Advanced Medical Terminology Diseases by System – Endocrine System Diseases - Endocrine System Acidosis (acid = relating to acid, osis = abnormal condition of) A clinical metabolic disturbance characterised by an increase in total body acid. Acromegaly (acr/o = relating to extremities, top, point; megaly = large, great or extreme) Enlargement of extremities (hands and feet) due to excessive secretion of growth hormone by pituitary gland after puberty. Occurs due to over secretion of the growth hormone during adolescence and adult life. Addison’s disease Partial or complete failure of secretion of hormones by adrenal cortex. Adrenalitis (adrenal = relating to the adrenal glands, itis = inflammation of) Inflammation of the adrenal glands. Adrenopathy (adren/o = relating to the adrenal glands, pathy = disease of) Disease of the adrenal glands. Aldosteronism (aldosteron = relating to aldosterone, ism = state of) Abnormality of electrolyte metabolism cause by excretion of aldosterone secretion. Cretinism (cretin = silly, ism = state of) Retarded mental and physical growth due to congenital reduced secretion of thyroid gland. Cushing’s disease Abnormally increased production of hormones by adrenal cortex. Symptoms include obesity and abnormal distribution of hair. Diabetes insipidus A disease characterised by excretion of large quantities of urine and constant thirst. Diabetes mellitus Metabolic disorder that is the result of inadequate insulin secretion. 1 Advanced Medical Terminology Diseases by System – Endocrine System Dwarfism Congenital hyposecretion of growth hormone, leading to normal mentally, but small and under developed bones. Dysthyroidism (dys = difficult, painful or bad; thyroid = thyroid gland, ism = state of, condition) Imperfect development and functioning of thyroid gland. Endocrinopathy (endocrino = endocrine, pathy = disease) Disease of the endocrine system. Euthyroidism (eu = good, thyroid = thyroid gland, ism = condition) Normal thyroid function. Exophthalmos (ex = out of, outside; ophthalmos = eye vision) Abnormal protrusion of the eye(s). Gigantism Abnormal over growth of body due to excessive secretion of growth hormone by pituitary gland before puberty. Goitre Enlargement of the thyroid gland causing swelling in the front part of the neck. Grave’s disease A disorder of autoimmune disease characterised by hyperthyroidism. Gynaecomastia (gynaec/o = relating to females, mast = mammary glands, ia = state or condition of) Excessive mammary development in the male. Hypercalcaemia (hyper = excessive or above; calc = calcium, aemia = blood) Excess of calcium in the blood. Hypercrinism (hyper = excessive or above; crin = to secrete, ism = state or condition of) Excessive secretion of any endocrine gland. Hyperglycaemia (hyper = excessive or above; glyc = sugar, aemia = blood) Abnormal increase of sugar in the blood. 2 Advanced Medical Terminology Diseases by System – Endocrine System Hypergonadism (hyper = excessive or above; gonad = gonads, ism = state or condition of) Abnormal increase of the function of the gonads. Hyperparathyroidism (hyper = excessive or above, para = by the side, thyroid = thyroid, ism = state or condition of) A condition due to excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone. Hyperpituitarism (hyper = excessive or above; pituitar = pituitary, ism = state or condition of) Excessive secretions of pituitary gland. Hyperprolactinaemia (hyper = excessive or above; prolactina = prolactine, emia = blood) A condition due to elevation of prolactin (hormone) levels in blood. Hyperthyroidism (hyper = excessive or above; thyroid = thyroid, ism = state or condition of) Excessive secretion of thyroid gland. There is increased metabolic rate. Hypocalcaemia (hypo = deficient, decreased; calc = calcium, emia = blood) Decreased calcium in the blood. Hypocrinism (hypo = deficient, decreased; crin = to secrete, ism = state or condition of) Deficient secretion of any endocrine gland. Hypoglycemia (hypo = deficient, decreased; glyc = sugar, emia = blood) Decreased sugar in the blood. Hypogonadism (hypo = deficient, decreased; gonad = gonads, ism = state or condition of) Deficient function of the gonads. Hypoparathyroidism (hypo = deficient, decreased; para = to bring forth, thyroid = thyroid, ism = state or condition of) A condition in which there is a decrease in level of parathyroid hormone leading to low calcium and high phosphate levels. 3 Advanced Medical Terminology Diseases by System – Endocrine System Hypophysitis (hypophys = hypophysis, itis = inflammation of) Inflammation of the hypophysis. Hypothyroidism (hypo = deficient, decreased; thyroid = thyroid, ism = state or condition of) Decreased thyroid secretions, characterised by lethargy and decreased metabolic rate. Insulinoma (insulin = insulin, oma = tumour or growth) A benign tumour of the insulin-secreting cells of the pancreas. Ketoacidosis (keto = ketone, acid = acid, osis = abnormal condition) Acidosis accompanied by accumulation of ketone bodies in the body tissues and fluids. Pancreatalgia (pancreat = pancreas, algia = pain in) Pain in the pancreas. Pancreatitis (pancreat = pancreas, itis = inflammation of) Inflammation of the pancreas. Panhypopituitarism (pan = all, hypo = decrease, pituitar = pituitary, ism = condition of) Generalised hypopituitarism due to absence of or damage to the pituitary gland. Pituitarism (pituitar = pituitary, ism = condition of) Disorder of the pituitary gland. Pituitary tumours Arise from mutation in a single cell of the pituitary gland. Polydipsia (poly = many or a lot, dips = thirst, ia = condition of) Excessive thirst persisting for long periods of time. Polyuria (poly = many, a lot, ur = urine, ia = condition of) Excessive urine. Tetany 4 A condition in which there is increased excitability of peripheral nerves due to low calcium. It is characterised by sharp flexion of the wrist and ankle joints, muscle twitching, cramps and convulsions. Advanced Medical Terminology Diseases by System – Endocrine System Thymitis (thym = thymus, itis = inflammation of) Inflammation of the thymus. Thyroiditis (thyroid = thyroid, itis = inflammation of) Inflammation of the thyroid. Thyrotoxicosis (thyro = thyroid, toxic = poison, osis = abnormal condition) Life threatening condition due to excessive thyroid hormone. 5