Homework Assignment 5 Solution Set PHYCS 4420 23 February, 2004 Problem 1 (Griffiths 3.8) The first image charge guarantees a potential of zero on the surface. The second image charge won’t change the contribution to the potential from the first, so we should just put a charge at the center of the sphere to make the potential some uniform constant over the sphere’s surface. For a potential of V0 we should use a charge of qimage2 = 4π0 V0 R where R is the radius of the sphere. The force between the real charge q and the conducting sphere will be the same as the force felt by the real charge as due to the two image charges. If the sphere is neutral, then all the image charges inside should add to zero (see the text for a convincing argument of this almost obvious fact). Thus, ! q q q image2 image1 F~q (~r) = − r̂ 2 2 4π0 r2 r − Rr ! q qR qR = r̂ − 2 2 4π0 r3 r r − Rr 3 2 R − 2r2 q R = r̂ 4π0 r (R2 − r2 )2 where r is the distance from the center of the sphere to the physical charge outside. Since r > R the force of attraction is 3 2 R r − 2R2 q ~ |F | = 4π0 r (r2 − R2 )2 Problem 2 (Griffiths 3.13 - optional) The charge density determines the field just outside the strip. Thus, σ(y, x = 0) = −0 ∂V ∂V = −0 ∂n ∂x 1 ! nπy 4V0 X 1 − nπx e a sin π n a x=0 oddn ! 40 V0 X −nπ − nπx nπy =− e a sin π na a x=0 oddn ! 40 V0 X nπy = sin a a ∂ = −0 ∂x oddn Problem 3 (Griffiths 3.17(b)) Fortunately we know the answer before we start, since a uniform surface charge distribution is exactly what we get from a charged conducting sphere. 2 Outside we should have V (~r) = σR 0 r and inside we should get a constant V = σR 0 . However, the book wants us to use the example and solve it as a boundary value problem. We know from Example 3.9 that the general solution for a fixed, spherical surface charge density is X V (r, θ)inside = Al rl Pl (cos θ) l V (r, θ)outside = X Bl r−(l+1) Pl (cos θ) l with Al = 1 20 Rl−1 Z π σPl (cos θ) sin θdθ 0 Bl = Al R2l+1 . In this case, though, σ is a constant. Thus, the orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials insures us that σR A0 = 0 and all other Al vanish. Thus, B0 = σR2 0 and all other Bl vanish. Therefore, our potential is σR ;r < R 0 σR2 V (r, θ) = ;r > R 0 r V (r, θ) = which is just as we supposed to begin with. 2 Problem 4 (Griffiths 3.18) Again, the general solution is V (r, θ) = ∞ X Al rl + Bl r−(l+1) Pl (cos θ) l=0 with the following boundary conditions: V (r → ∞) → 0 V (r → 0) = f inite V (R, θ)outside = V (R, θ)inside = k cos 3θ. (1) (2) (3) From conditions (1) and (2) we have V (r, θ)outside = ∞ X Bl r−(l+1) Pl (cos θ) l=0 and V (r, θ)inside = ∞ X Al rl Pl (cos θ). l=0 From condition (3) and the results above we see that Al Rl = Bl R−(l+1) ⇒ Al = Bl R−(2l+1) and V (R, θ) = ∞ X Bl R−(2l+1) Rl Pl (cos θ) = k cos 3θ. l=0 However, we can write cos 3θ in terms of the Legendre polynomials as cos 3θ = 4 cos3 θ − 3 cos θ 8 3 = P3 (cos θ) − P1 (cos θ). 5 5 Therefore, all coefficients of orders other than 1 and 3 must vanish and we have B1 1 1 3k 8k P3 (cos θ). P1 (cos θ) + B3 4 P3 (cos θ) = − P1 (cos θ) + R2 R 5 5 from which we can get all of our coefficients (because of the relationship between the Al and Bl we found before). Therefore our potential is r3 12 r3 3r 3 cos θ − k cos θ − k cos θ 3 3 R 5 R 5R R4 12 R4 3 R2 = 4k 4 cos3 θ − k cos θ − k cos θ. 4 r 5 r 5 r2 V (r, θ)inside = 4k V (r, θ)outside 3 To find the surface charge density we just need to find the discontinuity in the gradient of the potential. We know that σ ∂Vout ∂Vin = . − + ∂r ∂r r=R 0 So, from eq. 3.83 in the book we get X σ(θ) = 0 (2l + 1)Al Rl−1 Pl (cos θ) l 9k0 28k0 840 =− cos θ + cos3 θ − 5R R 5R k0 = 140 cos3 θ − 93 cos θ . 5R Problem 5 (Griffiths 3.20 - optional) With an arbitrary charge on the sphere the problem differs very little from Example 3.8 in the text. There is just one more boundary condition. The integral of the surface charge density over the total area of the sphere should return Q. You may be able to convince yourself that this amounts to changing the surface charge density in the example (σ = 30 E0 cos θ) by a constant, since the distribution of the extra charge should be the same as the distribution in the neutral case. After all, Q=0 is just a particular case of the general solution. So, we can only add a boundary condition that affects the l = 0 term in the potential outside the sphere. The only such addition that integrates to give us 1 Q is V ∗ = 4π Q. Therefore, the new potential outside the sphere is 0 V (r, θ) = −E0 R3 r− 2 r cos θ + 1 Q . 