Lab 8 Stream Ecology Using ANOVA April 10, 2002 Group 5 Abstract Stream ecology was analyzed in this lab because it indicates the effects of pollutants on organisms in the environment. Lab 8 compared the mouth and base of Huron Creek, which has been affected by paved-over wetlands and road salts to Coles Creek, which is virtually untouched by construction. The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), temperature, and amount and type of organisms in the two streams were measured as indicators of the health of the stream. The conductivity, a measure of TDS, and temperature were collected using a computer program “Test 12 Total Dissolved Solids”. The amount and types of macroinvertebrates were determined by collecting 10 rocks from the stream. The organisms on the rocks were then counted and identified on each rock. This technique was used as a biological indicator of the health of the two creeks. Cole’s Creek was found to be ecologically healthier than Huron Creek through analyses of aquatic organisms present and of the conductivity of the water. Additionally, ANOVAs performed on the data showed Cole’s Creek to be statistically different from Huron Creek in temperature, conductivity, and organism diversity. Good. Some more specific results would be appropriate (e.g., The conductivity at Coles Creek (65 μS) was low and unaffected by road salts in comparison to the conductivities measured in Huron Creek (112, 490 μS). Both the number of individuals (avg. 35 per rock) and the variety of types (18 organism types identified) found in Coles Creek were much higher than those found in Huron Creek (5 and 7 per rock, 5-7 organism types)./ Introduction One aspect of Environmental Engineering deals with measuring pollution concentrations and controlling pollution in the environment. The reason for doing this is to protect the organisms present within those environments. Some species of organisms are more susceptible to pollution than others. Those species indicate the health of the ecosystem. Organisms play important roles in their ecosystem; therefore, it is critical to monitor their status to safeguard the health of the environment The objective of the lab was to observe the effects of paved over wetlands, and road salt on stream ecology. By measuring the temperature, conductivity, and the macroinvertebrates in an unhealthy stream compared to a healthy stream, one can see the effects of pollutants on stream ecology. A large area and large number of organisms were sampled. Therefore, ANOVAs were used to assess if any of the data was/were/ statistically different from one site to the next site. The areas sampled were from the mouth and the base of Huron Creek and from Cole’s Creek. Huron Creek starts from behind Wal-Mart and goes to the waterfront park on the Portage Canal. The paving of wetlands there has altered the stream’s original course and there is less flow upstream than compared to/use either “than at” or “compared to”/ the mouth. Cole’s Creek is virtually untouched by human impacts, and is fast flowing compared to Huron Creek. Methods Each Lab section sampled either Huron Creek or Cole’s Creek. Each group collected 30 TDS measurements, 30 temperature measurements, and collected ten rocks from the respective streams. The rocks where then placed in plastic bags and taken to the lab for counting and identifying of organisms. Both the conductivity and temperature measurements were taken using the Mac laptop computers to collect the data. Since conductivity depends on the total number of ions present in the water, conductivity and TDS are linearly related. So, from the conductivity measurements, TDS concentrations were determined. The steps outlined in Lab 8 handout (Urban 2002) were followed. However, conductivity and temperature measurements were taken at three different locations on Huron Creek instead of two different locations. Results Table 1 below illustrates the TDS levels, measured by conductivity, for the four different test sites. Huron Creek at Wal-mart exhibited the highest TDS concentrations of 492.04 (Significant digits 490) mg/L while Cole’s Creek had the lowest TDS concentrations of 66.87 mg/L. The data suggested that TDS concentrations increased in Huron Creek as it passed by Wal-mart and then slowly decreased as the Creek drained to the Portage Canal. Road salt and other dissolved ions associated with the chemicals surrounding Wal-mart have been the major factor in this