B D R A UPW L L A B T ASKE G N I D RLEA C H E E HEERBOOK ACH C CO ©2014 Upward Unlimited. Upward® is a registered trademark of Upward Unlimited. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL READER’S VERSION Copyright© 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. ©2010 Orange. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSON ® NIV® ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved. TS N CONTE F O E L TAB Introduction 360 Coaching Keys.............................................................................. 3 Section One: Practice Upward Cheerleading Coach App...............................................6 Practice Chart......................................................................................... 7 Welcome and Games.........................................................................12 Cheerleading Fundamentals..........................................................13 Warm-ups and Stretching.............................................................. 14 Motions.................................................................................................... 16 Motion Drills...........................................................................................21 Jumps.......................................................................................................22 Cheers..................................................................................................... 25 Chants..................................................................................................... 29 Pom Routines...................................................................................... 33 Mid-Practice Huddles (Devotions)............................................ 43 Practice 1...........................................................................................44 Practice 2..........................................................................................46 Practice 3.......................................................................................... 49 Practice 4............................................................................................51 Practice 5.......................................................................................... 53 Practice 6.......................................................................................... 56 Practice 7.......................................................................................... 59 Practice 8.......................................................................................... 62 Practice 9.......................................................................................... 65 Practice 10........................................................................................ 68 Last Practice of the Season..................................................... 70 Section Two: Games Game-Day Format.............................................................................74 Section Three: Forms Star Distribution Form.................................................................... 76 Game Day Cheer List........................................................................77 2 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook INTROD UCTION 360 Coaching Keys The 360 Progression™ is a uniquely designed sports experience that develops the total athlete mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. To be a 360 Coach, there are some practical keys to coaching that are necessary for success: 1.Teach the basic fundamentals of cheerleading with a progression plan in place – The ability to execute proper drills enhances skill level and improves athletic foundations. Using practice plans create a path for progression of what to teach your young athletes and when to teach it. 2.Teach how to effectively lead the spectators – Cheerleaders should show confidence in their performance and in their crowd-leading cheers. This will help the fans to get engaged while building selfesteem in your cheerleaders. 3.Communicate effectively – In order to teach the fundamentals and explain drills, you have to be an effective communicator. Likewise, good communication and organization are crucial in keeping parents informed throughout the season. This includes keeping them up to date on practice and game times and having a plan in place each and every practice. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 3 4 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook ONE N O I T SEC ICE T C A R P Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 5 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Upward Cheerleading Coach App As a coach, it’s important to stay organized and prepared for both practices and games. Upward Sports now has a way to make coaching easy through the Upward Cheerleading Coach App. With this app, you will be able manage your squad in a simple, paperless way throughout the season. Here you will able to: › Manage cheerleader/guardian information › View practice plans › View this season’s cheers and chants › Assign and track star distribution on game day The Upward Cheerleading Coach App is available on iPhone (iPad compatible) and Android phones. As a coach, it is essential that you are prepared for practice. Being prepared will make your practices fun, efficient and meaningful. Below is a practice timeline to help you and your cheerleaders have a productive practice: 1. Welcome and games (5 minutes)-see pages 12-13 2. Warm ups and stretching (10 minutes)- see pages 14-15 3. Skills and motions (10 minutes)- see pages 16-24 4. Mid-Practice huddle-Devotions (8 minutes)- see pages 43-72 5. New material (20 minutes)- see pages 25-42 6. Post-practice meeting (5 minutes) FOR AN ADVANCE PRACTICE PLAN, PLEASE VISIT COACH SIDELINES ON MYUPWARD.ORG. 6 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Practice Chart On the following pages you will find practice charts for the first five practices of the season. These charts are provided here to help you structure your first five practices. However, all eleven Coach’s Sidelines are located at MyUpward.org. We recommend you print these out before your season starts so you are fully prepared. Practice Welcome and Games (5 min) Warm-up and Stretch (10 min) Review and Fundamentals (10 min) K5-2nd grade Play the Name Game (see Page 12) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Teach the following motions: Touchdown, Low Touchdown, High V, Low V, T Motion, Right L, Left L, Clasp 1 MidPractice Huddle (8 min) Devotion 1 (see page 44) New Material (20 min) Motion Drill 1 (see page 21) Chant: Yell (see page 30 or DVD) (See Page 18 for a visual demonstration) Teach the proper jump form and a Spread Eagle Jump. (see page 23) 3rd-6th Grade Play the Name Game (see page 12) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Teach the following motions: Touchdown, Low Touchdown, High V, Low V, T Motion, Right L, Left L, Clasp, Right Diagonal, Left Diagonal, Broken T, Candlesticks, Daggers, Right Punch, Left Punch, Clap Devotion 1 (see page 44) Motion Drills 1 & 2 (see page 21) Chant: Yell (see page 30 or DVD) Post Practice Huddle (5 min) Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Update parents with email addresses, phone numbers, welcome letter, and upcoming practice times. Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Update parents with email addresses, phone numbers, welcome letter, and upcoming practice times. (See page 18 for a visual demonstration) Teach the proper jump form and a Spread Eagle Jump. (see page 23) Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 7 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Practice Welcome and Games (5 min) Warm-up and Stretch (10 min) K5-2nd grade Play the Coach Says Game (see Page 12) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) 2 Review and Fundamentals (10 min) Review motion drill, chant, and jumps. Teach a Tuck Jump. (see page 23) MidPractice Huddle (8 min) Devotion 2 (see page 46) Teach the following motions: Right Diagonal, Left Diagonal, Broken T, Candlesticks, Daggers, Right Punch, Left Punch, Clap New Material (20 min) Motion Drill 2 (see page 21 for visual demonstration) Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Cheer: Keep on Yelling (see page 26 or DVD) Distribute practice cards to each cheerleader at the end of practice. Give each cheerleader a Green Practice Star for participating in Scripture Learning. Cheerleaders should display stars on their megaphone. (See Page 18 for a visual demonstration) 3rd-6th Grade 8 Play the Coach Says Game (see page 12) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Review motion drills, chant, and jumps. Teach a Tuck Jump. (see page 23) Post Practice Huddle (5 min) Devotion 2 (see page 46) Cheer: Keep on Yelling (see page 26 or DVD) Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Pom Routine: John 3:16 (See DVD to learn, page 36 to review, and Cheertunes CD for music.) Distribute practice cards to each cheerleader at the end of practice. Give each cheerleader a Green Practice Star for participating in Scripture Learning. Cheerleaders should display stars on their megaphone. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE Practice Welcome and Games (5 min) Warm-up and Stretch (10 min) Review and Fundamentals (10 min) K5-2nd grade Play the Cheerleader Tic – Tac – Toe Game (see Page 13) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Review motion drills, cheers, chants, and jumps. 3 MidPractice Huddle (8 min) Devotion 3 (see page 49) Play the Cheerleader Tic – Tac – Toe Game (see Page 13) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Review cheers, chants, jumps, and pom routines. New Material (20 min) Chant: Go (see page 30 or DVD) Pom Routine: Joyful Teach two eight counts. (See DVD to learn, page 34 to review, and Cheertunes CD for music) Teach a Toe Touch. (see page 24) Encourage your cheerleaders to use their cheer voices and to smile throughout practice and games. 3rd-6th Grade : PRAC Devotion 3 (see page 49) Teach a Toe Touch Jump. (see page 24) Encourage your cheerleaders to use their cheer voices and to smile throughout practice and games. Chant: Go (see page 30 or DVD) Pom Routine: John 3:16 Finish teaching pom routine. (See DVD to learn, page 34 to review, and Cheertunes CD for music.) Perform this pom routine using a creative formation from our “formations page” at your next halftime. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook TICE Post Practice Huddle (5 min) Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Give each cheerleader a Green Practice Star for participating in Scripture Learning. Remind parents about upcoming practices and games. Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Distribute practice cards to each cheerleader at the end of practice. Give each cheerleader a Green Practice Star for participating in Scripture Learning. Cheerleaders should display stars on their megaphone. 9 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Practice Welcome and Games (5 min) Warm-up and Stretch (10 min) Review and Fundamentals (10 min) K5-2nd grade Play the Line-Up Game (see Page 13) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Review cheers, chants, pom routines, and jumps. 4 MidPractice Huddle (8 min) Devotion 4 (see page 51) Play the Line-Up Game (see Page 13) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Review cheers, chants, pom routines, and jumps. Teach how to correctly show spirit after every performance. (Check out Coach Sideline on MyUpward.org, practice 4 ways to teach spirit.) Teach a Herkie Jump. (see page 24) 10 Chant: Hands Up (see page 31 or DVD) Pom Routine: Joyful Finish teaching pom routine. (See DVD to learn, page 34 to review, and Cheertunes CD for music) Teach how to correctly show spirit after every performance. (Check out Coach Sideline on MyUpward.org and practice 4 ways to teach spirit.) Teach a Herkie Jump. (see page 24) 3rd-6th Grade New Material (20 min) Perform this pom routine using a creative formation from our “formations page” at your next halftime. Devotion 4 (see page 51) Chant: Let’s Go (see page 32 or DVD) Pom Routine: See DVD for choices. Teach two eight counts. (See DVD to learn, page 34 to review, and Cheertunes CD for music.) Post Practice Huddle (5 min) Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Give each cheerleader a Green Practice Star for participating in Scripture Learning. Remind parents about upcoming practices and games. Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Distribute practice cards to each cheerleader at the end of practice. Give each cheerleader a Green Practice Star for participating in Scripture Learning. Cheerleaders should display stars on their megaphone. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE Practice Welcome and Games (5 min) Warm-up and Stretch (10 min) Review and Fundamentals (10 min) K5-2nd grade Play the Shoe Game (see Page 12) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Review cheers, chants, pom routines, and jumps. 5 MidPractice Huddle (8 min) Devotion 5 (see page 53) : PRAC New Material (20 min) Chant: Down the Court (see page 31 or DVD) Pom Routine: See DVD for choices. Teach two eight counts. (See DVD to learn, page 34 to review, and Cheertunes CD for music.) Formation Change: Practice performing a cheer in Formation A and show spirit while moving to Formation B where cheerleaders will perform a pom routine. Use our “formations page” for ideas. This will make a great halftime routine. TICE Post Practice Huddle (5 min) Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. Give each cheerleader a Green Scripture Star for participating in Scripture learning. Cheerleaders should display stars on their megaphone. Distribute practice cards to each cheerleader at the end of practice. Remind parents about upcoming practices and games. 3rd-6th Grade Play the Shoe Game (see Page 12) Warm-up and Stretch (see page 14) Review cheers, chants, pom routines, and jumps. Devotion 5 (see page 53) Formation Change: Practice performing a cheer in Formation A and show spirit while moving to Formation B where cheerleaders will perform a pom routine. Use our “formations page” for ideas. This will make a great halftime routine. Cheer: Go Upward (see page 28 or DVD) Remind your squad about skills learned at practice. This cheer is long, so you may want to have two practices to teach it . Teach words first, then motions, and be sure to review until everyone looks synchronized. Give each cheerleader a Green Scripture Star for participating in Scripture learning. Cheerleaders should display stars on their megaphone. Pom Routine: Continue to work on a pom routine. (See DVD to learn, page 34 to review, and Cheertunes CD for music.) Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook Distribute practice cards to each cheerleader at the end of practice. Remind parents about upcoming practices and games. 11 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Welcome and Games Always start your practices with a welcome game to get your squad excited about the practice. Below are some fun games you can play with your squad, or you can create your own welcome games. Name Game Equipment needed: Five small balls (or use poms) Have cheerleaders stand in a circle and create a pattern by throwing one ball. Prior to throwing the ball, each cheerleader has to say their own name and then throw it to another cheerleader. The last person to receive the ball will throw it back to whoever began the pattern. Once the pattern is established, try speeding it up and see how quickly you can complete the pattern while still saying the names prior to throwing the ball. After they have mastered the speed, try adding balls to see how many you can get going at the same time. Cheerleading Coach Says This game is played just like the traditional game of Simon Says except that the things “Coach” says to do are cheerleading-related. For example, you could say “Coach says, ‘Do a High V!’” or “Coach says, ‘Do a toe touch!’” You could also let the cheerleaders take turns being Coach. This game encourages the learning and improvement of motions and jumps. Shoe Game Have everyone take off their shoes and put them in a pile in the middle of the room. Mix the shoes up. Divide the cheerleaders into two groups. See which group can find their 12 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE shoes and put them on first. When they have their shoes on, the team done first must quickly sit on the floor. Cheerleader Tic-Tac-Toe Set up nine chairs in three rows. Divide the squad into X’s and O’s. Just like in regular tic-tac-toe, the X’s and O’s alternate, except they sit in the chairs instead of drawing it out on paper. Ask questions about the rules of basketball or cheerleading. The cheerleaders must raise their hands to answer. If they answer correctly, they sit on one of the chairs. The first team to get three in a row--diagonally, vertically or horizontally--wins. Line Up Divide the squad into two groups, which will compete against each other to complete the challenge. Challenges could be lining up according to birthdays, alphabetically by first name or last name, age or other criteria. Then try the same challenges without talking. For additional welcome games and activities, please visit MyUpward.org. Cheerleading Fundamentals Being prepared for practice is imperative. You will need to not only know what to teach, but how to teach it. In the following pages, you will find specific skills to aid you as you prepare your cheerleaders for games. Refer to your cheer coach DVD for visual demonstrations of each of the items covered in this section. Additional resources are available at MyUpward.org. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 13 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Warm-ups and Stretching Warm-up exercises and stretching are necessary before any sports activity. Prior to each practice, use the following guidelines to lead your squad: · Warm up to a fun song with built-in instructions. · Choose a fun song from our coach’s resources at MyUpward.org, or select a song of your choice and choreograph your own warm-up routine. · Check out warm-ups in Coach Sidelines on MyUpward. org for a visual demonstration. · Play a fun game with commands. Here is an example of a fun warm-up game: Captain’s Coming! The coach plays the role of the Captain. The Captain will call out any one action listed below and each cheerleader will have three to four seconds to start performing the action: COMMAND 14 ACTION “Captain’s coming” Everyone stands frozen in a salute until the captain says, “At Ease!” “Ship” Cheerleaders run to the right “Sailors” Cheerleaders run to the left “Man overboard” One person drops to a knee while the other stands behind, putting a hand on their shoulder “Three men rowing” Three cheerleaders get in a line and pretend to row a boat while singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” “Four men pointing north” Four cheerleaders get into a circle and point up “Hit the deck” Cheerleaders fall to the floor on their stomachs “Pirate attack” Captain tries to tag the cheerleaders as they try to escape Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE The following is another simple but effective layout for warm-up activities: · Running: One minute around the room. If you have limited space, run in place. · Jumping jacks: 20-30 · Trunk twists: From a standing position, twist back and forth 10-20 times to loosen backs. · Shoulder circles: With arms by your side, lift your shoulders and take them back down, creating a circular motion 10-20 times. · Arm circles: Hold arms out in a T-motion and circle them 10-20 times. Stretching is a vital part of cheerleading because good flexibility helps prevent muscle injuries. Stretching should be done before every practice and game. Below are some stretches you can perform at each practice. Neck Stretch: Sit or stand with arms by your side. Tilt head to the right and hold for eight seconds, then tilt head to the left and hold for eight seconds. Hamstring Stretch: Sit on the floor with right leg straight out in front. Bend left leg and cross it over the right one. Pull the left knee across your body toward opposite shoulder. Reverse. Calf-Muscle Stretch: Lean toward and support yourself against a wall while keeping your leg straight. Press your heel to the floor. Reverse and stretch other calf muscle. Quadriceps Stretch: Support yourself against a wall or stationary object. Pull one heel up behind your body and hold. Repeat with other heel. Triceps Stretch: Bring one arm up beside your head, bending it at the elbow while reaching across with the other arm and hold. Repeat using other arm. Shoulder Stretch: Reach one arm across your chest, holding it at the elbow with opposite hand. Reverse. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 15 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Motions Learning motions properly is necessary for your squad so that cheers will be done precisely and accurately. Sharp, tight, clean motions are essential for all cheerleaders. You may want to use this section as a reference when creating motions to your own cheers or to the chants found on pages 25-32. When practicing motions, make sure your cheerleaders follow these guidelines: · Keep motions in front of you: If you hit a motion properly, you should be able to see your arms and fists in your peripheral vision while looking forward (with the exception of a Touchdown motion). · Watch arm levels: Keep shoulders relaxed. A T-motion should be level and a High V or Low V should look like a “V.” · Use proper fists direction: The thumb should always be on the outside of the fingers, but should not extend above the knuckles. The side of the fist facing the crowd depends on the motion being performed. For example, the pinkie side of the fist faces the crowd when performing a Tabletop. However, the index-finger side faces out for a high V-motion. · Keep wrists flat (not bent or cocked): Your wrists should be perfectly flat, as if they were extensions of your arms. · Use proper hand placement for claps: Keep elbows in and clasped hands right below your chin. 16 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE INCORPORATE PUSH-UPS IN YOUR WARM-UP PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN ARMS, SINCE STRONG ARMS PRODUCE STRONG MOTIONS. EVEN WHEN YOUR CHEERLEADERS ARE LEARNING A NEW ROUTINE, CHEER, CHANT OR JUMP, HAVE THEM PRACTICE SHARP MOTIONS. THE WAY THEY PRACTICE IS THE WAY THEY WILL PERFORM ON GAME DAY. Cheerleaders should avoid the following: · Bent wrists (wrists should be perfectly flat, as though they were extensions of the arms) · Bent elbows (when arms are supposed to be straight) · Misplaced arm levels ·Over-extension of arms (always make sure fists can be seen out of the corner of the eyes) · Improper fist direction (varies according to the motion the cheerleader is performing) · To maintain sharpness with motions, your cheerleaders should avoid: · Bouncing or swinging their motions · Inserting extra motions or movements Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 17 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Clapping Two clapping positions can be used. Clasp Clap Ready Position Hands are held together below the chin. Similar to a clasp, but hands are flat against each other. Feet are positioned shoulderwidth apart while hands rest on hips. This will be the position in which most cheers are called. Side Lunge Left Punch Touchdown Front leg is forward with knee bent, in line with the ankle. Back leg is straight. Front lunge is another variation of this stance. Right arm rests on the hip. Left arm is extended straight up by the ear. Both hands are in fists. Extend both arms straight up by your ears. Hands are in fists. Bring the arms straight down for a Low Touchdown. 18 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE High V Low V Both arms are raised at an angle to create a V shape. Hands are in tight fists with arms forward enough to be seen out of the corner of your eyes. This is similar to the High V, but both arms are lowered to create an upside-down V shape. Hands are in tight fists, with arms forward enough to be seen out of the corner of your eyes. : PRAC TICE THE HIGH AND LOW V MOTIONS CAN ALSO BE SPECIFIC TO THE RIGHT OR LEFT ARM BY USING ONLY HALF OF THE V AND THE OTHER HAND ON THE HIP. T Motion Broken T Dagger Extend both arms out to the side of your body to create a T shape. Hands are in tight fists, with arms forward enough to be seen out of the corner of your eyes. This is similar to the T motion except that both elbows bend inward, bringing fists toward the chest. This motion can be specific to the right or left arm by only using half of the Broken T. Bend both arms at the elbow. Hold arms parallel to each other and tight to the chest. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 19 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT 20 Candlesticks L Motion Arms are straight out, parallel to each other and the floor. Fists should face inward, as if holding a candle in each hand. Raise one arm to a T position. Extend the other arm straight up by the ear. (Pictured is a Right L.) Bow-n-Arrow Diagonal Right arm is in a Broken T while left arm is in a T motion. (Pictured is a Right Bow-n-Arrow.) One arm is in a High V position while the other is in a Low V position. (Pictured is a Right Diagonal.) Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Motion Drills Below are two eight-count drills that include a series of motions. The purpose of this motion drill is to help cheerleaders put their knowledge of motions to counts and rhythms. Often cheerleaders who know every motion forget the placement and sharpness when performing. Encourage them to make the transition from one motion to the next sharp, clean, quick and simple. Start slow so that each motion is correctly performed with each count: Motion Drill 1 Motion Drill 2 1. Touchdown 1. Right Diagonal 2. Low Touchdown 2. Left Diagonal 3. High V 3. Broken T 4. Low V 4. Candlesticks 5. T-motion 5. Dagger 6. Right L 6. Right Punch 7. Left L 7. Left Punch 8. Clasp 8. Clasp For a video demonstration of these motion drills, go to the cheer resources of MyUpward.org. FIND A HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE CHEERLEADER TO ASSIST YOU DURING PRACTICE WITH DEMONSTRATIONS AND TECHNIQUE. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 21 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Jumps Jumps are another key element of cheerleading. Performing more jumps will build your cheerleaders’ stamina, endurance and flexibility. The following drills will help to improve their jumps’ height and form. Focus on one jump per practice and encourage your cheerleaders to perform jumps at games after every cheer, chant and pom routine. As you teach, stress good form over height of the jumps. Jumps should be done in the following manner with appropriate counts: 1. Arms in a High V and feet together. 2. Swing arms around. 3. Slightly bend your knees, placing your weight on the balls of your feet. Lift arms to a T-motion while hitting the appropriate jump. 4. Squeeze legs together for a “feet together” landing with arms by your side. 5. Stand up with feet together and hands on hips or by your side. 1 22 2 3 4 5 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Spread Eagle Help cheerleaders perfect their overall jump form by teaching this drill with Spread Eagle first before moving to another jump. 1. Arms in a High V and feet together. 2. Swing arms around. Slightly bend your knees, placing your weight on the balls of your feet. 3. Swing arms out and around to a High V, keeping your back straight. Spread legs with toes pointed, knees facing forward. 4. Squeeze legs together for a “feet together” landing with arms by your side. 5. Stand up with feet together and hands on hips or hands by your side. Tuck Jump 1. Arms in a High V and feet together. 2. Swing arms around. Slightly bend your knees, placing your weight on the balls of your feet. 3. Keep legs squeezed together and back straight while bringing your legs up to your chest. High V with arms. 4. Squeeze legs together for a “feet together” landing with arms by your side. 5. Stand up with feet together and hands on hips or arms by your side. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 23 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Toe Touch 1. Arms in a High V and feet together. 2. Swing arms around. Slightly bend your knees, placing your weight on the balls of your feet. 3. Swing both arms out to a T-motion while lifting both legs in a split high as they will go. 4. Squeeze legs together for a “feet together” landing with arms by your side. 5. Stand up with feet together and hands on hips or arms by your side. Herkie The example below is for a right herkie: 1. Arms in a High V and feet together. 2. Swing arms around. Slightly bend your knees, placing weight on the balls of your feet. 3. Swing right arm out to a T-motion, placing the left arm on your hip while lifting the right leg out to the side as high as it will go. Keep the left leg into a hurdle position to the side and slightly behind your body. 4. Squeeze legs together for a “feet together” landing with arms by your side. 5. Stand up with feet together and hands on hips. 24 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Cheers It is time to get loud and to have some fun! This section will provide you with a base of cheers to use during the basketball season. Squads are not required to use all cheers and chants provided in this book. New cheers and chants are also found in the Coach’s Sideline (located at MyUpward.org). Remember that all cheers are to remain positive and uplifting. Refrain from using terms such as beat, kill, fight or defeat. When teaching cheers, follow these guidelines: ALL CHEERS, CHANTS AND POM ROUTINES PROVIDED IN THIS BOOK ARE ALSO DEMONSTRATED ON YOUR CHEER COACH DVD. YOUR DVD HAS ADDITIONAL CHEERS AND CHANTS THAT ARE NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES. 1. Teach the words first. 2. Have cheerleaders repeat the cheer or chant until everyone is familiar with the words. 3. Teach the cheer, chant or pom routine. 4. Review slowly, but still focus on sharp and precise motions. 5. Once everyone has the overall knowledge of the cheer or chant, practice it at a full speed. Look for correct motion placement and sharpness, while emphasizing squad synchronization from the very beginning. 6. Do not move on to a new cheer or a chant without perfecting technique first. TEACH CHEERLEADERS TO END EACH CHEER, CHANT AND POM ROUTINE BY SHOWING SPIRIT! ENCOURAGE THEM TO YELL THINGS SUCH AS, “GO, UPWARD!” “TOUCHDOWN!” “LET’S GO, RED AND BLACK!” AND OTHER SIMILAR PHRASES. HAVE THEM PRACTICE THREE TO FOUR SHORT PHRASES AFTER EVERY CHEER. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 25 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Claps are to be done in the CLASP position unless otherwise noted. Keep On Yelling Words 26 Motions Blue Clasp Let’s Go Right Diagonal White Clasp Let’s Win Left Diagonal Keep On Clasp Yelling Clasp Until the very Left hand on hip, look back on left shoulder, right hand on the left shoulder End Right Low V Blue Right Punch And Right Dagger White Right Punch Pause Clasp Blue Left Punch And Left Dagger White Left Punch Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Go Blue Go White Words Motions Fans Low V Pause Clasp Get on your Step forward, dagger Feet Step together and hit a touchdown Yell with Clasp Us Clasp And keep Clasp above head The Clasp above head Beat Clasp above head Go Right T Pause Clasp Blue Right Punch Pause Clasp Go Right T Pause Clasp Blue Right Punch Pause Clasp Go Left T Pause Clasp White Left Punch Go Left T Pause Clasp White Left Punch Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 27 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Go Upward Words 28 Motions It’s Time Low V and step forward with your right foot To Clasp and jump together Get Daggers and squat Up Touchdown and jump out Pause Clasp It’s Time Low V To Clasp Get Broken T Loud T Motion Pause Clasp Yell Clasp With Clasp Us Clasp And Shout Candle It Daggers Out Clean Pause Clasp Go Right Punch, Left hand on hip Pause Right Dagger, Left hand on hip Upward Right Punch, Left hand on hip Pause Clasp Go Left Punch, Right hand on hip Pause Left Dagger, Right hand on hip Upward Left Punch, Right hand on hip Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Chants: Chants, also known as “sidelines” are so much fun to perform on gameday. Chants are shorter then cheers and are recited three times. However, the crowd is usually a good indicator of when to end a chant. In the next few pages, you will find some fun chants that are designed for all age divisions. More chants are located on MyUpward.org and on your coach DVD. Use the coach DVD for visual demonstration. When learning and teaching chants: › Learn the words first › Repeat the chant until everyone is familiar with the words and rhythm › Learn the motions › Practice it at a full speed and with sharpness Always look for correct motion placement and sharpness, while emphasizing team synchronization. Do not move on to a new chant without perfecting technique. Insert your team colors. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 29 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Yell Words Motions Let’s Prance, right leg forward Hear you Prance, the left leg forward Yell for the Clasp Blue Right High V And Clasp White Left High V Go Words 30 Motions Go Right Candlestick Go Left Candlestick Up Clasp Ward Clasp Take Low O Motion It to the Hold Hoop Take it up to the O Motion Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Hands Up Words Motions Hands Step forward with your hands ina dagger Up Jazz hands and in a touchdown Pause Clasp Pause Clasp De Cross right over left “x” in front of you Fense Arms go out to a T Motion Pause Clasp Pause Clasp Down the Court Words Motions Down Right T Motion The Court Hold Down Left T Motion The Court Hold Shoooot Clasp Two Right Punch Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 31 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Let’s Go (May consider modifying for K5) Words 32 Motions Up Squat and hit a Right Side Low V Ward Stand, Clasp Let’s Sit Left, Left Side Low V Go Stand, Clasp Shoot Right Dagger Two Hold Up Two Fingers Let’s Break the Punch Back Go Right Punch Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Pom Routines After your cheerleaders have learned enough cheers and chants to provide a significant base to use during each game, consider teaching them a pom routine that can be performed at halftime or during the awards celebration. Here are some points to consider as you prepare to teach pom routines: · Be sure to teach the placement of each pom routine motion. · Evaluate your squad’s performance. If there is a step too difficult for your group, simplify it before continuing. The goal is to master clean and simple routines. · Consider teaching two eight counts per practice. Review each one until everyone has learned the routine and it looks synchronized. Continue to teach the rest of the routine at your next practice. · Once the cheerleaders have learned the entire pom routine, make necessary corrections to improve motions and motion placement. The best way to do this is to count aloud, “Five, six, seven, eight, one” and have your squad freeze on count “one.” Make the necessary corrections and repeat the drill for “one” again. Do not go on to count “two” until everyone has correctly performed count “one.” Repeat for count “two.” When everyone has learned count “two,” add that to count “one.” Repeat the process for the entire routine until it is perfected. · Allow half of your squad to watch while the other half performs the pom routine. This is a great way to encourage your cheerleaders. The feedback from their own teammates will inspire and excite them for their big performance. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook GET CREATIVE AND ADD SOME FUN TO YOUR POM ROUTINE BY USING A CREATIVE FORMATION FROM THE FORMATIONS PAGE ON MYUPWARD.ORG. 33 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT The pom routines listed on the following pages can be performed to the music on your Cheertunes CD, located in the inside of the front cover of this coach cheerbook. The coach DVD (found on the inside back cover) includes visual demonstrations of all pom routines listed below. It breaks down how to perform each count, reviews the entire routine without music and then shows how to perform each pom routine with music. The following instructions can be used as a guide while watching the coach DVD. These pom routines are listed in order of difficulty. Joyful (Recommended K5 – 2nd) Formation A: X X X Formation B: Transition to: X X X First 8-count Start in Formation A (see diagram above) 1. Cross and grab left wrist with right hand 5. Right Dagger 2. Push straight down, still holding left wrist 7. Right Dagger 3. High V 4. Roll into a Low V 34 6. Left Low Touchdown 8. High V Jazz Hands, Look up Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Second 8-count 1. Cross and grab left wrist with right hand 5. Right Dagger 2. Push straight down, still holding left wrist 7. Right Dagger 3. High V 4. Roll into a Low V 6. Left Low Touchdown 8. High V Jazz Hands, Look up Third 8-Count Transition to Formation B 1. Begin to move to a vertical line, shake poms in front of chest 2. Continue to move to vertical line 3. Continue to move to vertical line 4. Continue to move to vertical line 5. Continue to move to vertical line 6. Continue to move to vertical line 7. Stand in vertical line and shake poms 8. Continue to shake poms Forth 8-Count Next eight counts are side to side moves: 1. Every other row bends to the right or left side 2.Switch 3.Switch 4.Switch 5.Switch 6.Switch 7.Switch 8.Switch Ending sound effect: everyone drops, hands on the floor and look down Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 35 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT John 3:16 (Recommended for 3rd-4th) Formation A: X X X Formation B: X X X Formation C: X X X First 8-count Start in Formation A (see above) 1.Hold 5. Low V 2.Hold 6.Clap 3. Low V 7. Low V 4.Clap 8.Clap Second 8-count 1. Step forward on right, cross right arm over left in front, head down 2. Break into a T Motion, Step Together 36 5. Wrap arms around your head 6. Bring hands and chest down to knees 3. Point to yourself 7. High V in Jazz hands and jump out 4. Point to yourself 8.Hold Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Third 8-Count 1. Reach out with right hand while left hand is placed on right bicep, step forward on right foot 5. Look to the front 6.Hold 7. Box with both arms (this is an opposite group visual) 2. Bring left foot to the right, bring right hand in front of face 3. Take right palm and face it outwards, look to the right a.Row 1: Step to the right, and hit right then left 4. Face to the left, palm facing out b.Row 2: Step to the left, and hit left then right 8. Box to the opposite side Forth 8-Count 1. Box to same side 2. Cross and uncross to the right 3. Cross and uncross to the left 4. Right arm over left on your chest and lean back to the right 5. Extend the right arm and point in front of you 6. Point to the right 7. Point to the left 8. Point to the right Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 37 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Sixth 8-Count Move to Formation C 1. Front row and back row switch 3. Continue to move 5. Continue to move a.Front row shake poms from a Low V to a High V b.Back row shake poms from a High V to a Low V 4. Continue to move 6. Continue to move 7. Continue to move 8. Continue to move 2. Continue to move Seventh 8-Count Move back to Formation B 1. Front row and back row switch 3. Continue to move 5. Continue to move a.Front row shake poms from a Low V to a High V b.Back row shake poms from a High V to a Low V 4. Continue to move 6. Continue to move 7. Continue to move 8. Continue to move 2. Continue to move Ending pose 1. Front row High V, back row Low V 38 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Obedience (Recommended for 5th-6th) Formation A: X X X First 8-count Start in Formation A 1.Hold 5. Jump apart 2.Hold 6.Hold 3.Hold 7.Hold 4.Hold 8.Hold Second 8-Count 1. Right arm punches forward, left arm in a Dagger And: Left arm punches forward, right arm in a Dagger 2. Right arm punches forward, left arm in a Dagger 3.Hold 4.Hold 5. Break arms into a Right Diagonal (right arm is a High V and left arm is in a Low V) 6. Break arms into a Left Diagonal (Left arm is a High V and Right arm is a Low V) 7. Broken Right Diagonal 8. Switch to a Broken Left Diagonal Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 39 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Third 8-Count This is a ripple. 1. Group 1: Step back to a right angle arms in Candle Sticks 4. Group 1: Hold Group 2: Hold 5. Everyone step forward to the right, cross and uncross arms to the right 2. Group 1: Clean arms by side and step together Group 2: Hold 3. Group 1: Hold Group 2: Step back to a right angle, arms in Candle Sticks Group 2: Clean arms by side and step together 6. Step to the left, cross and uncross arms to the left 7. Clean feet apart 8.Hold Fourth 8-Count 1. Arms in a Dagger 2. Swing left to a Low Touchdown 5. Right arm in a T, Left arm cleans 6. T Motion 3. Swing left up to Daggers 7. Clasp straight above head 4. Swing left to a Low Touchdown 8. Bring straight down to Clasp Fifth 8-Count 1. High V 5.Hold 2. Cross in front of you 6.Hold 3. T Motion, Toe Touch 7. Hands and knees hit the floor, look down 4. Land with feet together, arms by your side 40 8.Hold Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Sixth 8-count 1. Right knee comes up, right over left hands on thigh 5. Lift left shoulder and knee 2.Hold 6. Lift right shoulder and knee 3. Stand, Clean 7. Step out, left Low V 4.Hold 8. Box arms, face right and point up Seventh 8-Count 1.Clean 2.Hold 3. Feet apart, Right arm punches forward, left arm in a Dagger 4. Right arm punches forward, left arm in a Dagger 5. Break arms into a Right Diagonal (Right arm is a High V and Left arm is in a Low V) 6. Break arms into a Left Diagonal (Left arm is a High V and Right arm is a Low V) 7. Broken Right Diagonal 8. Broken Right Diagonal Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 41 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Eighth 8-Count 1. Group 1: Step back to a right angle with arms in Candle Sticks 5. Everyone step to the right, cross and uncross to the right 2. Group 1: Clean arms by side and step together 6. Step to the left, cross and uncross to the left 3. Group 1: Hold 7.Clean 4. Group 1: Hold 8.Hold Ending Pose 1. High V 