General News – Newspapers - Panel Study of Income Dynamics

PSID in the Media
A listing of articles based on the PSID published in the popular press
Updated on February 9th, 2016
January 12, 2016. How Much Social Mobility Do People Really Want?
December 14, 2015. Money Can Buy Happiness, But Only to a Point.
December 10, 2015. Does A Raise Make You Happier? New Findings.
November 23, 2015. Early Childhood Medicaid Coverage Linked to Better Adult Health.
October 28, 2015. As Cancer Patients Try To Save Their Lives, They May Lose Their Jobs.
October 28, 2015. Women May Internalize Relationship Problems While Men Get Frustrated.
October 27, 2015. A Diagnosis of Cancer Brings Another Cost: Lost Income.
October 27, 2015. Crunching the Numbers on Cancer’s Financial Toll: On Average, Patients
See a 20% Drop in Income within Two Years.
October 27, 2015. Marital Problems: Why Women Feel More Comfortable Expressing
Negative Emotions than Men.
October 27, 2015. Study Shows Connection between Unions and Well-being of Children.
October 27, 2015. This Is How Much A Cancer Diagnosis Will Cost You – In Lost Income.
October 26, 2015. A Cancer Diagnosis Can Lead to Significant Income Losses for Families.
October 26, 2015. Cancer Diagnosis Brings Income Loss for Families.
October 26, 2015. Economic Hardships After Cancer Diagnosis Are Significant Issues for
October 26, 2015. Economic Issues After Having Cancer: Probability of Employment Drops
10% in 5 Years After Diagnosis.
October 26, 2015. How Cancer is Financially Ruining Too.
October 26, 2015. Study Explores Economic Impact of Cancer Diagnosis on Families.
October 26, 2015. What the Decline of Unions Could Mean for the Next Generation’s Income.
October 19, 2015. Housing Boom was a Bust for African Americans.
October 15, 2015. Why Home Buying was a Bust for Many African Americans Even during
the Boom.
October 13, 2015. Johns Hopkins Study Finds Black Homebuyers Better Off as Renters, Many
Lost Wealth Due to Predatory Lending As White Gained.
October 11, 2015. Black Americans would have been better off Renting than Buying.
October 9, 2015. Black Americans Lost Money after Buying a Home, Even in Boom Times.
October 9, 2015. Black Wealth Not Protected by Homeownership.
October 9, 2015. For Black First-Time Home Buyers, the Housing Boom was a Bust.
October 8, 2015. The Richer are Getting Richer, But So Are the Poor.
October 7, 2015. How Being Angry Can Kill You.
October 7, 2015. Study: If You Made Money Buying a First Home in 2000s, You Probably
Weren’t Black.
September 30, 2015. Bernie Sanders is wrong about Income Inequality.
September 24, 2015. Here’s a Reason to Smile: Happy People Live Longer.
September 18, 2015. Zillow: Student Loans are not Stopping Young Home Buyers.
September 17, 2015. Student Debt Not Holding Back Housing Market.
September 10, 2015. 5 Reasons Kids in America are Falling Behind.
September 10, 2015. Smoking Prevalence Declines as Wages Increase.
September 9, 2015. Raising Pay May Reduce Smoking Rates.
September 9, 2015. Two in Every Five U.S. Children Spend at Least a Year in Poverty.
September 2, 2015. Another Reason to Give Low-Income Workers a Raise.
September 2, 2015. Higher Pay Tied to Less Smoking Among Male Workers.
September 1, 2015. Pay Boost Decreases Smoking Rates.
September 1, 2015. Pay Hike Can Reduce Smoking Rates.
August 19, 2015. Today’s First-Time Homebuyer Is 32 & More Likely to Be Single.
August 14, 2015. As Construction Industry Shrinks, Goldman Challenges Fed.
August 14, 2015. What Do You Do When Your Child Brings Home A Bad Report Card?
August 13, 2015. Harsh Punishments Over Report Cards Don’t Help Children, UM Study
August 13, 2015. Warmth, Not Punishment, Helps Middle-School Students Learn, U-M Study
August 11, 2015. Raising Pay Can Reduce Smoking Rates, Study Says.
August 5, 2015. There’s a Good Chance You’ll Need Welfare at Some Point in Your Life.
July 30, 2015. The Case against the ‘Gig Economy’.
July 29, 2015. A Majority of Americans are Poor at Some Point between the Ages of 25 and
July 28, 2015. UTHealth Researchers Provide Insights into Current Understanding of
Childhood Obesity Epidemic.
July 27, 2015. Experts Provide Insight on Causes of Child Obesity, Tactics to End It.
July 27, 2015. Time with Friends and Physical Activity as Mechanisms linking Obesity and
Television Viewing among Youth.
July 27, 2015. Who’s Poor? Odds Are, You at Some Point in Your Life.
July 24, 2015. 6 in 10 Americans Will Experience Poverty.
July 24, 2015. The Remarkably High Odds You’ll be Poor at Some Point in Your Life.
July 24, 2015. Three in Five Americans Have Experiences Poverty-Level Incomes.
July 24, 2015. You’re Probably Going to Be Poor.
July 23, 2015. Most Americans Live in Poverty at least Once.
July 23, 2015. Most People Experience Relative Poverty at Some Point.
July 22, 2015. American Poverty Prospects Higher than Expected.
July 22, 2015. Most People Experience Relative Poverty at Some Point.
June 25, 2015. ACLU Study Spotlights Tale of Two Economic Recoveries for Black and White
July 6, 2015. New Study Shows Black Homeowner Recovery Significantly Lags Whites;
Wealth Disparity Widens.
June 29, 2015. Not the Land of Opportunity?
June 24, 2015. Research Highlights Racial Disparities Found in Servicing, Lending, & Credit
June 20, 2015. Time with the Kids is good for Dads, but so is Providing for The Family.
June 17, 2015. Single-Parent Family Homes Produce Children with Fewer Years of Schooling.
June 11, 2015. 4 Things You didn’t (but should) Know about Economic Inequality.
June 4, 2015. O’Malley’s Claim on Unprecedented Wage Stagnation for 70 Percent of
Americans since World War II.
June 4, 2015. SNAP Happy? Welfare, Poverty, and Well-Being, Revisited.
May 28, 2015. Boosting Educational Attainment and Adult Earnings.
May 21, 2015. 1 Million Missing Entrepreneurs: What Data Reveal About the Lost Class of
American Entrepreneurs and Solutions to Bring Them Back.
May 12, 2015. No, Rich People Don’t Work More.
May 8, 2015. Does America Have Less Economic Mobility? Part 3.
May 7, 2015. The Political Roots of Widening Inequality.
May 6, 2015. America’s Income “Dynamics,” Not Income “Inequality,” Is Important.
May 3, 2015. Robert Reich: America’s Economy Is a Nightmare of Our Own Making.
May 1, 2015. The Political Roots of Widening Inequality.
April 29, 2015. Hillary Clinton Spins U.S. Rank on Gender Pay.
April 27, 2015. Why Fundraising is a High-Stakes Game of Musical Chairs.
April 22, 2015. Does America Have Less Economic Mobility? Part 2.
April 21, 2015. Time With Parents Key for Adolescents.
April 20, 2015. Teens Coming from Single-Parent Homes Receive Less Education.
April 19, 2015. Teens from Single-Parent Homes Receive Fewer Years of Schooling.
April 9, 2015. Baby Boomers’ Wealth is Shifting Their Aging in Place Decisions.
April 7, 2015. More Time isn’t Always Better for Your Kids.
April 2, 2015. No Relation of Time Spent with Mom and Overall Success of Child, Study.
April 2, 2015. How Much Time with Mom is Enough?
April 1, 2015. Time Spent with Mother doesn’t have Impact on Overall Success: Study.
April 1, 2015. New Generation of Blacks Are Moving Less.
April 1, 2015. No Correlation between Time Spent with Mom and Overall Success, Study
March 31, 2015. Study Has ‘Unexpected’ Findings on How Family Time Affects Kids.
March 28, 2015. Making Time for Kids? Study Says Quality Trumps Quantity.
March 24, 2015. Fighting Inequality Starts with Early Childhood Development.
March 12, 2015. How Can We Track Trends in Educational Attainment by Parental Income?
March 15, 2015. Divorce Makes Teens Less Likely to Attend College.
March 11, 2015. Kids’ Time with Parents Matters, But Not in the Way You Might Expect.
March 9, 2015. The Mythology of Social Mobility.
March 7, 2015. The Myth Destroying America: Why Social Mobility is Beyond Ordinary
People’s Control.
March 2, 2015. Investing in Our Kids Using One Simple Tool: Cash.
March 2, 2015. The Myth of the 1% and the 99%.
February 26, 2015. Teenagers from Single-Parent Households More Likely to Drop Out from
School Earlier, Study Finds.
February 25, 2015. Family Influence on Education.
February 25, 2015. Why 1 Percenters Are Like One-Hit Wonders.
February 22, 2015. Teens from Single-Parent Families May Get Less Schooling.
February 20, 2015. Teens from Single-Parent Families Receive Fewer Years of Schooling.
February 20, 2015. Americans Have a 1 in 9 Chance of Making It into the 1% - Staying There
Is the Problem.
February 20, 2015. Teens from Single-Parent Families Leave School Earlier.
February 19, 2015. Study Finds Students with Single Parents Leave School Earlier.
February 13, 2015. Seven of Ten American Families in Financial Distress.
February 13, 2015. Taking Risks in Love.
February 10, 2015. How America’s Wealthiest Black Families Invest Money.
February 5, 2015. Blank Account: The American Struggle to Save and Share.
February 2, 2015. Is Giving Charity Good for Your Health?
February 1, 2015. Does Charitable Giving Lead to Better Health?
January 30, 2015. 11% of Americans Will Spend at Least a Year In the Top 1%, Study Finds.
January 30, 2015. Many Make It to the One Percent, But Few Stay Long.
January 29, 2015. The Sorry State of America’s Household Finances.
January 29, 2015. Hirschl Research Finds Many Join 1 Percent, but Few Stay for Long.
January 28, 2015. Is This the Year You Join the 1 Percent?
January 27, 2015. The Striking Decline in African-American Household Mobility.
January 19, 2015. Does Marriage Make You Healthier?
January 16, 2015. How Your Neighborhood Affects Your Paycheck.
December 26, 2014. Does Rising Income Inequality Justify Class Warfare?
December 22, 2014. Creating a New Understanding of Economic Growth and Well-Being.
December 21, 2014. WIC Boosts Childhood Health and Development, Study Says.
December 19, 2014. Food for Thought: WIC Works.
December 19, 2015. More Generous State Unemployment Benefits May Protect the Health of
Unemployed Men.
December 16, 2014. Jobless Weight Gain, Climate Change and Early Retirement.
December 4, 2014. How Common is it for a Man to be Shorter than His Partner?
December 3, 2014. Like Father Like Child: Why Your Future May be Closely Tied to Your
Father’s Income and Education.
December 3, 2014. Fathers Matter: A Child’s Future May be Closely Tied to Father’s Income,
November 20, 2014. Why Younger Australians Need a Stronger Welfare Safety Net.
November 13, 2014. Your Hometown May Be the Reason You’re Rich – or Poor.
November 12, 2014. The Neighborhood Effect: Localities and Upward Mobility.
October 27, 2014. In the Papers: Inequality, Youth Unemployment and Retirement Incentives.
October 26, 2014. Bad Stock-Market Timing Fueled Wealth Disparity: Research Shows Many
Households Sold Shares During Downturn.
October 21, 2014. Globalization, Technological Change and GDP’s Disconnect – Part 3.
