The evolution of species concepts and species recognition criteria in

The evolution of species concepts and
species recognition criteria in plant
pathogenic fungi
Lei Cai, Tatiana Giraud, Ning Zhang,
Dominik Begerow, Guohong Cai & Roger
G. Shivas
Fungal Diversity
An International Journal of
ISSN 1560-2745
Fungal Diversity
DOI 10.1007/
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Fungal Diversity
DOI 10.1007/s13225-011-0127-8
The evolution of species concepts and species recognition
criteria in plant pathogenic fungi
Lei Cai & Tatiana Giraud & Ning Zhang &
Dominik Begerow & Guohong Cai & Roger G. Shivas
Received: 27 June 2011 / Accepted: 25 July 2011
# Kevin D. Hyde 2011
Abstract In this paper, we review historical and contemporary species concepts and species recognition criteria for
plant pathogenic fungi. Previous incongruent and unstable
classification based on subjective and changing criteria
have led to some confusion, especially amongst plant
pathologists. The goal of systematics is to provide an
informative and robust framework that stands the test of
time. The taxonomic histories of Cercospora, Colletotrichum,
Fusarium, as well as the rust and smut fungi, are used as
examples, to show how concepts and criteria used to delimit
and recognize species have changed. Through these examples
we compare the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic
L. Cai (*)
State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
West Bei Cheng Rd,
Beijing 100101, People’s Republic of China
T. Giraud
Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution,
Bâtiment 360, Université Paris-Sud,
91405 Orsay cedex, France
N. Zhang : G. Cai
Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers,
The State University of New Jersey,
59 Dudley Road, Foran Hall 201,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
D. Begerow
Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Geobotanik ND03/174, Universitätsstr. 150,
44801 Bochum, Germany
R. G. Shivas
Plant Pathology Herbarium, Agri-Science Queensland,
40 Boggo Road,
Dutton Park, Qld 4102, Australia
Species Recognition, an extension of the Phylogenetic
Species Criterion, with other species recognition criteria and
show that it provides a better discrimination for delimiting
species. A rapidly increasing number of cryptic species are
being discovered amongst plant pathogenic fungi using the
Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition, and it is important to determine their host range, the
severity of diseases they cause and their biosecurity significance. With rapidly expanding global trade it has become
imperative that we develop effective and reliable protocols to
detect these previously unrecognized pathogens.
Keywords Cryptic species . Species complex .
Microbotryum . Pucciniomycotina . Ustilaginomycotina .
Speciation . Taxonomy
Plant pathologists are regularly confronted with having to
choose a name for their pathogen of interest and mycologists often need to decide when to recognize a new species
or apply an existing name. Country specific inventories of
plant pathogenic fungi with accurate and accepted names
are essential for the development of effective biosecurity
and trade policies as well as a prerequisite for pest risk
assessments (Hyde et al. 2010). These inventories also
facilitate the early identification of invasive fungal pathogens and allow the timely application of appropriate disease
control measures (Rossman and Palm-Hernández 2008).
The accurate identification of a plant pathogen will in most
cases provide a species name, which may then be used to
unlock all of our collective knowledge about the organism.
This knowledge may include its evolutionary history, life
cycle, distribution, host range, resistance to drugs, economic
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Fungal Diversity
and biosecurity importance as well as control measures
(Rossman and Palm-Hernández 2008). Over time, our
understanding about how to identify plant pathogenic fungal
species has undergone several revolutionary changes.
The criteria used to delimit and identify species, as
applied to plant pathogenic fungi, have changed over time,
most recently due to the rapid development of molecular
tools. The different criteria that allow the delimitation of
species may be classified as morphological, physiological,
intersterility, host specificity, and phylogenetic. All of these
species recognition criteria attempt to identify evolutionary
independent lineages (Taylor et al. 2000). The morphological and phylogenetic criteria can further be used to
unravel evolutionary relationships between species and
arrive at a natural classification. The classification of plant
pathogenic fungal species, together with the associated
taxonomic nomenclature, as currently defined by the
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, is fundamentally important for plant pathologists and mycologists
in all fields (Rossman and Palm-Hernández 2008; Hyde et
al. 2010).
The choice and justification of species criteria to identify
the 1.5 million fungal species estimated to populate the
world (Hawksworth 1991) or the ca 270,000 tropical plant
pathogenic fungi (Shivas and Hyde 1997), has significant
consequences for our understanding of emergent diseases
on plants and animals (Giraud et al. 2010), particularly
against a backdrop of global climate change (Chakraborty
and Newton 2011).
