The Chemistry Major at Boise State University An Advising Packet The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry This packet reflects the requirements as listed in the 2013-2014 Catalog Table of Contents Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ……………………………………………….. 3 Emphasis Choices within the Chemistry Degree ……………………………………………………………. 4 Flowchart of Required Chemistry, Math & Physics Courses………………………………………………… 5 Course Requirements Checklist and Suggested Schedule of Courses for the Chemistry BS Degree, Professional Emphasis (ACS Certified)………………………………...…… 6 Chemistry BS Degree, Biochemistry Emphasis (ACS Certified)………………………………..….. 8 Chemistry BS Degree, Biochemistry Emphasis…...………………...……………………………… 10 Chemistry BS Degree, Forensics Emphasis……………………………………………………..…... 12 Chemistry BS Degree, Secondary Education Emphasis ...…..…….…………………………...…… 14 2013-2014 Advising Packet 2 Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry! What Does a Chemist Do? You are interested in chemistry – but what can you do with a degree in this field? Chemistry is a rewarding, albeit challenging, field of study. It is learning about the composition, properties and reactions possible with a diversity of substances, many of which are involved in different aspects of everyday life. A Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry can open doors to further study at graduate schools or professional schools (i.e., medical, dental or pharmacy). A chemistry degree can also qualify one to work in industry, analytical and forensic laboratories, conduct research, or teach at the high school level. Boise State University also offers a Master of Science degree in Chemistry; see your advisor for more details. Advising Matters! The department strongly recommends meeting with an advisor each semester. Advising provides an opportunity: • to discuss your career goals and plans. • to review classes, prerequisites and schedules, keeping in mind possible curriculum changes that may not be listed in the catalog. Advisors can often provide helpful strategies for getting into closed classes, and can also act as your advocate. • to help ensure that required classes are completed in a timely manner, and that you are on schedule for graduation. • for your advisor to get to know you, so they can provide a reference if needed later for applications for employment or graduate and professional schools. If you have not yet been assigned an advisor or have other advising questions, please contact Karen Hammond, Manager, Student Support (and department advising coordinator) at or in SCNC 154E, phone 426-1386. This Advising Packet is not designed to replace in-person advising, but rather to help you as you plan your schedule of required classes and other necessary credits. Included in this packet are: • A list of emphasis choices within the chemistry degree. • A flow chart of required math and physics classes that accompany the chemistry courses. • A suggested schedule of courses to help you stay on track*. *Every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and error free. However, the requirements on record in the BSU Catalog and in the registrar’s office are the official arbiter of graduation requirements. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 3 Emphasis choices within the Chemistry, Bachelor of Science Degree • • • • The Professional Emphasis is certified by the American Chemical Society and offers a comprehensive preparation in all sub-disciplines of chemistry. The Biochemistry Emphasis options prepare students for careers and further study at the interface of chemistry and biology. One of the biochemistry emphases is certified by the American Chemical Society. The biochemistry emphases include the standard courses required for application to professional schools such as medical, dental and pharmacy schools. The Forensics Emphasis combines a set of foundational chemistry classes with courses in other areas to prepare students for work in the specialized field of forensics. The Secondary Education Emphasis prepares and certifies students to teach the next generation of scientists at the high school level. All of the chemistry degree options above require one year of faculty-directed research. Boise State University also offers a Master of Science in Chemistry; see the Graduate Catalog at for more information. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 4 Flowchart of Required Chemistry, Math and Physics Courses Math 143 (or Math 147) OR an appropriate math placement exam score AND 1 year of high school chemistry or a one-semester preparatory chemistry course (CHEM 99) Math 144 (or Math 147) CHEM 111 & CHEM 111 L OR an appropriate math placement exam score MATH 143 AND MATH 144 (or MATH 147) CHEM 112 & CHEM 112 L CHEM 307 & CHEM 308 (Lab) CHEM 211 & CHEM 212 (Lab) CHEM 309 & CHEM 310 (Lab) CHEM 321 CHEM 440 CHEM 322 CHEM 323 (Lab) CHEM 495 MATH 170 PHYS 211 & PHYS 211 L MATH 175 PHYS 212 & PHYS 212 L MATH 275 CHEM 431 CHEM 498 CHEM 324 (Lab) Courses outlined in solid lines are requirements for the chemistry major. Arrows show prerequisites and give the order in which courses should be taken. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 5 Course Requirements Checklist for Chemistry Major, Professional Emphasis (ACS Certified) Course Name Credits Prerequisites Corequisites √ Course # Offered Foundational Studies Requirements ENGL 101 ENGL 102 UF 100 UF 200 DLN DLV DLL DLS DLM Introduction to College Writing Intro to College Writing & Research Intellectual Foundations Civic and Ethical Foundations Natural and Physical Sciences Visual and Performing Arts Literature and Humanities Social Sciences (from two different fields) Mathematics 3 3 3 3 -# 3 3-4 6 -# Satisfactory placement score F/S F/S F/S F/S Engl 101 or satisfactory score # Subtotal from Foundational Requirements 24-25 Necessary DLN credits (7-8) and DLM credits (3-5) are satisfied with required courses below Mathematics Course Requirements MATH 170 Calculus I (DLM) 4 MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam F/S MATH 175 MATH 275 Calculus II Multivariable and Vector Calculus 4 4 MATH 170 MATH 175 F/S F/S Subtotal from Math Requirements 12 Physics Course Requirements PHYS 211 PHYS 211L PHYS 212 PHYS 212L Physics I with Calculus (DLN) Physics I with Calculus Laboratory (DLN) Physics II with Calculus Physics II with Calculus Laboratory Subtotal from Physics Requirements 4 1 4 1 MATH 170 PHYS 211, MATH 175 PHYS 211L, MATH 175 PHYS 211 PHYS 212 L PHYS 212 F/S F/S F/S F/S 10 Chemistry Course Requirements CHEM 111 General Chemistry I * (DLN) 3 MATH 143 or 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam CHEM 111L F/S CHEM 111L CHEM 112 CHEM 112L General Chemistry I Laboratory (DLN) General Chemistry II General Chemistry II Laboratory 1 3 1 CHEM 111, 111 L CHEM 111 CHEM 112L CHEM 112 F/S F/S F/S CHEM 211 Analytical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 112 & 112L, MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 CHEM 212 CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309 CHEM 310 Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 2 3 2 3 2 CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 309, MATH 275, PHYS 212, 212L CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II 3 CHEM 321 CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory (CID) 3 CHEM 324 CHEM 401 CHEM 411 CHEM 412 CHEM 431 CHEM 422 or CHEM 440 Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 3 3 2 3 CHEM 495 CHEM 498 Research in Chemistry (1 yr recommended) Seminar (FF) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry II Analytical Chemistry Laboratory II Biochemistry I Advanced Topics in Chemistry or Spectrometric Identification Subtotal from Chemistry Requirements Upper-division electives to total 40 credits Electives to total 120 credits CHEM 111, 112, 112L CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310, CHEM 321 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310 Fall CHEM 211 CHEM 308 CHEM 307 CHEM 310 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 & CHEM 321 min of 2 2 CHEM 309 Senior Chemistry Major Spring Spring Fall Spring CHEM 321 (pre/corequisite) F/S CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) F/S Fall Fall CHEM 322 CHEM 212, CHEM 322 CHEM 324, CHEM 411 CHEM 309, MATH 170 3 Fall Fall Fall Spring Fall Spring CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) F/S F/S 52 1 20-21 Total Credits 120 *Either one year of high school chemistry or CHEM 99 should be completed before taking CHEM 111. