“A Community where everyone
belongs and participates”
APRIL 2013
We are what
repeatedly do.
is not an act,
but a habit
Inside this
Faces of
KW Hab
58th Annual
On April 12th the Kinsmen Centre was transformed into a magical kingdom where
people dressed up in their favourite Disney character costumes and danced the
night away. It is unclear who has more fun; the decorating committee or people
attending the dance! Thanks to the hard working dance committee and staff who
create such a wonderful atmosphere where friends can get together and have fun!
In April a group of full time staff and
managers attended a pilot training
session on incorporating the
attributes of PRISMS and Core
Competencies with Accreditation
Standards. This was developed by
a Committee for Excellence task
force throughout the fall and winter.
This kind of “grass roots” training
comes from direct experience in
supporting people with developmental disabilities and highlights the
major impact we all have on each
By recognizing how we
influence each other and what we
contribute to relationships, we can
be more mindful of our attitudes and
support strategies.
When we
understand what others bring to
the relationship our staffing
teams can enhance the services
we provide.
The philosophy behind PRISMS
is to incorporate the attributes of
Participation, Respect, Integrity,
Stewardship, Mindfulness and
Synergy into all our relationships.
Core competencies highlights
skills necessary to be really good
at our jobs. FOCUS standards
provides direction for KW Hab to
achieve Accreditation.
shows those who come to us for
support that we meet or exceed
various service criteria within all
KW Hab program areas.
So much work has been done
over the past 10 years to ensure
legislation changes and services
reflect what is really important to
people with developmental
disabilities and their families. It
is important we understand and
incorporate these changes into
the services we provide for
people to realize their dreams
and goals.
Continually Learn
Be Accountable
Maintain Excellence
“When you are content
to be simply yourself
and don't compare or
compete, everyone will
respect you.”
Lao Tzu,
Tao Te Ching
David Bauer moved to DFR in 1971 when he was 20
years old. In 1983 David moved back to the neighbourhood he grew up in at Batavia Place. David’s large family
and St. Michael’s Church are very important to him. He
visits his mother every Friday and faithfully attends mass
each week.
David is a fun, enthusiastic, and social
gentleman. He has a strong sense of community and
likes to be involved in different fundraisers. David is
extremely knowledgeable regarding animals, history, and
music and has a keen interest in the world. He would
love to visit Africa one day and has recently adopted a
Zebra from the Toronto Metro Zoo! David spends his
days at The Studio where he has created some amazing
artwork. It is said that David has the memory of an
elephant and the finger nails of a little mouse!
Ryan Grant first experienced the developmental services
field while working as a camp counsellor. He attended
Lakehead University where he studied psychology with a
minor in sociology. During his years in Thunder Bay,
Ryan volunteered with the local Best Buddies Chapter and
met his wife Lisa. In 2009 Ryan continued his education
in the DSW program at Fanshawe College. He has
worked in a variety of settings including community
participation, a high school and as part of a clinical support
team for the South West Region. His career with KWH
began as a support worker, Summer Leisure Coordinator
and counsellor at the Connelly home. Ryan recently
joined the David Fisher Team as the new Supervisor. He
is looking forward to learning more while becoming a part
of an already impressive team.
Core Competencies Competition
One of the recent initiatives in the developmental services sector in Ontario has been the introduction of the
“Core Competencies” program. Over the last year, we have started to roll out Core Competencies within KW
Habilitation. Many staff attended the “Introduction to Core Competencies” sessions offered last fall. In
addition, our management team participated in Coaching for Competencies training.
So, What Is a Competency?
A competency is any skill, knowledge, behaviour or other personal characteristic that drives superior
performance in a job role. Core Competencies are what outstanding performers do more often, in more
situations, and with better results than typical performers
Why Are Core Competencies Important?
The goal of this whole program is to provide the tools for employees to become better at their job by applying
core competencies and to enhance overall performance. We also see Core Competencies contributing to the
professionalism of the Developmental Services field and equipping staff with valuable and transferable skills!
It is no surprise that a number of agencies across the province have implemented, or are in the process of
implementing, Core Competencies. We also hear that these competency concepts are being integrated into
Developmental Services college programs.
Competencies serve to identify what really makes a difference in performance on the job (e.g., the characteristics that drive performance). When people can identify more clearly what is expected in terms of behaviour
on the job, then they can do their job better. Similarly, managers and supervisors can be more objective and
provide the appropriate coaching to support employees in their personal growth.
It is important to note that core competencies support and complement our other organizational initiatives
such as our Mission and Vision Statements, PRISMS and our Strategic Plan.
Getting More Information about Core Competencies:
Various Core Competencies apply directly to positions that exist within our agency including, Direct Support
Professionals, Direct Support Supervisors, Clinical Specialists, Managers and Directors.
The Core Competency Dictionary, available at each program location, is a valuable information resource and
includes detailed definitions and behavior-based descriptions for each of the competency “levels”. The
behaviours, described in Core Competency Dictionary, are observable and measurable. In other words, you
can see yourself or others performing at each level, and the behaviours at each level are more complex or
challenging than the behaviours in the level(s) preceding it. This is the key. What we can describe we can
measure, thereby offering a more definitive and objective way of determining how well we are doing.
Employees interested in developing their Core Competencies are also encouraged to talk to their managers
to arrange for coaching sessions.
We are looking forward to highlighting more information about Core Competencies in upcoming issues of The
The time to prove your program’s mastery of Core Competencies Jeparody has arrived! Just like the
nail biting game from the roll out session, Jeparody will pit each program in a struggle for supremacy
and promises some delicious apple-based prizes! Look for the game coming to an email near you
There she goes!
On a cold and snowy Tuesday, April 2nd visible construction began on our new main building, or rather,
destruction of the old garage to make room for construction to start. A group of eager participants watched in
the cold to see part of the wall come down of the old garage. It was a new experience for the construction
workers to have their own cheerleaders!
This year marked the 58th annual Kinsmen TV
Auction which was held on Saturday, March 2nd.
Preparation for this auction began months ago. It
was a busy and exciting time for the volunteers on
the day of the auction whether it was setting up,
taking bids on the phone, phoning those whose
bids were successful, delivering the goods or
feeding the volunteers. Thanks to all those in our
community who continue to support the Kinsmen
Auction. You make a difference!
Inspiring Abilities Enriching Lives
KW Habilitation
108 Sydney Street South
Kitchener, ON
N2G 3V2
Phone: 519-744-6307
Fax: 519-571-1629
“Together with families and the community,
K-W Habilitation provides services and
supports to create opportunities for people with
developmental disabilities to learn, work and live
in the community.”
KW Habilitation was incorporated in 1970 and provides a
wide variety of supports to approximately 1000 people
with developmental disabilities and their families in the
Kitchener-Waterloo area. This includes Preschool,
Residential, Respite and Community Participation and
Employment Supports. For more information check out
our website at www.kwhab.ca