In this paper, we review the evolution of species
concepts and species recognition criteria in plant pathogenic
fungi, by using examples from some important groups,
namely, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, and the rust
and smut fungi. The taxonomic history of each group is
reviewed, with emphasis on the changing focus of criteria
used to recognize species. In particular, the utility of
Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition in many fungal groups is compared with the other
species criteria. The practical implications of changing
criteria used to recognise species are discussed. We also
discuss the consequences that recent advances in our
understanding of fungal speciation have meant for developing robust species criteria, although more extensive
reviews on speciation and species recognition in fungi can
be found elsewhere (Giraud et al. 2008a; Kohn 2005;
Taylor et al. 2000).
Species concepts versus species criteria
The apparent diversity of concepts as to what constitutes a
species (De Queiroz 2007; Hey 2006) may lead one to
think that there is no general agreement amongst biologists
about what defines a species. This view stems from
confusion between the concept of a species, i.e. a description
of the kind of entity that constitutes a species, and the criteria
that delimit a particular species, i.e. practical standards for
the recognizing whether individuals should be considered
members of the same species. Many so-called “species
concepts” actually correspond to species criteria (De Queiroz
2007; Hey 2006; Taylor et al. 2000). The Biological
Species “Concept” for instance is most often meant to
emphasize the criterion of intersterility, the Morphological
Species “Concept” emphasizes the criterion of morphological divergence, the Ecological Species “Concept” emphasizes adaptation to a particular ecological niche, and the
Phylogenetic Species “Concept” emphasizes nucleotide
divergence between monophyletic lineages (Giraud et al.
2008a; Taylor et al. 2000). These species criteria correspond
to the different events that occurred during lineage
separation and divergence, rather than to fundamental
differences in what represents a species. To the contrary, it
has been argued that most modern biologists agree on a
common “species concept” or “species definition”, specifically segments of evolutionary lineages that have evolved
independently from one another (de Queiroz 1998).
Why are there conflicts over which species criteria we
adopt? There are three main reasons why species criteria
cannot be universal. Firstly, speciation is a temporally
extended process, and one that varies considerably in pace
for different types of organisms. Secondly, several modes of
speciation can occur, during which the phenomena used for
species recognition do not necessarily appear in the same
chronological order (Fig. 1). Thirdly, the characteristics of
certain organisms render some species criteria difficult to
apply (Giraud et al. 2008a). The most useful criteria for the
recognition of species in nature will depend on the type of
organism, its history of speciation and the degree of
achieved divergence. Searching for a single species criterion
applicable in all cases is fundamentally impossible (Giraud
et al. 2008a).
The most commonly used species criterion for fungi has
long been the Morphological Species Criterion. Recently
many cryptic species have been recognised using the
intersterility criterion, a derivative of the Biological Species
Criteria (Anderson and Ullrich 1978). Mayr (1963) defined
biological species as groups of actually or potentially
interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively
isolated from other such groups. A weakness of the intersterility criterion is that it cannot be applied to homothallic or
asexual fungi (Reynolds 1993; Taylor et al. 2000).
The Phylogenetic Species Criterion has been responsible
for a surge in the number of cryptic species recognized in
recent years (Schubert et al. 2007; Damm et al. 2009;
Wulandari et al. 2009; Aveskamp et al. 2010; Summerell et
al. 2010). The Phylogenetic Species Criterion relies on
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Fungal Diversity
Fig. 1 Schematic divergence of
two species, in two hypothetical
cases of respectively allopatric
and sympatric speciation, with
the progressive appearence
of various criteria traditionnaly
used to recognize species
phylogenetic analysis of variable characters, usually DNA
sequences of selected genes or genomes. Phylogenetic
Species Criterion was originally defined as the smallest
monophyletic clade of organisms that share a derived
character state (Cracraft 1983). A weakness with this
approach is that single gene analyses, as compared to
whole genome analyses, are dependent on the genes having
an evolutionary history that reflects that of the entire
fungus, which is often not the case (Aguileta et al. 2008).
Taylor et al. (2000) further developed a Genealogical
Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition, as an
objective way to define the limits of sexual species. The
Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition
uses the phylogenetic concordance of multiple unlinked genes
to indicate a lack of genetic exchange and thus evolutionary
independence of lineages. Species have been identified with
Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition
that cannot otherwise be recognized due to the lack of
distinguishing morphological characters or incomplete intersterility. The Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species
Recognition criterion has proved immensely useful in fungi,
because it is more finely discriminating than the other criteria
in many cases, or more convenient, e.g. with species that are
unable to be crossed (Reynolds 1993; Taylor et al. 2000).
Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition is currently more widely used for fungi than any other
organisms, because fungi often have a simpler morphology
and it is difficult to demonstrate in vitro crosses for many
fungi (Dettman et al. 2003a; Fournier et al. 2005; Johnson et
al. 2005; Koufopanou et al. 2001; Le Gac et al. 2007a;
Pringle et al. 2005; Prihastuti et al. 2009; Glienke et al.
