SLEEP DISORDERS / Hypoventilation 85 Severinghaus J and Mitchell RA (1962) Ondine’s curse – failure of respiratory center automaticity while awake. Clinical Research 10: 122. Weese-Mayer DE and Berry-Kravis EM (2004) Genetics of congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 170: 16–21. Hypoventilation F Han, Beijing University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China & 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Abstract Alveolar hypoventilation, defined as a partial arterial CO2 pressure (PaCO2 ) above 45 mmHg, develops in patients with breathing control defects, respiratory neuromuscular diseases, chest wall deformity, or lung and airway disorders. The impact of sleep on ventilation and gas exchange in these patients can be dramatic and potentially life threatening, and often is undetected. Associated with hypercapnia is hypoxemia and sleep disturbance, leading to clinical features manifested primarily in central nervous system and cardiovascular effects. Symptoms usually include dyspnea, morning headache, and excessive daytime sleepiness. Clinical examination may be normal or uncover erythrocytosis, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, or respiratory failure. Lung function tests can generally distinguish among underlying chest diseases causing hypoventilation, and a polysomnogram is helpful to characterize the presence of and type of sleep disordered breathing, such as sleep apnea, hypopnea, and sleep hypoventilation. Optimum management includes treating the underlying condition(s) and providing, as appropriate, oxygen and/or noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) applied via a nasal or facial mask. Administration of NPPV only during sleep to prevent sleep-related deterioration of ventilation often produces a dramatic improvement in daytime symptoms and blood gas levels in most cases. Introduction Hypoventilation is defined as an increase in partial arterial CO2 pressure (PaCO2 ) to a level above 45 mmHg. The concomitant hypoxemia leads to clinical sequelae such as erythrocytosis, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, or respiratory failure, which is referred to as hypoventilation syndrome. Prevalence of hypoventilation is currently unknown. The idiopathic form is rare. However, almost all disorders that result in awake hypercapnia are complicated by sleep hypoventilation. A recent study showed that the prevalence of obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) among hospitalized adults with BMI of more than 35 is as high as 31% and is associated with excess morbidity and mortality, but in the majority of cases the condition has not been recognized by cargivers. Etiology and Pathogenesis Hypoventilation is generally a consequence of obstructive pulmonary disease but can also develop in patients with normal lungs. The underlying mechanisms involve a defect in the central or peripheral respiratory control system, the respiratory neuromuscular system, or the mechanical apparatus (Table 1). In most cases, more than one mechanism is responsible. Sleep has a profound effect on hypoventilation. Pre-existing hypercapnia and hypoxemia deteriorate during sleep, especially during the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage. In some, clinically significant hypoventilation not associated with distinct apneas and hypopneas develops only in sleep. When chemoresponsiveness is markedly reduced or absent, hypoventilation may develop in the absence of chest wall, neuromuscular, or lung disease. The attenuation of the respiratory drive can be inherited or acquired. Drug use, chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia exposure, or diseases affecting the brainstem or peripheral chemoreceptors can produce depressed chemoresponsiveness. Hypothyroidism lowers respiratory drive and is a frequently overlooked cause of hypoventilation. However, patients with primary alveolar hypoventilation (PAH) may have no known underlying disease. In such cases, responses to chemical stimuli are impaired, but patients can normalize the PaCO2 by voluntary hyperventilation while they are awake. During sleep, with the decrease of stimulus from the behavioral control system, there is a further reduction in ventilation, and in particular in nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep stages 3 and 4. The defect in these patients seems to be the inability to centrally integrate chemoreceptor signals. Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare disease of childhood. Mutations in the PHOX2B gene may have a role in the pathogenesis of CCHS. This pathway may operate in the pathophysiology of adult PAH as well. Patients with primary disorders of the spinal cord, respiratory nerves, and respiratory muscles develop hypoventilation because the neural output from the brainstem respiratory center cannot always fully compensate for the muscle weakness. Generally, marked hypoventilation does not occur unless the function of the diaphragm is significantly ( 80%) impaired. REM sleep is one potentially vulnerable time for hypoventilation in these patients as there is a generalized postural muscle atonia in accessory muscle like the sternocleidomastoid, and breathing becomes dependent solely on diaphragm activity. Therefore, the initial nocturnal hypoventilation and eventual daytime respiratory failure in almost all of the patients with neuromuscular