October 17, 2014. This is What the Legacy of ‘White Privilege’ Looks Like in Bill O’Reilly’s
September 22, 2014. Study Finds That ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’ is Pretty Dead On.
September 21, 2014. Did You Dump Your Stocks?
September 18, 2014. College Debt Leaves Generation X Grads Less Wealthy than Parents.
September 18, 2014. Pew Finds Generation X Facing an Insecure Financial Future.
September 16, 2014. Wife’s Happiness is Crucial if You Want a Happy Marriage, Study
September 15, 2014. Happy Wife, Happy Life: Married Men Satisfied When Spouse is
September 15, 2014. Study Suggests ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’ Maxim is True.
September 13, 2014. Happy Wife Makes Happy Marriages.
September 11, 2014. Why Jobless Americans Experience Deep and Prolonged Distress:
Research Brief.
September 10, 2014. Researcher Studies Long-Term Marital Happiness.
September 8, 2014. Marriage and Social Capital: A Generous or Greedy Institution?
September 7, 2014. The Nora Batty Effect: How a Happy Wife Means a Happy Life.
September 5, 2014. Less Talk about Racism, More Talk about Policy.
September 2, 2014. Forget Tall, Dark, and Handsome – Marry the Little Guy.
August 28, 2014. New Study Reveals Interesting Link between Men’s Height and Divorce.
August 28, 2014. The Perfect Man: Short Men more likely to be Better Life Partners with more
August 26, 2014. Tall Men get Ahead in Marriage as well as Work.
August 21, 2014. Wealth Inequality Gaps Widen.
August 8, 2014. Study Suggests Connections between Recessions and Public Health.
August 5, 2014. Achieving Wealth in America? It’s More Common than You Think.
August 5, 2014. Median Net Worth Still Falling.
July 30, 2014. Study: African-American Homeownership Increasingly Less Stable, More
July 29, 2014. American Families Haven’t Made Much of a Comeback since the Great
July 29, 2014. Educated Women Not at Higher Risk of Divorce.
July 29, 2014. Median American Household Lost One-Third of Wealth in Last Decade.
July 29, 2014. The Median American Household Lost a Third of its Wealth in the Last 10
July 28, 2014. Great Recession’s Impact lingers on.
July 28, 2014. Losing Your Job Could Kill You, but Recessions Could be Good for Your
July 28, 2014. Why a Recession Could be Good for Your Health.
July 27, 2014. How is it Possible that Joblessness Could Kill You, but Recessions Could be
Good for Your Health?
July 27, 2014. Rice and Cornell Study shows African-American Homeownership is on Rocky
July 25, 2014. Recessions can Reduce Overall Population Mortality Rate, Study Finds.
July 25, 2014. Subprime Market Major Hurdle for Hopeful African American Homeowners.
July 25, 2014. Why does a Job Loss Increase Mortality Risk, but a Recession Reduce It?
July 24, 2014. Black Homeowners are worse off Today than They Were 40 Years Ago.
July 24, 2014. Wives with More Education than Their Husbands Aren’t Doomed to Divorce
After All.
July 22, 2014. ‘Home Sweet Home’ More Elusive for African Americans.
July 19, 2014. A College Savings Account for Every Child.
June 28, 2014. Being ‘Rich’ is More Common than You Think, at Least Temporarily.
June 10, 2014. Affordable Housing Helps Optimize Children’s Brainpower.
June 9, 2014. Affordable Housing Linked to Children’s Test Scores.
May 7, 2014. Here’s the Massive Difference between Going to College and Skipping a
May 7, 2014. Most U.S. Families Achieve Higher Income, Research Shows.
May 6, 2014. Study Shows a Bright Future for the Next Generation of Philanthropists.
May 5, 2014. Your College Diploma is worth $831,000.
May 5, 2014. Is It Still Worth Going to College?
May 2, 2014. Just How Much are Parents Bailing out their Student-Debt-Addled Kids?
April 30, 2014. Inequality, Recessions, and Recoveries.
April 17, 2014. How Dads Juggle Work and Family.
April 2, 2014. Pension Coverage in Private Sector a Serious Problem.
April 1, 2014. In Search of the American Dream.
April 1, 2014. Like Mother, Unlike Daughter.
April 1, 2014. Pew Report Finds that Working Women Boost Family Economic Mobility.
April 1, 2014. Women’s Wages Eclipse Mom’s While Still Trailing Men.
March 12, 2014. Strategic Default: How Big an Issue?
March 5, 2014. In Atlanta, Breaking the Poverty Cycle Proves Difficult.
January 27, 2014. The Renter Lifecycle.
January 23, 2014. Social Mobility Hasn’t Fallen: What it means and Doesn’t Mean.
December 30, 2013. Calculating the Risk: Child Sexual Assault.
December 24, 2013. Study Shows Great Recession Hit Young People Especially Hard,
Limiting Ability to Save for Future.
December 20, 2013. Holiday Charity Ideas: Giving Can Have a Positive Impact on Your
December 18, 2013. American Dream, Twisting.
December 18, 2013. Can Life Still be a Dream in America?
December 16, 2013. Is it Easier to Obtain the American Dream in Europe?
December 4, 2013. Why It's Harder to Move Up in America's Segregated Cities.
December 1, 2013. ’Tis Better to Give, but Some Give More.
November 25, 2013. Handsome Is as Handsome Gives.
November 20, 2013. Families Fill in Gaps Left By Health Insurance.
November 18, 2013. Study: American Dream May be Thing of the Past.
November 17, 2013. Professor’s Study Shows Young Adults Still Affected by 2009
November 14, 2013. Has Being a Young Adult Always Been a Financial Nightmare?
November 11, 2013. 'Risk Factors' Related to Child Sexual Assault Revealed.
November 9, 2013. Study: 40% of Americans Experience at Least 1 Year in Poverty.
November 8, 2013. The Crucial Role of Savings in Upward Mobility.
November 7, 2013. Rags-to-Riches Tales Aren't that Common, New Study Finds.
November 6, 2013. A Shockingly High Number of Americans Experience Poverty.
November 6, 2013. Study Says Nearly 40 Percent of Americans Experience Poverty By
Age 60.
November 6, 2013. Think You'll Never Need a Handout? Research Shows You Might.
October 31, 2013. When Buying New Car, Many Choose Same Brand as Parents.
October 30, 2013. Your Parents' Chevrolet Affects Your Car Choice More Than Ads.
October 29, 2013. Car Buyers Tend to Choose the Cars Their Parents Drive, Study Says.
October 24, 2013. New study: Talk to Your Kids about Giving, and They’ll Likely Follow
October 21, 2013. Brand Preferences Run in the Family.
October 9, 2013. Family Structure and the Well-Being of Children in Youth and
October 4, 2013. Study: Children Who Save Find Greater Financial Success in Life.
September 25, 2013. A Rising Tide Lifts All Yachts.
September 24, 2013. The Killing of Jonathan Ferrell in Context.
September 20, 2013. Children with Savings Accounts are Financially Better Off Adults.
September 19, 2013. Death of a Child’s Dream.
September 17, 2013. Recipe for Economic Mobility? A College Education and a Spouse,
Says Pew Analysis.
September 17, 2013. Savings Accounts for Children Linked with Later Financial Success.
August 29, 2013. Collateral Damage: Mortgage Crisis Dampened Zeal for Stocks.
August 28, 2013. Collateral Damage: Mortgage Crisis Dampened Zeal for Stocks.
August 25, 2013. Husbands Employed in Female-Oriented Job do More Housework.
August 23, 2013. Fifty Years After “I Have a Dream”: Time for a Real War on Poverty.
August 20, 2013. The High Probability of Being Poor.
August 14, 2013. Study Links Man’s Occupation to Time Spent on Housework.
August 13, 2013. More Men in ‘Women’s Jobs’ Means More Men Chipping in at Home,
Study Says.
August 13, 2013. A Man's Occupation Linked to Time Spent on Housework, Study Finds.
May 21, 2013. Gen Xers Lost Almost Half Their Wealth in Recession; Retirement Now
Uncertain. Kamloops Daily News. Pg. B.6.
May 18, 2013. Family Research: Reports on Family Research from University of Texas
Provide New Insights. Psychology & Psychiatry Journal. Pg. 217.
May 17, 2013. Pew Survey Questions Gen X, Baby Boomer Savings.
May 16, 2013. Future retirees at Risk of Downward Mobility, Pew Finds.
May 16, 2013. Recession Left Generation X Least Prepared for Retirement, Study Finds.
May 16, 2013. Early Boomers May Be Last Generation on Track to Retire Well.
May 4, 2013. Health Economics: Reports Outline Health Economics Study Findings from
State University of New York. Pediatrics Week. Pg. 225.
April 27, 2013. Social Science and Medicine; Research Conducted at Pennsylvania State
University Has Provided New Information about Social Science and Medicine. Obesity,
Fitness & Wellness Week. Pg. 3584.
April 26, 2013. Environmental Health; New Findings on Environmental Health Reported.
Health & Medicine Week. pg. 2591.
March 4, 2013. Retirement planning: Mistakes to Avoid.
March 1, 2013. Social Science and Medicine; Studies from University of Michigan Yield
New Information about Social Science and Medicine. Health & Medicine Week. Pg. 4583.
February 22, 2013. Macroeconomics; Research from University of Pennsylvania in the
Area of Macroeconomics Described. Economics Week. Pg. 795.
February 13, 2013. Trouble Ahead: Fewer Have Retirement Funds, More Raid Them
Michigan Chronicle. Pg. A6.
February 6, 2013. U-M Analysis: Fewer Have Retirement Funds, More Raid Them. CBS
February 5, 2013. Trouble Ahead: Fewer Have Retirement Funds, More Raid Them.
Targeted News Service.
February 5, 2013. Number of People with Pensions or DC Plans Has Fallen Since 2001.
February 1, 2013. Labor Economics: New Labor Economics Study Findings Reported from
University of New South Wales. Economics Week. Pg. 427.
January 26, 2013. UC Davis Study Links Low Wages with Hypertension, Especially for
Women and Younger Workers. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. Pg. 1574.
January 11, 2013. Social Science; Study Findings from Stanford University Provide New
Insights into Social Science. Science Letter. Pg. 477.
January 11, 2013. Social Science; Findings in Social Science Reported from Princeton
University. Science Letter. Pg. 172.
December 20, 2012. America's Dangerous Powerball Economy. The Wall Street Journal.
pg. A.19.
December 14, 2012. Social Policy: Study Data from McGill University Provide New
Insights into Social Policy. Science Letter. Pg. 1094.
November 7, 2012. Disability trends: Oldest old improving, boomers doing worse.
Michigan Chronicle. pg. B3.
November 2, 2012. Social Science and Medicine: Reports Outline Social Science and
Medicine Research from University of Victoria. Health & Medicine Week. Pg. 2299.
October 13, 2012. Children and Society; Researchers from University of Pittsburgh Publish
Findings in Children and Society. Pediatrics Week. Pg. 349.
September 28, 2012. Household Economics; New Household Economics Data Have Been
Reported. Economics Week. Pg. 671.
August 31, 2012. Health Economics; Recent Findings in Health Economics Described by
Researchers from University of Rosario. Health & Medicine Week. Pg. 2559.
August 25, 2012. Obesity, Fitness and Wellness: Research from University of California in
the Area of Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Described. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week.
Pg. 3239.
August 24, 2012. Demographic Science; Data on Demographic Science Described by
Researchers at New York University. Science Letter. Pg. 244.
