Closed Landfills as Power Parks: Technical and Economic Feasibility of Solar Energy Harvesting at Florida’s Closed Landfills Berrin Tansel Florida International University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Victor Londono Marin (Graduate Student) Florida International University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Praveen Kumar Varala (Graduate Student) Florida International University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Banu Sizirici Yildiz Florida International University (Research Associate) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management University of Florida 4635 NW 53rd Avenue, Suite 205 Gainesville, FL 32653-3418 Report FINAL REPORT July 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010 PROJECT TITLE: Closed Landfills as Power Parks: Technical and Economic Feasibility of Solar Energy Harvesting at Florida’s Closed Landfills PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Berrin Tansel, Ph.D., P.E., Florida International University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor, Department, Miami, FL 33174 Ph (305) 348 2928 Fax (305) 348 2802 e-mail COMPLETION DATE: August 31, 2010 KEY WORDS: Closed landfills, solar energy harvesting, sustainable development, power parks ABSTRACT: Florida is one of the nation’s fastest growing states. Therefore demand for energy is growing significantly. Florida ranks nationally among the top 5 states in the amount of energy consumed per capita. As a result of increasingly constrained production and availability fossil fuels and environmental concerns, renewable energy sources are gaining acceptance and are expected to play a key role in sustainable growth and development in the coming future. For this project, suitability of closed landfills for use as power parks was investigated. Based on the orientation, topography, status and cover make up; two landfills were selected in south Florida (North Dade Landfill and NW 58th street landfill). Technical and economic analyses were conducted to assess the site closure and development needs, and design and operational factors to evaluate the suitability of closed landfill sites for capturing solar energy. Compatibility of the closed landfill site conditions with the structural and infrastructural needs of sustainable solar energy capture systems, optimum placement and geographic orientation of the solar capture systems and auxiliary equipment, how much power can be generated and the costs and benefits of using Florida’s closed landfills as power parks were analyzed. The solar empirical model results helped to obtain the values of energy yield. At the NW 58th street landfill the solar energy generation potential is 38.33 MW/h and the delivery of energy could reach 20.64 MW/h. At the North-Dade Landfill, solar energy generation potential is 58.50 MW/h and the delivery energy could reach 31.37 MW/h. The Unit Cost of Energy for a gridded PV system on a closed landfill in an urban area would be is about $ 0.100 /kW, which is close to the average cost of energy in Florida $ 0.112 /kW. Wind load analysis on solar panels was conducted for both landfills for wind speeds of 120-150 mph. Analysis performed on North West 58th Street Landfill resulted in wind pressures of 58.02 lbs/sq ft and 44.17 lbs/sq ft and wind forces corresponding to flat and south facing sloped surfaces. At the North Dade Landfill, wind pressures were estimated as 46.40 lbs/sq ft and 38.36 lbs/sq ft for flat and south facing sloped surfaces. The suitability assessment scores were 130.4 point for the 58th street landfill and 127.4 points for the North-Dade landfill 127.4 out of 180 total points (ideal site). This study provides guideline to establish some criteria to implement PV system at Florida Florida’s closed landfills to generate electricity and promote solar technology in response to growing demand for sustainable energy sources. Closed Landfills as Power Parks: Technical and Economic Feasibility of Solar Energy Harvesting at Florida’s Closed Landfills Berrin Tansel Victor Londono Marin Praveen Kumar Varala Banu Sizirici Yildiz Florida International University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Florida State University System Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management provided financial support for this research project. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................... I LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................................. III LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................................ IV LIST OF ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................................... VI ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................ VII EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... VIII LIST OF KEY WORDS ......................................................................................................................................... XII Solar Thermal Technology ................................................................................................................................. xii 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 4 2. BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 LANDFILL CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Available Landfills ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Main Characteristics in Landfills .............................................................................................................. 9 2.2 SOLAR ENERGY PROFILE .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Photovoltaic Technology .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 Solar Thermal Technology ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Solar Energy Systems ................................................................................................................................ 11 2.2.4 Type of Solar Energy Systems Suitable for Landfills ............................................................................... 17 2.2.5 Electricity Generation and Needs for Solar Energy Systems ................................................................... 18 2.2.6 Solar Energy Case Studies ....................................................................................................................... 21 2.3 SOLAR RADIATION ON TILTED SURFACES ............................................................................................ 26 2.3.1 Solar Radiation Fundamentals .................................................................................................................. 26 2.3.2 Solar Angles ............................................................................................................................................. 27 3. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................... 31 3.1 SCREENING AND SELECTION METHODOLOGY .................................................................................... 31 3.1.1 Site Preparation ....................................................................................................................................... 31 3.1.2 Major Factors .......................................................................................................................................... 31 3.1.3 Additional Technical Factors ................................................................................................................... 35 3.2 SOLAR ENERGY GENERATION ON LADNFILLS .................................................................................... 45 3.2.1 Criteria for Screening of Solar Technology Suitability on Landfills ......................................................... 45 3.2.2 Available Solar Insolation and Sunny days/year for Florida .................................................................... 45 3.2.3 Design Approach for a Tilted Surface Model............................................................................................ 48 3.2.4 Solar Photovoltaic Power System ............................................................................................................ 56 3.2.5 Energy to Be Generated In Closed Landfills by PV System ..................................................................... 57 3.3 FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS AND DESIGN ........................................................................................ 58 3.3.1 Factors Considered For Solar Energy Systems Placement ....................................................................... 58 3.3.2 Challenges in Using Closed Landfills For Solar Energy Generation ....................................................... 64 3.3.3 Site Preparation Needs for Panel Installation .......................................................................................... 64 3.3.4 Types of Foundations for Installing Solar Panels ..................................................................................... 65 3.3.5 Considerations for Panel Placement ......................................................................................................... 67 3.3.6 Wind Load Analyses ................................................................................................................................. 68 i WIND LOAD ANALYSES FOR CASE STUDY LANDFILLS ............................................................................. 70 WIND LOAD ANALYSES FOR THE CASE STUDY LANDFILLS ARE PROVIDED IN APPENDIX C.TECHNCIAL, ECONOMICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESMENT ............................................................................... 70 TECHNCIAL, ECONOMICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESMENT ............................................................ 71 4.1 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................... 71 4.1.1 Cap Improvement and Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 71 4.1.2 Grid Distance ............................................................................................................................................ 72 4.1.3 Compatibility ............................................................................................................................................. 72 4.1.4 Control of Leachate and Gas ................................................................................................................... 73 4.1.5 Site Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 73 4.1.6 Surface Water Control ............................................................................................................................. 73 4.1.7 Infrastructure Needs ................................................................................................................................. 73 4.1.8 Layout and Arrangement .......................................................................................................................... 74 4.1.9 Rated Capacity ......................................................................................................................................... 74 4.2 ECONOMICAL ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................................... 74 4.2.1 Energy Delivery Factor ............................................................................................................................. 75 4.2.2 Initial Capital Cost ................................................................................................................................... 75 4.2.3 Availability and Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 76 4.2.4 Energy Cost Estimates ............................................................................................................................. 76 4.2.5 Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 77 4.2.6 Profitability Index .................................................................................................................................... 77 4.2.7 Fund for Post Closure Care ..................................................................................................................... 77 4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL SUITABILITY ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 77 4.3.1 Reduction of Greenhouse Emissions ........................................................................................................ 77 4.3.2 Environmental Sustainability ................................................................................................................... 78 4.3.3 Visual Impacts .......................................................................................................................................... 80 4.3.4 Index of Renewable Energy for Power Production .................................................................................. 80 4.4 SOCIAL ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................. 80 4.5 TECHNICAL, ECONOMICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT SUMMARY ...................................... 80 4.5 FUTURE DESIGN CONSIDERATION FOR LANDFILL ............................................................................. 83 4.6 COST AND BENEFITS OF USING FLORIDA’S CLOSED LANDFILLS AS POWER PARKS .................. 84 4.6.1 Cost of Solar Panels ................................................................................................................................. 84 4.6.2 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................... 84 4.6.3 Weight ....................................................................................................................................................... 84 5. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 87 6. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 89 7. APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................. 94 ii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Inventory of solid waste facilities in Florida .................................................................... 7 Table 2. Class I Landfills in Miami-Dade area ............................................................................... 8 Table 3. Class II Landfills in Miami-Dade area ............................................................................. 8 Table 4. Class III Landfill in Miami-Dade area .............................................................................. 8 Table 5. Differences between Fixed tilt and Tracking Systems ................................................... 13 Table 6. Screening of landfillts to implement PV systems in Florida .......................................... 33 Table 7. 58th Street Landfill optimum placement configuration .................................................. 35 Table 8. North Dade Landfill optimum placement configuration ................................................ 36 Table 9. The specific locations of the landfill sites ...................................................................... 37 Table 10. Typical landfill gas composition................................................................................... 44 Table 11. Screening solar technology suitability on landfills ....................................................... 46 Table 12. Solar insulation values for various locations in Florida ............................................... 46 Table 13. Averagely available clear (sunny days), partly cloudy and cloudy days in a year ....... 47 Table 14. Possible average sunshine percentages for certain locations in Florida ....................... 47 Table 15. Data header ................................................................................................................... 51 Table 16. Data fields ..................................................................................................................... 51 Table 17. Station selected in TMY3 data records provided by NSRDB ...................................... 52 Table 18. Standard energy Yield for a place within the Miami Dade area. .................................. 57 Table 19. Shading angle calculation for panels in winter season ................................................. 62 Table 20. Complications and solutions to the solar panels installation ........................................ 65 Table 21. Grid distance criteria valuation ..................................................................................... 72 Table 22. Upfront cost for a PV system in the next 10 years ....................................................... 76 Table 23. Existing renewable energy installations ....................................................................... 79 Table 24. Projected renewable energy installations ..................................................................... 79 Table 25. Suitability assessment for photovoltaic implementation in closed landfills ................. 81 Table 26. Solar panel dimensions ................................................................................................. 84 Table 27. Solar power system costs .............................................................................................. 86 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Average residential electricity price in 2007.......................................................................1 Figure 2. Change in average cost PV cells ......................................................................................2 Figure 3. Isocost curves of solar insolation .....................................................................................2 Figure 4. General outline of project methodology ...........................................................................4 Figure 5. Utilization of solar energy to generate electricity ..........................................................11 Figure 6. Fixed tilt system schematic. ...........................................................................................11 Figure 7. Single axis tracking system schematic ...........................................................................12 Figure 8. Double axis tracking system schematic ..........................................................................13 Figure 9. Examples of solar thermal technology ...........................................................................14 Figure 10. Schematic diagram of Fresnel lens ...............................................................................15 Figure 11. Parabolic collectors: a) Mechanism b) Schematic........................................................16 Figure 12. Schematic diagram of parabolic collector ....................................................................16 Figure 13. Schematic layout of power tower system. ....................................................................17 Figure 14. Formation of p-n junction ............................................................................................18 Figure 15. Movement of electrons and holes in a solar cell resulting in Electricity (DC) ............19 Figure 16. Flow chart explaining the conversion of DC to AC .....................................................19 Figure17. Typical diagram of solar thermal system ......................................................................20 Figure 18. Pennsauken Landfill solar project ................................................................................22 Figure 19. Solar panels installation diagram..................................................................................22 Figure 20. Final view of the site ....................................................................................................22 Figure 21. Flexible panels installation diagram at the Tessman Road Landfill Site .....................23 Figure 24: Solar panels installation at Holmes Road Landfill site ................................................25 Figure 25. Technical feasibility of solar energy harvesting ..........................................................26 Figure 26. Angle of incidence in a tilted surface ...........................................................................28 Figure 27. Azimuth angles .............................................................................................................28 Figure 28. Zenith angle ..................................................................................................................29 Figure 29. Solar declination angles during the year ......................................................................29 Figure 30. Hour angle ....................................................................................................................30 Figure 31. 58th Landfill Satellite view ..........................................................................................35 Figure 32. North-Dade landfill satellite view ................................................................................36 Figure 33. View of 58th Street Landfill .........................................................................................37 Figure 34. View of North-Dade Landfill .......................................................................................38 Figure 35. Cover profile proposed to develop a PV landfill project ..............................................39 Figure 36. Basic components for a stand-alone solar system ........................................................39 Figure 37. Major components of a photovoltaic power system ....................................................40 Figure 38. Typical landfill water collection system.......................................................................41 Figure 39. A simplified cover layer to control runoff in the PV system for a landfill site ..........42 Figure 40. Cover system ................................................................................................................42 Figure 41. A proposed cover layer system for a Landfill site with PV system .............................42 Figure 42. Typical current fluctuation in the 58th landfill.............................................................44 Figure 43. Radiation on a flat plate surface at different angles .....................................................53 Figure 45. Winter maximum sun elevation at a 20° tilted surface.................................................54 Figure 44. Solar altitude .................................................................................................................54 iv Figure 46. Winter maximum sun elevation at a 50° tilted surface.................................................55 Figure 47. Summer maximum sun elevation at a 20° tilted surface ..............................................55 Figure 48. Summer maximum sun elevation at a 50° tilted surface ..............................................55 Figure 49. Stand-alone PV or line extension cost ..........................................................................57 Figure 50. Energy yield and orientation ........................................................................................58 Figure 51. Placement of solar panels on horizontal and sloped surfaces on landfill. ....................58 Figure 52. Wind speed chart for Florida (3-second-peak-gust method) ........................................59 Figure 53. Effect of wind loads on solar systems based on wind direction ...................................60 Figure 54. Wind effects on solar panels with ballasted frame foundation.....................................66 Figure 55. Wind effects on solar panels with concrete slab foundation. .......................................66 Figure 56. Wind effects on solar panels with pre-cast concrete footings. .....................................66 Figure 57. Landfill settlement over time........................................................................................67 Figure 58. Solar module retail price index.....................................................................................75 Figure 59. US primary energy consumption by source and sector 2008. .....................................78 Figure 60. Cover set up for panel installation ................................................................................83 Figure 61. Price of panels per KW.................................................................................................86 v LIST OF ACRONYMS USEPA MSW FPL PV FDEP GIS NRDB NSRDB TMY AC DC United States Environmental Protection Agency Municipal Solid Waste Florida Power& Light Photovoltaic Florida Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System National Radiation Data Base National Solar Radiation Data Base typical meteorological year Alternating Current Direct Current vi ABSTRACT Florida is one of the nation’s fastest growing states; therefore, demand for energy is growing