• Junior Professional Shadowing • Celebrate the Academy

Sharing a Tradition of Excellence with Alumnae, Parents and Friends • www.sja1890.org • SPRING 2009
In this issue:
• Junior Professional Shadowing
• Celebrate the Academy
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
from the President
Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Saint Joseph Academy,
Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever
believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who
believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
3430 Rocky River Drive • Cleveland, Ohio 44111
216-251-6788 www.sja1890.org
Update is published by Saint Joseph Academy
for alumnae, parents and friends. Contributions
to this issue of UPDATE included: Mary Ann
Corrigan-Davis J’71, Mary Ann Fischer J’66,
Jill Satanek Garlock J’92, Emily Hanson
J’99, Betty Hjort, Fred Kieser, Becky Goede
McNulty J’96, Audrey Menard, Maria Mueller,
Kathy Robinson, Ron Perger, Jenn Reeder and
David Weiss.
Photography courtesy of Adam Kollin, Marianne
Mangan, John Mulgrew, Ron Perger, Mike
Rosepal, Thomas & Thomas Photography, and
Woodard Photography.
For more information or questions, please contact
Ron Perger, Director of Communications & Public
Relations at 216.619.1937 or rperger@sja1890.org
M i ss i o n
Saint Joseph Academy,
rooted in the spirituality of the
Congregation of St. Joseph,
promotes academic excellence,
fosters love and unity with God,
one another, and all creation,
and educates young women
for compassionate leadership
and service in a global society.
Cover Photo:
Saint Joseph Academy students after an outdoor
Mass on Palm Sunday in Saint Peter’s Square in
Rome. Kneeling L-R: Juniors Marie McNamara,
Brooke Miller, Sarah Dalton, Rebecca Armbruster,
Keelin McAndrew, Standing L-R: Elizabeth Rosepal,
Mary Jo Morgan, Kara Kuykendall, Kathryn Tuleta,
Bride Sweeney, Adelle Bailey, Alexis Lees, Christina
Freund, Senior Brooke Hamilton, Mr. Adam Kollin,
Juniors Mary Kostell, Catherine Peplin, Kristyn
Wasil, Cesily Insana, and Jill Kramer.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
This question Jesus asked of Martha in the gospel of
John is also asked of us. In this season of Easter, we again
commemorate Christ’s death and celebrate His rising.
This is the crowning truth of our faith.
This faith in the resurrection is truly evident at Saint
Joseph Academy. Throughout this academic year, we
have suffered many sorrows with the loss of a number
of our students’ fathers and our senior Dana Care.
Some of the fathers died suddenly and unexpectedly, and others had suffered
various illnesses. Although Dana had been battling cancer for two years, her
sudden passing in January caught us off guard. Surely it is our faith is in Christ’s
resurrection that has helped the Saint Joseph Academy community through
these difficult times.
On a Monday morning at the end of January, we learned that Dana had
been called home to the Lord. During her illness, the Class of 2009 and the
entire Academy community had rallied behind her. I will always remember
Dana’s classmates encircling her with love and support as sophomores at the
2007 Paws for Pride Day, when they opened their umbrellas in symbolic
protection of Dana. And Dana, for her part, never complained for a minute and
smiled an infectious smile that never revealed her pain.
I have always known that Saint Joseph Academy is a special place, but this
was never more evident than that last week of January. One of the ways the
seniors dealt with the sadness of Dana’s death was by planning a beautiful mass
at the Academy, which was shared with Dana’s brother Justin and parents Dave
and Patty Hauck Care J’77, to celebrate Dana’s life. The next day, students
reverently attended Dana’s wake. On the following Saturday morning, St.
Patrick West Park church was packed with Saint Joseph Academy students and
alumnae who came to Dana’s funeral mass. We prayed for Dana and her family,
as we again proclaimed our belief in the Lord Jesus’ rising from the dead.
I have often wondered how people without faith in Christ’s resurrection deal
with terrible loss. Christ’s death and resurrection gives us hope! How blessed
we are, knowing that we are an Alleluia people, people who know that Christ
died for us and was risen from the dead on Easter morning! How blessed we are,
knowing that we, too, shall share in the resurrection. He is risen! Alleluia!!
Sursum corda! Lift up our hearts!
Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis J’71
Hannah Lowe J’12 and
Jennifer Bajorek J’12 analyze
data with the LabQuest
LabQuest Technology
Sparks Curious Minds
o you ever feel overwhelmed by
technology? Do you have to remind
yourself that phones are no longer
attached to walls? That CD’s and instant
messaging are really not the cutting edge
anymore? If so, you must be over the age of
30 because today’s youth cannot get enough
technology. The SJA Science Department
is addressing this desire with the use of the
Vernier LabQuest. These data collection
devices interface between the curious mind of
the student and data collection probes. They
have several advantages over older technology;
one advantage is that they collect data in “real
time” so a student may analyze and graph
data as the data is being recorded. SJA has
been using “real time” collection devices for
many years, but the LabQuest is thoroughly
more modern. Science teacher Mr. Fred Keiser
remarked, “Our students get to use top-of-theline science equipment which allows them to
collect, graph, and analyze useful data. The
best learning always happens when students
are involved in the whole scientific process,
and this equipment has allowed the students
to do just that.”
The device itself is rugged and compact
and portable for use in a lab or in the field.
It has a touchscreen interface that allows the
student to use a small plastic stylus to set
lab parameters, collect and graph data, or
do anything one might do while interacting
with a computer. It contains a periodic table,
a stopwatch, and other options that make
calculations easy. It can collect data up to
100,000 samples per second and can graph
and analyze data at the touch of a finger.
According to Science teacher David Weiss,
“This is the same equipment that colleges and
professional labs use. The LabQuest computer
interfaces and sensing probes have allowed our
students to interact with science instead of just
reading about it. Think of it as a large IPhone
but with scientific applications in mind.” It is
easily portable, a characteristic that allows data
to be taken in the hallways of SJA or outdoors
on campus or the nearby Metro Parks.
What type of data can be collected with
these probes? For Chemistry, how about
pH level, temperature, gas pressure probes
and colorimeters for starters? Or dissolved
oxygen, flow rate and conductivity probes
for Environmental Processes. For Physics,
force, motion sensors and photogates are
used to verify principles of mechanics. And
in Anatomy and Physiology, EKG sensors
and blood pressure sensors are being used to
investigate bodily functions.
Anatomy classes have been able to
upgrade their laboratory experiences with the
LabQuest technology. Blood pressure cuffs are
now automated and remove the human error
factor of listening for quiet pulse sounds of
the arteries. Instead of using EKG strips from
a computer or textbook, students can now
work as amateur cardiologists by collecting
and analyzing the EKG recordings of their
classmates. Additionally, the electrical activity
of muscle contractions can now be measured
to compare the relative strengths of primary
muscles versus assistant muscles. Students are
better prepared for college and beyond because
the LabQuest system has allowed them to
experience the lessons instead of simply
studying them.
In the future, we hope to purchase GPS
sensors and other probes to enhance more
student activities. Technology that has great
versatility and is fun to use? Sounds like a
winning combination for everyone involved.
We sincerely thank The Lubrizol
Foundation for their recent grant to Saint
Joseph Academy, supporting the purchase of
some of the new LabQuest equipment.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Junior Professional Shadowing Project
he annual Junior Professional Shadowing Project is designed
to introduce Saint Joseph Academy juniors to the rewards
and challenges of the careers that they may hope to pursue
in the future. Students select careers to explore, find sponsors in
those fields, and spend time at their sponsors’ worksites, observing
and learning what skill and education are needed to be successful.
They then report about their experiences and observations through
Many alumnae support the project, volunteer and share their
jobs for the shadowing experiences. Academy Principal Audrey
Menard passionately supports the project because “this program
helps our young women build interpersonal skills in the ‘real world,’
essential pieces of the three ‘R’s of 21st century education: rigor,
relevance, and relationships.”
Each year, our students select a wide variety of careers to
shadow, and the Class of 2010 was no exception. Sponsors ranged
from Broadway casting directors in New York City to interpreters
of Russian and Arabic at the Cleveland Clinic to court advocates,
attorneys, and judges in the Cuyahoga County justice system.
According to SJA’s Career Shadowing Coordinator, Becky Goede
McNulty J’96, “Overall, this year’s juniors gravitated toward
professions in the education and medical fields. Advertising,
marketing, broadcasting and theater careers were very well
represented too, a testament to the creativity of this particular class.”
If you are interested in volunteering your time as a sponsor for
next school year’s Junior Professional Shadowing Project, please
contact Becky McNulty, Career Shadowing Coordinator, at 216251-6788 ext. 255 or bmcnulty@sja1890.org.
Grainne Mangan J’10
Mary Jo Morgan J’10
Kathe Pocker J’10
shadowed at Westlake Reed and
Leskosky architectural firm. “I
shadowed a variety of people in
the firm including architects,
engineers, and interior designers.
They showed me the many
steps involved from concept to
completion. The one project
that really interested me were
the plans being developed for
Saint Joseph Academy. During
my shadow experience I had a
chance to work with Marianne
Riccardi J’96, a very talented
graphic designer at WRL. I
could relate to Marianne and see
myself one day in her shoes.”
was sponsored by Rita Ginley
Andolsen J’82, News Director at
WKYC. “I found my experience
at Channel 3 to be incredibly
enlightening. I never realized
how much work goes into
making a good news program.
Mrs. Andolsen showed me how
a broadcast is put together, how
stories are edited and how the
news team makes the stories
come alive.”
traveled to Denver, Colorado,
to observe a neurologist and
a pathogens researcher at the
University of Colorado Medical
Center for her shadowing
experience. “The two days I
spent shadowing the neurologist
were amazing. The hours were
long but the experience was well
worth it. I have wanted to be
a doctor ever since I was little.
I loved seeing the patients and
performing check-up procedures.
While observing Katie Propst,
a researcher at Colorado State
University, I found that I would
love to be able to affect people’s
lives by helping to find a cure.
Because of this experience, I have
renewed confidence in my life
goal: to become a doctor, and
better the world one patient at a
time.” (Kathe on left)
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Drapac-Novotny J’10
had the opportunity to shadow
Dr. Gregory Plautz, Chair of
the Department of Pediatric
Hematology and Oncology at
the Cleveland Clinic. Amanda
remarked, “I was able to learn
about the inner workings of a
hospital and the intimacy of
patient care. The nurses even
allowed me to assist with drawing
blood! I am now positive that
I want to become a pediatric
Sophomore Kristen Hord
Named Most Treasured Volunteer
Math Club Serves up
“Pi Day”
Students receive a piece of pie from
Mrs. Mary Charlton Laco J’74 for solving a
math problem using Pi.
