"liteDivine Comedy" is based onthe Dante Alighieri's literary classic of the same name. The story of Dante's trilogy is very basic: oneday Dante finds himself lost in a dark wood. Virgil, a character based on therevered Roman poet, appears andrescues him. Virgil guides Dante to a contemplation of Hell and Purgatory. Dante, having confessed his faults, and with Beatrice as his guide, is led into Paradise and attains a glimpse of the face of God. I. "The Inferno" is the firstof four movements in The Divine Comedy. Dante's vision of hell consists of nine concentric circles divided into four categories of sins. Theprincipal theme behind the literary work is the conceptof symbolicretribution. In other words, man's eternal damnation in Hell is directly correlatedto the character and weight of his sin on earth. Like Dante'sInferno, this movement is divided into four sections. The openingmelodic statementin the oboe represents the sin of "incontinence". As Dante finished his relatively shortjourney throughthis section of the Inferno, he is confronted with the Wall of Dis (The Gate into Hell). The next section is structured around the sins of "violence" with its incredibly intense storms and fiery sands. The crimes of "ordinary fraud" follow the violent sinners. The composer used the sin of hypocrisy as visual imagery in the formation ofthis section of the musical work. Dante describes the hypocrites as they file endlessly in a circle, clothed in coats of lead which represent the weight of their hypocrisy on earth. The final section of the Inferno features the sins of "treacherous fraud". As Dante enters this circle of Hell, he hears the dreadful blast of a bugle. "Not even Roland's horn, which followed on the sad defeat when Charlemagne had lost his holy army, was as dread as this." Dante and Virgil are lowered into the last section of Hell by giants who are constantly pelted with bolts of thunder. As their journey nears the end, they are confronted with the sight of Dis (Lucifer) whose three mouths are eternally rending Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. Dante and Virgil climb down the flanks of Lucifer, exiting to the other hemisphere, leaving the fiery world of "The Inferno" behind. II. "Purgatorio" is the second of four movements in TheDivine Comedy. Dante, having completed his journey through "The Inferno," is brought by Virgil to the shores of the island mountain Purgatory in the midst of the southern ocean. The mountain is comprised of seven terraces, each representing one of "seven deadly sins." In each terrace, sinners are given an appropriate penance which is symbolically tied to their transgressions on earth. The sufferings endured are accepted voluntarily by the spirits in atonement for their sins. The composer has woven together musical elements which depict each of the sins of the seven terraces. For example, the sin of the first terrace is "pride." The souls plod slowly around the mountain, bowed double by huge rocks on their backs. As the composition develops, the sounds of lamenting souls, dragging their heavy loads, can be heard against the haunting melodic line. The souls of Purgatory are often musical beings: they express their sensations in songs, hymns, and psalms. Purgatory is the realm of hope, where the proud, envious, wrathful, slothful, prodigal (avaricious), gluttonous, and lustful may atone for their sins on earth. As Dante and Virgil continue up the mountain, they feel a violent quaking at which all of the spirits proclaim "Gloria in excelsis Deo!" (Glory to God in the highest). Dante learns that the quaking signals the completion of one soul's penance, for which all other souls give thanks. The completion of the penance allows the soul to ascend to "Paradiso" (heaven), taking his or her rightful position in relation to God. III. "The Ascension" is the third movement in The Divine Comedy. Themovement begins with Dante on the Mountain of Purgatory. Having beeninstructed and purified in Purgatory, he is prepared for hisjourneyto Paradise. Beatrice, his guide, liftsher eyestoward the sun. Following her example, Dante looks to thesunand is at thatmoment transformed ("transhumanized") in preparation for his greatadventure. He is surprised to discover wonderful music, the music of the spheres, surrounding them. Swifter than thought, theirflight of incredible speed begins. Dante and Beatrice, accompanied bysounds of wondrous beauty and intensity, ascend to the Sphere ofFire. IV. "Paradiso" isthe final movement inThe Divine Comedy. In this movement, the composer was faced with the same basic problem which confronted Dante is his literary masterpiece. What description ofheaven will have a universal appeal? The sensory experiences on which Dante built his heaven were sights and sounds. The sights consisted ofbrilliant lights with varied colors, symbolic formations, and combined with their hypnotic gyrations. The sounds were those ofthe imagination, conjured by the reader's own past experiences with unheard melodies "sweeter than those heard on earth." Itwas Dante's hope that scenes presented to our imagination through the language ofpoetry may surpass