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 6 Suggested Schedule of Courses for the Professional Emphasis for Degree Completion in Four Years*: Fall Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry I/ 111/111L General Chemistry I Laboratory ENGL 101 Intro to College Writing MATH 170 Calculus I UF 100 Intellectual Foundations Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 3 14 Fall Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry I 307/308 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CHEM Analytical Chemistry I Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory 211/212 PHYS Physics I 211/211L Physics I Laboratory Total credits credits 3 2 3 2 4 1 15 Fall Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory CHEM 431 Biochemistry I UF 200 Civic and Ethical Foundations Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 Fall Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 411 Analytical Chemistry II credits 3 3 CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry 1 Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits 9 16 Spring Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry II/ 112/112L General Chemistry II Laboratory ENGL 102 Intro to College Writing and Research MATH 175 Calculus II Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 6 17 Spring Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry II 309/310 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory credits 3 2 MATH 275 Multivariable & Vector Calculus 4 PHYS 212/212L Physics II Physics II Laboratory Total credits 4 1 14 Spring Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 324 Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits Spring Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 412 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory II CHEM 498 Seminar CHEM 440 or Spec ID or Advanced Topics CHEM 422 Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 2 1 9 15 credits 2 2 3 7 14 *This suggested schedule is only a guideline, and assumes a math background sufficient to allow a student to enroll in CHEM 111 the Fall Semester of Year 1. Recommended electives are upper-division chemistry, advanced topics in chemistry, upper-division mathematics, upper-division physics, foreign language, and life science courses. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 7 Course Requirements Checklist for Chemistry Major, Biochemistry Emphasis (ACS Certified) √ Course # Course Name Foundational Studies Requirements ENGL 101 ENGL 102 UF 100 UF 200 DLN DLV DLL DLS DLM Credits Introduction to College Writing Intro to College Writing & Research Intellectual Foundations Civic and Ethical Foundations Natural and Physical Sciences Visual and Performing Arts Literature and Humanities Social Sciences (from two different fields) Mathematics 3 3 3 3 -# 3 3-4 6 -# Prerequisites Corequisites Satisfactory placement score Offered F/S F/S F/S F/S Engl 101 or satisfactory score # Subtotal from Foundational Requirements 24-25 Necessary DLN credits (7-8) and DLM credits (3-5) are satisfied with required courses below Mathematics Course Requirements MATH 170 Calculus I (DLM) MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam F/S 4 4 12 MATH 170 MATH 175 F/S F/S 4 1 4 1 10 MATH 170 4 MATH 143 3 BIOL 191 & CHEM 301 or CHEM 307 (others: see catalog) 4 MATH 175 Calculus II MATH 275 Multivariable and Vector Calculus Subtotal from Math Requirements Physics Course Requirements PHYS 211 Physics I with Calculus (DLN) PHYS 211L Physics I with Calculus Laboratory (DLN) PHYS 212 Physics II with Calculus PHYS 212L Physics II with Calculus Laboratory Subtotal from Physics Requirements PHYS 211, MATH 175 PHYS 211L, MATH 175 PHYS 211 PHYS 212 L PHYS 212 F/S F/S F/S F/S Biology Course Requirements BIOL 191 BIOL 301 General Biology I and Laboratory Cell Biology BIOL 343 Genetics Subtotal from Biology Requirements 3 10 F/S F/S BIOL 301 CHEM 301 or 307 (pre/corequisite) F/S Chemistry Course Requirements CHEM 111 General Chemistry I * (DLN) 3 MATH 143 or 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam CHEM 111L F/S CHEM 111L CHEM 112 CHEM 112L General Chemistry I Laboratory (DLN) General Chemistry II General Chemistry II Laboratory 1 3 1 CHEM 111 & 111 L CHEM 111 CHEM 112L CHEM 112 F/S F/S F/S CHEM 211 Analytical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 112 & 112L, MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 CHEM 212 CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309 CHEM 310 Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 2 3 2 3 2 CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 309, MATH 