Physics 1250 - Autumn 2013 Questions about physics class: see

Physics 1250 - Autumn 2013
Questions about physics class: see your lecturer
8:00/ 8:00 Dr. Jesse Martin - SM 1082, 614-688-4714,
9:10/ 9:10 Dr. Doug Schumacher - PY 4180, 614-292-7035,
10:20/ 6:30 Dr. Tom Barrett - SM 1106E, 614-292-8065,
11:30/10,11 Dr. Tom Barrett - SM 1106E, 614-292-8065,
12:40/ 5:20 Dr. Sharvil Desai - SM 1082, 614-688-4714,
1:50/ 4:10 Dr. Lei Bao - PY 1016, 614-292-2450,
3:00/ 3:00 Dr. Lei Bao - PY 1016, 614-292-2450,
For WebAssign issues (other than excuses): see the WebAssign administrator
Dr. Bolland - SM 1106D, 292-8065,
For excuses or permission for anything: see the course manager
Dr. Ziegler - SM 1036A, 292-2067,
For help in physics: see your lecturer, TA, or visit the tutor room
tutor room: SM 1011A&B
my TA:
See for course policies
textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 8th edition by Serway & Jewett
relevant chapter.section numbers in [brackets]
Homeworks & prelabs due through WebAssign ( )
Homeworks typically due 1/2 hour before recitation
Prelabs typically due 7 pm Monday
lab manual: Physics 1250 Activities & Worksheets, 2nd edition
Grading: homework (WebAssign)=15%, lab=12%, prelabs=3%, quizzes=15%, midterms=2*15%, final=25%
2 quizzes, 1 prelab, and 1 lab are dropped; see course manager only if you miss more than this.
Aug 21
Aug 23
Introduction, Units [1.4]
Acceleration [2]
LABORATORY: #1 1-D Kinematics
Aug 26
Aug 27
Aug 28
Acceleration; prelab due at 7:30 am
group work
Vectors [3]
Aug 30
Projectile Motion [4.1-3]
LABORATORY: no lab this week
Sep 2
Sep 3
Quiz 1 (acceleration); Homework #1 due
Sep 4
Forces [5.1-4]
Sep 6
Forces [5.5-6]
LABORATORY: #3 2-D Kinematics
Monday 8 am labs do this lab, and all labs thru #11, on the following Monday
Sep 9
Sep 10
Sep 11
Sep 13
Forces [5.7]; prelab due at 7:30 am
Quiz 2 (vectors); Homework #2 due
Friction [5.8]
Last Day to drop without a “W”
LABORATORY: #4 Dynamic Forces
Sep 16 L
Friction; prelab due at 7 pm
Sep 17 R
Quiz 3 (projectile motion); Homework #3 due
Sep 18 L
Circular Motion [4.4-5, 6.1-3]
Sep 20 L
Circular Motion [13.1] (end of first midterm material)
LABORATORY: #5 Static Friction
Sep 23 L
Work & Energy [7.1-5]; prelab due at 7 pm
Sep 24 R
Quiz 4 (forces); Homework #4 due
Sep 25 L
Energy [7.6-9]
Sep 27
Energy [8.1-4]
LABORATORY: #6 Conservation Of Energy
Sep 30 L
Energy [8.5]; prelab due at 7 pm
Oct 1
MIDTERM 1 [1-6] in recitation class; Homework #5 due
Oct 2
Oct 4
Momentum [9.1-7]
LABORATORY: #7 Conservation Of Momentum
Oct 7
Momentum [pp. 244-245]; prelab due at 7 pm
Oct 8
Oct 9
Quiz 5 (work & energy); Homework #7 due
Rotation [10.1-3]
Oct 11
Rotation [10.5]
LABORATORY: #8 Energy And Momentum
Oct 14
Oct 15
Rotation [10.6-7]; prelab due at 7 pm
Quiz 6 (momentum); Homework #8 due
Oct 16
Rotation [12.1-3]
Oct 18
Rotation [10.8-9]
LABORATORY: #9 Rotational Dynamics
Oct 21 L
Rotation [11.1-5] (end of second midterm material); prelab due at 7 pm
Oct 22
Quiz 7 (rotation); Homework #9 due
Oct 23
Oct 25
Oscillations [15.1-2]
Oscillations [15.3-5]
Last Day to withdraw without petitioning
LABORATORY: #10 Vibrations
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oscillations [15.6-7]; prelab due at 7 pm
MIDTERM 2 [7-12] in recitation class; Homework #10 due
Oct 30
Fluids [14.1-4]
Nov 1
Fluids [14.5-7]
LABORATORY: #11 Fluids
Nov 4
Thermodynamics [19.1-4, 20.1-3]; prelab due at 7 pm
Nov 5
Quiz 8 (oscillations); Homework #11 due
Nov 6
Nov 8
Thermodynamics [19.5, 20.4-6, 21.1-5]
LABORATORY: #12 Heat Engine (except Monday labs)
Nov 11
Nov 12
Nov 13
Quiz 9 (fluids); Homework #12 due; prelab due at 7:30 am