There are several reasons why the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition is better at
revealing cryptic species than the Biological Species
Criterion (intersterility criterion). Firstly, intersterility often
evolves slowly in allopatric divergences, in particular the
prezygotic barriers most often tested in fungi (Coyne and
Orr 1997; Le Gac and Giraud 2008). The divergence of
DNA sequences used under the Genealogical Concordance
Phylogenetic Species Recognition criterion may then occur
before intersterility has evolved and thus be more useful to
distinguish closely related sibling species. Among the
numerous complexes of sibling species recently uncovered
using the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species
Recognition criterion, many in fact appear consistent with
allopatric divergence, because the cryptic species occupy
non-overlapping areas separated by geographic barriers
(Taylor et al. 2006). This is the case for the species
complexes of the model organism Neurospora crassa
(Dettman et al., 2003a, 2003b), the yeast Saccharomyces
paradoxus, (Kuehne et al., 2007), the plant pathogen
Fusarium graminearum (O’Donnell et al., 2004), and the
mushrooms Schizophyllum commune (James et al. 1999)
and Armillaria mellea (Anderson et al. 1980; Anderson
et al. 1989).
Even in cases of sympatric speciation, certain mechanisms of reproductive isolation may allow intersterility to
evolve much later than the divergence of DNA, again
rendering the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic
Species Recognition more finely discriminating than the
Biological Species Criterion (Giraud et al. 2010; Giraud
et al. 2008a, b; Le Gac and Giraud 2008). For many
pathogenic fungi, sex must occur within the host after
mycelial development. This means that only individuals
able to grow within the same host can mate. Adaptation to
a new host can in these cases be sufficient to restrict gene
flow in sympatry, without requiring active assortative
mating, i.e. prezygotic intersterility (Giraud 2006; Giraud
et al. 2006). In such cases, close species may remain
interfertile for some time, making in vitro crosses a poor
criterion for recognizing species. An example is provided
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by the plant pathogenic genus Ascochyta, in which recent
multilocus phylogenetic analyses of a worldwide sample
of Ascochyta causing blights of chickpea, faba bean, lentil,
and pea revealed that each of these hosted distinct species
(Peever 2007). Experimental inoculations demonstrated
that infection was highly host specific, yet in vitro crosses
showed that the species were completely interfertile. The
host specificity of these fungi may therefore constitute the
sole reproductive barrier (Peever 2007), resulting in
sympatric speciation through the pleiotropic effect of host
adaptation (Giraud 2006; Giraud et al. 2006; Giraud et al.
2010). More generally, there exist many close species of
ascomycete pathogens that are sympatric but isolated by
weak intersterilty barriers (Le Gac and Giraud 2008).
Some other pre-mating barriers to gene flow may allow
genetic divergence in sympatry without assortative mating
and before intersterility evolves. For organisms depending
on biotic vectors, specialization of these vectors can prevent
contact between two populations even if they lie close to
one another, yielding ecological isolation, e.g. in the
Microbotryum violaceum complex of anther smut fungi,
the insect vectors are different to some extent between host
species, which leads to a reduction in mating opportunities
among strains from different plants (van Putten et al. 2007).
Another type of pre-mating barrier is allochrony, i.e.
differences in the time of reproduction may promote
premating isolation, e.g. in the powdery mildew mycoparasite Ampelomyces, the phenology of the host plant of
the parasitized fungus provides some reproductive isolation (Kiss et al. 2011). In addition, a high rate of selfing
may be efficient in limiting inter-specific matings as seen
in some plants (Fishman and Wyatt, 1999). Selfing has
been proposed as a reproductive barrier in the anther smut
fungus Microbotryum (Giraud et al. 2008b).
Evolution of species criteria in Cercospora
Members of the ascomycete genus Cercospora (Mycosphaerellaceae, Capnodiales, Dothideomycetes) occur
world-wide and cause leaf spots on most dicot and monocot
plant families, as well as some gymnosperms and ferns
(Pollack 1987; Crous and Braun 2003). These fungi rank
among some of the most destructive of plant pathogens (ToAnun et al. 2011). Cercospora was first described by
Fresenius in Fuckel (1863) with C. apii as the type species.
For many years, Cercospora was used for naming any
cercosporoid fungus, i.e. a dematiaceous hyphomycete with
filiform conidia (Pons and Sutton 1988). As a result, it
became one of the largest and most heterogeneous genera
of hyphomycetes (Crous and Braun 2003). Chupp (1954)
also adopted the broad morphological definition of
Cercospora in his monograph.
Deighton (1967; 1973; 1976; 1979) tried to clarify the
taxonomy of Cercospora by segregating Cercospora species
into smaller and morphologically more similar units. Many
Cercospora species were reclassified into Cercosporella,
Cercosporidium, Paracercospora, Pseudocercospora, Pseudocercosporella, Pseudocercosporidium, and other genera.