significantly. Florida ranks nationally among the top 5 states in the amount of energy consumed per capita. As a result of increasingly constrained production and availability of fossil fuels and environmental concerns, renewable energy sources are gaining acceptance and are expected to play a key role in sustainable growth and development. The solar energy capture systems are becoming economically feasible at locations with low land values. Lands which are used for solar capture are called power parks. For this project, suitability of closed landfills for use as power parks was investigated. Based on the orientation, topography, operational status and cover/cap design, two landfills were selected in south Florida (North Dade Landfill and 58th street landfill) for in-depth assessment. Technical and economic analyses were conducted to evaluate the site closure and development needs, and design and operational factors to assess the suitability of the closed landfill sites for solar energy harvesting. Compatibility of the closed landfill site conditions with the structural and infrastructural needs of sustainable solar energy capture systems, optimum placement and geographic orientation of the solar capture systems and auxiliary equipment, energy yiled, costs and benefits of using Florida’s closed landfills as power parks were analyzed. The empirical models for solar energy yield were used to estimate the energy yield. In the 58th street landfill, the solar energy potential was estimated at 38.33 MW/h and the delivery of energy could reach 20.64 MW/h. In the North-Dade landfill, the solar energy potential was estimated at 58.50 MW/h and the corresponding delivery energy would be 31.37 MW/h. The feasibility of energy harvesting from closed landfills in Florida was determined by the upfront cost of the technology and energy yield efficiency. Based on the analysis carried out, the unit cost of energy for a gridded PV system (no batteries) on a closed landfill in an urban area would be about $ 0.100 /kW, which is close to the actual average cost of energy in Florida $ 0.112 /kW (EIA 2007). Wind load analysis on solar panels was evaluated at both landfills. Analysis were performed for wind speeds 120-150 mph. The analysis performed on both flat and south facing sloped surfaces of North Dade Landfill resulted in wind pressures of 46.40 lbs/sq ft and 38.36 lbs/sq ft, respectively. The wind forces corresponding to effective area of panels resulted in wind pressures of 58.02 lbs/sq ft and 44 17 lbs/sq ft for flat and south facing sloped surfaces, respectively. The overall suitability assessment scores were 130.4 point for the 58th street landfill and 127.4 points for the North-Dade landfill 127.4 out of 180 total points (ideal site). This study provides preliminary guideline to establish design criteria to implement PV system on closed landfills in Florida to generate sustainable electricity. Development of closed landfills as power parks would be a feasible passive use option in Florida while making the closed landfills to be functional for sustainable energy harvesting. vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION Florida is one of the nation’s fastest growing states. With about 1,000 new residents every day, overall demand for energy is growing significantly, increasing stress on the energy delivery infrastructure. Even with substantial lifestyle changes, conservation and energy efficiency improvements; global energy demand is likely to more than triple within the next fifty years. The solar energy capture systems are becoming economically feasible for use at several national and international power parks. For this project, suitability of closed landfills for use as power parks (partially and totally) was investigated. Technical and economic analyses were conducted to assess the site closure and development needs, as well as design and operational factors to evaluate the suitability of closed landfills for capturing solar energy. Compatibility of the closed landfill site conditions with the structural and infrastructural needs of sustainable solar energy capture systems, optimum placementand geographic orientation of the solar capture systems, auxiliary equipment needs, and sustainability of the land use as power parks were evaluated. This project was responsive to two of the research priorities listed in the 2009-10 Research Agenda (No. 7 and No. 12) of the Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. 2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of this project are; • • • • • • Evaluate the feasibility of using Florida’s closed landfills as power parks to capture solar energy. Evaluate suitability of Florida’s landfills for installation of solar energy capture units; Analyze site conditions and energy yield; Conduct feasibility analysis from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives; Evaluate site conditions and maintenance requirements for sustainable energy generation. Estimate how much power can be generated if closed landfills are used as solar power parks in Florida? Analyze the costs and benefits of using Florida’s closed landfills as power parks. 3. METHODOLOGY During this research project, suitability of closed landfills for use as power parks (partially and totally) was investigated. Technical and economic analyses were conducted to assess the site closure and development needs, and design and operational factors to evaluate the suitability of closed landfill sites for capturing solar energy. Compatibility of the closed landfill site conditions with the structural and infrastructural needs of sustainable solar energy capture systems, optimum viii placement and geographic orientation of the solar capture systems, auxiliary equipment needs, and sustainability of the end use as for renewable energy generation were evaluated. 4. CONCLUSIONS Comprehensive analyses were conducted to evaluate the suitability closed landfill sites for use as power parks in the State of Florida. Wind loads, site slope, panel weight, foundation design considerations, landfill settlement, control of leachate and gas, shading effects, economical, environmental, and social aspects were considered for effective installation of solar energy harvesting systems on closed landfills sites. For the suitability analyses, technical and economic factors such as suitability of efficient solar energy harvesting systems based on landfill characteristics, selection of suitable landfill area for maximum solar energy capture, availability of nearest utility grid system, preparation of suitable landfill cap to support foundations (if needed), landfill cap maintenance and vegetation, panel maintenance, structural and infrastructural needs, auxiliary equipment and structures, public awareness and acceptance were also considered. A total of 18 criteria were identified and evaluated for the suitability analysis. These included 10 technical criteria, 4 economical criteria, 3 environmental criteria, and 1 social criterion. For each of the criterion, intrinsic values were evaluated and surrogate values were assigned out of 180 total points in deciding suitability of the site for solar energy harvesting. Due to the large amount of sites in the State of Florida, selected technical criteria were identified for screening the sites. The screening criteria included site orientation, topography, status (closed or active), and cover. Based on the preliminary screening, two landfills in the southeast Florida were selected to conduct detailed analysis. The detailed analyses were conducted to evaluate technical, economical, environmental, and social factors. Site visits and topographic assessment were performed to evaluate the technical conditions at each site. Furthermore, solar radiation values were estimated to obtain energy yield and solar energy harvesting potential at each site. The overall suitability assessment scores were 130.4 point for the 58th street landfill and 127.4 points for the North-Dade landfill 127.4 out of 180 total points (ideal site). There is some margin of error in the evaluations of the sites due to variations in the interpretation of site properties. One reason for the North-Dade landfill’s lower score was that North-Dade landfill is currently active; hence it received lower scores for some of the technical criteria. The analysis by the solar empirical model provided the energy yield estimates at each site. At the 58th street landfill, there exists a solar energy potential to generate 38.33 MW/h and the energy delivery could be as much as 20.64 MW/h. At the North-Dade landfill, the solar energy potential is 58.50 MW/h and the delivery energy potential could be as high as 31.37 MW/h. Based on the Florida Governor’s Energy Office, solar energy potential for Florida in the year 2020 is 156,000 GWh and currently the installed capacity is about 2,900 MWh. Based on the findings, there is a significant potential for solar energy harvesting in Florida. The results of ix this study provide a preliminary guidance for the utilization of closed landfills as power parks for sustainable energy generation. Use of closed landfills for solar energy harvesting in Florida was also evaluated for the upfront costs needed for the solar technology and energy yield efficiency. The unit cost of energy for a gridded PV system (no batteries) on a closed landfill in an urban area was estimated at about 0.100 $/kW. This value is close to the actual average cost of energy in Florida (based on the Energy Information Administration 2007 report, average cost of electricity is 0.112 $/kW). The gridded solar energy is could be a good competitor in the near future for fossil fuel technologies. Event tough these prices indicate that solar harvesting systems could get into the energy market, there are other concerns in terms of reliability and load equalization if the energy is sold to the users directly. An empirical model was developed based on the information provided by the Solar Radiation Data of USA. The historical solar radiation data were statistically compressed to show the average energy that can be produced at a specific location at different tilt angles of the solar panels. Energy efficiency factor is critical in determining if the PV technology will penetrate into the energy market effectively in the near future. Solar panels could provide up to 220 W/h (based on the testing of the panels at each site site) per panel for a flat panel. The efficiency is expected to increase, making the technology more affordable in the near future. The average solar radiation availability for the south orientation in the North-Dade landfill was estimated at 396.29 W/m2 by the empirical model. This indicates that PV technology is providing at half the energy that could be obtained. Hence, the solar empirical model had to be corrected so that it would not over predict the energy yield at each site. Based on the literature research and empirical model results, the appropriate surface angle for photovoltaic systems is between 10 and 40 degrees facing south. Hence, slopes between 0.2 m/m and 0.8 m/m are the preferable range for the PV systems to work efficiently. If this slope is compared with typical slopes on landfills (i.e., 0.33 m/m), it could be concluded that the closed landfills are within the range of maximum efficiency. Because of the wide range of slope and the small changes in the energy yield with slope; it is reasonable to consider a PV system which does not include a support or a structure to generate tilted angles; rathet will be placed directly on the ground supports. Furthermore, the tilted panels placed on the top of the site (i.e., flat zones) could have slightly higher energy yields. Wind load analysis on solar panels for North Dade Landfill and North West 58th Street Landfill were conducted as case studies. The design wind speeds for Miami Dade County is between 140-150 mph, with the average design wind speed of 146 mph (FBC, 2008). Analyses were performed for wind speeds of 120-150 mph. Evergreen solar panels of ES-A-200 were used for analysis and Analytical Procedure from Chapter 6: Wind Loads of ASCE 7-05 was used as the methodology to evaluate the wind loads (Minimum Design Loads for Building and Other Structures). At the North Dade Landfill For panels placed on flat and south facing sloped surfaces, the estimated wind pressures were 46.40 lbs/sq ft and 38.36 lbs/sq ft, respectively. At the North West 58th Street Landfill, the estimated wind pressures were 58.02 lbs/sq ft and 44.17 lbs/sq ft and wind forces corresponding to panels placed on flat and south facing sloped surfaces. Florida being a hurricane-prone region, there is possibility of higher wind loads. Hence, wind x loads should also be considered with appropriate supporting structures and safety factors. Wind tunnel experiments can provide necessary design data for solar installations for design purposes. This study provides preliminary guideline to establish technical, economic, environmental and social criteria to implement PV system in Florida’s closed landfills. Developing closed landfills as power parks to generate renewable energy will promote sustainable development efforts. 5. RESULTS A comprehensive analysis was conducted to evaluate the suitability of closed landfills to be developed as power parks in Florida. The suitability analysis included technical, economical, environmental, and social criteria. Based on the orientation, topography, status, and cover design; two landfills in the South-East of Florida (North Dade Landfill and NW 58th street landfill) were selected as case study landfills to conduct in-depth analyses. An empirical model was used to estimate the energy yield. At the 58th street landfill, there exists a solar energy potential to generate about 38.33 MW/h and the delivery of energy could reach 20.64 MW/h. At the North-Dade landfill, the solar energy potential is about 58.50 MW/h and the delivery energy could be 31.37 MW/h. The unit cost of energy for a gridded PV system (no batteries) on a closed landfill in an urban area was estimated at about $0.100 /kW, which is close to the actual average cost of energy in Florida which was $0.112 /kW in 2007 (EIA 2007). Wind load analysis on solar panels were performed for wind speeds of 120-150 mph. Based on the analysis performed on both flat and south facing sloped surfaces of North Dade Landfill, wind pressures were 46.40 lbs/sq ft and 38.36 lbs/sq ft, respectively. Analysis performed for the North West 58th Street Landfill resulted in wind pressures of 58.02 lbs/sq ft and 44.17 lbs/sq ft for flat and south facing sloped surfaces, respectively. This study provides preliminary guideline to establish design criteria to implement PV system on closed landfills in Florida to generate sustainable electricity. Development of closed landfills as power parks would be a feasible passive use alternative in Florida while making the closed landfills functional for harvesting of sustainable energy. xi LIST OF KEY WORDS Closed Landfill Solar Energy Power Parks Photovoltaic cells Solar Panels Solar Radiation Tilt angle Solar Thermal Technology Dish/Engine systems Power Tower Systems Foundation Brownfields xii 1. INTRODUCTION The average residential retail price of electricity in the United States was 10.64 cents per KW-h in 2007 which shows a 4.7% increase per year since 2002. The average price of electricity in the US is expected to increase to 15.93 cents per KW-hr by 2015. Florida ranks nationally among the top 5 states in the amount of energy consumed per capita. In 2007, the average price of electricity in Florida was 11.20 cents which is above the national average as shown in Figure 1 (EIA, 2007). Even with substantial lifestyle changes, conservation, and energy efficiency improvements, global energy demand is likely to more than triple within next fifty years. Figure 1. Average residential electricity price in 2007 (Energy Information Administration, 2008). As a result of increasingly regulated production of fossil fuels and environmental concerns, renewable energy sources are gaining acceptance and are expected to play a key role in sustainable growth and development initiatives in the coming decades. A comparison of the estimated energy costs from nonrenewable and renewable resources are provided below (PNM Speakers Bureau, 2009): • Coal $ 0.03 - $ 0.04 /kW-h • Hydro $ 0.02 - $ 0.03 /kW-h • Wind $ 0.04 - $ 0.06 /kW-h • Biomass $ 0.08 - $ 0.11/kW-h • Geothermal $ 0.05 - $ 0.12 /kW-h • Central Solar $ 0.12 - $ 0.18 /kW-h • Photovoltaic $ 0.20 - $ 0.30 /kW-h Currently, only rural and customers far away from the power grid use solar panels because it is more cost effective than extending power lines to remote locations. The two main types of systems that are used for harnessing solar energy include: 1 1. Solar collectors with mirrored surfaces that reflect sunlight to heat up liquid to generate electricity, and 2. Photovoltaics that use photovoltaic cells that absorb direct sunlight. Technological advancements are slowly making it economical for photovoltaic manufacturing industry as well as solar collector devices as presented in Figure 2. Commercial and utility scale PV systems are currently economically competitive with grid electricity prices in many areas, especially regions with insolation levels as shown in Figure 3. Figure 2. Change in average cost PV cells (NREL, 2006) Figure 3. Isocost curves of solar insolation (Adapted from Bradford, 2006) Although solar energy is free, harnessing solar energy requires investment. Some factors to be considered in selection of solar harvesting systems include (Miggins, 2008): 1. Type of solar harvesting system to be used for specific application (i.e., mono, poly, amorphous, ribbon, concentrated, silicon or copper based); 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Solar density ( watts per square foot); Efficiency (conversion of light to energy); Durability (ability to withstand environmental factors); Physical properties, heat tolerance, mounting, wiring, grounding, spacing requirements; Appearance, form and function, and dual use deployment; Manufacturer and availability, warranty, maintenance requirements and useful life. Closed landfill sites generally are developed as open areas and public parks, while some sites have been developed for active uses such as sports complexes and shopping malls (Tansel, 1998). Recently, a number of closed landfills have been considered as potential sites for renewable energy generation (i.e., capturing energy from wind or sun). The largest solar power site in the Army is now constructed on a closed landfill to supply power to Fort Carson, Colorado (Galentine, 2008). The city of Houston was recently awarded $50,000 from the U.S. EPA to develop a solar energy plant on a closed landfill to revitalize the 300-acre site near downtown (Barry and Tillman, 2008). Florida Power & Light (FPL) is planning to build a solar energy project about half the size of a football field on a Sarasota County landfill, fulfilling a promise to customers (Mayk, 2006). About 23,000 customers have agreed to pay an additional $9.75 per month to help FPL buy more power generated by wind, solar and bio-energy generators. The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) is also planning to generate approximately 5 megawatts of energy from of solar harvesting on a landfill, to produce renewable energy and encourage businesses to take advantage of the state’s growing green economy (Aberback, 2008). Progress Energy signed a contract to buy power from a solar power plant to be built on a closed landfill in Haywood County, North Carolina (CleanTech, 2008). The Tessman Road Landfill in San Antonio, Texas is being capped with flexible solar energy capturing cover consisting of more than 1,000 strips with photovoltaic silicon cells (Herrera, 2009). The 5.6 acre landfill is expected to generate nine megawatts of electricity. SunPower Corporation, a manufacturer of highefficiency solar systems, has been working with the Korean energy company EnE System to build a 2-megawatt solar energy power plant on a landfill in the City of Jeonju, Korea (Kwon, 2008). The solar energy covers can provide benefits not only for inspection and maintenance but also more effective for odor control and storm water management. 1.1 OBJECTIVES This project evaluated the feasibility of using closed landfills as power parks to capture solar energy in Florida. The critical factors that must be considered when planning a final site use for closed landfills include settlement, foundation characteristics, control of leachate and gas, vegetation, and final grade. If a closed landfill site is planned to be used as a power park for capturing solar energy, additional technical and economic factors should be evaluated. These factors include direction and orientation of the landfill area to be used for installation of solar capture systems, types of solar harvesting systems suitable for use at landfill sites, geographical location and orientation of the landfill site, topographical characteristics, structural and infrastructural needs, site maintenance, type and integrity of the cap system, auxiliary structures needed, economic factors, and public acceptance. The specific objectives of the project are to: 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Evaluate suitability of Florida’s landfills for installation of solar energy capture units; Analyze site conditions and energy yield; Conduct feasibility analysis from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives; Evaluate site conditions and maintenance requirements for sustainable energy generation. 1.2 METHODOLOGY During this project, suitability of closed landfills for use as power parks (partial or entire area) was investigated. Technical and economic analyses were conducted to assess the site closure and development needs, as well as design and operational factors to evaluate the suitability of closed landfill sites for capturing solar energy. Compatibility of site conditions at closed landfills with the structural and infrastructural needs of solar energy capture systems, optimum placement and geographic orientation of the solar capture systems, auxiliary equipment needs, and sustainability of the end use as a power park were evaluated. Figure 4 presents the general outline of the methodology. Figure 4. General outline of project methodology The project was conducted according to the following work plan: Task I. Preliminary assessment of suitability of Florida’s closed landfills for harnessing solar energy. 4 This task involved: 1. Development of technical, environmental, and economic criteria to evaluate feasibility of location and orientation of solar energy capture systems on landfill sites; 2. Development of a short list of potential landfills sites in Florida; 3. Identification of at least 3 landfill sites as case studies for development as power parks. Task II. Analysis of technical factors. The task involved: 1. Identification and assessment of key design and operational factors for sustainability of using closed landfill sites as power parks; 2. Compatibility of site conditions with structural and infrastructural needs for use as a power parks; 3. Site closure measures to make closed landfill sites suitable for use as power parks; 4. Types of solar energy capture and storage systems appropriate for landfills; 5. Site utilization measures for determining areas suitable for installation of solar energy capture systems to optimize projected energy yield. Task III. Assessment of environmental factors. This task evaluated the projected impacts on carbon footprint, energy generation potential, and environmental sustainability. In addition, other environmental factors such as climate factors (e.g., solar insolation, rain events), geographic location, orientation of landfill areas, and proximity to urban areas will be evaluated. Task IV. Economic assessment (in-depth). The economic analyses included a detailed assessment of factors which could impact feasibility and sustainability of solar power parks on closed landfill sites. The factors will include: • • • • • • Site improvement and maintenance costs; Capital costs; Operating and maintenance costs; Net energy yield; Net energy cost; Net savings. Task V. Analysis of long term and short term benefits. This task evaluated the data collected in Tasks II and III in view of the potential environmental risks in the context of end use and post-closure care needs. Task VI. Cost-benefit analysis. A detailed cost-benefit analysis was developed using both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The outcome of the this report will be a guidance document for developing closed landfill sites as power parks for harvesting solar energy. 