Original QuarriorsTM Dice Building GameTM Game Mechanic: Mike Elliott and Eric M. Lang
by Jeph Stahl and Brett Myers
“In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret, a master ring, to control all others. And
into this ring he poured all his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One ring to rule them all. One by one, the free
peoples of Middle–earth fell to the power of the Ring.” – GaladrielTM, Elven Queen
Middle–earth is under attack! Sauron, a being of unfathomable evil, plans to rule the lands using the Rings of Power. His forces
include vile Orcs, hordes of slavering Goblins, the mighty Ringwraiths and more.
Standing between Sauron and the One Ring are a few desperate heroes. Hobbits, small in stature, but stout of heart, may be the key.
They form a fellowship with the passionate but weak Men, powerful Dwarves, and graceful Elves – each sending representatives to
serve the good of all free people of Middle–earth.
“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
The goal of the game is to jointly defeat Sauron and destroy the One Ring, while individually gaining the most Glory to be named
The Hero of Middle–earth! Each player starts with a collection of dice representing Frodo BagginsTM and Samwise GamgeeTM and
can recruit additional dice as the game progresses, each die having a different way to combat the forces of Sauron.
Players take individual turns to muster the forces of good and recruit new units in order to progress through the Location Cards
to Mount Doom. Glory is gained by mustering and protecting Units. Players also take it in turn to play the role of Sauron, and if
Sauron manages to corrupt a certain number of cards, all players lose.
The core mechanics of the game are based on Quarriors. While a full read of the rules is required, existing Quarriors players may
want to read the section at the back of the rules for key differences to help them get quickly up to speed.
Unit Dice
Each player begins the game with a certain amount
of these dice in their dice bag and can add more dice
as the game goes on. During the game, dice will be
taken out of the dice bag and rolled, which represent
the members of the fellowship using their unique skills and
abilities to face the might of Sauron. The symbol showing on top
of the rolled die tells you what you can do with that die.
Fellowship Points: These are spent to either
muster Units or to recruit new dice.
Re–roll: When you roll this symbol, you may re–roll
this die.
Unit Icon: Some dice have a Unit icon on one or more faces.
When these are rolled, they may be mustered (by paying
Fellowship points). Around the icon are numbers that tell you the
Unit’s level, its attack, and its defense.
Draw and Roll: When you roll this symbol, you
may spend this die to draw the number of dice shown
from your bag and roll them.
Burst symbol
Attack Value
Defense Value
Note: There are different types of Fellowship Units. Some
represent a single character (e.g. Gandalf) or a pair of characters
(e.g. Merry & Pippin). Others represent an Army (e.g. Army of
Gondor). Collectively, these are referred to as “Fellows” or “Units”.
Dice Locations
One or more Burst symbols
in the lower left corner identify a
special action. The effects of these are listed on the corresponding
Fellowship Card and are in addition to the normal effects of the
dice. Burst abilities are optional. For example, one of the faces of
the Samwise Gamgee dice shows a re–roll symbol and a Burst.
If you roll this, you may just choose to re–roll the die itself, or
activate the burst ability to re–roll both the Sam die and another
The Wilds: Dice in the middle of the table (on Basic, Unit and
Artifact cards) are in “The Wilds.” No one controls these dice,
and they cannot be used until a player recruits them by spending
Fellowship points.
Note: Some dice show two symbols on the same face. If there is
a line between two symbols, you choose one or the other. If there
is no line, you get to use both symbols.
Artifact Dice
There are three categories of
Artifact – Weapon, Elven
Gift and Heirloom.
These correspond to the three types of Artifact Dice that allow
players to cast spells, equip items, react to situations and gain
Fellowship. Each category has 4 variants that might be in a given
game. One of each category of Artifact cards enters the game
when the players arrive at Rivendell (Location 2).
When the Artifact Icon is rolled, you may muster the die at no
cost in Fellowship.
A number of Artifacts have abilities which have an effect when
they are used. They can be used at any time, during any player’s
turn (including a Sauron turn), by moving the die to the Used
Pile. E.g. Elven Cloak – If you roll the Artifact in your turn, you
may move it to your Muster Area for free. In a Sauron turn, you
may choose to ‘Use’ it by moving the die to your Used Pile and
increasing the defense of your Fellows.
Unlike Units, any Artifact that you muster does not automatically
go to your Used Pile at the start of your turn. Instead, you may
keep them and use them later.
“Where are you taking us?” – Frodo
“Into the Wilds.” – Aragorn
All dice you currently control compose your “collection.” Each of
the dice in your collection will normally be in one of six places.
