131 Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Definitions Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights Definitions 1. abyss uh BISS bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth ,<<abyssuh Synonyms >> Antonym >> The man had fallen into the abyss of depravity. Derivatives >> abysm, abysmal, abysmally, abyssal 2. acquiesce AK wee es to give in, to comply ,<<acquiesce Synonyms >> accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe Antonym >> to object; to disagree I was so desperate that I had to acquiesce to his demands. Derivatives >> acquiescence, acquiescent, acquiescingly, acquiescently 3. adroit uh DROW it skillful, adept ,<<adroituh Synonyms >> clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, ingenious, ingenuity Antonym >> inept The magician was especially adroit in making the lion disappear. Derivatives >> adroitly, adroitness 4. uh LAK ruh tee alacrity Synonyms >> celerity prompt and cheerful response Antonym >> indolence I accepted his invitation to the prom with alacrity. Derivatives >> alacritous 5. uh LOOF aloof Synonyms >> apart, indifferent detached, incurious, unconcerned Antonym >> integrated; friendly The woman remained aloof during the party, separating herself from everyone else. Derivatives >> aloofness 6. A mee uh bul amiable Synonyms >> friendly, sociable, and congenial; civil and urbane good-natured, obliging, complaisant Antonym >> She was blessed with having such an amiable friend who was almost always good-natured and obliging. Derivatives >> amiableness, amiably, amicable, amicability, amiability 7. antipathy an TIP uh thee a dislike, distaste, or enmity ,<<antipathy Synonyms >> animosity, animus, antagonism, hostility, rancor Antonym >> propensity; amity The woman's obvious antipathy toward snakes surfaced when she came into contact with the slithering reptile. Derivatives >> antipathetic, antipathic, anthipathist, antipathize, antipathies 8. apathy AP uh thee a lack of concern or feeling, indifference ,<<apathyAP Synonyms >> phlegm, stoicism, stolidness Antonym >> enthusiastic devotion The man looked upon the turn of events with apathy. Derivatives >> apathetic, apathetical, apathetically 9. ardent AR dunt expressing strong feelings, impassioned, zealous ,<<ardentAR Synonyms >> fervent, fervid, passionate, perfervid Antonym >> unmoved; perfunctory He was ardent in his support of civil rights. Derivatives >> ardently 10. ascend uh SEND ,<<ascenduh Synonyms >> to move upward, to rise from a lower station Antonym >> to descend; to go down The climbers ascended the mountain. Derivatives >> ascendancy, ascendance, ascendant, ascension, ascending, ascended 11. assiduous uh SIJ you us marked by careful and unremitting attention, constant in application ,<<assiduous Synonyms >> industrious, sedulous, diligent Antonym >> desultory; lazy He worked assiduously at studying geometry for weeks before he felt prepared to take the final exam. Derivatives >> assiduously, assiduousness Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 12. audacity aw DAS uh tee excessive boldness, rashness, daring ,<<audacitya Synonyms >> cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, gall, hardihood, temerity Antonym >> meekness I was surprised that he had the audacity to approach the Queen. Derivatives >> audacious, audaciousness, audaciously 13. austere aw STEER strict, stern; unadorned, ascetic ,<<austereaw Synonyms >> severe Antonym >> indulgent Pioneers usually led an austere existence. Derivatives >> austereness, austerely, austerity 14. automaton aw TOM uh ton ,<<automato Synonyms >> robot a creature acting in a mechanical way with no indication of intelligence Antonym >> Television often produces dull, unthinking human automatons. Derivatives >> automatous, automatons 15. avarice AV uh ris ,<<avariceAV Synonyms >> cupidity greed for wealth Antonym >> generosity Avarice and gluttony are two vices that can destroy lives. Derivatives >> avaricious, avariciously, avariciousness 16. aversion uh VER shun strong disinclination, disliking ,<<aversionu Synonyms >> hesitance, loathing, reluctance Antonym >> inclination I have an aversion to getting married. Derivatives >> averseness, aversely, averse 17. buh GUYL beguile Synonyms >> delude to deceive, to mislead, to persuade with charm Antonym >> to enlighten We sometimes allow ourselves to be beguiled by flatterers. Derivatives >> beguiled, beguiling, beguilement, beguiler buh LIE 18. belie to contradict, to give a false impression Antonym >> to support; to agree with Synonyms >> Her first words appeared to belie all the wonderful things I had heard about her. Derivatives >> belied, belying, belier 19. benevolence buh NEV uh lunz kindness, generosity, charity ,<<benevolen Synonyms >> Antonym >> antagonism; avarice; malevolence His benevolence was shown when he set up soup kitchens for the poor. Derivatives >> benevolent, benevolently 20. bestow be STOW to grant or to give ,<<bestowbe Synonyms >> Antonym >> deprive The country bestowed honor for Martin Luther King, Jr., by making his birthday a national holiday. Derivatives >> bestowal, bestowed, bestowment 21. buoyant BOY unt capable of floating; cheerful ,<<buoyantB Synonyms >> Antonym >> likely to sink Because the log was buoyant, it stayed afloat. The girl's buoyant spirit made her pleasant company. Derivatives >> buoyancy, buoyance, buoyantly, buoyantness, buoy 22. calamity kuh LAM uh tee ,<<calamityk Synonyms >> cataclysm, catastrophe a serious event causing distress or misfortune Antonym >> good fortune The earthquake in Mexico was a calamity. Derivatives >> calamitous, calamitously, calamitousness 23. capricious kuh PRISH us changing suddenly, fickle ,<<capricious Synonyms >> inconstant, mercurial, unstable Antonym >> stable Her capricious moods are difficult to anticipate. Derivatives >> caprice, capriciously, capriciousness 24. CHAY sun chasten to discipline, to use punishment to correct behavior Synonyms >> admonish, castigate, chastise, chide, rebuke, reproach Antonym >> to reward I was chastened by my mother for not cleaning up my room. Derivatives >> chastened, chastening, chastener 25. chuh ROO bic cherubic innocent, wholesome, angelic Synonyms >> Antonym >> fiendish The cherubic expression on the child's face concealed his guilt. Derivatives >> cherub, cherubs, cherubim, cherubically Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 26. clamor KLAM ur loud noise or shouting ,<<clamorKL Synonyms >> The clamor finally subsided when the children went to bed. Antonym >> quiet Derivatives >> clamors, clamored, clamoring, clamorous, clamorously, clamorousness 27. complacency kum PLAY sun see the state of being self-satisfied ,<<complacen Synonyms >> Antonym >> dissatisfaction Considering that he is failing, it is curious to see his sense of complacency. Derivatives >> complacent, complacently, complacence, complaisant, complaisance, complaisantly 28. compliance kum PLY uns ,<<complianc Synonyms >> a yielding; acquiescence Antonym >> rebellion We intend to be in full compliance with the court order. Derivatives >> 29. compliant, compliantly, compliancy, compliable, compliableness, compliably conflagration kon fluh GRAY shun ,<<conflagratio Synonyms >> a large fire Antonym >> small flame Some believe that the earth will be destroyed by a large conflagration. Derivatives >> conflagrations, conflagrant, conflagrate, conflagrator, conflagratory 30. confluence KON floo uns ,<<confluence Synonyms >> a coming together Antonym >> divergence What is the name of the town that sits at the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers? Derivatives >> confluent 31. conjecture kun JEK chur Synonyms >> supposition, surmise, guess an inference or conclusion drawn or deduced by surmise or guesswork Antonym >> verified statement The theory that the scientist offered was only a matter of conjecture. Derivatives >> conject, conjector, conjectural, conjecturally, conjectured, conjecturing, conjecturer kun TRITE 32. contrite Synonyms >> penitent extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentant Antonym >> unrepentant Her contrite tears were not enough to convince her father not to spank her for her