Thermodynamics [22.1-8]
Nov 15
Thermodynamics [20.7]
LABORATORY: #12 Heat Engine (Monday labs), #13 Special Relativity (Wednesday through Friday labs)
Nov 18
Nov 19
Relativity [39.1-4]
Quiz 10 (thermodynamics); Homework #13 due
Nov 20
Relativity [39.6]; prelab due at 7:30 am
Nov 22
Relativity [39.5]
LABORATORY: #13 Special Relativity (Monday & Tuesday labs only)
Nov 25 L
Relativity [39.7-8]
Nov 26
Nov 27
Nov 29
travel day
LABORATORY: #11 Fluids (Monday 8 am lab only)
Dec 2
Dec 3
Dec 4
review; "Flex" Homework* due
Homework #14 due at 6 pm
FINAL EXAM for 8:00/8:00 section at 8:00 am Monday Dec 9
FINAL EXAM for 9:10/9:10 section at 10:00 am Friday Dec 6
FINAL EXAM for 10:20/6:30 section at 8:00 pm Wednesday Dec 11
FINAL EXAM for 11:30/10,11 section at 12:00 n Monday Dec 9, location TBA
FINAL EXAM for 12:40/5:20 section at 8:00 pm Tuesday Dec 10
FINAL EXAM for 1:50/4:10 section at 6:00 pm Friday Dec 6
FINAL EXAM for 3:00/3:00 section at 4:00 pm Wednesday Dec 11
final exams in recitation rooms unless specified otherwise
* Flexible Homework Assignment: There is a flex-homework assignment that is part of the total homework grade.
This consists of participating in one 55 minute session, which could include an interview/discussion about physics
content, a short test, small group work, or short tutoring sessions. To find out more about the Flex homework and how
to complete it, see "Flexible HW Assignment" at carmen. As part of an ongoing effort to improve physics instruction,
data from student performance in this course may be used in research projects. Any data used will be compiled in
aggregate form and in no way will your name be used to identify you with the data. If you object to the use of data on
your performance in a research project, please contact your instructor and we will remove your data from any projects.
PHYSICS 1250 – 1251, 1240, and 1241
University Required Statement
Physics 1250 – 1251, 1240, and 1241 are Physical Science courses in the Natural
Science category of the GEC. The goals and objectives for this category are:
Goals/Rationale: Students in natural sciences gain understanding of the principles, theories, and
methods of modern science, the relationship between science and technology, the implications of
scientific discoveries and the potential of science and technology to address problems of the
contemporary world.
Learning Objectives for Physical Science:
1. Students understand the basic facts, principles, theories and methods of modern science.
2. Students understand key events in the development of science and recognize that science is an
evolving body of knowledge.
3. Students describe the inter-­dependence of scientific and technological developments.
4. Students recognize social and philosophical implications of scientific discoveries and
understand the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary
How the Learning Objectives are Met:
1. Student preconceptions and alternate conceptions of physical law are addressed head-­on in
P125x and P124x. This is a necessary component of any contemporary introduction to physics,
and is addressed in all components of the courses.
2. Students learn the scientific theories that have developed from the 1600s to the present day.
They learn different modes of approaching the same phenomena, such as force and energy
methods in mechanics.
3. Students understand that P125x and P124x introduce the basic physical laws that underlie all
engineering applications. Examples of applications are provided in the textbook and in
demonstrations in lectures.
