Enabling a Sustainable Future Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 1 About this Report At Fuji Xerox Singapore Pte Ltd (Fuji Xerox Singapore), we aspire to be a leader in environmental performances, quality products and services. In our first annual sustainability report, we demonstrate how our social and environmental responsibilities are integrated with our core business. Our report is aligned with the Fuji Xerox Group’s disclosure on global sustainability strategies. It also highlights our initiatives, performance and outcomes. We understand that a sustainability report should be a sincere dialogue between a company and its stakeholders. The information shared with stakeholders should be material and timely. Scope and boundaries of the report This report covers Fuji Xerox Singapore’s financial year (April 2011 - March 2012). It focuses on the sustainability performance, activities and initiatives that are under Fuji Xerox Singapore’s direct control. This includes our Singapore-based offices and operations as well as a number of overseas activities directly associated with the Fuji Xerox Singapore. The performance of other affiliates in Fuji Xerox Group is not covered in this report. There were no significant changes in the our organisational structure during the reporting period. Our reporting approach Guidelines and standards This sustainability report comprises four main sections, all of which represent Fuji Xerox Singapore’s key material topics. They were among the priority issues identified when we embarked on our CSR journey in 2003, and remain relevant and significant to our business and stakeholders today. The content of the report has been written based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines and is self-declared to GRI Application Level C (GRI 3.1). The report is also aligned with the seven core subjects of the ISO 26000 Guidance on social responsibility and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). This report will be attached to the Group’s sustainability report, and has sought to be concise. It focuses on our key issues and initiatives. In preparing this report, we carried out a benchmarking exercise that compared various companies’ disclosure. This report was published in December 2012 in PDF format only. Latest information on our sustainability initiatives and performance can be found at www.fujixerox.com.sg. 1 Message from our Senior Managing Director 2 Company Profile 3 Our Approach to Sustainability 4 Impact on the Environment 5 Delivering the Desired Customer Experience 11 Nurturing Our People 13 Investing in Our Community 16 GRI Index 18 About this Report Contents Alignment between the report content and the clauses of these frameworks is found in the GRI index on page 18. 2 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Message from our Senior Managing Director Dear Stakeholders, I am pleased to present Fuji Xerox Singapore’s first sustainability report. When I first joined Fuji Xerox Singapore in 1980 as a sales representative, the printing industry still used smelly and dusty drums and toner powder. Part of my role was thus to assure customers of the safety of our products. It was not enough that our machines had been proven to be safe. If our customers were not convinced of this, Fuji Xerox Singapore would not have earned their loyalty. This is the importance of business integrity, care and above all trust. 2003, Fuji Xerox Singapore undertook a series of sustained and substantive initiatives to reduce our environmental impact. We were one of the first to adopt environmentally friendly paper. It was a difficult transition, but the move gave us a competitive advantage and positioned us as a supplier of choice. To ease the transition, we made every effort to communicate our environmental objectives to our clients and stakeholders. We also worked hard to embed a culture of efficiency and responsibility throughout the company. Three decades on, these values continue to guide and inspire every one of us at Fuji Xerox Singapore. From photocopiers to system integration, from digital printing to consultancy services, these principles are standards against which we measure our business excellence. We are honoured that our efforts have been recognised. For the past two years, Fuji Xerox Singapore has been “Best in Customer Satisfaction” in the Market Probe competitive benchmark survey. In February 2012, we won HRM’s “Best Environmental Practices” award. Most recently, we were awarded the Ministry of Manpower’s “Work-Life Achiever Award”. Fuji Xerox Singapore’s commitment to environmental sustainability stems not only from the philosophy of the Fuji Xerox Group, but also from our recognition of changing market demands in Singapore. Starting in This sustainability report aligns our sustainability practices with international standards. At the same time, we have focused on practices that are especially relevant to the local context. In particular, we have highlighted the emphasis that Fuji Xerox Singapore places on making a positive difference to the community and the environment. At Fuji Xerox Singapore, corporate responsibility means much more than charity and donations. It is about generating a compelling business case and making a measurable impact. It helps us survive, as we become more resource efficient and resilient to future risks. It makes us thrive, as we create new business opportunities in a changing global market. It helps us innovate, as our products and services respond to an evolving set of stakeholders’ expectations. Sustainability is a long journey, and there are no short cuts to responsible corporate citizenship (行不由径). At Fuji Xerox Singapore, we try to take the right path (正道). Thank you for your warm support and interest in us. Bert Wong Senior Managing Director Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 3 Company Profile Fuji Xerox Singapore Pte Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd., which is headquartered in Japan. The Fuji Xerox brand was created as a joint venture between Fujifilm Holdings Japan (75%) and Xerox Corporation USA (25%). In the Asia Pacific region, we have operations in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. The Group has over 40,000 employees and generates US$12.49 billion in annual revenue (FY2011). Operating Our US$12.49 billion 47,179 Worldwide annual revenues total staff strength over 10 countries global brand Over 8,000 valid patents in the United State and more than 6,000 in