disobedience. Derivatives >> contritely, contriteness, contrition 33. copious KO pee us abundant ,<<copiousK Synonyms >> ample I always take copious notes in my history class. Derivatives >> 34. Antonym >> sparse copiousness, copiously corroboration kuh rob uh RAY shun confirmation ,<<corroboratio Synonyms >> authentication, substantiation, validation, verification Antonym >> refutation Fortunately, I had some corroboration for my whereabouts on the night of the crime. Derivatives >> corroborate, corroborated, corroborating, corroboratory, corroboratively, corroborator 35. credible KRED uh bul reliable and believable ,<<credibleK Synonyms >> It is important for a person's words to be credible. Antonym >> unbelievable Deriva tives >> credibility, credibleness, credibly 36. culpable KUL puh bul ,<<culpableK Synonyms >> deserving blame; guilty Antonym >> blameless He was culpable for his children's constant bad behavior. Derivatives >> culpability, culpableness, culpably 37. daunt DAWNT ,<<dauntDA Synonyms >> to intimidate, to dismay Antonym >> to hearten I am not daunted by your threats. Derivatives >> dauntless, dauntlessly, dauntlessness 38. deh KOR um decorum appropriate conduct, correct and proper behavior Antonym >> impropriety Synonyms >> The students' decorum at the dance was excellent. Derivatives >> decorous, decorously, decorousness 39. deprecate DEP ruh kate to disapprove regretfully, to belittle, to express mild disapproval Synonyms >> Antonym >> to endorse Do not deprecate her act unless you fully understand her situation. Derivatives >> depracating, deprecatingly, deprecative, deprecatively, deprecatory, deprecated, deprecating Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 40. desolate DES uh lit deserted, without inhabitants, barren ,<<desolateD Synonyms >> Antonym >> populous Some of the western states have large areas that are desolate. Derivatives >> desolately, desolateness, desolater, desolating, desolation 41. despondency deh SPON dun see depression, dejection ,<<desponden Synonyms >> Antonym >> blithe hopefulness Because he thought that he had failed the test, he felt great despondency. Derivatives >> despondent, despondence, despondently, desponding, despondingly 42. dilatory DIL uh tor ee ,<<dilatoryDI Synonyms >> delaying, slow Antonym >> proceeding The Senator is employing the filibuster as a dilatory tactic. Derivatives >> dilatoriness, dilatorily 43. din DEN ,<<dinDENdi Synonyms >> loud and discordant noises, cacophony Antonym >> euphony The din in the senate was so great that I could not hear the speaker. Derivatives >> dins, dinned, dinning 44. discern deh SURN ,<<discernde Synonyms >> to differentiate between two or more things Antonym >> to ignore; to be oblivious; to confuse Because of the fog, I was barely able to discern the landing strip. Derivatives >> discerner, discernible, discernable, discernibleness, discernibly, discernably, discerningly, discernment 45. dis DANE disdain intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy Synonyms >> (to be) arrogant, haughty, high-handed, insolent, lordly, Antonym >> favor, admiration; to love supercilious Never having had to do manual labor, he disdained the idea of becoming a cotton picker. Derivatives >> disdained, disdaining, disdainer, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulness 46. die UR nul diurnal occurring during the day or daily Antonym >> occurring at night, nocturnal Synonyms >> Several of the events for graduation will be diurnal. Derivatives >> diurnally, diurnation 47. ecstasy EK stuh see extreme happiness ,<<ecstasyEK Synonyms >> rapture, transport Antonym >> wretchedness The music was so beautiful that it put the crowd into a state of ecstasy. Derivatives >> ecstatic, ecstatical, ecstatically 48. elated ee LATE ed very happy about something; having elevated spirits ,<<elatedee Synonyms >> Antonym >> depressed I am elated about the 100 that I made on the test. Derivatives >> elate, elatedly, elatedness, elatement, elater 49. embellish em BEL ish to decorate, to make beautiful with ornamentation ,<<embellishe Synonyms >> deck, garnish, ornament, adorn Antonym >> to abbreviate He would embellish his narratives with anecdotes about famous people. Derivatives >> embellisher, embellishment 50. emulate EM yuh late ,<<emulateE Synonyms >> to try to equal or to be like (usually through imitation) Antonym >> He has a lot of fine qualities that I try to emulate. Derivatives >> emulation, emulative, emulator, emulatively 51. enigmatic en ig MAT ik mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling ,<<enigmatic Synonyms >> abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, equivocal, obscure, recondite Antonym >> clear The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is an enigma to this day. Derivatives >> enigma, enigmatical, enigmatically, enigmatize 52. en SKONS ensconce to settle comfortably Antonym >> to uproot Synonyms >> Before the game started, he ensconced himself in the easy chair. Derivatives >> ensconced, ensconcing 53. en TREE tee entreaty Synonyms >> a plea, an earnest request adjuration, appeal, suit, importunity, supplication Antonym >> denial The lawyer made a lengthy entreaty to the jury before they retired to chambers. Derivatives >> entreat, entreatingly, entreatment Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 54. epithet EP uh thet a term or phrase describing or characterizing ,<<epithetEP Synonyms >> Antonym >> The "sultan of swat" is an epithet describing Babe Ruth. Derivatives >> epithetic, epithetical, epithetize 55. equanimity ee kwuh NIM uh tee a calm temper, an even disposition ,<<equanimit Synonyms >> Antonym >> lack of composure The rude behavior of the students did not disturb his equanimity. 56. esteem eh STEEM estimate of value; approval and respect often blended with fondness ,<<esteemeh Synonyms >> regard, valuation, reputation Antonym >> disrespect Derivatives >> equanimous, equanimously The people held their leader in the highest esteem. Derivatives >> esteemed, esteeming, esteems, esteemable 57. exotic ig ZOT ik ,<<exoticig Synonyms >> foreign, unfamiliar Antonym >> native The circus features exotic animals from Africa. Derivatives >> exotical, exoticalness, exotically, exotica, exoticism, exoticist 58. expedient ik SPEE dee unt ,<<expedienti Synonyms >> appropriate for a purpose but not necessarily moral, right, or just Antonym >> disadvantageous In trying to increase political support, the candidate found it expedient to change his stand on taxation. Derivatives >> expediate, expedience, expediency, expediential, expedientist, expediently 59. expeditious ek speh DISH us done with speed and efficiency Antonym >> sluggish Synonyms >> You need to be expeditious in solving this matter. Derivatives >> expedite, expediter, expedition, expeditionary, expeditioner, expeditiously, expeditiousness, expeditive 60. fastidious Synonyms >> fa STID ee us finicky reflecting a meticulous or demanding attitude, critical to an extreme Antonym >> not meticulous He considered her fastidious because she was offended by insignificant mistakes or errors. Derivatives >> fastidiously, fastidiousness, fastidium 61. ferocity fuh ROS eh tee ,<<ferocityfu Synonyms >> A tiger is an animal that has ferocity. savagery fertile FUR till ,<<fertileFU Synonyms >> fecund, fruitful, prolific The fertile soil was ready for planting. capable of reproducing Antonym >> mildness Derivatives >> ferocious, ferociously, ferociousness 62. Antonym >> unproductive Derivatives >> fertilely, fertileness, fertility 63. fervent FUR vent ardent, showing great emotion, impassioned ,<<ferventFU Synonyms >> fervid, passionate, perfervid Antonym >> indifferent I have a fervent love for that man. Derivatives >> fervency, fervently, ferventness, fervid, fervidly, fervidity, fervidness 64. fickle FIK ul likely to change, capricious ,<<fickleFIK Synonyms >> inconstant, mercurial, unstable Antonym >> steadfast; constant Because of her fickle behavior, he had little trust that she would continue to love him. Derivatives >> fickler, ficklest, fickleness 65. foliage FOE lee ij ,<<foliageFO Synonyms >> leaves of a plant, leafage Antonym >> The trees will soon come