5 2. BACKGROUND In the recent years, with the increasing interest in renewable energy sources, closed landfills are being identified as potential areas for solar energy generation, both in the USA and elsewhere. Pennsauken landfill in Pennsylvania, Tessman Landfill in San Antonio, Texas, and Georgia Landfill in Atlanta are examples of landfills developed for solar energy harvesting. In Florida, the Sarasota Project is generating 250 kW-h on the closed Bee Ridge landfill. Cloased landfills could be used for installation of PV systems for energy generation. 2.1 LANDFILL CHARACTERISTICS The landfill inventory provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) landfills locator was investigated to determine site availability and identification of suitable landfills in Florida (Hunn et al., 1987). The available sites were screened based on size, type of fille, and location were evaluated and screened. 2.1.1 Available Landfills Using the data available through the FDEP, each landfill was evaluated based on the landfill class and the class status. Table 1 presents the summary of the solid waste facilities in Florida as provided by the FDEP inventory data. FDEP also provided GIS tools which are called “Landfills Locator” (Hunn et al., 1987). This tool allows identification of the location of each site at the regional scale. According to the FDEP, there are about 3700 disposal sites around the Florida. There are 126 secure landfills (Hazardous wastes, class III) and 42 of them are closed, there are 161 monofills (designated wastes, class II) 18 of them are closed, and there are 225 sanitary landfills (municipal solid wastes, class I) 123 of them are closed. Also there are classifications within these three main types of disposal sites. For this research, 183 sites, which were closed were evaluated. Tables 2, 3 and 4 present the status of the facilities located in the Miami Dade County. 6 Asbestos Disposal Facility Ash Monofil Auto/White Goods Shredder Biohazardous Waste Stor. Biohazardous Waste Treat. Biomass Gas/Liquid Prod. C & D Debris, Unauthorized Class I Landfill Class Ii Landfill Class Iii Landfill Composting Plant C & D Debris Recycling C & D Debris Disaster Debris Staging Area Incineration Only Incineration Lack Of Data Land Clearing Debris Manure Composting Material Recovery Old Dump Other Composting W/Di Other Composting W/Re Other Disposal Facility Other Treatment Other Volume Reduction Shreder/Pulverizer Sludge Composting Sludge Concentration Sludge Disposal Facility Soil Treatment Special Waste Tire Disposal Transfer Station Treatment Facility Unauthorized Disposal Unauthorized Dump Use Oil Collection Use Oil Recycling Volume Red./Transfer Stat. Waste Tire Collection Waste Tire Site, Una Uth Waste To Energy Yard Trash Composting Yard Trash Comp./w Recycle Yard Trash Processing Total 1 5 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 49 2 42 7 19 105 7 1 12 1 1 123 18 42 1 2 155 33 1 9 1 2 12 9 1 6 136 3 38 8 1 8 4 23 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 5 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 2 3 3 15 1 9 1 3 4 1 2 13 1 6 2 8 2 18 118 1 17 18 6 1 2 1 1 1 10 1 34 1 1 6 2 4 26 6 2 661 3 4 8 1 142 1 2 29 4 2 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 8 11 2 4 3 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 31 1 5 24 7 1 3 1 1 401 3 1 296 9 3 3 2 6 268 10 1 35 93 1 2 3 23 3 375 830 56 740 Total Proposed 2 41 7 1 15 2 38 4 3 4 1 4 1 2 Not Yet Determined Nfa,No Further Action/Inactive Never Operated, Permit Never Used Inactive 4 3 4 15 5 17 10 2 74 1 1 1 6 10 6 8 2 624 1 3 6 6 15 9 1 1 1 89 1 65 1 5 3 5 110 1 5 Closed, With GW Monitoring Closed, No GW Monitoring Cleanup, Waste Removed CLASS Cerclis Preliminary Assessment Activity Not Permitted STATUS Active Table 1. Inventory of solid waste facilities in Florida (FDEP inventory data) 1 7 4 2 9 6 12 225 161 126 37 30 409 681 4 19 20 124 6 105 357 1 10 45 13 4 9 9 4 49 6 9 6 197 2 19 10 1 17 6 68 8 18 35 18 434 Table 2. Class I Landfills in Miami-Dade area (Solid Waste Facility Inventory Report 2009) Facility ID Facility Name County 56819 58th St Landfill Miami-Dade 56820 South Dade Dump Miami-Dade 56824 Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Inactive 57135 South Dade Landfill South Dade Solid Waste Reduct. Facility City of North Miami Beach Ojus Landfill Munisport-North Miami Landfill Facility Status Closed, with GW Monitoring Closed, with GW Monitoring Active 57136 Town Of Surfside Dump Miami-Dade 57870 Tony Waher Dump Medley Landfill And Recycling Center (See 60080) Medley Landfill And Recycling Center Miami-Dade Closed, with GW Monitoring Inactive Closed, with GW Monitoring Inactive Miami-Dade Inactive Miami-Dade Active 56831 57134 60079 60080 Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Table 3. Class II Landfills in Miami-Dade area (Solid Waste Facility Inventory Report 2009) Facility ID Facility Name County 56817 K-Land Miami-Dade 56818 Haulover Bch Park Dump Miami-Dade 56829 Trail Glade Ranges Miami-Dade 56980 Homestead-Florida City Dump Miami-Dade 60082 Minton's Landfill Miami-Dade 60083 Pace Dump Miami-Dade Facility Status Closed, with GW Monitoring Closed, with GW Monitoring Closed, with GW Monitoring Closed, with GW Monitoring Inactive Closed, with GW Monitoring Table 4. Class III Landfill in Miami-Dade area (Solid Waste Facility Inventory Report 2009) Facility ID 56822 Facility Name North Dade Landfill County Miami-Dade 57137 Virginia Key Rubbish Dump Miami-Dade 60081 Marks Brothers Co Trash Dump Miami-Dade 8 Facility Status Active Closed, with GW Monitoring Closed, with GW Monitoring 2.1.2 Main Characteristics in Landfills Development of a landfill involves technical elements for safe disposal of solid waste that cannot be recycled, reduced, or eliminated. One of the main design objectives of the landfill is to prevent the pollution of the environment and protect the human health during the operation and after the closure of the landfill. For this project PV system were considered for use of closed landfill sites without damaging the existing infrastructure at the site. Therefore, characteristics of a landfill that are compatible with the PV systems were analyzed. These characteristics include the site area, topography, location, post closure plan, cap system, and runoff. A brief description of each factors is provided below. Area Closed sites are more suitable to be developed as power parks. It is also important for a large fraction of the area to have suitable orientation (i.e., south facing). Size and orientation of the available area determine suitability of the overall landfill site. Topography Evenness and symmetry in the landfill shape are important factors for solar power harvesting system layout. Shape of the landfill may affect the wind load and the panel layout configuration. It is necessary to optimize the use of the topography in relation to wind load and panel layout for improved performance. Landfill sites are developed based on a specific geometry conceived during the design phase. The design and development of a site can be configured based on the degree of compatibility of the finished site topography with solar energy harvesting potential. Urban and Rural Location Urban sites are closer to the power grid and the distribution system; hence the losses during distribution are relatively small. Rural areas with high customer potential could be considered for solar systems. However, PV systems can provide a sustainable alternative to supplement th increasing demands in urban areas. Post Closure Plan Implementation This project evaluated the post closure use of well maintained landfill sites. It is necessary to reevaluate the implementation of the post closure care plan and maintenance needs at the candidate sites for installation of the PV system for compatibility of the existing infrastructure with the installation and maintenance requirements of the PV system. Geographical Orientation Site slopes and orientation are important due to the sun path during the day and the sun/earth rotation during the year. The angles at which the surfaces receive the sun light are critical for the efficiency of the PV system. Sites with larger areas facing south, flat areas, and 9 slopes range between 0.2 m/m and 0.4 m/m are more suitable for installation of solar harvesting systems. Cap System In the solar energy interaction with the PV system, it was seen that photovoltaic systems follow the most efficient angle by which the sun rays strike the solar panel. This angle is called the angle of incidence. A good angle of incidence produces more energy. For this reason, solar panels need to be tilted for the best range of the solar incidence. The tilted panels need to be mounted on foundation systems which are able to withstand the wind loads while being compatible with the stability of the cap. Runoff Collection Runoff managements in landfills is achieved by infiltration of water through the vegetative support, and then soil layer where the water is conveyed to surface water ditches and ponds. Placement of the solar panels on the landfill may affect the runoff quantity and patterns. Control and maintenance of the vegetative cover need to be evaluate so that suitable vegetative cover which require less maintenance can be utilized to minimize site access. 2.2 SOLAR ENERGY PROFILE Solar energy is the freely available renewable resource of the nature. Utilization of solar energy to generate electricity involves the photovoltaic technology and solar thermal technology ( 2.2.1 Photovoltaic Technology The photovoltaic technology utilizes solar panels which are made of solar cells constructed with semi-conducting materials such as silicon. When light hits the panel, a chemical reaction (i.e., photovoltaic effect) takes place resulting in electricity generation. The generated electricity is then collected through proper wiring systems and then supplied as shown in Figure 5.a ( 2.2.2 Solar Thermal Technology The solar thermal technology involves the collection of light energy through mirrors or concentrators to heat a liquid to create steam, which is then used to turn a generator and create electricity as shown in Figure 5.b ( 10 a) Solar thermal technology b) Photovoltaic technology Figure 5. Utilization of solar energy to generate electricity 2.2.3 Solar Energy Systems Photovoltaic Systems Photovoltaic systems can be fixed tilt type or tracking type laid. Each requires a suitable foundation depending on the panel weight, wind load, and other environmental factors. Different mounting structures available for PV systems are discussed below. Fixed Tilt Type: These systems consist of solar panels attached on the mounting structure in such a way that the panels are installed at a fixed angle with respect to the horizontal axis, generally equal to the latitude of the site in order to achieve maximum annual solar radiation as shown in Figure 6 (Sampson, 2009). Figure 6. Fixed tilt system schematic 11 Tilt angle adjustments: For better performance in winter, tilt angle can be adjusted to ( tilt angle= (latitude+15) For better performance in summer, tilt angle can be adjusted to: tilt angle= (latitude-15) Advantages: Requires less land space to avoid shading effects between panels (Sampson, 2009). Disadvantages: Lower output compared to the Tracking Systems (Sampson, 2009). Tracking Axis Type: These systems consist of solar panels fixed on the mounting structure such that the tilt angle of the panels is adjusted with respect to the sun’s position by a tracking system. The tracking system is placed on the horizontal axis (i.e., the panels follow the sun’s path). These systems are operate at a higher efficiency compared to fixed tilt type. Single axis tracking systems: These systems follow the sun’s path from east to west direction with respect to the horizontal axis as shown in Figure 7 (Sampson, 2009). Figure 7. Single axis tracking system schematic Double axis tracking systems: These systems follow the sun’s path along east to west and north to south directions and are capable of catching the sun rays at any point of time and are not affected by the time of day or season. Double axis tracking systems require larger land space to avoid shading between the panels, have higher operation and maintenance costs, require energy to run the tracking systems at two axes as shown in Figure 8 (Sampson, 2009). 12 Figure 8. Double axis tracking system schematic Advantages 1) Higher output compared to the fixed tilt systems (Sampson, 2009). 2) Capable of higher output in winter seasons when the sun is low in the horizon (Sampson, 2009). Disadvantages 1) Require large space to avoid shading effects (Sampson, 2009). 2) High operation and maintenance costs, require energy to run motors for operating the tracking systems (Sampson, 2009). 3) May be affected by the settlement of the landfill, disturbing the panel’s position towards the sun and resulting in lower output (Sampson, 2009). Differences between fixed tilt and tracking systems are summarized in Table 5. Table 5. Differences between Fixed tilt and Tracking Systems (Sampson, 2009) Single Axis tracking system Double axis tracking system Fixed with respect to site’s latitude. Winter= (Latitude+15) Summer=(Latitude-15) Adjusted with respect to to the sun’s position in east to west direction. Adjusted with respect to to Sun’s position in any direction Output Least efficient More compared to fixed tilt angle systems. Highest. Can produce high energy yield in winter months when the sun is low in the horizon Example Pennsauken Landfill Solar Nellis Air force base, Project, Pennsauken New Jersey Nevada Type Tilt angle Fixed Tilt angle 13 -- Solar Thermal Systems Solar thermal systems are also called as concentrating solar power systems. A low temperature solar thermal system (<100oC) involves low concentration of sunlight and is generally used for heating or hot water preparation in homes and other industrial applications. High temperature solar thermal systems (>100oC) use various mirror configurations for concentrating the sunlight and converting the energy into high temperature heat and then to steam. Steam is used to generate electricity by using the turbine-generator or to run the chemical reactions. The electricity production with this technology is cheaper when used with large grid applications ( There are three types of solar thermal systems generally used for electricity generation: (1) Linear concentrator systems, (2) Dish/Engine systems, and (3) Power tower systems. Figure 9 presents the solar thermal systems used for power generation. Figure 9. Examples of solar thermal technology Linear Concentrator Systems The Fresnel Lens: These lenses are semi-transparent, generally made of plastic. They have been in use since 1822. They are able to generate steam when used with thermal energy absorbers and fluid. They have the focal point close to the lens plate and their efficiency depends on the number of groves present on the lens as shown in Figure 10 ( 14 Figure 10. Schematic diagram of Fresnel lens Advantages: The advantages of Fresnel lens system include low manufacturing cost, low space requirements and ability to concentrate the solar energy into PV cells ( Disadvantages: Fresnel lens systems can be harmful when handled carelessly causing severe injuries due to their high efficiency ( Parabolic trough type collectors: Parabolic trough type collectors have U-shaped or parabolic troughs to concentrate the solar energy onto a receiver tube filled with working fluid (e.g., water) as presented in Figure 11.a. The receiver tube is placed along the focal line as shown in Figure 11.b and transparent glass tubes can be used to cover the receiver tubes to reduce the heat loss. The troughs may be of single-axis, dual-axis or stationary. These troughs are capable of focusing up to 100 times the sun’s normal intensity and can produce liquid temperatures up to 800˚F inside the receiver tube, where the heated fluid can be used to produce electricity (i.e., using steam turbines) (, c_trough_collector.html). Advantages: The troughs are generally used in running steam turbines for electricity generation. Disadvantages: Requires large land area. 15 (a) (b) Figure 11. Parabolic collectors: a) Mechanism, b) Schematic Dish/Engine systems Parabolic dish type collectors: These collectors use mirror type reflectors with the absorber located at the focal point as shown in Figure 12. These systems generally use dual axis tracking system to follow the sun. The receiver located at the focal point collects the solar energy which can heat approximately up to 1000˚C. Heat engines are connected to the receiver and can be used for electricity generation ( Figure 12. Schematic diagram of parabolic collector Advantages: The main advantage of parabolic dish type collectors is that they can be used to achieve high efficiencies in converting solar energy to electricity in small power capacity ranges ( 16 Disadvantages: These systems are suitable for smaller scale power production (i.e., between 325 kilowatts) (Sampson, 2009). Power Tower Systems Power tower systems consist of central receiver located on the top of the tower which is also called as the central receiver solar power plant. The sunlight reaching the mirrors located downside is reflected back to the receiver located at the top as shown in Figure13. Computers are used in positioning the large field of mirrors, so that the reflected sunlight is always focused on to the receiver located on the tower. As a result, temperatures above 1000˚C are obtained at the receiver producing high temperature steam for electricity generation. ( Figure 13. Schematic layout of power tower system Advantages: The temperatures can be reached above 1000˚C and high pressure steam is generated to produce electricity. Disadvantages: Requires large land area. 2.2.4 Type of Solar Energy Systems Suitable for Landfills Generally, power tower and linear concentrating solar power systems demand or require large areas for optimal operational capacity. Hence, they are best suited for large scale production plants with a capacity of at least 50 megawatts. Also large scale power production capability is required to optimize linear concentrator and power tower solar systems. Installation on landfill sites may not be feasible and hence due to foundation requirements. Future research on economics and efficiency may allow design options for using concentrating solar power systems on closed landfills as a feasible option. Among the available concentrating solar power systems, dish/engine systems can be used on landfills for smaller scale production. Currently, PV solar systems have been the most commonly used solar energy harvesting systems, implemented and tested on landfills (Sampson, 2009) 17 2.2.5 Electricity Generation and Needs for Solar Energy Systems Electricity Generation Electricity generation from solar energy comes under the category of non-hydroelectric renewable energy sources such as wind, biomass, landfill gas, and geothermal and is a sustainable resource for generating electricity ( Photovoltaic Electricity Majority of the commercial solar cells are made from thin layer of silicon, which is doped on one side with positive type dopant (i.e., boron as electron acceptor impurity) and the other side with negative type dopant (i.e., phosphorus or arsenic as electron donor impurity) to create a p-n junction (depletion layer) between the two layers as shown in Figure 14. The n-type semiconductor is capable of donating electrons and the p-type semiconductor functions as electron acceptor ( Figure 14. Formation of p-n junction Generation electricity in a solar cell takes place according to the following steps as depicted in Figure 15 ( 1) The sunlight falling on the solar cell (frequency dependent) excites the electrons of the semi-conductor material with the help of energy carrying particles (i.e., photons) resulting in the release of electrons (-ve charge); 2) Electrons leaving the parent atom, creating holes (+ve charge); 3) The charge carriers moving across the junction (i.e., electrons towards p-side and holes towards n-side) resulting in diffusion process; 4) The electric field produced forces the electrons to the far n-type side of the material and holes to the far p-type side resulting in a small (typically ~0.5V) difference in electric potential (voltage) between the two sides, which can be collected by connecting the two sides with conductive wire. 18 Figure 15. Movement of electrons and holes in a solar cell resulting in electricity (DC) After the generation of direct current from the photovoltaic panels, the usage of electricity involves the conversion process of direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) as follows and as depicted in Figure 16: 1) Direct current generated from the panels is collected and transferred to the controllers. 2) Batteries are used for energy storage. 3) Direct current is sent to the inverters, where the direct current is converted alternating current. 4) The alternating current is connected to the utility grid system and supplied to customers. Figure 16. Flow chart explaining the conversion of DC to AC 19 Solar Thermal Electricity Solar thermal electricity consists of utilization of solar collectors (mirrors, reflective devices, concentrators) to capture and concentrate the energy provided by sunlight. Concentration of solar radiation using concentrators for electricity generation and power transmission to homes or offices is accomplished as following, as depicted in Figure 17 ( 1) Sunlight falling on the collectors is concentrated by the receiver and heats up the synthetic oil, which heats up the water to create steam. 2) The steam passes through pipes to a turbine-generator which produces electricity. 3) The steam is condensed and reused. The entire cyclic process repeats again. 4) From the turbine-generator, the electricity passes through the transformers increasing the voltage, to be transmitted over long distances. 