Japan Fuji Xerox Since its creation in 1965, Fuji Xerox Singapore has provided new class of document solutions covering document technologies, services, software, supplies and document-centric outsourcing services. With 812 employees (FY2011), we place a strong emphasis on customer service excellence, and always seek to help our clients become more sustainable, productive, cost effective and efficient. Our vision is to enable people and businesses to share ideas, information, documents and knowledge effortlessly across any platforms, applications or devices. Corporate governance Fuji Xerox Singapore is not a listed company. Though we are not required to follow the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance, our top management recognises the importance of good governance overseeing ethical management and risk assessment of non-financial issues. The Senior Managing Director is the chair of the highest governance body at Fuji Xerox Singapore. Bert Wong Senior Managing Director Executive Secretary Marketing/Customer Support Group Business Operations 1 Business Operations 2 We abide by our Group’s Code of Conduct, which contains the Ethical Behaviour Guidelines applicable for all affiliates. The code also articulates the following priorities for the company’s decision making: • Respect for Basic Human Rights • Open, Fair and Clear Corporate Activities Human/Organisation Resource & Development/CSR Our Values We have a whistle-blowing policy and no cases of corruption have been reported in FY2011. During the induction programme, all our employees are trained in our policies concerning anti-corruption. Achieved ISO 14001 certification (since 2003) Achieved the Singapore Quality Class certification (1998) Service Experience & Technical Operations • Protection/Preservation of Corporate Assets and Information • Environmental Conservation and Protection Certifications and Awards Achieved ISO 9001 certification (since 1996) Finance Management & Operations Ranked first in Market Probe Competitive Benchmark Study on Customer Satisfaction (2010, 2011) Obtained the Singapore Green Label (since 2005) Obtained Asia’s Best Employer Brand Award (2011) Won the HRM’s “Best Environmental Practices” award (2012) Awarded the Ministry of Manpower’s “Work-Life Achiever Award” (2012) 4 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Our Approach to Sustainability Fuji Xerox Singapore believes that reputation and credibility are integral to business sustainability. Our relationships with customers, employees, the community and the environment are key to maintaining our reputation and credibility. Fuji Xerox Singapore’s approach to sustainability focuses on creating value for these key stakeholders. To define our priorities, we assess what matters most to our business and stakeholders. Arising from this, our sustainability framework focuses on the four subjects highlighted in this report: customers, employees, the community and the environment. We believe that the happiness of our customers and employees are interlinked. We understand that our business thrives when our community prospers. We also believe that protecting the environment makes good business sense as we face resource and climate challenges. Our strategy is aligned with the Group’s sustainability management framework. It integrates CSR into business processes and builds communication and monitoring mechanisms to provide value to both our business and stakeholders. Fuji Xerox Group’s sustainability management framework At Fuji Xerox Singapore, we embed a clear set of environmental and social strategies throughout the organisation, so that our commitments become part of our daily operations. We track not just inputs but outcomes to measure our impact. We engage and listen to our stakeholders, so that we not only understand their evolving needs, but we maximise our positive impact on society. Our engagement platforms with our key stakeholders • • • • Environment Partnership with NGOs, schools and businesses on environment-related initiatives Share green practices with clients, staff and suppliers e-Media Product shows • • • Customers Various communication channels for customer feedback Customer Experience Council Annual benchmarking survey • People Regular performance reviews • Annual engagement and satisfaction survey • Talks and group discussions on health, safety and the environment • Staff communication sessions • Meetings with union representatives • Community Long-term relationships with community partners • Partnership with education bodies to share environmental issues with students As a responsible corporate citizen, we strictly abide by local regulations and legislation. Where possible, we strive to go beyond compliance, as we understand that new opportunities arise from the integration of sustainability considerations into our core business. We adopt international benchmarks and, above all, we ensure that our CSR frameworks are aligned with our core business, stakeholder priorities and the local context. Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 5 Impact on the Environment What it means for us At Fuji Xerox Singapore, environmental concerns have been part of our business operations for many years. In line with the Group’s vision and sustainability strategy, we uphold environmental values and principles. We ensure that they are inculcated in our employees at all levels of the organisation. Over time, our internal processes have improved to meet evolving environmental issues. These processes are guided by our environmental policy, guidelines and environmental key performance indicators. We have also engaged our employees to operationalise environmentally friendly work practices across departments. Our environmental policy can be found at www.fujixerox.com.sg/index.php/company. What we do In 2003, Fuji Xerox Singapore implemented the Environmental Management System (EMS) in its offices and local operations. In the same year, it obtained ISO 14001 from the Japan Audit and Certification Organization (JACO). The EMS aims to improve the resource efficiency of our business practices and to reduce the adverse impact we have on the environment. We strive to optimise energy consumption, material use and recycling practices throughout the entire value chain, as we adopt the Group’s “Zero Landfill” goal and “360° of Sustainability” approach(1). Annually, targets set by the top management on energy, fuel and paper consumption are communicated to respective departments. Monthly