alive with green foliage. Derivatives >> foliages, foliar, foliaceous 66. forbearance fore BARE uns patience, lenience Antonym >> impatience Synonyms >> Because he is so young, we must have forbearance in dealing with him. Derivatives >> forbear, forbearant, forbearer, forbearing, forbearingly, forbearingness, forbore 67. FRET fret to worry or be annoyed Synonyms >> Antonym >> relax You should not fret over things that you cannot control Derivatives >> fretted, fretting, frets, fretful, fretfully, fretfulness Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 68. frivolous FRIV uh lus lacking in seriousness or importance ,<<frivolousF Synonyms >> Antonym >> serious; sober A teacher should limit frivolous behavior in the classroom. Derivatives >> frivolity, frivolousness, frivolously 69. gaunt GAWNT very thin, emaciated, angular ,<<gauntGA Synonyms >> lank, lean, rawboned, spare Antonym >> rotund, corpulent Prisoners in World War II concentration camps became gaunt from lack of nutrition. Derivatives >> gauntly, gauntness, gaunty 70. giddy GID ee ,<<giddyGID Synonyms >> dizzy Antonym >> levelheaded I became giddy after drinking the champagne at the reception. Derivatives >> giddify, giddily, giddiness 71. gravity GRAV eh tee seriousness, importance ,<<gravityGR Synonyms >> earnestness, sedateness, sobriety, solemnity, staidness Antonym >> unimportance The gravity of the situation was heightened by the death of the president . Derivatives >> grave, graver, gravely 72. grievous GREE vus ,<<grievousG Synonyms >> characterized by severe suffering or sorrow, serious or grave Antonym >> minor You made a grievous error when you spoke to your parents in such a horrible fashion. Derivatives >> grievously, grievousness 73. HAW tee haughty arrogant, excessively proud and vain Synonyms >> disdainful, high-handed, insolent, lordly, supercilious Antonym >> humble Being quarterback of the football team does not give him the right to be haughty. Derivatives >> haughtily, haughtiness 74. HID ee us hideous very ugly, offensive, shocking Antonym >> delightful Synonyms >> Some characters in the horror movie had hideous faces. Derivatives >> hideously, hideousness, hideosity 75. hilarity heh LAR eh tee ,<<hilarityhe Synonyms >> glee, jollity The party was marked by great hilarity. boisterous merriment, mirth Antonym >> gloominess Derivatives >> hilarious, hilariously, hilariousness 76. humility hyoo MIL eh tee the quality or state of being humble in spirit ,<<humilityh Synonyms >> Antonym >> pride; arrogance The humility of the man was astounding: he gave no sign of having excessive pride or arrogance. Derivatives >> humilities, humble, humbly 77. hypocrite HIP uh krit one who is insincere or deceitful ,<<hypocrite Synonyms >> Antonym >> sincere person Saying one thing and then doing the other is the mark of a hypocrite. Derivatives >> hypocrites, hypocritical, hypocritically, hypocrital, hypocrisy 78. ignoble ig NO bul ,<<ignobleig Synonyms >> abject, mean, sordid of lowly origin, without honor Antonym >> noble; grand; lofty I do not like his ignoble ideas. Derivatives >> ignobility, ignobleness, ignobly 79. impertinent im PUR tuh nunt insolently rude, not within the proper bounds of good taste or manners ,<<impertine Synonyms >> intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive, officious Antonym >> reverent; respectful His impertinent remarks did not help his case in the eyes of the jury. Derivatives >> impertinence, impertinency, impertinently, impertinentness 80. impudent IM pyuh dunt disrespectful, characterized by improper bold behavior Antonym >> respectful Synonyms >> The student's impudent act of using profanity toward Mrs. Dove caused him to be expelled. Derivatives >> impudence, impudency, impudently, impudentness, impudicity 81. in SIP ee unt incipient beginning to come into being, the early stage of something Synonyms >> Antonym >> waning He is not able to recognize his own incipient drug problem. Derivatives >> incipiative, incipiency, incipience, incipiently Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 82. indignation in dig NAY shun anger as a result of something unjust ,<<indignatio Synonyms >> fury, ire, rage, wrath Antonym >> serenity I have much indignation about the light sentence given to the drunk driver who ran over my child . Derivatives >> indignant, indignantly, indignance, indignify, indignities 83. indolence IN duh luns laziness ,<<indolenceI Synonyms >> slothfulness The hot and humid weather in the tropics encourages indolence. Antonym >> industriousness Derivatives >> indolent, indolency, indolently 84. induce in DOOS, in DYOOS to bring on or to bring about ,<<inducein Synonyms >> cause, effect, influence, persuade, prevail Antonym >> to impede His personality changes were induced by drugs. Derivatives >> induced, inducing, inducement, inducer 85. indulgent in DUL junt ,<<indulgenti Synonyms >> lenient, especially toward oneself Antonym >> harsh; strict The boy did not learn respect from his indulgent parents. Derivatives >> indulge, indulged, indulging, indulgence, indulgently, indulger 86. infernal in FER nul ,<<infernalin Synonyms >> hellish, diabolical, fiendish relating to hell Antonym >> heavenly It is not nice to wish that someone go to the infernal regions. Derivatives >> infernally, inferno 87. in SIP id insipid Synonyms >> banal, flat, inane, jejune, vapid boring and stupid Antonym >> spirited and animated; zestful I am bored by your insipid talk. Derivatives >> insipidity, insipidly, insipidness 88. insolence Synonyms >> IN suh luns insulting or contemptuous behavior arrogance, haughtiness, high-handedness, impertinence Antonym >> His insolence and lack of respect for his mother are shocking. Derivatives >> insolent, insolently, insolency, insolentness 89. inter in TER ,<<interin Synonyms >> bury, inhume After the funeral the body was interred. to deposit a dead body into a grave Antonym >> unearth Derivatives >> interred, interring, inters, interment 90. inveterate in VET ur it firmly established, habitual, deep-rooted ,<<inveteratei Synonyms >> Antonym >> readily changeable Because he had been an inveterate workaholic, he had trouble adjusting his lifestyle when he retired. Derivatives >> inveterately, inveterateness 91. irresolute eh REZ uh loot indecisive, unsure of how to proceed ,<<irresolutee Synonyms >> Antonym >> sure; decisive; certain The confused child stood irresolute, waiting for some instruction. Derivatives >> irresolutely, irresoluteness, irresolution 92. jubilee JOO buh lee ,<<jubileeJO Synonyms >> a period of rejoicing Antonym >> season of mourning The year of jubilee was a time of happiness and celebrating. Derivatives >> jubilance, jubilant, jubilantly, jubilarian, jubilate, jubilation, jubilize 93. kindle KIN dul ,<<kindleKIN Synonyms >> to start a fire, to stir up Antonym >> to douse The boys were taught to kindle a fire. Derivatives >> kindled, kindling, kindles 94. luh KON ik laconic using a minimum of words; concise to the point of seeming rude Synonyms >> compendious, concise, pithy, succinct, summary, terse Antonym >> verbose After the loss, the coach's remarks were laconic. Derivatives >> laconian, laconical, laconically, laconicism, laconism 95. luh MENT lament Synonyms >> bemoan, bewail, deplore to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner Antonym >> to rejoice She lamented the death of her father in a very lachrymose manner. Derivatives >> lamented, lamenting, lamentation, lamentable Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 96. languid LANG gwid slow, sluggish, listless, weak ,<<languidL Synonyms >> lethargic, stuporous, torpid Antonym >> animated The old man's walk was languid, each pace requiring great effort. Derivatives >> languidly, languidness, languish, languisher, languishing, languishment 97. lethargic luh THAR jik sluggish, languid ,<<lethargicl Synonyms >> stuporous, torpid Antonym >> energetic Having had too much to drink, he was very lethargic the morning after the party. Derivatives >> lethargically, lethargize, lethargy 98. magnanimity mag nuh NIM eh tee ,<<magnanim Synonyms >> having a lofty, generous, and courageous spirit Antonym >> greed; stinginess The