Effective and Efficient and Easy } Gather Existing Information from: } Colleagues and other universities } Google: Just type in: “Funding for…” or “Grants for…” } Grants.gov - www.grants.gov } Foundations/Corporations/Associations ◦ American Cancer Society, Microsoft, Assoc. for Women Journalists, etc. } Pivot/Community of Science - http://pivot.cos.com ◦ Register at: https://pivot.cos.com/register } SPIN – www.spin.infoedglobal.com ◦ Register at: www.infoed.org/genius_live/create_new.asp } } Some universities have created university public domain websites to identify funding opportunities by discipline, RPF dates, URL links to guidelines, and other related information. } University of Iowa Funding Opportunities Bulletin http://research.uiowa.edu/grantbulletin/index.php Arts & Humanities Biological Sciences International Interdisciplinary Physical and Mathematical Sciences Social Sciences UNIVERSITY OF IOWA } Iowa State University External Funding Sources http://www.vpresearch.iastate.edu/en/funding/ external_funding_sources/ } } } } } Arts & Humanities Community Development Curriculum Development Environmental and Life Sciences Graduate and Postdoc Funding IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Health Sciences International Opportunities Multidisciplinary Social Sciences } Cornell University: Graduate School Fellowship Database www.cuinfo.cornell.edu/Student/GRFN/ Primarily lists fellowships from Cornell and non-Cornell sources } Michigan State University: Graduate Fellowship Listings http://staff.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/3gradinf.htm Links to fellowship funding lists in more than 40 academic disciplines CORNELL UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY } UC Berkeley spo.berkeley.edu/funding.html URLs for researchers seeking individual prizes and awards, equipment, new and young faculty, travel grants, women and minorities, postdoctoral funding in biosciences } U of Massachusetts New and Early-Career faculty members http://www.umass.edu/research/ primary/funding-opportunitiesnew-and-early-career-faculty UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA at BERKELEY UNIVERSITY of MASSACHUSETTS Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley http:// townsendcenter.berkeley.edu /research_support.shtml National Postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities DOREEN B. TOWNSEND CENTER for the HUMANITIES } Environmental Emphasis www.environment.psu.edu/ faculty/fundinglist.asp } Equipment www.spo.berkeley.edu/ Fund/equipment.html www.columbia.edu/cu/opg/ fund/fedequip.Pdf Targeted Funding Sources New & Jr. Faculty Grants www.spo.berkeley.edu/Fund/ newfaculty.html grants.nih.gov/grants/ new_investigators/index.htm Resources for Grad Students & Post-Docs http://www.unh.edu/research/ resources-grad-students-postdocs } } } Post Doc Funding – Social Sciences spo.berkeley.edu/Fund/socpostdoc. html Targeted funding announcements rac.berkeley.edu/ra/announce.html } } } National Science Foundation (NSF) Update http://service.govdelivery.com/service/ multi_subscribe.html?code=USNSF&custom_id=823 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Listserv http://www.grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/listserv.htm Centers for Disease Control (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/subscribe.html } } } } US Dept. of Education – Grant Information http://www.ed.gov/fund/grants-apply.html US Dept. of Energy - bimonthly newsletter http://web.ornl.gov/info/news/pulse/subscribe.shtml US Dept. of Justice – JUSTINFO newsletter https://www.ncjrs.gov/fedgrant.html Transit Cooperative Research Program and National Cooperative Highway Research Program http://www.tcrponline.org } Foundation Center RFP Bulletin http://fdncenter.org/pnd/rfp/index.jhtml } Arizona Commission on the Arts } Arizona Dept. of Education } Arizona Dept. of Housing www.azarts.gov www.ade.state.az.us www.azhousing.gov } Arizona Dept. of Transportation } Arizona Dept. of Revenue } Arizona Office of Tourism www.azdot.gov www.revenue.state.az.us www.arizonaguide.com } Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality www.azdeq.gov } Arizona State Parks http://azstateparks.com/grants/index.html } Water Infrastructure Finance Authority www.azwifa.gov } } } } Agencies with Environmental Issues emphasis Arizona Community Tree Council www.aztrees.org Arizona Dept. of Agriculture www.azda.gov Conservation Education Grants www.conservationgrants.com/education.htm } } } Arizona Partners for Fish & Wildlife www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Partners.htm Arizona Game & Fish http://www.gf.state.az.us EE Link-Arizona – Environmental Education http://eelink.net/pages/State+-+AZ } } American Council of Learned Societies www.acls.org Foundation Center www.fdncenter.org Global Fund for Women www.globalfundforwomen.org } The Grantsmanship Center www.tgci.com } } } } Grant Wrangler (K-12 schools and teacher grants) www.grantwrangler.com John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation http://gf.org Robert Wood Johnson Foundation www.rwjf.org Spencer Foundation (education research grants and fellowships) www.spencer.org NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!