performances are tracked and announced at prominent locations around the offices. Functions that require improvements are reviewed during the monthly CSR meeting attended by a team of senior management. Our effort in inculcating environmental awareness and behaviour also extends to our supply chain. Since 2003, we have provided our external contractors, service providers and business partners with a set of 15 EMS guidelines, which they must acknowledge before entering the work agreement. The guidelines cover the use and disposal of chemical substances, plastic and paper and the maintenance of vehicles to avoid harm to the environment. Environmental ac v es based on assessment of environmental aspects Promote eco-conscious equipment Reduce Environmental Impacts (Customers) Promote eco-conscious supplies Reduce/recycle by collec ng used parts Reduce/recycle by collec ng used equipment Promote green purchasing in our o ce Our Environmental Conserva on (Internal) Reduce electricity consump on Reduce paper usage Separate/reduce trash in our o ce Con nual improvement, preven on of pollu on and compliance with local laws and regula ons 1 Fuji Xerox Singapore environment framework More information on Fuji Xerox Group’s global environmental strategy, “Zero Landfill” goal and “360° of Sustainability” approach can be found at http://www.fujixerox.com/eng/company/sr/2012/value_chain/ and http://www.fujixerox.com/eng/company/ecology/cycle 6 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Impact on the Environment Our products Our business solutions Fuji Xerox Group implements environmentally-friendly procedures throughout the value chain. This ranges from material procurement to product manufacture and from the use of the products to their disposal. We also seek to maximise our positive impact when providing business solutions. To help organisations create smarter, more environmentally friendly and more efficient workplaces, Fuji Xerox Singapore’s green business solutions focus on the following: As most of our energy consumption derives from the use of our equipments by customers, we make special efforts in developing energyefficient devices and products. The energy efficiency of our multi-function devices and printers exceeds the requirements set by local authorities and many international frameworks. Since 2001, all Fuji Xerox products have won the “Japan Energy Conservation Awards”. In Singapore, an increasing number of our products have received the Singapore Green Label (SGL). When delivering our products, we provide our customers with green collection boxes to facilitate the collection and recycling process. We also supply a range of papers from sustainable or recycled sources. Since March 2010, Fuji Xerox Singapore’s document supplies department has obtained certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody for its sustainable compliance throughout the paper supply operation. 92 models certified with the Singapore Green label to date In FY2011, 20% of our sold paper was certified • People: Transforming people to a more caring workforce for customers, community and the environment • Process: Improving through the best environmental management practices • Technology: Adopting green IT technologies to improve business processes, including Singapore Green IT certification. As a part of our services, we conduct “Go Green” workshops and “Green Technology Best Practices” sharing sessions. In collaboration with Veolia’s “Grow your Recycling Incentives Now” initiative (www.grin.com.sg), we have also provided innovative paper recycling solutions to participating organisations. All processes and technologies are implemented internally before being introduced to other organisations. Another key aspect of our sustainability strategy in promoting green products is educating our customers on optimising the environmentally friendly features of our equipments. We thus equip our sales professionals with a deep knowledge of these features. Similarly, our colleagues from the document supplies department advise users on issues relating to paper consumption. Our customers are also provided with factsheets to enhance their awareness of environmental responsibility. Over 150 companies have attended our “Go Green” workshops and sharing sessions since 2010. Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 7 Impact on the Environment Reduction of energy consumption As part of the ISO 14001 EMS, Fuji Xerox Singapore has implemented a set of energy conservation guidelines to curve down the electricity consumption. With more than 15 aspects in total, the guidelines navigate, engage and nurture good behaviour among employees. These are practical tips such as turning off lights, powering down appliances not in use and upgrading electrical utilities (e.g. light bulbs, computer monitors and switch timers) for improved efficiency. Since 2003, Fuji Xerox Singapore has achieved a 40% reduction in CO2 emission despite a 38% increase in total revenue. Reduction of fuel consumption 23% reduction in fuel consumption since 2003 despite a 105% growth in equipment sold. In 2011, petrol and diesel used by our maintenance fleet accounted for almost half of our CO2 emissions. Fuel consumption is thus a top priority in our energy reduction efforts. Measures to cut back fuel consumption include the reduction of onsite repairs through more efficient first-level support, online customer self-help capabilities and remote access by our technical support centre. Service Engineers are also encouraged to adopt more fuelefficient driving habits. Reduction of paper consumption All employees at Fuji Xerox Singapore follow the internal paper usage reduction guidelines, which require paper-saving habits and printer settings, such as doublesided printing. The Apeos Ware Management Suite (Fuji Xerox’s proprietary application to centrally administer company-wide copying and printing activities) was also designed to reduce the usage of paper. Close to 1 million sheets of paper (2,000 reams) saved since 2003 8 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Impact on the Environment Waste management/ recycling As part of our recycling effort, all our used cartridges, printers and copiers are sent to the Fuji Xerox International Resource Recycling centre in Thailand. This eco-manufacturing plant is one of the key elements of Fuji Xerox Group’s Zero Landfill initiative and collects used Fuji Xerox products from nine countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Participating