phenomenon. Table 1: Statistical Summary for Conductivity/TDS (mg/L) Cole's Creek Huron Creek Mouth Mean 66.87 346.0 St Dev 1.40 164.6 COV 0.02 0.48 Huron Creek Walmart 492.04 12.05 0.02 Huron Creek Walmart before 112.68 1.99 0.02 Significant digits Table 2: Biosurvey Results Cole's Creek Averages Midge 32.1 Stonefly 0.3 caddisfly 2.5 blackfly 0.4 Mayfly 0.3 copepod 0.0 leech 0.2 Snail 0.1 Watersnipe 0.1 sowbug 0.0 Scud 0.1 worm 0.1 dragonfly 0.1 crane fly 0.1 Cacoon 0.2 Other 1.2 Huron Creek Walmart Averages blackfly 1.5 midge 3.9 caddisfly 0.2 riffle beetle 0.0 worm 0.1 mite 0.0 dragonfly 0.1 Other 0.3 Huron Creek Mouth Averages caddisfly midge worm blackfly mite Other 1.1 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 Table 2 shows the average number of macroinvertebrates per rock for each test site. Cole’s Creek contained the highest number of organisms per rock. Huron Creek had a relatively low number of organisms at both locations. The category named “Other” summed all of the individual organisms not bolded /There is no such verb./ in the table. Tables 3, 4, and 5 below show the results of the ANOVA for temperature, conductivity, and number of organisms for each of the four sites. The F value was larger than the Fcritical value for all three cases. This meant that all four sites are statistically different from one another in all three cases. /No. Be careful of your wording. The ANOVA results indicate that not all four sites are similar, but it does not indicate whether one is different from the others, whether two are different from another two, or whether each one is different from the others./ Table 3: ANOVA for Temperature Groups Count Cole's Creek 93 Huron Creek Mouth 31 Huron Creek Walmart 30 Huron Creek Walmart Before 30 ANOVA SS Source of Variation Between Groups 148.338261 Within Groups 1.19555149 Total 149.533812 Table 4: ANOVA for Conductiviy Groups Count Cole's Creek 122 Huron Creek Mouth 119 Huron Creek Walmart 60 Huron Creek Walmart Before 30 ANOVA SS Source of Variation Between Groups 9267765 Within Groups 3205647 Total 12473412 Sum Average Variance 242.1303 2.603551 0.011514 63.98874 2.064153 0.000272 17.16394 0.572131 0.000801 18.70352 0.623451 0.003616 df MS F P-value F crit 3 49.44609 7444.511 1.9E-188 2.654794 180 0.006642 183 Sum Average Variance 8157.719 66.86655 1.948282 41171.19 345.9764 27090.94 29522.53 492.0422 145.1844 3380.318 112.6773 3.969625 df MS F P-value F crit 3 3089255 315.1271 4.17E-96 2.632227 327 9803.203 330 There are not all the observations being read; therefore, the values are slightly off. Table 5: ANOVA for Organisms Groups Count Cole's Creek 40 Huron Creek Mouth 40 Huron Creek Walmart 40 ANOVA SS df Source of Variation Between Groups 23128.02 Within Groups 18686.35 Total 41814.37 Sum 1436 287 231 Average 35.9 7.175 5.775 Variance 363.2718 82.40449 33.4609 MS F P-value F crit 2 11564.01 72.4052 3.44E-21 3.073765 117 159.7124 119 Discussion Figures 1,2, and 3 show the distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates in Cole’s and Huron Creek. Midges were most predominating/predominant/ in all three sites. Cole’s Creek displayed a wider variety in/of/ organisms than did either test site on Huron Creek, which displayed a lower variety of organisms at higher population levels percentagewise. Huron Creek also had a larger percentage of group 2 and 3 taxa organisms, which are more pollution tolerant, than did Cole’s Creek. Cole’s Creek contained more group 1 taxa organisms, which can only be found in good quality water. This indicated poorer water quality in Huron Creek than in Cole’s Creek. This difference may have been due to Huron Creek flowing through more industrialized areas and encountering more pollutants than Cole’s Creek. Huron Creek Walmart Macroinvertebrates blackfly midge caddisfly Other Figure 1: Huron Creek at Walmart Macroinvertebrate Pie Chart How could the reader tell what is the percentage of each type of organism from the figure? Cole's Creek Macroinvertebrates Midge Stonefly caddisfly blackfly Other Figure 2:Cole's Creek Macroinvertebrate Pie Chart Huron Cree k Mouth Macroinve rte brates caddisfly midge Other Figure 3: Huron Creek at Mouth Macroinvertebrate Pie Chart Temperature also may have played a role in the number of organisms per rock. The data indicated that higher temperatures correlated /You should say this only if you performed a correlation analysis and found a significant correlation coefficient./ with an