Curriculum Vitae Matthew J. Widlansky International Pacific Research Center University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI 96822 808.956.2822 PO Box 6113 Honolulu, HI 96839 404.372.5516 EDUCATION Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Advisor: Prof. Peter J. Webster Dissertation: Dynamics of the South Pacific Convergence Zone Minor in Environmental Public Policy 2010 M.S. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Thesis: Variability of the South Pacific Convergence Zone and its influence on the general atmospheric circulation 2007 B.S. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Highest Honor) 2005 RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • Hierarchical modeling of Pacific climate change Large-scale climate dynamics on synoptic and interannual timescales Climate teleconnections between the tropics and higher latitudes PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral Fellow, International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI Mentors: Profs. Niklas Schneider and Axel Timmermann Hierarchical modeling of climate change processes in the South Pacific. Jan 2011 - current Oceanographic research cruise, R/V Thompson (U. of Washington) Station ALOHA, northeast of Honolulu, HI Principal Investigator: Prof. Julian Sachs Operated CTD instrument to collect paleoceanography data. Feb 2012 Forecaster, Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Tropical cyclone genesis and track forecasts for petroleum industry client. Probabilistic predictions out to 15 days produced using ECMWF forecast data and a Bayesian based genesis risk tool. Jun - Nov 2009 Weather Team Intern (WPBF-TV 25) Palm Beach Gardens, FL Assisted the Chief Meteorologist with daily forecasting, preparing severe weather case studies, and station website management. May - Aug 2003 1 Matthew J. Widlansky ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Graduate Research Assistant, focus on climate dynamics 2005 - 2010 Large-scale climate processes study using satellite observations and reanalysis data, as well as numerical modeling experiments. Statistical analysis of modes of variability in tropical convection and Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude storm tracks. Atmospheric General Circulation Model (GCM) simulation of diagonal cloud bands (e.g., South Pacific Convergence Zone) and sensitivity testing of surface boundary heating gradients. Comparative analysis to higher complexity simulations conducted with coupled Atmosphere-Ocean GCMs. Graduate Teaching Assistant Climate and Global Change course management, ~30 students/semester. Fall 2006, 07, 09 Graduate Course Work Earth and Atmospheric Sciences: Atmospheric Dynamics, Large-scale Dynamics, Dynamic Meteorology, Thermodynamics of Atmospheres & Oceans, Climate Change Modeling, Modeling for Geosciences, Atmosphere & Ocean Interactions, Oceanography, Hurricanes Seminar, Clouds & Aerosols Seminar, Multi-decadal Oscillations Seminar, Teaching Assistant Preparation Course, Tropical Atlantic Variability Seminar. Environmental Science and Public Policy: Environmental Data Analysis, Environmental Policy, Energy Technology & Policy, Weather Risk & Catastrophe Management. Study Abroad, Tropical Ecology & Environmental Policy University of Costa Rica, San Ramón and La Selva Biological Stations Summer 2004 REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Cai W., Lengaigne M., Borlace S., Collins M., Cowan T., McPhaden M.J., Timmermann A., Power S., Brown J., Menkes C., Ngari A., Vincent E.M., Widlansky M.J. (2012) More extreme swings of the South Pacific Convergence Zone due to greenhouse warming. Nature. 488, 365-369. doi:10.1038/nature11358. Widlansky M.J., Webster P.J., Hoyos C.D. (2011) On the location and orientation of the South Pacific Convergence Zone. Clim. Dynam. 36, 561-578. doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0871-6. In press Widlansky M.J., Timmermann A., Stein K., McGregor S., Schneider N., England M. H., Lengaigne M., Cai W. (2012) Changes in South Pacific rainfall bands in a warming climate. Nature Clim. Change. doi:10.1038/NCLIMATE1726. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Contributing Author for the IPCC WGI Fifth Assessment Report, Chapter 14: “Climate Phenomena and their Relevance for Future Regional Climate Change”. (in preparation) 2 Matthew J. Widlansky INVITED SEMINARS Department of Meteorology, Seminar Series, University of Hawaii, Honolulu International Scientific Workshop on the SPCZ, Apia, Samoa International Pacific Research Center, Seminar Series, U. of Hawaii, Honolulu Oct 2012 Aug 2010 May 2010 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 10th ICSHMO, Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Nouméa, New Caledonia WCRP Workshop on CMIP5 Climate Model Analysis, Honolulu 11th IPRC Annual Symposium, University of Hawaii, Honolulu Workshop on “Hierarchical modeling of climate”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy Air-Sea Interactions in Southeast Pacific, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, AMS, Tucson 22nd Conference on Climate Variability & Change, AMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta 16th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix 6th Annual EAS Graduate Student Symposium, Georgia Tech, Atlanta SPCZ-Southwest Pacific Ocean session, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 4th Annual EAS Graduate Student Symposium, Georgia Tech, Atlanta Apr 2012 Mar 2012 Sep 2011 July 2011 Dec 2010 May 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2009 Nov 2008 Dec 2007 Nov 2006 AWARDS and HONORS Poster Award, Climate Variability session, AMS Annual Meeting Presidential Fellowship, Georgia Tech Quarter Century Award, EAS, Georgia Tech Faculty Honors, Georgia Tech Gamma Alpha Tau, EAS Honor Society, Georgia Tech National Society of Collegiate Scholars Deans List, Georgia Tech AP Scholar with Distinction National Society of Eagle Scouts 2010 2005 - 2009 2005 Spring 2005 2004, 2005 2003 - 2005 2002 - 2004 2001, 2002 2001 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Geophysical Union (AGU) American Meteorological Association (AMS) SOFTWARE EXPERIENCE Data Analysis MATLAB NCAR Command Language (NCL), Vapor, and Integrated Data Viewer Fortran and C++ GEMPAK and GRADS Numerical Modeling ICTP “SPEEDY”, NCAR CCSM, CMIP3 and CMIP5 intermodel analysis 3 Publication Adobe Illustrator, LaTeX, Microsoft Office Web Design HTML coding and website management Operating Systems UNIX, Windows XP/Vista/7 Matthew J. Widlansky OUTREACH and ACTIVITIES Peer reviewer for Climate Dynamics and Journal of Climate Workshop Participant, “Science: Becoming the Messenger” (NSF) “Magic Planet” presenter, K-12 Open House (IPRC/U. of Hawaii) Daily Weather Briefings, forecaster (AMS Annual Meeting) WxBuzz Forecasting Website, development member (EAS/Georgia Tech) Computing Resources, committee member (EAS/Georgia Tech) Undergraduate Studies, committee member (EAS/Georgia Tech) Tutor, Georgia Tech Athletic Association Forecaster, WxChallenge National Collegiate Forecasting Competition Graduate Student Symposium, coordinator (EAS/Georgia Tech) Jan 2012 Oct 2011 Jan 2010 2009 - 2010 2008 - 2010 2008 - 2010 2007 - 2010 2006 - 2009 Fall 2006 OTHER INTERESTS Member, Hawaii Yacht Racing Association and Pearl Harbor Yacht Club Lead Sailing Instructor, Georgia Tech Options – Course development President, Georgia Tech Sailing Club – Fundraising and logistics Coach, Lake Lanier Sailing Club – Junior sailing program Captain, Georgia Tech Sailing Team – Program and fleet development REFERENCES References available upon request. 4 2011 - current 2006 - 2009 2006-07, 2008-09 2005 2003 - 2005