42 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Mid-Practice Huddles (Devotions) As an Upward Cheerleading Coach, you are not only teaching skills for cheerleading but also values for life. The midpractice huddle, or devotion time, allows you to incorporate biblical principles into the sports experience and help young athletes grow spiritually. The chart on the next page shows the virtues and verses for each group of practices and is designed to assist you as your organize and prepare for your mid-practice huddle. Practice Number Virtue Practice 1 None (“Get to Know You” time) Verse None (Scripture learning begins at Practice 2.) Joy Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful. Philippians 4:4 (NIrV) Practice 5-7 Initiative None of you should look out for your own good. You should look out for the good of others. Philippians 2:4 (NIrV) Practice 8-10 Forgiveness Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV) Virtue Review/ Big Story Preview Built around John 3:16, this devotion reviews the season’s virtues while setting up a gospel presentation at the awards celebration through the Big Story DVD. This devotion comes standard in your coach resources. Practice 2-4 Last practice of the season Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 43 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Mid-Practice Huddle - Devotion 1 Instructions: · Gather cheerleaders together in a circle and ask everyone to share their names. · You will pick several topics and encourage your team to arrange themselves in order to create a continuum. The purpose is to give your team a chance to get to know one another by mingling about. Don’t choose topics that reveal accomplishments. Have fun with this. Let’s have some fun getting to know each other. I’m going to give you a topic and then you must mingle (talk) with each other to see how fast you can line up correctly each time. Ready? Line up from: · The lightest hair to the darkest. · Shortest to the tallest. · Lowest street number to the highest. · Smallest to largest hand. · The number of hours you watch television every week. · The number of books you’ve read this week. (Add more, as desired.) That was terrific! It will be very helpful to know a little more about each other as we work together as a squad in the weeks ahead. As you cheer during each game this season, you will be rewarded afterward with different colored stars that each means something special. Your actions, attitudes and words on game day will determine what star you will get. These are the game day stars and what they mean: 44 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE · The blue star represents EFFORT: What does it mean to show effort? It means working hard to try your best at all times. · The gold star represents SPIRIT: What does it mean to show spirit? It means doing all your cheers with excitement, eagerness and good voice inflection. You show others on your squad respect and treat them the way you want to be treated. · The gray star represents CHEERS: How do you cheer well? You work together well with the rest of the squad while doing the motions and jumps and saying the correct words along with the others. · The red star represents LEADERSHIP: What does a leader do? A good leader helps the squad stay focused and calls cheers well before the rest of the squad does them. · The white star represents CHRISTLIKENESS: What does it mean to be Christlike? Being Christlike means to do your best to imitate Jesus in every way – through words, attitude and actions. It means loving others and following God’s Word in the Bible; choosing God over the temptations in the world around you. At each practice we will stop to have a Mid-Practice Huddle. We will learn about God and learn a verse from the Bible together. During this time you will have a chance to earn a green star. · The green star represents SCRIPTURE LEARNING: What is a Scripture? Scriptures are verses from the Bible. How can I learn scripture? At different practices this season I will give you a practice card that has a Scripture verse on it. Memorize it, think about it, and talk about it with others. Come prepared to say it during practice and learn more about it! Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 45 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Our squad is going to have a great season! Let’s pray and then get back to practice. (Lead squad in short prayer as you thank God for all the cheerleaders and a great season ahead.) Mid-Practice Huddle - Devotion 2 Practice Card Reminder: At the end of practice, remember to distribute the practice cards entitled “Practice 2.” Introduce: ›Virtue: JOY - Finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way. ›Scripture Verse: Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful. Philippians 4:4 (NIrV) Bottom Line: I can have joy because God sent his Son. (Biblical Example) Today, I’m going to read you a story. Maybe you’ve heard it before. Maybe it’s your first time ever hearing it. But this story is one of the most famous stories in all of history. Listen to this: (From Luke 2:1-7) A long, long time ago, there lived a man named Caesar Augustus. Caesar Augustus was in charge of the whole Roman Empire, kind of like our president is in charge of our country. And he wanted to know exactly who he was in charge of. So he decided to make a list of every person in the Roman Empire. In order to be officially put on Caesar Augustus’ list, all the people in the Roman Empire had to go back to the place they were born. 46 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE That is why a man named Joseph and a woman named Mary traveled to a town in Judea called Bethlehem—Joseph’s hometown. Mary was engaged to Joseph and was expecting a baby. While Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem, the time came for the child to be born. She gave birth to her first baby. It was a boy. She wrapped him in large strips of cloth. Then she placed him in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. They were sharing a room with animals because space was tight. The whole town was full of people who had come to be put on Caesar Augustus’ list. Okay, if you’ve heard this story before, raise your hand. (Pause for responses.) Awesome. Now, can anyone tell me who the Baby was who was born that night? (Pause for cheerleaders to respond.) It was Jesus! And when do we usually talk about Jesus’ birth? That’s right! We celebrate Jesus’ birthday on Christmas. So why in the world would I read the Christmas story to you today? Well, for the next few practices, we’re going to talk about what it means to have joy! Joy is finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way. Notice I said, “when” not “if.” See, I can guarantee there will be times when things don’t go your way. I guarantee there will be times when you are the exact opposite of happy. But no matter what happens, you can always choose how you respond. You can always find a way to be happy. You can choose joy. Know why? Because over 2,000 years ago, God sent his Son Jesus to the earth. So how does that make you happy when you aren’t allowed to go to your friend’s house or when your iPod breaks? Joy is about finding something to be happy about. And the good news is, no matter what happens, whether you mess up or something totally unfair and wrong happens to you, God never changes. Two thousand years ago he already Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 47 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT loved you enough to send Jesus. And because he sent Jesus, you have the opportunity to talk to God, have a relationship with God and live forever with God in Heaven. God loves you so much. That’s a reason to be happy. Even when things aren’t going your way, you can have joy because God sent his Son because he loves you so much! 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. When is it hardest for you to choose joy and be happy? 2. How does the story of Jesus help you find a way to be happy when things aren’t going your way? 3. What is one way you could help yourself remember this story about Jesus and think about it when you are feeling unhappy? Let’s pray and thank God for sending Jesus. Prayer Heavenly Father, we love you. Thank you for reminding us that we can always have joy because you sent Jesus because you love us so much. This isn’t just a story to read at Christmas time. Help us to remember to choose to be joyful, even when things don’t go our way. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. 48 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 3 Coach: Do NOT distribute practice cards at this practice Review: ›Virtue: JOY - Finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way. ›Scripture Verse: Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful. Philippians 4:4 (NIrV) Bottom Line: I can have joy because God has a way to make things right. (My World Example) Do you ever wish you could see ahead of time how things were going to work out? Wouldn’t it be so cool if you could build a time machine to take you into the future so all your questions could be answered? Questions like: Will we cheer well at our game on Saturday? Am I going to get a good grade on my math test? Will I be in the same class with my best friend next year? When you have a situation that you are unsure about, wouldn’t it be totally awesome to know how it will all turn out? What if I told you that I know Someone who does know the future? What if I told you that he doesn’t even need a time machine to tell us whether or not we’ll do great at our game this week? Can anyone guess who I’m talking about? (Pause as cheerleaders respond.) That’s right. I’m talking about God! What if I could promise that even if we forget all of our cheers on Saturday, or you get a bad grade in math or your best friend isn’t your best friend next year, that everything would still work out? What if you and I could still be joyful when things don’t go our way? Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 49 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Well, the truth is, we can. We can choose to be happy even when things don’t turn out the way we’d hoped because God has a plan to make things right. You see, way back in the beginning, when God first created the earth, it was a perfect place. There was no disappointment or shame (like feeling terrible about your bad grade) and no sadness (like losing a best friend). When sin, or disobedience, entered the earth, everything changed. We were all separated from God and forced to face the consequences of our own disobedience. But God had a plan and God made it right again. When God chose to send Jesus, his one and only Son, to earth, he made a way for us to have a relationship with him again. Jesus paid the price for our disobedience. And when we accept what he did on our behalf, we are no longer separated from him. Isn’t that an amazing way to make things right? But God isn’t done yet! He promises that Jesus will come back again and that everyone who has accepted what he did for us will be with God in the end. So, even though there are bumps along the way and some things don’t go our way, we can be happy because God has a way to make things right. 