the remembered scenes of our own experiences. In"Paradiso," Dante has ascended atan incredible speed from the top ofthe Mountain of Purgatory to the first sphere ofthe heavens. He is enamored with the sight oflight, growing brighter and more intense with each sphere ofhis journey. The composer has called upon the mallet percussion to represent those beams oflight. Beginning with asingle tone (beam), the intensity grows with each entrance until we are surrounded by lights ofmultiple colors and complexities. As the light engulfs the listener, we are presented with the sounds ofjoy, peace, love and hope...growing ever brighter as the journey though the spheres progresses. As the listener arrives at the Empyrean (the region ofpure light), the "Music ofthe Spheres," first introduced in "The Ascension," isrestated in brilliant fashion by the brass section. The light continues to intensify as the woodwind colors swirl around the brass figures. The sights and sounds grow even brighter as Dante sees ariver oflight which is transformed into a great rose at whose center isthe wonderful source ofthe lights. Upon the petals are seated the saints, clad in the whitest ofrobes. Angels fly, like swarms ofbees, up from the heart ofthe rose to thepetals, their faces of living flame, their wings ofgold, their bodies white as the purest snow. Dante looks to the highest tier, where Mary sits enthroned, surrounded by a thousand joyful angels. Mary is surrounded by heroines ofthe Old Testament: Eve, Rachel, Sarah, Rebecca, Judith, and Ruth. On Mary's opposite side are the male figures ofthe Christian era: John the Baptist, St. Francis, St. Benedict, and St. Augustine, as well as Adam, Peter, Moses and Johnthe Apostle. The lower tiersof the rose are filled withthousands of infants, purified in their glorious innocence. With a gracious smile from the Virgin Mary, Dante ispermitted the Beatific Vision. He lifts his eyes toward the heart ofthe rose. Within one blinding light, he recognized three separate lights in the form of interlocking circles (asymbol ofthe Trinity). Within one circle he perceived the dim image ofa human face, a reminder that God, through Christ, lived -and still lives - as man on earth. -Robert W. Smith Senior Jazz Band Senior Band Directed by Miss Gayle Peryea Directed by Miss Gayle Peryea Woodchopper's Ball arr. Peter Blair Birdland Zoot Suit Riot The Divine Comedy Robert W. Smith I. Zawinul/Sweeny Perry/Sweeney The Inferno II. Purgatorio III. The Ascension IV. Paradiso Soloists: Select Chorus Katelyn Legacy- Alto and Soprano Saxophones Directed by Mr. David Scheiber Up on the Roof/Wonderful World John Peterson - Tympani Lynn Leach - Flute Goffin, King, Cooke/Leonard Benjamin Trombley - Trumpet Michelle Swanston - French Horn Solos - Alexander Lamica, Kayla Trainer, Chelsey Legacy - Flute Allison Bruso and Brian Ashline Unchained Melody Zaret, North/Oill Invitation Senior Chorus Dunbar, Larkin Remember Directed by Mr. David Scheiber Chatman Africa Porcaro, Paich / Scheiber Solo - John Peterson Duet - Emma Allen and Stephanie Boyea 10th Grade General Music Directed by Mr. David Scheiber Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Seasons of Love Armstrong Solo - Joseph McGillicuddy Larson/Emerson Solos - Katelyn Lapan and Allison Bruso Mr. Ralph Hastings - Piano CSifuni Mungu Maddux, McCall, Mulongoy, Mukalay / Emerson Thank you, parents, for fostering and supporting your child's interest and love ofmusic. Solos - John Peterson, Austin Pivetta, Kayla Trainer, Katelyn Lapan Mr. Ralph Hastings - Piano Michael Boyea - Drums Senior Chorus Soprano Alto Tenor Emma Allen Megan Barnes Whisper Bennett Camisha Cromp Stephen Bernier Dakota Cooke-Paige Alexis Beach Courtney Boyea* Stephanie Boyea Alexander Lamica* Danielle Cruz John Peterson Allison Bruso Sarah Gardiner Jessica Burl Katasha Gilette Marissa Poupore Brandon Spinner Catherine Decosse Kristina Gilette Brittany Drolette Kristine Icamen XuDu Amanda Johnston Kelly Favaro Michaela Healey Katelyn Lapan Katelyn Magnan Samantha Johnston Michelle Jones Nicole Lamica Bass Lynn Leach Brian Ashline Kristin Shattuck Linda Noreault-Bessette Casey Brown Allison Soulier Nicole Noreault-Bessette Antonio Danussi Samantha Tuper Cassondra Whyte* Meaghan Wood Miranda O'Neill Jason Lawrence Mikaela Patnode Benjamin Leach Brianna Poirier Austin Pivetta* Amanda Woodward Laura Stewart* Benjamin Trombley* Carolyn Stumpf Daniel Wilcox* Arianna Swanston Ashlie Tice Kayla Trainer Hannah Trudell Kelsey Wallace Lindsay Warriner Stephanie Whyte Amanda Wilcox Kierstin Zeldennist * NYSSMA Solo Festival Participants Please note these upcomingperformances: Town Hall Concert - Friday, June 4 7:00pm No. 9545 Select Chorus Soprano Alto Tenor Emma Allen XuDu Alexander Lamica Stephanie Boyea Katelyn Lapan John Peterson Allison Bruso Laura Stewart Daniel Wilcox Cassondra Whyte Kayla Trainer Bass Brian Ashline BenjaminTrombley 10th Grade Guitar Patrick Cook Adam LaBier Ryan Cox Derrick Dupee Erik Fleury Marc Lambert Rachael LaTour Joshua Roulston David Shute Travis Gainer JosephMcGillicuddy Damian Thurston Joshua Langlois Kelly O'Connor Devin Quick Corey Richards