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WEEK ENDING 12/26/14 – ISSUE NO. 180
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Multiemployer Pension Cuts, What You Need to Know – AARP
December 16 2014
By Eileen Ambrose
The State of Public Employment in 2014
December 18 2014
By Heather Kerrigan
The Sacramento Bee
Oversight office was costly, California Senate officials say | The Sacramento Bee
December 18 2014
By Laurel Rosenhall
The Sacramento Bee
Former CHP officer convicted in workers' comp insurance fraud case | The Sacramento Bee
December 18 2014
By Cathy Locke
The Wall Street Journal
Committed: The Weekly LP Update - Private Equity Beat – WSJ
December 19 2014
By Dawn Lim
Government Executive
Obama Makes it Official: 1 Percent Pay Raise For 2015 - Pay & Benefits - GovExec.com
December 19 2014
By Tom Shoop
The Sacramento Bee
Bill gives job rights to California state workers returning from military | The Sacramento Bee
December 19 2014
By Jon Ortiz
CNN Money
McDonald's violated worker rights: NLRB
December 19 2014
By Ben Rooney
Modern Healthcare
CMS adds late 2013 records to Open Payments database - Modern Healthcare
December 19 2014
By Jaimy Lee
The Motley Fool
The Biggest Problem With Social Security Isn't Shrinking Reserves -- It's This
December 20 2014
By Sean Williams
Chicago Tribune
How businesses created pensions to thwart unions - Chicago Tribune
December 20 2014
By Stephen Mihm, Bloomberg News
Business Insider UK
Public pensions: America's Greece? - Business Insider
December 20 2014
By The Economist
NBC News
Debt Collectors Hound Millions of Retired Americans - NBC News.com
December 20 2014
By Herb Weisbaum
Pensions & Investments
Lifetime income option use gets boost - Pensions & Investments
December 22 2014
By Robert Steyer
Bloomberg Businessweek
The Real Risk of Pension Plans: They Give Retirees False Security – Businessweek
December 22 2014
By Allison Schrager
CNN Money
Union retirees: Don't cut my pension
December 22 2014
By Melanie Hicken
The Sacramento Bee
Sentencing postponed in CalPERS bribery case | The Sacramento Bee
December 22 2014
By Dale Kasler
The Sacramento Bee
Project to make searchable database of California legislative hearings | The Sacramento Bee
December 22 2014
By Jim Miller
The Sacramento Bee
California ranks near top in federal, state, local government pay | The Sacramento Bee
December 22 2014
By Jon Ortiz
Pensions & Investments
Big public pension funds' hedge fund portfolios outperform their indexes - Pensions & Investments
December 22 2014
By Christine Williamson
Pensions & Investments
Promise now, pay later - Pensions & Investments
December 22 2014
By Pensions & Benefits
State Bar of Wisconsin
WisBar News: No Vested Right in Pension Multiplier, Supreme Court Majority Says:
December 22 2014
By Joe Forward, Legal Writer
New Republic
Stockton, Detroit Bankruptcies Gut Budgets and Imperil Pensions | The New Republic
December 22 2014
By Claire Groden
Capital & Main
Controller John Chiang on the Future of California's Public Pensions | CAPITAL & MAIN
December 22 2014
By Dan Braun
December 22, 2014
Happy Holidays from Everyone at LGV&A!
Incoming Senate Finance Committee Chair Lauds 401(k)s, IRAs
The incoming chairman of the Senate Finance Committee said in a preview of his pension reform
priorities for 2015 that "the private employer-based retirement savings system in the United
States - particularly 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts, or IRAs - has become the
greatest wealth creator for the middle class in history and represents truly shared prosperity."
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, delivered his remarks during a December 15 speech before the
Financial Services Roundtable. Hatch is the ranking Republican on the Finance Committee, but
with the GOP set to have a majority in the Senate when the next session of Congress convenes
in January, he is expected to take over the panel's chairmanship.
Hatch spoke highly of defined contribution accounts and praised moves by Congress to raise
401(k) and IRA contribution limits.
"Since 2000, the year before Congress raised the contribution limits, retirement assets in defined
contribution plans have grown from around $3 trillion to nearly $6 trillion, despite the market
downturn in 2008," Hatch said. "Assets in IRAs have grown from $2.6 trillion to $6.5 trillion. ...