Sophomore Kristen Hord, a 16-year-old
Youth Challenge volunteer, has been named
a Most Treasured Volunteer by The Center
for Community Solutions. Youth Challenge
is a private non-profit organization whose
mission is to bring together children with
physical disabilities and youth volunteers
who enrich each other’s lives through oneon-one participation in adapted sports and
recreational activities. Principal Audrey
Menard remarked, “We are extremely proud
of Kristen and all of our young women who
volunteer service to the community. They are
all a living example of our mission of love for
God, each other and all creation.”
Kristen has been volunteering at
Youth Challenge for four and a half years,
dedicating over 454 hours of service. For
the second year in a row, she was named
Youth Challenge’s top Volunteer of the Year
with 120 service hours in 2008 alone. Sarah
Perez-Stable, Youth Challenge Volunteer and
Program Coordinator said, “Kristen is an
extraordinary volunteer and so deserving of
this honor. Youth Challenge is a volunteerdriven organization that depends on role
models like Kristen to work with these special
Campus Minister Maureen Fallon Adler
J’79 added, “Kristen is an outstanding
example of our mission to serve the ‘dear
neighbor’ which comes directly from the
charism of the Sisters of the Congregation of
St. Joseph. Each year our students volunteer
over forty-nine thousand hours in service to
others in programs such as Youth Challenge.”
In addition to her volunteer work,
Kristen is a member of the Chinese Club
and a Student Ambassador. Congratulations,
Kristen! (photo courtesy of Youth Challenge)
March 14 is a special day for math
enthusiasts everywhere, including those in the
Math Club at Saint Joseph Academy. March
14th marks the celebration of “Pi Day,” in
honor of the number Pi, 3.1415926535...ad
infinitum. Remember Pi? It’s the number you
get when you divide the circumference of a
circle by its diameter. Pi cannot be expressed
as a fraction and it continues forever!
The Math Club members shared pie
with any student that could complete a
mathematical question involving Pi. In order
to earn a piece of pie, a student was asked
to measure the radius and height of a can
and then determine the volume and surface
area. Correct answers were rewarded with a
slice of pie. According to Math teacher and
club moderator, Mary Charlton Laco J’74,
“Math is fun! This is a great way to solve math
problems and receive instant gratification. I
think we served over 200 pieces of pie!”
The Math Club is just one of the forty-four
sports and extracurricular activities available to
our students at Saint Joseph Academy.
Father-Daughter Dance
Fathers and daughters enjoyed their special
evening at the Annual Father-Daughter Dance
sponsored by the Academy Parents. From
Right to left: Jim Giallourakis with daughter
Alexandra J’09 and Kaitlyn Roudebush J’09
with her dad Ted.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
“Penny Wars” raise
Four Thousand
Dollars for Harvest
for Hunger
Cheering on the Penny Wars are:
From L-R: Kristen Kilbane J’09,
Kate Roudebush J’09, Maura Heffernan J’09,
Angela Ruggeri J’09, Cori Dantio J’11 and
Yan Ling Cheung J’11
During the first week of March,
students battled by class in our annual
“Penny Wars.” Donations were collected
to help the Harvest for Hunger campaign
and to support the works of the “Praying
Pelicans,” an organization that provides
services in underprivileged countries and
teaches the Gospel to residents in those
Students were encouraged to bring
in any and all donations but in this
competition, pennies were the most
valuable contribution. Pennies added
positive points to each class’ overall total,
whereas all other coins, dollars, or checks
deducted from the total. Students could
add donations to their own class jar
or strategically donate to other classes,
effectively reducing their opponents’
final total!
All said and done, the Penny Wars
left the seniors on top, the sophomores
in second, the juniors in third, and
the freshman ended in last. The most
important number that resulted was a
donation of $4000.79 to Harvest for
Hunger and the “Praying Pelicans” on
behalf of Saint Joseph Academy.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Saint Joseph Academy Students
Dominate Awards at the
annual One Act Play Festival
Saint Joseph Academy students, under
the direction of Mr. Kevin Joseph Kelly,
received twelve awards at the Cleveland
Theatre Conference Annual One Act Play
Festival. “Wow! We are so proud of our
young women,” said Principal Audrey
Menard. Saint Joseph Academy competed
against seven other area high schools in the
festival which was held at the Kleist Drama
Center on the campus of Baldwin-Wallace
Saint Joseph Academy presented
“CLASS ACTION,” a play by Brad Slaight
which depicts different times in high school.
“Everyone gave a terrific performance,”
said director Kevin Joseph Kelly, “including
freshman Jessica Musgrave. All the girls were
The Cleveland Theatre Conference
competition was judged by Jack B. Winget,
PhD a professor of theater and dance at
Baldwin-Wallace College where he received
the 2008 Ohio Outstanding College Teacher
The awards for Saint Joseph Academy
were as follows:
Best Overall Performance: Kay Rommel J’11
Silver Medals: Jessica Walsh-Frazier J’11,
Kayte Tuleta J’10 and Laura Jacobs J’09
Bronze Medals: Alexa Jones J’11 and Jessica
Olle J’12
Stage Presence Award: Julie Jensen J’10
Readers Theatre: Laura Jacobs J’09
Monologue: Kay Rommel J’11 and Kayte
Tuleta J’10
Theater tickets to the Great Lakes Theater
Festival: Alexa Jones J’11
Cleveland Play House Tickets:
Tiffany Lacey J’10
Festival winners from L-R: Front; Kay Rommel J’11, Julie Jensen J’10 and Kayte Tuleta J’10,
Back: Jessica Musgrave J’12, Jessica Walsh-Frazier J’11, Alexa Jones J’11, Tiffany Lacey J’10
and Laura Jacobs J’09. Not pictured Jessica Olle J’12
College Acceptances Filling up the Wall
At Saint Joseph Academy, we are like proud
parents bragging about our daughters. This
year, we began posting college acceptances for
the Class of 2009 as a way to acknowledge their
hard work and showcase the colleges where
our upcoming graduates have been accepted.
College Guidance Counselor Susan Jensen
remarked, “We are running out of wall space!
Our seniors are being accepted to many of the
finest colleges and universities in the country
like the University of Notre Dame, Duke
University, Wake Forest, Boston College and
Villanova University.”
To date, our young women have been
accepted to over 420 colleges and universities
around the country. The schools are as far away
as the University of Hawaii, Northern Arizona
University and the Savannah College of Art and
Design and as close to home as Cleveland State
University, Case Western Reserve University
and John Carroll University. If you are in the
building, stop by to see this wall of honor.
Many of these acceptances also come with
scholarship awards, but you will have to wait
for our Summer edition of UPDATE to find
out the final tally. For now, congratulations to
all of our seniors on their acceptances!
Melissa Lewis J’09 and Kelly Shea J’09 show off their college acceptances.
Two Students Named Hugh O’Brian
Youth Leadership Representatives
Two Saint Joseph Academy students
have been chosen as HOBY (Hugh
O’Brian Youth) Leadership representatives:
Sophomores Jennifer Przybysz J’11, and
Henna Patel J’11,. Both will attend a
workshop this summer at Ohio Northern
University in Ada, Ohio.
The Mission of HOBY is similar to
the mission of Saint Joseph Academy:
to inspire and develop our global
community of youth and volunteers to a
life dedicated to leadership, service and
innovation. The vision is to motivate and
empower individuals to make a positive
difference within our global society
through understanding and action based
on effective and compassionate leadership.
Congratulations Henna and Jennifer!
Henna Patel J’11
Jennifer Przybysz J’11
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Saint Joseph Academy basketball wrapped up the
2008-2009 season with great success. The season showed
tremendous progress, highlighted by the Varsity Team’s
Christmas trip to Alabama for a 3-game holiday tournament,
and their huge regular season win over Magnificat on January
31st. Four seniors, Maura Heffernan, Leighann Larsen, Teresa
Mangan and Bridget Urban, exemplified great leadership
and the entire team worked extremely hard at improving
themselves and achieving individual and team goals. “The
seniors were truly positive role models for the younger players,“
according to Head Coach Dave Murphy. Congratulations
go to Seniors Leighann Larsen and Teresa Mangan, who
were selected to play in the Greater
Cleveland Basketball Coaches
Association All-Star game and were
named by Sun News to the girls AllSun team.
Coach Murphy and all the
coaches deserve credit for the
outstanding performance from their
teams. The future looks bright
for the Jaguars as the Varsity team
finished with a 12-11 record while
the JV team finished at 13-4 and
the Freshmen compiled an equally
impressive record of 15-3 respectively. Above Left: Leighann Larsen J’09 captures a rebound.
Above right: Teresa Mangan J’09 drives ahead for the shot.
Saint Joseph Academy swimmers made a big splash this swim
season as four school records were broken. They included; the 200
Medley Relay (Ashley Horton ’10, Grace Harter ’12, Emma Ryan
’12, and Jessica Walsh-Frazier ’11), the 200 IM (Emma Ryan ’12),
the 100 Fly (Emma Ryan ’12) and the 100 Back (Emma Ryan ’12).
Congratulations go out to Freshman Emma Ryan who became the
first district qualifier from Saint Joseph Academy in several years,
qualifying in both the 100 Fly and the 100 Back. Coach Meg Story
remarked, “All of the girls on the team showed great dedication,
getting up for 5:30am practices 4 days a week and staying after school
for dry land workouts.” That dedication showed as almost all of the
members of the team dropped time in their individual races. A big
thanks to all of the wonderful Seniors: Katie Dugan, Jessica Gawthrop,
Clare Horning, Katie Roudebush, and Emily Tennant.
Coach Story and Coach and Math Teacher Ed Dargay also
did a great job!
Emma Ryan J’12 competes in the
200 meter Individual Medley
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
“God’s Time” at the Kairos Retreats
Each year Saint Joseph Academy junior
and senior students who participate in the
Kairos retreat program often say that the
retreat came at the right time for them.
It’s an interesting observation, considering
the word “Kairos” means “God’s time.”