4π0 r It’s as though we added the charge as a point charge at the center of the sphere! This should make sense if you did the image charge problem correctly above (Griffiths 3.8). Problem 6 (Griffiths 4.13) We could try to do this one by solving Laplace’s equation in cylindrical coordinates using separation of variables, but that seems a little out of the scope of what you should be expected to know at this point. However, we can take a hint from Example 4.3 in the text and treat the uniformly polarized cylinder as two superimposed cylinders of equal and opposite uniform charge distribution separated by some vector d~ whose size is small. Each cylinder gives us a field inside of ~ si )in = ρi s~i E(~ 20 and a field outside of 2 ~ si )out = ρi a sˆi E(~ 20 si 4 where i denotes which of the two cylinders we are considering. Let the origin be directly between the centers of the two overlapping cylinders. Thus, the total field inside is ~ s) = ρs~1 − ρs~2 E(~ 20 20 ρ = (s~1 − s~2 ) 20 ρ ~ d. = 20 Outside the sphere we get 2 2 ~ s) = ρa sˆ1 − ρa sˆ2 E(~ 20 s1 20 s2 2 sˆ1 sˆ2 ρa − = 20 s1 s2 We’d like to put this in terms of the vector ~s from the origin. We have s~1 = ~s + and d~ 2 d~ s~2 = ~s − . 2 Thus, 2 ~ s) = ρa E(~ 20 ρa2 = 20 s~1 s~2 − 2 s21 s2 ~s − |~s − d~ 2 d~ 2 2| − ~s + |~s + d~ 2 d~ 2 2| ! . Here we need some trickery (I got stuck a little myself). We may write d2 d~ d~ + 2~s · )−1 |~s + |−2 = (s2 + 2 4 2 ~ 1 ~s · d ≈ 2 (1 + 2 )−1 s s 1 ~s · d~ ≈ 2 (1 − 2 ) s s and similarly d~ 1 ~s · d~ |~s − |−2 ≈ 2 (1 + 2 ) 2 s s 5 Here we have ignored nonlinear terms of d because it is so small, and we have ~ s·d~ also expanded a binomial expansion in 2s 2 and truncated the expansion for the same reason. Finally, combining everything together we have ! 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ d d ~ s · d ~ s · d ρa 1 ~ s) = E(~ (~s − )(1 − 2 ) − (~s + )(1 + 2 ) 20 s2 2 s 2 s ! ~ ρa2 2~s(~s · d) = + d~ − 20 s2 s2 a2 = 2ŝ(ŝ · P~ ) − P~ 2 20 s because d~ (as I chose it, for whatever reason) points from the positively charged axis to the negatively charged axis. Problem 7 (Griffiths 4.16(b) & (c)) b The ends of such a long cavity will not contribute very much to the field inside. Therefore, the field inside the needle-shaped cavity will be dominated by the boundary conditions along the long boundary, which is parallel to P~ . The electric field at this boundary is continuous (because it is parallel to the ~ 0 . The displacement field, however, surface), so the field in the cavity is just E ~ = 0 E ~ 0. must be different. It becomes D ~ 0 are insignifc In this case, the ends dominate and the walls parallel to E ~ ~ ~ =D ~0 icant. Therefore, E is most certainly not continuous, but D is. Thus, D 1 ~ ~ and E = 0 D0 . ALTERNATE METHOD Following the hint in the problem, treat the cavities as superpositions of oppositely polarized dielectrics. Then, the needle like cavity resembles a single ~ 0 . The disc-like cavity resemdipole, cancelling the displacement but leaving E ~ bles a capacitor with charge density given by the polarization. In that case D ~ is the same, but E is not. You get the same results either way you look at it. Problem 8 (Griffiths 4.18 (a),(d) & (e)) a The (free) charge density on the plates is fixed, and there are no free ~ is uniform throughout both dielectrics and charges in the dielectrics. Thus, D is given by I ~ · dA ~ = Qf ree−enclosed D DA = σf ree A ~ = σâ D 6 where â is the vector pointing from the positively charged plate to the negatively charged plate (−ẑ). ~ and we know how E ~ is related to D. ~ d We know how V is related to E, So, we can just use the result of part (a) to show that Z 2a 1 ~ 1 ~ D · d~z − D · ~z 2 a 0 1 Z a Z 2a 1 1 = σdz + σdz 2 1.5 0 0 0 a 7a = σ 60 Z a ∆V = − e In slab 1 we have ~ = 0 E ~ + P~ D 1 ⇒ P~ = σẑ. 2 Therefore, inside slab 1 we have ~ · P~ = 0 ρb = −∇ and at the lower and upper interfaces respectively we get 1 σb = P~ · (∓)ẑ = ± σ. 2 In slab 2 we have ~ = 0 E ~ + P~ D 1 ⇒ P~ = σẑ. 3 So, ~ · P~ = 0 ρb = −∇ and at the lower and upper interfaces respectively we get 1 σb = P~ · (∓)ẑ = ± σ. 3 Problem 9 (Griffiths 4.21) Place an arbitrary linear charge density λ on the inner wire and calculate the potential difference between the wire and the outer shell. This free charge ~ everywhere between the two conductors as seen in gives rise to a uniform D numerous examples: ~ r) = λ r̂. D(~ 2πr 7 The potential difference between the conductors is then b Z c λ λ dr + dr 2π r 2π 0 0 r r a b λ b 1 c . = ln + ln 2π0 a r b Z ∆V = So, the capacitance per unit length is Cl = = λ Vλ ln b a 8 2π0 + 1r ln c b