CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is also known as the processor. You could say it
is like the computer's brain. The CPU completes the tasks you are giving to the computer and it also
does all the calculation and transformation of commandoes into the binary digits.
The CPU is made of two parts: Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that completes arithmecally and
logically calculations, and the control unit (CU) that unzips instructions from the memory, decodes
and execute them. The CU gets help from the ALU when needed.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is the computer's memory that is used to store different
informations while the computer processes miscellaneous programs. Unlike the harddisk the RAM
is not able to save data permanently after the power is switched off or the particular application is
There are two different types of standard-RAM: Dynamic RAM that needs to be updated all the
time; many thousand times a second. Therefore dynamic RAM are slower than the other type called
static RAM. Static RAM does not update all the time and therefore these are faster. Although
dynamic RAM are most widely used because they are cheaper than static RAM.
RAM is able to both read and write.
The harddisk is the computer's storage room – it is the place where the computer saves all the things
you order it to save. Nowadays a typical harddisk has from 150 – 250 gigabytes. The most common
harddisk size is a 3,5”. The speed of the harddisk is measured in rpm (rotations per minute). The
most common is 7200 rpm on a desktop. On a laptop the most common is 5400 rpm. The fastest is
at 15000 rpm. You can also measure how much data the harddisk is able to trasfer per second. The
most common is 50 mb/sec for a harddisk that runs with 7200 – 10000 rpm. A harddisk running at
15000 rpm usually trasfer with 100 mb/sec.
An english version is also available at the study web.
Additionally there is also a PDF-version of the document.
There is also a flash-version available, so the document should be available for everyone!
.swf (Flash)
.doc (Document)
.ppt (PowerPoint)
.odp (OpenOffice Presentation)
The tools used for the project is:
Mozilla Firefox: Information search on the internet and testing of integration on the study web.
Open Office: Writing, production of the presentation and export of miscellaneous file formats.
Macromedia Flash 8: Editing the exported Flash-document.
Adobe Photoshop Elements: Editing pictures, captured with own camera of own computer parts,
and manufacturing of backgrounds used in the presentation.