August 23, 2012. Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Recent Findings from Widener University
Highlight Research in Obesity. Politics & Government Business. Pg. 337.
August 10, 2012. Social Science; Data on Social Science Detailed by Researchers at
Social Science Research Center. Science Letter (GA). pg. 522.
August 3, 2012. Five Myths About the Middle Class. The Washington Post: WP Opinions.
Pg. B2. Kenworthy, Lane.
July 27, 2012. Economic Policy; Researchers from University of Houston Detail New
Studies and Findings in the Area of Economic Policy. Economics Week (GA). pg. 332. July
26, 2012. Is the Middle Class in Decline?
July 17, 2012. Economic Mobility for African Americans May be a Myth, Pew Report
Shows. The Huffington Post. Anderson, Jessica Cumberbach.
July 13, 2012. Social Science; Studies from State University of New York in the Area of
Social Science Published. Science Letter (GA). pg. 898.
July 11, 2012. Only Half of Americans Exceed Parents’ Wealth. The New York Times
(NY) Business Day: Economix. Rampell, Catherine.
July 10, 2012. The Washington Post. Mixed Fortunes in Scaling the Income Ladder. The
Washington Post. Pg. A3. Gowen, Annie.
July 10, 2012. American Dream Deferred: Only a Quarter of African Americans Earn
More Than Their Parents. Danielle, Britni.
July 10, 2012. The ‘Rags to Riches’ American Dream is on the Way Out. Business
Insider. Woodruff, Mandi.
July 2, 2012. Price Tags for Parents. New York Times. Folbre, Nancy.
July 1, 2012. Social Policy; Data on Social Policy Detailed by Researchers at University of
Washington. Science Letter (GA). pg. 173.
June 28, 2012. Unemployed Americans Face Greater Risk of Mortality: UBC Study.
UBC Public Affairs: University of British Columbia Media Release.
June 27-July 7, 2012. Fractions are the Key to Math Success, New Study Shows.
Michigan Chronicle (MI). Vol. 75, Iss. 42, pg. D
June 21, 2012. Adolescence; New Adolescence Study Findings Have Been Reported by
Researchers at University of Maryland. Computers, Networks & Communications (GA). pg.
June 20,-26, 2012. Majority of College-Age Kids Get Money from Parents to Pay Bills.
Michigan Chronicle (MI). Vol. 75, Iss. 41`, pg. C4.
June 15, 2012. Fractions are the Key to Math Success, New Study Finds. University of
Michigan News Service. Swanbrow, Diane.
June 15, 2012. Consumers Still Struggling with Debt, Savings.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Grant, Tim.
June 13, 2012. News from Am Jrl of Public Health: Aug. 2012 Issue. Unemployment Puts
Americans at Greater Risk for Mortality than their German Counterparts, particularly
Minimum to Medium Skilled Level Workers. Newswise - American Journal of Public
June 1, 2012. Social Policy; Data on Social Policy Detailed by Researchers at University of
Washington. Science Letter (GA). pg. 173
May 29, 2-12. Study: Residential Segregation Still a Problem in U.S. Targeted News
Service (WDC).
May 20, 2012. Timothy Noah brings 'The Great Divergence' into stinging focus on the
diminishing U.S. middle class. The Palin Dealer (OH). Long, Karen R.
May 10, 2012. More Families Report Having No Savings at All. The New York Times
(NY). Carrns, Ann.
May 9, 2012. Business News: 23% of U.S. Families Have No Savings. (MI).
May 9, 2012. Study: 1 in 5 Families Underwater with Debts. KRIV-TV – Online.
May 9, 2012. UPI News Track Business. 23% of U.S. Families Have No Savings.
May 9, 2012. Study: 1 in 5 Families Underwater in Debts. KTTV-TV – Online.
May 9, 2012. Study: Many Households Have Negative Net Worth. WLTX-TV – Online.
May 9, 2012. 23% of U.S. Families Have No Savings. United Press International (UPI).
May 9, 2012. Study: 1 in 5 Families Underwater with Debts. WOFL-TV – Online.
May 9, 2012. Study: 1 in 5 Families Underwater in Debts. WTTG-TV – Online.
May 9, 2012. Study: 1 in 5 Families Underwater in Debts. KSAZ-TV – Online. May 9,
2012. Study: 1 in 5 Families Underwater in Debts. May 9, 2012. Study: 1
in 5 Families Underwater in Debts. WJBK-TV – Online. May 9, 2012. Study: 1 in 5
Families Underwater in Debts. WREG-TV – Online.
May 9, 2012. U-M Study: Debt Exceeds Savings for 1 in 5. The Lansing State Journal –
Online (MI).
May 9, 2012. Detroit Free Press Susan Tompor Column. Detroit Free Press (MI).
May 9, 2012. Detroit Free Press Susan Tompor Column: Many Households Have Negative
Net Worth, Study Finds (Institute for Social Research, Economics). Detroit Free Press
May 8, 2012. UM Study Says 20% of US Households Underwater. Detroit Free Press
May 8, 2012. Americans Buried Under Debt.
May 8, 2012. U-M Report: 1 in 5 Households Underwater with Debt.
News Service.
May 8, 2012. Manu US Families are Underwater With Debts. EurekAlert!
May 8, 2012. U-M Study Says 20% of U.S. Householders Underwater. Detroit Free
Press – Online.
May 8, 2012. U-M Study Says 20% of U.S. Households Underwater. Detroit Free Press
May 7, 2012. Majority of College-age Kids Get Money from Parents to Pay Bills. Kansas
City infoZine. Swanbrow, Diane.
May 3, 2012. Majority of College-Age Kids Get Help from Mom and Dad. Science
May 3, 2012. Parents Give Helping Hand Unevenly, Play Favorites. Deseret News.
Collins, Lois M.
May 3, 2012. Majority of College-Age Kids Get Help from Mom and Dad. Phys.Org.
May 1, 2012. Inheriting the Start-Up Gene. Inc. McGinn, Daniel.
April 27, 2012. Letters: Houston Survey: Opinion. Houston Chronicle. Hayes, Donald
M. Montgomery.
April 26, 2012. The Rich are Different than You and Me: They Spend More. The
Washington Pots: Wonkblog. Klein, Ezra.
April 14, 2012. Pediatrics; Investigators from University of Pittsburgh Zero in on
Pediatrics. Investment Weekly News (GA). pg. 941.
April 13, 2012. Social Science; Research from University of California Yields New Data on
Social Science. Science Letter (GA). pg. 908.
April 7, 2012. Obesity; Low-Income Mothers Risk Obesity to Feed Children. Investment
Weekly News (GA). pg. 909.
April 6, 2012. Econometrics; Data from Federal Reserve Bank Provide New Insights into
Econometrics. Economics Week (GA). pg. 1023.
April, 2012. The Evolution of Income, Consumption, and Leisure Inequality in the U.S.
1980-2010. Poverty and Inequality Bulletin. Attanasio, Orazio, Hurst, Erik, Pistaferri,
April, 2012. Is Intergenerational Economic Mobility Lower Now than in the Past?
Chicago Fed Letter (IL). Mazumder, Bhashkar.
March 23, 2012. Poor Moms Risk Obesity to Provide for Kids. Futurity.
March 22, 2012. Science; Investigators at University of Maryland Publish New Data on
Science. Agriculture Week (GA). pg. 226.
March 19, 2012. Low-Income Moms Risk Obesity to Feed Kids.
March 17, 2012. Low-Income Mothers Risk Obesity to Feed Children. US Fed News
Service, Including US State News (WDC).
March 16, 2012. Poor Mothers Risk Obesity to Feed Children. Asian News International
(New Delhi).
March 16, 2012. Poor Mothers Risk Obesity to Feed Children.
March 9, 2012. Social Work; Research on Social Work Described by Investigators at St.
Louis University. Science Letter (GA). pg. 2042.
March 15, 2012. Low-Income Mothers Risk Obesity to Feed Children.
Swayne, Matt.
March 1, 2012. The Mobility Myth. The New Republic. Pg. 14. Noah, Timothy. February
25, 2012. Economic Research; Findings from Hendrix College Broaden
Understanding of Economic Research. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week (GA). pg. 388.
February 20, 2012. Teens Function Well with Less Sleep. WALB News 10 (UT).
February 10, 2012. Social Science; Studies Conducted at University of Miami on Social
Science Recently Published. Science Letter (GA). pg. 1197. Expanded Reporting.
January 27, 2012. Demographic Science; Research in the Area of Demographic Science
Reported from University of Connecticut. Science Letter (GA). pg. 760. Expanded
January 26, 2012. Demographic Science; New Demographic Science Findings from
University of Michigan Described. Food Weekly News (GA). pg. 46.
January 17, 2012. Free Enterprise on Trial. Reich, Robert. January 10,
2012. Wealthy Taking over Our Government. Anchorage Daily News.
Patkotak, Elise: Comment.
January 3, 2012. EDITORIAL: No Hard Times in Congress. McClatchy – Tribune
Business News (WDC).
January 3, 2012. EDITORIAL: No Hard Times in Congress. The Tribune (IN).
January 2, 2012. EDITORIALS: Congress’ Cash Cushion. Northwest Florida Daily News
(FL). pg. A.6. Bavaro, Nicholas.
January 1, 2012. EDITORIAL: No Tough Times in Congress. McClatchy – Tribune
Business News (WDC).
January 1, 2012. EDITORIAL: No Tough Times in Congress. Sun Journal (NC).
December 31, 2011. Report Lists Growing Wealth in Congress. McClatchy – Tribune
Business News (WDC). Terrell, Steve.
December 31, 2011. When it comes to Wealth, Ohio’s Representatives aren’t very
Representative. Plain Dealer (OH). Suddes, Thomas.
December 29, 2011. No Hard Times in Congress. Creators Syndicate (CA).
December 29, 2011. EDITORIAL: House of Wealth: Congress is removed from MiddleClass Concerns. McClatchy – Tribune Business News (WDC).
December 29, 2011. Congress Loves These Safe-Haven Stocks. Wall St. Cheat Sheet
(NY). McWhinnie, Eric.
December 29, 2011. Study: Area Representatives Have Higher Net Worth than
Constituents. The Lima News (OH). Harrison, Tom.
December 29, 2011. For the Rich, by the Rich? Why the Second Anniversary of Citizens
United Should Be on Your Calendar. Lewis, Rachel.
December 29, 2011. House of Wealth Congress is removed from Middle-Class Concerns.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. pg. B-4.
December 29, 2011. Deflating Congressional Fat Cats. The
December 28, 2011. Study: Area Representatives Have Higher Net Worth than
Constituents. Lima News (OH). Harrison, Tom.
December 28, 2011. Editorial: No Hard Times in Congress. Lima News (OH).
December 28, 2011. Gap between Us, Congress Ever Widening Lawmakers’ Net Worth has
Steadily Soared. (TX). pg. 3. Whoriskey, Peter.
December 28, 2011. Gap Widens Between Congress, Constituents: As Rich Get Richer,
Disparity in Wealth Suggests Growing Distance. Charleston Daily Mail (WV). pg. A6.
Whoriskey, Peter.
December 28, 2011. Hard Times Bypass House Members; Representatives’ Net Worth
More than Doubles during Span when American Median Slips. Orange County Register
December 28, 2011. Main Street: Looking Back on 2011. Murray Ledger & Times.
Alexander, Constance.
December 28, 2011. House Members’ Net Worth Surges, While Public Struggles. Weil, Dan.
December 27, 2011. Members of Congress Got Wealthy While Their Constituents Fell
Behind. The Frontrunner.
December 27, 2011. Congress Looks Less Like Rest of America. Washington Post
(WDC). Whoriskey, Peter.