Kairos retreats help students transcend
“chronos”—the Greek word for measured
time—and immerse themselves in God’s
time. This freedom from measured time
and the distractions of everyday life allows
students to listen to God’s voice and reflect
on who God is calling them to be. Juniors
Molly Maloney and Julie DeLong reflected
on their recent experience saying, “Kairos was
a time to appreciate myself and others, and to
learn ways to grow in God’s love. My time is
God’s time.”
Loosely based on the Spiritual Exercises
of St. Ignatius, Kairos is a national retreat
program that came to Saint Joseph Academy
five years ago. This year, three Kairos retreats
have been held for the junior class. A team of
senior students lead the retreat with personal
observations of God in their lives. The
students are helped out by adult volunteers
and the Kairos faculty moderators, Mrs. Grace
Gutoskey Ogonek J’80 and Ms. Alison
Barberic J’01. “During the retreat, students
have time to pray journal, and listen to God
speak to them through others,” according
to Ms. Barberic. Participants also receive
letters of support from family and friends.
Recently, Kairos XIV was held for 45 juniors.
“For me, my Kairos was a moving experience
that helped me come to know myself, my
classmates and God better. In three short
days, I grew spiritually as a thankful child of
God,” said Samantha Schulte ‘10.
Although the
responsibilities and
duties of chronos await
everyone after the
Front to Back: Kairos XII Retreat
retreat, students are enLeaders, Erica Krasienko J’09,
couraged and inspired
Clare Ogonek J’09, Madie
Szaller J’09, Megan Lowes
to take the Kairos spirit
J’09, Melissa Bresnahan J’09,
with them into their
Ms Alison Barberic J’01, Laura
daily lives. Students
Dunson J’09, Laura Jacobs J’09
and Mrs. Grace Gutkoskey
who have experienced
Ogonek J’80
Kairos form a strong
community as they
Left to Right: Yesenia Linares J’09, Idaliz Baez J’09, Erika
Weisbarth J’09 and Emma Cleary J’09 of Kairos XIV
support one another
and live out the lessons
they have learned on the retreat. Junior Emithe meaning of Kairos in their lives, but they
lle Petrus observed “Going into Kairos, I had
know they see life in new ways; they see more
a lot of unanswered questions. To me, Kairos of God in their successes and failures, joys and
was a time to search for those answers. I can
sorrows. Those who have made a Kairos know
genuinely say that I have taken a lot from this that God brought them there for a reason,
experience. I strengthened my relationship
and they leave understanding that it was the
with my class and with God.” In fact, it is
perfect time to experience God’s time.
often the witness of the Kairos community
Kairos is just one of the retreat options
that encourages younger students to plan on
available to students. Every year, each young
making a Kairos when they are juniors.
woman participates in a retreat experience at
Students may not be able to fully articulate Saint Joseph Academy.
CSJ Ministries Names Executive Director
The Board of Directors of CSJ Ministries,
which the Sisters of the Congregation of St.
Joseph incorporated last year, has named Janet
Fleischacker, CSJ, as Executive Director and
approved the appointment of Bill Gress, as
Associate Director.
The Congregation of St. Joseph is a
Roman Catholic religious organization of
nearly 800 vowed women and 500 men and
women associates. CSJ Ministries provides
a unifying, stable structure for more than
35 ministries the congregation sponsors in
various states across the nation’s heartland
from Kansas to West Virginia and Michigan
to Louisiana.
Saint Joseph Academy, along with high
schools in LaGrange, IL and Baton Rouge,
LA, are part of the many ministries that the
Congregation sponsors. The Academy Board
of Directors reports to Sr. Janet.
Sr. Janet is busy meeting with the leaders
of the various ministries. During a recent
visit to Saint Joseph Academy, both Sr. Janet
and Mr. Gress enjoyed a tour of the facilities.
They met with students and had discussions
with school President Mary Ann CorriganDavis J’71, Principal Audrey Menard and
Finance Director Moira McGreer. We hope
Sr. Janet comes back often so that she can get
to know the wonderful young women here at
Saint Joseph Academy.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Planned Giving: A Win-Win Situation for the donor and SJA!
Saint Joseph Academy is proud of each
and every graduate, but once in a while
you talk to an alumna whose personal story
could be a book. This happened during
a recent alumnae trip to Florida when we
had the pleasure and delight to meet with
Barbara Bouhall Graham J’50. Barbara
utilized the tools and leadership skills that
were fostered during her high school years
to take an adventure of a lifetime. Who
would have thought it would include a cross
country trip with her nine children in 1966
that was chronicled by newspapers as they
drove across the country, and even led to an
appearance on the Art Linkletter Show?!
When asked why she decided to make
the trip, Mrs. Graham remarked, “because,
coming from a poor family, we had never
traveled and I longed to see the USA. Also, I
thought it would be a great learning experience
for our nine children.”
Barbara spent two years preparing with
the children, studying maps and a campground book. Barbara’s husband Don was
a Lakewood firefighter and bought a “travel
car” for the trip. The car was a 10-year old
mauve Oldsmobile nine-passenger wagon
purchased from a fellow firefighter. Barbara
felt this car was God’s blessing on their trip
and it served them well. Don couldn’t
leave his firefighter job for the trip, so the
firefighters sent them off with a giant jar of
peanut butter and lots of advice.
Their oldest son, Joe, had a newspaper
route for the Cleveland Press at the time.
When the newspaper heard about their
upcoming trip, they asked to cover it,
promising they would call Don everyday
to report on their progress and safety.
“Another blessing!” remarked Barbara.
She recalls that Dick Feagler was the local
Cleveland reporter.
Barbara had a sister in Palm Springs,
California, whom she had not seen in many
years, which was the original impetus for
the trip. It took them 21 days to get to her
sister’s home, driving only three hours a day
due to bathroom breaks! The finale of the
west coast visit was an appearance on the
very popular Art Linkletter show. Barbara
hopes this adventure of a lifetime will
someday become published.
After raising nine children, the Grahams
do not have significant assets. Yet they have
made a meaningful gift to SJA just the same
through a charitable gift annuity. Barbara
and Don have donated a $20,000 charitable
gift annuity to Saint Joseph Academy. A
charitable gift annuity is a way to make
a gift to Saint Joseph Academy and still
receive income for oneself. “I felt that I am
who I am today because of my education
by the Sisters of St. Joseph. And I feel very
blessed. When we make a donation we
always look into the way the organization is
run and we are confident they will be here
for us,” said Graham. This is a win-win
situation – a donation to SJA and personal
financial security. Most gift annuity donors
are retired, want to increase their cash
flow and seek the security of guaranteed
payments. It might also help to save taxes.
The Grahams have also made charitable gift
annuities to other favorite causes, including
the Muscular Dystrophy Association and
the Salvation Army, among others.
If you would like information about
how to set up your own charitable gift
annuity, please contact Development
Director Kathy Robinson at 216.671.0166.
Left Barbara Bouhall Graham J’50
with her nine children on the Art
Linkletter show in 1966.
Below: Barb and Don Graham
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
V i s i to r s to
Tom and Margaret Lynch
Friends of the Academy
Karen Reich Nestor N’65
Friend of the Academy
2008-2009 Annual Fund:
Making a Difference
Do you want to make a difference in the life of a deserving young woman at Saint
Joseph Academy? One of the best ways is by giving to the Annual Fund. All members of
the community who have been impacted by Saint Joseph Academy and support its mission
have the opportunity to make an investment in the Catholic education of these future
young women leaders.
Your gift to the Annual Fund helps meet our basic general operating needs and supports
programs not funded by tuition. This year, the Annual Fund has made possible technology
upgrades for our pre-engineering program, new transportation vehicles for co-curricular
opportunities, and Campus Ministry activities.
We need your help to achieve our $275,000 goal before June 30, 2009. If you have not
given already this year, please use the envelope provided or make a secure online donation
at www.sja1890.org., and click on the “Support SJA” link. Be assured that when you give
to the Annual Fund, your gift at any level is put to good use right away. There is no gift
too small and you may even qualify for a matching gift contribution from your employer.
Each tax-deductible contribution makes a difference for every young woman at the
Academy. Thanks for your support!
Walk of the Roses
A special memory for nearly every Saint Joseph Academy graduate is the
excitement of her graduation day, carrying her bouquet of red roses down
Rocky River Drive to Our Lady of Angels Church to commencement. The
same tradition continues for the Class of 2009, to be witnessed by alumnae,
friends, relatives, and SJA neighbors who line Rocky River Drive to applaud
these young women on their big day. You can again participate in this year’s
graduation by contributing to a bouquet of roses for one of our young women.
For a $50 donation you can sponsor a member of the Class of 2009.
This year, we will also honor the Class of 1949 on the occasion of their
60 anniversary year of their graduation. Theses special alumnae have been
invited to “Ride With the Roses” to Our Lady of Angels in “Lolly the Trolley.”
They did not have a chance to walk because the Bishop requested that all
Catholic high schools graduate from the newly renovated St. John’s Cathedral.
A donation of $100 can be made in tribute to the Class of 1949.
To donate, please send a check with your name, address, and phone number
to “Walk of the Roses,” Saint Joseph Academy, 3430 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland,
OH 44111, or go to www.sja1890.org and click on “Support SJA.” Your donation
is tax deductible. If there is a specific individual that you would like to sponsor,
please include her name and a short message of congratulations to her.
Martin J. Keane
Cleveland Councilman
Martin J. Sweeney
Cleveland Council President
Helen Malloy J’57
Cheryl Hagan O’Malley J’77
Director of Medical-Surgical Nursing
Fairview Hospital
Mary Curran
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Linda McHugh
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Dr. Evelyn Gund
Carnegie Scholar & National Board Certified Teacher
Joe Cimperman
Cleveland Councilman
Doug Rommel, Vice President
American Greetings Corporation
Linda Bluso, Esq.
Cleveland, Brouse McDowell
Linda Kane J’75
Chief Accounting and Administration Officer
Forest City Enterprises, Inc.
Patrick A. Sweeney
Dr. Steven F. Duffy
Chair & Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Cleveland State Unviersity
Carol Rini
Friend of the Academy
Maureen Wenmoth
Longview Marketing
Terry Fergus
FSM Capital Management
Cathy and Dr. Mike Gallagher, DDS
Westpark Dental Associates, Inc.
Barbara Draves
The Surgery Centers
Eileen Baugh Biehl J’75
Friend of the Academy
Cristin Slesh
Foundation Management Services, Inc.
Dan Malley
Malley’s Chocolates
Kathleen Durkin Ferry J’77
Telefast Industries, Inc.