We have spent a lot of time in recent years defending the gains we have achieved in the 401(k)
system. But, in 2015 we can, and in my opinion should, go on offense."
Hatch plugged his Starter 401(k) proposal, which would have simpler administration and lower
expenses than regular 401(k)s and would allow small employers to pool assets to reduce costs.
He also promoted his proposed Secure Annuities for Employee Retirement Act, or SAFE
Retirement Act (S. 1270), which would create a "new pension structure for state and local
governments [that] will solve the pension underfunding problem prospectively while delivering
retirement income security, in the form of a deferred, fixed income life annuity, to public
employees," according to a summary of the proposal. Under the proposal, governments could
provide pension benefits by investing in annuity contracts offered by life insurance companies,
thus shifting investment risk from taxpayers to insurers. States and localities would not be
required to participate.
"The SAFE Retirement Act also tackles one of the most pressing retirement problems facing the
country: the problem of poorly funded state and local defined benefit pension plans," Hatch said
in last week's speech. "From Rhode Island to Illinois to California, the pension crisis is getting
worse every day. As I have said before, America cannot continue to ignore the financial disaster
coming our way if we do not get the public pension debt crisis under control."
He went on to say that, "The operators of some of these poorly run and underfunded pension
plans at the state and local level seem to think that a federal bailout is on the horizon," but
stressed that, "A federal bailout of state and local governments is, in my view, a non-starter."
"It sets up bad incentives and puts innocent taxpayers across the country on the hook for the
poor decisions and plan failures in a few specific locales," Hatch said. "A federal bailout of these
failing plans should not be considered under any circumstances."
Treasury Sells Last Major TARP Holding; Program Nets $15.3 Billion
The federal government last week sold its last major holding from the Troubled Asset Relief
Program (TARP), leaving it with a $15.3 billion profit from its bailout of the financial sector and
the auto industry.
TARP was established during the height of the financial crisis in October 2008, mostly to provide
emergency assistance to financial firms, but it also loaned funds to the auto industry and was
used for mortgage programs. Congress originally authorized up to $700 billion for TARP, but
$426.4 billion was distributed.
The Treasury Department on Friday sold its nearly 55 million shares of Ally Financial, formerly
known as GMAC, the financial arm of General Motors.
"Our economy has rebounded from the depths of the financial crisis and is now creating jobs at
the fastest pace since the 1990s," Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said. "There is more work to do,
but as we exit the last major financial investment, it's important to take stock of the progress we
have made, and the critical role TARP and the Auto Industry Financing Program played in getting
us to this point."
The federal government now only has TARP holdings in 35 community banks.
Fed Extends Deadline for Key Part of Volcker Rule
The Federal government on Thursday announced that it is giving financial institutions two
additional years to comply with a key part of the Volcker rule.
The Volcker rule, which was included in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, is intended to prohibit most
proprietary trading by banks. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the rule on December
10, 2013, nearly 17 months after the original deadline.
Before last week's announcement, banks had until July 21, 2015, to divest or conform
investments covered by the rule. The Fed extended the deadline to July 21, 2016, and
"announced its intention to act next year to grant banking entities an additional one-year
extension," giving them until mid-2017 to comply.
The extension applies to investments made no later than December 31, 2013. For investments
made after that date, the compliance deadline remains July 21, 2015. That is also the deadline
for banks to comply with the prohibition on proprietary trading activities.
"Commenters asserted that an extended period of time is needed to allow for the orderly sale of
covered fund interests that must be divested, including divestitures that must, by statute, be
made by employees, officers, and directors of banking entities," the Fed stated in its
announcement. "In addition, banking entities contended that the statutory requirements to
change the names of covered funds and restrict relationships with covered funds that may be
retained by banking entities would require additional time to allow consultation with, and the
consent of, investors in and managers of covered funds."
The namesake of the rule, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, expressed
disappointment with the extension.
"It is striking that the world's leading investment bankers, noted for their cleverness and agility
in advising clients on how to restructure companies and even industries, however complicated,
apparently can't manage the orderly reorganization of their own activities in more than five
years," Volcker said. "Or do I understand that lobbying is eternal, and by 2017 or beyond, the
expectation can be fostered that the law itself can be changed?"
