
COM 252 I








: 11-12:15 & 2-3:15








: H




101 (I







: MW 11-12:30, 2-4:30, TR 10-11, & F



C ONTACT : (270)686-4681 TORI .



Course Description: Students will examine the basic verbal and nonverbal elements affecting communication between individuals in family, peer group, and work contexts. Course requires participation in activities designed to develop interpersonal communication skills. Topics include: strategy development, relationship and conversation management, effective listening, conflict management, communication anxiety and cultural/gender differences in communication style.

(KCTCS 2007-08 Catalogue)

Course Objectives: To build and enhance relationships through improving communication skills with others in daily life situations.

Specific Competencies: Each student should be able to exhibit an increased awareness and understanding of the elements, principles, and content of communication contexts. Assessment may include, but is not limited too, exams, class discussion, class participation, in-class activities and exercises, article summaries, presentations, projects, dyadic encounters, and role-playing.

Course Requirements:

Effective completion of the following -

Course Requirements

1. 12 Quizzes @ 25 points each



2. Video Analysis Paper

3. Dyad Project

4. Interpersonal Competence Project

a. Skills & Research Background (100 pts)

b. Rough Draft (100 pts)

c. Final Paper & Presentation (100 pts)




5. Participation & Activities

6. Interactive Assignments



Total Points = 900

Grades will be distributed in the following manner:

810-900 = A; 720-809 = B; 630-719 = C; 540-629 = D; and 000 – 539 = E

Required Texts:

Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters by Julia T. Wood

Supplemental Reading:

Specified Chapters from the book Reflect & Relate by Steven McCormack & Interpersonal

Communication: The Whole Story by Kory Floyd (On Blackboard)

Attendance: Prompt attendance is required for all class sessions. Since attendance and participation are strong factors in the evaluation process, it is important that students arrive on time. Students are allowed 2

„freebie‟ absences that are not differentiated between excused or unexcused. Once the „freebies‟ have been

used then each additional absence thereafter results in -10 (each) off the total participation points (100). A student with NO absences will receive an additional 10 bonus points added to the total (100).

Assignments: To receive full credit, all assigned materials (papers, presentations, etc…) must be completed on time. All papers must be organized, polished, and accurately proofread. Typed assignments are highly recommended. Assigned sections of the textbook should be read before the material is discussed on the designated in-class date.

Extra Credit Opportunities: There may be a few opportunities to complete some extra credit. I will present these opportunities as they arise. However, extra credit assignments may not take the place of other requirements such as tests, book reviews, quizzes, presentations, etc…

Make-up Policy: No make-up time will be available for presentations, tests, quizzes, papers, etc…unless otherwise arranged with the instructor.

Plagiarism: Anyone who uses someone‟s else‟s work, ideas, paper, and/or speech without clearly acknowledging the sources commits plagiarism which results in an E grade for the course (E = fail). Students are to refer to the Community College Code of Student Conduct page for more information. Link:

Withdrawal Policy: From the last day to drop a course without a grade through mid-term, you may officially withdraw from class and receive a grade of “W”. After mid-term through the end of class work, permission to withdraw from this class will be granted only under extenuating circumstances. Please make it a point to discuss any plans to withdraw from this course with the instructor – often there are alternatives.

Disabilities: Students with qualified disabilities may request appropriate reasonable accommodations.

Please contact the student disabilities service office, in the counseling center for further information.

KCTCS is in compliance with the 1973 Federal Rehabilitation Act. This Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies and programs receiving federal financial assistance.

Class Conduct: Disturbances of any kind will not be tolerated. Be aware that a “disturbance” includes anything that interrupts the normal flow of course work or is disrespectful in nature. Talking or textmessaging during lecture or presentations, sleeping in class, cell phone interruptions, etc…Disrespectful behavior would include but is not limited to racial, sexual, ethical, or inappropriate comments to instructor and classmates as well as frequent use of curse words or unnecessary slang usage. Students are to refer to the

Community College Code of Student Conduct page for more information. Link:

*An active student email is required along with weekly email checks and Blackboard access.

I will not only send you emails regarding projects and/or class discussions but I post announcements, documents, and information through Blackboard. It is imperative that students check and use these forms of communication on a weekly basis. These forms of communication are also an effective way to ask me questions, seek clarification, or share your thoughts and opinions.

General Education Competencies :

The following general education competencies are included in COM 252:

I. Communicate Effectively


Read and listen with comprehension.

(Assessment: quizzes, tests, class discussions)



Speak and write clearly using standard English.

(Assessment: evaluation of outlines & speech texts, speech critiques)

Interact cooperatively with others using both verbal and non-verbal means.

(Assessment: group work/dyadic activities)


Demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills.

(Assessment: research assignments to promote information literacy, using OCTC computer services to contact instructor, check grades, etc.)