December 27, 2011. Congressional Wealth Gap Getting Bigger. The Virginian-Pilot
(VA). FRONT: pg. A1. Whoriskey, Peter.
December 27, 2011. Mr. Rockefeller Goes to Washington: Today’s Balance Sheet Tackles
Optimistic Economic News and Legislator’s Income-Inspired Out-of-Touchness. The
American Prospect. Fuller, Jaime.
December 27, 2011. In Focus: Lawmakers’ Wealth Leaves Voters Behind. The Portland
Press Herald. Whoriskey, Peter/The Washington Post.
December 27, 2011. Wealthy Taking over Our Government. Anchorage Daily News.
December 26, 2011. BRIEF: Report: Financial Gap Widens between Average Americans,
Representatives in Congress. McClatchy – Tribune Business News (WDC).
December 26, 2011. A Note on the Numbers. Washington Post with Bloomberg.
December 26, 2011. Wealth Gap Widens between Congress, Constituents. Washington
Post. Whoriskey, Peter.
December 17, 2011. Social Science; New Social Science Research from University of
Michigan Discussed. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week (GA). pg. 980.
December 16, 2011. PEW Research Uses Housing Boom and Bust to Measure Housing
Wealth Impact on College Enrollment and Graduations Rates. Pew Charitable Trusts (PA).
December 16, 2011. Weight Gain Could be Due to Childhood Friend Circles.
December 16, 2011. Social Norms for Obesity Learned in Childhood. Health News.
December 16, 2011. Exploring the Factors Contributing to Sibling Correlations in BMI: A
Study Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. MDLinx: Nursing.
December 15, 2011. Diet Health Centre: Study Backs Early Years Obesity Prevention.
BootsWebMD. Russell, Peter
December 2, 2011. Environmental Planning; New Environmental Planning Study Findings
Have Been Reported by Investigators at University of California. Ecology, Environment &
Conservation (GA). pg. 243.
November 26, 2011. Social Science; Research from University of North Carolina in
Social Science Provides New Insights. Investment Weekly News (GA). pg. 1246.
November 15, 2011. Social Science; Investigators at University of Wisconsin Zero in on
Social Science. Science Letter (GA). pg. 168.
October 23, 2011. Early Origins of Chronic Mid-Life Diseases: Low Birth Weight and
Poverty Have Long-Term Effects. US Fed News Service, Including US State News (WDC).
October 21, 2011. Early Origins of Chronic Mid-Life Diseases: Low Birth Weight and
Poverty have Long-Term Effects.
October 9, 2011. Gals Dig Fat Wallet Money Trumps Weight. Pg. 3. New York Post
(NY). Karni, Annie.
October 5, 2011. Bad Neighborhoods’ Cast Bad Effects on Growing Children. Thee
Hindustan Times (New Delhi).
October 5, 2011. Children Living in Low-Income Neighborhoods Less Likely to
Graduate High School: Study. Huffington Post.
October 5, 2011. Forget School Vouchers. The Route to Improving Education May be
Housing Vouchers. Atlanta Journal Constitution. (GA). Downey, Maureen.
October 5, 2011. Bad Neighborhoods Cast Bad Effects on Growing Children.
NewstrackIndia. (WDC).
October 4, 2011. Social Science; Reports Outline Social Science Study Findings from
State University of New York. Science Letter (GA). pg. 550.
October 4, 2011. Growing Up in Bad Neighborhoods Has a Devastating Impact.
Newswise (WDC).
October 4, 2011. Study: Growing Up in Bad Neighborhoods has a Devastating Impact.
EurekAlert! Fowler, Daniel.
October 4, 2011. Growing Up in Bad Neighborhoods Has a ‘Devastating Impact.’
Targeted News Service.
October 4, 2011. Growing Up in Bad Neighborhoods Has a ‘Devastating Impact.’
September 22, 2011. Study Finds College Enrollment Related to Housing Market.
Washington Square News. Turret, Julie.
September 7, 2011. $1 Million Funding Available for the Collection of Metadata.
Targeted News Service (WDC).
SURVEYS." US Fed News Service, Including US State News. (WDC).
August 29, 2011. Contract Notice: National Endowment for the Arts (District of Columbia)
Issues Solicitation for "Conduct Research on the Panel Study of Income Dynamics.” US
Fed News Service, Including US State News. (WDC).
August 21, 2011. Statistics; Investigators at the University of Michigan Publish New
Data on Statistics. News of Science (GA). pg. 670.
August 20, 2011. Health Economics; Research from Pennsylvania State University in the
Area of Health Economics Described. Fitness & Wellness Week (GA). pg. 1159.
August 12, 2011. Economics and Statistics; New Economics and Statistics Study Findings
Have Been Published by Scientists at Johns Hopkins University. Economics Week (GA).
pg. 1195.
August 9, 2011. Contract Notice: National Endowment for the Arts (District of Columbia)
Issues Solicitation for “Conduct Research on the Panel Study of Income Dynamics.” US
Fed News Service, Including US State News (WDC).
August 9, 2011. Population Science; Studies from Syracuse University Further
Understanding of Population Science. Science Letter (GA). pg. 1019.
August 8, 2011. Research Services Sought by National Endowment for the Arts.
Targeted News Service (WDC).
August 6, 2011. Economic Psychology; University of Sheffield Reports Research in
Economic Psychology. Investment Weekly News (GA).
Summer 2011. A Young Radical’s View of Marriage. New Politics (NY). Littlefield, Amy.
June 24, 2011. Cancer Survivors Less Likely to be Employed, Work Fewer Hours. The
Hindustan Times.
June 24, 2011. Study Finds Cancer Survivors Less Likely to be Employed. MedIndia:
Networking for Health. Jones, Kathy.
June 23, 2011. Cancer Survivors Less Likely to be Employed, Work Fewer Hours.
June 22, 2011. Cancer Survivors Have Lower Employment Rates and Work Fewer
Hours. EurekAlert! (PA). LaJeunesse, Sara.
June 22, 2011. Cancer Survivors Have Lower Employment Rates and Work Fewer
Hours. US Fed News Service, Including US State News. (WDC).
June 3, 2011. Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Receives $100,000 Federal
Research Grant to Help Strengthen Volunteering. US Federal News Services, Including US
State News. (WDC).
June 2, 2011. Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Receives $100,000 Federal
Research Grant to Help Strengthen Volunteering. Targeted News Service. (WDC).
May 8, 2011. Transportation; New Transportation Findings from R. Paleti and CoResearchers Published. Transportation Business Journal. (GA). pg. 143.
May, 2011. Love 2.0. Self. Woerner, Amanda.
April 27, 2011. Racial Wealth Gap; “Diverging Pathways: How Wealth Shapes
Opportunity for Children.” Education Week. (MD). Vol. 30, Iss. 29, pg. 5. Kelleher,
March 30, 2011. Deducting the American Dream: Study Finds Key Tax Break Has
Adverse Effect on Homeownership, Social Welfare. Targeted News Service. (WDC).
March/April. Financing Pre-K: Why Finding a Better Way Is Critical to Our Future.
Preschool Maters: A Publication of the National Institute. Volume 9, No. 1. Barnett, W.
February 26, 2011. American Sociological Association; Study: Neighborhood Natives
Move Out When Immigrants Move In. Real Estate & Investment Business. (GA). pg.
February 8, 2011. Neighborhood Natives Move Out When Immigrants Move In. Science
February 5, 2011. Cardiovascular Diseases; Research Data from University of Michigan
Update Understanding of Cardiovascular Diseases. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week.
(GA). pg. 1452.
January 26, 2011. Epidemiology; Investigators at University of Michigan, Department of
Epidemiology Target Epidemiology. Biotech Week (GA). pg. 994.
December 25, 2010. Pension Economics; Studies Conducted at Boston College on
Pension Economics Recently Published. Investment Weekly News (GA). pg. 1297.
December 25, 2010. Social Science; Research from University of Michigan in the Area of
Social Science Described. Investment Weekly News. (GA). pg. 1374.
December 1, 2010. Armed Forces; studies from Washington State University Yield New
Information about Armed Forces. Defense & Aerospace Week. (GA). pg. 217.
December, 2010. Subprimes Were Not the Culprit in Most Mortgage Meltdowns.
Michigan Banker. (MI). Vol. 22, Iss. 12, Pg. 54-56.
November 19, 2010. Jews More Likely to Donate to Poor, Study Finds. The Jewish News
Weekly of Northern California: J. (CA). pg. 32B. Debra Nussbaum Cohen.
November 12, 2010. Macroeconomics; Scientists at Kyung Hee University Release New
Data on Macroeconomics. Economics Week. (GA). pg. 1671.
November 5, 2010. Study Finds Jews Donate More to Poor. Forward (NY). Vol. 114, Iss.
31834, Pg. 20-22.
November 4, 2010. Editorial; The Dark Side of Free Trade. Vol. 82, Iss. 19, Pg. 8.
Machine (OH). Teschler, Leland.
November 4, 2010. Research Conducted at Washington State University has Provided
New Information about Social Science. Politics & Government Week.
October 21, 2010. Subprimes Were Not the Culprit in Most Mortgage Meltdowns. R&D
– University of Michigan (MI).
October 15, 2010. Economics; Research from D. Cho and Co-Researchers in the Area of
Economics Described. Economics Week (GA). pg. 642.
October 6, 2010. How Parents Can Help Their Sons Navigate the Challenges of
Adulthood. Chicago Tribune (IL).
October 1, 2010. Economics and Statistics; New Findings in Economics and Statistics
Described from University of Waikato. Expanded Reporting. Economics Week (GA). ; pg.
September 28, 2010. Obamacare’s Tax Credit System Will Make April 15 Even Harder –
Investor’s Business Daily/Yahoo News. States New Service.
September 28, 2010. The Confidence Crisis of the 20-something Son: Why Young Men are
Getting Lost Entering the Real World—and What Parents Can do to Help. Chicago
Tribune. (IL). Edwards, Julia.
September 17, 2010. Population Research; Study Results from A. Aughinbaugh et al
Provide New Insights into Population Research. Economics Week (GA). pg. 552.
September 12, 2010. Scholars Say Asset Building is Vital to Economic Well-Being. The
Urban Institute. Cronen, Elizabeth.
September 11, 2010. Social Science; Studies from Washington State University Provide
New Data on Social Science. Real Estate & Investment Business (GA). Expanded
Reporting; pg. 61.
September 9, 2010. Studies in the Area of Social Science Reported from University of
North Carolina. Politics & Government Week.
September, 2010. Lifelong Socioeconomic Challenges Faced by Combat Veterans. O & P
Business News: Linking the Orthotic and Prosthetic Profession. Vol. 19, Iss. 10; Pg.
August 9, 2010. War Damages Future Work Prospects of Many U.S. Vets: Data; Soldiers
Exposed to Combat More Likely to be Disabled, Unemployed throughout Life, Study
Shows: a Washington State University Study with Data from the Panel Study of Income
Dynamics. Consumer Health News.
August 4, 2010. Sociologist Finds Combat Veterans Face More Lifelong Socioeconomic
Challenges. UPI Space Daily (WDC). Staff Writers.
August 3, 2010. Combat Veterans Face More Lifelong Socioeconomic Challenges. Asian
News International.
August 3, 2010. Washington State University Researcher Finds Combat Veterans Face
More Lifelong Socioeconomic Challenges. U.S. Fed News Service (WDC).
August 2, 2010. WSU Researcher Finds Combat Veterans Face More Lifelong
Socioeconomic Challenges. State News Service.
