in English is inadequate, you will not be allowed to register for mendation should be from an individual who is able to provide academic study and will have to register for noncredit English courses information concerning the applicant’s readiness to begin studies at that will entail additional expense and extend the time normally required NYU and should be from someone other than a parent. to complete your degree. • High School/Equivalency Diploma Homeschooled applicants are not • Certification of Finances All non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. permanent required to present an equivalency diploma to be considered for residents must submit appropriate evidence of their ability to finance admission. However, NYU policy requires certification of completion their education prior to the issuance of certificates for student visas of secondary school for all enrolled students prior to graduation from (Form I-20) or exchange visitor visas (Form DS-2019), and these the University. As such, homeschooled students must either be able certificates will be issued only if you are offered admission and pay to provide a homeschool diploma or certificate of completion that is the appropriate deposits. (You are not required to submit financial considered the equivalent of a high school diploma in the applicant’s documents with your application for admission.) If your studies are home state, or they must be willing, if admitted, to apply for a New York being financed by means of your own savings, parental support, State equivalency diploma upon the completion of 24 college credits. outside private or government scholarships, or any combination of these, you must arrange to send official letters or similar certificates Opportunity Programs as proof of such support, together with a New York University • Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) Sponsored by the Application for Certificate of Eligibility (AFCOE), which is provided New York State Department of Education, the Higher Education to students with their offer of admission. Please be certain to include Opportunity Program (HEOP) at NYU is designed to assist students who your name and date of birth on each document you submit. If you are residents of New York State who are academically and educationally are currently in the United States, you must submit a copy of your disadvantaged. In addition to financial assistance, students in the I-94 card. Please note that students holding F-1 or J-1 student visas program receive supportive services including counseling and tutoring are generally not allowed to work in the United States to earn money to help ensure their success. Students must meet academic and family toward their education and are required to pursue a full-time course income guidelines to be eligible, and they must attend an eight-week load each semester. summer program prior to the start of their freshman year. No special application is required for HEOP consideration, and New York State Homeschooled Students residents are automatically reviewed for eligibility during our normal New York University welcomes applications from homeschooled students. application review process. All homeschooled applicants must submit a complete application for admission, the personal statements and essay, and the application fee. • Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) CSTEP is Note also that auditions or portfolios are required for applicants to some an NYU program for New York State residents underrepresented in programs. Other admission requirements for homeschooled students business, law, science, and health-related programs who do not qualify have been modified to take into consideration the variety of settings for the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP). CSTEP students in which homeschooling can occur and are listed below. receive the same academic and counseling services that HEOP students receive and participate in the same eight-week summer program prior • Transcripts A transcript indicating the course work you have completed to the start of their freshman year. No special application is required for and that which is in progress is required. The transcript should indicate CSTEP consideration, and New York State residents are automatically grades you have received for each course. Detailed performance reviewed for eligibility during our normal application review process. evaluations are helpful, but not required. While courses do not have NYU Instructions 5 of 8 Campus Visits and Interviews When to Apply for Financial Aid We strongly recommend that all prospective students visit NYU for a Do not wait to be admitted to apply for financial aid. You should submit group information session and campus tour, which are conducted Monday your FAFSA as follows: through Friday, except during University holidays. To arrange a visit, log on (JANUARY) FA L L O R S U M M E R S E M E S T E R E N T RY SPRING SEMESTER of space limitations, we suggest that you contact us several weeks in Freshmen: by February 15, 2008 Transfers: by November 1, 2007 advance of your intended visit. Transfers: by March 1, 2008 to our Web site at admissions.nyu.edu, or call us at 212-998-4524. Because ENTRY Interviews are not generally required for admission, and the Office of Undergraduate Admissions is not able to offer individual interviews. Early Decision Candidates Freshman Early Decision applicants who wish If there is information you would like to share with the Admissions to be considered for need-based financial aid must file the Early Decision Committee that is not a part of the formal application, we encourage Program Financial Aid Application by submitting the paper form provided you to include an additional personal statement with your application. in the Supplemental Forms section of this application (Step 4). The deadline for applying for an Early Decision estimated award is November 1, Financial Aid 2007. Failure to submit this form may preclude the receipt of any NYU If you believe you will need financial assistance to enable you to attend need-based gift aid. Please note the following important points concerning NYU, we strongly encourage you to apply for financial aid. Your decision the financial aid application process for Early Decision students: to apply for financial aid will have no bearing on the admission decision. • All Early Decision students are automatically considered for merit aid. If you do not wish to be considered for need-based financial aid, you How to Apply for Financial Aid do not have to apply for an estimated award. The only form you need to apply for all NYU and federal aid is the 20082009 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You MUST list • If you receive an Early Decision financial aid award, it is an “official” “New York University” as a recipient and write NYU’s school code number award. However, you must confirm the information submitted on the (002785) on your FAFSA. Early Decision Program Financial Aid Application by filing the 2008-2009 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after January 1, 2008, There are two options for filing the FAFSA. and before February 15, 2008. (Please note that significant differences 1. File electronically over the Internet, which is the quickest and most in the information submitted on the Early Decision Program Financial efficient process, via the NYU Web site at www.nyu.edu/financial.aid Aid Application and the information submitted on the regular FAFSA OR could result in a recalculation of need, which in turn might impact the 2. Complete the paper version of the FAFSA, which can usually be obtained from your high school or college or online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. amount and/or type of financial aid you will receive.) • Early Decision students who do not file the Early Decision Program Financial Aid Application will not be considered for additional NYU The method you use to apply for financial aid will not affect either the need-based aid at a later date, even if they file the regular FAFSA size or the composition of your financial aid award. However, we strongly after January 1. recommend that you complete the FAFSA electronically. FAFSA information submitted electronically will reach us more quickly, and because of online edits, your Student Aid Report (SAR) is more likely to be accurate and complete. Please note the following important points concerning the financial aid process at NYU. • There are no separate NYU applications for merit scholarships. All students who are offered admission are automatically considered for merit awards. • You should not send letters or supporting documents (such as tax returns) unless asked to do so by the NYU Office of Financial Aid. Unnecessary paperwork actually delays the financial aid award process. • NYU does not use the PROFILE service provided by the College Scholarship Service (CSS). • U.S. permanent residents must be in possession of their alien registration number and their green card at the time they file the FAFSA. International students should not file the FAFSA.