magnanimity of the king endeared him to his subjects. Derivatives >> magnanimous, magnanimously, magnanimousness 99. malady MAL eh dee ,<<maladyM Synonyms >> a disease or unwholesome condition Antonym >> good health The poor old woman seems to suffer one malady after another. Derivatives >> maladies 100. malevolence muh LEV uh lens ill will or evil intentions ,<<malevolen Synonyms >> malice, malignity, spite, spleen Antonym >> benevolence The old man's malevolence was obvious when he removed the girl from his will. Derivatives >> malevolent, malevolently muh LINE 101. malign to utter injuriously misleading reports about Synonyms >> traduce, asperse, vilify, calumniate, defame Antonym >> to extol Several old gossips in the neighborhood had maligned the woman. Derivatives >> malignance, malignancy, malignant, malignantly 102. melancholy MEL un kol ee depression of spirits Antonym >> happiness Synonyms >> After Dad lost his job, he fell into a state of melancholy. Derivatives >> melancholia, melancholic, melancholiac, melancholically, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholious 103. misanthrope MIS un thrope a hater of mankind ,<<misanthro Synonyms >> misanthropist Antonym >> philanthropist Hopefully, nuclear weapons will never fall into the hands of a misanthrope. Derivatives >> misanthropy, misanthropic, misanthropically, misanthropical, misanthropism, misanthropize 104. morbidity mor BID eh tee unwholesomeness and gloominess, gruesomeness ,<<morbidity Synonyms >> Antonym >> wholesomeness The boy talked about dead people and gruesome things. He soon frightened me with his morbidity. Derivatives >> morbid, morbidness 105. morose muh ROSE being sullen or gloomy ,<<morosemu Synonyms >> crabbed, glum, saturnine, sulky, surly He was very morose after his wife left him. Antonym >> cheerful Derivatives >> morosely, moroseness, morosity 106. mortify MORE tuh fie ,<<mortifyM Synonyms >> to humiliate, to wound pride, to experience shame Antonym >> to calm; to soothe It would simply mortify me to have someone say such shameful things about my family. Derivatives >> mortifyingly, mortifier, mortified, mortifiedly, mortification 107. obdurate OB doo rit extremely stubborn, unwilling to accept advice ,<<obdurate Synonyms >> inflexible, inexorable, adamant Antonym >> tractable She was obdurate in her refusal to listen to our concerns about her cocaine problem. Derivatives >> obdurately, obdurateness, obduration, obdure, obduracy ub SKYOOR 108. obscure difficult to see, vague Synonyms >> abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, recondite Antonym >> clear; apparent Because the meaning of the play was obscure, I was unable to enjoy it. Derivatives >> obscuration, obscurative, obscuredly, obscurely, obscurement, obscureness, obscurity OB stuh nit 109. obstinate Synonyms >> unyielding regardless of reason or logic Antonym >> yielding He will not accept advice on many things because of his obstinate attitude. Derivatives >> obstinacy, obstinancy, obstinance, obstinately, obstinateness, obstination Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 110. obviates OB vee ates makes unnecessary, prevents as a result of anticipating ,<<obviatesO Synonyms >> Antonym >> instigates; begins I hope that this settlement obviates any further contact between us. Derivatives >> obviated, obviable, obviation, obviative 111. odious OH dee us ,<<odiousOH Synonyms >> Pornography is an odious business. deserving hate or contempt 112. paragon PAIR uh gon ,<<paragonP Synonyms >> a model of excellence or perfection Antonym >> respectable Derivatives >> odiously, odiousness, odium Antonym >> The minister was a paragon of virtue in all his affairs. Derivatives >> paragonize 113. parry PAIR ee ,<<parryPAI Synonyms >> to deflect or to ward off a blow Antonym >> The champion boxer won the match because he was able to parry his opponent's blows so successfully. Derivatives >> parried, parrying 114. peevish PEE vish ,<<peevishPE Synonyms >> fretful, obstinate Antonym >> tranquil; peaceful With a peevish gesture, Jane slammed the book shut. Derivatives >> peevishly, peevishness, peeve, peeved pur DISH un 115. perdition eternal damnation, utter ruin Antonym >> salvation Synonyms >> The church warns against pursuing hedonistic and worldly things and risking eternal perdition. Derivatives >> perditions 116. perpetuate pur PECH oo ate to prolong the existence of something Antonym >> to destroy Synonyms >> The Audubon Society works to perpetuate the species of many threatened birds. Derivatives >> perpetuation, perpetuator, perpetuity, perpetual, perpetually 117. perspicacious pur spu KAY shus having clear insight, shrewd, very perceptive ,<<perspicaciou Synonyms >> astute, sagacious Antonym >> ignorant; stupid The perspicacious detective was able to determine the perpetrator of the crime. Derivatives >> perspicaciously, perspicaciousness, perspicacity 118. pertinacity pur tuh NAS eh tee stubborn persistence or act of refusing to yield on an opinion or belief ,<<pertinacit Synonyms >> Antonym >> vacillation Because of his pertinacity, the fighter was able to go the entire twelve rounds and win the fight. Derivatives >> pertinacious, pertinaciously, pertinaciousness 119. peruse puh ROOZ to read or to examine ,<<perusepuh Synonyms >> My lawyer says he has not had time to peruse the contract. Antonym >> to skim Derivatives >> perusal, perusable, perused, perusing 120. petulance PECH uh luns ,<<petulance Synonyms >> unreasonable touchiness or irritability Antonym >> serenity Petulance is sometimes the trait of a child who is not getting his way. Derivatives >> petulant, petulancy, petulantly 121. placid PLAS id ,<<placidPL Synonyms >> serene, tranquil peaceful, calm Antonym >> disturbed The wilderness is usually a placid place where one can relax. Derivatives >> placidity, placidly, placidness POIN yunt 122. poignant Synonyms >> piquant, pungent, racy piercing, incisive, and keen Antonym >> dull The man's poignant words struck the very heart of the matter. Derivatives >> poignance, poignancy, poignantly PRAT ul 123. prattle meaningless sounds, babble Antonym >> articulate language Synonyms >> I have difficulty understanding the prattle of young children. Derivatives >> prattled, prattling, prattlement, prattler, prattingly Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 124. presumptuous preh ZUMP choo us brazenly overstepping bounds, arrogant ,<<presumptuo Synonyms >> Antonym >> humble It was presumptuous of him to think that I would loan him the money. Deri vatives >> presume, presumer, presumption, presumptive, presumptively, presumptuously, presumptuousness 125. propensity pruh PEN seh tee preference, natural inclination ,<<propensity Synonyms >> leaning, penchant, proclivity Antonym >> aversion I have a propensity for rising early. Derivatives >> propension, propense, propend 126. prostration pros TRAY shun ,<<prostratio Synonyms >> a stretching out due to lacking vitality and being completely overcome Antonym >> vitality During late summer football practices, players sometimes suffer from heat prostration. Derivatives >> prostrate, prostrator, prostrating 127. protract pro TRAKT ,<<protractpr Synonyms >> to prolong Antonym >> to shorten The union hopes to protract the strike in order to force management to settle. Derivatives >> protractedly, protractedness, pretractible, protraction, protractive 128. provincial pruh VEN shul ,<<provincial Synonyms >> lacking sophistication, narrow-minded Antonym >> sophisticated Her parents are so provincial that they believe they should arrange her marriage. Derivatives >> provinciate, provincialism, provinciality, provincialization PROOD unt 129. prudent Synonyms >> judicious, sage, sane, sapient wise and careful about practical matters Antonym >> indiscreet; incautious In the city, it is prudent to have locks on all doors and windows. Derivatives >> prudence, prudential, prudently KWELL 130. quell to quiet or to put down a disturbance Antonym >> to foment; to incite Synonyms >> Fortunately, the principal was able to quell the food fight in the cafeteria. Derivatives >> quelled, quelling, quells 131. recant reh KANT to withdraw or to repudiate a