5) On cloudy days or at lower levels of sunlight, a supplementary natural gas boiler at the plant can be used to burn natural gas to heat the water, producing steam to generate electricity. Figure17. Typical diagram of solar thermal system (adapted from 20 2.2.6 Solar Energy Case Studies Pennsauken Landfill Solar Project Site Name: Pennsauken Landfill. Site Location: Pennsauken, New Jersey. Landfill Type: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill. Site Description: The Pennsauken Sanitary Landfill is a municipal solid waste landfill located in Pennsauken, New Jersey. It is owned and operated by the Pollution Control Financing Authority of Camden County (PCFACC). Landfill is still open with majority of waste being bulky and construction and demolition waste. The landfill consists of three distinct cells, namely A-Site, DSite, and E-Site. The A-Site was operated from 1960-1982. It was capped in 2003-2004 and about contains 2.3 million metric tons of solid waste covering 39 acres with PV panel installation (2006-2008) covering about 10 acres (of total 39 acres). The D-Site was operated from 19811990 and E-site has been active since 1990 with expected closure date of 2019. The solar panel installation was done by Pennsylvania Power and Light Renewable Energy (PPLRE). Panels were placed on the areas which were landfilled from 1960 through 1990. First panels were placed about 16 years after landfilling ceased in these areas. The future site use plans include use of thin film solar cells which will requires about 6-7 acres/MW. Solar System Description: • Panels Used: Crystalline Photovoltaic • Mounting Systems (Top surfaces): Ballast Systems • Mounting Systems (Side slopes) : Pre-cast concrete footings Solar energy systems were installed at both A-Site and D-Site with A-Site consisting of PV panels installed on the side slopes and top area, while the D-Site system consist of PV panels installed only on the top area. Panels lose about 0.6% efficiency each year. The general layouts of solar panels on landfill area are shown in Figures 19 and 20. Tilt angle: Tilt angle is equal to the latitude of the site for the panels located on the top of the landfill. The panels were placed facing towards south-west instead of due south as shown in Figure 18a. The panels placed on the slopes are generally placed at the same angle and in slope direction with panels facing south-west direction as shown in Figure 18b. Solar Energy Capacity: 2.1 MW capacity with 0.5 MW on site-A (top area), 1.6 MW on site-D (top area) and site-A (slope area). Panels were installed during 2006-2008. Electricity Generation: During 2008, 2605 MW of electricity was produced. During 2009, 2,156 MW was generated through October 31st. Monthly output in 2009 ranged from 141 MW in January to 276 MW in July. The monthly output in 2008 ranged from 111 MW in Dec to 305 MW in June (Messics, 2010; 2009; Sampson, 2009) 21 a) On flat surfaces b) On sloped surfaces Figure 18. Pennsauken Landfill Solar Project ( Figure 19. Solar Panels Installation diagram Figure 20. Final view of the site ( Tessman Road Landfill, San Antonio, Texas Site Name: Tessman Road Landfill Site Location: San Antonio, Texas Landfill Type: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Description: The site is a municipal solid waste landfill located in San Antonio, Texas, owned and operated by Republic Services, Inc. The site was capable of receiving waste quantities between 2500-5000 tons/day. Innovative geo-membrane cover, also known as Solar Energy Cover (SEC) was used to cover the site (5.6 acres) with 18 degree south facing slope in 2008. The geo-membrane cover serves as landfill cap as well as mounting surface for placement of flexible photovoltaic panels. Use of solar energy cover differs from the RCRA Subtitle D cover system. The top cover does not include the geo-membrane drainage layer, vegetative support layer, and top soil layer which are required by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. The solar energy cover is capable of: 22 • • • • Reducing infiltration; Protection of soil from wind and erosion; Protection of cap from puncturing damages due to hail stones; Protection of cap from damages due to sunlight exposure and temperatures variations. Based on the above benefits, the geo-membrane cover was approved to be used as a conventional landfill cover. The flexible panel installation diagram is provided in Figure 21. Engineering design services were provided by HDR Engineering Inc. The energy cover consisted of 60 millimeter polypropylene based material (thermoplastic polyolefin) with appropriate reinforcement. Flexible, laminate type photovoltaic solar collection strips (≈ ¼ inches) were directly attached to the geo-membrane cover. Construction for the project commenced in December 2008 and was completed in April 2009. Figure 23 provides the final view of the Tessman Road Landfill site. Solar System Description: 1050 Flexible, laminate type PV solar collection strips (≈ ¼ inch thick) were placed on south facing side slope by directly attaching them to the geo-membrane cover as shown in Figure 22. Flexible panels were Uni-Solar PVL-128 model with the following characteristics with power rating between 128 W-144W. Tilt angle: PV strips on the slopes were placed at the same angle and in slope direction of the landfill surface (i.e., south facing at 18˚). Solar Energy Capacity: 182 megawatt hours. Electricity Generation: Estimated electricity output from the solar array of 135KW system is 182,319 kilowatt-hours (approx.).Combined with landfill gas energy, 9 megawatts of electricity can be generated capable of powering 5500 homes. Benefits: 0.089$/kWh resulting in energy revenue of 16000$/year (Young, 2009; Solar Cap Project, 2008; Sampson, 2009). Figure 21. Flexible panel installation diagram of at the Tessman Road Landfill site (Young, 2009) 23 Figure 22. Flexible panel placement at Tessman Road Landfill site (Young, 2009) Figure 23. Final view of the Tessman Road Landfill site (Young, 2009) Holmes Road Landfill, Houston Site Name: Holmes Road Landfill Site Location: Houston, Texas. Landfill Type: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill. Site Description: The 300-acre landfill site is located in Houston, Texas. The landfill was filled with brush, construction and demolition debris, household waste, industrial waste, tires, and scrap. It has been closed since mid-1970’s and was covered with trees and vegetation which required clearing and grading before the installation of the solar energy system. SRA International, Inc., provided technical and economic analyses of the proposed solar plant construction on the closed landfill site which was under Brownfield’s sustainability pilot community of US EPA’s Brownfields program. The goal of the sustainability pilot was to provide technical assistance to support communities/regions in achieving greener, more sustainable site development for cleanup and redevelopment at brownfield sites. US EPA’s assistance through SRA International Inc., was used for analysis of engineering and environmental issues linked with solar farm installation. Tetra Tech Inc. was chosen as a subcontractor under SRA to perform regulatory assessment for the project. Limited Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) was conducted by Terracon in September 2006 and later City of Houston (owner of the property) conducted the necessary environmental site investigations. The study was performed by SRA International Inc., with the help of city of Houston personnel, US EPA staff, subcontractor Tetra Tech Inc. Southern half of the landfill, covering 150 acres was selected for solar farm construction to produce 10 MW. Amorphous silicon panels (2.2 m x2.6 m) used were capable of producing 1 MW per 15 acres with appropriate spacing between the panel rows to avoid shading effects. Minimum of 4ft soil cover was recommended with mounting structures reaching 3ft deep, supported by poured concrete footings and installation of racks. Use of closed municipal solid waste landfills is regulated under Title 30 of Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 330, Subchapter T which specifies the necessary rules and regulations to be 24 followed by persons owning, leasing or developing the property over closed municipal solid waste landfills. Solar System Description: As the site was heavily covered with vegetation, clearing and grading were required. Sire preparation resulted in increase in engineering costs and project time. At least four feet soil cover was required to support the installation of the solar systems. Uniform cap depth was preferred for strong foundation. Soil from areas of thick with soil depth was moved to areas with shallow depth. In addition, some soil was imported to ensure sufficient soil depth. Poured concrete footing foundations were recommended instead of slab foundations. For solar energy harvesting, thin film PV solar panels were chosen over crystalline panels. Following recommendations proposed by SRA International Inc., for the solar energy system were design with the following specifications: • • • • Fixed tilt single axis mounting structures(tilt angle= 30 degrees) Poured concrete footings (instead of slab footings); Amorphous thin film solar PV panels (conversion efficiency range= 6-7.5%) 500-kilowatt inverters. Tilt angle: Amorphous silicon solar panels were installed at fixed tilt angle of 30 degrees for maximum annual energy production as shown in Figure 24. Solar Energy Capacity: 10 MW Electricity Generation: As per SRA analysis, peak output for 10 MW DC could generate 12,526,260 kWh per year considering derating factor of 79% for losses. The 10 MW solar plant could produce about 326,000,000 kWh considering the panel output degradation rate of 1% per year over project life of 30 years (SRA Int., 2008; Sampson, 2010) . Figure 24. Solar Panels Installation at Holmes Road Landfill site ( 25 2.3 SOLAR RADIATION ON TILTED SURFACES The section presents analyses for: 1. Identifying suitable conditions for design and development of landfills for solar energy harvesting; 2. Assessing suitability of closed landfills for use as power parks; and 3. Estimation of energy yield from photovoltaic systems placed on closed landfills. The important parameters for analyses (i.e., solar radiation, landfill slope, technology) were identified as presented in Figure 25. The important variables included solar radiation captured in a flat surface (both at a tilted or at a flat angle), suitable landfill surface t configurations, and energy production from specific radiation data sets (depending on the geographic location). The parameters evaluated in technical and economic analyses are discussed below. Figure 25. Technical feasibility of solar energy harvesting 2.3.1 Solar Radiation Fundamentals This section provides a discussion on absorption of solar radiation to produce energy by a flat plate in relation to its orientation and the geographic location. 26 The Solar Constant The solar constant is defined as “the intensity of solar radiation, between 0.3 and 5 μm wavelength beyond the earth’s atmosphere.” The average amount of solar radiation that strikes the earth’s surface is about 435.5 Btu/h-ft2 (1373 W/m2) (Duffie and Beckam 1980). The average radiation is varies with geographic location and during the year due to earth’s rotation and position in relation to the Sun. Solar Radiation and the Earth’s Movements The earth orbits around the Sun on an elliptical path. Hence, depending on the earth’s orbital position; the seasons change, changing the average solar radiation received at a specific location. For example, in the Northern hemisphere, in the winter when the earth’s surface is closer to the Sun, the solar radiation reaches an average maximum value of 1416 W/m2, and when it is summer it is about 1325 W/m2 (Thacher, 2005). This is counterintuitive due to the elliptical nature of the orbit and the tilt of the earth’s axis. The earth’s axle is tilted 23.45 degrees (to the plane of its orbit) which is called the declination angle (δ). This angle is produced in all the latitudes of the earth. For example in the equator line it changes from +23.45° on June 21 to -23.45° on December 21. Hence, for each year the earth’s tilt varies by 46.9 degrees. Tilted Plate Irradiance The amount of solar energy that is striking on a tilted plate surface is known as irradiance. Because of the position of the earth changes during the day and also by earth’s position on its orbit; the sun’s angle changes with time. The angles that are used to estimate the irradiance surfaces are defined below: • • • • • • • • • Angle of incidence Latitude Longitude Surface tilt angle Azimuth angle Surface solar azimuth, zenith angle Declination angle Solar altitude Hour angle θ La Lo β φ θZ δ ε ω 2.3.2 Solar Angles The energy that comes from the sun is carried through the space by sunlight. When the sunlight reached earth, solar radiation warms the planet. The rate at which this radiation is absorbed by the surface varies with the position of the surface, orientation, angle of incidence, and seasons. The angles that are used to estimate the irradiance are discussed below. 27 Incident angle θ (Theta) Incident angle is the angle between the direct solar beam and the line normal to the surface plate as shown in Figure 26. For solar time (ω), when the latitude and the orientation of the plate are known, the angle of incidence can be calculated from (Thacher, 2005): cosθ = sinδ sinLa cosβ - sinδ cosLa sinβ cosγ + cosδ cosLa cosβ cosω + cosδ sinLa sinβ cosγ cosω + cosδ sinβ sinγ sinω (1) In the case the plate is horizontal β=0, and θ=θZ and the equation is simplified to: cosθZ = sinδ sinLa + cosδ cosLa cosω (2) Surface Tilt Angle β (Beta) Surface tilt angle is the angle between the horizontal and the surface plate as shown in Figure 26. Solar beam Normal θ ε South β North Figure 26. Angle of incidence in a tilted surface Azimuth Angle φ Azimuth angle is the angle between the position of the sun measured east or west of the true south; it is equal to zero at solar noon as shown in Figure 27. At other times of the day, the following equation developed by Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) can be used. cosφ = (sinε sinLa - sinδ)/(cosε cosLa) (3) South Solar beam φ East West Figure 27. Azimuth angles 28 Surface Solar Azimuth or Zenith Angle (θZ) Surface solar azimuth or zenith angle is the angle between projections onto a horizontal plane of a line to the sun and the normal to the irradiated surface as shown in Figure 28. Normal Solar beam θZ South North Figure 28. Zenith angle Declination angle δ (Delta) Declination angle is the angle between the earth-sun line at solar noon and the earth’s equatorial plane. Figure 29 presents the changes in the solar declination through the year. Solar altitude ε (Epsilon) Solar altitude is the angle between the horizontal plane and the direct solar beam. It is estimated at noon by the equation as following. ε = 90 – Latitude + declination (4) At other times of the day: sinε = cosL cosδcosH+ sinLasinδ (5) Figure 29. Solar declination angles during the year 29 Hour angle ω (Omega) Hour angle is the product of the earth’s angular rate of movement. For each hour it has a value of 15 degrees, positive in the morning and negative in the afternoon. For example, H=15 degrees at 11:00 in the morning, and -15 degrees at 01:00 in the afternoon, at noon is zero, is known as the apparent solar time (AST) as shown in Figure 30. The equation is provided by SERI can be used to calculate AST as follows: AST = Local standard time + equation time x (4 minutes (local meridian – local longitude)) Normal ω = -15° at 1:00 pm ω = 15° at 11:00 am West East Figure 30. Hour angle 30 (6) 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1 SCREENING AND SELECTION METHODOLOGY This section discusses site characteristics that affect suitability of a closed landfill for solar energy capture by photovoltaic systems. 3.1.1 Site Preparation The technical parameters were evaluated using a normalized weighted parameter scale. The site characteristics important for PV systems were evaluated from the technical, economical, social, environmental aspects. There are 1000 closed landfills located in Florida. For selection of the case study landfills, two sites were selected in consultation with Miami Dade Solid Waste Department and screening criteria was applied to estimate possible energy yield. 3.1.2 Major Factors Major factors include selected technical criteria which define the minimum suitability criteria for screening purposes. These factors include area, topography, location, geographic orientation, cap system and status (i.e., active or closed). The major factors were scaled from 0 (least suitable) to 10 most suitable) for solar harvesting. Area The highest value in the area is defined as 10 ( best value) on a scale of 0 to 10. Other values are scaled from this one. The weight factor of the area in the overall scale is 40%. Topography and Symmetry The topography is defined as the evenness of the site. Some sites have vegetation which makes it difficult to inspect the topography. In general sites with grass cover and good symmetry assigned a value of 10, sites with trees and bushes are valued at 4. The sites that do not show any symmetry (i.e., abandoned sites with no monitoring) are valued between 1 and 4. The weight factor of topography in the overall scale is 15%. Urban and Rural Location Sites located in urban areas are more suitable for the project than the rural areas due to the close proximity of the costumers. The values were assigned as 5 for sites close to rural and 10 for sites close to urban area. The weight factor of in the overall scale is 20%. Geographic Orientation The sites that are facing south are better suited for solar radiation absorption. The sites with most areas facing south are good candidates. Landfills with north to south orientation were 31 valued at 5 and those with east to west orientation were valued at 10. The weight factor of geographic orientation in the overall scale is 10%. Cap System Cap system is in general 2 feet deep, the cover layer is made up by grass, soil, geomembrane, drainage, and geotextile, as most sites use to implement. In further analysis, sites chosen as a result of the screening process will be assessed in the cap configuration and characteristics under different scenarios, in general solar panel at a flat and tilted angle. This landfill is valuated as 10% on the whole landfill characteristics. As a result of the superficial valuation of the sites in this characteristic a value of 5 is assigned per site. The weight of cap system in overall scaling is 10%. Status Closed landfills are more suitable for the PV systems. Therefore, closed landfills were valued at 10 and active landfills were valued at 5. The weight factor of the landfill status in the overall scale is 10%. 32 Table 6. Screening of landfills to implement PV systems in Florida Cap System (6) Area (Acres)(1) Urban /Rural (2) Geog. Orientation (3) Active-/Closed (4) Topography (5) Cap System (6) 30% (1) 20% (2) 10% ( 3) 15% (4) 15% (5) 10% (6) 310 Ur N-S Cl 4 5 10.0 10 5 10 4 5 3 2 0.5 1.5 0.6 0.5 8 155 Ru N-S Cl 8 5 5.0 5 5 10 8 5 1.5 1 0.5 1.5 1.2 0.5 6 40 Ru N-S Ac 8 5 1.3 5 5 5 8 5 0.4 1 0.5 0.8 1.2 0.5 4 0 Ur __ __ 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 Ur __ __ 4 5 1.5 8 5 10 4 5 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.5 0.6 0.5 5 139 Ur N-S In 3 5 4.5 10 5 10 3 5 1.3 2 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 6 177 Ur N-S Cl 4 5 5.7 10 5 10 4 5 1.7 2 0.5 1.5 0.6 0.5 7 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.1 0 Active-/Closed (4) Total * Area (Acres)(1) Topography (5) 58th St LF (Main County Landfill) South Dade Dump South Dade Landfill South Dade Sw Reduct Facility (Facility) City Of North Miami Beach Ojus Landfill (Park) Munisport-North Miami Landfill Town Of Surfside Dump Tony Waher Dump Facility Medley Landfill And Recycling Center Medley Landfill And Recycling Center Weight Per Factor Geog. Orientation (3) Class I Site Criteria Valuation Values Urban /Rural (2) Characteristics Inputs 0 0 111 Ur E-W 4 5 3.6 10 10 8 4 5 1.1 2 1 1.2 0.6 0.5 6 12 Ur E-W 8 5 0.4 10 10 5 8 5 0.1 2 1 0.8 1.2 0.5 6 33 Urban /Rural (2) Geog. Orientation (3) Active-/Closed (4) Topography (5) Cap System (6) 30% (1) 20% (2) 10% ( 3) 15% (4) 15% (5) 10% (6) 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N-S 4 5 1.4 5 5 10 4 5 0.4 1 0.5 1.5 0.6 0.5 5 Ur E-W 4 5 1.8 10 10 10 4 5 0.5 2 1 1.5 0.6 0.5 6 0 Ur __ __ 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ur __ __ 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 88.9 Ur Ru E-W E-W Ac Cl 10 1 5 5 4.8 2.9 10 5 10 10 5 10 10 1 5 5 1.5 0.9 2 1 1 1 0.8 1.5 1.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 7 5 0 Ur N/A Cl 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ur Ur __ __ 44 Ru 55.1 Area (Acres)(1) 0 0 Urban /Rural (2) __ __ Area (Acres)(1) Cap System (6) Weight Per Factor Topography (5) K-Land (Park) Haulover Bch Park Dump (Golf Club) Trail Glade Ranges HomesteadFlorida City Dump Minton's Landfill (Junk car) Pace Dump (Shopping) North Dade LF Virginia Key Rubbish Dump Marks Brothers Co Trash Dump (Dolphin Mall) Criteria Valuation Values Active-/Closed (4) Class III Calss II Site Geog. Orientation (3) Characteristics Inputs *From 0 (worst) to 10 (best) for suitability for solar harvesting 34 Total * 3.1.3 Additional Technical Factors Additional factors were used for detailed analysis of the screened sites to assess implementation of the solar harvesting systems on the landfill. The sites with the highest total values from the screening process were 58th street Landfill, North Dade LF, and Town of Surfside Dump shown in Table 6. All these sites have good characteristics; large area, good topography, and located in urban areas. Based on site inspections; 58th Street Landfill and North Dade Landfill were selected for the further analysis for suitability for PV systems. Optimum Placement The 58th street landfill the topography and optimum placement areas for the PV systems are presented in Figure 31 and Table 7. Figure 31. 58th Landfill satellite view (Miami Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management. Annual landfill surveys. Not scaled. 2009-2010) Table 7. 58th Street Landfill optimum placement configuration Cell number Sheet 5 Sheet 7 Sheet 8 Sheet 9 Sheet 6 Sheet 4 Placement area (ha) (0.25x21) (0.65x21) (0.7x21) (0.25x21) wetland Debris zone 35 Area available (ha) 5.25 13.65 14.7 5.25 - The North Dade landfill topography and optimum placement areas for the PV systems are presented in Figure 32 and Table 8. Figure 32. North-Dade landfill satellite view (Miami Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management. Annual landfill surveys. 2009-2010) Table 8. North Dade Landfill optimum placement configuration Cell number Placement area (ha) Area available (ha) Sheet 2 (0.75x15) 11.25 Sheet 3 (0.75x15) 11.25 Sheet 4 (0.25x15) 1.25 Sheet 5 (0.2x15) 3.0 Sheet 6 Active Sheet 7 Active Geographical Location Geographical orientation and location are important factors since solar energy depends on the longitude and latitude of the site. Sites closer to the equator receive more solar energy during the year. The specific locations of the landfill sites are given in Table 9. 36 Table 9. The specific locations of the landfill sites Name Latitude Longitude Orientation City Land Owner Phone number Site 1 : 58th street landfill : 25:50:4.68 : 80:20:48.31 : North-South in east side : Miami : Miami Dade : 3055941581 Name Latitude Longitude Orientation City Land Owner Phone number Site 2 : North Dade Landfill : 25:58:4.35 : 80:17:10.51 : East-West : Miami : Miami Dade : 3055941581 Topographical Characteristics The topography at 58th landfill is continues with no significant depressions. Most areas of the landfill are suitable for PV implementation. The landfill was closed over than 30 years ago. Figures 33.a and 33.b present the general site view of the 58th landfill. (a) (b) Figure 33. View of 58th Street Landfill The North-Dade landfill topography and shape is in accordance to its classification. As class III landfill the slopes settlement take longer than class I and class II landfills, waste is mostly made by not organic waste, for that reason the shape is maintained, but there is evidence of some deformation. This landfill is active and one cell is already closed in 1996. Since some settlement is expected, PV layout has to be considered possible distortions in the shape. Figure 34 shows the North-Dade Landfill. 