Braun (1995) recognized close to 50 genera in the
Cercospora-complex. Members of Cercospora sensu stricto
are currently recognized as having hyaline or subhyaline,
solitary (rarely catenate) conidia formed on pigmented
(rarely hyaline to subhyaline) conidiophores (Braun 1995,
Crous & Braun 2003, Crous et al. 2009). This morphological criterion of Cercospora has been accepted by most
taxonomists in the last 20 years (Hsieh and Goh 1990; Guo
and Hsieh 1995; Crous and Braun 1996; Braun and Melnik
1997; To-Anun et al. 2011).
While Cercospora was defined at genus level by
morphology until approximately two decades ago, species
definition in this genus was based largely on host
association. Chupp (1954) considered species of Cercospora
to be generally host specific and listed more than 1,900
species names in his monograph. By 1987 more than 3,000
names had been published in Cercospora (Pollack 1987).
Crous and Braun (2003) challenged this concept of raising
new names for morphologically indistinguishable Cercospora collections based on new host genera, when they
assigned 281 morphologically indistinguishable species to
synonymy under C. apii senso lato and recognized 659
Cercospora species. The results of some earlier inoculation
experiments (Vestal 1933; Johnson and Valleau 1949; Fajola
1978) and molecular sequence data (Crous et al. 2000;
Goodwin et al. 2001) had also raised doubt about narrow
host specificity in the Cercospora complex. Using host
species as a basis for recognizing species of Cercospora also
failed the pogo stick hypothesis of Crous and Groenewald
(2005) formulated by observing some species of Mycosphaerella, which proposed that host specific fungal plant
pathogens often colonised non-host tissue or other substrates,
forming fertile fruiting bodies.
In Cercospora, the application of the criterion of
intersterility was particularly limited because only a few
species in this genus have a known sexual stage (Chupp
1954; Corlett 1991). Groenewald et al. (2006b) detected the
two mating type genes in approximately even proportions
in C. beticola, C. zeae-maydis and C. zeina populations,
and speculated that a sexual cycle may occur regularly in
these species. However, the actual sexual stage was not
The use of DNA sequence data and the adoption of
Phylogenetic Species Criterion have started to clarify some
of the confusion in Cercospora taxonomy. The Cercospora
complex has been shown to form a well-defined clade in
the Mycosphaerellaceae (Crous et al. 2009) supporting
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earlier molecular analyses (Stewart et al. 1999; Crous et al.
2001; Goodwin et al. 2001). Furthermore, only species in
this group produce cercosporin, a phytotoxin that enhances
virulence (Goodwin et al. 2001).
Two examples of the application of Genealogical
Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition in the
Cercospora complex follow. Firstly, two phylogenetically
supported species, C. apii and C beticola, were identified
among the 281 synonyms placed in C. apii sensu lato by
Crous and Braun (2003), even though they were morphologically similar and capable of infecting the same hosts in
inoculation experiments (Groenewald et al. 2005; Groenewald
et al. 2006a, b). Secondly, C. piaropi and C. rodmanii, which
both infect the aquatic plant water hyacinth, were considered
to differ from each other by conidial morphology and
virulence (Tharp 1917). A multilocus DNA phylogeny did
not support the separation of these two species (Tessmann
et al. 2001) and a more detailed study using a collection of
isolates showed that morphological characters also did not
reliably separate them. Consequently C. rodmanii was
reduced to synonymy with C. piaropi.
The adoption of Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic
Species Recognition has profound implications for disease
control and quarantine. For example, considering the 281
synonyms in C. apii sensu lato as individual species may
lead to unnecessary biosecurity measures and trade restrictions, yet considering them as a single species may miss the
opportunity to contain some diseases, e.g. those caused by
C. beticola.
Evolution of species criteria in Colletotrichum
The ascomycete genus Colletotrichum (Glomerellaceae,
Sordariomycetes) contains many well-known plant pathogens that cause anthracnose and a range of diseases
worldwide on economic crops and ornamental plants
(Crouch & Beirn 2009, Crouch et al. 2009, Damm et al.
2009, Hyde et al. 2009a, b). They are amongst the most
important plant pathogens as they cause latent or quiescent
infections at the pre-harvest and post-harvest stages (Sutton
1992). The first report of Colletotrichum was by Tode
(1790) in the genus Vermicularia, while the genus name
Colletotrichum was introduced by Corda (1831). Colletotrichum encompasses species with endophytic, epiphytic,
saprobic and phytopathogenic lifestyles (Kumar and Hyde
2004; Photita et al. 2001; 2003; 2005; Liu et al. 2007;
Prihastuti et al. 2009), as well as human pathogens (Cano
et al. 2004).