statement or belief, revoke ,<<recantreh Synonyms >> abjure, forswear, renounce, retract Antonym >> to avow; to reaffirm belief The prosecutor's case was greatly weakened when his main witness recanted his testimony. Derivatives >> recantation, recanter 132. reconcile REK un sile to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute ,<<reconcileR Synonyms >> Antonym >> to alienate The family will never be the same until Mom and Grandma reconcile their differences. Derivatives >> reconcilability, reconcilable, reconcilableness, reconcilably, reconcileness, reconcilement, reconciliate 133. reiterate ree IT uh rate to repeat ,<<reiteratere Synonyms >> Antonym >> to fail to repeat I hope that I am not becoming redundant by again reiterating the key facts. Derivatives >> reiteration, reiteratedly, reiterative, reiteratively 134. reprobate REP ruh bate to disapprove of; a person with no moral principles, a depraved individual ,<<reprobate Synonyms >> blame, censure, condemn, denounce, reprehend Antonym >> saint Some thought that the ax murderer was a reprobate who deserved to die. Derivatives >> reprobation, reprobative, reprobator, reprobatory 135. repulse reh PULSE ,<<repulsereh Synonyms >> to repel or to rebuff (usually with rudeness) Antonym >> to impress His offensive language repulsed the girl; it did not impress her. Derivatives >> repulsive, repulsion, repulsively, repulsiveness REZ uh loot 136. resolute Synonyms >> characterized by a decided purpose staunch, steadfast, determined, resolved, faithful, firm Antonym >> The business was run by a resolute man who set his mind on a goal and followed through with it. Derivatives >> resoluter, resolutest, resolutely, resoluteness, resolution, resolutionary, resolutioner, resolutive RES pit 137. respite Synonyms >> a rest, a delay, a period of relief Antonym >> continuance I enjoy a quiet lunch that serves a respite from my tense job of being an air traffic controller. Derivatives >> respiteless Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 138. ruffianism RUF ee un is um rowdy or tough behavior ,<<ruffianism Synonyms >> Antonym >> gentle behavior The ruffianism of the boys in school did not go unnoticed by their angry principal. Derivatives >> ruffian, ruffianish, ruffianize, ruffianly 139. rustic RUS tik relating to the country ,<<rusticRUS Synonyms >> rural, coarse The rustic cabin in the mountains was small but comfortable. Antonym >> urban; relating to the city Deriva tives >> rustical, rustically, rusticate, rustication, rusticator 140. sagacious suh GAY shus ,<<sagaciouss Synonyms >> astute, perspicacious wise, shrewd, very discerning Antonym >> ignorant; uninformed; undiscerning The sagacious freshman knew not to buy an elevator pass from the senior attempting a clever ruse. Derivatives >> sagaciate, sagaciously, sagaciousness, sagacity 141. scintillating SIN tuh lay ting ,<<scintillatin Synonyms >> sparkling, shining, or flashing Antonym >> dull The fireworks during a Fourth of July celebration are a scintillating display. Derivatives >> scintillate, scintillant, scintillantly, scintillatingly, scintillation, scintillator, scintillescent 142. sententious sen TEN shus given to excessive moralizing ,<<sententiou Synonyms >> expressive, pithy, epigrammatic Antonym >> The sententious expression "contentment breeds happiness" is not readily accepted by everyone. Derivatives >> sententiously, sententiousness SEN tuh nul 143. sentinel one who keeps guard as a sentry Synonyms >> Antonym >> The oak trees hovered over the house as sentinels. Derivatives >> sentineled, sentineling, sentinels SKULK 144. skulk Synonyms >> lurk, slink, sneak to move in a sneaky, furtive, or stealthy manner Antonym >> to be open; to lack secrecy The burglar skulked about on the balcony. Derivatives >> skulker, skulked, skulking, skulks 145. slough SLUF to cast off ,<<sloughSL Synonyms >> He sloughs off criticism like water off a duck's back. Antonym >> to grasp; to hold tenaciously 146. solace SOL is to comfort or to cheer ,<<solaceSOL Synonyms >> soothe, mitigate, assuage The Red Cross attempted to solace the flood victims. Antonym >> to deride; to harass Derivatives >> sloughs, sloughy Derivatives >> solaceful, solacement, solacer, solaced, solacing 147. soliloquy suh LIL uh kwee a speech or dramatic monologue made to oneself to reveal thoughts ,<<soliloquys Synonyms >> Antonym >> conversation; dialogue Hamlet's soliloquy in the graveyard is a popular piece to memorize. Derivatives >> soliquist, soliloquize, soliloquizer, soliloquizingly 148. stalwart STAL wurt ,<<stalwartS Synonyms >> resolute , strong one who supports a cause with firm partisanship Antonym >> That justice was known as a stalwart in defending 1st amendment rights. Derivatives >> stalwartly, starlwartness 149. stealthy STEL the acting in a secret and sneaky way--this is a negative term ,<<stealthyST Synonyms >> clandestine, covert, furtive, surreptitious, underhanded Antonym >> open; indiscreet The secret organization moves by stealth to gather information on its enemies. Derivatives >> stealthful, stealthfully, stealthily, stealthiness, stealth STOO puh fie 150. stupefy to dull the senses as to put into a stupor Antonym >> to excite Synonyms >> That boring lecture would stupefy anyone with any intelligence. Derivatives >> stupefyingly, stupefaction, stupefacient, stupefactive suk SINGKT 151. succinct Synonyms >> brief, compact compendious, concise, laconic, pithy, summary, terse Antonym >> frequently digressing Because her comments were succinct and to the point the ceremony was brief. Derivatives >> succinctly, succinctness Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 152. summon SUM un to call together, to send for or to request to appear ,<<summonS Synonyms >> convene, convoke, muster Antonym >> to turn away I am frightened because I have been summoned to the principal's office. Derivatives >> summoner, summons 153. superfluous soo PUR floo us beyond what is needed or required, an overflow ,<<superfluo Synonyms >> Antonym >> necessary The meeting lasted so long because of many superfluous comments by some of the speakers. Derivatives >> superfluously, superfluousness, superfluent, superfluity 154. supplication sup luh KAY shun begging, humbly asking for a favor ,<<supplicati Synonyms >> adjuration, beseechment, entreaty, imploration, importunity Antonym >> I am going to see the Governor to make a supplication for a pardon for my brother. Derivatives >> supplicate, supplicatingly, supplicator, supplicatory 155. taciturn TAS eh turn ,<<taciturnT Synonyms >> reserved, reticent quiet, not verbose Antonym >> loquacious; talkative A shy person is usually taciturn. Derivatives >> tacit, tacitly, tacitness, taciturnity, taciturnly 156. tarry TARE ee ,<<tarryTAR Synonyms >> to delay in coming or going, to linger Antonym >> to depart promptly Please do not tarry; I want you to be here on time. Derivatives >> tarriness, tarried, tarries TART 157. tart sharp or sour taste Antonym >> sweet Synonyms >> I like a tart mustard on my hot dog. Derivatives >> tartly, tartish 158. tenacious Synonyms >> teh NAY shus mettlesome, resolved persistent, holding fast to a position Antonym >> fickle England was tenacious in its desire not to fall to the Germans. Derivatives >> tenaciously, tenaciousness, tenacity 159. tenure TEN yur the period of holding something ,<<tenureTE Synonyms >> Antonym >> Under his tenure at the space administration, not one astronaut was injured. Derivatives >> tenurial, tenurially 160. tranquil TRANG kwul peaceful, calm ,<<tranquilT Synonyms >> placid, serene Weather in Texas can quickly change from tranquil to turbulent. Antonym >> agitated Derivatives >> tranquilization, tranquilize, tranquility, tranquilness, tranquilizer 161. transient TRAN shunt quickly passing, fleeting ,<<transientT Synonyms >> ephemeral, evanescent, fugitive, transitory Antonym >> enduring; everlasting The moment of happiness she enjoyed was merely transient; soon she was depressed again. Derivatives >> transience, transiently, transiency, transcience 162. transmutation trans myoo TAY shun a change into something different ,<<transmutatio Synonyms >> metamorphosis Antonym >> The alchemist