diseases is first 86 SLEEP DISORDERS / Hypoventilation Table 1 Disorders affecting specific components of the respiratory system Disorder Central control depression Drugs Metabolic alkalosis Central alveolar hypoventilation Primary alveolar hypoventilation Chronic hypoxia/hypercapnia exposure Hypothyroidism Affected components of respiratory system Narcotics, alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, anesthetics Encephalitis, trauma, hemorrhage, tumor, stroke, degeneration, demyelinating Genetics COPD, sleep disordered breathing, high altitude Neuromuscular diseases Spinal cord injury Anterior horn cell diseases Peripheral neuropathy Myoneural junction disease Myopathy Postpolio syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Guillain–Barré, diphtheria, phrenic nerve damage Myasthenia gravis, anticholinesterase poisoning, curare-like drugs, botulism Duchenne muscular dystrophy, polymyositis Mechanical apparatus disorders Chest wall deformities Upper airway obstruction Lower airway and lung diseases Kyphoscoliosis, fibrothorax, thoracoplasty, obesity hypoventilation Sleep apnea, goiter, epiglottitis, tracheal stenosis COPD, cystic fibrosis evident during REM sleep. Factors contributing to the rate of progression of hypoventilation from isolated REM events to NREM sleep, and then frank daytime respiratory failure include the pattern of initial respiratory muscle weakness, the rate of progression of underlying disease, age, weight gain, and development of acute respiratory infections. Patients with diseases of the lungs, airways, or chest wall develop alveolar hypoventilation because of the increased work of breathing. The most common example is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition to a substantial decrease in pulmonary function, abnormalities in ventilatory control, reduced strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles, and the alterations in breathing pattern are all responsible for the development of CO2 retention. During sleep, patients with COPD may experience significant nocturnal O2 desaturation (NOD), either because of increased ventilation-perfusion matching or because of sleep-induced hypoventilation. Massive obesity represents a mechanical load to the respiratory system and reduces the compliance of the chest wall; however, weight is not the sole determinant of the occurrence of obesity hypoventilation. The majority of obese individuals maintain a normal PaCO2 level through a compensatory increase in respiratory drive. Only a small proportion with reduced chemoresponsiveness retains CO2. Hypoventilation can be improved purely by increasing respiratory drive without altering the mechanical properties of the respiratory system. Recent studies showed that leptin-deficient ob/ob mice demonstrate hypoventilation before the onset of marked obesity. Such animals have an impaired hypercapnic ventilatory response during both wakefulness and sleep, and this abnormality exists before the development of obesity. Furthermore, leptin infusion reverses both hypoventilation and the hypercapnic response. In humans, serum leptin level is as good or a better predictor than percent body fat for the presence of hypercapnia. That sleep-disordered breathing plays a role in daytime hypoventilation has been suggested by the fact that obstructive sleep apnea occurs not only in most patients with OHS, but also in some with hypercapnia and mild obesity, and in many cases daytime hypoventilation resolves after effective treatment of OSA with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) during sleep. How a disorder that occurs during sleep eventually produces diurnal hypercapnia is not well defined. A key element might be that chronic intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia and sleep deprivation interact to result in blunted diurnal respiratory control. This vicious cycle results in decrementing responsiveness of the respiratory centers, leading to daytime hypoventilation. Short-term CPAP treatment in hypercapnic patients with OSA will reset chemosensitivity. Clinical Features The fundamental disturbance in all hypoventilation syndromes is an increase in PaCO2 and a decrease in PaO2 . As hypercapnia and hypoxia occur in combination, it is often difficult to distinguish which is the primary cause of the clinical presentations. The clinical features are manifested primarily in central nervous system and cardiovascular effects (Figure 1). In SLEEP DISORDERS / Hypoventilation 87 Primary events Secondary pathophysiological changes Clinical features Decreased alveolar ventilation Dyspnea Hypercapnia hypoxemia HCO3− Erythropoiesis O2 desaturation Apnea, hypopnea, and hypoventilation during sleep Pulmonary vasoconstriction Cerebral vasodilation Arousal from sleep Cyanosis, polycythemia Pulmonary hypertension Cor pulmonale Peripheral edema Morning headache Sleep disturbance Daytime hypersomnolence Confusion, fatigue Figure 1 Pathophysiological changes and clinical features in patients with hypoventilation. Adapted from Philipson EA and Sluteky AS (2000) Hypoventilation and hyperventilation syndromes. In: Murray JF and Nadel JA (eds.) Text book of Respiratory Medicine, 3rd edn., pp. 2139–2152. Philadelphia: Saunders, with permission from Elsevier. the early stage, patients with hypoventilation experience minimal, if any, respiratory discomfort. In many cases, sleep disturbance and the