The taxonomy of many groups of plant pathogenic
fungi, including Colletotrichum, has been based on host
association (von Arx 1957; Sutton 1980). If a pathogenic
fungus was found on a host from which no records of that
pathogen were known, it was described as a new species
(von Arx 1957). This species criterion has failed to reliably
reflect evolutionary independence of the lineages of
Colletotrichum and many other groups of fungi, as many
pathogenic species have a facultative saprobic ability,
with the exception perhaps of the obligate plant
pathogenic fungi, e.g. rusts, smuts, downy and powdery
mildews (Cummins and Hiratsuka 2003; Vánky 2002,
Yamaoka 2002).
The work done by mycologists during the 19th and early
20 century resulted in numerous fungal names with
specific epithets based on the scientific names of the host
plant. These names cannot be ignored in modern systematic
studies and pose a huge challenge for modern researchers
who will need to determine whether these names represent
distinct species or synonyms of other names (Hyde et al.
2009a; Cai et al. 2009). Sutton (1992) suggested that “In
every large genus like Colletotrichum there needs to be a
degree of systematics catharsis resulting in a severe
reduction in the number of accepted species before any
real advances in identification can be made”. Such an
approach was taken by von Arx (1957) who reduced the
number of Colletotrichum species from several hundred to
11 based on morphological characters, with many taxa
treated as synonyms of C. gloeosporioides (ca. 600
synonyms) or C. dematium (86 synonyms). Several
additional species have been accepted since von Arx
(1957), based on Morphological Species Criterion (Sutton,
1980; 1992). Sutton (1980) also built a key that has
provided a practical identification tool and standard
reference for identifying species of Colletotrichum for
many years. In the last 30 years, and until recently, the
number of newly described species of Colletotrichum has
substantially slowed down and species were defined by
their distinguishable morphological characters.
Although the application of Morphological Species
Criterion has resulted in an important and revolutionary
progress in Colletotrichum systematics, some flaws persisted. The species criteria of von Arx (1957) were very
broad, and most of his taxonomic treatments were based on
literature descriptions, that lead to considerable inaccuracy
and generality. For example, the treatment of synonymizing
ca. 600 names to C. gloeosporioides has been questionable,
as it contains a lot of physiologically and genetically distant
lineages. Recent application of Genealogical Concordance
Phylogenetic Species Recognition in Colletotrichum has
revealed that many distinct species exist in the C.
gloeosporioides complex. Some of these have been
formally described, such as C. asianum, C. siamense, C.
fructicola, and C. cordylinicola (Prihastuti et al. 2009;
Phoulivong et al. 2010), while others have been typified,
including C. gloeosporioides sensu stricto, C. horii and C.
musae (Cannon et al. 2008; Weir and Johnston 2010; Su et
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al. 2011). In the C. acutatum complex, 4 distinct lineages
were recognized and three of them have been assigned
species names (Shivas and Tan 2009).
The application of Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition in Colletotrichum has had an
important impact on species discovery, plant breeding,
disease control and biosecurity protocols, all of which
depend on accurate pathogen identification. Identification
of a specimen as C. gloeosporioides sensu lato or C.
dematium sensu lato has little practical value. The many
species hidden in the C. gloeosporioides complex will
certainly have different biosecurity significance. For example, the C. gloeosporioides complex on coffee berries has
been well characterized and several distinct genetic and
phenotypic species have been established (Prihastuti et al.
2009; Waller et al. 1993). Among these, C. kahawae is a
strongly aggressive pathogen specific to coffee in Africa
(Waller et al. 1993) and the application of strict quarantine
protocols is justified to prevent its spread to coffee growing
regions on other continents where it is not present. On the
other hand, C. asianum, C. fructicola and C. siamense are
opportunistic pathogens of coffee berries (Prihastuti
et al. 2009) and appear to have a wide host range and
little biosecurity significance. Phoulivong et al. (2010)
indicated that morphologically similar isolates from chilli,
mango, papaya, rose apple and jujube comprised more
than one distinct species. Very little is known about
whether these records, and many other worldwide records
of C. gloeosporioides sensu lato, represent saprobes,
weak or opportunistic pathogens or severe pathogens (Hyde
et al. 2010).
Evolution of species criteria in Fusarium
The ascomycete genus Fusarium (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes) represents a large group of
ascomycetes ubiquitously distributed in soil and in association with plants. Although most members are saprobic,
Fusarium is better known for its toxigenic and plant
pathogenic species, which significantly impact agriculture
(Marasas et al. 1984). Fusarium produces secondary
metabolites, such as fumonisins, trichothecenes and zearalenone, which are toxins that threaten food safety and
human health. Recently, Fusarium species also have
emerged as opportunistic human pathogens causing ocular
or systemic infections (Dignani and Anaissie 2004; Zhang
et al. 2006).
