RCPCH Advocacy Committee Publications List January 2009 Reading R, Bissell S, Goldhagen J, Harwin J, Masson J, Moynihan S, Parton N, Santos Pias M, Thoburn J, Webb E. Child maltreatment is a violation of children’s human rights. How do we address this more effectively? Lancet In press – (published on line December 2nd 2008). Webb Elspeth The health and health-care of children in the asylum system. in ‘Collected Papers from the Dartington Conference 2007: Integrating Diversity’. Eds: Lord Justice Thorpe & S. Singer. London 2008. Jordans publishing. Webb E. Basic health and welfare: Health. Chapter 6 in Stop, look, listen: the road to realising children’s rights in Wales. Wales NGO Alternative Report. Eds. Croke R & Crowley A. Wales Programme of Save the Children Cardiff,2007 http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/en/docs/wales_stop_look_ listen20071119.pdf Webb E. General Principles: discrimination. Chapter 3 in Stop, look, listen: the road to realising children’s rights in Wales. Wales NGO Alternative Report. Eds Croke R & Crowley A. Wales Programme of Save the Children Cardiff, 2007 Rachel Brooks & Elspeth Webb. Helping Families Who Are Victims of Domestic Abuse. In Mental Health Interventions and Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People. Ed. Panos Vostanis. London 2007. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Webb E. The role of the paediatrician in the management of delinquency. in Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Child Healthcare. Ed Patrick Cartlidge. Oxford 2007. Elsevier. Webb E Basic health and welfare: Health inequalities in Righting the Wrongs: the reality of children’s rights in Wales Eds. Rhian Croke, Anne Crowley. Ch 6; pp 69-79. Cardiff 2006. Save the Children Fund. http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/en/docs/righting_wrongs_eng.pdf Webb E, O’Hare B, Ryan A. Meeting the needs of children newly arrived from abroad. Current Paediatrics 2005; 15:339–46. Webb EVJ. Discrimination against children: developing a conceptual framework Archives of Disease in Childhood 2004; 89: 804-808. Webb EVJ, Sergison M. Evaluation of cultural competence and anti-racism training in child health services. Arch Dis Child 2003 88: 291-294. Webb E. Health services: who are the best advocates for children? Archives of Disease in Childhood 2002; 87:175-177. Webb E, Maddocks A, Bongilli J. Effectively protecting Black and minority ethnic children from harm: overcoming barriers to the child protection process. Child Abuse Review 2002: 11(6): 394-410. Webb E. Shankleman J. Evans MR. Brooks R. The health of children in refuges for women victims of domestic violence: Cross sectional descriptive survey. BMJ. Vol 323(7306) (pp 210-213), 2001. 1 of 2 Davies M and Webb E. Promoting the psychological well-being of refugee children. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2000; 5(4): 541-554. Webb E. Children and the inverse care law. BMJ 1998:316; 1588-91. Waterston T., Curtis E. The Rights of a Child. Current Paediatrics 1998, 8; 157-61. (to be reprinted in the millennium edition in 2000) Waterston T. Advocacy for children. Current Paediatrics 2002, 12: 586-91 Tony Waterston, Rachael Davies The Lancet - Vol. 367, Issue 9511, 25 February 2006, Page 635. Albert Aynsley-Green, Maggie Barker, Sue Burr, Aidan Macfarlane, John Morgan, Jo Sibert, Tom Turner, Russell Viner, Tony Waterston, and David Hall. Who is speaking for children and adolescents and for their health at the policy level? BMJ 2000; 321: 229-232. Waterston T. A general paediatrician’s practice in children’s rights. Arch Dis Child 2005; 90:178-181. T Waterston, J Goldhagen. Why children’s rights are central to international child health. Arch. Dis. Child., Feb 2007; 92: 176 - 180. Waterston T, Haroon S. Advocacy and the paediatrician. Paediatrics and Child Health, 2008; 18:213219. Lansdowne G., Waterston T., Baum D. Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Health service. BMJ 1996; 313: 1565-66. Waterston T. Sustainable Development and Child Health. Child: Care, Health and Development 1997; 23: 203-6. Waterston T. Giving guidance on discipline. BMJ 2000, 320; 261-2. Waterston T., Lenton S. Sustainable development, human-induced climate change and child health. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 2000, 82; 95-97. Waterston T, Tonniges T. Advocating for children’s health: a US and UK perspective Arch. Dis. Child. 2001 85: 180-182. Waterston T. Children’s rights and paediatricians. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2003. Waterston T. Paediatricians’ role in war prevention. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2005; 51: 128-9. T Waterston, J Goldhagen. Why children’s rights are central to international child health. Arch. Dis. Child., Feb 2007; 92: 176 - 180. Waterston, T. The Epidemic of Violence against Children. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2007; 53: 295-7. Tony Waterston, Jacqueline Mok. Violence against children: the UN report. Arch. Dis. Child., Jan 2008; 93: 85 – 88. Supplement Toward Equity in Health: A Joint Meeting of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and the American Academy of Pediatrics September 2000. Pediatrics September 2003 2 of 2