August, 2010. War Damages Future Work Prospects of Many U.S. Vets Data. U.S. News
& World Report (WDC).
July 28, 2010. Economic Security Index: Financial Hardship on the Rise. Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette (PA). Grant, Tim.
July 28, 2010. Economic Security Index: Financial Hardship on the Rise. McClatchy Tribune Business News (WA). Grant, Tim.
July 5, 2010. MEDICARE AND MEDICAID; Stanford University publishes Research in
Medicare and Medicaid. Managed Care Weekly Digest. Expanded Reporting; pg. 59.
June 27, 2010. Credit and Banking: Scientists at Athens University Target Credit and
Banking. Investment Business Weekly (GA). pg. 728.
June 27, 2010. Income and Wealth; Scientists at University of Wisconsin Describe
Research in Income and Wealth. Investment Business Weekly (GA). pg. 733.
June 27, 2010. Credit and Banking; Scientists at Athens University Target Credit and
Banking. Investment Business Weekly (GA). pg. 278.
June 26, 2010. PEDIATRICS; Data from Iowa State University Advance Knowledge in
Pediatrics. Pediatrics Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 110.
June 19, 2010. ASTHMA; Findings in Asthma Reported from University of Michigan.
Pediatrics Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 445.
June 19, 2010. OBESITY; UC Davis Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings.
NewsRx Health. Editor’s Choice; pg. 10.
June 13, 2010. Obesity; UC Davis Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings. NewsRx
Health & Science (GA). pg. 56.
June 12, 2010. OBESITY; UC Davis Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings.
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. EXPANDED REPORTING, pg. 4085.
June 12, 2010. Financial Economics; New Financial Economics Findings from Aarhus
University Described. Investment Weekly News (GA).
June 8, 2010. OBESITY; UC Davis Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings. TB &
Outbreaks Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 151.
June 8, 2010. Obesity; UC Davis Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings. TB &
Outbreaks Weekly (GA). pg. 151.
June 7, 2010. OBESITY; UC Davis Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings. Obesity
& Diabetes Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 332.
June 3, 2010. Home Equity Extraction: Where Did All the Money Go?
May 30, 2010. PEDIATRICS; Childhood Psychological Problems Create Long-Term
Economic Losses, Study Finds. NewsRx Health & Science. Expanded Reporting; pg. 28.
May 29, 2010. ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE; Study Finds from D. Kim et al Provide
New Insights into Environmental Medicine. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 3891.
May 29, 2010. OBESITY; New Findings Reported from Northwestern University
Describe Advances in Obesity. Pediatrics Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 61.
May 28, 2010 PEDIATRICS; Childhood Psychological Problems Create Long-Term
Economic Losses, Study Finds. Drug Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 261.
May 26-June 1, 2010. Whites Average $95K More than Blacks. Vol. 87, Iss. 39; pg. 4D,
2 pgs. The Miami Times (FL). Blake, Rich.
May 26, 2010. PEDIATRICS; Childhood Psychological Problems Create Long-Term
Economic Losses, Study Finds. Biotech Week (GA). pg. 669.
May 26, 2010. How Much Housework is Too Much? Columbus Local News. Owens,
Susan J.
May 24, 2010. ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE; Study Findings from D. Kim et al
Provide New Insights into Environmental Medicine. Obesity & Diabetes Week. Expanded
Reporting; pg. 414.
May 24, 2010. PEDIATRICS; Childhood Psychological Problems Create Long-Term
Economic Losses, Study Finds. Pharma Business Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 180.
May 23, 2010. America’s New Culture War: Free Enterprise vs. Government Control.
The Washington Post. Brooks, Arthur C.
May 16, 2010. Childhood Psychological Problems Create Long-Term Economic Losses.
FARS News Agency.
May 15, 2010. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY; Research on Marriage and Family Published
by Scientists at Harvard University. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. Expanded
Reporting; pg. 1016.
May 15, 2010. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY; Researchers at University of California
Publish New Data on Marriage and Family. Expanded Reporting; pg. 85.
May 14, 2010. Childhood Psychological Problems Cost $2.1 Trillion. Landau,
May 14, 2010. Psychological Problems During Childhood Create Long-Term Economic
Losses. The Hindustan Times.
May 13, 2010. Psychological Problems During Childhood Create Long-Term Economic
Losses, RAND Study Finds. Ascribe Newswire.
May 10, 2010. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY; Research on Marriage and Family Published
by Scientists at Harvard University. Mental Health Weekly Digest. Expanded Reporting;
pg. 140.
May 11, 2010. UC Davis Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings. Health News.
May 4, 2010. HUMAN RESOURCES; Research in the Aras of Human Resources Reported
from State University of New York. Life Science Weekly. Expanded Reporting; pg. 699.
April 24, 2010. PEDIATRICS AND SOCIAL SERVICES; Research Reports on Pediatrics
and Social Services from University of Missouri Provide New Insights. Pediatrics Week.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 125.
April 23, 2010. Dad’s Involvement Helps Kid in School. The Times of India.
March 11, 2010. Study Links Obesity with Lowest Earnings. US Fed News Service,
Including US State News (WDC). Finney, Karen.
March 6, 2010. Economics and Statistics; Study Results from E. Hurts and Colleagues
Broaden Understanding of Economics and Statistics. Economics & Business Week (GA). pg.
March 5, 2010. Economics; New Economics Research Reported from Carleton College.
Economics Week (GA). pg. 116.
March 1, 2010. SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH; Researchers from University of
Toronto Describe Findings in Social Science and Health. Health & Medicine Week.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 1793.
February 27, 2010. MARRIGE AND FAMILY; Investigators at State University of New
York Publish New Data on Marriage and Family. Psychology & Psychiatry Journal.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 84.
February 26, 2010. Findings in Economic Dynamics Reported from J. Heathcote and CoResearchers. Economics Week.
February 26, 2010. Economic Dynamics; Findings in Economic Dynamics Reported from
J. Heathcote and Co-Researchers. Economics Week (GA). Expanded Reporting. pg. 138.
February 23, 2010. MARRIAGE AN FAMILY; Investigators at State University of New
York Publish New Data on Marriage and Family. Life Science Weekly. Expanded
Reporting; pg. 1703.
February 23, 2010. MARRIAGE AN FAMILY; Investigators at State University of New
York Publish New Data on Marriage and Family. Science Letter. Expanded Reporting;
pg. 84.
February 3, 2010. Born Poor? Santa Fe Reporter (NM). Pein, Corey.
January 21, 2010. Positive Side Effect from Child Support. Child Support-Father Focus
January 12, 2010. DEMOGRAPHICS; New demographics Study Findings Have Been
Reported from Washington University. Science Letter (GA). pg. 976.
December 22, 2009. Mortgage-Related Characteristics of Households and Borrowers.
Unicon Research.
December 15, 2009. PEDIATRICS; Scientists at Washington University Describe
Research in Pediatrics. Life Science Weekly. Expanded Reporting; pg. 1206.
December 15, 2009. PEDIATRICS; Scientists at Washington University Describe
Research in Pediatrics. Science Letter. Expanded Reporting; pg. 3235.
December 13, 2009. PEDIATRICS; Scientists at Washington University Describe
Research in Pediatrics. Pediatrics Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 109.
December 12, 2009. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY; Data from Boston College
Provide New Insights into Developmental Psychology. Psychology & Psychiatry Journal.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 53.
December 8, 2009. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY; Data From Boston College
Provide New Insights into Developmental Psychology. Life Science Weekly. Expanded
Reporting; pg. 53.
November 30, 2009. Poverty Plagues U.S. Youth, Threatens Health. The Louisiana
Weekly (LA). Wilson, Nayita.
November 30, 2009. Advancing Economic Mobility through Savings. New American
Foundation. Cramer, Reid.
November 22, 2009. CORNELL UNIVERSITY; Half of US Children – and Most Black
Children – Will Use Food Stamps, Cornell Study Reports. Disease Risk Factor Week.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 237.
November 22, 2009. JAMA AND ARCHIVES JOURNALS; Many US Children May Live
in Families Receiving Food Stamps. Disease Risk Factor Week. Expanded Reporting; pg.
November 22, 2009. CORNELL UNIVERSITY; Half of US Children – and Most Black
Children – Will Use Food Stamps, Cornell Study Reports. NewsRx Health & Science.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 217.
November 21, 2009. CORNELL UNIVERSITY; Half of US Children – and Most Black
Children – Will Use Food Stamps, Cornell Study Reports. Law & Health Weekly.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 786.
November 21, 2009. CORNELL UNIVERSITY; Half of US Children – and Most Black
Children – Will Use Food Stamps, Cornell Study Reports. Mental Health Business Week.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 208.
November 21, 2009. CORNELL UNIVERSITY; Half of US Children – and Most Black
Children – Will Use Food Stamps, Cornell Study Reports. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness
Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 144.
November 17, 2009. JAMA AND ARCHIVES JOURNALS; Many US Children May Live
in Families Receiving Food Stamps. Health Risk Factor Week. Expanded Reporting; pg.
November 17, 2009. JAMA AND ARCHIVES JOURNALS; Many US Children May Live
in Families Receiving Food Stamps. Disease Prevention Week. Expanded Reporting; pg.
November 17, 2009. Two Studies, Same Finding: Children in America Going Hungry.
Digital Mathews, Kay.
November 13, 2009. News: C.U. Prof’s Research Redefines American Dream. The
Cornell Daily Sun NY). Coon, Emily.
November 13, 2009. Nearly Half of All U.S. Children Will Use Food Stamps, Expert
Says (MO). Washington University in St. Louis – Record (MO). Martin, Jessica.
November 11, 2009. Nearly Half of U.S. Children Will Use Food Stamps, Expert Says.
Washington University in St. Louis. (MO). Martin, Jessica.
November 8, 2009. More Bad Healthy Care News: Half of American Kids Will Use Food
Stamps. Daily Finance. Watson, Bruce.
November 5-11, 2009. Half of U.S. Kids Receive Food Stamps. Sacramento Observer
(CA). 46; 47. P. A1, A6.
November 3, 2009. Half of U.S. Children – and Most Black Children – Will Use Food
Stamps, Cornell Study Reports. State News Service (NY).
November 3, 2009. Food Stamps Help Stave Off Hunger in Many U.S. Homes Over 30Year Period; Nearly Half of American Children Received Nutrition Assistance, Analysis
Shows. Health & Fitness – JAMA/Archives Journals, News Releases. Preidt, Robert.
November 3, 2009. Half of the U.S. Kids Are on Food Stamps: Study. Top News (WDC).
Ramsey, Jason.
November 3, 2009. Half of U.S. Children Will Use Food Stamps: Study. Latest News
November 3, 2009. Food Stamps: A Kids’ Thing; Study: Half in U.S. Will Get Them.
USA Today, FINAL EDITION. Szabo, Liz.
November 3, 2009. Half of U.S. Children Will Use Food Stamps: Study. Indo-Asian
News Service (WDC).
November 2, 2009. Nearly Half of All U.S. Children Will Use Food Stamps, Says
Poverty Expert. Washington University in St. Louis: Newsroom. (MO). Martin, Jessica.
November 2, 2009. Half of U.S. Children – and Most Black Children – Will Use Food
Stamps, Cornell Study Reports. EurekAlert! Friedlander, Blaine.
November 2, 2009. Half of American Children Receive Food Stamps. MedPage Today
(CA). Emery, Chris.
November 2, 2009. Nearly Half of All U.S. Children Will Use Food Stamps, says
Poverty Expert. Washington University in St. Louis Record (MO). Martin, Jessica.