Fusarium was first described by Link (1809) as species
with fusiform spores borne on a stroma. This asexual genus
was validated by Fries (1821) in terms of the IBCN. With
increased knowledge of fungal morphological identification, the presence of fusoid macroconidia with a basal foot
cell became accepted as the key character of the genus
instead of the presence of a stroma (Booth 1971). The
teleomorphs of Fusarium, when known, belong to either
Haematonectria or Gibberella.
The history of the taxonomy of Fusarium has been
unstable. In the first century after the genus was established, over 1,000 species were defined on the basis of
superficial observations, often based on host association
(Toussoun and Nelson 1975). Wollenweber and Reinking
(1935) in their monograph Die Fusarien reduced the genus
to 142 species, varieties and forms in 16 sections. Based
solely on morphological characters, Snyder and Hansen
(1941; 1945) further reduced Fusarium to nine species.
Successor taxonomists conducted revisions based on either
the Wollenweber and Reinking system, e.g. Booth (1971),
or the Snyder and Hansen system, e.g. Nelson et al.
(1983). This resulted in many taxonomic incongruences.
Currently, there are over 100 valid Fusarium species
names according to the Dictionary of The Fungi (Kirk et
al. 2008). The frequent conflicts and instability in
Fusarium systematics have resulted from the absence of
clear morphological characters to separate species as well
as the existence of phenotypic variation in cultures
(Geiser et al. 2004).
The root of the problem in Fusarium systematics lies in
the use of the Morphological Species Criterion as adopted
in traditional fungal taxonomy. As with many other fungi,
Fusarium taxonomy was mostly based on the Morphological Species Criterion until two decades ago, when
Morphological Species Criterion and Phylogenetic Species
Criterion were applied (Summerell et al. 2010). Intersterility
barriers have been detected in some Fusarium groups based
on crossing experiments, e.g. the genetically distinct mating
populations in the F. solani species complex (Matuo and
Snyder 1973). Clearly, the Biological Species Criterion
cannot be applied to the majority of Fusarium lineages,
which are homothallic or apparently asexual (Taylor et al.
1999). Nonetheless, the BSC enabled reliable identification
for some sexual species of Fusarium, especially for those in
the Gibberella fujikuroi and F. solani species complexes
(Leslie and Summerell 2006; Kvas et al. 2009).
For species of Fusarium for which sexual reproduction
is difficult to induce in vitro, the Phylogenetic Species
Criterion (including the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition) has proven to be highly
informative. Several studies have shown that Phylogenetic
Species Criterion and Biological Species Criterion are
congruent, although the Biological Species Criterion
appears more finely discriminating than the Morphological
Species Criterion, particularly in Fusarium (O’Donnell
2000; O’Donnell et al. 1998; Zhang et al. 2006). Distinct
lineages recognized by the Phylogenetic Species Criterion
can be used as a guide for finding diagnostic morphological
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or ecological differences among fungal species, which
otherwise did not appear obvious. For example, phylogenetic analyses have revealed the existence of cryptic species
in F. graminearum, occurring in different parts of the world,
resulting in the description of 13 new species (O’Donnell
et al. 2000; Starkey et al. 2007; Kvas et al. 2009). The
most frequently used gene for species recognition and
phylogenetic analysis in Fusarium is the translation
elongation factor 1 α gene (EF-1α). Other useful loci
include the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the
rRNA gene repeat and β-tubulin gene (Geiser et al. 2004;
Summerell et al. 2010; Park et al. 2011).
An example of the benefits of modern Phylogenetic
Species Criterion-based systematics in Fusarium can be
seen in soybean sudden death syndrome (Rupe 1989), a
disease occurring throughout the world. Previously, the
causal agent was referred to as F. solani f. sp. glycines or
Fusarium solani sensu lato (Gao et al. 2004). Multiple gene
sequence analyses revealed a diversity of cryptic taxa,
leading to the recognition of four different species of
Fusarium as causes of this disease. Those isolates known to
cause soybean sudden death syndrome in North America
have been segregated as Fusarium virgulifore, while three
related but different species of Fusarium are associated
with this disease in South America (Aoki et al. 2005).
Studies based on experimental crosses further confirmed
the distinction of these phylogenetic species (Covert et al.
2007). The intersterility and allopatry of these cryptic
species were discovered only after their existence was
revealed using phylogenetic analyses. The geographical and
genetic information associated with these newly recognized
species will enable the development of precise control
strategies and the formulation of appropriate biosecurity
Evolution of species criteria in rust and smut fungi
The rust and smut fungi belong to the subphyla Pucciniomycotina and Ustilaginomycotina respectively, in the
phylum Basidiomycota (Hibbett et al. 2007). At the species
level there are almost 7,000 species of rust fungi in 163
genera (Kirk et al. 2001) and about 1,675 smut fungi in 95
genera (Vánky, pers. comm.), which collectively account
for about 10% of all known fungi. The rust and smut fungi
both contain many economically and agriculturally important species and their profound influence on human history
is well documented (Carefoot and Sprott 1967).