was interested in the transmutation of iron into gold. Derivatives >> transmute, transmutability, transmutationist, transmutative 163. trepidation trep eh DAY shun ,<<trepidatio Synonyms >> fear, trembling, agitation Antonym >> fearlessness Since I did not have time to study, I have a lot of trepidation about this examination. Derivatives >> trepidate, trepidant, trepid, trepidly, trepidity TRY fling 164. trifling not significant, frivolous Antonym >> important; significant Synonyms >> Some think that watching MTV is a trifling experience. Derivatives >> trifle, trifled, trifling, trifles UN juh lunt 165. undulant moving with or resembling a wavelike motion Synonyms >> Antonym >> motionless Playing golf on an undulant terrain is usually difficult. Derivatives >> undulance, undulate, undulated, undulating, undulation, undulatory Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 166. upbraid up BRADE to scold harshly, to reproach ,<<upbraidup Synonyms >> berate, rail at, revile, vituperate Antonym >> to praise I must upbraid my son for staying out past his curfew. Derivatives >> upbraided, upbraider, upbraiding, upbraidingly 167. utter UT ur to express by speaking urutterutterutter Synonyms >> The teacher told me not to utter another word. Antonym >> to leave unspoken Derivatives >> utters, uttered, uttering, utterance 168. vagabond VAG uh bond one who leads an unsettled, irresponsible or disreputable life ,<<vagabond Synonyms >> vagrant, truant, tramp, hobo, bum Antonym >> During the winter months the library is often a warm resting place for the vagabond. Derivatives >> vagabonds, vagabondage, vagabondia 169. vapid VAP id ,<<vapidVAP Synonyms >> banal, flat, jejune dull, inane, insipid Antonym >> intelligent; interesting The vapid discussion between the two girls was boring and uninteresting. Derivatives >> vapidity, vapidly, vapidness 170. vehement VEE uh munt ,<<vehement Synonyms >> forcefully expressing emotion or conviction Antonym >> meek He vehemently denied that he had said those harsh words. Derivatives >> vehemence, vehemency, vehemently 171. venturesome VEN chur sum being bold and taking risks Antonym >> cautious Synonyms >> Columbus was venturesome in seeking to find India by sailing west. Derivatives >> venturesomely, venturesomeness, venture vek SAY shun 172. vexation discomfort or distress Antonym >> pleasantry Synonyms >> The young children were a source of vexation to their nervous, neurotic mother. Derivatives >> vex, vexatious, vexedly, vexedness, vexingly 173. vigilant VIJ uh lunt very alert, watchful ,<<vigilantVI Synonyms >> I have been vigilant in trying to find the thief. Antonym >> unconcerned; inattentive Derivatives >> vigilance, vigilantly, vigilantness, vigil 174. virulent VIR yuh lunt extremely poisonous; hateful ,<<virulentVI Synonyms >> Antonym >> harmless The doctor prescribed a lot of medication to arrest the virulent infection. Derivatives >> virulence, virulently 175. vivid VIV id bright, distinct, and clear ,<<vividVIV Synonyms >> graphic I have vivid memories of my trip to Europe. Antonym >> lackluster Derivatives >> vividly, vividness, vividity, vivific, vivificate, vivification, vivifier, vivify 176. vociferous voe SIF ur us clamorous; boisterous (suggests a vehement outcry) ,<<vociferous Synonyms >> blatant, obstreperous, strident Antonym >> quiet; subdued The rock crowd became vociferous in its anger when it was announced that the show was cancelled. Derivatives >> vociferator, vociferously, vociferousness 177. vulgarity vul GAR eh tee something offensive to good taste and refinement ,<<vulgarityv Synonyms >> coarseness, grossness, obscenity, ribaldness Antonym >> refinement She chose to ignore the vulgarity of his crude remark. Derivatives >> vulgar, vulgarian, vulgarism, vulgarization, vulgarize, vulgarizer ZEL ot 178. zealot Synonyms >> enthusiast one who embraces a cause and supports it with vigor Antonym >> one without enthusiasm or passion The man was known as a religious zealot, as he never stopped trying to convert others to his beliefs. Derivatives >> zealotic, zealotism, zealotry, zealous, zealously Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 131 Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte These words which appear in Wuthering Heights have been identified as words or derivatives of words that have appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in alphabetical order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. abyss acquiesced adroitly alacrity aloof amiable antipathy apathetic ardent ascending assiduity audacity austere automatons avarice aversion beguile belied benevolent bestow buoyant calamity caprices chasten cherubic clamorously complacency compliance conflagration confluence conjectured contrite copious corroboration credibility culpably daunted decorum deprecation desolation despondency dilatory din discerned disdain 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. diurnal ecstasy elation embellishment emulated enigmatical ensconcing entreated epithet equanimity esteemed exotic expedient expeditiously fastidiousness ferocious fertile fervent fickleness foliage forbearance fret frivolous gaunt giddy grave grievously haughty hideous hilarity humility hypocrite ignoble impertinence impudence incipient indignation indolence induced indulged infernal insipid insolence interment inveterate 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. irresolutely jubilee kindling laconic lament languid lethargy magnanimity malady malevolence malignity melancholy misanthropist morbid morose mortification obdurate obscurely obstinate obviate odious paragon parry peevish perdition perpetual perspicacity pertinacity perused petulantly placidly poignant prattled presumptuous propensity prostrate protracted provincialism prudential quelled recantation reconciled reiterated reprobate Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. repulsed resolute respite ruffianly rustic sagacity scintillating sententiously sentinel skulk slough solace soliloquized stalwart stealthily stupefied succinct summoned superfluous supplicating taciturn tarry tarts tenacious tenure tranquility transient transmuted trepidation trifle undulating upbraid uttered vagabond vapid vehemence venturesome vexed vigilant virulency vividly vociferated vulgar zealous Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte These words which appear in Wuthering Heights have been identified as words or derivatives of words that have appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in the order in which they appear in the novel. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. misanthropist desolation soliloquized peevish gaunt stalwart morose aversion bestow ascending ruffianly parry vigilant prudential laconic amiable assiduity sagacity ferocious rustic austere taciturn solace hilarity reprobate malignity ensconcing uttered virulency vehemence copious benevolent stupefied obviate vapid melancholy discerned obscurely tenacious sentinel belied impudence epithet decorum exotic 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. perpetual grievously vexed grave repulsed prattled vociferated kindling skulk embellishment tarts vagabonds impertinence lament esteemed provincialism obstinate frivolous superfluous avarice insolence disdain complacently acquiesced reconcile cherubic zealous malady infernal haughty respite antipathy deprecation chasten humility poignant ignoble petulantly fertile equanimity hideous perdition venturesome sententiously indignation 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. conjectured clamorously aloof caprices dilatory fastidiousness summoned hypocrite ardent pertinacity apathetic lethargy abyss entreated recantation tarry induced trifle calamity despondency compliance perused alacrity perspicacity insipid expedient placidly foliage audacity scintillating upbraid protracted quelled interment odious malevolence presumptuous forbearance succinct pertinacious inveterate propensity reiterated culpably 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. incipient languid morbid trepidation corroboration fervent irresolutely giddy mortification transmuted diurnal tenure