275, PHYS 212, 212L CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II 3 CHEM 321 CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory (CID) 3 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310, CHEM 321 CHEM 321 (pre/corequisite) F/S CHEM 324 CHEM 401 CHEM 411 CHEM 431 CHEM 432 CHEM 433 Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 3 3 3 2 3 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310 CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) F/S Fall Fall Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry II Biochemistry I Biochemistry Laboratory Biochemistry II CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry (1 yr recommended) CHEM 498 Seminar (FF) Subtotal from Chemistry Requirements Electives to total 120 credits min of 2 2 52 CHEM 111, 112, 112L CHEM 307 CHEM 308 Fall CHEM 211 CHEM 308 CHEM 307 CHEM 310 CHEM 309 Fall Spring CHEM 322 CHEM 212 & CHEM 322 CHEM 309 & MATH 170 CHEM 431 CHEM 431 CHEM 309 Senior Chemistry Major Fall Fall Fall Spring Spring Fall F/S Spring CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) F/S F/S 11-12 Total Credits 120 * Either one year of high school chemistry or CHEM 99 should be completed before taking CHEM 111. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 8 Suggested Schedule of Courses for the Biochemistry Emphasis, ACS Certified for Degree Completion in Four Years*: Fall Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry I/ 111/111L General Chemistry I Laboratory ENGL 101 Intro to College Writing MATH 170 Calculus I UF 100 Intellectual Foundations Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 3 14 Fall Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry I 307/308 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CHEM Analytical Chemistry I Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory 211/212 PHYS Physics I 211/211L Physics I Laboratory Total credits credits 3 2 3 2 4 1 15 Fall Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory CHEM 431 Biochemistry I UF 200 Civic and Ethical Foundations Foundations/Elective Courses credits 3 3 3 3 3 Total credits 15 Fall Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 411 Analytical Chemistry II BIOL 343 Genetics CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 3 3 1 6 16 Spring Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry II/ 112/112L General Chemistry II Laboratory ENGL 102 Intro to College Writing and Research MATH 175 Calculus II BIOL 191 General Biology I/Laboratory Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 4 15 Spring Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry II 309/310 Organic Chemistry II Lab credits 3 2 MATH 275 Multivariable & Vector Calculus 4 PHYS 212/212L Physics II Physics II Laboratory Total credits 4 1 14 Spring Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 324 Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 433 Biochemistry II BIOL 301 Cell Biology CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 2 3 3 1 4 16 Spring Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 432 Biochemistry Laboratory CHEM 498 Seminar Foundations/Elective Courses credits 2 2 11 Total credits 15 *This suggested schedule is only a guideline, and assumes a math background sufficient to allow a student to enroll in CHEM 111 the Fall Semester of Year 1. Recommended electives are upper-division chemistry, advanced topics in chemistry, upper-division mathematics, upper-division physics, foreign language, and life science courses. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 9 Course Requirements Checklist for Chemistry Major, Biochemistry Emphasis √ Course # Course Name Foundational Studies Requirements ENGL 101 ENGL 102 UF 100 UF 200 DLN DLV DLL DLS DLM Credits Introduction to College Writing Intro to College Writing & Research Intellectual Foundations Civic and Ethical Foundations Natural and Physical Sciences Visual and Performing Arts Literature and Humanities Social Sciences (from two different fields) Mathematics 3 3 3 3 -# 3 3-4 6 -# Prerequisites Corequisites Satisfactory placement score Offered F/S F/S F/S F/S Engl 101 or satisfactory score # Subtotal from Foundational Requirements 24-25 Necessary DLN credits (7-8) and DLM credits (3-5) are satisfied with required courses below Mathematics Course Requirements MATH 170 Calculus I (DLM) MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam F/S 4 4 12 