The extension is widely seen as a win for the financial community, the second this month. About
a week earlier, Congress included in a must-pass spending bill a provision repealing the
derivatives "push out" rule that was included in the Dodd-Frank Act, which was enacted in 2010
in response to the financial crisis. The rule required banks to spin off their derivatives trading to
units that are not covered by federal deposit insurance and do not have access to low-interest
loans from the Federal Reserve. On Thursday, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew criticized that move
during a meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, calling it "a step in the wrong
Social Security Trust Fund to Be Exhausted by 2030: CBO
Social Security's combined trust fund has just a decade and a half until it is depleted, according
to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
Annual Social Security expenditures are already exceeding tax revenues, and the gap is growing,
CBO noted.
"As more members of the baby-boom generation retire, outlays will increase relative to the size
of the economy, whereas tax revenues will remain at an almost constant share of the economy,"
CBO stated. "As a result, the gap will grow larger in the 2020s and will exceed 30 percent of
revenues by the late 2020s."
The agency projects that Social Security's retirement benefits trust fund will be exhausted by
2032, while its disability benefits trust fund is expected to last until only 2017. If the funds were
combined, they would last until 2030.
The projection is more pessimistic than the one that Social Security trustees included in their
latest annual report, which gives the combined trust fund until 2033.
In fiscal year 2014, Social Security paid $840 billion in benefits, accounting for nearly one-fourth
of all federal expenditures.
Pensions & Investments
John Hancock to acquire New York Life Retirement Plan Services - Pensions & Investments
December 23 2014
By James Comtois
San Francisco Business Times
On the naughty list: Theft of state funds detailed in auditor report - San Francisco Business Times
December 23 2014
By Allen Young
Financial Advisor
Big Changes Coming For 401(k)s
December 23 2014
By Bloomberg News
The Sacramento Bee
CalPERS hires two lobbying firms in Washington, D.C. | The Sacramento Bee
December 23 2014
By Dale Kasler
Orange County Register
Editorial: Paying for pension miscues - The Orange County Register
December 23 2014
By Orange County Register
Cal Watchdog
Stockton bankruptcy looms over 2015 | CalWatchDog
December 24 2014
By Wayne Lusvardi
The Washington Post
Map: How much each state pays its government workers - The Washington Post
December 24 2014
By Niraj Chokshi
CNN Money
The best way to invest for retirement income
December 24 2014
By Walter Updegrave
The Sacramento Bee
New FPPC chair takes low-profile approach | The Sacramento Bee
December 24 2014
By Laurel Rosenhall
The Seattle Times
Pension-law change alarms retiree groups | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times
December 26 2014
By Russell Grantham
Market Watch
10 worst states for retirement security – MarketWatch
December 26 2014
By Market Watch
Courthouse News Service
Courthouse News Service - Elected Judges Sue CalPERS
December 26 2014
By Dave Tartre
Contra Costa Times
Daniel Borenstein: Before retiring, Rep. George Miller breaks ranks to help save troubled pension plan
- ContraCostaTimes.com
December 26 2014
By Dan Borenstein
CNN Money
The one major investing mistake you're making
December 26 2014
By Anna B. Wroblewska
San Diego Union Tribune
Salary data shows fruits of union muscle | UTSanDiego.com
December 26 2014
By Steven Greenhut
Pensions in the News: Media Clips for December 22, 2014
California Stories
Editorial: State government still faces tsunami of red ink (U-T San Diego)
Op-ed: The coming pension meltdown (Washington Times)
Private equity investors join together to get benefits of separate account (Pensions & Investments)
National Stories
401(k)s are a sham (Salon)
How businesses created pensions to thwart unions (Bloomberg)
Foes of Unions Try Their Luck in County Laws (NY Times)
Pensions in the News: Media Clips for December 23, 2014
California Stories
Tackling the big debt that lawmakers let balloon (Calpensions)
Summing up Chuck Reed's eight years as mayor (San Jose Mercury News)
Lou Cannon: State Budgets Show Improvement but Are Dogged by Pension, Medicaid Costs (Noozhawk)
Detroit and Stockton Are Just the Beginning of a Wave of Bankrupt Cities (New Republic)
California Issuers Risk Higher Costs With Stockton: Muni Credit (Bloomberg)
National Stories
Union retirees: Don't cut my pension (CNN Money)
Cuomo's Cap on Hedge Funds in Pensions Solves Only Part of the Problem (Bloomberg)
Pensions in the News: Media Clips for December 26, 2014
California Stories