37 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 34. View of North-Dade Landfill Site Compatibility Most closed landfills are suitable for solar systems. According to landfill design standards, most sites use slopes during the cell construction in the range between 1:3 and 1:4. Solar harvesting works in wide ranges of slopes. At 58th street landfill site, the topography is mostly even. Some depressions in the cap were observed. These depression can be concern at the time of construction; however, with some site work, the areas can be made even for installation of the PV systems. Presence of corrosive gases such as sulfide, sulfur dioxide or CFC’s at landfill sites can be a concern. However, effective gas control systems can minimize or eliminate the corrosion concerns. At the 58th landfill there was no evidence of landfill gas. At the North-Dade landfill, gas is piped to two engines that produce electricity for use at the site. Type and Integrity of the Cap System The cap is designed to protect the human health as well as control runoff, support vegetation, manage landfill gas. A solar project which is designed on a landfill that have been closed less than 20 years, cover stability may be a concern. During the PV installation, cap modification should be avoided. Integrity and strength of the cover to 38 support the foundation needs of the panels structure should be analyzed. The standard configuration for cover system to support solar panels is provided in Figure 35. Support and high rate infiltration layer Aggregated or synthetic materials Geotextile filter Lateral drainage layer Geomembrane Compacted clay barrier layer Geotextile filter Gas collection layer Subgrade (foundation) layer Waste Figure 35. Cover profile proposed to develop a PV landfill project (adapted from LaGrega et al., 2000) Auxiliary Equipment The PV array by itself does not constitute the PV power system. The complementary equipment should be provided to mount all the auxiliary devices and components that carry the DC power produced by the solar array and transform the power in the form that is usable by the load. For the AC load, inverter is needed to convert the DC power to AC, normally at 50 or 60 Hz. The steps in which solar energy is transformed and transported in a stand-alone PV system is showed in the Figure 36. Figure 36. Basic components for a stand-alone solar system (adapted from Patel, 1999) 39 The other configuration for PV systems is to connect the solar array directly to the grid as shown in Figure 37. Figure 37. Mayor Components of a photovoltaic power system (adapted from Patel,1999) A brief description of the PV system components is provided below: Peak power tracker: Senses the voltage and current outputs of the array and continuously adjusts the operating point to extract the maximum power under the given climatic conditions. PWM Controller: Provides reliable solar battery charging, load control or load diversion regulation. Battery Charger: Multi-stage battery chargers are microprocessor controlled for fast and accurate charging of all deep-cycle batteries. Charge current controller: Regulates the voltage and current from the solar panels to the battery. Most "12 volt" panels produce about 16 to 20 volts. If there is no regulation, the batteries will be damaged from overcharging. Most batteries need around 14 to 14.5 volts to be fully charged. DC to AC Inverter: Converts DC current into AC current (which is suitable for household appliances such as; e.g., kitchen appliances, microwaves, TV's, radios, and computers). Control of Lecheate and Gas In the design phase, any alteration of the existing leachate and gas collection systems should be avoided. The interference of the project with the control of leachate and gas is not expected to be a significant concern for installation of PV systems. Control of Vegetation and Final Grade For installation of solar panels, placement of a soil layer may be necessary to support the foundation system for mounting the panels. This would also reduce the infiltration depending on the cover system. Management of water runoff over the panels 40 and the vegetative support is necessary to protect the soil from the erosion. The solar panels may not support vegetation growth uniformly, hence alternative soil coverage should be considered. Site Maintenance The maintenance of a landfill which supports a PV system is needed to protect and maintain the landfill and the PV system in operable conditions. These activities should be accomplished in part by the site owners and PV system operator. The maintenance of the PV system relies on the safety, durability, and quality of the system to be installed. Although PV systems could last over 30 years providing service, a good design and maintenance could extend the system life. The operational and maintenance support would consist mainly PV system inspections, maintenance and replacement of the batteries in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NCE). The main problems that are often encountered in PV system maintenance are: ⋅ Dirty or cracked solar panels; ⋅ Corroded electrical connectors or panels; ⋅ Short circuits and/or broken inverters; ⋅ Bird nests; ⋅ Grass and tree growth; ⋅ Panel theft. Surface Water Control Most common technologies that can be incorporated into the site include surface water diversion and collection systems to minimize surface water entering the site. Water collection is designed to prevent erosion in the cover layer i.e. grass, and it infiltrates through the cover layer preventing going beyond the boundary where the waste is disposed. A permeable layer transports the water through a porous media and collection ditches conveying the water to a pond or lagoon. The shapes and structures that make up the cover layer and water collection includes dikes and berms, ditches and drainage ways, terraces and dirches, and chutes and downpipes (Hunn et al., 1987). A schematic of a landfill site collection system is shown in Figure 38. Figure 38. Typical landfill water collection system 41 The rain water strikes the solar panels and reduce some of the force that the water exerts onto the soil without panels. However, the amount of water per unit of area to be collected could increase. To avoid runoff, a cover layer may be needed for infiltration at a faster rate. Alternative caps are presented in the Figures 39 and 40. Solar Panel Support Collecting area New layer to support PV system Runoff collecting area Existing layer Figure 39. A simplified cover layer to control runoff in the PV system for a landfill site (adapted from Lagrega, 2001). Vegetation Vegetative Support Geotextile filter Lateral drainage layer Geomembrane barrier Compacted clay barrier layer Geotextile filter Gas collection layer Subgrade (foundation) layer Waste Figure 40. Cover system (adapted from Lagreaga, 2001). Plastic or polymer layer Support and high rate infiltration layer Geotextile Lateral drainage layer Geomembrane barrier Compacted clay barrier layer Geotextile filter Gas collection layer Subgrade (foundation) layer Waste Figure 41. A proposed cover layer system for a Landfill site with PV system 42 In Figure 41, the first layer of the cap system is proposed to be a polymer because of its light in comparison to gravel, hence it would not affect the stability of the landfill. Use of recycled materials can be considered for this application. Infrastructural and Auxiliary Structures Needs The photovoltaic power system requires some infrastructure to support the main components of the system. Within the infrastructure, the cover system which was described in sections and, would support the structures and the solar panels. Supports are the main structures that hold the panels if they are placed at tilted configurations. When the panels are placed directly over the ground, they need to be anchored to the supports which are held by a foundation. The supports need to be tested for resistance under the worst scenarios, in general heavy wind loads. Other auxiliary equipment was described in section Energy Generation Potential Sites located in areas with latitudes above 30 degrees have higher energy potential (e.g., Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and California). Florida is placed under the “very good” classification for solar energy generation potential with average capacity of > 5-6 kWh/m2 ( Integration to the Grid Since PV stand-alone systems have been in demand, bigger projects that can be connected to the grid are desirable to control flow shortages and provide power. Interconnection to the grid requires appropriate synchronization with the grid current, voltage, and frequency. The performance analysis has to be carried out in the economical assessment in order to evaluate the best alternative for a specific site. Mitigation of Power Shortages Power shortages could happen when either shadow is present or the energy output is lower than the energy needed. In both scenarios, the power shortage need to be equalized. The energy yield fluctuation during the day for a PV system should meet the short-term peak demand without withdrawing energy from the grid and paying for the demand. Batteries are used in the PV systems to avoid these temporary power shortages. The current in PV system fluctuates during the day, and is appreciable as the sun moves during the day in its own path and solar radiation changes are noticed. A typical hourly fluctuation of energy is shown in Figure 42. As the PV current is DC current the inverter converts the DC to AC, and the batteries are used to equalize the flow, then shortages to recharge the batteries and overages to deliver in the system are avoided. 43 300 250 Watts/panel 200 FLAT Tilted 150 Poly. (FLAT) 100 50 0 13 23 33 43 53 Time stamp 63 2 73 y = -0.1986x + 15.798x - 77.411 2 R = 0.9728 Figure 42. Typical current fluctuation in the 58th landfill Corrosion Potential The corrosion potential depends on the composition of the landfill gas and the reaction of materials with moisture. Composition of landfill gas varies from site to site, and at one specific site from one area to another. Average composition of landfill gas is provided in Table 10. Table 10. Typical landfill gas composition (Tchobanoglous, et al., 1993) Typical Landfill Gas % (dry volume basis) Methane 45-60 Carbon Dioxide 40-60 Nitrogen 2-5 Oxygen 0.1-1.0 Sulphides, disulphides, 0.1-0 Ammonia 0.1-1.0 Hydrogen 0-0.2 Carbon Monoxide 0-0.2 Trace constituents 0.01-0.6 The reaction of landfill gas with the soil moisture generates new compounds which may dissolve in water. The reaction of hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide creates corrosive substances that decrease the lifespan of the monitoring equipment and structures exposed to the gas. For Solar panels, no research data are available about the corrosion potential due to landfill gas. For site assessment, corrosion potential will be addressed in terms of corrosive gas contents, and then normalized in the specific case scenario selected. At the sites where gas is piped to a flare or a gas recovery unit, were evaluated favorably. 44 3.2 SOLAR ENERGY GENERATION ON LADNFILLS 3.2.1 Criteria for Screening of Solar Technology Suitability on Landfills Important factors to be considered for screening solar technologies for use on landfills are provided in Table 11. Table 11 also presents the assigned values with appropriate weighs (0 to 100%) and the overall scores given on a scale of 1 to 10 for each technology. Cost: Solar panel availability with low cost and considerable efficiency make the project economical. Hence, a weight of 20% was assigned to this factor and scores are given based on the efficiency level with respect to cost. Wind & Snow Effects: Panels should be capable of resisting loads contributed by heavy winds (or snow/ice in colder areas) loads to avoid damage to the panels. Hence, a weigh of 10% was assigned to this factor and scores are based on wind load on the panels. Shading Effect: Panels with high efficiency levels at the lower sunlight intensity (i.e., on partly cloudy days) have better service reliability. Hence, a weight of 10% was assigned to this factor and scores are given based on the panel performance at low levels of sunlight. Foundation Requirements: Placement of solar systems over landfills requires suitable foundation to support the weight of the panels and mounting systems without disturbing the landfill cover. Hence, this factor was assigned a weight of 20% and scores are given based on foundation requirements. Maintenance & Replacement: In general, panels lose about 6% efficiency every year and replacement might contribute an additional costs. Proper maintenance of the panels is required to maintain good efficiency levels over the life time. Hence, a weight of 15% was assigned. Efficiency/Unit area: Generating higher efficiency per unit area provides more energy per unit area. Hence, weight of 25% was assigned. 3.2.2 Available Solar Insolation and Sunny days/year for Florida Solar Insulation The amount of solar radiation received on to the earth’s surface varies depending upon the solar angle, atmospheric state, altitude and the geographic location, and time of the day. Solar insolation is measured as amount of solar energy coming to the earth’s surface per square meter on a single day and is expressed as Kwh/m2/day ( In Florida (at about sea level), an object will receive a maximum of about 22.8 Kwh/m2/day (950 watts/m2 or 90 watts/ft2) at high noon on a horizontal surface under clear skies on June 21 (day of the summer equinox) (FSEC, 2006). Florida is located in Zone 4 of Solar Insulation map, receiving 4.5 peak sunshine hours/day on an average/year ( SolarFolder/ SunHoursUSMap.html). Tables 12, 13 and 14 provides the solar insolation values, 45 available sunny days and possible average sunshine percentages observed over years at selected locations in Florida. Lowest values of solar insolation were used for conservative year-round estimates (i.e., to provide power for periods of reduced sunlight due to inclement weather) and highest values are chosen for the summer months ( Table 11. Screening solar technology suitability on landfills WIND EFFECT SHADING EFFECT FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT EFFICIENCY/UNIT AREA 20% (Cost) 10% (Wind) 10% (Shading) 20% (Foundation) 15% (Maintenance) 25% (Efficiency) PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLGY TOTAL Score* Rigid Panels 7 7 6 7 5 9 1.4 0.7 0.6 1.4 0.75 2.25 7.1 Flexible Panels 9 10 9 10 7 6 1.8 1 0.9 2 1.05 1.5 8.25 Linear Concentrator Systems 5 6 5 3 2 9 1 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.3 2.25 5.25 Dish / Engine Systems 3 5 5 5 3 5 0.6 0.5 0.5 1 0.45 1.25 4.3 Power Tower Systems 1 3 5 1 1 9 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.15 2.25 3.6 TECHNOLOGY VS FACTORS SOLAR THERMAL TECHNOLOGY WEIGHT COST CHARACTERISTIC INPUTS * Score = 1 to 10 with values close to 10 are most suitable for solar harvesting 10= Best ; 7= Above average; 5= Average; 3= Below average; 1 = Unsuitable Table 12. Solar insulation values for various locations in Florida ( Location Low High Average Apalachicola, FL 4.92 5.98 5.49 Belie Island, FL 4.58 5.31 4.99 Gainesville, FL 4.71 5.81 5.27 Miami, FL 5.05 6.26 5.62 Tampa, FL 5.26 6.16 5.67 46 Table 13. Averagely available clear (sunny days), partly cloudy and cloudy days in a year ( Years taken for average 62 52 54 47 43 46 47 29 34 49 48 Location Apalachicola, FL Daytona Beach, FL Fort Myers, FL Jacksonville, FL Keywest, FL Miami, FL Orlando, FL Pensacola, FL Tallahassee, FL Tampa, FL West Palm Beach, FL Sunny (days/year) 128 97 98 94 104 74 89 105 102 101 75 Partly cloudy (days/year) 113 132 168 127 155 175 147 123 129 143 159 Cloudy (days/year) 116 136 99 144 107 115 130 137 134 121 131 Table 14. Possible average sunshine percentages for certain locations in Florida ( Location No Years for average January February March April May June July August September October November December Annual Apalachicola 57 58 61 65 74 77 71 64 64 66 74 67 57 66 Sunshine - Average (%) possible Jacksonville Keywest Miami 50 58 62 68 73 70 66 65 64 58 60 60 54 63 38 74 77 82 84 82 76 77 76 72 71 71 70 76 20 66 68 74 76 72 68 72 71 70 70 67 63 70 Pensacola Tampa 5 48 53 61 63 67 67 57 58 60 71 64 49 60 50 63 65 71 75 75 67 62 61 61 65 64 61 66 Solar Energy Impacts on Florida Florida could become the second largest producer of electricity using solar resources after California with currently 100 MW’s of electricity projects under construction. Solar energy can be an eco-friendly technology by providing employment opportunities, tax payer incentives and forward thinking for energy policies (Florida Tax Watch, 2009). 47 Harvesting of solar energy in Florida includes the following benefits (Florida Tax Watch, 2009): 1. Florida has feasible sunshine hours available. On average, the number of days with sunshine in Northern Florida is about 361, which is higher in the southern part of the state. 2. Florida has trained work force necessary for solar industry in the form of residential and commercial construction industries which can create additional jobs by the construction activities of the solar facilities. 3. There is collaborative work with universities, community colleges, technical institutes, work force agencies and industries forming into associations namely University of Central Florida’s Solar Energy Center and University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Sustainable Energy, which are established in educating people about solar technologies, promoting the growth of solar energy applications in the state, contributing new talents to the industries, providing necessary information and scope for further research. 4. Both national and international manufacturers of solar technologies are considering Florida as one of the attractive and beneficial markets in the United States for permitting and building new facilities. Historically, the Florida Public Service Commission has been open to innovation for attracting investment. 3.2.3 Design Approach for a Tilted Surface Model The existing radiation data is mostly for solar radiation on horizontal flat plate surfaces. The relationship between the solar radiation on a horizontal surface was used to estimate the radiation on a tilted one through the R factor which is described further in this section was considered. If data is available, a model that corrects the energy yield from flat plate surface to a tilted one was developed. Furthermore, it was assumed that fraction of radiation that is reflected from the ground is uniform in all directions and the effect of the atmosphere was ignored since the data is the an average of the actual irradiance. Isotropic diffuse model reported by Liu and Jordan (1963) was used as it is the most conservative of the models and relatively simplest to use. The Isotropic Diffuse Model A flat surface with a tilted angle β is considered to receive three different sources of sunlight as follows: the radiation diffused from the ground, sky radiation and the beam radiation. For any particular hour on a horizontal flat plate, total radiation received is: I T = I BT + I DT + I GT (1) where, IT : Total radiation 48 IBT IDT IGT : Beam radiation contribution : Diffuse radiation contribution : Ground radiation contribution The intercepted beam radiation IBT is: I BT = I B RB RB (2) : Beam tilt correction factor. The angle of incidence θ has to be corrected for tilted surfaces. A correction factor has been developed by Thacher (2005) which related the area of the plate and the cosine of the angle of incidence. Radiation flow rate at which the plate is intercepted is: Qtilted = Go AP = Go A cos θ where: (3) Qtilted : Radiation flow rate (W/m2-h) Go : (1373 W/m2) A : Plate area Since the line perpendicular to the horizontal surface would be pointing at the local zenith, hence θ = θZ. Then: Qhorizontal = Go AP = Go A cosθ Z (4) The beam correction factor will be the ratio of the radiation on a tilted surface to that on a horizontal surface at the same location and time as: Qtilted cos θ = = RB Q Horizontal cos θ Z (5) The intercepted sky diffused radiation is: 1 + cos β (6) 2 where cosβ is the fraction of solar radiation that is taken from the sky. I DT = I D The ground-diffused radiation is the amount that is not received from the sky: 1 − cos β (7) 2 For the tilted surface, from equations 2-7, equation 1 can be expanded as: Iρ G = I D 49 I T = I BRB + I D 1 + cos β 1 − cos β + Iρ G 2 2 (8) The total radiation (flat or tilted) on a surface can be estimated. Solar Data The solar radiation interacts with any surface, hence is necessary to understand simultaneously the variability of the earth motion and the effect of the sky and ground diffused radiation. Hence, it is necessary to consider the solar radiation available for a reasonable length of time. One of the most widely used data sources for solar radiation is the National Radiation Data Base (NRDB). This data base includes solar radiation data in a typical meteorological year (TMY) and is derived from the actual data collected during 19611990 and 1991-2005 from the National Solar Radiation Data Base (NSRDB) archives. The new TMY3 data sets include updated data. The TMY3 data set contains data for 1020 locations, compared with 239 for the TMY2 data set. In the TMY3 that is last version after the improvements of TMY and TMY2. There are sets of hourly data for solar radiation and meteorological elements. The TMY3 data sets are produced by NREL's Electric Systems Center under the Solar Resource Characterization Project, which is funded and monitored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office. Source Data The TMY data sets provide annual hourly radiation values for a specific location over a long period of time, 1961-1990 from NRDB, and later in 2007, NREL more data is released with 15 years updated NSRDB for 1991-2005 (Wilcox et. al., 2007). TMY3 is obtained from an empirical statistical process called the Sandia method. In this method a 360 months (30 years) set data is analyzed to obtain the most representative year. Individual months for different years are selected in the period of record. For example, in the set of 30 year of data, 30 Januarys are selected and examined, and the one judged as most typical and selected to be included in the TMY3.The 12 selected typical months for each station were chosen using statistical analyses and determined by considering five elements: global horizontal radiation, direct normal radiation, dry bulb temperature, dew point temperature, and wind speed. These elements are considered the most important for simulating solar energy conversion systems (Marion and Wilcox, 2008). Data Format The TMY3 data format contains two file header lines and 8,760 lines of data, each with 68 data fields. The data format is briefly summarized in Tables 15 and 16. 50 Table 15. Data header (Marion and Wilcox, 2008) Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Element Site identifier code Station name Station state Site time zone Site latitude Site longitude Site elevation Unit or Description USAF number Quote delimited Two-letter U.S. Postal abbreviation Hours from Greenwich, negative west Decimal degree Decimal degree Meter Table 16. Data fields (Marion and Wilcox, 2008) Field Element 1 Date 2 3 5 Time Angle of incidence (θ), for horizontal flat plate surface Angle of incidence at a (β) angle for horizontal flat plate surface Zenith angle (θZ) 6 R Ratio 7 Solar time (ω) Degrees 8 Declination angle (δ) Degrees 9 Solar altitude (ε) Degrees 10 Total solar radiation W/m2-h 11 Global horizontal irradiance Watt-hour per square meter 12 Direct normal irradiance Watt-hour per square meter 13 Diffuse horizontal irradiance Watt-hour per square meter 4 Unit or Range MM/DD/YYY Y HH:MM Degrees Degrees Degrees 51 Description Date of data record Time of data record (local standard time) Angle between direct solar beam and a line normal to the irradiated surface, when θ=θZ, β=0 Angle between direct solar beam and a line normal to the irradiated surface, when β≠ 0 The angle between the projection onto a horizontal plane of a line to the sun and the normal to the irradiated surface Beam tilt correction factor given by the ratio of cosθ/cosθZ The sun’s position measured east or west of true solar south Angle between the earth-sun line at solar noon and the earth’s equatorial plane The angle between the horizontal plane and direct solar beam Total radiation received on tilted flat surface Total amount of direct and diffuse solar radiation received on a horizontal surface during 60-minute period ending at the time stamp Amount of solar radiation (modeled) received in a collimated beam on a surface normal to the sun during 60-minute period ending at the time stamp Amount of solar radiation received from sky (excluding the solar disk) on a horizontal surface during 60-minute period ending at the time stamp Radiation on a Flat Plate Tilted Surfaces Model Most information available for photovoltaic’s applications is for horizontal flat plate surfaces. There is limited analysis for tilted surfaces. The TMY data by the NRDB was used to model scenarios with different tilted angles. To develop conversion tool (flat to tilted), the interaction the motion of the sun thought the year was considered for use of the TMY data. The discerning of how solar motion affects the earth’s surface is fundamental to understand the changes over the time of the different amount of solar radiation that reaches the planet (e.g., on March 22nd, at the Miami International Airport, the sunlight strikes the earth at the most perpendicular angle possible for this location). The information available in the NSRDB was filtered, keeping only the information that is of interest. Table 11 presents the filtered information used for analyses. In the NSRDB, most of the information is for meteorological measurements and uncertainty factors. The data provided by NSRDB is 68 columns. Only the data that will be input to the model was extracted (i.e., rows 11, 12 and 13 in Table 16, to obtain the main solar geometry represented in the rows 3 to 10) to estimate the values for tilted surfaces. An Empirical Model for Tilted Surfaces An empirical model was constructed based on the TMY3 data, consisting in 8760 files. It was created one spreadsheet for each type of angle, starting with 0 degrees as horizontal flat plate surface, and increasing by 10 degrees until it reaches a maximum tilted angle of 90 degrees. The explanation of the angles is provided in the solar angles section of the report. A specific location in Florida was selected amongst the 1020 solar radiation stations located around the USA for TMY3. The station characteristics are presented in Table 17. Table 17. Station selected in TMY3 data records provided by NSRDB ( Site state Site name Site identifier code Surface Tilt Angle Site elevation (m.o.s.l.) Site longitude (degrees) Site latitude (degrees) Site time zone Florida Miami International Airport 722020 0 11 -80.3 25.817 -5 The NSRDB update subdivided stations by class; Miami International Airport is classified as Class I, meaning this site has the lowest uncertainty in data. It is important to clarify that this empirical model is for tilted surfaces towards the south. The north, west, and east facing surfaces have to be considered under specific conditions (i.e., particular shadow parameters and angles of incidence). The TMY3 data is displayed as hourly 52 average of solar radiation, hour by hour in 24 hours (i.e., it is compiled calculating average per day, and per month, and finally per year). The daily averages, 365 in total were compressed for the yearly average for different tilted flat surfaces. The TMY3 data sets that were selected are described below: Global horizontal irradiance: Total amount of direct and diffuse solar radiation received on a horizontal surface during the 60-minute period ending at the timestamp. Direct normal irradiance: Amount of solar radiation (modeled) received in a collimated beam on a surface normal to the sun during the 60-minute period ending at the timestamp. Diffuse horizontal irradiance: Amount of solar radiation received from the sky (excluding the solar disk) on a horizontal surface during the 60-minute period ending at the timestamp. Results The output from the empirical model is displayed in the Figure 43. Due to the changes in the earth’s axis, the flat plate surface reaches a maximum value between the March and April, when the latitude of this location close to perpendicular to the sun’s position. The results show that 20 degrees tilted surface is more efficient than the others. To understand the effect of the solar altitude, the sun path diagram through the year presented in Figure 44. For example, in winter the maximum solar elevation occurs at noon, and the empirical model predicts about 41 degrees as presented in Figure 45. Radiation on a flat plate surface at different tilted angles 600 0 10 400 20 30 300 40 50 60 200 70 80 100 90 O ct ob er N ov em be r D ec em be r t m be r Se pt e Au gu s Ju ly Ju ne M ay Ap ril M ar ch 0 Ja nu ar y Fe br ua ry radiation W/hr-m2 500 Month Figure 43. Radiation on a flat plate surface at different angles 53 Figure 44. Solar altitude Solar beam Normal θ = 39° 41° ε 20° β Figure 45. Winter maximum sun elevation at a 20° tilted surface When the surface is 20 degrees tilted, in winter, the angle of incidence is at 41 degrees from horizontal and 39 degrees from normal. Then, R can be estimated as: R= cos( 39 ) = 1.18 cos( 49 ) Figure 46. presents the angle of incidence for 50 degrees tilted surface at 1degrees during winter when the sun is at 41 degrees. The, R becomes: R= cos(1) = 1.52 cos( 49 ) 54 θ = 1° Solar beam Normal 41° ε 50° β Figure 46. Winter maximum sun elevation at a 50° tilted surface For tilted surfaces, it was realized that radiation efficiency is better at 50 degrees tilt angle than 20 degrees tilt angle (e.g., 100 W/m2 in winter for a tilted surface of 20 degrees becomes 118 W/m2, but in the case of 50 degrees tilted surface it would be 152 W/m2, being more efficient at 50 degree tilt angle) validating the data in Figure 44. Accordingly with the empirical model, the maximum sun elevation in the summer is around 87.63 degrees. Figure 47 is displays an angle of 20 degrees at the tilted surface, for this specific configuration. Solar beam Normal θ = 17.6° ε 87.63° 20° β Figure 47. Summer maximum sun elevation at a 20° tilted surface Then R becomes: R= cos(2.37) = 1.048 cos(17.6) Figure 48 displays an angle of 50° at tilted surface, for this specific configuration. Normal θ = 47.63° Solar beam 87.63° ε 50° β Figure 48. Summer maximum sun elevation at a 50° tilted surface 55 R= cos( 47.63) = 0.70 cos(17.6) The values of R for the summer on tilted surfaces at 20 and 50 degrees are 1.048 and 0.7, respectively (i.e., 20 degrees tilt angle is 33% more efficient at noon than 50 degrees tilt angle), which contrast with the results displayed in Figure 45.The result of this analysis could be displayed also in the Figures 43 and 44 present the amount of energy received by a surface at different tilt angles, for a zenith angle of 0°. The ideal approximation of the model represents the geometric position of the sun. The Figures 45, 46 and 47 presenting the hourly conditions predicted by the model. The model provides a good approximation of the flat plate surfaces at any tilted angle. The empirical model was adequate to understand the behavior of tilted surfaces for a zenith angle of 0 degrees. Different zenith angles should be considered for future studies as well as the shadow effects on surface that are not facing the south. 