A Note on the Equality of the Column and Row Rank of a Matrix Author(s): George Mackiw Reviewed work(s): Source: Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 68, No. 4 (Oct., 1995), pp. 285-286 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2690576 . Accessed: 27/03/2012 11:08 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Mathematical Association of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Mathematics Magazine. http://www.jstor.org VOL. 68, NO. 4, OCTOBER 1995 285 A Note on the Equalityof the Column and RowRankofa Matrix GEORGE MAC KIW Loyola College in Maryland Baltimore,MD 21210 A basic resultin linearalgebrais thatthe row and columnspaces of a matrixhave dimensionsthatare equal. In thisnotewe derivethisresultusingan approachthatis elementary yetdifferent fromthatappearingin mostcurrenttexts.Moreover,we do not relyon the echelonformin our arguments. The columnand rowranksofa matrixA are thedimensionsofthecolumnand row spaces,respectively, of A. As is oftennoted,it is enoughto establishthat row rank A < column rank A (1) forany matrixA. For, applyingthe resultin (1) to At, the transposeof A, would producethe desiredequality,sincethe rowspace of At is preciselythe columnspace of A. We presentthe argumentforreal matrices,indicating at the end the modificationsnecessaryin the complexcase and the case of matricesoverarbitrary fields. We takefulladvantageof the following twoelementary observations: 1) foranyvectorx in R', Ax is a linearcombination of the columnsof A, and 2) vectorsin the null space of A are orthogonalto vectorsin the row space of A, relativeto the usual Euclideanproduct. Bothoftheseremarksfolloweasilyfromtheverydefinition of matrixmultiplication. For example,ifthevectorx is in the nullspace of A then Ax = 0, and thustheinner productof x withtherowsof A mustbe zero. Sincetheserowsspantherowspace of A, remark2) follows.An immediateconsequenceis thatonlythe zero vectorcan be commonto boththe nullspace and rowspace of A, since2) requiressucha vectorto be orthogonal to itself. Given an m by n matrixA, let the vectors xI, x2. Xr in Rn forma basis forthe row space of A. Then the r vectorsAx,, Ax2,..., Ax, are in the column space of A and, further,we claim they are linearlyindependent. For, if cl AxI + c2 Ax2 + +cr Axr = O forsome real scalars cl, c2) ... . cr, then A(c1xI + and the vector v=clxX+c2x2 + C2X2 ? +crxr)=0 +Cr xr would be in the nullspace of A. But,v is also in therowspace of A, sinceitis a linearcombination of basis elements.So, v is the zero vectorand the linearindependenceof xI, x2,..., Xr guaranteesthat cl = c2 = .. = Cr = 0. The existenceof r linearlyindependentvectorsin the columnspace requiresthatr ? columnrankA. Since r is the rowrankof A, we have arrivedat the desiredinequality(1). This approachalso yieldsadditionalinformation. Let YI, Y2 ... Yk forma basis for the null space of A. Since the row space of A and the null space of A intersect it followsthatthe set {xI, x2., Xr, YI, Y2,. trivially, Yk} is linearlyindependent. Further,if z is a vectorin R' then Az is in the columnspace of A and hence expressible as a linear combinationof basis elements. Thus, we can write Az = E_ 1 d Ax., forscalarsd . But thenthevectorz - Er d xj is in thenullspace of A and can be writtenas a linearcombinationof YI, Y2, Yk Thus z can be expressed as a linear combinationof the vectors in the set {xI, x2,. .. Xr) 286 MATHEMATICS MAGAZINE Yk) and this set then formsa basis for Rn. A dimensioncount yields r + k = n, givingthe rankand nullitytheoremwithoutuse of the echelonform. and in the argumentsabove is elementary Note thatthe relianceon orthogonality does not requirethe Gram-Schmidt process. The ideas used here can be readily innerproductis The hermitian appliedto complexmatriceswithminormodifications. used insteadin the complexvectorspace Cn, as is the hermitian transpose.Observato thosein tion2) wouldnotethenthatvectorsin the nullspace of A are orthogonal the rowspace A. resultthatis validformatrices The rowand columnranktheoremis a well-known overarbitrary fields.The notionof orthogonalcomplementcan be generalizedusing of the argumentshere linearfunctionals and dual spaces, and the generalstructure can thenbe carriedoverto arbitrary fields.The text[1, pp. 97 ff.]containssuch an approach. Manyauthorsbase theirdiscussionof rankon the echelonform.The factthatthe non-zerorowsof the echelonformare a basis forthe rowspace, or thatcolumnsin a basis forthe column the echelonformcontaining lead ones can be used to identify space in the originalmatrixA, are centralto such a developmentof rank.Results thatrowrankand column such as thesefolloweasilyifit is establishedindependently rankmustbe equal. YI, Y2, The authorwould liketo thankthe refereeforseveralvaluablesuggestions. REFERENCE 1. KennethHoffmanand Ray Kunze, Linear Algebra,2nd edition,Prentice-Hall,EnglewoodCliffs,NJ, 1971. A One-SentenceProofThatV2 Is Irrational DAVID M. BLOOM BrooklynCollege of CUNY Brooklyn,NY 11210 If V2 were rational,say F = mn/nin lowest terms,then also ? =(2n -m)/ (m - n) in lower terms,givinga contradiction. is less thanthe first needed-that the seconddenominator (The threeverifications are equal-are straightforward.) and stillpositive,and thatthe twofractions The argumentis not original;it's the algebraicversionof a geometricargument different form)by Ivan Nivenat a givenin [1, p. 84], and it was presented(in slightly lecturein 1985. Note, though,that the algebraicargument,unlikethe geometric, easilyadaptsto an arbitrary Vk where k is anypositiveintegerthatis not a perfect square.Indeed,let j be the integersuchthatj < xk <j + 1. If we had xk= m/n in lowest terms(m, n e Z+), then also Vk= (kn -jrn)/(rm-jn) in lower terms,a contradiction. REFERENCE 1. H. Eves, An Introduction to theHistoryofMathematics, 6thedition,W. B. SaundersCo., Philadelphia, 1990.