The traditional definition of the rust and smut life form
was the presence of teliospores that germinate to produce
basidia and these fungi were classified together in the
Teliomycetes (Jülich, 1981). However ultrastructural and
molecular studies have shown that the rust and smut fungi
are only distantly related with separate monophyletic
origins (Bauer et al. 1997; Begerow et al. 1997). Furthermore, the rust fungi have a pleomorphic life cycle with up
to five spore states (spermatia, aeciospores, urediniospores,
teliospores and basidiospores) which differentiates them
from the smut fungi that mostly produce two types of
spores (teliospores and basidiospores).
Rust and smut fungi are essentially obligate plant
pathogens, although the smut fungi may have a short stage
of saprobic growth on non-living substrates, and about 30
rusts have been cultivated on artificial media (Yamaoka
2002). The classification of rust and smut species has been
traditionally based on both Morphological Species
Criterion, with emphasis on sori and spore stages, as well
as on Ecological Species Criterion, with emphasis on
pathogenicity on specific hosts (Vánky 2002, Cummins
and Hiratsuka 2003). Consequently these groups have been
relatively stable, and easily classified and identified using
morphology and host associations for over 200 years. The
recent application of molecular phylogenetic analyses to the
rust and smut fungi has mostly supported previous
classifications at the level of genus (Maier et al. 2003;
Bauer et al. 2006; Aime et al. 2006; Begerow et al. 2006).
In contrast, higher taxonomic ranks have been shuffled in
part. While the Pucciniales (rust fungi) are monophyletic,
the smut fungi in the traditional sense correspond to at least
two phylogenetically distant clades. Those smut fungi in
the Ustilaginomycotina cluster together with other plant
pathogens of the Exobasidiales, Microstromatales as well
as human pathogens of Malassezia (Begerow et al. 2000;
Begerow et al. 2006). The smut fungi in the Microbotryales
cluster together with other plant pathogens and mycoparasites in the Microbotryomycetes in the Pucciniommycotina
(Bauer et al. 2006). Ultrastructural characters and cell wall
compounds have subsequently supported these modern
classifications (Bauer et al. 1997; 2006).
Early species descriptions of rust and smut fungi were
usually based on morphology and separation of the two
groups was not always clear. The earliest descriptions of
rust fungi date back to Micheli (1729) and Persoon
(1801), and smut fungi to Tillet (1755) and Prévost
(1807). They were followed by detailed studies on their
life cycle including teliospore formation and germination
(de Bary 1853; Tulasne and Tulasne 1847). Interestingly,
most of these early treatments included quite comprehensive studies comprising morphological, physiological and
systematic aspects. Most of the early species lists included
information about host species and the lists were even
organized according to host (Fischer von Waldheim 1869).
It is commonly accepted that rust and smut species are
each restricted to a family or even a narrower plant taxon
and there are many examples describing the rust or smut
species of a given plant family (Vánky 2006; Vánky and
Author's personal copy
Fungal Diversity
Lutz 2007) or a given host genus (Bauer et al. 1999;
Vánky 2003). Several genera of heteroecious rust fungi on
the other hand need two different hosts to complete their
life cycle, which may be from completely different plant
Considering that over 8,000 species of rust and smut
fungi are known, there has been little application of DNA
sequence data to identify rust and smut fungi in terms of
the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species
Recognition. This is certainly because the morphological
characteristics of rust and smut fungi have appeared
stable and reliable, allowing confident identification of
species that are supported, in most cases, by narrow host
ranges. However complexes composed of closely related
reproductively isolated cryptic species are still common
in the rust fungi (Gaümann 1959) and also some groups
of smut fungi. Consequently, molecular studies have been
used to resolve phylogenetic relationships between morphologically similar taxa of rust and smut fungi. For
example, the host-specificity, morphology and DNA
sequence data of two microcyclic rusts species Puccinia
melampodii and P. xanthii (Seier et al. 2009) lead to the
establishment of a new morphospecies, P. xanthii var.
parthenii-hysterophorae, to accommodate records of P.
melampodii associated with the host Parthenium hysterophus. Another example is Karnal bunt of wheat, caused
by the smut fungus Tilletia indica, an important pathogen
absent from Australia. ITS sequence data have been used
to separate it from morphologically similar species that
may also occur as contaminants in consignments of wheat
seed (Levy et al. 2001, Pascoe et al. 2005). Overall, the
application of Phylogenetic Species Criterion supported
Morphological Species Criterion in many of the genera of
smut fungi (Hendrichs et al. 2005; Begerow et al. 2000;
Castlebury et al. 2005) and only recently the large
Ustilago / Sporisorium / Macalpinomyces species complex
has been substantially resolved using a phylogeny derived
from molecular data that reflected morphological synapomorphies and host associations (Stoll et al. 2003,
2005; McTaggart 2010).