3.2.4 Solar Photovoltaic Power System The photovoltaic system was developed by the French physicist Becquerel in 1839, who converted the photovoltaic effect to energy. Today PV systems have numerous applications. For this study, two main configurations of the PV power system were considered: 1. Grid connected, and 2. Stand alone systems which are described below. Stand Alone System Stand alone systems are suitable for remote areas since installation of utility lines are uneconomical. The utility lines cost about $1 million/mile for a 230 kV line. The feasibility of stand alone systems depend on the energy demand, distance from customers and distance from the grid. The energy storage is also needed due to the oscillations in between low or no power output. A typical stand alone system consists of solar array, battery connections and the inverter to convert the DC to AC current from the array. Stand-alone versus PV Grid Line In those remote areas where the wind is not a suitable source of energy and the grid is not feasible; the customers have two options: 1. Extend the utility line, or 2. Install a PV power system. To help in the decision, the Idaho Power company developed a graph to assess the feasibility of extending the line or installing a PV system in term of distance and demand as shown in Figure 49. In the Figure 49 the darker are means evaluate PV system and the lighter side means evaluate line extension. The horizontal values are kilometers and the vertical are in kWh/day. 56 Demand (kWh‐day) Distance (kilometers) Figure 49. Stand-alone PV or line extension cost (Patel, 1999) Grid-connected System Currently with the demand for new clean sources of energy, the number of gridconnected systems have been increasing. Hence, pooling the sequential overload or the deficit in the renewal power with the connecting grid improves the overall economy and the load availability of the renewable plant. This allows synchronization of the load fluctuations in a deficit-excess cycle with the plant. 3.2.5 Energy to Be Generated In Closed Landfills by PV System The amount of energy to be generated is proportional to the area to place the PV systems. In South Florida (specifically in Miami), the baseline results are estimated and summarized in Table 18 for energy yield for a surface tilted 18 degrees relative to a horizontal surface. The south and horizontal positions have the highest number of sunny hours during the year even if they do not have the highest solar radiation rates. Figure 50 presents the changes in energy yield with orientation of the panels. Table 18. Standard Energy Yield for a place within the Miami Dade area. TMY hourly Energy yield Orientation Average Area Radiation average 2 per Kw/hr surface area Hours /year m (kw/hr) East 408.12 3631 1 408 West 425.70 4184 1 426 South 396.17 4615 1 396 North 417.30 3343 1 417 Flat 375.312 4615 1 375 57 250.00 200.00 150.00 W/h-m2 100.00 50.00 0.00 East West South North Orientation Flat Energy yield per W/h-m2 Figure 50. Energy yield and orientation Solar energy generation on landfills in South Florida depends on the site location, and orientation and lay out the PV modules. Total energy generation calculations are provided in Appendix A and B. 3.3 FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS AND DESIGN 3.3.1 Factors Considered For Solar Energy Systems Placement Technical feasibility of solar energy harvesting on landfills depends on compatibility of the PV systems with the existing landfill components. Figure 51 presents the placement of solar systems on top and sloped surfaces on landfills. N W E Sun S Solar panels Figure 51. Placement of solar panels on horizontal and sloped surfaces on landfill. Wind Load and Snow Load Considerations Figure 52 presents the wind speed chart for Florida based on the “3-second-peakgust method” of Exposure “C” category at 33 feet above ground level (as required by Florida Building Code). Wind loads increase the stress on the supporting structures by adding weight onto the solar panels and components, resulting in the failure of the solar energy system. Accumulation of ice and snow adds additional weight onto the system 58 thereby increasing the stress on the foundation. Figure 53 provides how the wind loads are exerted on solar systems with respect to wind direction facing normal to the panel. Figure 52. Wind speed chart for Florida (3-second-peak-gust method) (, 59 Figure 53. Effect of wind loads on solar systems based on wind direction (Imaginary). In general, wind speeds of 105 miles/hr is taken as the standard for the crystalline and amorphous thin film cell categories based on the industry standards set by International Electro technical commission codes (61215 and 61646), which equals to mechanical loading of 50 pounds per square foot (Sampson, 2009). Hence, for hurricane prone regions such as Florida and regions effected by snow, mounting systems capable or certified for resisting higher mechanical loadings, approved by solar installers need to be considered. Some landfills require regular top surface maintenance and demand the placement of mounting structures high enough to support the maintenance activities (i.e., mowing grass). These high rise systems are easily affected by increased weight and stress caused due to high wind loads and longer pier lengths and should be supported by strong foundation (Sampson, 2009). Remedial measures for the effects of wind loads and snow loads on solar systems should also be considered. Side Slope Stability Placement of panels on sloped surfaces (especially south facing slopes at higher altitudes), can achieve maximum solar radiation (Sampson, 2009). Installation of panels 60 on side slopes can be challenging for ensuring good foundation support, protection from erosion, storm water control, shading effects, settlement effects. Slopes larger than 5 degrees are largely affected by the above factors. In addition, regular operation and maintenance activities could increase for side slope repairs resulting in additional costs to the project. Remedial measures such as vegetative surfaces and engineered retaining walls can reduce erosion effects (Sampson, 2009). Slope instabilities decrease with time as waste decomposition rates slow down (Sampson, 2009). For landfills with steep slopes, re-grading and use of additional top soil can help achieving suitable slopes capable of supporting solar systems placement (Sampson, 2009). In general steep slopes demand strong foundations (i.e., poured concrete or pre-cast concrete footings) with light weight solar components. Hence, light weight solar components of appropriate mechanical loading rates with strong foundation is preferred at sloped surfaces, which are capable of resisting wind loads, additional load requirements produced by snow or ice (if any). It is also necessary to perform slope stability assessment prior to construction activities to ensure integrity of cap and adequate slope stability can be maintained (Sampson, 2009). Landfill Settlement and its Effects Physio-chemical, mechanical and bio-chemical processes change properties of disposed waste over time and cause settlement. Landfill settlements over time could result in formation of surface cracks to the final cover, damages to the leachate and gas collection piping, water drainage systems and underground utilities, formation of waterholding depressions (Sampson, 2009). Settlements processes on landfills are classified as: 1. Active settlement: The amount of active settlement depends on type of wastes deposited, depth of waste layers, methods of placement, and age of landfill (Sampson, 2009). 2. Immediate settlement: Rapid mechanical compression of disposed waste results in immediate settlements (Sampson, 2009). Immediate settlements promote crack formations of the foundations and damages to landfill cap. Application of heavy loads during site preparation activities (i.e., heavy machinery and equipments), during solar system installation promotes immediate settlements. Remedial measures to distribute the loads more uniformly on the landfill cap or controlling the construction traffic can reduce immediate settlement (Sampson, 2009). 3. Differential settlement: Differential settlements are localized sinks or deformations on the landfill surface due to different mix up of the buried waste. From a geotechnical perspective, differential settlement could cause significant problems for the integrity of the structures on landfills. For solar energy component installation, differential settlement could damage footings, array piers, electrical lining and can disrupt the position of solar systems orientation facing the sun (Sampson, 2009). 61 Reducing settlement effects: Dynamic compaction is is applied as controlled tamping of loose soils to raise or promote densification. For landfills, dynamic compaction can increase the material density and decreases the differential settlement (Sampson 2009). Waste removal and replacement with the clean fill could improve landfill densification. These procedures are generally considered before the landfill closure. For development of previously closed landfill cases, application of geo-grid reinforcement can increase the cover soil strength placed above the geo-membrane. Use of adjustable solar system components (i.e., shims and adjustable racking systems of solar mounting structures) can resist against the changes in the landfill deformations (Sampson, 2009). Shading Effects Maximum energy generation from the solar energy harvesting systems can be attained or obtained by minimizing the shading effects on the panels. Solar system arrays should be placed with adequate spacing to avoid shading effects and for placing balance of system components (i.e., inverters, wiring, combiner boxes). For instance, Holmes road landfill adopted 15 acres/MW to avoid shading effects and installation of necessary balance of system components (SRA, 2008). Shading effects on the panels in winter can be minimized using the general thumb rule which states that the distance between the back of one row and the front of the next row should be 2½ times the maximum height of the front row, with the modules tilted up at their highest angle. Based on the site characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the lower position of the sun in the sky without being blocked by the surrounding buildings or trees ( Table 19 presents information regarding the distance calculations between the module rows and the approximate sun angles below which the back row panels are shaded, which can be considerable for winter altitudes. Table 19. Shading angle calculation for panels in winter season ( Distance calculation between back of front Approximate sun angle below which module row and front of next module row back modules start to get shaded 2 x maximum height of front module 26 degrees 2.5 x maximum height of front module 22 degrees 3 x maximum height of front module 18 degrees 4 x maximum height of front module 14 degrees Solar System Weights and Foundation Considerations Weights of the solar panels and mounting structures selected for the project have a greater significance over solar harvesting system installations on the landfill cap. Monocrystalline, polycrystalline and pmorphous thin film cells exist in the market with varying weights, efficiency levels and cost. Mounting and foundation structures 62 supporting the solar panels vary depending on the self-weight of the panels, additional loads due to wind or snow or ice, side slope stability, and settlement effects. Monocrystalline panels are more expensive and heavier than other. They are capable of generating high efficiency in power production per unit area. Both monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels (also referred as rigid panels) necessitate rigid frame mountings to prevent cracking (Sampson, 2009). Because of the output advantage of the rigid panels over thin film panels, rigid panels are preferred where there is space limitation. Amorphous thin film cells (also known as flexible panels) are generally lighter, lower in cost, have lower efficiency for power production per unit area. These panels are preferred for the situations where weight is a concern or there exists a problem or complication in providing good foundation due to side slopes. Recent technologies in the amorphous thin film cells (i.e., Uni-solar model PVL flexible laminate amorphous thin film cells) were successfully implemented on sloped surfaces by attaching the PV strips directly to the geo-membrane of the landfill cap. As the PV strips were capable of producing high output per unit weight basis and do not require mounting structures and foundations, they were successfully used on slope surfaces (18 degrees) on Tessman road landfill and reduce side slope erosion concerns. For the mounting structures and foundation materials associated with solar systems, tacking systems have higher self weight than fixed systems. Hence, tracking systems require good foundations with deeper piers and footings and sometimes supported by pre-cast concrete footings (Nellis Air Force Base single axis tracking systems). Deeper piers if used as foundation support, could increase the weight on the landfill, increase settlement or subject to side slope stability issues (Sampson, 2009). Landfill cap depth needed to support the PV system depends on the dead weight loads contributed by the piers and footings (SRA, 2008). Choice of suitable PV system depends the weight of the system (i.e., tracking systems heavier than fixed tilt systems), type of waste and its properties, and side slope stability (Sampson, 2009). In general, flat surfaces have less foundation requirements than sloped surfaces and can be preferred for crystalline silicon solar cells (heavy weight) with suitable foundation (i.e., ballast systems) for maximum energy production. For sloped surfaces, lighter panels with strong foundation should be considered (i.e., pre-cast or poured concrete footings) are preferred (Sampson, 2009). Maintaining Integrity of the Cap System Maintaining the integrity of the cap is both engineering and regulatory concern. Clearing, filling, grading, compaction activities are generally performed during the development of the landfill for PV system installation. During installation of solar panels, extreme care is necessary not to damage the landfill cap or expose the waste. If the site is heavily vegetated, thinning of vegetation may be necessary (Sampson, 2009). Installation of solar systems on landfills require good foundation for solar systems placement, which depends on landfill cap characteristics to support the footings. 63 Generally, during the planning stage, the cap design must consider anticipated loads by the PV system and its components. For most cases, prefabricated concrete piers or concrete slabs could be sufficient enough to support a solar system. Cap-penetrating pilings would be unnecessary and expensive in considering permitting and capital expenses for relatively low impact developments such as power parks (Sampson, 2009). Also, requirements for trenching activities (i.e., 24” for electrical lining), existing or future landfill gas-to-energy recovery infrastructures should be considered (Sampson, 2009). Adequate soil layer should exists for trenching activities (i.e., 24” minimum of soil is required to trench for electrical line placement) with no or minimal impact on clay or geo-synthetic liner (Messics, 2009, Sampson, 2009). If the landfill requires regular top surface (cap) maintenance (i.e., mowing of grass) and placement of structures high enough for the operation of mowing equipment beneath the structures should be considered. Hence, a strong foundation is necessary to support the increased weight and stress of the system caused by longer pier lengths and increased wind loads (Sampson, 2009). Using short grasses for vegetation may be preferred to decrease the mowing activities and avoid the disturbance to panels. 3.3.2 Challenges in Using Closed Landfills For Solar Energy Generation Table 20 summarizes the potential challenges and remedies at landfills sites for installation of solar panels. For example, Tessman Road Landfill case scenario employed flexible PV laminates side slopes (18 degrees) directly attached to the exposed geomembrane cover. Application of exposed geo-membrane cover with light weight panels (flexible PV strips) was a remedy for problems associated with steep side slope. In the case of Pennsauken Landfill Project, New Jersey; shallow pre-cast concrete footings were used to provide strong foundation for the PV system on the sloped surfaces overcoming complications of side slope installation. This facility used ballast foundation with crystalline panels on top surfaces for maximum energy production. 3.3.3 Site Preparation Needs for Panel Installation The depth of the soil cap necessary to support the foundation is generally determined during the design phase. The site preparation activities at closed landfill sites may include: 1. Site clearing (i.e., trees, brush, and overgrowth removal) for placement of PV system. Cap should not be disturbed or buried waste should not be exposed by the site clearing equipment. 2. Grading and filling with the top soil to provide a uniform cap depth. Regrading or transporting additional top soil from off site may be necessary. 3. Compaction of top soil to provide a solid base to support solar array foundations. For instance, 4 foot soil cap was adequate for the foundation at the Holmes Road Landfill in Houston, Texas (SRA, 2008). 64 Table 20.Complications and Solutions to the Solar Panels Installation (Sampson, 2009) Challenge Steep side slope Thin landfill cap cover Impact Storm water High levels of erosion High wind loading Foundation stability for anchoring solar panels Maintenance needs of cap Regrading needs Puncturing landfill cap Settlement Uneven surface due to depressions Structural stress at settlement areas Infiltration and water ponding Foundation integrity Integrity of gas and leachate piping Integrity of gas and leachate piping Integrity of underground utilities Wind and snow loading System connections Foundation stability Routine cap maintenance Settlement surveys Gas extraction activities Erosion inspections Vegetation management Potential Remedy Flexible PV laminates Other light weight solar systems with secure foundations Re-grading and soil amendments. Lightweight, non-invasive foundations Ballasted solar platforms and shallow footings Fixed tilt mounting structures Lightweight shallow footings and ballast Pre-closure mitigation Geo-grid reinforcement Selective placement (i.e., older waste, construction and demolition waste) Use solar panels and mounting structures with high mechanical load ratings Avoid side slope placement Placement of solar array around monitoring well heads Panel height to allow routine landscaping needs Existing permanent access roads Example Tessman Road Landfill, Pennsauken Landfill Fort Carson Army Base Pennsauken Landfill, Holmes Road Landfill NA NA 3.3.4 Types of Foundations for Installing Solar Panels In general, solar panels are fixed to aluminum or steel frames using stanchions and the frames are supported by concrete foundations by three types of foundation structures as follows: 1. Ballasted frames 2. Concrete Slab 3. Pre-cast concrete footings. Of these, concrete slabs are generally heavier than concrete footings and ballasted frames. They are also subject to cracks due to settlement and may be problematic on landfills due to settlement and side slope stability concerns. Differential settlement may be a concern to array piers and footings. Ballast systems are the lightest and preferred for flat surfaces of landfills. Foundation selection depends on factors such as bearing capacity of soil, landfill settlement, cap depth, and weight of the PV system. Figures 54, 55 and 56 present different foundations to support PV systems and wind loads with respect to wind direction. 65 Wind direction Force (Fw) Tilt angle Mounting structure Solar Panel Ɵ Frame filled with necessary weights Low Pressure Area Aggregate bags for resisting wind force Figure 54. Wind effects on solar panels with ballasted frame foundation. Force (Fw) Wind direction Solar Panel Tilt angle Ɵ High Pressure Area Mounting structure ConcreteCC Slab Figure 55. Wind effects on solar panels with concrete slab foundation. Wind direction Force (Fw) Tilt angle Mounting structure Ɵ Solar Panel Low Pressure Area Pre-cast concrete footings Figure 56. Wind effects on solar panels with pre-cast concrete footings. 66 3.3.5 Considerations for Panel Placement Settlement generally decreases over time as illustrated in Figure 57 (Sampson, 2009). Placement of solar panels on the oldest sections of the landfill where a considerable settlement has taken place is preferred. This would reduce the impacts/effects on PV system orientation and foundation due to settlement. Time To (closed) T1 T2 Settlement Figure 57. Landfill settlement over time. Areas containing previously compacted old construction debris which does not undergo major settlement are also suitable for PV systems (Messics, 2009). Some adjustments for the PV system orientation may be necessary due to the minor settling may be necessary. Solar Energy System Installation on Flat Surfaces Top surface of the landfill should be able to support the foundation. In general, flat surfaces are preferred for installing heavy panels (i.e., crystalline cells) to maximize the energy production and also because of their suitability to support heavy structures in comparison to surfaces. Solar Energy System Installation on Sloped Surfaces In the United States, a flat or south facing slope is optimal for solar energy capture. The solar capture depends on latitudinal location of the site. Placement of panels on sloped surfaces (especially south facing slopes at higher altitudes), can achieve maximum solar radiation and benefits the project. However, it is necessary to provide strong foundation, erosion and storm water control, and minimize shading effects (Sampson, 2009). Side slopes of 3:1 (i.e., 18 degree slope) are preferred in landfills. Slopes greater than 5 degrees are affected by erosion effects, shading, and storm water, hence need to be considered for solar system installation. Engineered retaining walls or vegetative surfaces can improve slope stability. Additional soil may be required to improve slope characteristics (Sampson, 2009). Due to slope stability limitations, light weight panels with strong foundations (i.e., poured or pre-cast concrete footings) are generally recommended (Sampson, 2009). 