effects of sleep deprivation such as lethargy, confusion, morning headache, fatigue, and sleepiness dominate the clinical presentation. When hypoventilation progresses, dyspnea on exertion, followed by dyspnea at rest, is the most frequent symptom in patients with neuromuscular diseases or mechanical apparatus disorders. In contrast, patients with impaired chemoresponsiveness generally do not show dyspnea, and often first come to attention due to other clinical presentations. If hypercapnia and hypoxia become more evident, patients develop signs of cardiovascular decompensation, including pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure or neurocognitive dysfunction. Other clinical features are related to the specific underlying disease. For example, significant muscle weakness, impaired cough, and repeated lower respiratory tract infections may occur in the course of neuromuscular disorders. Diagnostic Evaluation The evaluation of a patient with hypoventilation syndrome includes tests to determine the existence of alveolar hypoventilation and measurements to identify the medical conditions causing hypoventilation (Figure 2). The key diagnostic finding for hypoventilation is an elevation of PaCO2 value, which is usually associated with hypoxemia. However, hypercapnia may not be detected in a single arterial blood gas analysis, as patients with PAH could hyperventilate voluntarily, thus reducing the PaCO2 level to normal, and hypercapnia occurs only during sleep in some patients with sleep hypoventilation syndrome. Further evidence indicating the presence of chronic hypoventilation includes an increase in plasma HCO3 concentration and ECG, chest X-ray, and echocardiography findings of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy. An elevated hematocrit and hemoglobin may be present as a complication of severe hypoxemia. History and physical examination may initially suggest the underlying diseases causing hypoventilation, and detail the severity of complications. Using further pulmonary function tests it should be possible to localize the failed component of the respiratory system responsible for hypercapnia. Minute ventilation, occlusion pressure, and diaphragmatic electromyographic activity have been used as noninvasive measures of central respiratory drive. Impaired responses 88 SLEEP DISORDERS / Hypoventilation Ascertain the diagnosis of hypoventilation PaCO2 > 45 on ABG pH and serum HCO3− change Initial evaluation History Initial tests Physical examination Identify contributing factors COPD CHF Obstructive sleep apnea Hypothroidism Neuromuscular diseases Smoking Alcohol Medications Measure BMI Ascertain etiology Examine upper airway Chest X-ray Signs of right heart failure Signs of left heart failure TSH Assess end-organ effect Musculoskeletal abnormalities Breathing pattern to assess diaphragm function Neurologic examination EKG CBC Echocardiogram Etiology evaluation Further evaluations Polysomnogram Identify sleep apnea hypopnea Identify sleep hypoventilation Pulmonary function tests Obstructive Evaluate for COPD Restrictive Normal Respiratory control Respiratory drive Measure MIP, MEP Hypoxic response Hypercapnic response If abnormal Diaphragm function Neuromuscular abnormality If abnormal Central hypoventilation PAH OHS Figure 2 Evaluation of patients with hypoventilation. ABG, analysis of blood gases; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; EKG, electrocardiogram; CBC, complete blood count. of these indexes to chemical stimuli during hypoxia and hypercapnia rebreathing exist in patients with central control defects or neuromuscular disorders; however, the former patients can hyperventilate on command and the latter cannot. Decrease of maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) indicates a global weakness of respiratory muscles. If MIP is low, then diaphragmatic function should be assessed by measuring transdiaphragmatic pressure. Phrenic nerve conduction assesses the integrity of the nerve-muscle unit. Spirometry helps characterize whether the hypoventilation resulted from a restrictive or obstructive ventilatory disorder. Neuromuscular disease or chest wall disorders produces restrictive patterns on spirometric testing, manifested by a reduction in vital capacity (VC) with a similar reduction in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1). In contrast, COPD patients have a typical obstructive pattern with marked reductions in FEV1 and forced vital capacity (FVC). An elevated alveolar-arterial PO2 difference [(A-a PO2 )] on blood gas SLEEP DISORDERS / Hypoventilation 89 tests suggests a mechanical apparatus disorder, and patients with respiratory control or neuromuscular defects could maintain a normal A-a PO2 unless they have significant atelectasis. Patients with hypoventilation should receive a polysomnogram to establish whether sleep apnea and hypopnea are present. An increase in PaCO2 during sleep of 10 mmHg from awake supine values and sustained arterial desaturation lasting up to several minutes during sleep not explained by apnea or hypopnea events may indicate sleep hypoventilation. Overnight monitoring of dynamic changes of transcutaneous CO2 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (a) Sleep stage MT W R 1 2 3 4 ND 21:30 22:30 23:30 00:30 01:30 02:30 03:30 04:30 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21:30 22:30 23:30 00:30 01:30 02:30 03:30 04:30 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 05:30 06:30 8 Oxygen saturation 100 90 80 70 60 50 Des 05:30 06:06 8 (b) Figure 3 A 62 year women with a BMI of 29 kg m 2 complained about daytime sleepiness and dyspnea. She has no history of smoking. Blood gas analysis showed PaCO2 of 58 mmHg and PO2 of 72 mmHg. Lung function test had no remarkable findings. MIP and MEP were in normal range. Nocturnal oximetry screening indicated the existence of sleep hypoventilation (a) without remarkable sleep apnea, and this was confirmed by PSG testing (b). 