Your Bag: Dice that are not currently “in play” are kept in your
bag. These dice can’t be used for any purpose, and cannot be
targeted by Sauron or other players. Each turn you draw dice
from your bag and bring them into play, adding them to your
Active Pool. Nothing else goes into the bag except your own dice.
Your Active Pool: These are the dice you roll during your
turn. You can use these dice to muster Artifacts or Units, Gain
Fellowship, or create Immediate Effects. Any effect or ability that
allows you to re–roll dice can only be used to re–roll dice in your
Active Pool (unless that ability or effect says otherwise). Any
time you roll dice for any reason, they are always added to your
Active Pool (unless an effect or ability says otherwise).
Your Muster Area: This is where you put readied Artifacts
and Units that you have mustered for battle. You can use these
dice to attack the forces of Sauron, prepare for later battles, or
perform other effects. Units in your Muster Area will earn Glory
if they survive until your next turn.
Your Prepared Area: This is where you put your Units
for other players to use. They are placed here by Preparing for
War. Units in your Prepared Area can only earn Glory if used by
another player by your next turn. They go to your Used Pile at the
beginning of your next turn if not used by other players and will
not score any Glory.
Your Spent Pile: Any time you “spend” dice during your turn,
they go to your Spent Pile until the end of your turn. Dice in your
Spent Pile cannot be drawn or rolled unless an effect or ability
specifically allows it.
Your Used Pile: At the end of your turn, all of the dice in your
Spent Pile, along with any remaining dice from your Active Pool,
go to your Used Pile. Any dice that are “destroyed” go here, as do
any new Fellowship dice you recruit from the Wilds. Any Units at
the beginning of your turn in your Muster or Prepared Area are
also placed here. If you need to draw dice and your bag is empty,
put all the dice in your Used Pile into your bag, mix them, and
draw the dice you need.
Fellowship Cards
Location Cards
“So be it. You shall be The Fellowship of the Ring.” – Elrond
“One does not simply walk into Mordor.” – Boromir
There are three types of Fellowship Cards: Basic, Artifact and Unit
Cards. Once the card enters play, it is placed in the Wilds with a
certain number of dice on it. Frodo starts with no dice on the
card, Sam starts with 2 dice. All other Fellowship Cards (Bill the
Pony, the six Unit Cards, and Artifacts) start with 4 dice on them.
Location Cards depict important Locations of
Middle–earth. The card face up on top of the
stack is considered the Active Location. This
represents where The Fellowship is currently
journeying. New Locations come into play
during a Sauron turn if all enemies are
At the bottom of each card is a pictorial representation of the six
sides of the corresponding dice.
Fellowship Cost
Location Cards also detail whatever vile minions Sauron has
sent and other terrible challenges the players must overcome to
continue to the next Location Card. Once the players reach the 8th
Location Card (Grey Havens), the One Ring has been destroyed,
freedom returns to Middle–earth and Sauron becomes just
a memory (and the players win, which is of little consequence
Glory Value
Card name
compared to freeing all of Middle–earth from tyranny).
Card effects
Enemy Cards and Dice
Flavor text
Dice faces
Artifact Cards
Once the players reach Rivendell (Location
2), the Artifact cards enter the game.
Randomly choose one card from each category
(Weapon, Elven Gift and Heirloom) and place
them in a row, just below the three basic
cards. Place the corresponding 4 dice for each
Artifact on the card.
Unit Cards
Once the players reach the Mines of Moria
(Location 3), the Unit cards enter the game.
Take all six cards, and randomly choose for
each one which side will be in the game. Place
them in two rows of 3 cards each, below the
Artifact cards. Place them in order of
Fellowship cost, from top left to bottom right.
For multiple cards of the same cost, players choose the order.
Each Unit card enters the game with its corresponding 4 dice.
There are three Enemy Cards, each with five corresponding dice
which enter the game via two methods. The first is when Location
Cards instruct players to add or replace dice. The second method
is when Fellowship dice are recruited from the Wilds.
The game starts with no Enemy Cards in play. When the players
reach Rivendell (Location 2), place ‘The Fellowship of the
Ring’ Enemy Card to the left of the row of Artifacts, placing 3
corresponding Enemy Dice on it.
When the players reach The Mines of Moria (Location 3), place
the other two Enemy Cards to the left of the rows of Unit Cards,
placing 3 corresponding Enemy Dice on each.
Enemy Dice on the cards will be added to the Sauron mat when
the players recruit new dice.
Sauron Mat
Give each player a dice bag, player mat, and scoring cube.
Place the Sauron mat on the table near the Wilds and place all the
Corruption markers in a supply pile nearby.