67 3.3.6 Wind Load Analyses Wind Load Analysis on Solar Energy Harvesting Systems Assumptions: 1. Placement of solar panels on landfills using appropriate mounting structures and foundation is similar to placement of Monoslope Free Roofs over open buildings. 2. Wind loads acting on solar panels are analyzed by considering solar panels as components and cladding elements. 3. Solar systems are considered as rigid structures with fundamental frequency > 1 Hz (section 6.2 of ASCE 7-05) 4. Solar systems are considered as regular shaped structures with no unusual geometrical irregularity in spatial form (section 6.2 of ASCE 7-05). 5. Solar systems are considered as non-enclosed structures, defined as temporary structures used for electricity generation (as per SRA, 2008). 6. Occupancy category is Category-I (i.e., structures causing minimum hazard to human life in the occurrence of failure) (Table 1-1, page 3 of ASCE 7-05). 7. Solar system considerations a. Ridge height of the solar system (hr) =6ft b. Eave height of the solar system (he) =2ft c. Mean height of the solar system (h) =4ft 8. Evergreen solar panels, model ES-A-200 are considered for the study. 9. Length of the solar panel (l) = 5.42 ft (65 inches) 10. Width of the solar panel (w) = 3.125 ft (37.5 inches) 11. Weight of the solar panel= 42 lbs (19.1 kgs) Methodology: Wind load analysis on solar panels is determined using the Analytical Procedure from Chapter 6: Wind Loads of ASCE 7-05- Minimum Design loads for buildings and other structures. Parameters Required: Importance factor (I) Importance factor is determined from Table 6-1, page 77 of ASCE 7-05 based on building and structure classification categories listed in Table 1-1, and wind speeds of the study location. Directionality factor (Kd) Directionality factor is determined from Table 6-4, page 80 of ASCE 7-05 based on structure type and can only be applied when used in conjunction with the load combinations specified in sections 2.3 and 2.4 of Chapter 2: Combinations of Loads, page 5 of ASCE 7-05. Wind Speed (V) 68 The basic wind speed corresponding to 3-second gust wind speeds in miles/hour at 33 ft (10 m) above ground for Exposure Category ‘C’ is obtained from Figure 6-1, page 33 and Figure 6-1B, page 35 of ASCE 7-05. Exposure Category Exposure category of the study area is evaluated in relation to wind direction (from sections,,, page 25 of ASCE 7-05), ground surface roughness determined from natural topography, vegetation and existence of constructed facilities. Velocity pressure exposure coefficient (Kz) The velocity pressure exposure coefficient for different exposure categories is obtained from Table 6-3, page 79 of ASCE 7-05 and using the following formula: Kz = 2.01 [15/zg]2/ α for z < 15 ft where, zg : α: Height above local ground level, in feet (meters). 3-sec gust-speed power law exponent (Table 6-2,page 78, ASCE 7-05). Topographic factor (Kzt) The topographic factor for the study area is determined from Figure 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05 and using the following formula: Kzt = (1 + K1 x K2 x K3)2 where, K1: Factor to account for shape of topographic feature and maximum speed-up effect, determined based on value. K2: Factor to account for reduction in speed-up with distance upwind or downwind of crest, determined based on value. Factor to account for reduction in speed-up with height above local terrain, K3: determined based on value.H: Height of the hill or escarpment relative to upwind terrain, in feet (meters). Distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half the Lh: height of hill (or) escarpment, in feet (meters). x: Distance (upwind or downwind) from the crest to building site in feet (meters). Velocity Pressure (qz or qh) Velocity pressure was calculated by the equation provided in Section 6.5.10, page 27 of ASCE 7-05: qh =0.00256 x Kz x Kzt x Kd x V x V x I where, qh : Velocity pressure evaluated at mean height(h) of the structure. qz: Velocity pressure evaluated at height ‘z’. 0.00256: coefficient used when there is not sufficient climatic data available. 69 Gust effect factor (G) Gust effect factor was determined based on type of structure (section 6.5.8, page 26 of ASCE 7-05). Net Pressure coefficients (Cn) Net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) at different tilt angles correspond to type of wind flows, effective wind areas and zones (Figure: 6-19A, page 70 of ASCE 7-05). Net Design Wind Pressure (P) The net design wind pressure was calculated by the formula provided in Section, page 29 of ASCE 7-05: P = qh x G x Cn where, G: Gust effect factor. Cn: Net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) of the panel. Effective Wind Area (A) The effective wind area of the panels denotes type of zones for evaluation of wind loads. For values of A ≤ a2 , a2<A≤ 4 a2, A> 4a2 with a= 3ft (minimum), Zone 3, Zone2, Zone1 or combination of the above are chosen for wind load analysis. A: Effective wind area, in ft2 (m2). a: 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h ,whichever is smaller but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3ft (0.9m). Wind Force (F) The wind force acting on panels at different wind speeds was calculated by the following equation: F = Pnet x A where, F: Wind force acting on the panel surfaces. Pnet: Net design wind pressure (sum of external and internal pressures) for calculating wind loads on buildings or structures, in lbs/ft2 (N/m2). A: Effective wind area of the panel surfaces, in ft2 (m2). Wind Load Analyses for Case Study Landfills Wind load analyses for the case study landfills are provided in Appendix C. 70 TECHNCIAL, ECONOMICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESMENT Not all the landfills could be suitable to locate PV systems. This chapter presents the technical, economical, environmental and social criteria for evaluation of closed landfills for suitability for use as power parks. The weighted system was used depending on the importance of each criteria in comparing suitability of alternative sites. 4.1 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT The technical analysis was conducted by identifying technical criteria both for landfill and PV systems and their compatibility to implement a feasible system. Each criterion was weighed based on their importance for the project implementation with feasible energy yield. The objective of this process is to assess that the sites are an intrinsically suitable for a photovoltaic project. Some of the factors were discussed in sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 for preliminary site assessment and screening. In this section provides a comprehensive analysis after the preliminary site screening. The following technical factors were identified: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cap improvement and maintenance Grid distance Compatibility Layout and Arrangement Rated capacity Energy generation potential Integration to the grid Mitigation of power shortages Corrosion potential 4.1.1 Cap Improvement and Maintenance As discussed in section, some site work may be necessary to protect the cap integrity and support the foundation and mounting elements of the PV systems. In locations where PV systems have been placed on landfills, the site maintenance have decrease since the vegetative support (i.e., grass) were removed to place the panels. In general cap improvements consist of the following: • • • • Stripping the grass cover and vegetative support Adding a liner and a high rate filtration layer such as gravel Installing foundation to mount the PV systems, and Using anchors to attach the panels. Materials with high rate infiltration are necessary around the anchors and panels. Assessment of the cap improvements depend directly on the existing cap conditions. Two options include: 1. Stripping the vegetation layer and placing the solar panels directly on the ground, and 2. using short grasses with panels mounted on foundations 71 above the surface. Removing the vegetation was assigned a score of 10 and using short grasses with mounted panels were as 5. 4.1.2 Grid Distance Distance to grid is critical deciding whether the system will be stand-alone or connected to the grid. In some cases number of customers may justify extending the energy delivery further. However, in most cases connecting to the grid is more economical than stand-alone projects. The scoring of the grid distance was performed according to the scale provided in Table 21 in relation to energy needs and line extension needed. Table 21. Grid distance criteria valuation Daily Energy needed (kWh/Day) 0-3 0-3 3.1-7 3.1-7 7.1-12 7.1-12 12.1-15 12.1-15 15.1-20 15.1-20 >20 Line Extension needed (km) 0.5 0.6-1.0 1.1-1.5 1.6-2.0 2.1-2.5 2.6-3.0 3.1-3.5 3.6-4.0 4.1-4.5 4.6-5.0 <5.0 Assigned Value 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 4.1.3 Compatibility Support structures and PV systems should be installed to maximize the performance. Today solar planes are designed to last in outdoor conditions. However, in landfill environment there are special maintenance and care needs as described in bellow: Methane: Methane is not corrosive; however, it could be explosive under certain oxygen concentration and gas pressure conditions. Water: Most sites are designed to avoid water infiltration using geotextiles and impermeable layers. With PV systems, effective runoff control is needed avoid contact of electrical devices, decrease corrosion and electrical short circuiting. Settlement: Most PV systems are fixed and landfills in their first stages are undergoing some settlement while the maturation process. The compatibility between surface settlement and PV structures is not expected to be a major concern. As the maturation process changes the surface characteristics, slopes should be monitored to prevent any alteration of the PV structures. The degree of hierarchy for the compatibility between 72 landfill and PV system is scored based on landfill age after closure and cover makeup and depth. The scoring was performed as follows: Years after closure 0-10 years 11-30 years 30-50 years >50 years Score 1 3 6 10 4.1.4 Control of Leachate and Gas There should not be any incompatibility between the existing leachate and gas collection system and the installed PV system during the construction, operation and dismantling phases. For site evaluation, a score of 10 was assigned for sites with monitoring system and gas extraction, and 0 for sites with no or very limited leachate and gas monitoring. If a site was not closed in an approved and well engineered manner, less than 5 points were assigned. 4.1.5 Site Maintenance Level of safety and possible site intrusion potential was taken into account in this category. Sites with normal to high maintenance activities are scored as 10. A site with low protection for potential access and intrusion was considered less suitable. In general those sites with good monitoring programs, slope and settlement control, good cap conditions and good degree of safety are considered suitable for PV systems and were scored as 10 for this category. 4.1.6 Surface Water Control The projects which have been implemented have used underground electrical wiring through which the current is being transported. To avoid any interference between water and current, surface water should be managed effectively. Surface should be inspected periodically and slope erosion and settlement should be corrected. The scoring was performed as follows: Surface water control < 0.01 Meters of drainage/m2 > 0.01 Meter of drainage/ m2 5 10 4.1.7 Infrastructure Needs Infrastructure needs were discussed in section This section addresses the evaluation of the necessary infrastructure for different configurations and systems. Even though flat panels are more efficient, they require more infrastructure set up. Hence, for this analysis, although flat panels are more efficient, they were scored lower. The flat panels were scored as 5 and the flexible as 10. 73 4.1.8 Layout and Arrangement A good rule of thumb for spacing between panels is to assure “enough space between rows so the shade angle does not greatly exceed the solar altitude angle on December 21 at noon.” Based on specific site conditions, the angle of the panels have to be evaluated in relation to the solar altitude to determine the layout. This criterion was scored based on use of the area for higher energy yield (i.e., number of panels). 4.1.9 Rated Capacity The amount of energy to be delivered depends on the peak power capacity of the plant and how much of the capacity is used during the year. When the energy yield is normalized, it is called the Energy Delivery Factor (EDF). EDF is defined as “the ratio of the electrical energy delivered to the customers to the energy that can be delivered by the plant if it could be operated at the fully installed capacity during 8,760 hours of the year. EDF is represented by the following equation: Average annual EDF= (KWh delivered/yr) / (Installed capacity x 8760) (9) If the maximum capacity of the PV system oriented in a specific direction is Pm , and the hourly average of the energy delivered through the year is Po , then TMY hourly radiation average can be estimated as: Average annual EDF = ∫ Po dt / (Pm x Derate factor x 8760) (10) where: Pm: Plant capacity (the maximum power the plant can deliver) (KWh) Po : Power delivered to the customers at any time t (KWh). The derate factor is used to account for the losses during conversion from DC to AC current (i.e., losses from capture of the solar energy to the net energy production). In the ideal scenario in which the nameplate capacity of the PV system is the total energy yield, the total losses based on the NREL estimation are in the order of 33%. This corresponds to a derate factors 0.77. The EDF depends directly on the energy efficiency, landfill area and orientation. This factor was scored based on PV technology screening results. Systems with efficiency of 77% or more were scored as 10 and lower values were interpolated accordingly. In addition, landfill shape and orientation should be taken into account. 4.2 ECONOMICAL ASSESSMENT Several factors influence the economic viability of a proposed plant and its feasibility. The factors that contribute to the economic feasibility are discussed in this section. Easy-to-use charts are provided for assessing the feasibility of a planned system. 74 4.2.1 Energy Delivery Factor The key economic performance of a PV system depends on amount of energy it produced during the year. For a typical PV system, about 10% of the power is consumed internally and the remaining is delivered to the customers. The total energy delivered to the grid depends on the peak power capacity and how that capacity is utilized during the year. To normalize the energy produced, Energy Delivery Factor (EDF) is defined as: Average annual EDF= (KWh delivered/yr) / (Installed capacity x 8760) (11) Since the load power is changing over the time, the EDF can be expressed as: Average annual EDF = ∫ Po dt / (Pm x 8760) (12) where: Pm: Plant capacity (the maximum power the plant can deliver). Po: Power delivered to the customers at any time t. The EDF can be obtained for a small time interval, then dt can be replaced by Δt. This parameter is not only useful to estimate the net energy delivery but also to accounts for the reliability, maintainability, and availability of the plant during the year. Additionally, EDT is can bed to compare the overall efficiency of the PV plant with other plants. 4.2.2 Initial Capital Cost The capital cost of a PV system depends on three factors: 1. technology, 2. operational size, and 3. configuration (i.e., connected to the grid or not). The module cost represents about 50%-60% of the total cost. The variation in the module retail price in the last 10 years is presented in Figure 58. Figure 58. Solar module retail price index ( 75 4.2.3 Availability and Maintenance Failure and service interruption could occur at PV plants. During the study, it was found that 67% of the time when the plant is being repaired, the plan is not operational. The failure locations are 20% at the electrical power equipment and 19% are in the electronic controls. The plant availability is defined as number hours the plant is operating at full capacity divided by the total of hours in the year. This result is reflected by the energy delivery factor (EDF). 4.2.4 Energy Cost Estimates Economic feasibility of the electrical power plant depends on the unit cost of energy (UCE) per KWh takes in account all the factors such as availability, maintenance, initial capital cost and energy delivered. UCE is defined by the following equation: UCE = [ICC (AMR + TIR) + OMC] / EDF x KW x 8760 (13) where: ICC: Initial Capital Cost, including land cost and startup cost up the time the first unit of energy is sold. AMR: Amortization rate per year as a fraction of the ICC. TIR: Tax and insurance rate per year as a fraction of the ICC. OMC: Operating and maintenance cost per year. EDF: Energy delivery factor over one year, as defined earlier. KW: Kilowatt power capacity Installed. Table 22. Upfront cost for a PV system in the next 10 years (Florida Renewable Energy Potential Assessment, 2008) Residential PV Economic Assumptions for Given Year of Installation (2010) 2010 2015 2020 Plant Nameplate Capacity (kW)1 5 5 5 Project life (years) 25 25 25 Development time (yrs)2 0.3 0.25 0.2 Installed Cot ($kW)3 7,0005 5,9006 4,9007 Fixed O&M ($/kW-yr)4 41 24 13 Non-fuel Variable O$M ($/kWh) 0 0 0 Fuel/energy cost ($/kWh) 0 0 0 1 Data presented in kWDC and kWAC is rated as 0.84 kWDC. Delays in the state rebate availability is not accounted for. 3 Could vary due to shortage in the feedstock of PV polysilicon, panel efficiency, and streamlines installation. Prices include hurricane protection. 4 Includes two inverted replacements during the project lifetime. 5 Suretemp PV Solar Company, May 2010. 6 Price is for 2008. 7 Price is for 2008. 2 76 4.2.5 Sensitivity Analysis Significant variations can occur in energy yield due to radiation fluctuations. A sensibility analysis was conducted by changing the inputs (i.e., solar radiation) to the system and determining the output as measured by UCE. 4.2.6 Profitability Index Florida is among the top 5 states with the highest electricity prices and it is also among the states with the highest consumption of fossil fuels to produce electricity, producing more than one half of its energy from gas, oil and coal. Florida’s price of electricity is above the national average with 11.20 cents per kWh. High prices mean a good profitability for the new technologies. Even though upfront costs for PV system are still high, the State and Federal incentives could improve the profitability of renewable technologies such as wind and solar. Profitability is defined as: PI = (Present worth of future revenues – Initial cost) / Initial cost (14) By definition, breakeven occurs when PI = 0. 4.2.7 Fund for Post Closure Care During the implementation of PV systems, the landfill post closure objectives should to be maintained (i.e., protection of human health and ecosystem). Air and water quality monitoring activities should be conducted to evaluate any potential impacts due to PV system. The funds allocated for post closure activities may be compensated by the profits from energy generation. The post closure costs of landfills is about $ 500,000 per year, and for PV maintenance it is estimated to be about 1% of the upfront cost. 4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL SUITABILITY ANALYSIS The environmental suitability analysis includes consideration for reduction in greenhouse emissions, environmental sustainability, visual impacts and the index of renewable energy system for power production. 4.3.1 Reduction of Greenhouse Emissions One of the most important aspect of the PV system is the reduction of greenhouse emissions. In the US, about 59% of the energy is produced from fossil fuels presented in Figure 59. The renewable energy use is about 7.3%. The wind energy capacity is currently about 25 GW, and if continues to grow at the current rate, in 33 years it could reach the nuclear power generation level. Wind energy in the 2009 provided 70.761 thousand megawatt hours of electric power and solar energy provided 808 megawatt hour. Accordingly to US Department of Energy, the rate of growth of solar energy has been about 20% per year since 1990. Solar energy will need to be more affordable in order to attain the emission reduction goals. For each KWh of solar energy installed in 77 the US, and using the Green Power Equivalence Calculator that uses the eGRID (Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Information Database) 7.18x10-4 metric tons of CO2 are avoided. In the case of solar energy for the year 2009, about 5 million metric tons of CO2 were avoided from being released to the atmosphere. * Sum of components may not equal 100 percent due to independent rounding. 1 Does not include the fuel ethanol portion of motor gasoline—fuel ethanol is included in "Renewable Energy." 2 Excludes supplemental gaseous fuels. 3 Includes less than 0.1 quadrillion Btu of coal coke net imports. 4 Conventional hydroelectric power, geothermal, solar/PV, wind, and biomass. 5 Includes industrial combined-heat-and-power (CHP) and electricity-only plants. 6 Includes commercial combined-heat-and-power (CHP) and electricity-only plants. 7 Electricity-only and combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants whose primary business is to sell electricity, or electricity and heat, to the public. Figure 59. US primary energy consumption by source and sector 2008 (U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2008) 4.3.2 Environmental Sustainability Energy is the power that moves the economy, and economy relies on energy sources that are mostly nonrenewable. Sustainability is about neither depletion nor exhaustion of the natural resources with growing economy. From sustainability perspective, PV system has advantages relative to fossil fuels depletion and the global warming. Table 23 presents the currently installed capacity of the renewable energy 78 systems in Florida. Table 24 presents the projected renewable energy generation capacity in the next 10 years. According to the Florida Energy Portal the net energy generation in 2009 was about 220,256 GWh. The demand for energy in the State of Florida is anticipated to increase by 60% by the year 2020to about 352,409 GWh. PV systems could provide a significant fraction of the demand with an estimated potential of 156,000 GWh. Other factors such as protection of the environment and the maximization of the natural nonrenewable resources make solar energy attractive. Table 23. Existing renewable energy installations (Florida Renewable Energy Potential, 2008) Source Generation (MWh) Solar-PV 2900 Solar-Water Heating 0 Solar-CSP 0 Wind-Onshore 0 Wind-Offshore 0 Biomass-Solid Mass Municipal Solid 2,848,000 Agricultural byproducts 512,000 Wood/Wood products Industry 1,688,000 Biomass-Landfill Gas 118,000 Biomass-Anaerobic Digester gas 0 Waste heat 2,600,000 Ocean current 0 Hydro Unknown TOTAL 7,768,000 Table 24. Projected renewable energy installations (Florida Renewable Energy Potential, 2008) Source Technical Potential by 2020 Solar-PV 156,000-173,000 Solar-Water Heating 1,700-2,000 Solar-CSP 600-760 Wind-Onshore 186-293 Wind-Offshore 125,230 Biomass-Solid Mass 29,372- 71,145 Biomass-Landfill gas 740 Biomass-Anaerobic digester gas 245 Waste heat 1,000 Ocean current 156,000-173,000 Hydro Unknown TOTAL 547,413 79 4.3.3 Visual Impacts Visual impact in the PV system includes landscape, architecture, structures, PV system type and layout. Landfill cover and passive post closure use provide landscape with grass, trees, and surface water ponds where birds and other animals become part of the habitat. For solar panel implementation, there are some critical factors to be considered to protect the natural habitat. PV system layout should maximize the area and maintain a good landfill shape distribution. Placing the panled directly on soil reduced the visual impact of tilted panels. Finally, all the cables should be installed underground and batteries should be located in zones to minimize exposure. 