As one of the best studied models, Microbotryum
has provided a good example of the utility of the
Phylogenetic Species Criterion. A narrow species criterion based on host use (Zillig 1921; Liro 1924; Baker
1947) long contrasted with a broad Morphological Species
Criterion species criterion, the latter defining a single
species, Microbotryum violaceum, considered as the pathogen responsible for almost all anther smuts of Caryophyllaceae (Perlin 1996). Population genetics studies
(Bucheli et al. 2000) and the use of the Genealogical
Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition (Le Gac
et al. 2007a) revealed an absence of gene flow and an ancient
differentiation between populations of Microbotryum found
on different host plants, which were confirmed by ITS
phylogenies as distinct species on different hosts (Lutz et al.
2005, 2008). As in other fungal species, the Biological
Species Criterion was less discriminating (Le Gac et al.
2007b), with little evidence of assortative mating in the form
of conjugation initiation in vitro, although hybrid inviability
and sterility was observed between the cryptic species (Le
Gac et al. 2007b; de Vienne et al. 2009a). Cross-inoculation
studies also appeared less discriminating in vitro than host
specificity seen in the field (de Vienne et al. 2009b; Gladieux
et al. 2011). The studies highlight the value of Genealogical
Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition to validate
Phylogenetic Species Criterion and Morphological Species
Criterion that have practical application in the field of
plant pathology.
Conclusive remarks
Molecular DNA sequence data have recently been extensively employed in studying the systematics of plant
pathogenic fungi. The advantage of using molecular data
is that it provides a greater number of heritable characters
that allow for convenient information sharing between
laboratories. Morphological characters, however, are prone
to change under different environmental conditions. In
addition, well-developed bioinformatics tools make analysis of data more objective and less controversial when
examined by different scientists. The Biological Species
Criterion has proved useful in some fungal groups but
overall appears less convenient and less discriminating,
although congruent, with the Genealogical Concordance
Phylogenetic Species Recognition.
The Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species
Recognition has been widely accepted in fungal systematics.
Multi-gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis have
become a routine procedure in identifying new fungal
species, especially for those that lack distinctive morphological characters. Consequently a rapidly increasing number of cryptic species are being discovered amongst plant
pathogenic fungi using the Genealogical Concordance
Phylogenetic Species Recognition and it is critical to
determine their host range, the severity of diseases they
cause and their biosecurity significance. With rapidly
expanding global trade it has become imperative that we
develop effective and reliable protocols to detect these
previously unrecognized pathogens.
Based on Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition, previously applied phenotypic characters
that were used to define taxa need re-evaluation. Although
the recent molecular advances in multi-locus phylogeny has
been able to recognize stable and well-separated phylogenetic species, there is still a long way to go before we can
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Fungal Diversity
finally establish a natural classification system and species
recognition criteria for most fungi using DNA sequence
data. A major problem is that only a very small number of
species have been deposited in public culture collections
and only a fraction of these have had some DNA fragment
sequenced. The number of ex-type strains that have been
sequenced is even lower. Another potential problem is that
most of the well-known plant pathogenic fungi were
described based on the Morphological Species Criterion
and ex-type cultures are not available. It is inevitable that
Phylogenetic Species Criterion and Morphological Species
Criterion will still be used together to define species for
many years.
Once robust species delimitation and classification is
established, the development of high-throughput identification tools like barcoding should be a major improvement
for assignment of particular strains to species (Begerow
et al. 2010). Together with well-curated databases and
regularly updated regional species lists rapid molecular
identification is able to efficiently support not only quarantine
regulations but the monitoring of new emerging diseases
as well.
Acknowledgements Dr Alistair McTaggart (Louisiana State University)
is thanked for his helpful comments. Ms. Liu Fang is thanked for
technical assistance. Lei Cai acknowledges grants CAS KSCX2-YW-Z1026 and NSFC 31070020. Tatiana Giraud acknowledges the grants
ANR 06-BLAN-0201 and ANR 07-BDIV-003. Parts of this chapter are
derivatives of articles previously published (Giraud et al., 2008a;
Gladieux et al., 2010). Roger Shivas acknowledges Chinese Academy of
Sciences for the Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists
(Grant No. 2010T2S12). Dominik Begerow acknowledges the grants BE
2201/4-2 and BE 2201/8-1 from DFG.
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