slough fickleness credibility resolute contrite indulged fret undulating ecstasy jubilee vulgar elation din tranquility stealthily vividly buoyant lethargy emulated transient supplicating enigmatical magnanimity prostrate expeditiously beguile adroitly conflagration indolence automatons obdurate paragon Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 1 Directions: Select the word that best completes the following sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. abyss adroitly aloof antipathy ardent assiduity austere avarice beguile benevolent buoyant caprices cherubic complacency conflagration The ___________________________ lives of the Puritans are a sharp contrast to the indulgent modern American lifestyle. As long as you remain apart and refuse to socialize with others they will consider you an ______________________ snob. The wood remained ___________________________ until it became waterlogged, and then it sank like a stone. In mythology, the realm of death is frequently pictured as an _______________________, a vast, bottomless pit from which there is no return. ___________________________ can undermine a successful team; too much selfsatisfaction is a detriment to hard work. Always ___________________________, Mrs. Gullick couldn't resist giving to every charity that solicited her aid. The child's ________________ face was inconsistent with her devilish behavior. Ebenezer Scrooge was known throughout London for his ___________________________, even to the extent that he loved money more than human companionship. The ___________________________ caused by the oil tanker's explosion burned over ten square blocks of the port city. The ___________________________ with which she studied was matched only by the diligence with which she constantly strove to improve her S.A.T. score. The impressionable young man became an ___________________________ follower of the religious cult, zealously defending it with impassioned words. Growing tired of his wife's shopping ___________________________, the man insisted that she use a shopping list rather than make all her purchases based on her whims. Your ___________________________ towards others who do not agree with you is evident in the tone of your voice, which is filled with animosity and disgust. The skillful player moved forward ___________________________ ,caught the pass, and dunked the ball in a single motion. The sales girl used her charm to ___________________________ the country boy and trick him into buying ten pairs of Bermuda shorts. Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 1 Directions: Select the word that best completes the following sentences 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. acquiesce alacrity amiable apathetic ascending audacity automatons aversion belied bestow calamity chasten clamorously compliance confluence At the ___________________________ of the Trinity River and White Rock Creek, several other small creeks also come together. Tomorrow, the Queen will ___________________________ a new honor upon him, granting him the title "Lord Jim." The noise was deafeningly loud as the audience ___________________________ called for the show to begin. My __________________ to eating oysters is so strong that I dislike even thinking about them. Your ___________________________ is necessary, for we must all go along with the plan in order for it to succeed. After the hurricane and the tidal wave, what further ___________________ may befall us? The look of contempt in her eyes ___________________________ the consoling words she spoke, and I realized that she was trying to create a false impression of friendliness. A strong believer in discipline, the boy's father felt it necessary to ________________________ him for every insubordinate act. The couples danced like ___________________________, their robot-like stiffness causing many in the room to laugh. No teacher can equal Mr. Snopes for daring, for he even has the _______________________ to criticize the principal. Rising from the valley floor to the mountain's peak, the cable cars could be seen gracefully ___________________________ Mt. Bonnell. Generally ___________________________ toward school, the one subject Rick is not indifferent to is drafting. Because of her ___________________ nature, everyone considers Twinkie a friend. The ___________________________ of service at this hotel is refreshing, for the service at the last one I stayed at could hardly be called prompt or cheerful. The king was forced to ___________________________ to his rival's demands when he received the ultimatum, "Give in or die!" Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 2 Directions: Choose the letter of the definition that best fits the meaning of the word in bold type. ________ 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________ 11. ________ 12. ________ 13. ________ 14. ________ 15. ________ 16. ________ 17. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. to emulate a hero a. adore b. imitate c. idolize d. worship to be daunted by another a. praised b. ignored c. intimidated d. flattered conjectured the solution a. guessed b. supported c. tested d. found a deafening din a. explosion b. alarm c. clatter d. loud noise a feeling of elation a. great happiness b. drunkenness c. dizziness d. inflation desolation of the town a. surplus b. desertedness c. situation d. population a diurnal event a. strange b. unprecedented c. occasional d. day time overcome with ecstasy a. doubts b. indecision c. extreme happiness d. emotion a contrite attitude a. repentant b. vain c. proper d. restrained to be culpably involved a. marginally b. deeply c. in a praiseworthy way d. in a blameworthy way suffering from despondency a. drunkenness b. depression c. lost love d. suicidal tendencies a dilatory tactic a. military b. oratorical c. delaying d. inspired a copious harvest a. scanty b. abundant c. difficult d. autumnal to destroy credibility a. ability to pay b. financial resources c. believability d. reputation disdain for another a. favorb. contempt c. distrust d. sympathy observing proper decorum a. appropriate conduct b. ceremonial rules c. good timing d. order of rank the room's embellishment a. size b. color c. decoration d. furnishings corroboration of the story a. plot b. construction c. doubtful quality d. confirmation discerned the difference a. differentiated b. ignored c. glossed over d. pointed out victim of deprecation a. deceit b. false witness c. belittlement d. disease Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 3 Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column. Exercise A ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. enigmatic ensconcing entreaty epithet equanimity esteemed exotic expedient expeditiously fastidious a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. a plea, an earnest request calm temper, even dispostion appropriate for a purpose but not necessarily moral mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling foreign, unfamiliar finicky, reflecting a meticulous attitude a term or phrase describing or characterizing settling comfortably done with speed and efficiency estimate of value; approval often blended with great liking or fondness Exercise B ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ferocity fertile fervent fickle foliage forbearance fret frivolous gaunt grave a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. likely to change, capricious cluster of leaves ardent, showing great emotion, impassioned patience, lenience lacking in seriousness or importance serious, important very thin, emaciated, angular savagery capable of reproducing to worry a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. characterized by severe suffering or sorrow one who is insincere or deceitful very ugly, offensive, shocking disrespectful, characterized by improper bold behavior of lowly origin, without honor dizzy boisterous merriment, mirth insolent rudeness the quality of being humble in spirit arrogant, excessively proud and vain Exercise C ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. giddy grievous haughty hideous hilarity humility hypocrite ignoble