in environmental initiatives In FY2011, Fuji Xerox Singapore engaged with various organisations for key environment-related initiatives. World Environment Day (5 June 2011) run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) • 1000 staff impacted; 2800 fluorescent lights turned off • Simultaneous launch of “You Print, We Plant” environmental campaign World Car Free Day (22 September 2011) initiated by the World Carfree Network • 314 pledges • 1,050 litres of petrol saved • 4,308 kg of CO2 emissions prevented Earth Hour (31 March 2012) initiated by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) • 50 staff members from the Ministry of Defence were invited to our office on March 30 to share Fuji Xerox green practices It disassembles and sorts collected products into 74 categories including steel, aluminium, lenses, glass and copper. After strict quality inspection, some parts are returned to regional operations for reuse. These include toner and drum cartridges. The rest of the material is sent to Fuji Xerox Group’s recycling partners “You Print, We Plant” campaign In conjunction with World Environment Day on 5 June 2011, Fuji Xerox Singapore organised the campaign “You Print, We Plant” to further heighten public awareness of the positive impact of green paper procurement. Over 91,000 used customer replaceable units and toner recycled in 2011 10 paper delivery trucks were rebranded with the campaign logo. Quick response codes for phone scanning were also added onto the sides of each truck to allow the public to directly access the campaign’s website (www.tree.sg). The website contains information on FSC Certified products, “Go Green” workshops and a lucky draw. Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 9 Impact on the Environment How we measure ourselves The tables below show the internal indicators on our environmental performance. FY2003 is used as a base year for comparison as it corresponds to the start of our EMS. Energy use and CO2 emission Direct and indirect CO2 emissions, in tons (tCO2)1 and kWh, from electricity and fuel consumed by Fuji Xerox Singapore: Energy Type Performance FY 2009 Performance FY 2010 Performance FY 2011 FY 2012 Targets Electricity 241 t-CO2 (362,470 kWh) 261 t-CO2 (392,470 kWh) 274 t-CO2 (412,499 kWh) 268 t-CO2 (-2%) Fuel 253 t-CO2 (1,020,558 kWh) 247 t-CO2 (994,419 kWh) 258 t-CO2 (1,039,807 kWh) 253 t-CO2 (-2%) Total 494 t-CO2 1,383,028 kWh) 507 t-CO2 (1,386,889 kWh) 532 t-CO2 (1,452,306 kWh) 521 t-CO2 (-2%) FY2011 Performance The total emissions during 2003, when we started our EMS, amounted to 863 tCO2 (528 tCO2 for electricity and 335 tCO2 for fuel). This represents a total reduction of 38% between 2003 and 2011 (48% in electricity and 23% in fuel). Goals and challenges We expect an increase in manpower as our business continues to grow. Nonetheless, we strive to meet our 2% energy reduction target for FY2012 through adherence to our guidelines and performance measurement. Though challenging, we are also committed to upgrading our infrastructure to become more energy-efficient. Conversion factors from Fuji Xerox Group have been used For conversion into gigajoules (GJ) please use the factor of 1kWh = 0.0036GJ 1 Recycling Performance FY 2009 Performance FY 2010 Performance FY 2011 FY 2012 Targets Tons of end-of-life multifunction devices and printers recovered in Singapore and exported for recycling, excluding consumables 302.96 327.43 419.26 – Tons of customer replaceable units (CRUs) and toner cartridges Fuji Xerox Singapore recovered from customers and sent for recycling 114.86 (56,385 units) 139.53 (59,709 unit) 147.47 (91,646 units) 147.47 (+0%) FY2011 Performance In FY2011, 419.26 tons of end-of-life products and 147.47 tons of CRUs & used toner cartridges were recovered from customer’s premises and exported them to the eco-manufacturing plant for recycling. This has indicated our efforts in always achieving our goal “Zero Landfill” Goals and challenges We will continue to pursue a higher recycling rate for all end-of-life products recovered from the fieldamid rising costs in managing the recycling process. 10 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Impact on the Environment Paper Usage Performance FY 2009 Performance FY 2010 Performance FY 2011 FY 2012 Targets Reams of paper used for office printing at 2,805 Fuji Xerox Singapore (1 ream = 500 sheets) 2,567 2,403 2,355 (-2%) Reams of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) 12,872 paper sold by Fuji Xerox Singapore. (0.3%) (% of all sold paper is shown in brackets) 220,689 (3.7%) 1,338,109 (20%) 1,405,104 (+5%) – FY2011 Performance As we continued to raise customer awareness of recycled and FSC certified paper, sales volumes have achieved significant leap forward. For example, FSC paper sales in 2010 were 17 times higher than in 2009 and in 2011 were 6 times higher than in 2010. Since starting our EMS, annual sales of FSC paper have increased by more than 38 times (34,920 reams sold in 2003). In 2011, the Fuji Xerox Singapore office used 38% less reams of paper than in 2003 (3,906 reams). Goals and challenges We will gradually improve the sales volume of recycled and FSC certified paper in the next year despite higher costs and low take-up rates. Other Number of units of environmentally friendly equipment sold by Fuji Xerox Singapore Performance FY 2009 Performance FY 2010 Performance FY 2011 FY 2012 Targets 3,724 4,827 5,243 5,400 (+3%) FY2011 Performance In 2011 we sold more than double (+105) the number of units of environmentally friendly equipment sold in 2003 (2,556). Goals and challenges We will continue to increase customer awareness of environmentally friendly equipment, thus contributing to greater energy efficiency and lower CO2 emission levels at customers’ premises. Our indicators also include green procurement practices. In 2011, we used a total of 13 consumable items (e.g. stationery, pantry, toiletries and paper products) that were from recycled or renewable sources. We aim to expand the list by incorporating two additional items every year. Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 11 Delivering the Desired Customer Experience What it means for us At Fuji Xerox Singapore, we believe that market leadership begins with listening to customers. Building and retaining customer trust and ensuring their loyalty and satisfaction have always been our utmost priority. What we do Health and safety We are committed to delivering products that do not present any danger to our customers’ health and physical safety. To improve customer safety, our parent company has developed new product technology to safeguard against possible hazards. Fuji Xerox Singapore constantly seeks to reduce any incidents relating to the use of our products. 