Each player then takes 8 Frodo dice and 2 Sam dice, puts them
into their dice bag and mixes them up. Any remaining Frodo and
Samwise Gamgee dice (when playing with less than 4 players)
are returned to the game box.
Give the shortest player the One Ring token. In case of a height
tie, the player with the hairiest feet gets it. This is the Ringbearer
and will play first. Each player then takes their turn in clockwise
Take the eight Location Cards and make a stack of them, face up
and in order so that Location 8 (Grey Havens) is at the bottom
and Location 1 (The Shire) is on top. This is the Active Location.
Other Components
All other components (Artifact Cards, Unit Cards, Enemy Cards,
and other dice) will be needed later in the game.
Place the Score Tracker on the table and put each player’s scoring
cube next to the Score Tracker.
Basic Fellowship Cards
Place the three Basic Fellowship Cards (Frodo, Samwise Gamgee, and Bill the Pony) face up in the middle of the table. This
starts the Area called “The Wilds”. Leave space below these cards
for three more rows that will be added later in the game.
Put 2 Samwise Gamgee dice on or near the Samwise Gamgee
Card and 4 Bill the Pony dice on or near the Bill the Pony card.
Starting with the first player and continuing clockwise, players
take turns, trying to defeat Sauron and his dark forces before he
spreads enough Corruption to win.
After all players have taken a turn, the Ringbearer plays a turn as
Sauron before passing the Ring to the next player, who will then
start the next round as the new Ringbearer.
For Example, in a 3 player game, Red is the Ringbearer. Red
takes a turn. Then Green and finally Blue. Then Red plays as
Sauron. When Red is done as Sauron, Green gets the Ring and
takes a fellowship turn, then Blue, then Red. Then Green plays as
Sauron and so on.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Setup Diagram
Location Cards
Supply of
Corruption Markers
Enemy Cards
Basic Cards
Artifact Cards
These cards will enter the game
when the players reach Rivendell
(Location 2)
Unit Cards
These cards will enter the game
when the players reach the Mines
of Moria (Location 3)
Phase 1: Score
“I saved us! It was me! We survived because of me!” – Gollum
Score Mustered Units
If you have any Units in your Muster
Area, you must score them now. For each
Unit, you score Glory according to the
number in the top right of the matching
Fellowship Card.
Move your marker forward on the Glory Track that many spaces.
Players may go above 20 Glory (put the scoring cube back at the
start of the track and make a note that it is +20).
A Unit that has been corrupted by Sauron (after it was mustered)
will still score as normal.
Next, move all Units (and any Artifacts attached to them) from
your Muster Area to your Used Pile.
Unattached Artifacts may remain in the Muster Area to be used
later, or moved to your Used Pile. Note that Artifacts never score
Glory, and generally don’t leave the Muster Area until they are
used for their special ability, or moved with their attached Units.
Recall Prepared Units
If you have any Units in your Prepared Area, return them to your
Used Pile along with any attached Artifacts without scoring them.
Phase 2: Dice
“Immediate” on their Fellowship Card. Immediate Effects are
mandatory, but usable in any order, and are used immediately
after rolling the dice before any optional abilities. Using an
Immediate Effect “spends” the die, moving it to the Spent Pile
after the effect is applied.
Muster Units and Artifacts
Dice that show a Unit icon can be “mustered”. You must spend
Fellowship equal to the Unit’s level (in the upper left corner of the
die face) to muster it. Spend dice from your Active Pool to get the
Fellowship you need and then move the Unit you are mustering
to your Muster Area.
You can muster as many Units as you can afford during your
turn. You can even muster Units, resolve special abilities, then
muster more.
You may move any Artifact Dice showing the Item icon to your
Muster Area. These dice are “Artifacts” for later use. You do not
spend Fellowship to Muster Artifacts.
Some Artifacts have an “Attach” ability. When these dice are in
your Muster Area, you may attach them to a Fellow at no cost.
That Fellow then gets the ability as shown on the Artifact card.
To show that the Artifact die is attached, place it next to (and
touching) the Fellow die. An attached Artifact will stay with the
Fellow until the Fellow is scored or destroyed.
Any Fellowship remaining may be spent later in the turn during
Recruiting (Phase 4).
Phase 3: To War!
“Whatever luck you live by, let’s hope it lasts the night.” – Gimli
Draw and Roll
“War is coming.” – Gandalf
Shake your bag to mix the dice inside. Then, (without looking!)
draw 5 dice and place them in your Active Pool along with any
dice that are already there. If, when you are drawing dice, there
are less than 5 dice left in your bag, draw all remaining dice and
add them to your Active Pool. Then add the dice in your Used Pile
(not your Spent Pile) and return them to your bag. Mix the bag,
and continue drawing until you have drawn a total of 5 dice or
until you have no dice left to draw.