Miriam Lugo
Friend of the Academy
Felicia Gonzalez Soto J’89
Vice President, Operations Manager
JP Morgan Chase
Dale and Linda Doller Gabor N’66
St. Ignatius High School
Friends of the Academy
Janet Fleischhacker, CSJ
Executive Director
CSJ Ministries
Bill Gress
Associate Director
CSJ Ministries
Mike Cleary
Executive Director
St. Augustine Hunger Center
Celebrate the Academy 2009 “
nce again Saint Joseph Academy’s
friends joined together for a
magical night of celebration!
Nearly 400 guests enjoyed our annual dinner
and auction to support scholarships and
academic initiatives. The evening was elegant,
as we tipped our chapeau to France, where
the Congregation of St. Joseph was founded.
This year’s chairs Marcia Rocco
Rahman J’81 and Marion Keefe, along with
a committee of volunteers, did a spectacular
job putting together live and silent auction
A special thanks to our many generous
Medaille Shield Award recipients Lori and Tom Hanson
with Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis J’71
Co-chairs Marion Keefe and Marcia Rocco Rahman J’81 with their husbands
Michael and Todd.
Freshmen Megan Scelza, Maggie Boyer and Emma Ryan
greet guests as Academy Ambassadors
Senior Halley Daniels
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Fairview Hospital President Janice Murphy (center) with Jesse and Michelle
“Vive La France!”
underwriters and sponsors, especially Don
and Mary Smetana Kolick J’83 and
Kolick’s Jewelers who donated a beautiful
Cartier women’s watch and a Cartier pen.
And “merci” to Dan Malley and Malley’s
Chocolates, for providing a sweet favor for all
attendees and a special live auction experience.
Academy President Mary Ann CorriganDavis J’71 warmly greeted the guests and
thanked them for their commitment to the
young women who attend Saint Joseph
Academy. Student speaker Halley Daniels
J’09 spoke from her heart about her special
experience as a student over the past four
years. Her comments about overcoming
struggles and accomplishing her goals touched
everyone’s heart.
We also honored dear friends of the
Academy, Lori and Tom Hanson, with the
Medaille Shield award, given in tribute to
non-alumnae who have been extremely
supportive of Saint Joseph Academy’s
mission and programs.
Lori Hanson said of the recognition,
“Our family is blessed to be able to endow
a scholarship at SJA for young women
like Halley. This year, seventy-six students
applied for this scholarship, more than at
any other time. Each young woman wrote
a beautiful, compelling essay about need,
circumstance and how faith is so intrinsic to
the life of the Academy. Each essay was akin
to a love letter to their school, which is why
we remain involved today.”
Vive la France! was the most successful
event to date netting over $175,000. Mark
your calendar to join us on February 6, 2010.
If you have an interest in becoming involved
in next year’s Celebrate the Academy it is not
too soon to join the effort. Please contact,
Development Director Kathy Robinson, at
216.671.0166 or krobinson@sja1890.org.
Members of the Jazz Band left to right: Ashleigh Robertson
J’12, Lauren Gnall J’11 and Kristen Herrmann J’09
Cecilia’s Song, left to right are: Mary
Kostell J’10, Molly Maloney J’10, Erica
Krasienko J’09, Becca Skrha J’09, Maddy
Griffith J’09, Maddy Lanning J’12, Sara
Masterson J’11, Idaliz Baez J’09, Magan
Yantko J’10, Kayte Tuleta J’10, Samantha
Manzuk J’09 and Helen Reinhold J’10
Sisters of St. Joseph, L to R: Seated; Patricia Finn CSJ, Mary Clare Moran CSJ J’45, Standing;
Joyce Joecken CSJ N’61, Jacqueline Goodin CSJ, Kathleen Carey CSJ J’49, Theresa Hafner
CSJ, Thelma Gerhart CSJ, Judy McGuire CSJ J’57, Pat Kozak CSJ J’64.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Spo tlight : N ur ses
urses dispense so much more than just medicine, making this noble
profession as much a calling as it is a career. Because so many SJA
alumnae have gone on to become nurses – hundreds, in fact – we will
highlight more nurses in future issues of Update.
We invite all our alumnae nurses to register on our website at
www.sja1890.org to update your information and join your class group.
Let us know about your career and other alumnae who are doing incredible
work in the nursing field. As always, we love to hear from you!
Jennifer Neil Andrey J’79
Jennifer Andrey was not going to be a
nurse. “My mom is a nurse, and because
that was her profession, I was not interested,” she says.
When she went to college at the
University of Toledo, Jennifer majored in
theatre and later switched to business but
soon realized that neither was a good fit. She
ultimately took a test through the guidance
office to give her some direction as to what
kind of work she would be suited for. The
result? Nursing.
It was an “ah ha” moment for Jennifer –
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
and an “I-told-you-so” moment for her mother.
Today Jennifer works as Director for
Cardiac Program Development for Fairview,
Lakewood and Lutheran Hospitals, part of
the Cleveland Clinic Health System. She is
responsible for cardiac outpatient programs
as well as quality indicators and quality
management of the Division of Cardiology.
She has been a nurse practitioner for 20
years. A nurse practitioner is an advance
practice nurse who, through further training
and clinical experience, can diagnose and treat
through a collaborative agreement with a
physician. She went through MetroHealth
Medical Center’s certificate program, then
went on to obtain her master’s degree in
nursing from Case Western Reserve University.
In thinking back on her career, which
included time spent in the ER and internal
medicine as well as specialty areas such as
ear/nose/throat and cardiology, Jennifer says
becoming a nurse practitioner was her most
rewarding professional accomplishment. “It
allows me to utilize some skills at a higher
level,” she says. “I can work more autonomously and use more critical thinking.”
Jennifer feels what she brings to nursing
is a level of insight. “I tend to think of
myself as someone who can listen,” she says.
From the first dying patient she cared
for to the first baby she helped deliver,
Cheryl O’Malley has repeatedly discovered that being a nurse feeds her passion
for people. Over the years she’s been able
to help others live to their fullest capacity
or die with dignity.
Administering to that first dying
patient years ago and dealing with the
family had a profound effect on her. “The
experience made me reflect on how I
She believes healthcare is largely language
interpretation – an art of understanding
what doctors and patients are saying and
translating accordingly.
She finds the personal satisfaction in
nursing phenomenal. Nurses make a huge
difference at moments when someone really
needs a difference made – when they’re
vulnerable. As advocates for patients, nurses
make sure they don’t fall through the cracks.
Jennifer credits SJA for teaching her
about service to others, such as giving back
to your community and helping others – a
work ethic that goes hand-in-hand with
Her favorite memories of SJA are from
the Drama Club and participating in plays
with the students at St. Ed’s. She also
remembers Mary Ann Fischer J’66 as her
favorite teacher and Sister Nancy Conway,
CSJ J’65 as teaching her to love languages.
Jennifer has two daughters: Molly, 19,
who goes to Bowling Green, and Hannah,
17, who is a senior in high school.
Cheryl Hagan O’Malley J’77
would want my loved one to be treated,” she
says. And she took to heart what her mother
had once told her: that at the time of death,
the Lord is very near. Drawing on her
spirituality to help families during their time
of grief has been an integral part of her
approach to nursing.
Cheryl has been with the Cleveland
Clinic Health System for 16 years and, for
the last three years, has served as Director of
Medical-Surgical Nursing at Fairview
Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic facility.
According to Cheryl, she didn’t want to
go to college initially. But her father insisted
she get an education, so she earned a
bachelor’s degree in psychology from
Ursuline College in 1982 and a bachelor’s
degree in nursing in 1984. She went on to
receive her master’s degree in nursing in
2006 from the University of Phoenix.
Nursing is a family affair for Cheryl.
Earlier in her career, she worked closely with
two of her sisters, also registered nurses. She
recalls their many fun nights together, and
their patients were always well cared for.
Today, the three ladies work in the same
facility, though not together.
She says one of the many rewards of
being a nurse is that no two days are alike
and you’re always learning something new.
She also finds it a humbling profession
because you are taking care of people –
patients and their families – at their most
Cheryl cites integrity, compassion,
empathy and a good sense of humor as
essential qualities to have as a nurse. A
nurturing personality and critical thinking
skills are also important.
“My years at SJA taught me the
importance of family, faith and friendship. I
made – and have maintained – many
friendships from SJA.” And she learned
many important life lessons during her time
there: to stand up for what she believes is
right, to not let anyone tell her she cannot
reach her goals, and that through prayer,
anything is possible. She also learned the
value of hard work and integrity.
She recalls Sr. Patricia Finn CSJ and
Sr. Miriam Therese Ebenger CSJ as very
influential women. Sr. Patricia was the
principal at the time and reminded Cheryl
to choose her friends wisely. And St. Miriam
Therese, who worked in the attendance
office, was known to Cheryl as Aunt Barb
and was someone she regarded with much
Her favorite memories of high school
included walking down Rocky River Drive
at graduation wearing the long white gowns
and carrying roses and walking through the
tunnel from the school to the mother house
singing “Goin’ to the Chapel.”
Cheryl has been married for almost 27
years to Terry O’Malley. They have four
children: Matthew, 25; Marty, 23; Bridgid,
21; and Sarah, 18.
When she’s not on the hospital floor,
Cheryl can be found on the dance floor, as
she is an accomplished ballroom dancer.
Maureen Reidy Burger J’74
When Maureen Burger received a DAISY
Award in December 2006, she was humbled.
This honor reinforced not only what she loves
about nursing, but validated what she believes
she brings to the profession: excellence in
patient care. Established in 2000, the DAISY
Award is a program in medical facilities across
the country to recognize nurses. Nominations
come from nurse administrators, peers,
physicians, patients and their families. The
DAISY Award has been bestowed on over
3000 nurses since its inception.
Maureen currently works two part-time
positions: as a consultant for the Joint
Commission Resources and as a staff nurse
for The Christ Hospital. In her consultant
role, she focuses on helping healthcare
organizations meet or exceed standards for
continuous service readiness. And as a staff
nurse, she’s worked for the past three years
with recovering open heart surgery patients
in the cardiovascular intensive care unit.
She’s held a wide range of clinical and
administrative roles, including Chief
Nursing Officer, throughout her 32 years as
a nurse. But her passion for patient advocacy and clinical excellence, combined with
an enriched viewpoint of healthcare, led her
back to clinical practice in 2005.
According to Maureen, she always knew
she would be a nurse. “I never really
considered any other professions,” she says.
