SPC Format Guide A quick guide to the efficiency and value of SPC’s inline formats. Closed-End Mailers. SPC’s Closed-End Mailer format offers many advantages for various industries, but is especially useful for financial services, insurance and health care mailings because it not only leverages personal data, it keeps it secure. Timeliness is also enhanced because Closed-End Mailers are produced quickly in one step and are readily processed by the USPS, allowing you to beat your competition to the consumer’s mailbox. 5.5" glue Reduce time to market 1.5" glue flap Offer tremendous versatility Allow for matching multiple personalized components 2" 3.5" tear-away response vehicle to be inserted in BRE perforation Closed-End Mailers Keep sensitive data secure glue We encourage you to keep this as a reference guide and thought-starter while considering the many possibilities of these popular formats: Closed-End Mailers: envelope Our inline capabilities help you achieve your objectives efficiently, cost-effectively and with great flexibility. 9.5" 4.75" To demonstrate that SPC is “Built to Respond,” we’ve augmented our web presses to offer you a wide range of the most in-demand direct mail formats. We use our inline web capabilities to print a closed envelope and a whole array of personalized package components and insert them in one, smooth process. Whether you want to include a letter, buckslip or reply device, personalizing them inline is a fast, easy way to better target your audience. 3.625" letter Open-End Mailers 8" 3.625" SPC TracKards™ Clean-Release Cards glue 3.75" glue Stickers/Scratch-offs/Scratch-and-Sniff BRE 4" 3.75" buckslip Recommended Paper Stock: 60 lb. Text - 100 lb. Text 1" glue flap Open-End Mailers. SPC TracKards.™ SPC’s Open-End Mailer format allows booklets, scratch-off game cards or clean-release cards to be tipped onto your self-mailer, all in one streamlined process. These capabilities, coupled with matching personalization and variable imaging, create a high-value perception with consumers and encourage interaction with the printed piece. Now, adding a promotional card to any mailer is easy and inexpensive. The SPC TracKard looks like a credit card but can be personalized. It features a fully trackable UPC code on the back, and can include any offer. It creates high perceived value in the minds of consumers, who tend to retain it far longer than a coupon and redeem it at a much higher rate. 3.375" 2.125" 6.25" backbone pasted .75" Open-End Mailers: Producing the SPC TracKard on the web press means much faster turnaround times than traditional plastic card manufacturing by compressing multiple component manufacturing, matching, tipping, imaging and mailing all into one process. TracKard glued to other side The Open-End Mailer is an affordable, easy way to add dimension, convey in-depth information and add value and excitement to any direct mail program. 2.125" Create high-value perception .75" .75" 2.125" .75" .75" Eliminate match-mail charges SPC TracKards: 7.25" 3-ply cards: two cards Are personalized with data and graphics Are easily trackable via UPC barcodes Are personalized with data and graphics 5.375" 2.125" .75" Reduce time to market .75" Range in thickness from 10-24 pt 3.375" 2.125" 11" 8.25" 2.125" 6" open-end mailer 3.375" Reduce time to market Eliminate match-mail charges Are USPS-ready 6" (booklet tipped in here with glue) 8.25" 4.5" 8" 2.125" 2-ply card 4.5" Recommended Paper Stock: 100 lb. Gloss Text - 80 lb. Gloss Cover 4.5" booklet .75" Recommended Paper Stock: 80 lb. Gloss Cover .75" .75" 2.125" .75" Stickers/Scratch-Offs/ Scratch-and-Sniff. Clean-Release Cards. SPC’s Scratch-Off panel or Sticker is a great, fun way to stimulate customer interest and prompt interactivity. Scratch-Offs can reveal instant winners, instant savings or just about anything you want. Scratch-and-Sniff, a variant of the Scratch-Off, can utilize one of our 133 quality scents ranging from apple pie to leather to barbecue. Scents trigger powerful memory-based emotional responses that compel action. Stickers are a tried-and-true way to motivate response or act as a constant visual reminder when applied to a wall, notebook or just about any surface. Include one or several stickers as response mechanisms that consumers can apply to a BRC to redeem an offer. 5" 5.5" 5.5" BRC 7.375" perforation 2.375" Clean-Release Cards, which can be part of a self-mailer or inserted into a Closed-End Mailer, are fabricated from the same stock as the mailer itself. Depending on the size of the mailer and the cards (Clean-Release Cards can be bigger or smaller than credit-card size), you can have multiple cards per mailer. 6" 6" 5.875" .375" 2" sticker flap glues here 3.5" There’s great value and flexibility in adding a Clean-Release Card or Cards to your mailer. It’s a definite step beyond a coupon but is more affordable than using the credit-card-like SPC TracKard™. It is a good option for temporary membership cards or programs that are more frequent and structured, as well as a one-off mailing. 2.125" spot glue closure 11" 3.375" spot glue closure stickers clean-release cards Stickers/Scratch-Offs/ Scratch-and-Sniff: Clean Release Cards: Are interactive and fun Are easily trackable via UPC barcodes Create ongoing brand awareness when displayed Are personalized with data and graphics Are personalized with data and graphics Reduce time to market Reduce time to market Eliminate matchmail charges Are USPS-ready Recommended Paper Stock: 7 pt Matte or 7 pt Gloss Cover Recommended Paper Stock: 80 lb. Gloss Text - 80 lb. Gloss Cover spot glue closure There are many challenges and opportunities for direct marketers today. Whether you choose one of our popular formats or create a customized format, SPC works with you to maximize lift and ROI on your next DM program. SPC proudly supports the environment through these associations: TM Printed on McCoy Silk #100 Cover Recycled Stock. Specialty Print Communications • 6019 West Howard Street. Niles, Illinois 60714 847- 588-2580 • www.specialtyprintcomm.com