After all dice are drawn, roll all of the dice in the Active Pool,
placing the dice back into the Active Pool.
If any of the dice you roll have a Corruption marker on the
corresponding card, the die counts as being blank and should be
moved to the Spent Pile immediately.
Immediate Effects
Some dice have an “Immediate Effect” when rolled, as noted by
All of your mustered Units must now either Prepare for War OR
all of your Units must attack Sauron.
Note: If you have no Units in your Muster Area, this Phase can
be skipped.
Prepare For War
To Prepare for War, simply move all of your mustered Unit dice
into the Prepared Area with any attached Artifacts (unattached
Artifacts may remain for future turns in the Muster Area). Other
players may use these Units on their turn to join forces and more
effectively attack Sauron. Units prepared for war will only score
1 Glory each, and only if another player uses the Units on their
turn. They are not scored in Phase 1.
Note: Some Units have special abilities that are only activated
when they are moved to the Prepared Area. Check their cards for
more information.
Attacking Sauron
To attack the forces of Sauron, total your attack value by adding
the attack values of all of your mustered Units and attached
Artifacts, including any applicable abilities you wish to use
to increase your attack value for this turn. Bonuses against a
specific Enemy apply if that enemy icon is face up in the Sauron
Muster Area. They do not have to be the target of your attack to
have the bonus apply, they simply need to be present.
You may also add the attack values of all of the Units in other
players’ Prepared Areas. You may use Prepared dice from all,
none or some players. If you use another player’s dice, you must
use all of the prepared Units of the chosen player.
Sauron Defends
You (the attacking player) now choose one Enemy Unit that will
If your attack total is less than the chosen Enemy’s defense, the
defender is unaffected and your attack ends.
If your attack total is equal to or higher than the chosen Enemy’s
defense value, the Enemy is destroyed – move it to the Sauron
Destroyed Units Area, and subtract its defense value from the
attack total.
If your attack total is still higher than zero, choose another
Enemy to defend, if any remain. If Sauron has run out of Units,
he is done defending, even if his Units did not take the entire
attack total. Any leftover attack is lost.
The attack process is repeated until the attack total is reduced to
zero, or no more enemies can be defeated.
After you have finished your attack, all Unit dice from the other
players’ Prepared Area which were used in the attack move to
the owning player’s Used Area. Owning players score 1 Glory per
Unit used (not the printed Glory value), even if the attack was not
successful. Your mustered Units must survive to the beginning of
your next turn to score Glory (Phase 1).
Phase 4: Recruit or Restore
“I would see the Glory of Gondor restored.” – Boromir
Fellowship not used to muster may now be used to recruit one
Fellowship die from the Wilds. The cost (in Fellowship) of each
die is shown in the upper left corner of their Fellowship Card.
Fellowship Cost
In addition to Fellowship rolled, you may have Fellowship from
Immediate Effects, Units, or Artifacts. The die that you recruit is
placed in your Used Pile.
Beware! Recruiting a die from the Wilds may give Sauron an
extra die to use as well. There are initially three Enemy dice
for each row of cards beyond the first (the Artifact row and the
two rows of Unit Cards). When you recruit a die from a row, a
corresponding enemy die for that row is added to the Sauron
Muster Area if there are any still present for the Enemy Card.
Place a Corruption marker onto this die to show that it has just
been added and not yet rolled. It is not yet ready to fight, nor can
it be the target of an attack, but it will count for the purposes of
Sauron gaining Corruption.
If you did not recruit, you may Restore 1 Fellowship card. To do
this, you must spend Fellowship Points equal to the Fellowship
Cost of the card to remove the Corruption. Note: Unlike recruiting,
restoring a card does not add Enemy dice to the Sauron Muster
Restoring Fellowship Cards is an important way to keep the
corruption of Sauron from spreading too far and causing the end
of the game.
Phase 5: Clean Up
“Take some rest. These borders are well protected.” – Aragorn
At the end of your turn, move all dice from your Spent Pile and
Active Pool to your Used Pile. You may optionally move Artifacts
from your Muster Area to your Used Pile. It can be useful to keep
Artifacts around for future turns, so choose carefully.
After moving dice to the Used Pile, your turn is over. The player
to the left now begins their turn!