Controller John Chiang on the Future of California’s Public Pensions (Capital & Main)
Editorial: Paying for pension miscues (OC Register)
Project to make searchable database of California legislative hearings (Sacramento Bee) **note mention of John
Arnold grant**
Elected Judges Sue CalPERS Over Pensions (Courthouse News Service)
National Stories
Letter: Public Pension Funding Problems (WSJ)
Why Workers Undervalue Traditional Pension Plans (CNN Money)
Pension-law change alarms retiree groups (Seattle Times)
New federal law allows pension cuts (Macro Insider)
The State of Public Employment in 2014 (Techwire)
The Sacramento Bee
Updating your income could lead to canceled health plan | The Sacramento Bee
December 16 2014
By Emily Bazar
The Business Journals
Bye-bye, Cover Oregon. Legislators draft a bill to dissolve the troubled exchange - Portland Business
December 17 2014
By Dennis Thompson
The Huffington Post
Be Fearless: Let's Strengthen Social Security And Medicare | Jo Ann Jenkins
December 18 2014
By Jo Ann Jenkins
The Washington Post
This drug costs $1,125 per pill and is about to shatter sales records - The Washington Post
December 19 2014
By Jason Millman
The Washington Post
The many hospices that fail patients just before they die - The Washington Post
December 19 2014
By Peter Whoriskey and Dan Keating
The Sacramento Bee
State's dental program is in serious trouble | The Sacramento Bee
December 19 2014
By Walter G. Weber
The Washington Post
Half of Dr. Oz's medical advice is baseless or wrong, study says - The Washington Post
December 19 2014
By Terrence McCoy
The Modesto Bee
Hospital to pay $2.2M to settle false claims | The Modesto Bee
December 19 2014
By The Associated Press
CNN Tech
'Digital nose' on a chip can sniff out diseases - CNN.com
December 19 2014
By Peter Shadbolt
San Diego Union Tribune
Governor's budget will address soaring retiree health-care liabilities | UTSanDiego.com
December 19 2014
By Steven Greenhut
Medical Daily
Forever Young: 14 Reasons Why People 100 Years Ago Died So Much Younger Than We Do Now
December 19 2014
By Lecia Bushak
The New York Times
Military Hospital Care Is Questioned; Next, Reprisals - NYTimes.com
December 20 2014
By Sharon LaFraniere
The Motley Fool
Medicare for 2015: 3 Key Facts You Should Know
December 20 2014
By Dan Caplinger
The Washington Post
2014: The year we finally learned how to talk seriously about dying - The Washington Post
December 20 2014
By Jason Millman
The Washington Post
Study faults hospices for no contact just before death
December 21 2014
By Peter Whoriskey and Dan Keating
The Washington Post
Medicare appeals office cuts seniors' waiting time to see a judge in half - The Washington Post
December 21 2014
By Susan Jaffe
Medicare Patient Skips Mortgage to Cope With $20,000 Bill – Bloomberg
December 21 2014
By Robert Langreth
Modern Healthcare
Supreme Court to hear King v. Burwell on March 4 - Modern Healthcare
December 22 2014
By Lisa Schencker
Modern Healthcare
Suit alleges Abbott, supplier Omnicare involved in illegal kickback scheme - Modern Healthcare
December 22 2014
By Lisa Schencker
Modern Healthcare
Feds pitching easy-to-understand insurance plan summaries - Modern Healthcare
December 22 2014
By Bob Herman
The Modesto Bee
Judge strikes down wage boost for some home workers | The Modesto Bee
December 22 2014
By Sam Hananel
Tackling the big debt that lawmakers let balloon | Calpensions
December 22 2014
By Ed Mendel
Kaiser Health News
Deciding Whether Subsidized Health Insurance Is Worth The Hassle | Kaiser Health News
December 22 2014
By Andrew L. Wang
Kaiser Health News
Medicare To Offer Help To Some Seniors When Advantage Plans Drop Doctors | Kaiser Health News
December 22 2014
By Susan Jaffe
Kaiser Health News
Patient Groups Ask HHS To Redefine Insurance Discrimination | Kaiser Health News
December 22 2014
Kaiser Health News
Is Your Heart Doctor In? If Not, You Might Be Better Off. | Kaiser Health News
December 22 2014
By Jordan Rau
The New York Times
AbbVie Deal Heralds Changed Landscape for Hepatitis Drugs - NYTimes.com
December 22 2014
By Andrew Pollack
San Francisco Business Times
Live long and prosper with ibuprofen, says early Buck Institute research - San Francisco Business
December 23 2014
By Ron Leuty
San Francisco Business Times
Aetna faces lawsuit charging mail-order drug delivery is discriminatory (Video) - San Francisco
Business Times
December 23 2014
By David A. Arnott
Sacramento Business Journal
Eskaton gets back into non-medical home care for residents, broader community - Sacramento
Business Journal
December 23 2014
By Kathy Robertson
Sacramento Business Journal
Adventist hospital to pay $2.25M to settle false claims allegations - Sacramento Business Journal
December 23 2014
By Kathy Robertson
CNN Money
Is this 'wealth care' or the next big thing in medicine?