MATH 170 MATH 175 F/S F/S 4 1 4 1 10 MATH 170 4 MATH 143 3 BIOL 191 & CHEM 301 or CHEM 307 (others: see catalog) 4 MATH 175 Calculus II MATH 275 Multivariable and Vector Calculus Subtotal from Math Requirements Physics Course Requirements PHYS 211 Physics I with Calculus (DLN) PHYS 211L Physics I with Calculus Laboratory (DLN) PHYS 212 Physics II with Calculus PHYS 212L Physics II with Calculus Laboratory Subtotal from Physics Requirements PHYS 211, MATH 175 PHYS 211L, MATH 175 PHYS 211 PHYS 212 L PHYS 212 F/S F/S F/S F/S Biology Course Requirements BIOL 191 BIOL 301 General Biology I and Laboratory Cell Biology 3 10 BIOL 343 Genetics Subtotal from Biology Requirements F/S BIOL 301 CHEM 301 or 307 (pre/corequisite) F/S F/S Chemistry Course Requirements CHEM 111 General Chemistry I * (DLN) 3 MATH 143 or 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam CHEM 111L F/S CHEM 111L CHEM 112 CHEM 112L General Chemistry I Laboratory (DLN) General Chemistry II General Chemistry II Laboratory 1 3 1 CHEM 111 & 111 L CHEM 111 CHEM 112L CHEM 112 F/S F/S F/S CHEM 211 Analytical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 112 & 112L, MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 CHEM 212 CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309 CHEM 310 Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 2 3 2 3 2 CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 309, MATH 275, PHYS 212, 212L CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II 3 CHEM 321 CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory (CID) 3 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310, CHEM 321 CHEM 321 (pre/corequisite) CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310 CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) CHEM 324 Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 431 Biochemistry I CHEM 432 Biochemistry Laboratory CHEM 433 Biochemistry II CHEM 440 or Spec-ID CHEM 422 Advanced Topics CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry (1 yr recommended) CHEM 498 Seminar (FF) Subtotal from Chemistry Requirements Electives to total 120 credits 2 3 2 3 3 min of 2 2 49 CHEM 111, 112, 112L CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309 & MATH 170 CHEM 431 CHEM 431 CHEM 309 & CHEM 321 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 Senior Chemistry Major Fall CHEM 211 CHEM 308 CHEM 307 CHEM 310 CHEM 309 Fall Fall Fall Spring Spring Fall Spring F/S F/S Fall F/S Spring Spring CHEM 322 (pre/co-requisite) F/S F/S 14-15 Total Credits 120 * Either one year of high school chemistry or CHEM 99 should be completed before taking CHEM 111. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 10 Suggested Schedule of Courses for the Biochemistry Emphasis for Degree Completion in Four Years*: Fall Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry I/ 111/111L General Chemistry I Laboratory ENGL 101 Intro to College Writing MATH 170 Calculus I UF 100 Intellectual Foundations Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 3 14 Fall Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry I 307/308 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CHEM Analytical Chemistry I Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory 211/212 PHYS Physics I 211/211L Physics I Laboratory credits 3 2 3 2 4 1 Total credits 15 Fall Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory CHEM 431 Biochemistry I UF 200 Civic and Ethical Foundations Foundations/Elective Courses credits 3 3 3 3 4 Total credits 16 Fall Semester Year 4 Number Course BIOL 343 Genetics CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry credits 3 1 Foundations/Elective Courses 10 Total credits 14 Spring Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry II/ 112/112L General Chemistry II Laboratory ENGL 102 Intro to College Writing and Research MATH 175 Calculus II BIOL 191 General Biology I/Laboratory Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 4 15 Spring Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry II 309/310 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory credits 3 2 MATH 275 Multivariable & Vector Calculus 4 PHYS 212/212L Physics II Physics II Laboratory Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits 4 1 3 17 Spring Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 324 Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 433 Biochemistry II BIOL 301 Cell Biology CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits Spring Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 432 Biochemistry Laboratory CHEM 498 Seminar CHEM 440 or Spec ID or Advanced Topics CHEM 422 Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 2 3 3 1 3 15 credits 2 2 3 7 14 *This suggested schedule is only a guideline, and assumes a math background sufficient to allow a student to enroll in CHEM 111 the Fall Semester of Year 1. Recommended electives are upper-division chemistry, advanced topics in chemistry, upper-division mathematics, upper-division physics, foreign language, and life science courses. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 11 Course Requirements Checklist for Chemistry Major, Forensics Emphasis √ Course # Course Name Foundational Studies Requirements ENGL 101 ENGL 102 UF 100 UF 200 DLN DLV DLL DLS DLM Credits Introduction to College Writing Intro to College Writing & Research Intellectual Foundations Civic and Ethical Foundations Natural and Physical Sciences Visual and Performing Arts Literature and Humanities Social Sciences Mathematics 3 3 3 3 -# 3 3-4 3# -# Prerequisites Corequisites Satisfactory placement score Offered F/S F/S F/S F/S Engl 101 or satisfactory score # Subtotal from Foundational Requirements 21-22 Necessary DLN credits (7-8), DLM credits (3-5), and some DLS credits (3) are satisfied with required courses below Mathematics Course Requirements MATH 170 Calculus I (DLM) MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam F/S 4 4 12 MATH 170 MATH 175 F/S F/S 4 1 4 1 10 MATH 170 4 MATH 175 Calculus II MATH 275 Multivariable and Vector Calculus Subtotal from Math Requirements Physics Course Requirements PHYS 211 Physics I with Calculus (DLN) PHYS 211L Physics I with Calculus Laboratory (DLN) PHYS 212 Physics II with Calculus PHYS 212L Physics II with Calculus Laboratory Subtotal from Physics Requirements PHYS 211, MATH 175 PHYS 211L, MATH 175 PHYS 211 PHYS 212 L PHYS 212 F/S F/S F/S F/S Biology and Criminal Justice Course Requirements BIOL 191 General Biology I and Laboratory 4 MATH 143 BIOL 301 Cell Biology 3 BIOL 191 & CHEM 301 or CHEM 307 (others: see catalog) BIOL 343 Genetics BIOL 447 Forensic Biology CJ 103 Intro to Law and Justice (DLS) CJ 375 Law of Criminal Evidence Subtotal from Biology & Criminal Justice Requirements 3 3 3 3 19 BIOL 301 BIOL 343 F/S CHEM 301 or 307 (pre/corequisite) CJ 103 F/S F/S Fall F/S F/S Chemistry Course Requirements CHEM 111 General Chemistry I * (DLN) 3 MATH 143 or 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam CHEM 111L F/S CHEM 111L CHEM 112 CHEM 112L General Chemistry I Laboratory (DLN) General Chemistry II General Chemistry II Laboratory 1 3 1 CHEM 111 & 111L CHEM 111 CHEM 112L CHEM 112 F/S F/S F/S CHEM 211 Analytical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 112 & 112L, MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 CHEM 212 CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309 CHEM 310 Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 2 3 2 3 2 CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 309, MATH 275, PHYS 212, 212L CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II 3 CHEM 321 CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory (CID) 3 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310, CHEM 321 CHEM 321 (pre/corequisite) CHEM 324 CHEM 431 CHEM 432 CHEM 433 CHEM 440 Physical Chemistry Laboratory Biochemistry I Biochemistry Laboratory 2 3 2 3 3 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310 CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) Biochemistry II Spec-ID CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry (1 yr recommended) CHEM 498 Seminar (FF) Subtotal from Chemistry Requirements Electives to total 120 Credits Total Credits min of 2 2 49 CHEM 111, 112, 112L CHEM 307 CHEM 308 Fall CHEM 211 CHEM 308 CHEM 307 CHEM 310 CHEM 309 Spring Spring Fall Spring CHEM 309 & MATH 170 CHEM 431 CHEM 431 CHEM 309 & CHEM 321 CHEM 309 Senior Chemistry Major Fall Fall Fall F/S F/S Fall F/S Spring Spring CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) F/S F/S 8-9 120 * Either one year of high school chemistry or CHEM 99 should be completed before taking CHEM 111. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 12 Suggested Schedule of Courses for the Forensics Emphasis for Degree Completion in Four Years*: Fall Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry I/ 111/111L General Chemistry I Laboratory ENGL 101 Intro to College Writing MATH 170 Calculus I UF 100 Intellectual Foundations Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 3 14 Fall Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry I 307/308 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CHEM Analytical Chemistry I Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory 211/212 PHYS Physics I 211/211L Physics I Laboratory credits 3 2 3 2 4 1 Total credits 15 Fall Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory CHEM 431 Biochemistry I BIOL 301 Cell Biology UF 200 Civic and Ethical Foundations credits 3 3 3 3 3 Total credits 15 Fall Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry BIOL 447 ** Forensic Biology CJ 375 Law of Criminal Evidence Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 1 3 3 7 14 Spring Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry II/ 112/112L General Chemistry II Laboratory ENGL 102 Intro to College Writing and Research MATH 175 Calculus II BIOL 191 General Biology I/Laboratory Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 4 15 Spring Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry II 309/310 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory credits 3 2 MATH 275 Multivariable & Vector Calculus 4 PHYS 212/212L CJ 103 Physics II Physics II Laboratory Intro to Law and Justice Total credits 4 1 3 17 Spring Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 324 Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 433 Biochemistry II BIOL 343 Genetics CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 2 3 3 1 4 16 Spring Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 432 Biochemistry Laboratory CHEM 498 Seminar CHEM 440 Spec ID Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 2 2 3 7 14 *This suggested schedule is only a guideline, and assumes a math background sufficient to allow a student to enroll in CHEM 111 the Fall Semester of Year 1. Recommended electives are upper-division chemistry, advanced topics in chemistry, upper-division mathematics, upper-division physics, foreign language, and life science courses. ** If BIOL 447 is not offered when needed, an approved upper-division chemistry, biology or criminal justice course may be substituted. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 13 Course Requirements Checklist for Chemistry Major, Secondary Education Emphasis √ Course # Course Name Foundational Studies Requirements ENGL 101 ENGL 102 UF 100 UF 200 DLN DLV DLL DLS DLM Credits Introduction to College Writing Intro to College Writing & Research Intellectual Foundations Civic and Ethical Foundations Natural and Physical Sciences Visual and Performing Arts Literature and Humanities Social Sciences Mathematics 3 3 3 3 -# 3 3-4 3# -# Prerequisites Corequisites Satisfactory placement score Offered F/S F/S F/S F/S Engl 101 or satisfactory score # Subtotal from Foundational Requirements 21-22 Necessary DLN credits (7-8), DLM credits (3-5) and some DLS credits (3) are satisfied with required courses below Mathematics Course Requirements MATH 170 Calculus I (DLM) 4 MATH 175 Calculus II MATH 275 Multivariable and Vector Calculus Subtotal from Math Requirements 4 4 12 MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam F/S MATH 170 MATH 175 F/S F/S Physics Course Requirements PHYS 211 Physics I with Calculus (DLN) 4 MATH 170 PHYS 211L, MATH 175 F/S PHYS 211L Physics I with Calculus Laboratory (DLN) 1 PHYS 211 F/S PHYS 212 Physics II with Calculus 4 PHYS 211, MATH 175 PHYS 212 L F/S PHYS 212L Physics II with Calculus Laboratory 1 PHYS 212 F/S Subtotal from Physics Requirements 10 Chemistry Course Requirements * Either one year of high school chemistry or CHEM 99 should be completed before taking CHEM 111. CHEM 111 General Chemistry I * (DLN) 3 MATH 143 or 147 or a satisfactory score on placement exam CHEM 111L F/S CHEM 111L CHEM 112 CHEM 112L General Chemistry I Laboratory (DLN) General Chemistry II General Chemistry II Laboratory 1 3 1 CHEM 111 & 111L CHEM 111 CHEM 112L CHEM 112 F/S F/S F/S CHEM 211 Analytical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 112 & 112L, MATH 143 and 144 or MATH 147 CHEM 212 CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309 CHEM 310 Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 2 3 2 3 2 CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II 