increased variety of organisms. Cole’s Creek had an average temperature of 2.6 oC and had a wide variety of organisms. On the other hand, Huron Creek at Walmart had an average temperature of 0.57 oC and had a low variety of organisms. Conductivity, as a measure of TDS concentrations, also may have played a role in the number of organisms per rock. As shown in Table 1, Cole’s Creek had a much lower average conductivity level at 66.87 mg/L than did any of the points on Huron Creek, which ranged from 112.68 mg/L to 346.0 mg/L (significant digits?). It was not determined exactly how much of the conductivity levels were due to saline runoff from streets but it can be assumed that road salt accounted for a large part of the high conductivity concentrations seen in Huron Creek. All three ANOVAs performed on temperature, conductivity, and number of organisms showed statistical differences between the four test sites. This was justified in that the averages of temperature, conductivity, and number of organisms for each site were noticeably different from one another. The ANOVAs confirmed this through statistical analysis. Therefore, not only was Cole’s Creek different from Huron Creek in all three categories, but Huron Creek displayed different characteristics within the stream itself at the three different points that were measured. /You should have performed t-tests to determine which site was different from the others./ Conclusion In conclusion, Cole’s Creek appeared to be of higher water quality than Huron Creek according to conductivity concentrations and macroinvertebrate diversity. The ANOVAs that were performed in this lab also showed that Cole’s Creek is statistically different in all three measured categories from Huron Creek. In addition, Huron Creek displayed statistical differences in all three measured categories at different points within itself due to the areas it flows past and the alteration of its original pathway. This lab confirmed that the virtually pristine Cole’s Creek was of better water quality than Huron’s Creek, which has been subjected to the construction associated with Wal-mart and pollution sources from Houghton’s urban areas. Good Sample Calculations n 1. Mean- X = ∑X i =1 i N sample: (13.9+13.2+13.7)/3=13.6 n σ = 2. Standard Deviation- ∑(X i =1 i − X )2 N −1 sample: (((13.9-13.6)2+(13.2-13.6)2+(13.7-13.6)2/(3-1))^(1/2) = 0.4 COV = 3. Coefficient of Variance - σ X 185.7 185.7 = 0.196 = 0.196 945.6 945.6 Sample: 4. ANOVA- ∑ n (Y k Sb 2 = j j =1 −Y ) 2 k −1 nj Sj = ∑ 2 (X ij −Xj) 2 n j −1 i =1 k Sw2 = j ∑ (n j =1 j − 1) S j 2 k ∑ (n j =1 j − 1) Sb 2 F= 2 Sw Fcrit is found in Table 8.2 in Statistical Procedures for Analysis of Environmental Monitoring Data and Risk Assessment WORKS CITED Urban, Noel. “Week 8-Stream Ecology and ANOVA”. CE3502. Environmental Monitoring, Measurements & Data Analysis. 2002. McBean, Edward A., Rovers, Frank A.. “Characterizing Coincident Behavior-Regression and Correlation”. Statistical Procedures For Analysis of Environmental Monitoring Data & Risk Assessment. New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR. 1998. p 139. CE3502 Laboratory Report Evaluation Sheet I. Title Section 3/3 1) Title 1) Date 1) Authors II. Abstract 6/7 Needs more specific results 2) Objective / Purpose 1) Methods 2) Key results 2) Significance III. IV. Introduction a) Concern with this topic (background) b) Objectives 4/4 4/4 Apparatus and Procedure 4/4 1) Reference lab handout 1) Changes made to lab V. Results 12/15 5/5) Text along with results. Significant digits VI. Discussion 14/17 Overall, the discussion is quite good. The ANOVA results are over-interpreted and no t-tests were performed to identify the specific differences. VII. Conclusion and Recommendations 9/9 2) Answer the objectives 3) Main Results 2) Sources of Errors 2) Assumptions VIII. Tables, Figures, Appendices 8/10 2/2) Label Appendices A, B, etc. 2/2) Number and Title Tables 2/2) Number and Title Figures 2/2) Units 0/2) Label Axis IX. Composition 17/20 1/2) Spelling 4/5) Grammar 2/2) Separate paragraphs / single sentence paragraphs 2/2) Sample Calculation 4/5) Meaning behind writing 4) Not concise writing X. Overall Appearance, Organization 8/8 2) Ease of finding data (including summary tables) 2) Neatness of tables / figures 2) Neatness of sample calculation 2) Neatness of report format Name of Student: Total Points for Report (100 Maximum):89/90 Comments: A very nice report except for lacking t-tests.