December 23 2014
By Tami Luhby
CNN Money
6.4 million enroll in Obamacare
December 23 2014
By Tami Luhby
Kaiser Health News
More People With Chronic Conditions Turn To Palliative Care | Kaiser Health News
December 23 2014
Kaiser Health News
Can I Keep My Marketplace Plan When I'm Enrolled In Medicare? | Kaiser Health News
December 23 2014
By Michelle Andrews
Kaiser Health News
As Docs Face Big Cuts In Medicaid Pay, Patients May Pay The Price | Kaiser Health News
December 23 2014
By Phil Galewitz
The Washington Post
HHS won't say if it's preparing for a Supreme Court Obamacare nightmare - The Washington Post
December 23 2014
By Jason Millman
The Washington Post
Why Hollywood is going after Google over prescription drugs - The Washington Post
December 23 2014
By Nancy Scola
Cal Watchdog
Report finds inaccuracies in Covered CA doctor lists | CalWatchDog
December 23 2014
By Dave Roberts
Valley Public Radio
Commentary: Tough Issues When Faith Conflicts With Medical Advice | Valley Public Radio
December 23 2014
By Christopher Meyers
The Huffington Post
The Doctors Shortage, a Crisis Within a Crisis | Paul Alexander
December 23 2014
By Paul Alexander
San Francisco Gate
Biotech investors bail out after Gilead pricing fight – SFGate
December 23 2014
By Caroline Chen
The Washington Post
One company's battle to stop the wave of high-priced drugs - The Washington Post
December 24 2014
By Jason Millman
Sacramento Business Journal
UC Davis Health System stays the course with a flat bottom line - Sacramento Business Journal
December 24 2014
By Kathy Robertson
Cal Watchdog
CA small biz hit with health care hikes | CalWatchDog
December 24 2014
By James Poulos
The New England Journal of Medicine
Unraveling Obamacare - Can Congress and the Supreme Court Undo Health Care Reform? – NEJM
December 25 2014
By Jonathan Oberlander, Ph.D.
The Sacramento Bee
Demand grows for at-home senior care
December 25 2014
By Sammy Caiola
Sacramento Business Journal
UC health system finances hold steady - Sacramento Business Journal
December 26 2014
By Kathy Robertson
The Washington Post
Dying and profits: The evolution of hospice - The Washington Post
December 26 2014
By Peter Whoriskey and Dan Keating
The Washington Post
Can Alzheimer's be treated with the arts? Researchers aim to determine the answer. - The Washington
December 26 2014
By Fredrick Kunkle
Capital Public Radio
New Law Prevents Health Insurers' Waiting Period For Small Business Employees - capradio.org
December 26 2014
By Pauline Bartolone
The New York Times
Alzheimer's, in the Open - NYTimes.com
December 27 2014
By the New York Times
San Francisco Gate
Jerry Brown plans to take on state's retiree health debt – SFGate
December 27 2014
By Melody Gutierrez
The New York Times
As Medicaid Rolls Swell, Cuts in Payments to Doctors Threaten Access to Care - NYTimes.com
December 27 2014
By Robert Pear
The Sacramento Bee
Retail clinics an important piece of health care system | The Sacramento Bee
December 27 2014
By Akhilesh Pathipati
Workers in Japan double as dementia caregivers
December 27 2014
By Kanoko Matsuyama
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