She graduated from Case Western
Reserve University in 1989 with a master’s
degree in critical care nursing. This
accomplishment became a stepping stone to
positions with progressively more
responsibility for patients and staff – and
the opportunity to influence patient care
from a wider perspective.
Her advice to those considering a career in
nursing? Spend some time volunteering or
working in a healthcare setting. Good communication skills, persistence, compassion and
empathy are important qualities to have, and
she also recommends getting a four-year degree.
Reflecting back on her high school years,
Maureen remembers not being a particularly
serious student, but having fun in theatre
activities with Mrs. Mary Bill J’42 at SJA
and Mr. Murphy at St. Ignatius. Influential
teachers included Mrs. MaryLou Halligan,
who led the Future Healthcare Careers Club,
and Miss Rosemary Hansen N’60, who
taught physics and got her into an extracurricular advanced physics course. “And who
would have guessed typing class with Mr.
John Kunikis would come in so handy years
later,” she says laughingly.
Maureen has been married to Greg
Burger since 1993 and resides in Cincinnati,
Ohio. They enjoy golf, traveling and
thoroughbred horse racing. Maureen is also
an avid cyclist and has ridden her bike across
Iowa, and in other long distance bike rides.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Regional Alumnae Visits
The alumnae community of Saint Joseph Academy
continues to grow across the country and beyond!
Once again, alumnae in Florida invited President
Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis J’71 to join them to share
the good news of the Academy. During the five-day trip
in February, Mary Ann met with over 30 alumnae in
different cities. Events included a luncheon in Naples
generously hosted by Mary Lou Wasmer Durkin
J’54 and Barbara McEntee Durkin J’53, as well as a
gathering graciously hosted by Kay Lockwood Allen
J’51 in Fort Lauderdale. All enjoyed reconnecting with
each other and the Academy.
In March, Mary Ann and Alumnae Director Mary
Ann Fischer J’66 attended a recital given by Laura
Simna J’03, daughter of Victoria Marra Simna
N’74. Laura’s performance was part of earning her
double master’s degree in musical performance and
musical education from Ohio State University. (Bravo,
Laura!) The musical treat was preceded by brunch
with alumnae living in the Columbus area. Later that
month, Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis took time out to
meet with alumnae who live in the Phoenix and Tucson
areas while visiting there. Mary Ann plans to meet with
Front row left to right: Ann Schneider Campbell J’57, Deborah Williams Wiley N’68,
Dr. Laurel Retay-Nagle N’65. Back row left to right: Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis
J’71, Gayle Hubbard Campbell J’60, Kristen Case J’03, Robyn Robey Kwast
J’80, Beth Heffernan Broome J’80, Angela Sweeney Miller J’90, Eileen Corrigan
Smoot J’74
alumnae living in Colorado in July when she attends
the wedding of her niece Megan Corrigan J’01 in
Denver. If you live near the Denver area, look for an
invitation in the coming months.
These trips serve an essential purpose of keeping
our alumnae connected to Academy and the important
work of building alumnae communities across the
country. If you live in any of these regions or winter
in Florida or Arizona, please contact Alumnae Director
Mary Ann Fischer J’66 so we can update our records
and ensure you are invited to a regional alumnae event
in the future.
Front row: Victoria Marra Simna N’74, Erin Hritz Nance J’00, Mary
Ann Corrigan-Davis J’71, Colleen Jones Porter J’84
Standing: Marie Donofrio Rutkowski J’95, Mary Ann Fischer J’66,
Anne Brennan Raderstorf J’74, Kathleen Gurnick Arendt N’66,
Mary Lou Griffin Kistner J’58, Laura Kistner Batchelder J’80, Sarah
Gabel Branam J’99
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Legacy Breakfast
On March 10, 2009 sixteen
members of the Class of 2009
enjoyed their last legacy
breakfast with their mothers
and/or grandmothers who are
alumnae. The spirit was high as
so many of the alumnae knew
each other from their years in
school or from previous legacy
breakfasts. In their time with
SJA President Mary Ann
Corrigan-Davis J’71, the
alumnae shared news of
college plans for their daughter
or granddaughter and heard
updates on what is new at the
Academy. Everyone seemed to
really relish this opportunity to
visit one more time before the
seniors become alumnae
Row 1: Kristen Herrmann, Rebecca Leusch, Megan Stefancin, Kaitlyn Roudebush, Anne Marie O’Toole, Megan
Sanniti, Megan Masella, Alexandra McGinness, Molly Sweeney, Elizabeth Klein
Row 2: Teresa Mangan, Ann Fox Stefancin J’80, Margaret Smith Roudebush J’79, Maryclare
McManamon Mangan J’49, Carole Reitz O’Toole J’51, Jeannette Gedeon, Elizabeth Canty Kennedy J’53,
Louise Gerbasi Seeholzer J’50, Bride Ann Gallagher Sweeney J’50, Colleen Gallagher
Row 3: Maura Heffernan, Anne Kowalski Herrmann J’82, Anne Chambers Gallagher J’81, Pam Staebler
Marlowe J’76, Joan Jereb Heffernan J’78, Celeste McCrone Peck N’71, Norine Gedeon Sanniti J 76,
Anne Taylor Leusch J’78, Caitlin Peck, Judy Fisher Klein J’78, Kelsey Robertson, Cassandra Schwartz
Robertson J’84, Kate Dempsey Sweeney J’81, Kara Marlowe
An Evening of Reflection
Alumnae Basketball Game
Front row: Karen Carleton Peterkoski J’91, holding Samantha
Peterkoski J’2023, Denise Tinnirello Chomoa J’78,Christine Vokaty
Becker J’82, Tressa Satanek Kemer J’91, Jennifer Kemer J’91,
Allison Huber Motz J’91. Second row: Angela Tutak J’95, Marie
Donofrio Rutkowski J’95, Stephanie Douglas Gargiulo J’88, Molly
MacBrideJ’01, Terri Malisheski Costanzo J’79, Terese Pultz-Loudner
J’89, Maureen Fallon Adler J’79. Back row: Terri Siegwarth J’84,
Tammy Czarny J’92, Danyelle Skrletts Anderson J’88, Kathy Geiger
Anzalone J’80, Denise Legg J’91, Teresa Baddour Hooper J’80, Barb
Mullin Votruba J’78, Rosanne Tinnirello Kelley J’76, Jill Satanek
Garlock J’92, Maryann Marek, Bre Kreuz J’05, Stacy Barlock J’91,
Aubrey Glover J’91, Tobey Douglas Hanna J’94.
The alumnae basketball game is an annual match of graduates of odd
versus even graduation years. The teams were evenly matched in terms
of numbers of players, but the odds outmatched the evens in scoring,
as they won (again!) 44 – 14. Good sportsmanship prevailed, and
the real winner was the Don Kostell Scholarship Fund as donations
that day topped $1000. It was a fun day for the players, spectators,
and children of alums who took the floor during the break in action
to show off their developing skills in making baskets. After the game,
there was time for refreshments, family and friends.
Mary Schrader, CSJ J’61, Janet Moore, OSU and Pat Kozak, CSJ J’64
More than one hundred women gathered on the evening of
March 31 to reflect, pray, and to be inspired. Following a light
supper, Sr. Pat Kozak, CSJ J’64 led the group in a beautiful prayer
and reflection. The attendees then moved on to their choice of
three speakers. Sr. Pat Kozak spoke on “Jesus for Adults,” Sr.
Mary Schrader, CSJ J’61 presented “The Thirteenth Station: We
Are the Compassion of Christ in the World Today,” and Sr. Janet
Moore, OSU led her groups in using “Classical Music as a Bridge to
Contemplation and Prayer.” The attendees thoroughly enjoyed the
evening as they were enriched in body, mind, and spirit.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Dana Care ’09
In a school like Saint Joseph Academy, the faculty, staff, students,
and parents interact so often that bonds are formed, making
us a community. And when one of us becomes seriously ill, the
community comes together.
In January, Saint Joseph Academy came together for one of
its students when senior Dana Care lost her courageous two-year
battle with cancer. The news most feared was realized when Dana
developed an infection during the course of her treatment and
passed away the morning of January 26, 2009.
Dana, daughter of Dave and Patty Hauck Care J’77, was diagnosed with Ewing’s
sarcoma two years ago. It started with a sore muscle in her upper right thigh. Our school
athletic trainer Kristen Archal recommended she see a doctor right away. A soft tissue
tumor was found, and after many tests and scans, it was found to be malignant. Dana
remained positive and strong after her parents shared the news. She assured them that
she was going to be okay. In fact, Dana assured everyone!
Dana worked with an amazing team of doctors and nurses from the Cleveland Clinic
who helped her fight the disease. She underwent chemotherapy and radiation from
the end of her sophomore year through the beginning of her junior year – all the while
keeping up with her studies as her friends supported her.
During Paws for Pride Day sophomore year, the class of 2009 showed their support
as they surrounded Dana, opened up
umbrellas and sang the hip-hop song
“Umbrella,” which says,
“When the sun shines, we’ll
shine together... I’ll always be a
friend... Now that it’s raining
more than ever, know that we’ll
still have each other. You can
stand under my umbrella.”
Last September, at the beginning of
her senior year, Dana began experiencing more pain. She underwent more chemo and
radiation and another surgery on her leg from the original tumor. But it was not to be.
Dana was one of those gifted girls – friendly, athletic, caring, and above all funny.
Dana played softball and was the catcher on Saint Joseph Academy Varsity Fast Pitch
Softball team and played volleyball. She also belonged to the Ohio Emeralds, a fast pitch
travel team. She was an excellent student, a member of the Kairos team, S.A.D.D. and
National Honor Society, and a friend to all.
As the school community of Saint Joseph Academy came together, we celebrated
Dana – her friendships, her accomplishments and her short life. A school Mass was
celebrated by Bishop Roger Gries and her parish priest, Fr. Greg Schaut of St. Patrick’s
(West Park). Friends decorated the Academy Center with posters expressing their
thoughts and feelings about cancer and their friend.
