AP Euro - Dsapresents.org

AP Euro Spring 2016 January 6 •  Agenda: –  Write a LEQ based on your reading. This LEQ must be done in the Ame alloCed during class. –  QuesAon: What were the social, economic, and poliAcal causes of the French RevoluAon th
January 7 •  Agenda: –  Peer edit LEQ from Wednesday –  Students go to hCp://chnm.gmu.edu/revoluAon/ –  They are assigned a topic. They must read the essay on the their part of the French RevoluAon and be prepared to report out to their colleagues in small groups. –  Web quest on causes of and the history of the French RevoluAon. –  At the end of class students will report out on their assigned work. th
January 11 •  Agenda: –  Turn in your paragraph that was homework assigned on Thursday. –  Notes on the early phase of the French RevoluAon –  Joseph Sieyes –  Voltaire, The English ConsAtuAon. th
January 13 •  Warm Up: Get you readings assigned on Monday out on your desk. •  Agenda: –  Discussion of documents. –  10 minutes to prepare to talk about your assigned beginning of the French RevoluAon PresentaAon –  Last 25 minutes to share out in a small circle with everyone taking notes. January 14 •  Warm Up: Get back in the circle you were in yesterday to be finish sharing out on causes of the revoluAon. Please turn in your re-­‐writes for the LEQ Causes of the French RevoluAon Essay. •  Agenda: –  Share out causes –  Notes on RevoluAon –  Begin RevoluAon Timeline AcAvity. January 19 •  Warm Up: Get out your French RevoluAon Ameline assignments and your French RevoluAon documents set. •  Agenda: –  Share out Amelines –  Pass back all old assignments. –  Notes on RevoluAon/Discussion of docs –  Napoleon Video –  Discuss test on Thursday. January 19 •  Homework: –  Due Wednesday January 27th. –  Notes and Notecards for chapters 22 and 23. January 25 •  Warm Up: Learnerator QuesAons, get out a sheet of paper and be prepared to work with the person next to you. •  Agenda: –  Urban Game –  Discussion of why Britain –  Mural of the first Industrial RevoluAon •  Create a mural depicAng the first industrial revoluAon in groups. –  Discussion of the beginnings of Industrial RevoluAon in England. January 25 •  Homework: –  By Thursday read chapter 23 and have notes and notecards for that chapter –  By next Thursday February 04 have notes and notecards for chapters 22 and 24. February 1 •  Warm Up: Paper pass back and go over exam. •  Agenda: –  Go over exam –  Discuss weekend –  Finish industrializaAon notes –  Discuss Silent debate. February 4 •  Warm Up: Pass out silent debate parameters. Turn in notes and notecards for chapter 22 and 24. •  Agenda: –  Silent Debate Prep –  Silent Debate –  Chapter 22 topical assignments. Due one Monday. February 8 •  Warm Up: With the person next to you get ready to look at some mulAple choice fun. •  Agenda: –  Decide who won 1 on 1’s from last week –  30 minutes to work on topicals for Wednesday –  Isims discussion. February 10 •  Agenda: –  Topicals –  Discussion of isms •  Homework: –  Chapter 25 Reading due February 19th –  Test over lots of stuff February 22nd February 11 •  Agenda: –  Finish Topicals –  Finish Discussion of isms –  Begin RomanAcism •  Homework: –  Chapter 25 Reading +Notes due Thursday February 18th –  Test over lots of stuff February 22nd IndustrializaAon, Isms, RomanAcism, RevoluAons of 1848, and BriAsh poliAcal Reforms of the 19th Century. 