4. Students understand that the social implications lie in the applications, and that in the case of
physics the social implications are taken up more appropriately in the engineering courses that
teach the applications. The reason for this is that physics does not go into details of how to build
instruments or devices.
Students with Disability: Please contact a course supervisor at the start of the semester
so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you. Students needing the services
provided by the Office for Disability Services (ODS) will need to be certified by that
office. The ODS is located in 150 Pomerene Hall, 1760 Neil Avenue;; telephone 292-­3307,
TDD 292-­0901;; http://www.ods.ohio-­
Assignment sheets: Assignment sheets are distributed in the first lecture session of the
semester;; thereafter, they are available on-­line at the P125x and P124x websites, and in a
rack next to room SM 1011V. Assignment sheets include information about required
textbooks, specific course policies, and grading.
PHYSICS 1250 – 1251, 1240, and 1241
Textbooks: Consult the assignment sheets for information concerning the required
textbook and lab manual used in a course.
Tutoring: A free tutoring service is available in SM 1011A and B – see the schedule
posted there for times. A private tutor list is available at
P125x and P124x websites: These websites provide general information for the P125x
and P124x courses, and are accessible to anyone. Copies of the Syllabus/Assignment
SUMMARY OF COURSE POLICY, On-­Line Homework Instructions for Physics 1250,
1251, 1240, and 1241, and the form REQUEST FOR REGRADING can be found there.
CARMEN website: This website provides information
specific to a course, and is accessible only to those students who are registered in the
course. It is here that course announcements, results of exams, grades, etc. may be
found. Your lecturer may place a sample midterm, solutions to midterms, quizzes,
and/or homework, and other things here. The student should check this website
regularly for current information about the course.
Academic Misconduct: Not to report academic misconduct is itself regarded as
academic misconduct. Everyone in the university community has a duty to report
suspected academic misconduct.
Academic Misconduct in Lab: Students are not always aware of what constitutes proper
academic conduct in a laboratory situation. As a general rule, one should not bring into
the lab any material with data taken at other times, or with any sort of answers written
in ahead of time, whether in the lab report or in the lab manual or on any sort of
substance, paper or not. The presence of any such material in the lab will be considered
evidence of intent to commit academic misconduct. Any such materials used for study
prior to the lab should be tucked away where they cannot be retrieved easily, in a
backpack or other such carrying case. To receive credit, the lab report must be handed
in or checked off at the end of the period. If it is removed from the lab, in fairness to
other students it cannot be accepted. In no case may a lab report be taken home and be
handed in later.
Academic Misconduct in Lecture: When credit is given for use of “clickers”, use of
another student’s clicker to obtain credit for that student must be reported to the
Committee on Academic Misconduct.
Academic Misconduct in Recitation: The procedures of the Ohio State University
Committee on Academic Misconduct include the following in the definition of academic
misconduct: "Providing or receiving information during quizzes and examinations such
as course examinations...". The Physics Department refers all suspected cases of
academic misconduct to the Committee on Academic Misconduct and usually follows
the committee's recommendations, but there can be exceptions. Exams and quizzes may
be photocopied for comparison with exams handed in for regrading. All homework
handed in for grading must be your own work. If an exam states that no notes or books
may be used, you must demonstrate to your recitation instructor that your calculator
memory is clear before the exam begins.
PHYSICS 1250 – 1251, 1240, and 1241
Students are permitted to work constructively with other students, and to obtain
help from instructors when solving on-­line homework problems. Study by cooperative
or collaborative methods is an excellent way to learn and retain understanding. Use of a
complete solution or final equation provided by another student, a paid tutor, or any
form of web site or consultation defeats the purpose of the homework assignment, and
must be reported to the Committee on Academic Misconduct by instructors and other
students. Posting of or provision of a complete solution or final equation by any form of
transmission to other students, including, but not limited to, those listed above also
defeats the purpose of the homework assignment and must be reported to the
Committee on Academic Misconduct.
PHYSICS 1250 – 1251
Quiz Excuse:
Contact the P125x Course manager within two weeks from the date of the
missed quiz.
No Make-ups: Two lowest quizzes are dropped automatically, regardless
of the reason or circumstance.