impertinent impudence Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 4 Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column. Exercise A ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. incipient indignation indolence induce indulgent infernal insipid insolence inter inveterate a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. to bring on or bring about relating to hell insulting or contemptuous behavior beginning to come into being to deposit a dead body into a grave laziness firmly established, habitual, deep-rooted anger as a result of something unjust boring and stupid lenient, especially towards oneself a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. use of a minimum of words indecisive, unsure how to proceed a disease or unwholesome condition to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner a period of rejoicing ill will, evil intentions slow, sluggish, listless, weak starting a fire, stirring up a hater of mankind being sullen or gloomy a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. unwholesome and gloomy; gruesome to humiliate, wound pride, experience shame depression of spirits difficult to see, vague to utter injuriously misleading reports about make unnecessary, prevent as a result of anticipating sluggish, languid unyielding regardless of reason or logic having a lofty, generous, courageous spirit extremely stubborn, unwiling to accept advice Exercise B ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. irresolute jubilee kindling laconic lament languid malady malevolence misanthrope morose Exercise C ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. lethargy magnanimity malign melancholy morbid mortify obdurate obscure obstinate obviate Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 5 Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column. Exercise A ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. odious paragon parry peevish perdition perpetuate perspicacious pertinacity peruse petulance a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. to read or examine to deflect or ward off a blow unreasonable touchiness or irritability a model of excellence or perfection deserving hate or contempt stubbornly persistent or refusing to yield on an opinion eternal damnation, utter ruin having clear insight, shrewd, very perceptive fretful, obstinate to prolong the existence of something a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. brazenly overstepping bounds, arrogance lacking sophistication, narrow-minded wise and careful about practical matters meaningless sounds, babble prolonged preference, natural inclination peacefully, calmly to withdraw or repudiate a statement or belief stretched out to lacking vitality piercing, incisive, and keen a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. to disapprove of quieted or put down a disturbance a rest, a delay, a period of relief wise, shrewd, very discerning repelled or rebuffed relating to the country reestablished a friendship, resolved a dispute rowdy or tough behavior characterized by a decided purpose repeated Exercise B ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. placidly poignant prattle presumptuous propensity prostration protracted provincial prudent recant Exercise C ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. quelled reconciled reiterated reprobate repulsed resolute respite ruffianism rustic sagacious Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 6 Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column. Exercise A _________1. _________2. _________3. _________4. _________5. _________6. _________7. _________8. _________9. _________10. scintillating sententious sentinel skulk slough solace soliloquy stalwart stealthy stupefy a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. to cast off to comfort or cheer one who keeps guard as a sentry talking to oneself; dramatic monologue sparkling, shining, or flashing acting in a secret and sneaky way to dull the senses as to put into a stupor one who supports a cause; having strength to move in a sneaky, furtive manner given to excessive moralizing k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. begging; humbly asking for a favor peaceful; calm sharp or sour taste quiet; not verbose brief; compact persistent; holding fast to a position to delay in coming or going; to linger the period of holding something to call together; to send for beyond what is needed or required; an overflow Exercise B _________11. _________12. _________13. _________14. _________15. _________16. _________17. _________18. _________19. _________20. succinct summon superfluous supplication taciturn tarry tart tenacious tenure tranquil Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Vocabulary Test 7 Directions: Choose the letter of the word that best fits the given definition. ________ 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________ 11. ________ 12. ________ 13. ________ 14. ________ 15. ________ 16. ________ 17. ________ 18. to scold harshly; to reproach a. utter b. upbraid c. fear; trembling; agitation a. vulgarity b. trepidation c. one who embraces a cause and supports it with vigor a. vagabond b. zealot c. fleeting; passing quickly a. upbraid b. transient c. something offensive to good taste and refinement a. vulgarity b. trepidation c. to express by speaking a. utter b. upbraid c. moving with or resembling a wavelike motion a. utter b. upbraid c. forceful in expressing emotion or conviction a. vivid b. vehement c. a change into something different a. vulgarity b. trepidation c. causing discomfort or distress a. vexation b. vagabond c. one who leads an unsettled and irresponsible life a. vexation b. vagabond c. extremely poisonous; hateful a. utter b. upbraid c. not significant; frivolous a. vulgarity b. trepidation c. dull; inane; insipid a. vivid b. vehement c. bright; distinct and clear a. vivid b. vehement c. very alert; watchful a. vexation b. vagabond c. clamerous; boisterous a. vivid b. vehement c. being bold and taking risks a. vexation b. vagabond c. virulent d. undulant transmutation d. trifling trepidation d. vexation vigilant d. venturesome transmutation d. trifling virulent d. undulant virulent d. undulant vapid d. vociferous transmutation d. trifling vigilant d. venturesome vigilant d. venturesome virulent d. undulant transmutation d. trifling vapid d. vociferous vapid d. vociferous vigilant d. venturesome vapid d. vociferous vigilant d. venturesome Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Answers Test 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. austere aloof buoyant abyss complacency benevolent cherubic avarice conflagration assiduity ardent caprices antipathy adroitly beguile Test 2 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. confluence bestow clamorously aversion compliance calamity belied chasten automatons audacity ascending apathetic amiable alacrity acquiesce 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A d h f a j b i c e g Ex. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B b e h a d g c f i j 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. b c b c b a c d a c Test 3 Ex. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A d h a g b j e c i f Ex. B 11. h 12. i 13. c 14. a 15. b 16. d 17. j 18. e 19. g 20. f Ex. C 21. f 22. a 23. j 24. c 25. g 26. i 27. b 28. e 29. h 30. d Test 5 Test 4 Ex. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. b c a d a b d c a d Ex. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. C g i e c a b j d h f Ex. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A e d b i g j h f a c Ex. B 11. g 12. j 13. d 14. a 15. f 16. i 17. e 18. b 19. c 20. h Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org Ex. C 21. b 22. g 23. j 24. a 25. e 26. i 27. c 28. h 29. f 30. d Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Answer Key Vocabulary Test 6 1. 8. 15. e h n 2. 9. 16. j f q 3. 10. 17. c g m 4. 11. 18. i o p 5. 12. 19. a s r 6. 13. 20. b t l 7. 14. d k 3. 10. 17. b a d 4. 11. 18. b b d 5. 12. a c 6. 13. a d 7. 14. d c Vocabulary Test 7 1. 8. 15. b b a 2. 9. 16. b c c Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org