14 minor product incidents were reported in FY2011. Fuji Xerox Singapore takes this very seriously and is deeply committed to preventing any future incidents relating to the use of our products. Service excellence In 2011, we set up the Electronic Partnership Broadband (EP-BB) customer service platform to transfer the management of devices from customers to our central customer service centre. The platform allows remote and automatic metre reading, proactive consumables monitoring and fault assessment. It automates the submission of metres and tracks whether consumables in devices need to be replenished. The system instantly triggers an alert when it detects a device fault, thereby minimising downtime. EP-BB also features an “Eco-Report”, a monthly summary that allows customers to track their printing patterns and device’s impact on the environment. (See also our green products and business solutions in the “Impact on the Environment” chapter.) Fuji Xerox Singapore has put systems in place to understand our customers’ needs, expectations and level of satisfaction. Customer feedback obtained from various channels has helped us identify and resolve problems and constantly improve our products and services. In 2011, we set up the customer experience council to better design and enhance our customer services. Based on the combined findings from numerous customer focus groups and feedback channels, the council established the “Service D.N.A. – P.A.T.H.” framework. This framework represents our commitment to Passionate, Anticipated, Trustworthy and Hassle-free customer service. It identifies all our customer contact points and evaluates, through our service records, areas of strength and areas for improvement. Every service process is mapped according to the varying needs and expectations of individual customers. To design more personal and engaging customer experiences, we also identified “combustion points” and “emotional cookies” in order to generate positive emotions in every process of our customer value chain. We have made P.A.T.H. training mandatory for all our employees to ensure consistent quality in service throughout the customer value chain. We encourage our employees to demonstrate service excellence and incentivise exceptional performance. Service audits are also conducted quarterly and independently to examine the successful integration of the P.A.T.H. framework across the organisation. 12 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Delivering the Desired Customer Experience How we measure ourselves Fuji Xerox Singapore has obtained the ISO 9001 standard on quality management and the Singapore Quality Class (SQC). SQC ensures organisational excellence in key areas such as leadership, planning, information, people, processes, customers, corporate social responsibility and results. SQC is awarded by SPRING Singapore, a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry. In addition to the frameworks accredited by external parties, customer feedback is collected from our website, hotline, surveys, onsite visits, emails, fax and letters. We are committed to acknowledging complaints within two working days and resolving the issues raised within five working days. Our internal system tracks all feedback received, our response and resolution time, and our overall performance in responding to every case. Response and resolution time Category FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 Complaints responded within 2 working days 99% 96.2% 99.3% Issue resolved within 5 working days 98% 97.7% 96.6% FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 Customer Compliments 63 121 190 Customer Complaints 246 263 145 Compliments vs Complaints ratio 0.3 0.5 1.3 Customer compliments and complaints Voice of Customers We also conduct annual competitive benchmarking surveys to evaluate our performance in the market. In addition to overall customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, the benchmarking exercises review product quality, sales support, service support, billing and invoicing, problem resolution and brand image. Every year, a minimum of six cross-departmental “kaizen (改善)”, or improvement, teams are formed to examine the survey results and to identify ways of improving the quality of our services. We are honoured that our efforts have been recognised by external stakeholders. Fuji Xerox Singapore was ranked top in the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty categories of the 2010 and 2011 Market Probe annual competitive benchmarking surveys. Conducted in Singapore, this survey collated responses from 606 purchasing managers from government, finance, manufacturing, education, construction, retail, hospitality and the legal industry. Many respondents identified Fuji Xerox as a leader the document management industry, with a high level of professionalism, adequate pricing and a strong customer-oriented culture. We were also acknowledged as a leading advocate of environmentally friendly practices. Over 63% of respondents were extremely satisfied with Fuji Xerox’s products and service. Fuji Xerox Singapore also obtained high scores for our call centre effectiveness and our ability to complete repairs in a timely manner. Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 13 Nurturing Our People What it means for us At Fuji Xerox Singapore, we see ourselves as much more than just a document solution provider. We believe in inspiring our employees, which in turn creates a positive impact on our customers. In growing our people, we also ensure our competitive advantage. At Fuji Xerox Singapore, we put talent before numbers. Our talent are source of new ideas and innovation. We believe in investing in both the personal and professional well-being of our employees to bring out the best in them. We aim to be an employer of choice. 