Multiple missed quizzes are excused only with valid documentation.
Lab Excuse:
Contact the P125x Course manager within two weeks from the date of the
missed lab.
No excuses are granted to miss your regular lab time for an exam or lab
in another course.
No Make-ups: Some lecturers allow one lowest lab to be dropped; if this
is the case for your course, the first missed lab is dropped automatically.
Multiple missed labs excused only with valid documentation.
Lab Make-Up:
No lab make-ups are allowed under any conditions.
What if I exceed the Limit of the Number of Quizzes or Labs dropped Automatically, and
Then Missed Another One for a Valid Reason?
The total number of quizzes, or labs, dropped shall not exceed, without good reason, the
number dropped automatically. The cases of ALL missed quizzes, or labs, will have to be
considered by the Course Manager if you exceed the limit.
Missed Midterm:
No Make-ups. If a student is absent when a midterm is given, the
midterm grade will be 0. If the student’s absence is excused, a grade for
the missed midterm is replaced by a prorated final exam grade. The
absence must be excused within two weeks of the midterm.
Missed Final Exam: If a student is absent when a final exam is given, the student must seek
permission to take a make-up final exam; otherwise, the final exam grade
will be 0. Permission to take a make-up final exam will be granted if the
student has a valid reason for the absence and is passing the course. The
final exam must be made up so that a course grade can reach the registrar
prior to the sixth Friday of the succeeding quarter.
Other Exam
Must be reported to the P125x Course Manager within 24 hours of the
Early Final Exam:
Because a week is given to complete each homework assignment,
deadline extensions are not granted for last minute illnesses or computer
failures. A request for a homework excuse must be in within one week of
the missed homework.
Only course supervisors have the authority to grant excuses.
COURSE MANAGER: Dr. Michael Ziegler, (, SM 1036A, 614-292-2067.
Regrade Request:
Must be made within one week of return of a quiz or midterm, and no
more than two weeks after the exam has been returned to the rest of the
class. Request forms are available on the P125x websites, and in the rack
next to room 1011V Smith Lab.
PHYSICS 1250 – 1251
The document “GENERAL COURSE POLICY AND INFORMATION” contains a more
complete account of policies and information about the Physics 125x courses. Below is a table
of contents of that document, which is available on the P125x websites:
1. Course Description
2. Course Problems
3. Prerequisites
4. Recitation Policy
5. Wait List
1. Final Exam Schedule
2. ODS Exams
3. Missed Exams
4. Missed Final Exam
5. Pre-quarter ticket purchases
6. Other Exam Problems
7. Regrade Request
1. Missed Quizzes
2. Regrade Request
1. Diagnostic Tests
2. Lab Manuals
3. Missed Labs
4. Prior Lab Grade
What if I exceed the Limit on the Number of Quizzes or Labs dropped, and Then Missed
Another One for a Valid Reason?
1. Computer-Graded Homework
2. Missed Homework
1. Schedule Conflicts with Employment
2. Schedule Conflicts with Other Schools
3. Schedule Conflicts with Other Courses and University Activities
1. Cell Phones
2. Communications
3. Extra Help
4. Grades
5. Requests for Regrading
6. Section Changes
7. Tutoring
1. Cognitive Dissonance
2. Problem-Solving Strategy
On-Line Homework Instructions for Physics 1250-1251
Homework will be submitted and graded via the online software package WebAssign.
Open Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator or Mozilla Firefox (Some other browsers may have
difficulty), and go to the WebAssign login page ( (The
WebAssign login page at will get you to the site above as well, but
the OSU login site should be your primary site.)
At login: Enter your Ohio State username.# and password.
Username.# (for example, einstein.19). Enter your name exactly as you enter it when
you log into webmail at
Password: Your OSU password, the same password you use for REGISTERING FOR
The first time you log into WebAssign at OSU, the system will check your course schedule and will add
you to the WebAssign roster if it finds you are registered for the physics course. Your password is not
sent to WebAssign and thus your security is preserved. The OSU authentication system simply verifies to
WebAssign that you are the person with the name.# that you entered.
Contact the WebAssign Administrator in the Physics Department, Dr. Bolland (, if you
encounter difficulties when you try to log into WebAssign or have any other technical issues.