Gaining Dice to the Active Pool
A number of game effects will allow you to add dice to your Active
Pool (Horn of Gondor, Anduril, Elven Rope, etc). If these effects
happen in Phase 1 or Phase 2 of your turn, you may roll these
dice immediately and use them as normal. If they are gained at
any other time during your turn, place the dice next to the Active
Pool of your player mat – These are not yet available for you to
use. At the end of your turn (after Phase 5), move these dice into
your Active Pool (giving you more dice to roll next turn).
Note: Any effect which moves dice to your Active Pool when it is
not your turn places the dice directly into the Active Pool, ready
for your next turn.
Sauron is the leader of evil forces. If his Corruption spreads too
far, he conquers Middle–earth. He is represented by enemy dice
and Corruption markers.
Phase 1: Score
“They will find the Ring, and kill the one who carries it.”
– Saruman
Every die in the Sauron Muster Area adds 1 Corruption Point
to be spread by the Ringbearer in Phase 3. This includes Unit
dice (forces), Eye of Sauron dice and also dice with Corruption
markers on them (that were added in the previous Fellowship
turn). Leave the Corruption markers on these dice to mark that
they have still not been rolled (the marker will be removed in
Phase 5).
For each Corruption point gained this way, add a Corruption
marker from the supply to any that are already on the Sauron
mat from earlier game effects (using the One Ring and Eye of
Sauron dice).
Note: The Frodo ability to ignore an Eye of Sauron does not
prevent the gaining of 1 Corruption per die in the Muster Area.
Phase 2: Attack
“Do not stop the attack until the city is taken. Slay them all.”
– The Witch–king, Nazgul leader
Skip this Phase if Sauron has no forces in his Muster Area. Eye
of Sauron dice and dice that have a Corruption marker on them
(recently recruited) do not count as a “force”. Exception: Black
Riders (Eye of Sauron dice at Rivendell, do count as a force).
Add the attack values of all of the Sauron forces in the Muster
Area together. This is the Sauron “attack total.”
Starting with the player to the left of the Ringbearer, Sauron
attacks each player with the full “attack total”. This attack is
against each player’s Mustered Units only.
The Defending player may use abilities or effects to reduce the
Sauron attack total or increase the defense values of his Units.
Unless an ability or effect says otherwise, they only reduce the
attack values and attack total for that player, and have no effect
on the attacks against the other players.
The defending player then chooses one of his Units from his
Muster Area to defend.
If the Sauron attack total is less than the Unit’s defense value
(including any bonuses), the defender is not affected, and that
player is done defending against the Sauron attack. Sauron
moves on to the next player.
If the Sauron attack total is equal to or higher than the defending
Unit’s total defense value, the Unit is destroyed! It is moved to
the Used Pile (along with any attached Artifact), and the Unit’s
defense value is subtracted from the Sauron attack total.
If the Sauron attack total is still above zero, that player must
choose another Unit to defend from his Muster Area. If the player
has run out of Units, they are done defending against the attack
of Sauron even if his Units did not defend the entire attack total.
Leftover attack value has no effect.
When a player’s mustered Units are either destroyed or have
successfully defended against Sauron, the next player is attacked
with the original Sauron attack total. Repeat until Sauron has
attacked all players, ending with The Ringbearer.
Sauron does not attack Units in Prepared Areas, unattached
Artifacts in Muster Areas, or any Units that have been protected
by the power of the One Ring.
“My preciousss...” – Gollum
The One Ring is a powerful tool for the players. It has a powerful
ability, but attracts the attention of Sauron, so it must be used
wisely. A player holding the One Ring who has a Frodo in their
Muster Area may activate its power by placing the ring marker
over one of their own Frodo dice in their Muster Area. It renders
all of that player’s mustered Units immune from Sauron attacks,
but at a cost – each Unit protected adds 1 Corruption marker to
the Sauron mat.
This ability is used in Phase 2 of a Sauron turn, just before
Sauron attacks. Corruption markers are added to the Sauron
mat, which will then be spread during Phase 3 of the next Sauron
Phase 3: Corrupt
“Men, who are so easily seduced by its power.”
– Galadriel, Elven Queen
Corruption points are gained from three effects in the game.
Sauron Phase 1: Corruption gained from all dice in the Muster
Sauron Phase 2: Corruption gained when the power of the
One Ring is used.
Sauron Phase 5: Effects of Eye of Sauron dice in certain
These accumulate (place markers on the Sauron mat) and are
then spread during this Phase.
If Sauron has gained any Corruption points, they must now be
spent by corrupting one Fellowship card in the Wilds if possible.
However, before a card is chosen, the Ringbearer has the option
to reduce the amount of Corruption points by losing some of his
own Glory points. For each Glory point lost by the Ringbearer,
Sauron has one less Corruption point to spread. The Ringbearer
can only lose as many Glory points as they currently have, though
they do not have to lose any Glory if they do not want to.