II. Think Critically


Make connections in learning across the disciplines and draw logical conclusions.

(Assessment: written assignments & research activities which connect interpersonal communication to other disciplines such as fine arts, social sciences, applied science, etc..., student assignments related to



Humanities Division’s common reading project)

Demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, analyzing, summarizing, and/or integrating a variety of materials.

(Assessment: research assignments, group activities)

Use mathematics to organize, analyze, and synthesize data to solve a problem.

(Assessment: monitor and calculate student grade, utilize statistics in analyzing current trends)

III. Learn Independently


Use appropriate search strategies and resources to find, evaluate, and use information.

(Assessment: on-line & library research activities)

2. Make choices based upon awareness of ethics and differing perspectives/ideas.

(Assessment: discussion/assignments on cultural issues, common reading project)

3. Apply learning in academic, personal, and public situations.

(Assessment: role-play activities, real-life scenario assignments, selfesteem and perception activities)


Think creatively to develop new ideas, processes, or products.

(Assessment: group projects/activities)

IV. Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments


Recognize the relationship of the individual to human heritage and culture.

(Assessment: common reading project, self-awareness and cultural awareness activities/assignments)


Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship of the individual to the biologicaland physical environment.

(Assessment: class discussions on communication contexts and nonverbal communication, use of the OCTC Professional Code of


3 .

Develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a multicultural global community. (Assessment: self-analysis report, class discussions)







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Date Daily Class Topic Have Ready, Doing In-Class, or Is Due

Jan. 11 Assessments on Blackboard (BB)

Jan. 13

Jan. 18

Jan. 20

Jan. 25


Feb. 1

Feb. 3

Feb. 8

Feb. 10


Homework: Assessments

Course Overview: Syllabus

Assessment Discussion

Lecture: What is Interpersonal Communication

Lab: Finish Lecture, Activity, etc…

Lecture: Communication & The Self

Lab: Finish Lecture, Activity, etc…

Lecture: Chapter 3 Begin

Lab: Finish Lecture, Activity, etc…

Lecture: Chapter 5 (Floyd) Begin

Lab: Finish Lecture, Activity, etc…

Bring Copy of Syllabus (BB)

Assessments Due! (BB)

Chapter 1 (Wood)

Quiz #1

Chapter 3 (Floyd)

Quiz #2

Chapter 3 (Wood)

Quiz #3

Chapter 5 (Floyd)

Quiz #4

Mar. 30

Apr. 1

Apr. 6

Apr. 8

Apr. 13

Apr. 15

Apr. 20

Apr. 22

Feb. 15

Feb. 17

Feb. 22

Feb. 24

Mar. 1

Mar. 3

Mar. 7-11

Mar. 16

Mar. 18

Mar. 23

Mar. 25

Apr. 27

Apr. 29

May 3-8

Lecture: Chapter 7 Begin

Lab: Finish Lecture, Activity, etc…

Lecture: Chapter 6 Begin

(IP Part 1 Discussion)

Library Research Workshop

Lecture: Chapter 6 Finish

Lecture: Chapter 5 (Wood) Begin

Spring Break!

Lab: Finish Lecture, Quiz, Activity

Chapter 5 (Wood) Finish

Dyad Project Presentations (In-Class)

Lecture: Communication Climate

(Video Analysis Paper Discussion)

Lab: Finish Lecture, Quiz, Activity

EC: Conflict Scale

Lecture: Conflict Management

EC: PUGGS Material & Rewrite

Lecture: Conflict Management Cont…

Lab: PUGGS Discussion & Activity Homework:

Lecture: Committed Romantic Relationships

Lab: Finish Lecture, Quiz, Activity

(Discuss IP Rough Draft)

IP Project Rough Draft Due

Lecture: Chapter 8 (Floyd)

Lab: Finish Lecture, Activity, etc…

Lecture: Chapter 12 Begin

Lab: Finish Lecture, Activity, etc…

Final Paper/Presentation Discussion

Lab: Movie (The Break-Up)

Finish Movie: The Break-Up

Discuss Final Paper Requirements

Final Paper (TBA)

Chapter 7 (Wood)

Quiz #5

Chapter 6 (Wood)

Meet in Library Room 105

Quiz #6

Competency Paper Due!

(Part. 1)

Chapter 5 (Wood)

Quiz #7

In-Class Project Due!

Chapter 8 (Wood)

Quiz #8

Video Analysis Paper Due!

Chapter 9 (Wood)


Quiz #9

Chapter 11 (Wood)

Quiz #10

Rough Draft Due! (Parts 1 & 2)

Chapter 8 (Floyd)

Quiz #11

Chapter 12 (Floyd)

Quiz #12

EC Opportunity (Due 4/30 via mailbox or email)

Final Paper Due!