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. What is happening in your life now that you wish you knew how it would turn out? 2. What are some ways God can make something good come out of a really bad situation? 3. Has anything ever happened differently than you hoped, but it turned out for the better anyway? Tell us about it. 50 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Let’s pray and thank God for the chance to choose joy. Prayer Dear God, thanks for reminding us that you are in control of our future. When we get discouraged or scared about how things will turn out, help us to trust you. Help us to remember that you have a plan to make things right. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 4 Coach: Do NOT distribute practice cards at this practice Review: ›Virtue: JOY - Finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way. ›Scripture Verse: Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful. Philippians 4:4 (NIrV) Bottom Line: I can have joy because God has a way to make things right. (Peer Example) Check this out. In Philippians 4:4 (NIrV) it says, “Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful.” Wait, did you hear the first part? Did it say, “Be joyful sometimes”? Did it say, “Be joyful only on your birthday, or when you’re at Disney World”? No way! This verse says we can be joyful always. And then it says it again—be joyful! But how is it even possible to be happy all the time? The answer is right there in the verse. You can be joyful—always—because if you have accepted what Jesus did for you, you belong to God! You see, real joy is a choice. Real joy happens when you understand that God loves you so much he sent Jesus so that you can belong to God. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 51 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT God made the WHOLE world—creeks and oceans, ants and elephants, molehills and mountains. But of all the things he made, he loves you the most. The Bible says that you are his most prized creation. But when we disobeyed God and sin entered the world, we were separated from our holy, perfect God. And there wasn’t anything we could do about it. But God loved all of us so much that he sent Jesus, his one and only Son, to pay the price for our sin. God sent Jesus to make a way for us—all of us—to have a relationship with him. God didn’t just send Jesus for nice people. He didn’t send Jesus just for smart people. Or popular people. Or rich people. He didn’t send Jesus just for you and your best friend or the people that are nice to you. God sent Jesus for everyone. On the night Jesus was born, did you know that God got a whole choir of angels together to share the good news? Guess who the angels announced this good news to first? A king? Someone famous or powerful? No way. The angels filled the skies over a field full of a bunch of smelly shepherds. The first people to hear God’s heavenly birth announcement were some of the most common, unknown, average people around. Because this good news wasn’t just for some people, it was for everyone! That good news is for you. It’s for me. It’s for everyone. God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to pay the price of sin for everyone. And that’s a huge reason to find joy, every day, in any situation. You can have joy because God’s message is for everyone. 52 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. Who first told you about God’s story? 2. Why do you think it’s important for everyone to hear God’s story? 3. Is there anyone in your life who might not know the story of God? Let’s pray. Prayer God, thanks for helping us see today that you sent Jesus for everyone. Thanks that we can choose to have joy because of that. Thanks for loving us so much that you would send Jesus to be our Savior. We love you and we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 5 Practice Card Reminder: At the end of practice, remember to distribute the practice cards entitled “Practice 5.” Introduce: ›Virtue: INITIATIVE - Seeing what needs to be done and doing it. ›Scripture Verse: None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the good of others. Philippians 2:4 (NIrV) Bottom Line: When there’s a job to be done, first you have to see it. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 53 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT (My World Example) Today I want to talk to you about something that’s really important when it comes to cheerleading. Actually, it’s pretty important in real life, too. I’m talking about showing initiative. Without it, no one would ever get to accomplish anything on the court—or in life! Initiative is seeing what needs to be done and doing it. But to get the job done, there’s something pretty important that has to happen first. You need to see the problem. If you can’t see the job ahead of you, then you’ll never do anything about it. Because when there’s a job to be done, first you have to see it. Now I know I don’t live in your house, but I would guess that at least once a day your mom or dad says something like . . . “Can you please clean up this mess? I can’t see the floor of your room!” “Your brother is struggling with his coat. Could you help him, please?” “Hey, can you give me a hand with these leaves? I’ll never get them all picked up without some help.” “My arms are full with all these groceries. Think you could lend me a hand?” Sometimes, it’s easy to ignore a big job or to think that someone else will do it. After all, your mom already has all the bags in her hands right? And your dad, well, how did all those leaves get picked up before you were big enough to help? And what about your brother? I mean, he wasn’t around to help you when you were little, right? But how would that attitude work for us? If no one took initiative to go out and do our jumps or motions, we’d never 54 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE get anywhere. If we spent the entire game thinking that someone else would do all of the cheers. Showing initiative means you take responsibility when there’s a job to be done. Initiative doesn’t mean you ignore it or wait for someone else to do it. So this week, practice taking the time to see what needs to be done—at home, at school and at practices and games. Then, follow through and do something about it. 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. Is there a job that needs to be done right now in your home or at school? What is it? 2. When you see someone who needs help or a mess that needs to be cleaned up, what is your first reaction? 3. Take a look around you. Is there anything you see that needs to be done? Why don’t we pray and ask God to help us with that this week? Prayer God, you are awesome. Thanks for helping us understand today how important it is to show initiative. We don’t want to wait for someone else to do what needs to be done. Help us to see the problem first and then to lend a hand. Thanks for loving us. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 55 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 6 Coach: Do NOT distribute practice cards at this practice Review: ›Virtue: INITIATIVE - Seeing what needs to be done and doing it. ›Scripture Verse: None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the good of others. Philippians 2:4 (NIrV) Bottom Line: When you see there’s a job to be done, don’t wait for someone else to do it. (Biblical Example) Does anyone remember what we talked about at our last practice? I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with “vinitiative.” I know. Hilarious, right? We talked about initiative, which is: seeing what needs to be done and doing it. Today I want to tell you about a guy from the Bible named Nehemiah who definitely knew how to get the job done. Nehemiah worked for the King of Persia but he was Jewish. Some of his people had moved back from Persia to Jerusalem, the capital of the land God had given them, and Nehemiah got word that Jerusalem was in trouble. Back then, cities were surrounded by thick, high walls. These walls protected and guarded the city. But the walls around Jerusalem were broken down. It was a big mess. Now, Nehemiah wasn’t an engineer. He didn’t have any construction experience. He didn’t even live in Jerusalem. And he had a pretty cushy job, working as a cupbearer to a king. But Nehemiah knew that he could help. He knew he had to help. And he figured that he might be the only person willing to get the job done. So he did. 56 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE The Bible tells us that because of Nehemiah, the wall around Jerusalem was completely rebuilt in 52 days. Isn’t that amazing? Nehemiah saw the job that needed to be done. He didn’t wait for someone else to do it. And guess what? You and I can learn a lesson from Nehemiah, too. It’s easy to make excuses when there’s a job to be done. We’re all tempted to think that someone else will do it. But that’s not showing initiative. Philippians 2:4 (NIrV) says, “None of you should look out for your own good. You should look out for the good of others.” That’s what we do when we cheer together as a team. We look out for each other. That’s what Nehemiah did for all of those people in Jerusalem. He cared more about them and their needs than his own. Remember, when you see there’s a job to be done, don’t wait for someone else to do it. You are the person who could make a difference when you look out for the good of others and show initiative this week. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 57 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. Who usually takes care of these jobs in your house: Loading and unloading the dishwasher? Putting away your clean clothes? Taking the trash to the curb? Picking up the toys you played with? Making your bed? Unloading the groceries? Putting a new roll of toilet paper on the holder? Taking care of family pets? 2. What are some other jobs you know about outside of your home—like trash in the lunchroom at school or an untied shoe at church? 