Alternatively, if Sam was already corrupted, the Ringbearer
could have lost 5 of his own Glory to reduce the total corruption
to 2, which would not be enough to corrupt any other card in play
and would have been lost.
If there are still Corruption points remaining, the Ringbearer
must then choose an uncorrupted Fellowship card in the Wilds
to be corrupted. The card chosen must always be the ‘most
expensive’ card that it is possible to corrupt with the Corruption
points remaining. In cases where there are multiple cards of
equal highest value, the Ringbearer must choose which of these
becomes corrupted.
If Sauron has forces in his Muster Area, skip this Phase and
move to Phase 5. If, however, Sauron has no forces in his Muster
area, the players advance to the next Location.
E.g. Sauron has 4 Corruption points remaining – he must corrupt
a card with a Fellowship cost of 4 if able. If not, he must corrupt
a card that costs 3, and so on. If there was a card of cost 5 in
the Wilds, this could not be selected, even though it is the most
expensive, as only 4 Corruption points were available.
To corrupt a card, place a single Corruption marker on the chosen
card, and return the rest of the Corruption markers to the supply.
If Sauron does not have enough Corruption points to corrupt
any card in the Wilds (this could be a result of the Ringbearer
sacrificing some of his own Glory points, or simply that Sauron
didn’t earn enough Corruption this round), then Sauron loses his
Corruption markers and the game moves to Phase 4.
Any Fellowship Card can be corrupted – Basic, Artifact or Unit.
Exception: Frodo may not be corrupted.
Corrupted cards render the associated dice blank when rolled.
Any corrupted dice currently in play however, stay in play as
Sauron wins the game (all players lose), if the number of
corrupted cards is 4 (with 4 players), 5 (with 3 players), or 6
(with 2 players).
Example of Corruption
Sauron has 7 Corruption points to spread. This would cause
Aragorn (the only card in play with a Fellowship value of 6) to be
corrupted. The Ringbearer does not want this to happen because
they have several Aragorn dice, so they sacrifice two of their own
Glory points to reduce the total Corruption to 5. There are no
uncorrupted cards in play with a cost of 5 or 4, but there are
several with a cost of 3, so they choose to corrupt the Elven Rope.
One Corruption marker is placed on the card, and the rest are
returned to the supply.
If the Ringbearer had no Glory, or chose not to sacrifice any, then
Aragorn would have been corrupted.
Phase 4: Advance
“If I take one more step, it’ll be the farthest away from home I’ve
ever been.” – Samwise Gamgee
Eye of Sauron dice and dice that have a Corruption marker on
them (recently recruited) do not count as a “force”.
Exception: Black Riders (Eye of Sauron dice at Rivendell) do
count as a force.
When you advance, remove the top Location Card from the game
to reveal the next Location, follow any instructions on the new
Location Card and move all of the Sauron dice that are on the
Sauron mat to the Active Pool (including previously destroyed
When a Location card instructs you to replace Sauron dice, the
two ‘weaker’ dice are taken from the Sauron Active Pool and removed from the game and replaced by two ‘stronger’ dice.
Special Rule: Once Location 7 is revealed (Mount Doom), follow
the instructions on the card and then immediately reveal the next
Location (Grey Havens) – the game ends with a victory for the
players. The Ring has been tossed into Mount Doom, Sauron is
defeated, birds sing again and the players win. The player with
the highest Glory total is declared Hero of Middle–earth and
there is much rejoicing.
Phase 5: Dice
“The Dark One is gathering all armies to him. It won’t be long
now. He will soon be ready.” – Gollum
Remove any Corruption markers from dice in the Sauron Muster
Area and return them to the supply. Then, roll all of the dice in
the Sauron Active Pool and Muster Area. Destroyed dice stay
destroyed until the Active Location changes.
Eye of Sauron
Eye of Sauron effects resolve immediately by referencing the
Active Location Card (irrespective of the color of the die). If the
active effect is a unit type, it is treated as a Unit die, placed in
the Muster Area, and attacks as one during Phase 2 of the next
Sauron turn unless the players destroy it first. Eye of Sauron
dice that are not Units are not considered “forces” for the next
Location Card check but are still placed in the Muster Area once
their effect has been applied.
Corruption markers gained from Eye of Sauron dice are added
to the Sauron mat and not spent immediately. They remain until
the next Sauron turn where they may be spent in Phase 3 (along
with any other corruption gained).
When an Eye of Sauron effect instructs you to return destroyed
dice to the Sauron Active Pool, always choose the most powerful
dice available. Start with The Return of the King, then The Two
Towers and finally the Fellowship of the Ring. These dice are
added to the Active Pool, but are not rolled. They remain there
until the next Sauron turn.