November 2, 2009. Study: Half of U.S. Kids Will Get Food Stamps. USA Today. Szabo,
November 2, 2009. Many U.S. Children May Live in Families Receiving Food Stamps.
EurekAlert! Martin, Jessica.
November 2, 2009. Food Stamps Hel Stave Off Hunger in Many U.S. Homes. Women’s
Health Online-Health Day News.
October 20, 2009. Does Jewish Philanthropy Differ by Type of Giving and Sex? Jews &
Judaism. Mesch, Deb.
September 22, 2009. THE HONOR OF GOD: Middle-Class Dream Eludes African
American Families. Poverty in America (PA). Glasmeier, Dr. Amy K.
September 17, 2009. Shifts in Consumer Spending, Saving Will Usher in a New
Economic Era. U.S. Federal News Service, Including U.S. State News (WDC).
September 13, 2009. Seeking to Woo the Insured, Obama Cites Risk of Losing Coverage.
The New York Times (NY). Stolberg, Sheryl Gay.
September 12, 2009. President Says Uninsured Americans are more common than you’d
think. The Washington Post (WDC). Komblut, Anne E.
September 12, 2009. Obama Notes Gaps in Access to Coverage. Modern Healthcare. Do
Bias, Matthew.
September 11, 2009. Opinion: Taste: The Myth of the Overscheduled Child. Wall Street
Journal. Vanderkam, Laura.
September 11, 2009. Treasury Department Background Media Briefing via Conference
Call; Subject: New Report on Numbers of Uninsured Americans; Briefers: Senior Treasury
Officials Moderator: Nyerra Haq, Department of Treasury. Federal News Service (WDC).
September 11, 2009. Pink Slips Aren’t Rosy. The Washington Times. (WDC).
September 2, 2009. PUBLIC HEALTH; Researchers from Stanford University, Medical
Department Describe Findings in Public Health. Fitness & Wellness Business Week.
Expanded Reporting; pg. 150.
September 4, 2009. Taste: The Myth of the Overscheduled Child. Wall Street Journal
(NY). pg. W.13. Vanderkam, Laura.
August 31, 2009. PUBLIC HEALTH; Researchers from Stanford University, Medical
Department Describe Findings in Public Health. Health & Medicine Week. Expanded
Reporting; pg. 1903.
August 24, 2009. Living Together: Best Way to Divorce-Proof a Marriage? U.S. Federal
News Service, Including U.S. State News (WDC).
August 24, 2009. Long-Term Exercise, Healthy Eating Habits in Young Adults: University
of Michigan Study. U.S. Federal News Service, Including U.S. State News (WDC).
August 18, 2009. Demographics; Research from State University of New York Provides
New Data about Demographics. Science Letter (GA). pg. 980.
August 18, 2009. Demographics; Findings from J. P. Smith and Co-Researchers Advance
Knowledge in Demographics. Science Letter (GA). pg. 977.
August 18, 2009. Demographics; Research from State University of New York Provides
New Data about Demographics. Science Letter (GA). Expanded Reporting. pg. 980.
August 11, 2009. Family History Research; New Findings from University of California
Describe Advances in Family History Research. Science Letter (GA). pg. 1154.
August 10-16, 2009. Poor Neighborhoods Strongly Increase Risk of Falling Down the
Ladder for Middle-Class Black Children. Vol. 83, Iss. 47, Pg. 6. The Louisiana Weekly
August 10, 2009. Dad’s Early Connection with Child ‘Writes Script’ for Later School
Involvement. (CA).
July 27, 2009. Poor Neighborhoods Strongly Increase the Risk of Falling Down the Income
Ladder for Children of Middle-Income Black Families. Targeted News Service (WDC).
Ratner, Jeremy.
July 27, 2009. Poor Neighborhoods Strongly Increase the Risk of Falling Down the
Income Ladder for Children of Middle-Income Families. U.S. Newswire.
July 27, 2009. Poor Neighborhoods Strongly Increase Risk of Falling Down Income
Ladder for Children of Middle-Income. States News Service (Philadelphia., PA).
July 27, 2009. Poor Neighborhoods Strongly Increase the Risk of Falling Down the Income
Ladder for Children of Middle-Income Black Families. Pew Charitable Trusts (WDC).
July 27, 2009. Poor Neighborhoods Strongly Increase the Risk of Falling Down the
Income Ladder for Children of Middle-Income Black Families. PR Newswire (NY).
July, 20, 2009. Dad’s Early Bonding with Child Scripts Later Involvement. (India: online news).
July 20, 2009. Dad’s Early Bonding with Child Scripts Later Involvement. Breaking
News 24/7.
July 16, 2009. Widening Racial Gap Exists in Key Factors for Economic Well-Being.
Washington University in St. Louis (MO).
July 15, 2009. Widening Racial Gap Exists in Key Factors for Economic Well-being,
According to New Study. Washington University in St. Louis: Newsroom. (MO). Martin,
July 12, 2009. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Dad’s Early Connection with
Child ‘Writes Script’ for Later School Involvement. NewsRx Health & Science (GA). pg.
July 4, 2009. Real Estate Economics; Scientists at University of Iowa Describe Research in
Real Estate Economics. Economics & Business Week (GA). pg. 48.
June 23, 2009. Dad’s Early Involvement with Child Boosts Their Connection in School.
Hindustan Times (WDC).
June 16, 2009. Researchers from State University of New York Provide Details of New
Studies and Findings in the Area of Population Research. Science Letter.
June 5, 2009. Applied Economics; Investigators at Middle Tennessee State University
Release New Data on Applied Economics. Economics Week (GA). pg 101.
May 25, 2009. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars; Job Loss
Can Make You Sick, New Study Finds. Diabetes Week (GA). pg. 229.
May 21, 2009. What Unions Do: How Labor Unions Affect Jobs and Economy. State
News Service (WDC).
May 12, 2009. Job Losses Have Negative Effect On Health, Study Finds. Medical News
May 11, 2009. Job Losses Have Negative Effect. American Health Line: Trends &
May 11, 2009. Losing Your Job Can Make You Sick, Study. Medical News Today.
Paddock, PhD, Catharine.
May 10, 2009. Losing Your Job: A Blow to Your Health Too. Time. Park, Alice. May 10,
2009. Job Loss Can Really Make You Sick. Hindustan Times (WDC).
May 9, 2009. Bad Jobs: Why They Make Some Women Bad Moms. U.S. Fed News
Service, Including U.S. State News (WDC). Swanbrow, Diane.
May 9, 2009. Losing Job May Be Hazardous to Health. The New York Times (NY, NY).
Rabin, Roni Caryn.
May 9, 2009. Health Effects of Job Loss. Rowland, Peggy.
May 8, 2009. Job Loss Can Make You Sick, New Study Finds. EurekAlert. Barolin,
May 8, 2009. Loss of Job Can Make You Ill. Hindustan Times (WDC).
May 8, 2009. Job Loss Can Make You Sick, New Study Finds.
May 2, 2009. Bad Jobs: Why They Make Some Women Bad Moms. The Ann Arbor
News (MI). Author: Newton.
April 15, 2009. Take Off: What Barack Obama Can Learn from JetBlue. The New
Republic. Hacker, Jacob S. and Jacobs, Elisabeth.
April 10, 2009. Economics; Recent Findings from University of British Columbia
Highlight Research in Economics. Economics Week (GA).
April 6, 2009. Public Health; Research from K. M. Ziol-Guest’ et al Broadens
Understanding of Public Health. Health & Medicine Week (GA). pg. 2056.
March 29, 2009. BioMed Central; Claiming Benefits Improves the Health of the
Unemployed. NewsRx Health (GA). pg. 62.
March 25, 2009. BioMed Central; Claiming Benefits Improves the Health of the
Unemployed. Biotech Week (GA). pg. 199.
March 23, 2009. Urban Living and Erosion of the Child’s Right to Play. Recreation Jobs
& News. Shackel, Rita.
March 16, 2009. Science Returns to the Capitol Hill Spotlight at March 24 Exhibition.
Targeted News Service (WDC).
March 14, 2009. Life Sciences; Studies from Kansas State University Yield New Data on
Life Sciences. Real Estate Business Journal (KS). pg. 109.
March 13, 2009. Studies from Kansas State University Yield New Data on Life Sciences.
Real Estate Weekly News.
March 12, 2009. Booze, Success, and Happiness. Brooks, Arthur C.
March 8, 2009. Unemployment Benefits Improve Health of the Unemployed.
March 7, 2009. Claiming Benefits Improves the Health of the Unemployed in UK.
ZAMP Bionews. Webber, Charlotte.
March 6, 2009. Claiming Benefits Improves the Health of the Unemployed. eScience
February 23, 2009. MARRIAGE AN FAMILY; Investigators at State University of New
February 16, 2009. Drinking to Success. Forbes. Brooks, Arthur C.
February 13, 2009. Economics; New Data from R. Blundell et al Illuminate Research in
Economics. Economics Week (GA).
February 8, 2009. Sleep May Help Kids Keep Slim.
February 7, 2009. Sleep May Help Kids Keep Slim. Washington Post. Bhatia, Juhie.
February 7, 2009. Sleep May Help Kids Keep Slim. National Women’s Health Resource
Center: Bhatia, Juhie.
February 7, 2009. Sleep May Help Kids Keep Slim. ScoutNews, LLC. Bhatia, Juhie.
February 2, 2009. Is the Smell of Moroccan Bazaar Too Edgy for American Homes? New
Products Aimed at 'Scent Seekers' Are Fast Changing the Fragrance of Clean. The Wall Street
Journal. Ellen Byron.
January 30, 2009. Rep. Dingell Introduces Bill to Establish Center for Study of Women and
Workplace Policy. U.S. Fed News Service, Including U.S. State News (WDC). Ranjan,
January 30, 2009. Drinking to Success. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
Research. (From: Forbes: Feb. 16, 2009.) Brooks, Arthur C.
January 24, 2009. Law Reviews; Study Data from University of Pennsylvania Update
Knowledge of Law Reviews. Business & Finance Week (GA). pg. 479.
January 22, 2009 Reports Outline Social Science Research from State University in New
York. Politics & Government Week.
January 14, 2009. Making Social Security Progressivity Work for Low-Income Retirees.
State News Service (WDC}.
January 5, 2009. Family Issues; Scientists at Washington State University Release New
Data on Family Issues. Health & Medicine Week (GA). pg.1399.
December 21, 2008. University of Michigan; Falling Home Ownership, Equity, Affect
College Enrollment. NewsRx Health & Science (GA).
November 27, 2008. Economic Mobility Project: More Than 7 in 10 Americans Who Start
at the Bottom of the Income Ladder Remain Below Middle Income Status 10 Years Later.
Women’s Health Weekly (GA).
November 20, 2008. Mortgage Crisis Affecting College Enrollment Total. The Badger
Herald. Worley, Lauren.
November 19, 2008. Mortgage Meltdown May Impact Colleges. (MI).
November 19, 2008. Falling Home Ownership, Equity, Affect College Enrollment.
Media Newswire (MI). Swanbrow, Diane.
November 19, 2008. College Attendance Drops Due to Financial Crisis: Mortgages and
Equities Dictate How Many Teenagers Go to College. Softpedia. Tudor Vieru.
November 18, 2008. Falling Home Ownership, Equity, Affect College Enrollment.
November 17, 2008. Spatial Dynamics of White Flight: The Effects of Local and
Extralocal Racial Conditions on Neighborhood Out-Migration. Docuticker.
November 12, 2008. Report Shows Stagnant Upward Mobility in U.S. Real Time
Economics: Wall Street Journal (NY).