90 SLEEP DISORDERS / Hypoventilation nocturnal oxygen saturation by oximetry (Figure 3) is a useful screening test before a polysomnography (PSG) sleep study. Treatment In addition to the treatment of an underlying disorder, therapeutic strategies for patients with chronic hypoventilaton syndrome aim at correcting the hypercapnia and its associated hypoxemia, which can be achieved by either increasing alveolar ventilation or giving supplemental oxygen. Oxygen Therapy As long as pH is maintained at an acceptable level, chronic hypercapnia by itself generally has little immediate clinical consequence. The most serious consequence of hypoventilation is hypoxemia. The administration of supplemental oxygen may improve oxygenation, and prevent hypoxic sequelae. However, high concentrations of oxygen may worsen hypercapnia, potentially to a dangerously high level, and ventilatory support should be considered. This happens less in patients with defects in respiratory control than in patients with neuromuscular diseases and mechanical apparatus disorders. In patients with sleep hypoventilation, oxygen alone may prevent NOD, but often results in prolonged breathing disturbances and worse sleep quality, therefore worsening the daytime symptoms, such as morning headache. Respiratory Stimulants Medications to improve ventilatory drive have been used with limited success in patients with alveolar hypoventilation. The most commonly used agent is medroxyprogesterone, which effectively lowers PaCO2 in patients with OHS, but does not appear to work in patients with OSA who do not have hypercapnia. Acetazolamide enhances respiratory drive by producing a metabolic acidosis. It may have a role in the treatment of a subgroup of patients with periodic breathing or idopathic central sleep apnea. Theophylline administration induces a significant reduction in the frequency of central sleep apnea (CSA) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF), but has an adverse effect on sleep quality, and may increase cardiac arrhythmia. Assisted Ventilation In patients with severe hypoventilation, mechanical ventilation support may be required. Negative pressure ventilation is the first form of noninvasive ventilation. This ventilation modality is generally effective, but can induce upper airway obstruction in 50% of the patients. Currently positive pressure ventilation is most often the treatment of choice. Although it could be administered by way of tracheotomy, positive pressure ventilation is usually applied noninvasively via a nasal or facial mask. CPAP is effective to suppress sleep apneas, but may worsen hypercapnia in patients with respiratory muscle weakness because the patient exhales against a high mask pressure. Bilevel ventilation (BiPAP) with a lower expiratory pressure is more comfortable and better for correcting CO2 retention. Automatically adjusting the CPAP (Auto-CPAP) device has the same efficacy as CPAP on sleep apnea; however, it is not recommended to treat hypoventilation. Sometimes assisted ventilation on its own may be insufficient to correct hypoxemia, particularly during REM sleep; the use of supplemental oxygen has been advocated. In most cases, assisted ventilation is confined to sleep if possible, as administration of such treatment only during sleep often produces dramatic improvement of daytime symptoms as well as the daytime blood gas levels. Electrophrenic or Diaphragm Pacing Phrenic nerve stimulation has been used as an alternative to long-term mechanical ventilation in patients with reduced respiratory drive, particularly in those with PAH. Diaphragm pacing with laproscopically inserted muscle electrodes has recently become available to support ventilation. Both procedures require a functionally intact nerve-diaphragm axis; lower motor neuron disease, phrenic neuropathy, and respiratory muscle myopathy are contraindications for this treatment. As occurs in negative pressure ventilation treatment, approximately 50% of patients undergoing phrenic or diaphragm pacing develop upper airway obstruction during sleep. See also: Sleep Apnea: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy; Drug Treatments. Sleep Disorders: Central Apnea (Ondine’s Curse). Further Reading American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force (1999) The Report of an American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force sleep related breathing disorders in adults: recommendations for syndrome definition and measurement techniques in clinical research. Sleep 22: 667–689. Amiel J, Laudier B, Attie-Bitach T, et al. (2003) Polyalanine expansion and frame shift mutations of the paired-like homeobox gene PHOX2B in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. Nature Genetics 33: 459–461. Krachman S and Criner GJ (1998) Hypoventilation syndromes. Clinics in Chest Medicine 19: 139–155. SLEEP DISORDERS / Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome 91 Nowbar S, Burkart KM, Gonzales R, et al. (2004) Obesityassociated hypoventilation in hospitalized patients: prevalence, effects, and outcome. American Journal of Medicine 116: 1–7. O’Donnell CP, Tankersley CG, Polotsky VP, Schwartz AR, and Smith PL (2000) Leptin, obesity, and respiratory function. Respiration Physiology 119: 163–170. Phillipson EA (2003) Disorders of ventilation. In: Braunwald E (ed.) Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th edn, pp. 1517–1519. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Philipson EA and Sluteky AS (2000) Hypoventilation and hyperventilation syndromes. In: Murray JF and Nadel JA (eds.) Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 3rd edn., pp. 2139–2152. Philadelphia: Saunders. Subramanian S and Strohl KP (1999) A management guideline for obesity-hypoventilation syndromes. Sleep Breath 3: 131–138. Weinberger SE, Schwartzstein RM, and Weiss JW (1989) Hypercapnia. New England Journal of Medicine 321: 1223–1231. Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome P Lévy, R Tamisier, and JL Pépin, University Hospital, Grenoble, France & 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Abstract Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has been individualized as a major public health problem. Both its cardiovascular morbidity and symptoms motivate for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapeutics. The upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) has been described because of the hypothesis that repetitive increases in respiratory efforts that are inducing arousals (RERA) might produce a significant disease with associated cardiovascular and cognitive morbidity. International classifications of sleep disorders in 1999 did not individualize UARS but RERA and in 2005 recommend that it be included as part of OSAS but not as a separate entity. In this article, the authors attempt to describe the specificity of this syndrome that may be relevant for both clinicians and researchers. Since the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has been earmarked as a major public health problem, there have been many efforts in defining and understanding this syndrome. Some evidence suggests that this disease is not limited to the patient exhibiting obstructive apnea but includes a continuum from snoring to OSAS that may be part of a group named sleep-disordered breathing. The upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) was reported by Christian Guilleminault in 1993. This particular syndrome came into being because of the hypothesis that repetitive increases in respiratory efforts that are inducing arousals (RERA) might produce a significant disease with associated cardiovascular and cognitive morbidity. The definitions of sleep-disordered breathing made by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Task force in 1999 did not include UARS as a syndrome but did define RERA. Recently several authors have discussed the existence of this syndrome and the morbidity that might be related to RERA. ICSDII published in 2005 is overall in accordance with the AASM task force report published in 1999. If baseline oxygen saturation is normal, events including an absence of oxygen desaturation despite a clear drop in inspiratory flow, increased respiratory effort and a brief change in sleep state or arousal, are defined as respiratory effort related arousals. The UARS is a proposed diagnostic classification for patients with RERA who do not have events that would meet definitions for apneas and hypopneas. However, these events are presumed to have the same pathophysiology as obstructive apneas and hypopneas (upper airway obstruction) and are believed to be as much of a risk factor for symptoms of unrefreshing sleep, daytime somnolence, and fatigue as frank apnea or hypopnea. Therefore, ICSD II recommends that they be included as part of OSA and not be considered as a separate entity. Definition The occurrence of repetitive RERA during sleep defines the UARS. RERA is characterized by a progressive increase in respiratory effort; this may be assessed by direct measurement of esophageal pressure or by another marker of respiratory effort such as the change in pulse transit time (Figure 1). RERA may induce both cortical and autonomic arousal and potentially lead to cardiovascular activation. Respiratory flow, when using nasal cannula or a pneumotachograph, exhibits only qualitative change and is named inspiratory flow limitation. This is of interest since inspiratory flow limitation results from progressive increase in UA resistance and is a useful noninvasive method to detect RERA. The time sequence of these obstructive respiratory events is close to what occurs with apneas and hypopneas, but the duration may be longer. This should be distinguished from episodes of sustained stable flow limitation occurring during slow wave sleep. This late-flow limited aspect does not lead to repeated arousals and thus differs from RERA. For qualifying as an individual disease, UARS should meet the following criteria: * * * First, to exhibit specific clinical and polysomnographic diagnostic criteria. Second, these specific criteria should not be found in the general population. Third, a direct relationship should be found between this syndrome and a specific morbidity.