Important Note: As per the the Frodo card, remember to ignore
the number of Eye of Sauron dice rolled equal to the number
of Frodo dice in player’s Prepared Areas. Ignored dice are still
placed in the Muster Area. This ability includes ignoring Eye of
Sauron dice which indicate a Unit (Black Riders). In which case,
remember to put a Corruption marker on the die to show that it
does not prevent advancement.
Activate Enemies
All enemy Units rolled are placed in the Sauron Muster Area.
Sauron does not pay to muster. He is evil, after all.
After a Sauron turn, pass the One Ring Marker to the player to
the left who starts a new turn as the Ringbearer.
Good Wins
Evil Wins
“Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the
days of peace.” – Aragorn
“The Age of Men is over. The Time of the Orc has come.”
– Gothmog, Orc leader
If the players successfully make it through the Location Cards
and reach the Grey Havens, Sauron is destroyed and Middle–
earth rebuilds after the war. The player with the most Glory wins
the game and becomes the Hero of Middle–earth! If two or more
Sauron wins the game if the number of corrupted cards is 4 (with
4 players), 5 (with 3 players), or 6 (with 2 players).
players tie, they share the victory.
To add variety to your game, or adjust the difficulty setting, here
are some variant rules. You may choose to use some, all, or none
of these.
Immediate Corruption
Fellowship cards with a Corruption marker render the associated
dice always blank. In addition to rolled dice being blank, any
corrupted dice currently in play are immediately moved to a
player’s Used Pile.
Middle–earth is thrown into an Age of Darkness and all the
Glory the players have accumulated is forgotten.
Full Co–Op
In this variant, all players work together to try and defeat Sauron
and his forces of evil. All players will either win as a group or lose
as a group. All players start with X Glory Points (see chart below
of different starting Glory Points for varied difficulty)—place
each players scoring cube on the Score Tracker on the chosen
Glory score.
Increased Sauron Forces
When you replace (upgrade) Enemy Dice (at Helm’s Deep and
Pelennor Fields), the dice that are removed from the Sauron Pool
are returned to the respective Enemy Card in the Wilds instead of
being removed from the game.
You can adjust the difficulty of the game by increasing or
decreasing the number of cards Sauron needs to corrupt before
Very Hard
In addition to the normal conditions for Sauron to win by
corruption of a certain number of cards, if any player’s Glory
score is reduced to 0, the game ends immediately and all players
lose. If players successfully reach The Grey Havens (without any
player’s Glory score being reduced to 0), all players win.
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•Artifacts that do not have Immediate or Attach keywords can
be used during a Sauron turn. Example: Phial of Galadriel.
•How does Sauron gain extra dice? Sauron gains his first two
dice when the players leave the Shire. After that, enemy dice
are moved from the Enemy Card to the Sauron mat when a
player recruits.
•What is the point of placing Corruption markers on top of
Enemy dice that have been recruited? These dice count for
Corruption, but do not count as a force and do not prevent
advancement. They also do not attack. The markers are solely
to distinguish these dice as being ‘recent’ and not yet rolled.
•The “Ring” ability printed on the Frodo card may only be
used by the Ringbearer.
•Ents with Anduril attached. The Ents go to the Used Pile first
(as part of the cost of the effect), thus preventing the scoring
effect of Anduril.
•Does the Eowyn bonus to Nazgul apply to Black Riders? No.
•The level on a Sauron die is there to indicate how powerful a
die is and may be used in future expansions. – Sauron does
not need to spend anything to muster units.
•How does the Horn of Gondor ability work? The Horn of
Gondor die is placed in another player’s Used Pile in exchange
for a die from their Used Pile. That die goes to your Active
Pool and can be immediately rolled if Horn of Gondor is used
during Phase 2.
•The Arwen single–burst ability allows a player to move 2
Fellows from the Active Pool into the Prepared Area after
Arwen is Prepared. E.g. You muster Arwen, but leave two
Frodo dice in your Active Pool. In Phase 3, you Prepare Arwen
and may then move the two Frodo Units from your Active
Pool to your Prepared Area.
•How does Merry work? If ANY player has a prepared Merry,
then at the start of your turn, your Prepared Units (i.e: ones
that were not used by other players) move to your Active Pool.
This gives you more dice to use on this turn.
•How does Pippin work? The Pippin card has an unfortunate
typo. It should read: “When Pippin is mustered, any of your
Units which are killed go to your Active Pool instead of your
Used Pile.” Therefore, if you have a mustered Pippin, then any
of your own mustered Units which get killed are placed into
your Active Pool instead of the Used Pile, giving you more
dice next turn.