November 12, 2008. More Than 7 in 10 Americans Who Start at the bottom of the Income
Ladder Remain Below Middle Income Status 10 Years Later. MarketWatch (WDC).
Market Mobility Project.
September 29, 2008. ‘Hurried Child’ Myth; busy Children Thrive, Says University of
Maryland Research. U.S. Fed News Service, Including U.S. State News (WDC). Tickner,
September 29, 2008. ‘Hurried Child’ Myth; Busy Children Thrive, Says University of
Maryland Researcher. Targeted News Service (MD). Tickner, Neil.
August 26, 2008. American Workers Facing More Risks Without a (Safety) Net. Las
Vegas Business Press (NV). Crowley, Matthew.
August 18, 2008. Health Promotion; Recent Findings in Health Promotion Described by
B.S. Amour and Colleagues. Health & Medicine Week. (GA).
August 18, 2008. Transportation; Scientists at University of Texas Publish Research in
Transportation. Entertainment & Travel. (GA).
August 18, 2008. Transportation; Scientists at University of Texas Publish Research in
Transportation. Transportation Business Journal. (GA). pg. 131.
August 18, 2008. Economics; Research Reports From Princeton University Provide New
Insights Into Economics. Business & Finance Week. (GA). pg. 738.
August 18, 2008. Transportation; Scientists at University of Texas Publish Research in
Transportation. Journal on Transportation. (GA). pg. 94.
August 18, 2008. Economics; Research Reports From Princeton University Provide New
Insights Into Economics. Economics Week. (GA). pg. 104.
August 18, 2008. American Sociological Association; Family Type Has Less-ThanExpected Impact on Parental Involvement. News Rx Science. (GA). pg. 72.
August 18, 2008. Economics; Research Reports From Princeton University Provide New
Insights Into Economics. Investment Business Weekly (GA). pg. 575.
August 18, 2008. American Sociological Association; Family Type Has Less-ThanExpected Parental Involvement. News Rx Health & Science. (GA). pg. 125.
August 6, 2008. New Report Looks at How Lack of Accumulated Wealth Hurts Black
Families. Center for American Progress. Schmidt, Peter.
August 4, 2008. Family Type Has Less-Than-Expected Impact on Parental Involvement.
Medical, Health News and Articles. Admin.
August 3, 2008. Parents’ Quality Time with Kids Unaffected by Family Setup.
Hindustan Times (WDC).
August 2, 2008. Family Type Has Less-Than-Expected Impact on Parental Involvement.
States News Service (MA).
August 2, 2008. Life Sciences; Research Reports from Williams College, Department of
Economics Provide New Insights into Life Sciences. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week.
(GA). pg. 2159.
August 1, 2008. The Bride and the Broom. “O” Magazine. Jarvis, Tim.
July 30, 2008. Black-White Gap in Wealth Mobility Could Affect College Access. The
Chronicle of Higher Education. Schmidt, Peter.
July 29, 2008. Family Type Has Less-Than-Expected Impact on Parental Involvement.
Newswise: Social and Behavioral Sciences News.
July 21, 2008. A Three-Day Weekend Every Weekend. The Environment Report.
Williams, Rebecca.
July 7, 2008. Interpreted Incorrectly, Statistics Can be Misleading. The Lowell Sun (MA).
Edward, John.
July 2, 2008. Low-Income Households Opt for Cigarettes Over Food. Thaindian News.
July 1, 2008. Some Poor Households Opt for Cigarettes Over Food. Center for the
Advancement of Health, Health Behavior News Service. Kuchinskas, Susan.
June 29, 2008. Income Mobility is Fact, Not Fiction. Lowell Sun (MA). McCabe, Josh.
June 5, 2008. Immigration And Philanthropy: The Potential of Both. The NonProfit
Times. Tempel, Eugene R. and Osili, Una.
May 30, 2008. Working Families Face Growing Income Instability. Political Affairs
Magazine. Wendland, Joel.
May 19, 2008. Life Sciences; Research Results from Australian National University
Update Understanding of Life Sciences. Business & Finance Week (GA). pg. 461.
May 8, 2008. Silver Lining in Gray Clouds of Poverty. The Boston Globe (Norfolk, VA).
Milne, Ken.
May 5, 2008. Economic Mobility Project Releases Comprehensive Examination of the
Status of the American Dream. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education (Paramus).
Vol. 18, Iss. 15, Pg. 63.
May 1, 2008. University of Michigan; Exactly How Much Housework Does a Husband
Create? Women’s Health Weekly (GA). pg. 752.
April 28, 2008. Chore Wars: Men, Women and Housework. National Science
Foundation Discoveries (WDC).
April 25, 2008. Alcohol Abuse Increases after Hurricane Katrina; Large Burden of PostTraumatic Stress in Population. LaPrensa (Toledo, OH). Vol. 43, Iss. 8; Pg. 18.
April 8, 2008. Husbands Add 7 Hours to Women’s Work. The Toronto Star (CAN).
April 7, 2008. Adolescent Research; Investigators at University of Texas Publish New
Data on Adolescent Research. Energy & Ecology.
April 5, 2008. Men’s Housework Load Doubled in Three Decades. Indo-Asian News
Service (NY).
April 5, 2008. Husbands Create an Extra Seven Hours of Housework a Week for Their
Wives. Asian New International/HT Syndication.
March 31, 2008. Ageing; Findings from University of Western Ontario Advance
Knowledge in Ageing. Health and Medicine Week (GA) via
March 25, 2008. Family Wealth May Explain Differences In Test Score: In School-age
Children. Science
March 25, 2008. Family Wealth Plays Crucial Role in Child’s Cognitive Achievement.
Asian News International: HT Syndication (WA).
March 4, 2008. Demographics; University of California Reports Research in
Demographics. Science Letter (GA). Expanded Reporting; pg. 781.
March, 2008. Father Involvement: NRFC Quick Statistics. U.S.
Department of Health and d Human Services Administration for Children and Families:
Office of Family Assistance.
February 25, 2008. Elders’ Education Level Found to be a Factor in Risk Aversion; Risk
Tolerance Higher if at Least One Parent Finished High School. Investment News. Asci,
February 20, 2008. The Economic Mobility Project Releases Comprehensive Examination
of the Status of the American Dream, Including Data and Analysis on Education, Wealth,
International Comparisons and Trends Over Time: A College Degree Enhances Mobility
but Family Background Plays an Equal, if not Larger Role. PR Newswire (NY). Jeremy
February 20, 2008. Economic Mobility Project Releases Comprehensive Study of Income
Mobility in the U.S. U. S. Fed News Service, including U.S. State News (WDC).
February 1, 2008. One Third of Donors Skip Giving in Some Years. The NonProfit
January 21, 2008. Say It Ain’t So CBO. The New Republic: A Journal of Politics and the
Arts. Hacker, Jacob S.
January 21, 2008. Income Mobility and Education. EconWeekly. Francisco.
January 19, 2008. Income Volatility: Jacob Hacker Responds to the CBO. Economist’s
View. Hacker, Jacob S.
January 17, 2008. Panel Study of Income Dynamics.
January 15, 2008. Important Findings from the COPPS Study on SYBUNT Trends.
Don’t Tell the
January 15, 2008. Human Nature or Bad Priorities. The Disputed Truth.
January 7, 2008. Marriage and Family; New Marriage and Family Study Findings Recently
Were Published by Y. Wang and Co-Researchers. Health & Medicine Week (GA). pg.
1230. Wang, Y.
January 4, 2008. Rent to Own Industry Growth and Veterans.
January 1, 2008. Education, Military Service, and Wealth Predict Self-Employment. U.S.
Fed News (WDC).
December 31, 2007. Divorce and Debt. Zimmer, Jerry.
December 29, 2007. Sociology; University of Iowa Research: Even Today, Couples Put
More Emphasis on Husband’s Career. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week (GA). Noonan,
Mary. pg. 3382.
December 28, 2007. Why Giving Makes You Happy. The New York Sun. Brooks, Arthur.
December 28, 2007. Charity. Koritz, Sam.
December 27, 2007. Income Volatility and Health. Institute for the Study of Labor.
Kennedy, Shirl.
December 26, 2007. Watching Violent TV at Pre-School Age Linked to Aggression in
Young Boys.
December 20, 2007. Military Service, Education Increase Likelihood of Self- Employment,
Finds SBA. Targeted News Service (WDC). Malone, Alicia.
December 18, 2007. Divorce: Bad for the Environment. USA TODAY. Jayson, Sharon.
December 13, 2007. Post Details: Even Today, Couples Put More Emphasis on
Husband’s Career. Social Work Today E-Zine. University of Iowa Health Sciences.
December 11, 2007. Education, Military Service, and Wealth Predict Self-Employment.
U.S. Fed News.
December 11, 2007. Education, Military Service, Wealth Predict Self-Employment; Prior
Military Service is Strongest Predictor of Self Employment. PR Newswire.
December 11, 2007. Education, Military Service, Wealth Predict Self-Employment. US
Fed News, Including US State News (WDC). McDowell, John.
December 11, 2007. Survey: Self-employed Workers More Satisfied in Some Areas.
Statesman Journal (OR). Currie, Don.
December 11, 2007. Education, Military Service, Wealth Predict Self-Employment.
PRNewswire (WA). Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
December 11, 2007. Educational Attainment and Other Characteristics of the SelfEmployed: An Examination using Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. EconDev: SBA – Office of Advocacy. Gibbons, Chris.
December 10, 2007. Parental Monitoring/Awareness: Panel Study of Income Dynamics,
Child Development Supplement. Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation:
Administration for Children and Families.
December 7, 2007. Research Reveals Link Between Life Satisfaction and SelfEmployment. Bend Weekly (OR). Yeager, Angela and Dibrell, Clay.
December 5, 2007. Research Reveals Link Between Life Satisfaction and SelfEmployment. Targeted News Service (OR).
December 5, 2007. (UPDATED) Study Details How Much Households Donate to
Charity. Report (IN).
December 4, 2007. Most Americans are Faring a Lot Better Than They Probably Realize.
Cherry Hill Courier Post (NJ).
December 4, 2007. Study Details How Much Households Donate to Charity. Inside
Indiana Business (IN).
December 4, 2007. Marriage: Eco-friendlier Than Divorce? Study Cites More
Households With Fewer People. USA Today (VA). Jayson, Sharon. LIFE Section, pg.
December 2, 2007. Is Your Husband’s Career More Important Than Yours? Mommy
Too! Magazine.
December 1, 2007. Wives’ Careers Still Seen as Secondary to Husbands’. Hindustan
December 1, 2007. Educational Attainment and Other Characteristics of the SelfEmployed: An Examination using Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Small
Business Research Summary (WDC). Moutray, Chad.
November 30, 2007. Couples Emphasize Career of Man over Woman. LiveScience.
Live Science Staff.
November 30, 2007. Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement
Years. The K.S.
November 24, 2007. Pediatrics; Watching Violent TV at Pre-School Age Linked to
Aggression in Young Boys. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. (GA).
November 23, 2007. A Breadwinner’s Job Loss Hurts College Chances. The Chronicle of
Higher Education (WA). Vol. 54, Iss. 13, Pg. A. 19. Schmidt, Peter.
November 21, 2007. Unhealthy Freedoms. Accuracy in Media. Stotts, Bethany.
November 16, 2007. Economic Mobility of Black and White Families. Brookings.
Isaacs, Julia B.
November 16, 2007. Income Gap Between Blacks, Whites Expands.
November 15-21, 2007. Disappearing Black Middle Class? The Sacramento Observer
(CA). Vol. 44, Iss. 48; Pg. A1.