Dana’s beautiful smile and positive attitude will always be remembered at Saint Joseph
Academy. In addition to her parents, Dana is survived by her brother Justin, grandparents
Ray and Margaret Hauck, and great aunt Sr. Marion Hauck, CSJ. A scholarship endowment
fund in memory of Dana Care has been established to help other young women attend
Saint Joseph Academy. If you would like to make a contribution in remembrance of Dana,
please call Development Director Kathy Robinson at 216. 251.6788 x218
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Frances Kuhn J’28
Mary Pierce Moran T’29
Catherine M. Prendergast T’30
Dolores Keefe Coffey T’31
Mary Schroeder Plumeck J’34
Ardell Finnigan Nalley J’38
Coletta Storey McGuire J’41
Marjorie Finnigan Meyer J’41
Kathleen Curtin Papp J’41
Ruth Rodgers, CSJ J’43
Gertrude Jones J’48
Rosemary Laskey Martin J’49
Rosemarie Ernst Symchock J’50
Rose Jasko Weisman J’50
Joanne Stercula McCafferty J’51
Mary Elizabeth Koenig Slattery J’52
Patricia Ann O’Malley Wilkolak J’53
Nancy Harrington Rowland J’54
Catherine Kettel Stefancin J’54
Joanne Fridrich J’55
Margaret Saunders McCarthy J’55
Karen Hayes Musser J’56
Mary K. Jecker O’Grodnick J’59
Donna LaJack Hinko J’60
Judith Sliwa Reitz N’62
Carolyn Hlavin J’63
Barbara Macken Althoff J’64
Janet Olschlager Loomis J’64
Rita Hart Hochman J’68
Elaine Ujczo N’70
Sheila Murray J’71
Bridget McCafferty-Mahoney J’73
Kathleen Hogan J’74
Wendy Lipstreu J’00
Eternal rest grant unto them O, Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
Marie Rodgers Furman J’38 on the death of
her husband, Edward R. Furman.
Katherine Berger Gavel J’53 on the death of
her husband, Nick “Mickey” Gavel.
Karen Dydo Levy N’61 on the death of her
father, Edmund Anthony Dydo.
Eileen Gibson Rutt J’40 on the death of her
husband and Kathleen Rutt J’71 on the death
of her father, Joseph W. Rutt.
Marilyn Lovell Ryser J’53 on the death of her
husband, James Ryser.
Joann Jecker Stenger J’63, Margaret
Jecker J’67, and Marian Jecker Sullivan
J’72 on the death of their sister, Mary K.
Jecker O’Grodnick J’59.
Helen Arth McConville J’41 on the death of
her husband, Robert C. McConville.
Dorothy Storey Downey J’42 on the death of
her sister, Coletta Storey McGuire J’41.
Patricia McCarty Urban J’42 on the death
of her son and Lyn Schraff Kelley J’74
and Jill Schraff J’78 on the death of their
brother, Jay P. Schraff.
Marguerite Fitzgerald Martin J’45 on the
death of her son and Nora Martin Carey J’80
on the death of her brother, Kevin C. Martin.
Carol Volk Simmerly J’45 on the death of her
husband and Mary Carol Simmerly Conway
J’74, Suzanne Simmerly Tippy J’82, and
Maureen Simmerly DeLorge J’84 on the
death of their father, Herbert A. Simmerly.
Audrey Bonyko Wolff J’53 on the death of her
husband, Patrick L. Wolff.
Kathleen Keaveny Conkle J’54 on the death
of her husband, Raymond Conkle.
Carol Constantino Trigg J’54 and Dolores
Constantino Williams J’59 on the death of
their mother, Mildred Constantino.
Dolores Ernst Visk J’54 and Elizabeth Ernst
Drobnak J’55 on the death of their sister,
Rosemarie Ernst Symchock J’50.
Maxine Mossbruger Hoehn J’56, Carol
Mossbruger Sabol J’65, and Susan
Mossbruger Nichols J’66 on the death
of their mother, Marie Mossbruger.
Jeanette Fridrich J’57 on the death of her
sister, Joanne Fridrich J’55.
Joan Marquard Bennett J’46 and Lois
Marquard Vysoky J’56 on the death of their
brother, Robert J. Marquard.
M. Barbara Pfefferl McIntyre J’57 on
the death of her husband and Patricia
McIntyre Wilber J’56 on the death of her
brother, Bart T. McIntyre.
Lucy Brannigan Hoban J’46 on the death of
her son and Kathleen Hoban Reisner J’70 on
the death of her brother, Fr. Robert L. Hoban.
Mary Lou Wagner Budek J’58 on the death
of her husband, Joseph A. Budek.
Ruth Hauenstein Wiemer J’47 on the death
of her husband, Raymond Wiemer.
June McNeeley Sheehe J’48 on the death
of her daughter, Gail Mary Stern.
Sally Dolan Hart J’49 on the death of her
husband, William Hart.
Marie Grodzinski Mayton T’49 on the death
of her daughter, Bonnie Horvath.
Loretta Fox Murray J’49 on the death of
her husband, Eugene Murray.
Carol Steigerwald Eucker J’51 on the death of
her husband and Mary Ellen Eucker Smith
J’83 on the death of her father, Willus Edward
Eucker, Sr.
Catherine Stepko Uzl J’52, Margaret Stepko
Lohn J’56, and Susan Stepko Nelson J’66 on
the death of their mother, Jeanette Stepko.
Kathleen Betz J’59 on the death of her sister,
Barbara Nobles.
Diane Callomon Manzo J’60 and Gayle
Callomon Carr J’62 on the death of their
mother, Margaret Callomon.
Patricia Murray Tomcho J’60, Peggy Murray
Ledger J’65, and Eileen Murray J’67 on the
death of their sister, Sheila Murray J’71.
Kathleen Fedor Murphy N’60 on the death of
her brother, Thomas Fedor.
Bethanne Coffey J’61 and Donamarie Coffey
Russo J’63 on the death of their mother,
Dolores Keefe Coffey T’31.
Chris Ann Miller MacGregor J’61, Maggie
Miller Kubovchik J’65, Mary Eileen Miller
J’69, Therese Miller Kehoe J’71, and Patricia
Miller Flesch J’74 on the death of their
brother, Daniel Miller.
Maureen Kearns Garabis J’65 on the death of
her husband, Francisco Garabis, III.
Maureen Hughes Koma J’65, Patricia
Hughes Novak J’67, Kathy Hughes
J’68, Sheila Hughes J’72, and Shannon
Hughes Seikel J’85 on the death of their
mother, Elizabeth Ann Hughes.
Elaine Therese (Terri) Olschlager
Shawhan J’65 on the death of her sister,
Janet Olschlager Loomis J’64.
Elaine Zunt Trapp J’65 on the death of her
brother, Ronald Zunt.
Joanne Delsky Guta N’65 and Susan Delsky
Marolt N’68 on the death of their mother,
Anne Delsky.
Margaret O’Malley Strachan N’65 on the
death of her sister, Mary Ann O’Malley.
Roberta Pfeil Collins J’66 on the death of her
father, Robert Pfeil.
Anne Marie Hart Monateri J’66 and Clare
Anne Hart Borsos J’81 on the death of their
sister, Rita Hart Hochman J’68.
Mary Anne Macken Hahn J’67 on the death
of her sister, Barbara Macken Althoff J’64.
Diane Hays Johnson J’67, Mary Hays
Schuster J’73, and Patricia Hays J’74 on the
death of their brother, Michael Hays.
Nance Verdell Szorady N’67 on the death of
her husband, Julius P. Szorady, Jr.
Judith Carson Kohring J’68, Diane
Carson Teater J’70, and Marie Carson
Jezeski J’75 on the death of their mother,
Margaret Louise Carson.
Colleen Rancour McQuaid J’68, Susan
Rancour Higgins J’72, Mary Ellen
Rancour Bringman J’74, and Denise
Rancour Blackburn J’76 on the death of
their brother, John Rancour.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Donna Schultz N’68, Saint Joseph Academy
English teacher, on the death of her mother,
Rita Schultz.
Anna Ament J’69 on the death of her mother,
Louise Ament.
Maureen McCafferty Arbeznik J’69 on the
death of her brother and Kelsi McCafferty J’12
on the death of her father, Daniel F. McCafferty.
Jo Ann Lukes Murphy N’69 and Rosemary
Lukes Bender N’75 on the death of their
father, Richard T. Lukes.
Donita Palmer N’69 on the death of her
mother, Dorothy Palmer.
Linda Zimmer N’69, Lorraine Zimmer
N’70, and Joan Zimmer Rubenking N’73
on the death of their father, Bernard Zimmer.
Mary Kay McCafferty J’70 on the death of
her sister, Bridget McCafferty-Mahoney J’73.
Diane Hones Murray J’72 on the death of her
husband, Gary L. Murray.
Mary Beth Dasinger Warnke J’72 on the
death of her father, Henry Dasinger.
Marjorie Miketo Caughey N’72, Patricia
Miketo N’74, Karen Miketo Gaski N’76,
Laura Miketo Mitchell N’78, Marita Miketo
Pompeani N’79, and Mariellen Miketo
Morgano J’84 on the death of their father,
Edward J. Miketo.
Patricia Hauck Care J’77 on the death of
her daughter, Dana Marie Care J’09.
Nancy Zahara Brugh J’79 on the death of
her father, Lewis J. Zahara, Sr.
Maureen Hogan Loeser J’82 on the death
of her sister, Kathleen Hogan J’74.
Denise DeWerth Steve J’83 on the death of
her mother, Beatrice DeWerth.
Ursula Vecchio Grendell J’84 on the death
of her son, Nicholas Charles Rauser.
Stephanie Cupak Kaine J’84, Christine
Cupak Moorehead J’87, and Susan
Cupak J’94 on the death of their father,
Stephen Cupak.
Mary Riccardi Kessler J’84, Mary
Catherine Riccardi J’87, Martha Riccardi
Wood J’93, Michelle Riccardi J’93, and
Marianne Riccardi J’96 on the death of
their father, James D. Riccardi.
Cassandra Schwartz Robertson J’84,
Jennifer Schwartz Garcia J’94, and Hilary
Schwartz Keberdle J’96 on the death of
their mother, Mary Schwartz.
Jennifer Sears Matousek J’85 on the death
of her mother, Jane Ellen Sears.
Supriya Ghose Culliton J’86 on the death
of her father, Harold Ghose.
Cheryl Gallagher Neforos J’73 on the death
of her father, James J. Gallagher.
Joan McCafferty Urban J’86 on the
death of her mother, Joanne Stercula
McCafferty J’51.
Diane Vale Suhay J’73 on the death of her
father, George E. Vale.
Marilyn Scott J’87 on the death of her
father, Arthur Scott.
Mary Ellen Pennock Ryan N’73 on the death
of her brother, Thomas Pennock.