3. What do you think might happen if your mom, dad or lunchroom lady decided not to do anything about the jobs they saw needed to be done? Let’s pray and thank God for Nehemiah’s example to us today. Prayer Dear God, you are an awesome, holy God. Thanks for the story of Nehemiah and how he was willing to tackle such a big job himself instead of waiting for someone else to do it. Help us to show that same kind of initiative this week. We love you and we ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. 58 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 7 Coach: Do NOT distribute practice cards at this practice Review: ›Virtue: INITIATIVE - Seeing what needs to be done and doing it. ›Scripture Verse: None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the good of others. Philippians 2:4 (NIrV) Bottom Line: When you see there’s a job to be done, don’t wait for someone else to do it. (Biblical Example) Did you all follow through and show initiative this week? Would someone be willing to share with the team what you did and what happened? (Allow a cheerleader to answer. If no one volunteers, be prepared to share an example.) Initiative is seeing what needs to be done and doing it. We’ve talked a little bit about what that looks like both on and off the court. But I want to see how well you’ve been listening. So I have a little multiple-choice quiz for you. If you know the answer, raise your hand. Ready? Okay, here we go. 1. A girl from your grade comes into the lunchroom with her tray full of food, and just as she’s about to find a seat, she trips and everything goes flying. You: a. Ignore it. After all, you don’t want to lose your place in line. b. Help her clean it up and then offer to share your lunch with her. c. Go find a teacher so she can clean it up. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 59 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT 2. There’s an older lady who lives down the street. You don’t see her outside much but you notice her trashcan hasn’t been taken to the street and garbage day is tomorrow. You: a. Knock on the door to remind her it needs to go out to the street. b. Act as if you never saw it, assuring yourself that she’ll remember before tomorrow. c. Run over to her house and pull it out to the curb after you take out the trash at your house. 3. Your mom is working on dinner in the kitchen and you see that the table hasn’t been set yet. You: a. Grab the stack of placemats and get busy. b. Tell your little brother to do it. c. Figure that once your mom gets supper in the oven, then she can do it. 4. At the end of P.E., all the balls and cones are out all over the gym. You: 60 a. Head outside to play for free time with the rest of the class. b. Assume your teacher prefers the mess and decide to leave it that way. c. Stay behind to help your teacher quickly put things away. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE 5. At church, you hear about a village in Africa that doesn’t have clean water. Your church is collecting money to build the village a well. You: a. Feel badly that there are people in the world who don’t have clean water and feel lucky that you can get it whenever you want. b. Figure that all the adults at church will pitch in. c. Tell your mom that instead of presents for your birthday next week, you want to collect money to help build the well. Okay, okay. That was like the easiest test ever right? I mean, we can all pick out the answer that sounds the best. But here’s the hard part. In real life, if we’re really honest, most of us would rather wait to see if someone else will help first. Instead of showing initiative, many times we make excuses or assume that someone else will do something about it. But the Bible says that we should look out for the interest of others first. That means when we see a problem, we’re supposed to do something about it. This is especially true when it comes to people in need. We all have way more than we need and definitely more than we deserve. When you see someone in need, don’t wait for someone else to fix it. Figure out what part you can play to get the job done. And as you show initiative, you never know the good you can do for someone else. When there are people in need, don’t wait for someone else to help them. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 61 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. Do you know of anyone in need? Without naming names, what is one thing you could do for someone in need? 2. Tell us about a time you helped someone in need. How did it feel? 3. Tell us about a time someone helped you when you were in need. How did it feel? Let’s pray and ask God to help us follow through with that this week. Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for your love and care for us. We are so grateful for every good thing because we know they come from you. Help us to see the needs around us this week and to do something. We don’t want to wait for someone else when we could be the ones to help. We love you, God. And we ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 8 Practice Card Reminder: At the end of practice, remember to distribute the practice cards entitled “Practice 8.” Introduce: ›Virtue: FORGIVENESS - Deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. ›Scripture Verse: Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV) 62 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Bottom Line: Everyone needs to be forgiven, even me. (Biblical Example) While Jesus was on earth, he was known for preaching and telling stories to large crowds. One of the most famous stories Jesus told is about a father and his two sons. The younger son decided he wanted to leave home and see the world. But he needed money to do that. He knew that when his father died, he would get part of his father’s money. So he went to his dad and said, “Give me my share of the inheritance now.” This request hurt the father very much because the son was acting as if he wanted him dead. But his father gave him the money anyway. The younger son left home, headed for the big city. It wasn’t long before he’d completely wasted every bit of money his father had given him. Hungry and alone, he took a job working for a farmer, feeding pigs. He was so hungry that even the slop the pigs were eating began to look tasty to him. He wanted to go home again. But what would his father say? That’s when the son got the idea to go home. He would beg his father to hire him as a servant because even the servants in his father’s house had food to eat and a place to sleep. The whole walk home, the son practiced his “I’m sorry” speech. He had no idea whether or not his father would forgive him, but he knew he had to try. As he got closer to home but was still a long way from his front door, he saw a figure running toward him. It was his father! His father threw his arms around him in a big hug. “Father, forgive me,” the son began. “I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” (Luke 15:21) The father called for his servants and said, “Quick! Kill the calf we’ve been fattening. Let’s have a celebration! Because my son was dead but now he’s alive. And he has come back home!” Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 63 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Did the son deserve to be forgiven? No way. But his father forgave him anyway. Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. Just like the son in this story, we don’t deserve to be forgiven. But just like the father in this story, your heavenly Father is ready and willing to forgive you. But the first thing you have to do is be willing to admit when you’re wrong. That’s what the son did. Standing there alone among the pigs, the son knew he had seriously messed up. He needed to be forgiven. We’ve messed up, too. You and I need to be forgiven. Everyone needs forgiveness. I’m so thankful Jesus told this story to show us how much God loves us. He is always ready to forgive us. But it’s up to you and me to admit when we’re wrong. Because everyone needs to be forgiven . . . even you. 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. What does that mean to you, in your own words? 2. What makes it so hard for us to admit when we have messed up and need forgiveness? 3. What do you do when you know you need forgiveness for something? 64 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Let’s pray and ask God to help us realize when we’ve messed up and need forgiveness. Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much that you would choose to forgive us all the time—especially when we don’t deserve it. Help us to recognize when we’ve messed up and to accept the forgiveness you offer. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 9 Coach: Do NOT distribute practice cards at this practice Review: ›Virtue: FORGIVENESS - Deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. ›Scripture Verse: Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV) Bottom Line: Since God forgave you, you should forgive others. (My World Example) Let’s say you have a friend named Emma who asks to borrow your bike. Your bike is brand new and you’re really not sure you want to let her borrow it, but you do. When Emma returns the bike, it’s completely scratched and the brakes won’t work. Emma tells you she’s so sorry and that she’ll work hard to earn the money to buy you a new one. She begs you to forgive him. You see the scratches on her arm where she fell and feel badly for her. So you pat Emma on the shoulder and tell her, “I’m just glad you’re okay. Don’t worry about the bike.” Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 65 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Emma is so relieved. As she’s walking home, Emma runs into Megan, another friend from down the street. As soon as he sees Megan, she grabs her by the collar and says, “Where’s the CD you borrowed? It’s my favorite one and I want it back now!” Megan looks back sheepishly and says, “I’m so sorry Emma, but I accidentally left it out where my little brother could reach it and it got scratched. I tried to play it, but it won’t work. I promise I’ll give you my allowance for the next two months to buy you a new one.” Emma steps back in anger and yells, “I can’t believe you would be so careless. I let you borrow my favorite CD and you broke it? We aren’t friends anymore. I don’t want to see you ever again.” Whoa. What are your thoughts on that story? (Pause for some responses.) You might be thinking, “That’s kind of a harsh reaction, Emma.” After all, didn’t Emma receive forgiveness for a much, much bigger mistake: breaking your bike? Looks like Emma forgot about the forgiveness you gave her. You all remember what forgiveness is, right? Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. And guess what? While you might think you would never be like Emma, I should probably remind you of something super important. God has forgiven you big time. You see, the Bible says that everyone has sinned or messed up. Sin is any thought or action that goes against how God wants us to live. Because God is perfect and we’re not, our sin separates us from him. But God is a loving and forgiving God, so his own innocent Son Jesus came and paid the price for our sins. And through him, God offers us forgiveness. It may seem extreme that God wants us to always forgive each other. It may seem surprising that God wants us to decide that someone who has wronged us doesn’t have to pay. But God is not asking us to do anything that He hasn’t done Himself. 66 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE So the next time someone hurts or disappoints you and you feel like holding a grudge or making them pay, remember: since God forgave you, you should forgive others. Don’t be like Emma who was forgiven one minute then walked away and refused to forgive someone else. Remember this week, since God forgave you, you should forgive others! That’s super-easy to talk about but not easy to do. 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. Have you ever needed forgiveness? 2. Tell us about a time you forgave someone else. 3. Is there someone in your life right now who you could forgive? So let’s ask God to help us this week. Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for always, always offering forgiveness—for big things and little things. Help us to do the same. When someone hurts us, help us to forgive them just like you have forgiven us. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 67 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 10 Coach: Do NOT distribute practice cards at this practice Review: ›Virtue: FORGIVENESS - Deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. ›Scripture Verse: Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV) Bottom Line: Be careful not to judge others when you’ve been wrong, too. (Peer Example) “He’s mean all the time!” “You have to share your toys.” “How come you always get your way?” “No, you’re not doing it right. Give it to me!” Sometimes getting along with others is just plain hard. I bet all of us have said something like this to our friends at some point. It’s super-easy to point out when someone else is wrong. Check out what Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:3-5 (NIrV): “You look at the bit of sawdust in your friend’s eye. But you pay no attention to the piece of wood in your own eye. How can you say to your friend, ‘Let me take the bit of sawdust out of your eye’? How can you say this while there is a piece of wood in your own eye? “You pretender! First take the piece of wood out of your own eye. Then you will be able to see clearly to take the bit of sawdust out of your friend’s eye.” 68 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE Jesus was basically saying this: How in the world can you point a finger at someone else when you’ve been wrong, too? In fact, let me show you. Everyone stick out your index finger and point at your neighbor like I’m doing. (Show them what you mean by pointing at one of the kids.) When you point at someone else to tell them they’re wrong, guess what? Look at the three fingers underneath your own index finger. Who are they pointing at? That’s right. You! When you point at someone to tell him he’s wrong, you’re really pointing at yourself. We should all be careful not to judge others when we’ve been wrong, too. Those verses from the Bible are clear. The wrongs that other people do—the ones we’re so quick to point out—are like tiny bits of dust. But the wrongs that we do, well, the Bible says those are like great big pieces of wood! So the next time you’re tempted to point at others and tell them how wrong they are, think about those fingers pointing back at you. Take a look at your own heart and remember that you need forgiveness, too. Be careful not to judge others when you’ve been wrong, too. 3rd GRADE AND UP ONLY: INTERACTION QUESTIONS 1. Have you ever been the only one to get in trouble when others were wrong, too? How did it make you feel? 2. Remember Jesus’ words about the sawdust and the piece of wood? What was Jesus saying? Explain it to me in your own words. 3. Why do you think it is easier to see when someone else does something wrong than it is to admit when you’ve done something wrong? Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 69 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT Let’s pray about that today. Prayer Heavenly Father, it’s really easy to point at others and tell them they’re wrong. It’s a whole lot harder to take a look in the mirror and realize we’ve been wrong, too. Help us to forgive others when they hurt us by remembering that we’ve been forgiven, too. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Mid-Practice Huddle – Last Practice of the Season Practice Card Reminder: At the end of this practice, remember to distribute the last practice card to your players. Bottom Line: God sent Jesus to forgive us of our sins. INTRODUCE: ›You are part of God’s Big Story! ›Scripture Verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV) Introduction: We’ve had a GREAT season! It’s been so much fun watching each of you become better cheerleaders and better friends with each other! We’ve learned a lot about cheerleading…but we’ve also learned a lot about ourselves and about others. Think about the things that we’ve learned during our huddle time this year. Do you remember the three virtues we’ve discussed? What were they? 70 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N ONE : PRAC TICE (Allow cheerleaders to answer the question.) › First we learned about Joy. We learned that joy is finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way. That’s not always easy to do, but we know that God has a PERFECT plan for each one of us and he is ALWAYS in control…even when we don’t realize it. ›Then we learned about Initiative, which is seeing what needs to be done and doing it. This involves being able to see what needs to be done and not waiting for someone else to do it. This is especially true when we have the opportunity to help someone in need. › Finally, we learned about Forgiveness. Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay. Now that may be the most difficult one of all! When you decide that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay, it can draw that person closer to you. In fact, the Bible says that you should forgive as the Lord forgives you. Today’s verse tells us that God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to forgive us of our wrong doing so we can live forever with him in heaven! Listen to this week’s verse, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV) We have all made mistakes. The Bible tells us that because of sin, we are separated from God. But because God loves us so much, he provides a way back to him. Our verse teaches us that this way is through his son, Jesus. He sent His only Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life on earth and then pay the price for all of our sins on the cross. And because of that act of forgiveness, we can be with God forever. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 71 ACTICE E: PR ION ON SECT I’ve got something else to tell you. Did you know that you are part of God’s BIG STORY? That’s right…he has a BIG STORY and each one of you are in it! You will learn more about that BIG STORY at the Award’s Celebration. It’s gonna be great! Let’s pray to God and thank him for all he’s done for us. Prayer: Dear God, thank you for an awesome season! Thank you for teaching us about Joy, Initiative and Forgiveness. Thank you for sending your son Jesus for each one of us. And thank you for reminding us today that You will always forgive us when we mess up. You are incredible! In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen. 72 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook TWO N O I T SEC GAMES Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 73 E DAY O: GAM ION TW SECT Game Day Game day for Upward Cheerleaders is an exciting time. They have learned and practiced their fundamentals and are now ready to put on their uniforms to cheer in front of all the spectators, players and coaches. As a coach, you should be ready as well. Here are a few key points to remember on game day: · Include your squad in the pre-game prayer huddle with players, coaches and referees. · Cheerleaders are allowed to perform during timeouts and at halftimes. Games consist of six six-minute segments with an eight-minute halftime period. The clock stops briefly at the end of each segment. This can be a great time for cheerleaders to do a quick chant, a cheer or a jump. · Cheerleaders need to be alert to the action on the court to protect themselves from an out-of-bounds ball or player. · If cheerleaders will be standing on the sidelines during games, instruct them to place their poms on the floor as a marker for their position in the lineup. · If you have only one cheerleading squad per hour when two games are being played, have cheerleaders switch courts at halftime. This allows your cheerleaders to cheer for all teams on the court. · Be prepared each game with a list of all cheers and chants that have been learned. You can also make a poster with all the cheers, chants and pom routines as a visual reminder to all cheerleaders. USE SIGNS AND POSTERS TO GET THE CROWD INVOLVED WITH YOUR CHEERLEADERS WHEN PERFORMING CHEERS AND CHANTS OR A HALFTIME ROUTINE. 74 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook REE H T N O SECTI FORMS Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 75 RMS E: FO N THRE SECTIO 76 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N THRE E: FOR MS Game Day Cheer List Use the following pages on game day to make a list of the cheers your squad knows and can perform during the game. You may also want to use this form to keep track of what cheers have been done so you do not often repeat the same cheers Game 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Game 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 77 RMS E: FO N THRE SECTIO Game 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Game 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 78 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook SECTIO N THRE E: FOR MS Game 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Game 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook 79 RMS E: FO N THRE SECTIO Game 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Game 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 80 Upward Basketball Cheerleading Coach Cheerbook