Please contact Dr. Bolland ONLY if you believe there is a problem with WebAssign itself. Consult your
recitation instructor or lecturer for help with the homework.
You may use WebAssign without a registration code for a short grace period, but you will need to get a
registration code, found on a WebAssign access card. WebAssign will prompt you for a registration code
each time you log in until you either enter it correctly or the grace period expires (WebAssign will list the
number of days left before the grace period expires). If you do not successfully enter the registration code
before the grace period expires, you will be unable to submit homework.
Access cards are available as part of the valuepak with the textbook when purchased as a new book from
the local bookstores. These cards give you access to the WebAssign homework combined with access to
the ebook on the web for that semester. You can purchase individual access cards directly from
WebAssign via, or at a higher price in local campus bookstores.
If you have trouble entering your access code, keep in mind that access codes do NOT begin with the
letters ISBN. Also, access codes may contain the number zero or the letter "O". These are not easily
distinguishable so be careful and try both if necessary. If you have difficulty and have made a reasonable
effort, please contact the WebAssign administrator.
Once you have correctly entered the registration code, WebAssign will inform you that you are registered
for the course. This means that you are registered to use WebAssign for your course and is separate
from registration at OSU. If you switch recitation sections after the semester begins, notify the
WebAssign administrator and the instructors of both sections.
Once logged in, you will see your personalized WebAssign page showing the Physics class to which you
are registered. From this page you can access your assignments and see your grades on assignments.
WebAssign provides a STUDENT GUIDE online. Read this to familiarize yourself with the package.
WebAssign also provides a tutorial so you can learn how the system works (the tutorial may be assigned
for credit in your course). Consult both the tutorial and the STUDENT GUIDE for definitive information on
how to use the program.
For each question press ”Submit New Answer to Question x” to have WebAssign grade your response to
that question and tell you whether it is correct. The button “Submit All New Answers” at the bottom of the
page is to have WebAssign grade the whole set of problems instead of submitting each individually. You
may submit answers to part or all of the assignment at any time before its due date. Due dates are
specified on the course assignment sheet and on WebAssign.
You get more than one try at each problem, and the goal is to eventually get it right. The number of
tries you have used and may use are shown at the left of each problem. If you find yourself getting close
to the limit, you should get help from your lecturer, your recitation instructor, the tutor room, or any friendly
physics-speaking person you can find.
Responses should be either in decimal numbers or the "E" format for scientific notation.
For example: Enter "0.5" NOT "1/2".
For example: Enter "1E-3" NOT "10^-3".
WebAssign checks your answer to see if it is within 1% of the correct answer. You should keep at least
4 significant figures in intermediate steps and enter your answer to at least 3 significant figures, even if
there are fewer significant figures in the problem.
Failure to submit an answer for a problem or part of a problem results in a ZERO for that part or problem.
Also, WebAssign records the grade for the LAST answer submitted, even if that answer is incorrect and a
previous answer is correct.
In order to administer the WebAssign homework fairly and consistently to thousands of students, the Ohio
State University Physics Department follows the following policies:
Due dates are specified on the course assignment sheet or by your lecturer. You may work on any
assignment up to its due date/time. NO EXTENSIONS will be granted for online homework assignments.
Assignments may be viewed but are no longer available to be worked on after the due date.
You may be excused from an online homework assignment ONLY in the following special cases:
• enrolling late in a course
• hospitalization
• extended illness of the student --- (requires a physician’s note stating that the student should be
excused from school for that week)
• death of a parent or sibling
• military duty for the entire week.
Should one of the above special cases arise, contact the course manager with appropriate documentation
in order to obtain an excuse.
Also, if you find that you are not in the database and fail to contact the administrator, you will receive zero
for your homework grade.
The points on WebAssign are not the same as points in the class. Your homework score for the class is
calculated by multiplying the possible homework points by the percent of the WebAssign points that you
earned. If you are excused from an assignment (see POLICIES above), this information will not appear
on WebAssign but will be included in calculating your homework score.
WebAssign administrator: Dr. Bolland (
Course manager: Dr. Ziegler (614-292-2067,
Contact Dr. Ziegler only about excuses from homework as given in the list above.