Present subjunctive regular and irregular forms (dar, estar, ir, haber, saber, ser) Overview The present subjunctive functions much like the present indicative time-wise except it deals with situations of doubt, desire, emotion, and is generally subjective while the present indicative is true, real, and objective. In some cases, it can also refer to the future. If you are familiar with all the spellingchanges, stem-changes, and irregular verbs in the yo form of the indicative, then you already know most of the spelling-changes, stem-changes, and irregular verbs in the subjunctive, too. For specifics on when to use the subjunctive instead of the indicative, see the article on subjunctive vs. indicative. Present Subjunctive To conjugate a verb in the present subjunctive, you must first remember what the indicative present yo form is. In the present subjunctive, instead of forming a stem from the infinitive, the stem is formed from the yoform of the present indicative. For many verbs, this will be the same as the infinitive stem, but for many others (all the spelling-changes, stem-changing, and irregulars), it will be different. How to Find the Present Subjunctive Stem present subjunctive stem = yo form of present indicative -o ending yo present indicative quepo caber caigo caer conocer conozco hago hacer luzco lucir parecer parezco infinitive present subjunctive stem quepcaigconozchagluzcparezc- yo present indicative poner pongo querer* quiero tengo tener traer* traigo valgo valer veo ver infinitive present subjunctive pongquiertengtraigvalgve- If the stem is irregular in the yo form of the present indicative, the subjunctive will maintain this “irregularity” throughout all of its conjugations (including all stem-changing -ir verbs). To the end of this new stem, add the appropriate ending depending on the subject of the verb and infinitive ending of the verb. There are only two ending sets for the present subjunctive; one for -ar verbs and one for both -er and -ir verbs. Regular Present Subjunctive Endings yo tú usted, él, ella nosotros vosotros -AR verbs -ER and -IR verbs -e -a -es -as -e -a -emos -amos -éis -áis ustedes, ellos, ellas -en -an * Note that -ar endings in the present subjunctive are the same as -er endings in the present indicative except in the yo form. -Er and -ir endings in the present subjunctive are the same as -ar endings in the present indicative as well except in the yo form. Example Conjugations hablar (habl-) tener (teng-) vivir (viv-) hable tenga viva yo hables tengas vivas tú hable tenga viva usted, él, ella hablemos tengamos vivamos nosotros habléis tengáis viváis vosotros tengan vivan ustedes, ellos, ellas hablen Irregular Present Subjunctive Verbs There are only 6 truly irregular verbs in the subjunctive. All other "irregulars" are only irregular in the stem or in spelling (see below.) dar estar haber ir saber ser dé esté haya vaya sepa sea yo des estés hayas vayas sepas seas tú dé esté haya vaya sepa sea usted, él, ella demos estemos hayamos vayamos sepamos seamos nosotros deis estéis hayáis vayáis sepáis seáis vosotros ustedes, ellos, ellas den estén hayan vayan sepan sean Tildes Mean A Lot! The tilde on dé is used to distinguish it from the preposition de, unless a pronoun is attached to the end as with deme (give me), where it is omitted. Stem Changes in the Present Subjunctive 1. E to IE and O to UE stem changing -AR and -ER verbs All e-ie and o-ue stem-changing -AR and -ER verbs in the present indicative follow the same rules in the present subjunctive: all forms follow the stem change except for nosotros and vosotros (these use the infinitive stem). volar - vuele, vueles, vuele, volemos, voléis, vuelen querer - quiera, quieras, quiera, queramos, queráis, quieran 2. E to IE and O to UE stem changing -IR verbs All e-ie and o-ue stem-changing -IR verbs in the present indicative follow the same rules in the present subjunctive except the nosotros and vosotros forms where the e changes to i and the o changes to u. preferir - prefiera, prefieras, prefiera, prefiramos, prefiráis, prefieran dormir - duerma, duermas, duerma, dormimos, durmáis, duerman 3. E to I stem changing -IR verbs All e-i stem-changing -IR verbs in the present indicative maintain the stem-change in all forms. pedir - pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidáis, pidan servir - sirva, sirvas, sirva, sirvamos, sirváis, sirvan Spelling-changes All spelling changes in the preterit indicative are maintained in the present subjunctive. This is to maintain pronunciation of the infinitive. All verbs ending in -ger and -gir change the g to a j in all forms. escoger - escoja, escojas, escoja, escojamos, escojáis, escojan exigir - exija, exijas, exija, exijamos, exijáis, exijan All verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar change to qu, gu, and c respectively. explicar - explique, expliques, explique, expliquemos, expliquéis, expliquen llegar - llegue, llegues, llegue, lleguemos, lleguéis, lleguen empezar - empiece, empieces, empiece, empecemos, empecéis, empiecen