Cynthia Kocsmar Belle J’90 on the death
of her father, Alexander Kocsmar.
Kathleen Slattery Daney J’75 on the death of
her mother and Kathleen Koenig Hines J’51,
Joan Koenig Colwell J’55, Margaret Koenig
J’61, and Helen Koenig Keilman J’63 on the
death of their sister, Mary Elizabeth Koenig
Slattery J’52.
Nancy Rofail J’06 on the death of her
mother, Victoria Rofail.
Mary Anne Ellert Rolph J’75 on the death of
her father, George C. Ellert.
Mike Kunikis, Saint Joseph Academy
Social Studies teacher, on the death of his
mother, Anna Kunikis.
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Leanne Gilgenbach, Saint Joseph Academy Librarian, on the death of her father,
James Albert Pennetti.
Kathleen Carey, CSJ J’49, (formerly Sr. Mary
Terence), was presented with the St. Ignatius of
Antioch Service Award for her years of teaching
service to the school. The award was presented
at Boulevard Bash, the school’s annual dinner
and fundraiser, on October 18, 2008. Sr.
Kathleen was honored for her nine years of
service, from 1952 to 1961.
Shirley Frindt Chambers J’49 was recently
honored as the 2009 Irish Mother of the
Year by the United Irish Societies.
SJA Class of 1951 will continue to have
their lunch date once a month at Gene’s Place
at Kamm’s Corners. They will meet there at
11:30am, but are changing the day to the last
Monday of the month. They hope that
changing it to this day will make it possible
for more of their classmates to attend.
Corita Ambro, CSJ J’53 was honored by
Cleveland City Council for her nearly forty
years of service to the St. Augustine Hunger
Center in the Tremont neighborhood of
Cleveland. Sr. Corita and Fr. Joe McNulty,
pastor of St. Augustine’s, were presented with a
resolution naming the corner of West 14th Street
and Howard Avenue after them at a ceremony
held on November 2, 2008. Councilman Joe
Cimperman, who has worked with Sr. Corita
for many years, presented the resolution.
SJA Class of 1953 will hold their next
luncheon on June 18, 2009 at 1:00pm at
Jack’s Steakhouse at the Marriott (West
150th St.). Contact Donna Smith
McCafferty J’53 (216-941-7298) or Peg
McIntyre J’53 (440-239-1683). Please
plan to attend and catch up on class news.
At their last luncheon, Shirley Lasky Wolfe
J’53 collected donations for turkeys for the
St. Augustine Center and Corita Ambro,
CSJ J’53 shared stories of her work there.
Patricia McHale, CSJ J’56 was featured in
an article by Denise Ellsworth, horticultural
columnist, for the Akron Beacon Journal.
Sr. Pat recently retired after many years in
the Activities Department at Regina Health
Center in Richfield, Ohio. While there, she
worked with Ms. Ellsworth and other
master gardeners to create a beautiful garden
for the center. When Ms. Ellsworth heard
of Sr. Pat’s retirement, she decided to devote
a column to her.
Barbara Singer Miller J’56 received the Sr.
Kathleen Kilbane, CSJ Award from the West
Side Catholic Center in recognition of her
thirty-two years of dedicated service to the
center. She, along with Sr. Kathleen
Kilbane, CSJ J’52, was a member of a group
of church leaders and volunteers who
gathered in 1977 to explore the growing need
for an institution to provide for the
increasing number of homeless and poor on
the near west side of Cleveland. The result
was the opening of the West Side Catholic
Center. Barbara has served as board
president and as a loyal volunteer. She has
directed the kitchen, which continues to
serve increasing numbers each year.
Priscilla Saxton, CSJ J’58 was honored by
Catholic Charities Health and Human
Services in Cleveland for her outstanding
contribution to CCHHS and to the people
they serve. Sr. Priscilla has worked at St.
Augustine Manor since October of 2006.
She was presented the St. Elizabeth of
Hungary Award at the 9th Annual Employee
Recognition Awards on November 14, 2008,
presided over by Bishop Richard Lennon.
Daneen Georgy Warner J’66 received her
MDiv and ThM at Duke Divinity School
and completed a one year residency as a
hospice/palliative care chaplain at Moses
Cone Health System in Greensboro, North
Carolina. Daneen’s thesis on death and
dying, written while the Westbrook Scholar
at Duke’s Institute on Care at the End of
Life, has been edited into a book, “Life,
Death and Christian Hope,” published by
Paulist Press.
Anne Bill Foradori J’73 directed “Amahl
& the Night Visitors” at the University of
Nebraska’s Kearney Recital Hall in
November of 2008. Anne’s updated version
of the play, changing the setting to the time
of the Depression, was a big hit.
Tiffany Jarus Koppenhofer J’01 married
Eric Koppenhofer on June 14, 2008. Her
maid of honor was Kristen Kirchendorfer
J’01, and her bridesmaids included Amy
Valentine J’01, Kim Arth J’01, and Bridget
Buttolph J’01. Tiffany currently teaches
kindergarten in North Carolina.
Catherine Corrigan Tompkins J’87 was
recently elected to partnership at Squire
Sanders & Dempsey LLP. Kate is a public
finance lawyer in the Cleveland office, who
represents governmental entities and private
companies with economic development
projects and public-private partnerships.
Angela Tutak J’95 went on a medical
mission in October of 2008 to Santa Maria
de Jesus, Guatemala. Angela did fisioterapia
(physical therapy) and she, along with the
physicians, nurses, and other volunteers, was
able to help 2,229 patients. “Helping
Hands” is a Catholic medical mission, so the
group also did door-to-door evangelization
and other faith activities in the evenings and
on weekends. Anyone interested in hearing
more about Angela’s experience can email her
at angelatutak@hotmail.com.
Beth Stanek Reagan J’98 married James
Reagan on January 17, 2009. Bridesmaids
included Jessica Seeholzer J’98 and
Lisa Rea J’98.
Colleen Seto J’98 married her childhood
sweetheart, Jack, on October 20, 2007 at
the Franklin Park Conservatory. Sarah
English J’98 and Kelley Gorbett J’98 were
in attendance and Josephine Yuen J’98
served as one of the maids of honor.
Colleen and her husband currently reside
in Columbus, Ohio.
Holly Acklin Ahlman J’99 married Ryan
Ahlman on October 4, 2008. Many alumnae
took part in the ceremony, including Amanda
Kuntz Podhradsky J’99, Liz Conway J’99,
Charlotte Paulozzi Seith J’99, Jamie Acklin
J’02, and Melissa Kalt J’05.
Angela Sweeney Miller J’90 married John
Miller on September 20, 2008 at Our Lady of
Angels Church in Cleveland, Ohio. They
currently reside in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Laura Grabiec J’95 recently graduated
from U.S. Army Basic Combat Training at
Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Laura is
currently attending Advanced Individual
Training at Ft. Jackson, and will be
attending Airborne School at Ft. Benning,
Georgia this summer.
Jacki Vigh Hutchinson J’01 married Kevin
Hutchinson on July 13, 2007. Katie Maloney
J’01 was her maid of honor. Jacki has spent
the last three years working as a high school
English teacher in Washington, DC, and now
does educational programming at a museum.
Erin McAdams J’01 choreographed and
taught a liturgical dance to the SJA Dance
Team in October of 2008. Erin is a dance
teacher at Cleveland Ballet Conservatory
in North Royalton, Ohio.
Alyssa Wiegand J’02 has been promoted to
Merchandise Planner for Gap Body in the
San Francisco office of The Gap. Alyssa has
been with the company since graduating
from the University of Chicago with a BS
in Art History in 2006.
Julie Semenec J’06 taught a dance class to
the SJA Dance Team in December of 2008.
Julie is studying Dance Therapy and is
dancing for Eastern Michigan University.
Katie Berry J’07, a sophomore at Walsh
University, was named the American
Mideast Conference Women’s Basketball
Player of the Week in January of this year.
She was also named to the All American
Mideast Conference FIRST Team and was
awarded the Walsh University women’s
basketball team’s Most Valuable Player
Award for the second year in a row, and
given the Captain’s Award. Katie recently
met up with another SJA alumna, Erika
Falcone J’04, on opposite sides of the court.
Erika is a senior at Notre Dame College and
played Katie’s team in an American Mideast
Conference Game. After the game, both
players enjoyed a visit and learned they share
the same major, Special Education.
Donna Friedman J’08 made the Dean’s List
at Loyola University of Chicago for the fall
semester of 2008.
Grace Cleary J’04 has received a full
scholarship to the University of
Massachusetts to work on her Masters in
Saint Joseph
Joseph Academy
Academy UPDATE
Author, Author!
Two Saint Joseph Academy alumnae
have been published. Mary Brigid Barrett
J’73, President and Executive Director of
the National Children’s Book and Literacy
Alliance, has compiled “Our White House:
Looking In, Looking Out,” and
Sr. Mary Jane Masterson, CSJ J’46
(formerly Sr. Judith) has written and
published a biography, “One Nun’s Story.”
Mary Brigid developed the idea while
advocating at the White House for literacy,
literature and libraries. “We thought of it as a
creative solution to promote literacy, historical
literacy and civic engagement,” she said.
The book has been in the works for
eight years and has been named a “2009
Notable Book for Young People” by both
the American Library Association and the
National Council of Social Studies Teachers.
It has been named “Best Book of the Year”
by The Horn Book Magazine, School
Library Journal, Publisher’s Weekly and
Amazon. It has been featured on the
Martha Stewart Show and chosen
by the New York Times as one of the
eight best gift books of 2008, the only
one for young people on the list. And
former First Lady Laura Bush gave Malia
and Sasha Obama an autographed copy
when they visited the White House.
Dianne Anderson Bishop J’84
& Brad Bishop
a daughter, Olivia Marie,
born November 3, 2007;
adopted September 11, 2008
Mary Patricia Norton Rhea J’87
& Alan Rhea
a daughter, Katherine Mary,
born October 18, 2008
Noreen McCafferty Fay J’88
& Jim Fay
a son, Declan Thomas,
born December 29, 2008
Colleen Biggs Lull J’88
& Steve Lull
a daughter, Jaedyn Maria,
born November 19, 2008
Shari Furey Schrembeck J’91
& Stan Schrembeck
a son, Dalton James,
born September 20, 2008
Sr. Mary Jane Masterson’s book
documents a revealing journey that begins
with her birth, education (including here
at SJA as a student) and continues to the
present day. With honesty, openness and
humor, Sr. Mary Jane recounts her growingup years in an Irish Catholic family, and the
exciting road of renewal that she continues to
travel today.
Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ author of the
best seller “Dead Man Walking,” said in
her review, “She’s got a fantastic story to tell
about God’s unfurling grace in her life as a
nun. Not for just a decade or so-but sixty
years!-told simply and honestly from the
Her story movingly reflects her struggles,
her spiritual and intellectual growth, her joys
and her constant “yes” to her commitment.
“Our White House: Looking In, Looking
Out” is available at bookstores or Amazon.
com. “One Nun’s Story” is available at Sr.
Mary Jane’s website, maryjanemasterson.
com. or through the Saint Joseph Academy
bookstore at www.sja1890.org/bookstore.
Cari Readinger Henegar J’96
& Ron Henegar
a son, Nathan,
born April 14, 2008
Molly McCann Gumucio J’99
& Alex Gumucio
a son, Leo Alexander,
born December 21, 2008
Laura Jackson Siebert J’92 &
David Siebert
a son, Zachary David,
born April 22, 2008
Heather Brown Koranteng J’96
& Felix Koranteng
a daughter, Clara Louise,
born October 10, 2008
Megan Brenenstuhl Hengstler J’99
& Jacob Hengstler
a son, Kolton Maxwell,
born July 11, 2008
Rebecca Quinn Bryda J’94
& Jeffrey Bryda
a son, Luke Jeffrey,
born September 15, 2008
Molly Stubner Jeffrey J’97
& Jim Jeffrey
a daughter, Morgan Theresa,
born August 12, 2008
Kristen Lutz Marshall J’99
& Tim Marshall
a son, Carter,
born July 9, 2008
Amy Goede Cruickshank J’94
& Jason Cruickshank
a son, Samuel John,
born December 23, 2008
Megan Pescho Nicolette J’97
& Edward Nicolette
a son, Alexander Joseph,
born April 9, 2008
Kathleen Amos Negrey J’00
& Jason Negrey
a daughter, Kiley Alexa,
born November 2, 2008
Aimee Misconish Andrich J’96
& Brian Andrich
a daughter, Isabelle Grace,
born January 21, 2008
Devin Kyle Healy J’97
& Paul Healy
a son, Andrew John,
born January 2, 2009
Marcy Acklin J’01
a son, Noah,
born May 4, 2008
Kristina Buckley Craig J’96
& Adam Craig
a son, Zachary Adam,
born November 13, 2008
Meghan Blayney Hanna J’98
& Joel Hanna
twin sons, Colin Raymond and Shaun
Douglas, born February 16, 2009
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Tracy DiBiasio Noga J’01
& Stephen Noga
a daughter, Lauren Michelle,
born October 15, 2008
Megan Amos Barrow J’05
& Jarrod Barrow
a daughter, Madelyn Kathleen,
born November 29, 2008
2 0 0 9
Sports Camps
She shoots, she scores! Join our coaches and players
to improve your ball-handling, shooting, passing, and
rebounding skills. Participate in exciting games, drills,
contests, and prizes!
Session 1: June 22-25, 2009, 8:30am-12pm,
girls entering grades 3-5, $75
(registration deadline – June 8, 2009)
Session 2: June 22-25, 2009, 12:30pm-4pm,
girls entering grades 6-8, $75
(registration deadline – June 8, 2009)
Session 3: July 13-16, 2009, 8:30am-12pm,
girls entering grades 6-8, $75
(registration deadline – June 29, 2009)
Session 4: July 13-16, 2009, 12:30pm-4pm,
girls entering grades 3-5, $75
(registration deadline – June 29, 2009)
Our ‘goal’ is to keep your existing soccer skills fresh
and learn new skills from our SJA soccer players and
coaches. Focus on dribbling, passing, receiving, and
shooting for all skill levels.
June 22-25, 2009, 3pm-6pm,
girls entering grades 4-8, $75
(registration deadline - June 8, 2009)
Cross Country
Our state-ranked cross country team and coach Fred
Kieser (past participant in the US Marathon Olympic
Trials and winner of the Cleveland Marathon) will help
you burn past the competition in the fall.
July 27-30, 2009, 9am-12pm,
boys and girls entering grades 4-8, $75
(registration deadline – July 13, 2009)
Get ‘set’ to ‘serve’ up improved skills next time you step
on the court. You’ll ‘dig’ our SJA volleyball coaching
staff and players while focusing on individual skills,
basic defense and team offense.
Session 1: June 15-18, 2009, 8am-11am,
girls entering grades 4-6, $75
(registration deadline – June 1, 2009)
Session 2: June 15-18, 2009, 12pm-3pm,
girls entering grades 7-8, $75
(registration deadline – June 1, 2009)
Session 3: June 15-18, 2009, 5pm-8pm,
girls entering grade 9, $75
(registration deadline – June 1, 2009)
Arts & Enrichment Camps
“Acting out” (and much more!) is encouraged at this camp where you will learn
about the many aspects of the theater, including auditioning, acting, stage craft,
make-up, costumes, playwriting, and production. Campers show off these
newly-acquired skills in an original show that they write and produce.
July 6-24, 2009, 12:30pm-3:30pm, girls entering grades 5-9, $265
(registration deadline – June 22, 2009) Note: camp fee includes the
cost of a field trip to the Cleveland Play House
Digital Music Mixing
Students will use Mixcraft Multi-Track Recording Studio to create a personalized mix of
custom sounds, including precise loops from pre-recorded songs, in a variety of musical styles.
You’ll have all the necessary tools you need for pre-mixing, mixing down and creating your
own professional DJ mixes, choosing from an expansive library of instruments and sounds.
July 6-10, 2009, 9am-12pm, girls entering grades 4-8, $100
(registration deadline - June 22, 2009)
Let’s Dance
So you think you dance?! We know you can so why not join us for this camp?
Participants will learn choreography and technique including jazz, funk/hip-hop,
lyrical and musical theatre. Camp concludes with a student recital.
July 13-16, 2009, 9am-12pm, girls entering grades 4-8, $75
(registration deadline - June 29, 2009)
Digital Fashion Design
Students will explore many aspects of fashion design, including styles, trends, and
couture, and have the opportunity to take a design from concept to construction. See
your fashion ideas come to life using computer tools and software such as Graphire
drawing tablets, Microsoft PhotoStudio and Paint, Moviemaker and PhotoStory 3 for
Windows. You can showcase your designs with a narrated and/or musical slideshow of
your portfolio to take home on a CD and participate in a duct tape fashion competition! This program is designed to teach entrepreneurship and product development.
July 20-24, 2009, 9am-12pm, girls entering grades 4-8, $100
(registration deadline – July 6, 2009)
Two Weeks of Broadway
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway but you’ll shine brighter as you sing
and dance with us during this camp! You will enhance your individual strengths and
talents and showcase them in a Broadway–style musical revue.
Session 1: July 27-Aug. 7, 2009,
Session 2: July 27-Aug. 7, 2009,
girls entering grades 5-8, $215
girls entering grades 5-8, $215
(registration deadline - July 13, 2009)
(registration deadline - July 13, 2009)
Register before the deadline of the Camp you are attending.
For More Information or a Camp Brochure Call 216.251.4868
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
Joseph Academy UPDATE
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Address Correction Requested
Parents of Alumnae: If this publication is addressed to your daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home,
please notify the Alumnae Office at (216) 251-6788 X221, or write to us at 3430 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 44111.
If you enjoy reading UPDATE please let us know. We’ll be glad to send a copy to her and continue sending a copy to you.
Senior Farewell Mass & Alumnae Induction
All alumnae are invited to attend the Senior Farewell Mass and
Induction into the Alumnae Association on May 29, 2009 at
12:45pm at Our Lady of Angels Church.
Alumnae who attend will participate in a meaningful ceremony to
welcome the graduates into the Alumnae Association. Please call the
Alumnae Office at 216-251-6788 Ext. 245 if you plan to attend.
Golf Outing 2009
The Annual Golf Outing to benefit the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Fund will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2009, at Mallard Creek
Golf Course in Columbia Station. Golfers will play a scramble format.
The day includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Please mark your calendar now and watch for further details in the mail. This outing is open
to anyone who loves to golf and benefit a good cause! If you have never
golfed with us before and would like to join us this year, please call the
Alumnae Office at 216-251-6788 Ext. 245 for further information.
Day Trip to Lake Chautauqua
Back by popular demand! Mark your calendar for June 30, 2009!
We will visit Chautauqua Institution, have lunch at the historic
Athenaeum Hotel, cruise the lake on the Chautauqua Belle, and
visit Valvo’s Candy Store. Be sure to bring your walking shoes.
Arrangements by Nowak Tour & Travel. Cost is $105 (with $10 of
the ticket price benefitting the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship
Fund). Watch your mail for a reservation form. For additional
information please call the Alumnae Office at 216-251-6788 Ext. 245.
“Forbidden Broadway” at Huntington
The Alumnae Department is sponsoring a spring evening at Huntington Playhouse to see a performance of the lighthearted musical review,
“Forbidden Broadway,” on Thursday, May 28, 2009. We have reserved
the entire playhouse for this performance – general admission seating.
Cost is $18 per ticket. A wonderful pre-show reception will begin at
7:00pm and the show will begin at 8:00pm. Watch your mail for a
reservation form.
Grand Reunion 2009
All alumnae of SJA who graduated in a year ending with “4” or
“9” are invited to attend the Grand Reunion which will be held on
Saturday, October 10, 2009. The event will begin that afternoon at
SJA with time to visit with classmates and tour the school. Mass will
be celebrated at 4:00, followed by dinner at La Centre in Westlake.
Please mark your calendars now and watch for your invitation to
arrive at the end of the summer.
Register On-Line at www.sja1890.org/alumnae/alumnae events
Alumnae Hall of Fame 2010
The Alumnae Hall of Fame was established in 1990 to recognize the achievements of alumnae of Saint Therese Academy,
Nazareth Academy, and Saint Joseph Academy. The Induction Ceremony is a biennial event and will be held in the Spring of 2010.
If you know of an alumna who is deserving of this recognition, please obtain a nomination form by going to the SJA website
(www.sja1890.org) to download the nomination form, or call Alumnae Director Mary Ann Fischer J’66 at 216-251-6788
Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE
to have a nomination form mailed to you. Nomination forms must be submitted no later than November 13, 2009.