November 15, 2007. According to a New Study. Columbiaspectator. Wildeden, Lydia.
November 14, 2007. Wealth A Black and White Matter in US. The Financial Times
Limited. Brookings Institution.
November 14, 2007. Income Gap Among Black, White Families Up. Chicago Citizen.
Vol. 42, Iss. 33, pg.12. Ohlemacher, Stephen.
November 14, 2007. Income Gap Between Blacks, Whites Expands.
November 13, 2007. American Families’ Ability to Climb Economic Ladder Still
Depends on Parents Income. State News Service (PA). The Pew Charitable Trusts.
November 13, 2007. Blacks Trail in Growth of Income; Study Finds Parents’ Gains May
Not Protect Children As Whites Seem to Benefit. The Wall Street Journal. Ip, Greg. pg.
November 13, 2007. Middle-Class Dream Eludes African American Families; Many Blacks
Worse Off Than Their Parents, Study Says. Fletcher, Michael A. pg.
November 13, 2007. Income Gap Between Families Grows. Associated Press (WA).
Ohlemacher, Stephen.
November 13, 2007. Middle-Class Blacks Downwardly Mobile. United Press
November 13, 2007. Study: Income Gap Grows Between Black, While Families. PBS
Online NewsHour: Update.
November 13, 2007. Two-Thirds of American Families Earn More Than Their Parents –
Yet the Ability to Climb the Economic Ladder Depends on Parents’ Income.
PRNewswire(WA). Pew Charitable Trusts.
November 12, 2007. Middle-Class Dream Eludes African American Families.
Washington Fletcher, Michael A.
November 11, 2007. A Breadwinner’s Job Loss Reduces Children’s Chances of Going to
College, More So for Blacks, Study Finds. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
November 5, 2007. Watching Violent TV at Pre-School Age Linked to Aggression in
Young Boys. U.S. Newswire. National Editors.
November 5, 2007. Study: Violent TV Linked to Aggression. United Press International
– USA (WA).
November 2, 2007. [NEWS FOCUS] Labor Party Faces Crisis as Probe Expands. The
Korean Herald. Hyun-Joo, Jin.
October 15, 2007. Sociology; Research Conducted at University of Western Ontario Has
Updated Our Knowledge About Sociology. Health and Medicine Week via
Expanded Reporting.
October 9, 2007. Up at Night Again. July2007moms. Vandewater, Elizabeth. September
15, 2007. Risky Business: Author Jacob Hacker Discusses How Recent Risk
Transfers Imperil America’s Famed Middle Class. Employee Benefit News (WA).
Whiddon, Robert L.
August 20, 2007. Tightrope 20s: Risky Behavior Doesn’t End with Teen Years. USA
Today (VA). Jayson, Sharon.
August 20, 2007. Health Gap Widens in America. The Louisiana Weekly (LA).
August 19, 2007. SOCIOLOGY: New Sociology Research from Duke University
Outlined. Women’s Health Law Weekly. Expanded Reporting; pg. 368.
August 18, 2007. SOCIOLOGY: New Sociology Research from Duke University
Outlined. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 3675.
August 17, 2007. Bourgeois Bling: New-Money Millionaires Flood Luxury Market. ABC
News (USA).
August 16, 2007. SOCIOLOGY: New Sociology Research from Duke University
Outlined. Women’s Health Weekly. Expanded Reporting; pg. 395.
August 14, 2007. SOCIOLOGY: New Sociology Research from Duke University
Outlined. Life Science Weekly. Expanded Reporting; pg. 5169.
August 14, 2007. SOCIOLOGY: New Sociology Research from Duke University
Outlined. Science Letter. Expanded Reporting; pg. 4870.
August 13, 2007. How Minorities Move to New Neighborhoods. (NC).
August 13, 2007. SOCIOLOGY: New Sociology Research from Duke University
Outlined. Health & Medicine Week. Expanded Reporting; pg. 4919. August 9, 2007.
Wealth Gap is Increasing, Study Shows. Science Daily.
August 9, 2007. Wealth Gap Increasing, New Study Shows. Diversity Inc. Hussain,
August 8, 2007. U-M Study Shows Wider Wealth Gap. Ann Arbor News (MI). Business
Section D-1.
August 7, 2007. Wealth Gap is Increasing, U-M Study Shows. Eurek Alert! (MI).
Swanbrow, Diane.
August 7, 2007. LIFE SCIENCES: Recent Findings in Life Sciences Described by
Researchers from University of London. Life Science Weekly (Sussex, England). Expanded
Reporting; pg. 4756.
August 7, 2007. BUSINESS NEWS UPDATE: U-M Study Shows Rich Getting Richer,
Poor Getting Poorer. Ann Arbor News (MI).
August 7, 2007. PUBLIC HEALTH: Researchers at University College have Published
New Data on Public Health. Science Letter (WDC). Expanded Reporting; pg. 4871.
August 7, 2007. PUBLIC HEALTH: Researchers at University College Have Published
New Data on Public Health. Life Science Weekly (WDC). Expanded Reporting; pg. 5190.
August 6, 2007. PUBLIC HEALTH: Researchers at University College Have Published
New Data on Public Health. Health and Medicine Week (WDC). Expanded Reporting; pg.
August 6, 2007. Sleep Your Way to Weight Loss. Bottom Line’s: Daily Health News.
Emily Snell.
August 1, 2007. Some Seek a Home Near Family: Togetherness Can Make for Warmth and
Sharing. Adler, Jane.
July 28, 2007. Patterns of Work and Welfare Linked to Children’s Behavior Problems.
WebWire (GA).
July 28, 2007. PSYCHOLOGY; Reports on Psychology in Children Findings from
University of North Carolina, Department of Psychology Provide New Insights. Mental
Health Law Weekly. Expanded Reporting; pg. 163.
July 24, 2007. PSYCHOLOGY; Reports on Psychology in Children Findings from
University of North Carolina, Department of Psychology Provide New Insights. Life
Science Weekly. Expanded Reporting; pg. 3194.
July 23, 2007. PSYCHOLOGY; Reports on Psychology in Children Findings From
University of North Carolina, Department of Psychology Provides New Insights. Health
& Medicine Week.
July 23, 2007. PSYCHOLOGY: Reports on Psychology in Children Findings From
University of North Carolina, Department of Psychology Provide New Insights. Mental
Health Weekly Digest.
July 15, 2007. Happy Marriages Clean Up, Thanks to Household Chores. The Times
Union (NY). Perspective; pg. C2. Cooke, Lynn Prince.
July 5, 2007. Traditional’ Marriages Now Less Stable Than Ones Where Couples Share
Work and Household Cores. Ascribe. Cooke, Lynn Prince.
July 2, 2007. Hacker Revises Down Findings on Income Volatility. The Wall Street
Journal. Ip, Greg.
July 2, 2007. Video Games Displace Schoolwork but Not Social Time for Adolescents.
MedPage Today. Phend, Crystal. Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor at
the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
June 22, 2007. Incomes Suffer More Volatility. The Wall Street Journal - USA. Ip, Greg.
June 22, 2007. Hacker Revises Down Findings on Income Volatility. The Wall Street
Journal. Ip, Greg.
June 22, 2007. Families Find Ways to Cushion Blows. The Wall Street Journal. Ip, Greg.
June 20, 2007. Maxing Out on Debt Hysteria., Washington, (DC).
Mathur, Aparna and Miller, Tom.
June 20, 2007. Philanthropy Center Busting Assumptions: Institute’s Research Shows
There is Still Much to Learn. Indianapolis Business Journal (IN). O’Malley, Chris.. June
8, 2007. Low Birth Weight Has Lifetime Impact. UPI (CA).
June 6, 2007. Low Birth Weight Hinders Health and Success in Adults. The Hindustan
Times; Report taken from the Asian News International.
June 5, 2007. Born to Lose: How Birth Weight Affects Adult Health. US Fed News
Service . (WDC). HT Media, Ltd.
June 5, 2007. Born to Lose: How Birthweight Affects Adult Health and Success.
Newswise. University of Michigan. Swainbrow, Diane.
June 5, 2007. Born to Lose: How Birth Weight Affects Adult Health, Success. US State
May 15, 2007. Fathers are Hugging Their Children More. Ascribe Newswire.
May 1, 2007. Scientists at University of Hawaii, Department of Economics Report
Research in Social Science. Managed Care Business Week, Halliday, Tim. pg. 64.
April 10, 2007. Arizona State University: U.S.; Research by Arizona State University,
U.S., Advances Understanding of Human Health. Science Letter, (GA). pg. 4282.
March 25, 2007. Research Conducted at University of South Carolina, Center for Research
in Nutrition and Health Disparities has updated our knowledge about Obesity Therapy.
Pharma Investments. Ventures & Law Weekly, pg. 1340.
March 23, 2007. Obesity Therapy; Research Conducted at University of South Carolina,
Center for Research in Nutrition and Health Disparities has Updated Our Knowledge About
Obesity Therapy. Drug Week, Expanded Reporting. pg. 1018.
March 22, 2007. Obesity Therapy; Research Conducted at University of South Carolina,
Center for Research in Nutrition and Health Disparities has Updated Our Knowledge About
Obesity Therapy. Women’s Health Weekly. Jones, S. J.
March 21, 2007. Research Conducted at University of South Carolina, Center for Research
in Nutrition and Health Disparities Has Updated Our Knowledge About Obesity Therapy.
Fitness & Wellness Business Week. Expanded Reporting, pg. 175.
March 13, 2007. Percent Chance of Poverty. The Ithaca Journal (NY). Daley, Jennifer.
March 6, 2007. Can Tax Policy Curb Workaholism? U.S. States News (MI).
February 19, 2007. Government’s Statistical Snapshot Gets Another Life. Herald News.
Gurwitt, Andrea.
February 7, 2007. Sleep May Help Kids Keep Slim. Scout News, LLC. Health Day.
February 5, 2007. BEHAVIOR: New Behavior Study Findings Have Been Reported by
Scientists at Arizona State University. Health & Medicine Week (WDC). Expanded
Reporting; pg. 1797.
February 5, 2007. Commentary: Letters from People. Politically Correct Bias is Showing in
Words Panning Two-Parent Family. Anchorage Daily News (AK).
February 1, 2007. RETIREMENT: THE NEW FRONTIER, The World Your Retiring
Clients Are About to Enter is Changing. Navigating It Will Throw a Host of Challenges in
Their Paths and Therefore, Yours. Financial Planning. Veres, Bob.
February 1, 2007. New Nonprofit Self-Regulation Principles Emerge, Nonprofit Business
January 28, 2007. Parental Characteristics Influence Family Weekend Activities.
Hindustan Times (WA). H. T. Media Ltd. With permission from Asian News Int’l.
January 23, 2007. Parental Characteristics Among Factors Influencing Family Weekend
Activities. U. S. States News (TX). Rische, Becky.
December 16, 2006. Who Gives? Lincoln Journal Star (NE). Reeves, Bob.
October 29, 2006. It's Not the Economy, Stupid. The Washington Post, (DC). Outlook, pg.
B01. Hacker, Jacob S.
September 19, 2006. Making Grade: Immigrant Children Keep Academic Pace With
Peers. U.S. State News (FL).
June 17, 2006. U-M Gets $70 Million for Study on Aging – Federal Research Grant is the
Largest the University Has Ever Received. The Detroit News (MI). Schultz, Marisa.
April 11, 2006. ESRC: Self-Employed: Long Hours and Low Wages, but High Job
Satisfaction. M2 Presswire. Parker, Simon.
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