•How does the Phial of Galadriel work? It is used in the
Sauron Attack Phase when totalling the Sauron attack value
so that it affects all players. It reduces one of the enemy dice
to an attack of 0.
•How does the burst effect of Gandalf the Grey work? The
attack of Sauron only ends against the current defending
player. Other players are attacked as normal.
•How do Legolas and Gimli work? The Glory gained is only
for Enemy Units destroyed by the player who is currently
attacking and has Legolas and/or Gimli in his Muster Area.
You do not get the bonus for borrowing another player’s
Prepared Legolas. Nor do you get the points if you have a
prepared Gimli and another player borrows it to attack with.
The attack bonus for both of these (and the Rohirrim) is if
Sauron has the corresponding enemy in his Muster Area.
•How do Treebeard and the Ents work? The 1–burst ability is
in addition to the attack value of Treebeard himself. The 2–
burst ability applies when Saruman is present in the forces of
Sauron. The 3–burst ability of the Ents replaces the normal
attack values of the Unit. I.e. You choose whether to attack
normally, or use them to destroy all Goblins and Orcs.
•How does Faramir work? If you have a Prepared Faramir, and
another player borrows your Fellows to attack, each of them
scores an additional 1 Glory (including Faramir himself).
•Can a Unit have more than one attached Artifact? Yes
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•The game is semi co–op; the players do not attack each other,
but instead fight the forces of Sauron.
•Fellowship Cards will make up The Wilds. Artifacts are like
spells. Quiddity is replaced with Fellowship.
•There is no culling (removing dice) when scoring.
•“Preparing for War” lets you “lend” dice for other players to
attack with rather than attacking with them yourself.
Sauron will corrupt dice in the Wilds to render them useless.
•Location Cards track the progress through the game.
•Players each take their own turn, and then one of them plays
a turn as Sauron.
Fellowship Turn
Sauron turn
A player’s Fellowship turn has five phases, which must be
completed in this order. Only Phase 4 is optional, all other phases
are mandatory.
When playing Sauron, the player’s turn also consists of five
phases, which must be completed in this order.
Phase 1: Score
Phase 1: Score
Sauron gains Corruption Points.
Take Units from your Muster Area, score them and put them to
the Used Pile.
Take Units from your Prepared Area, DO NOT score them and put
them in your Used Pile.
Phase 2: Dice
Draw, Roll, and possibly spend Fellowship points to Muster Dice
for combat.
Phase 2: Attack
Sauron attacks all of the players.
Phase 3: Corrupt
Corruption points are spent to render dice useless and/or reduce
a player’s Glory.
Phase 4: Advance
Phase 3: To War!
Players see if they can advance to the next Location Card.
Attack Sauron from your Muster Area (YOU will attack with
them) OR Prepare for War (Allow other players to attack with
them). You may not do both.
Sauron musters dice for the next round of the war.
Phase 5: Dice
Phase 4: Recruit or Restore
Optional – Recruit one Fellowship Die from the Wilds OR Restore
one Fellowship Card. You may not do both.
Phase 5: Clean Up
Move Dice that are not Prepared or Mustered to your Used Pile.
After all turns are taken, the Ringbearer plays Sauron. Then the
next player will become start player for the next round.
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Hillside, NJ, 07205 USA
© 2012 WizKids/NECA, LLC. All rights reserved.
QuarriorsTM, Dice Building GameTM, and WizKids are trademarks of WizKids/NECA LLC.
Original Dice Building Game Mechanic: Mike Elliott and
Eric M. Lang
Designers: Jeph Stahl and Brett Myers
Developers: Paul DeStefano and Benjamin Cheung
Executive Producer: Bryan Kinsella
Graphic Design: Chris Raimo
Rulebook (v2): Paul Grogan and Filip Murmak
Playtesters: Michael Cox, Vincent Mondaro, Richard
Kopacz, Michael Kornytchuk, Richard Bowman, Ben Torcivia, Ken Jonach, and Cliff Field, Michael Cox, Richard
Mellott, Thomas Harbert, Dion Graham, Scott D’Agostino,
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Francesca DeStefano, Spencer Dark, Mitch Williams, Mac
James, Anwar Benach, Caesar Hetfield, The Buffalo Ave
Gamers, Jason L Blair, Edith Bouchard, Dave Garcia, James
Moore, Andrew Wallace, Jeff Spencer
Special thanks: Paul Grogan, Richard Ham
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: © NLP ™ Middle–earth Ent.
Lic. to New Line. (s13)