Bloomberg is working and

How valuable is the Bloomberg Product Certificate?
Employers place great emphasis on having well-trained employees. In an
increasingly competitive market, the more tools you have in your educational
arsenal the better. That is why the certificate is very valuable and will become
even more so in the future.
Is the Bloomberg Product Certificate recognised by other organisations?
Bloomberg is working hard to get regulatory authorities and professional
institutions around the world to recognise the training that we offer especially the
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements of firms.
What must I do to obtain a Bloomberg certificate?
You must register for the program, follow the prescribed courses within a level
and track and pass the corresponding exams.
Must I have my own BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL® service login?
Yes. Bloomberg communicates with you via the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL
service e-mail implying that your own logon is essential. We also run the exam
system via your logon hence making it indispensable for completing the program.
You may set up your own logon from the Cancel screen or by running {UREG
. Are there any costs involved?
No. The courses are free – it’s as simple as that!
At whom are the courses aimed?
All market players needing to make use of Bloomberg’s extensive services and
these will include traders, investment bankers, fund managers, salespeople,
research analysts, treasury managers, bond originators, compliance officers,
auditors, back-office staff etc. Even experienced users of the BLOOMBERG
PROFESSIONAL service are guaranteed to learn something new.
How do I register for the Bloomberg Product Certification Program?
There is a simple electronic application form. You will find this on the {CERT
<GO>} function on BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service.OF BL
Where are courses held?
Courses may be held at Bloomberg offices, at your own offices by arrangement
or may be taken from the comfort of your own desk, if followed via conference
call or audio-visual means.
How do I sign up for courses?
Once registered on the program, you may sign up for individual sessions using
the {BU <GO>} function.
Can I take individual sessions by different methods?
Yes. There is no restriction on the way you can follow courses. You may mix and
match live face-to-face sessions and sessions conducted by audio-visual means.
What is the duration of each session?
Each session lasts about one hour. Typically the hour is made up of a 45-minute
lecture followed by a 15-minute question and answer session but some
instructors may allow questions throughout the session.
Must the sequence of the listed course structure be strictly followed?
The course structure is the recommended program flow. Since it may not always
be possible to follow the exact structure, it is not imposed as a rule. We do,
however, strongly advise that the introductory courses be completed before
moving on to the next levels.
How are courses assessed?
Each course is followed by an on-line, multiple-choice exam for which the pass
mark is 70%. You will receive your grade immediately upon completing the exam.
How will I be switched on for the individual exams?
Bloomberg switches you on the exam within 24 hours of you completing the
training session. You then access the exam via {CERT <GO>}
By when must I complete an exam?
Once you have been switched on for an exam it is available for you to take at
time and is not removed from your logon. We do however recommend that you
take the exam as soon after you have completed the course, preferably on the
same day. However you will only be allowed to take the exam at your own office
and not at the training center
What happens if I fail an exam?
Should you not achieve the 70% pass mark you may apply to retake the exam.
Can I be switched on for an exam if I have not attended a training session
on the subject?
No. Bloomberg will only switch on an exam if you have physically attended a
session or have participated in a conference call and have participated fully. If a
participant has taken a designated course within the last
three months then they can be switched on for the exam.
What happens if the courses can’t be completed within six months?
It is strongly recommended that all sessions and exams be completed within six
months of registration. Since this might not always be possible, Bloomberg will
give careful consideration to any request to extend the six-month requirement.
When can I expect to receive my certificate?
Bloomberg aims to distribute certificates four to six 6 weeks after the completion
of any given level.
How can I view my (or another user’s) profile on the BLOOMBERG
Type the name and then press the green HELP key once. If there is more than
one person with the same name, select the section entitled ‘People’ and choose
the person you require. Certificates awarded are listed under the heading
What happens if I move from one firm to another?
Provided you advise Bloomberg no more than two months AFTER leaving your
firm, your exam credits will be transferred to your new logon, once it is set up.
Can I start, or continue with, the program if I have lost my job?
Yes. Upon request, Bloomberg will supply its service for 60 days to you if, for
whatever reason, you have lost your job. You can extend the service if you are
following the Product Certification course, subject to certain conditions.
What if I have a question that is not listed above or I have a general query?
The easiest way to contact Bloomberg is by pressing the green HELP key twice
and submitting your query. You should receive a response within minutes. The
service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from any place in the world.