1% 9% 35% Gender Age groups 65% 26% 31% 33% Gender Managerial Non-managerial Age groups Managerial Non-managerial n Male 7% 58% n 30 and below 0% 31% n Female 5% 30% n 31 - 40 3% 30% n 41 - 50 4% 22% n 51 - 60 2% 7% n 60 and above 0% 1% Total of 812 employees at Fuji Xerox Singapore What we do Fuji Xerox Singapore strictly adheres to the local employment regulations and adopts fair employment practices. We are guided by the Singapore tripartite alliance comprising the Ministry of Manpower, Singapore National Employers Federation and National Trades Union Congress. Singapore’s Employment Act covers issues including maximum working hours, overtime allowances, compulsory rest days and leave entitlement. The Act applies to our non-executive employees. We also provide beyond-compliance-level benefits to employees directly hired by the Company (e.g. paternity leave and compassionate leave). Fuji Xerox Singapore participates in the Central Provident Fund (CPF) personal savings scheme. Under this scheme, working Singaporeans / Permanent Residents make contributions deductible from their monthly gross salaries into personal pension accounts. As an employer, Fuji Xerox Singapore also makes contributions to individual employees’ CPF accounts, according to rates stipulated in the CPF Act. CPF savings help account holders fund their retirement, home ownership, healthcare and education. In addition to CPF contributions, we provide comprehensive medical coverage for all employees during their employment period. This includes the major medical coverage in addition to typical group insurance hospitalisation and surgical plans. For our regular parttime employees, we have extended hospitalisation and surgical plans. Non-discrimination and workplace diversity The tripartite alliance deals with key labour issues in Singapore such as job creation, skills training, fair employment and wages. It has underpinned harmonious labour relations in Singapore. Fuji Xerox Singapore has embedded the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices to create a decent workplace in which our employees can realise their full potential. Under the five principles set out in the guidelines, we recruit employees solely on the basis of merit, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, family status or disability. We ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with respect. We provide equal opportunity for training and career development. As we uphold the principle of equal pay for equal work, we reward employees based on their ability, performance, contribution and experience. We also make sure our promotion criteria are based on individual performance rather than age or tenure. In 2011, Fuji Xerox Singapore conducted company-wide courses covering grievance handling, counselling and non-discrimination. All managers were required to participate in the courses. 14 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Nurturing Our People In 2011, Fuji Xerox Singapore introduced the Youth Orchestrated Growth (YOG) initiative to facilitate dialogue and communication between Generation Y employees and various age groups within the company. A YOG committee was formed to identify their aspirations and launch diverse programmes, including the F.U.N. (Fun Environment, Unity & Energy) @ Work initiative. Fuji Xerox Singapore has seen a 30% increase in Generation Y population over the last two years. Work-life integration Fuji Xerox Singapore places great emphasis on workplace diversity. We adopt flexible work arrangements from flexi-time to telecommuting using the latest information and communications technology. Where applicable, employees can choose mobile work or working from home. We have a flexible work schedule policy which allows our employees to select their start and end time so as to cater to their family needs. In addition to providing compulsory paid maternity leave as legally stipulated - between 12 and 16 weeks - we encourage employees to achieve harmony between childbirth, childcare, family care and work. Our facilities at work include a lactation room, a children’s playroom and we allow our employees to bring their children to work during the school holidays and festive seasons. We offer a variety of employee support programmes including personal work-life effectiveness programmes, counselling services, health and wellness programmes and holiday subsidy. More importantly, we strive to create a culture whereby our employees find fulfilment in meeting their work, family, personal and lifestyle needs. In FY2011, three female employees returned to work after their maternity leave. They continue to work with us as of November 2012. One of them took more than six months to care for her new born. YOG members chased away the Monday blues of FXS staff with free breakfast during their Good Morning FX initiative. Career development and training Fuji Xerox Singapore supports employees’ ongoing education and training for career development, productivity and enhanced competency. All our employees receive annual performance and career development reviews. Every year, Human Resource matches employees with training courses that build on their individual skills and specialisation. The training covers a wide range of topics, from soft skills to technical or functional skills. In 2011, every employee received 33 hours of training on average. Ms. Pauline Chua, General Manager, Human/Organisation Resource & Development, receiving the award from the Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Manpower at the Work Life Excellence Award 2012 Gala Dinner. In Oct 2012, Fuji Xerox Singapore was awarded the Work-Life Achiever Award, which recognised the organisation’s firm commitment and efforts in promoting its “Dream Team Core Values” over the past years. Organised by the Ministry of Manpower’s Tripartite Committee on Work-Life Strategy, this biennial award pays tribute to employers for their successful implementation of worklife strategies in Singapore workplaces. At a company level, we have organised numerous activities to enhance team spirit and team bonding. They include the ‘Fun at Work’ initiative, Best Decorated Department contest, Staff Appreciation Nite and Sport Challenge Day. Workplace health and safety Workplace health and safety is critical our our employees’ well-being. We are committed to preventing all occupational injuries. There have been no occupational injuries reported at Fuji Xerox Singapore. Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 15 Nurturing Our People We have obtained the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and the SS 506 Part1: 2009, internationally recognised standards for occupational health and safety management systems. These provide us with frameworks to identify, control and reduce the risks associated with health and safety in our workplace. We also achieved a stringent local certification standard, the bizSAFE Level 5 (Star), in June 2012. BizSAFE is a five-step programme designed to promote workplace health and safety in enterprises through the recognition of their safety efforts. Awardees need to achieve all five levels in the programme, starting from the commitment of the enterprise’s top management, and to progressively enhance their WHS performance through the development of the WHS Management system. Fuji Xerox obtained the level 1 certification in September in 2010. In November 2010, we formed a joint management-employee Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) committee to oversee and manage all related issues across the department. Led by a management representative and comprising nine cross-functional team members, the WHS committee holds quarterly meetings to review the systems and progress. The committee also ensures enforcement of the safety standards throughout the company. It conducts annual audits and regular workplace safety checks to ensure that the overall workplace is safe for everyone. All employees are required to understand the requirements and implications from the Code of Conduct. All new hires are briefed on the requirement during their new hire orientation programme. To make sure our employees are well informed about health-related issues relevant to their workplace, Human Resource conducts lunch talks on this topic on a regular basis. Fundamentally, empowering people is about believing in them and respecting their individual dignity. Fuji Xerox Singapore adheres to the principles of human rights well defined by its parent company. Through the employee code of conduct, we observe a number of key areas relating to human rights including basic labour rights, prohibition of discrimination and harassment, protection of privacy, prohibition of forced and child labour, and workplace health and safety. No case of human rights-related grievance has been reported. Our code of conduct applies to all employees. We also respect our employees’ rights to freedom of association as well as their membership in trade unions and other professional bodies. Fuji Xerox Singapore also maintains a harmonious relationship with the union. We contribute to their branch fund in supporting their activities for their members. Employee engagement All staff and managers attend regular staff communication sessions to get updates on Fuji Xerox Singapore’s financial performance status and pertinent business activities. The communication sessions are customised to the needs of the audience. For example, during the Manager Communication session which is held on a bi-monthly basis, the Senior Managing Director addresses issues pertaining to leadership areas while the Quarterly MD Communication Sessions touches on specific issues which are relevant to the members of the respective Departments or Business Units. Human rights How we measure ourselves We track and assess a number of workplace-related performances across the company. Indicator 2009 2010 2011 Men : Women ratio (non managerial positions) 66:34 63:37 66:34 Men : Women ratio (managerial positions) 60:40 56:44 61:39 Training hours per employee N.A. 29.2 33.1 Turnover rate 21% 15.4% 16.2% (21.6%) (24%) (24%) (national average) In 2011, we identified no incidents of forced labour, child labour or young workers across the organisation. For over a decade, Fuji Xerox Singapore has regularly carried out internal employee surveys. In February 2012, we did our first external Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey. We are pleased to have scored 69% for the employee effectiveness score. This is 6% higher than the Singapore country norm. 16 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 Investing in Our Community What it means for us Fuji Xerox Singapore has been part of the community, and the community has been a big part of Fuji Xerox Singapore for more than three decades. It is our goal to become a long-term investor of the community in which we operate. Because we want to make a contribution towards the society and environment we want for our children and grandchildren, our social contribution efforts focuses on youth. We also strive to maximise our commitment to community development through engaging our employees. What we do Fuji Xerox Singapore recognises that community involvement is not about a one-off charity or volunteering event. In the same way that we have approached our relationships with customers, we have built long-term relationship with the following partners: Student Advisory Centre Singapore Children’s Society Fuji Xerox Singapore has been a corporate partner of the Student Advisory Centre (SAC) since 2010. SAC is a charitable organisation that provides disadvantaged youth educational assistance and healthy meals in schools. Through our annual charity golf and movie-screening events, we have raised over S$110,000 for SAC’s Lunch Box Fund. In addition to our monetary contribution, we have conducted nutrition workshops for approximately 100 primary school students. We adopted the Singapore Children’s Society in 2012 to broaden our engagement of the young. For each customer compliment received, Fuji Xerox Singapore contributes S$2 to Singapore Children’s Society – Sun Beam Place. The 2011 Christmas Wish Initiative by Fuji Xerox Singapore Social Contribution Committee. Boy’s Brigade and Children Cancer Foundation For more than five years, Fuji Xerox Singapore has been working with the Boys’ Brigade and Children Cancer Foundation on the “Christmas Wish” initiative. This initiative fulfils 300 wishes from disadvantaged children every year, through our employees’ involvement. To-date, donations in kind worth a total of approximately S$72,000 have been made. Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 17 Investing in Our Community Youth education Since 2010, Fuji Xerox Singapore has participated in the National Environment Agency (NEA) Corporate & School Partnership (CASP) programme, which pairs corporate entities to work with schools on environmental projects. We saw a clear alignment between the programme’s objectives and Fuji Xerox Singapore’s core business and focus on youth. To date, nearly 80 students from ITE College West have benefitted from the programme. We have provided these students with exposure to our green technologies and solutions, and have mentored them on various areas relating to our environmental management system. (See our green products and business solutions in the ‘Impact on the Environment’ section.) Fuji Xerox Singapore was recently awarded the certificate of sustained partnership for our continuous engagement with ITE College West. In addition, we have arranged visits to our offices for about 350 students, to help them better understand our business, technology and green practices. Expanding our impact overseas Although Fuji Xerox Singapore operates solely in Singapore, we have many affiliates across the region. Some of these affiliates are based in countries which have been affected by natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. When such an event occurs, Fuji Xerox Singapore participates in disaster relief efforts to help support our community outside Singapore. We raised approximately S$26,000 in support of earthquake relief efforts in Japan and New Zealand in 2010 and approximately S$14,000 in support of flood relief in Thailand and the Philippines in 2011. We also made donations in kind to the Philippines Bayanihan Society via Singapore Red Cross Society. CASP participating students from ITE College West with Ms. Pauline Chua, General Manager, Human/Organisation Resource & Development, Fuji Xerox Singapore. How we measure ourselves We believe that we have made a humble but meaningful impact in our society to-date. S$ 64,000 donated in 2011 Generate about S$72,000 donation in kind for disadvantaged children Engaged over 400 students through educational visits and school partnership Reached out to 75 children from Singapore Children’s Society (Sun Beam Place) through Fuji Xerox Singapore volunteers Contributed S$110,000 to SAC’s Lunch Box Fund Educated approximately 100 primary students through nutrition workshops 18 Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 GRI Index Profile Disclosures Strategy and Analysis 1.1 Page Statement from the most senior decision-maker 2 Organizational Profile 2.1 Name of the organization 3 2.2 Primary brands, products, and/or services. 3 2.3 Operational structure 3 2.4 Location of headquarters 3 2.5 Number of countries where the organization operates 3 2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form. 3 2.7 Markets served 3 2.8 Scale of the organization 3 2.9 Significant changes during the reporting period 2.10 Awards received 1 3, 14 Report Parameters 3.7 Specific limitations on the scope or boundary 1 3.8 Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, etc. 1 3.10 Re-statements of information provided in earlier reports 1 3.11 Changes from previous reports 1 3.12 Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report 18 Governance, Commitments, and Engagement 4.1 Governance structure 3 4.2 Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer 3 4.3 Number and gender of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members N/A 4.4 Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body 15 4.14 List of stakeholder groups 4 4.15 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders 4 Report Parameters 3.1 Reporting period 1 3.2 Date of most recent previous report 1 3.3 Reporting cycle 1 3.4 Contact point 19 3.5 Process for defining report content 1 3.6 Boundary of the report 1 Performance Indicators ( full disclosure, Page partial disclosure) ISO 2600 Clauses1 UNGC Principles2 Page Economy EC8 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit 6.3.9; 6.8; 6.8.3 6.8.5; 6.8.7 _ 16, 17 EN1 Materials used by weight or volume 6.5; 6.5.4 8 10 EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials 6.5; 6.5.4 8; 9 9 EN3 Direct energy consumption 6.5; 6.5.4 8 9 EN4 Indirect energy consumption 6.5; 6.5.4 8 EN5 Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements 6.5; 6.5.4 8; 9 7, 9 EN6 Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services 6.5; 6.5.4 8; 9 5, 6, 7 EN7 Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption 6.5; 6.5.4 8; 9 6, 7, 8 EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions 6.5; 6.5.5 8 EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved 6.5; 6.5.5 7; 8; 9 EN22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method 6.5; 6.5.3 8 EN26 Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services 6.5; 6.5.4; 6.6.6 6.7.5 7; 8; 9 EN27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category 6.5; 6.5.4; 6.7.5 8; 9 Environment 1 2 9 9 7, 8 9 5, 6, 7 9 Seven subjects: Governance (6.2), Human rights (6.3), Labour practices (6.4), The environment (6.5), Fair operating practices (6.6), Consumer issues (6.7), Comm unity involvement and development (6.8) 10 Principles: Human rights (1,2), Labour (3,4,5,6), The environment (7,8,9), Anti-corruption (10) Fuji Xerox Singapore Sustainability Report 2012 19 GRI Index Labour LA1 Total workforce 6.4; 6.4.3 – 13 LA2 Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover 6.4; 6.4.3 6 15 LA3 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees 6.4; 6.4.3; 6.4.4 – 13 LA7 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism 6.4; 6.4.6 1 15 LA10 Average hours of training per employee 6.4; 6.4.7 – 15 LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews 6.4; 6.4.7 – 14 LA13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category 6.3.7; 6.3.10; 6.4 6.4.3 1; 6 15 LA15 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave 6.4; 6.4.4 – 14 Total number of incidents of discrimination 6.3; 6.3.6; 6.3.7 6.3.10; 6.4.3 1; 2; 6 14 SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement 6.3.9; 6.8; 6.8.3 – 16 SO3 Percentage of employees trained in organization’s anti-corruption policies 6.6; 6.6.3 10 3 SO4 Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption 6.6; 6.6.3 10 (1) SO8 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations 6.6; 6.6.3; 6.6.7 6.8.7 – (2) Human Rights HR4 Society Product Responsibility PR1 Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement 6.3.9; 6.6.6; 6.7 6.7.4; 6.7.5 1 11 PR5 Practices related to customer satisfaction 6.7; 6.7.4; 6.7.5 6.7.6; 6.7.9 – 11, 12 PR7 Total number of incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications 6.7; 6.7.3; 6.7.6 6.7.9 – (3) We had no cases of corruption. We had no cases of non-compliance with laws and regulations. 3 We had no cases of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications. 1 2 Feedback If you have any comments or questions regarding this report, please write to us. Corporate Social Responsibility Department Fuji Xerox Singapore Pte Ltd 80 Anson Road #01-01, Fuji Xerox Towers, Singapore 079907 Fuji Xerox Singapore Pte Ltd 80 Anson Road #01-01 Fuji Xerox Towers Singapore 079907 Phone: 6766 8888 Fax: 6761 6700