3 CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory (CID) 3 CHEM 324 Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 411 Analytical Chemistry II CHEM 412 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory II CHEM 431 Biochemistry I CHEM 495 Research in Chemistry (1 yr recommended) CHEM 498 Seminar (FF) Subtotal from Chemistry Requirements CHEM 111, 112, 112L CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309, MATH 275, PHYS 212, 212L CHEM 321 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310, CHEM 321 CHEM 211, 212, CHEM 310 2 3 3 2 3 min of 2 2 49 CHEM 322 CHEM 212, CHEM 322 CHEM 324, CHEM 411 CHEM 309 & MATH 170 CHEM 309 Senior Chemistry Major Fall CHEM 211 CHEM 308 CHEM 307 CHEM 310 CHEM 309 Fall Fall Fall Spring Spring Fall Spring CHEM 321 (pre/corequisite) F/S CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) F/S Fall Fall Spring Fall F/S F/S CHEM 322 (pre/corequisite) STEM Education Course Requirements ED-CIFS 201 STEM-ED 101 STEM-ED 102 STEM-ED 210 STEM-ED 220 STEM-ED 310 STEM-ED 350 Foundations of Education (DLS) Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching Step 2: Inquiry-based Lesson Design Knowing & Learning in Mathematics & Science Perspectives on Science & Mathematics Classroom Interactions Research Methods 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 STEM-ED 410 Project-based Instruction 3 STEM-ED 480 Apprentice Teaching 6 Subtotal from STEM Education Requirements Electives to total 120 Credits 26 1-2 Total Credits 120 2013-2014 Advising Packet STEM-ED101 STEM-ED101 STEM-ED 210 STEM-ED 210 Permission of Instructor STEM-ED 310, Admission to Apprenticeship STEM-ED 350, STEM-ED 410, Admission to Apprenticeship STEM-ED102 F/S F/S F/S Fall Fall Spring Spring Fall Spring 14 Suggested Schedule of Courses for the Secondary Education Emphasis for Degree Completion in Four Years*: Fall Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry I/ 111/111L General Chemistry I Laboratory ENGL 101 Intro to College Writing MATH 170 Calculus I UF 100 Intellectual Foundations STEM-ED 101 Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching Total credits Fall Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry I 307/308 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CHEM Analytical Chemistry I Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory 211/212 PHYS Physics I 211/211L Physics I Laboratory credits 3 1 3 4 3 1 Spring Semester Year 1 Number Course CHEM General Chemistry II/ 112/112L General Chemistry II Laboratory ENGL 102 Intro to College Writing and Research MATH 175 Calculus II STEM-ED Step 2: Inquiry-based Lesson Design 102 ED-CIFS 201 15 credits 3 2 3 2 4 1 Fall Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 321 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Laboratory CHEM 431 Biochemistry I Perspectives on Science & STEM-ED 220 Mathematics UF 200 Civic and Ethical Foundations 3 Total credits 15 Multivariable & Vector Calculus 4 PHYS 212/212L Physics II Physics II Laboratory Knowing & Learning in Mathematics & Science Total credits 4 1 Spring Semester Year 3 Number Course CHEM 322 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 324 Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 495 Research 3 STEM-ED 310 Classroom Interactions 3 STEM-ED 350 Research Methods Foundations/Elective Course Total credits Total credits 15 Fall Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 411 Analytical Chemistry II CHEM 495 Research STEM-ED 410 Project-based Instruction Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits credits 3 3 1 3 6 16 credits 3 2 MATH 275 15 credits 3 3 3 1 Foundations of Education Spring Semester Year 2 Number Course CHEM Organic Chemistry II 309/310 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory STEM-ED 210 Total credits credits 3 1 3 4 Spring Semester Year 4 Number Course CHEM 412 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory II CHEM 498 Seminar STEM-ED 480 Apprentice Teaching Foundations/Elective Courses Total credits 3 17 credits 3 2 1 3 3 3 15 credits 2 2 6 3 13 *This suggested schedule is only a guideline, and assumes a math background sufficient to allow a student to enroll in CHEM 111 the Fall Semester of Year 1. Note: An additional Teaching Endorsement in Physical Science can be earned with the addition of either PHYS 104 or PHYS 105 as an elective course. 2013-2014 Advising Packet 15