4.3.4 Index of Renewable Energy for Power Production In the PV-landfill suitability analysis the environmental factors play a key role in the maximization of the natural resources and these is the most valuable contribution for the whole project. The valuation of the environmental factors is called the Index of Renewable Energy for Power production and is defined as the amount of green house reduction gases per square meter. That number is obtained with the next equation: I REP = (KWh delivered / year) x Carbon emissions / Project area (15) 4.4 SOCIAL ASSESSMENT The social assessment involves the impact of the PV-landfill project in the areas close to the site where the population may be affected. Social assessment and includes how the population may benefit from the project. For this a land use assessment is carries out analyzing the composition of the population. There are some degrees of acceptance or suitability depending on the type of energy users, the project looks for potential institutional, public, commercial, industrial, and residential customers in the surrounding area. In that consideration technology is in some degree well accepted or easily to penetrate different users in different marketing scenarios. The social assessment is conducted using GIS tools with metadata of landfill location and land use shape files as inputs. The results are displayed as maps and the distribution of the population is given by the spatial analysis of the maps. Technology suitability for customers is evaluated in terms of energy reliability and availability. More suitable sites are those where institutional land use is present. The sites near residential and industrial areas are less desiarble. 4.5 Technical, Economical, Environmental, and Social Assessment Summary All the factors considered for site suitability are summarized in Table 25. It should be noted that the results of the evaluations using the criteria developed in Section 4 for the case study landfills are presented in Appendix A and Appendix B. 80 Table 25. Suitability assessment for photovoltaic implementation in closed landfills: technical, economical, environmental and social factors summary TECHNICAL TECHNICAL FACTOR Indicator description Description Dimensions Indicator Surrogate values Cap Improvement and maintenance PV system installed on top of the cover with or without stripping the cover layer Dimensionless Yes/Not Yes = 10 Not = 5 Grid Distance Total power production and distance to the grid KWh for power km for distance >20 kWh/day <5.0 from the grid Yes=10 Not=5 Years 0-10 11-30 31-50 >50 0-10=1 11-30=3 31-50=6 >50=10 Yes/No Has the site the set of work to control the runoff and storm water event (i.e. wet ponds, ditches, canals) Yes=10 with design Yes= 5 without design No=0 If 1 is yes = 10 If 1 is not = 5 If 2 is yes=10 If 2 is not =0 Compatibility Technology and Landfill compatibility during the construction and operation phase Surface Water Control Capacity of the landfill to control storm water events Control of leachate and gas Activities to control and monitor leachate and gas in two scenarios with or without gas extraction Yes/No 1) Existence of monitoring with gas extraction 2) Existence of monitoring without gas extraction? Site maintenance Monitoring program should be evaluated on site. Set of activities to keep the site under safe and quality conditions Yes/No Has the site sets up a program for quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) plans Yes=10 No=5 Infrastructural needs PV system would need more infrastructural development base on the type of the technology to implement Weight/m2 What the ration of the weight of the PV infrastructure and the project area? 0-30 kg/m2=10 31-60 kg/m2=5 61-100 kg/m2=3 >100 kg/m2=0 Panel Layout Number of panel to be located in the landfill area under development # of panels/m2 Total panels in the layout area/area 0.47-0.6 = 10 >0.6=5 <0.47=5 Rated Capacity Is the ratio between the energy delivered and the total capacity of the plant. ______ Percentage 81 EDF = kWhyear Installedc apacity − 8760 77%=8 >77= 10 year SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMIC Energy Delivery factor Total energy to be delivered at specific interval of time ∫ P .dt o. Percentage EDF= 77%=8 >77= 10 Pm .8760 <5900$/kW = 10 >5900$/kW, <7000$/kW = 5 >7000$/kW = 0 Initial capital cost Amount of money to be invested per kW installed Profitability Index Measures the profitability of a specific project. Is based on the average solar radiation per year and the selling price. Dimensionless Reduction in Greenhouse Emissions Amount of greenhouse gases that could be avoided if the project is implemented Metric tons of CO2/year 7.18x10 CO2metrictons*KWh/year >15000 =10 <15000, >10000 =5 <10000=3 Environmental Sustainability Measures the contribution of any specific project to the total potential of solar energy in the Florida estimated as 156,000 GW/h Percentage (Total power plant capacity/total energy potential)x100 >5% = 10 <5%, >2% = 5 <2% = 3 Index of Renewable energy Measures the amount of total carbon emission per kW per year avoided per square meter in the project area. Metric tons of CO2/m2-year IREP= KWhyearxCa rbonEmissi ons projectare a Land Use Measures the distribution of the land in the area contiguous to a buffer of 200 meters from to the landfill Percentage LU= (Land use/total land)*100 $/Kw 82 $/kW PI = futurereve nues − IPC Initialpro ject cos t ( IPC ) -4 1.0>PI>1.1 = 3 1.1>PI>1.3 = 5 1.3>PI>1.5 = 10 >0.3 = 10 <0.3, >0.1 = 5 <0.1 = 3 Land use: Institutional=10 Public=10 Commercial=5 Multifamily=5 Single family = 5 4.5 FUTURE DESIGN CONSIDERATION FOR LANDFILL According to the assessment the Florida’s closed landfills is a high potential source for the implementation of PV system. First of all the cost of land is an important parameter that affects the feasibility of any PV system. Usually available areas are too far from the grid mostly located in the rural areas. Systems connected to the grid need less upfront cost due to the low battery dependence. Likewise, if PV technology is getting mature with time, landfill could follow it up as well trying to design it more compatible with PV system. Among the results of this research factors such as shape, orientation, location, area, compatibility, cover, water control, type, and corrosion could in some improve or impair the PV system performance. Landfill and PV system combination could be enhanced first in terms of orientation. Site planners and designers should in the future see carefully the orientation of the cells, and maximize those areas facing south. For that could be needed to carry out a stability assessment, and see the most suitable shape without placing a risk in the slopes stability. Likewise, area is a factor that determines if a project scale makes it either feasible or not, the higher the project scale and energy demand, the more profitability and as a result the more feasibility is going to be reached. When we refer us to area is to the effective area no the total area of the landfill, the area in which solar energy is useful. Well designed landfill would contribute with about 60%-70% percent of its area rather than the 40%-60% of others designs. The interaction of the cover of the landfill and the PV system is not well understood yet; projects like the San Antonio California Landfill are monitoring the cover profile and the structure and PV system performance. From the experience in the Pennsauken landfill they used in the construction phase removing of vegetation and create a new cover layer from which a gravel cover is placed onto the soil as shown in Figure 60. Vegetation stripping and mountings set up over a gravel layer to allow the runoff free flow. Figure 60. Cover set up for panel installation (Messic, 2009) 83 Cover in the landfills is not designed to support a PV system, hence changes are expected in the future in order to complete all the storm water criteria. The runoff effective area of interception is smaller in the PV system than in the landfill due to the loss of vegetation. Also retention of the water is not going to occur due to that change and the presence of the slippery surfaces of the panels, meaning that less detention, less evaporation, and less transpiration is going to occur, at the end the whole hydrologic cycle in the landfill is changed, and the attenuation process of the storm events will decrease. A new hydrologic cycle is proposed when PV system is placed on the landfill, to compensate the attenuation reduction high rate drainage system with higher capacity has to be designed in the future landfill, retention time of runoff is going to decrease and peak flows increase with less time of concentration, as a result high capacity drainage system to control short storm events has to be designed, tested, monitored, and reported. In conclusion this topic is still under development in almost all the landfills where PV system has been implemented. 4.6 COST AND BENEFITS OF USING FLORIDA’S CLOSED LANDFILLS AS POWER PARKS Solar photovoltaic (SPV) power plants have long operational lives with zero fuel cost and small maintenance costs. However, the cost of initial investment is very high (Singh and Singh, 2010). 4.6.1 Cost of Solar Panels Solar panel considered for this project is ES A 205 module. The specification opf the panels are as fllows: Peak Power (Watts) 205 Peak Power Voltage (Volts) 18.4 Peak Power Current (Amps) 11.15 4.6.2 Dimensions The solar panel dimensions are given in Table 26. Table 26. Solar panel dimensions Dimensions inch ft m Length 65.00 5.42 1.65 Width 37.50 3.12 0.95 Depth 1.80 0.15 0.046 To produce 1 KW, 5 panels are required (i.e., 1 panel produces 205 watts). Hence, 5000 panels would ne required to produce 1 MW (i.e., 1MW = 1000 KW) 4.6.3 Weight Each panel weighs about 42 lbs. The total weight would be 5000x42= 210,000 lbs. 84 4.6.4 Cost of Panels Cost of each panel is $1,373. To produce 1KW would cost 1373x5 = $ 6,865 as shown in Figure 61. Cost of panels to produce 1 MW: 5000x $1,373= $ 6.865 Million Initial Investment: Assuming 0.5 MW is produced for the best scenario in 1 hr from a 1MW facility: Power produced on one day: 0.5 MW x 24 hrs = 12 MW Power produced in one month: 12 MW x 30 days = 360 MW Power produced in one year: 360 MW x 12 months = 4,320 MW Assuming 0.25 MW is produced in worst case scenario for 1 hr from 1MW facility: Power produced on one day: 0.25 MW x 24 hrs = 6 MW Power produced in one month: 6 MW x 30 days =180 MW Power produced in one year: 180MW x 12 months=2,160 MW Formulae for substituting Initial Investment for Solar Power Plant: Es = Eu / Rc where, Es : specific electric output of SPV panel at a given place (kWh/ kWp-year) Eu : units of electricity generated per year at a given place (kWh/year) Rc : rated capacity of the SPV system (KWp) For good scenario (Singh and Singh, 2010): Eu = 4,320,000 KWh/yr Rc = 500 KWp Then: 85 Es = 4,320,000 / 500 = 8,640 Specific electric output of SPV panel is 8,640 kWh/ KWp-year KW vs Price Price dollar 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 0 50 100 150 KW Figure 61. Price of panels per KW 4.6.5 Labor Cost Assuming 40 people work at the solar power plant with hourly rate of $17 per hour. Then, personnel cost is about $700 /hr. Considering 8 hour work day, each day $ 5,600 and for month is $0.168 Million and for year $2.016 Million for 40 workers. Assuming engineering cost of $ 50,000; site development cost is $45,000; and miscellaneous expenses are $ 0.7Million; then overall solar power plant cost would be $16.976 Million (Rehman et al., 2007) Table 27. Solar power system costs Item Development (apprx) Engineering (apprx) Initial (apprx) Operation (apprx) Miscellaneous (apprx) Cost of solar panels Labor cost TOTAL Cost $ 45,000 $ 50,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 300,000 $ 700,000 $ 6,865,000 $ 2,016,000/year $ 16,976,000 86 5. CONCLUSIONS A comprehensive analysis was conducted to evaluate the suitability of closed landfills to be used as power parks in Florida. Wind load, slope factor, panel weight, foundation considerations, landfill settlement, control of leachate and gas, shading effects, economic, environmental and social aspects were considered. Technical and economic factors considered included efficiency of solar energy harvesting systems, landfill characteristics, suitable landfill areas of maximum solar availability, proximity of utility grid system, preparation of landfill cap to support foundations (if needed), landfill cap maintenance (vegetation growth), panel maintenance, structural and infrastructural needs, auxiliary equipment, and public acceptance were also considered. A total of 18 criteria were identified and evaluated for the suitability analysis (10 technical criteria, 4 economical criteria, 3 environmental criteria, and 1 social criterion). A total of 180 points was assigned for an ideal site. Due to the large number of sites in Florida, selected technical criteria were used to screen the sites prior to detailed analyses. Orientation, topographic, operational status, and cover/cap makeup were considered for preliminary screening. Two landfills in the South Florida were identified as case study sites for further evaluation. In depth analyses were conducted using technical, economical, environmental, and social criteri. An empirical model was developed to estimate solar radiation and energy yield at each site. After the suitability assessment, the NW 58th street landfill received 130.4 points and the North-Dade landfill received 127.4 points out of 180 points for an ideal site. At the 58th street landfill the solar energy generation potential was estimated as 38.33 MW/h and the delivery of energy was estimated as 20.64 MW/h. At the North-Dade landfill the solar energy generation potential was estimated as 58.50 MW/h and the delivery energy was estimated as 31.37 MW/h. Based on the Florida Governor’s Energy Office, solar energy potential for Florida in the year 2020 is 156,000 GWh and currently installed capacity is about 2,900 MWh. There is a significant potential for the solar energy generation in Florida. The results of this research provides guide for using closed landfills as power parks. The unit cost of energy for a gridded PV system (no batteries) on a closed landfill in an urban area was estimated as $ 0.100 US/kW. This is close to the average cost of energy in Florida ($0.112 US$/kW in 2007). Event tough these estimates are favorable for solar energy systems, there are other concerns such as reliability and load equalization for providing the energy to the customers directly. One of the findings in this research is that storm water flow can change by the PV layout. Therefore, is necessary to reassess the storm water managment after the placement of the solar panels. Based on the research and empirical model results, the best orientation for the photovoltaic systems is between 10 and 40 degrees facing south. Therefore, slopes between 0.2 m/m and 0.8 m/m would be optimum for the PV systems. When compared with typical landfill slope of 0.33 m/m, it could be concluded that landfills side slopes are within the range of maximum efficiency. Because of slope 87 variations and small variations in energy yield between with slope; it is reasonable to consider a PV system which does not include support structure for placing PV panels at specific angles on the ground supports. Tilted panels could be considered on the flat areas to increase energy yield. Wind load analysis on solar panels for North Dade Landfill and North West 58th Street Landfill were conducted as case studies. The design wind speeds for Miami Dade County is between 140-150 mph, with the average design wind speed of 146 mph (FBC, 2008). Analyses were performed for wind speeds of 120-150 mph. Evergreen solar panels of ES-A-200 were used for analysis and Analytical Procedure from Chapter 6: Wind Loads of ASCE 7-05 was used as the methodology to evaluate the wind loads (Minimum Design Loads for Building and Other Structures). At the North Dade Landfill For panels placed on flat and south facing sloped surfaces, the estimated wind pressures were 46.40 lbs/sq ft and 38.36 lbs/sq ft, respectively. At the North West 58th Street Landfill, the estimated wind pressures were 58.02 lbs/sq ft and 44.17 lbs/sq ft and wind forces corresponding to panels placed on flat and south facing sloped surfaces. Florida being a hurricane-prone region, there is possibility of higher wind loads. Hence, wind loads should also be considered with appropriate supporting structures and safety factors. Wind tunnel experiments can provide necessary design data for solar installations for design purposes. 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APPENDICES 94 Appendix A – Implementation of PC System at 58th Street Landfill Table A-1. Assessment of PV system at the 58th Street Landfill in Miami Dade County TECHNICAL CRITERIA FACTOR Description Dimensions Scoring criteria Cap Improvement and maintenance A new cover layer is proposed. Stripping vegetation is applied to the currently cover avoiding the landfill’s liner damage. Dimensionless Proposed to install new cover layers. 0-10 Grid Distance Expected to generate more than 20 kWh and the grid distance is less than 5 km. both are in the urban area. Kwh for power km for distance Compatibility Technology and Landfill compatibility during the construction and operation phase Surface Water Control Capacity of the landfill to control storm water events Control of leachate and gas Activities to control and monitor leachate and gas in two scenarios with or without gas extraction >20 kWh/day <5.0 km from the grid 58th Street Landfill S l 10 10 0-10 11-30 31-50 >50 6 Yes/No Have runoff control (i.e. wet ponds, ditches, canals) 8 Yes/No 1) Existence of monitoring with gas extraction Yes 2) Existence of monitoring without gas extraction? 58th street landfill does not extract gases. 8 Years 95 Site maintenance Monitoring program should be evaluated on site. Set of activities to keep the site under safe and quality conditions Infrastructural needs Evergreen solar panels weight is 18.6 kg plus supports weight depending on the wind load. Yes/No Wieight/m2 Has the site set up for quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) plans. Yes but not evidence Not heavy structures expected on the top and slope site of the landfill 5 10 2 30 kg/m =10 Total panel in the layout area/area (m2) 58th Streeth ladnfill = 0.18 Panel Layout See tables A-2 and A-2. Figure A-1 # of panels/m2 Rated Capacity The ratio between the energy delivered and the total capacity of the plant. (See table A-4 and Figure A-2) Percentage Energy Efficiency The ratio between the energy yield and the installed capacity (Table A3) Percentage Energy Delivery factor Total energy to be delivered at specific interval of time. (See Table A-3 and Figure A-1) 0.3-0.6 = 10 >0.6=5 <0.47=5 ______ EDF = kWhyear Installedcapacityx8760 EEF= Energyyield Installedcapacity 5 8* 7.1 year ∫ P .dt o. Percentage EDF= 96 Pm .8760 5.3 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL Initial capital cost. Funds to be invested per kW installed (Table A-5) Energy Cost estimates Principal decision-making parameter (UCE) cost to pay by the customers for the service (Table A-6) Profitability Index. $/Kw 900$/kW = 10 >5900-7000 $/kW= 5 >7000$/kW = 0 5 $/kW >0.15$/kW = 1 0.12-0.15$/kW = 3 0.10-0.122 $/kW = 5 <0.10 $/kW =10 10 Measures the profitability of a specific project. Is base on the average solar radiation per year and the selling price (Table A-6) Dimensionless .0>PI>1.1 = 3 1.1>PI>1.3 = 5 1.3>PI>1.5 = 10 5 Reduction in Greenhouse Emissions. Amount of greenhouse gases that could be avoided if the project is implemented (Table A-7) Metric tons of CO2/year Environmental Sustainability. Measures the contribution of any specific project to the total potential of solar energy in the Florida estimated as 156,000 GW/h (Table A-7) Percentage 97 >100,000 =10 >50,000-100,000 =5 <50,000=3 >5% = 10 >2-5% = 5 <2% = 3 10 3 SOCIAL Index of Renewable energy. Land Use. Measures the amount of total carbon emission per kW per year avoided per square meter in the project area (Table A-7) Measures the distribution of the land in the area contiguous to a buffer of 2000 meters from the landfill boundaries (A-2) Metric tons of CO2/m2-year >0.3 = 10 0.1-0.3= 5 <0.1 = 3 10 Percentage Predominance of land use: Institutional=10 Public=10 Commercial=5 Multifamily=5 Single family = 5 Industrial = 5 5 98 A.1 Panel layout 58th street Dade landfill - Six cells of 21 each one Total area 1,050,000 m2 Area available 388,500 m2 Standard 0.77 panel/ m2 (2 m2/panel) 194,150 panels Table A-2. Layout distribution in the 58th Dade landfill. Cell number Sheet 5 Sheet 7 Sheet 8 Sheet 9 Sheet 6 Sheet 4 Total area available Placement area (0.25x21) (0.65x21) (0.7x21) (0.25x21) wetland Debris zone Area available (has) 5.25 13.65 14.7 5.25 --38.85 Area per orientation (has) South Flat East West 0 0 0 1.31 5.25 13.65 7.35 1.31 0 0 3.68 1.31 0 0 3.68 1.31 1.31 27.56 4.99 4.99 Figure A.1. 58th Landfill topography 99 A.2. Energy delivery factor South Sheet 5 Sheet 7 Sheet 8 Sheet 9 Total area per orientation Total panels 0 1.31 Table A-3. Area distribution Area per orientation (has) Flat East 5.25 13.65 7.35 3.67 1.31 1.31 Area per cell (has) West 3.67 1.31 5,25 13,65 14,7 5,25 1.31 27.56 4.98 4.98 38.85 6,550 137,800 24,900 24,900 194,150 TOTAL Installed capacity MW/h Delivery energy Energy conversion efficiency (%) Area distribution (%) Overall efficiency and area relation (Eff/m2) 1.31 MW/h 27.56 MW/h 4.98 MW/h 4.98 MW/h 38.83 MW/h 1.11 MW/h 14.58 MW/h 2.21 MW/h 2.73 MW/h 20.64 MW/h 84.80 52.91 44.45 54.76 3.37 70.9 12.82 12.82 100% 1.88 37.55 5.70 7.02 53.14% Table A-4. Energy yield from the empirical model per orientation Orientation surface TMY hourly Radiation average (w/h-m2) Average Hours per year (hr) Area (m2) Energy yield per MW/h East West South North Flat 214.5089198 229.3012464 321.9539671 217.00235 200.8938118 3631 4184 4615 3343 4615 49800 49800 13100 0 275600 2.21 2.73 1.11 0.00 14.58 100 Energy Delivery Factor 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 EDF 0.5 Log. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1/0/00 2/19/00 4/9/00 5/29/00 7/18/00 9/6/00 10/26/00 12/15/00 Date Figure A-2. 58th Street Landfill Energy yield per orientation MW/h 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 MW/h 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 Eas t Wes t South Orientation North Flat Energy yield per MWh Figure A-3. Energy yield 58th street landfill run under empirical model conditions and orientation 101 Energy yield per orientation W/h 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 W/h 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 East West South Orientation North Flat Energy yield per MWh Figure A-4. Average Energy yield 58th street landfill run in empirical model conditions and orientation 102 A.3 Energy Cost estimates and profitability Table A-5. Energy cost estimates Economic $/kw installed for flat $7,000.00 $/kw installed for flexible $4,500.00 Initial capital cost (ICC) $271,810,000.00 Amortization rate AMR (7.5%) $20,385,750.00 Tax and insurance rate (1% ) (TIR) $2,718,100.00 Operate and maintenance cost OMC (1%) $2,718,100.00 Energy delivery factor (EDF) 0.77 Installed capacity (MW/h) 38.83 UEC $0.10 Table A-6. Profitability Index Profitability Index Initial Investment Cash flow from investment Number of time periods (years) Opportunity cost (5%/ tiem period) Final value of the investment Present value of cash flows Net present value of money Profitability Index: Benefit to cost ratio $ 271,810,000 $ 33,535,000 20 5% $ 100,000,000 $ 350,706,394 $ 78,896,394 1.29 A.4 Environmental Table A-7. Environmental sustainability Reduction in greenhouse emissions CO2 (metric tons per year) 127,415 Environmental Sustainability % 0.0000249 Index of renewable energy (metric-ton-m2) 0.328134242 103 A.5 Social Figure A-4. Land use 104 Appendix B – Implementation of PC System at North-Dade landfill in the Miami Dade County TECHNICAL CRITERIA Table B-1. Assessment of PV system at the at North-Dade landfill in the Miami Dade County Description North-Dade FACTOR Dimensions Scoring criteria Landfill Cap Improvement and maintenance A new cover layer as showed in figure 14 is proposed. Stripping vegetation is applied to the currently cover avoiding the landfill’s liner damage. Dimensionless Grid Distance In both sites is going to be expected to generate more than 20 kWh and the grid distance is less than 5 km. both are in the urban area. Kwh for power km for distance Compatibility Technology and Landfill compatibility during the construction and operation phase Surface Water Control Capacity of the landfill to control storm water events Control of leachate and gas Activities to control and monitor leachate and gas in two scenarios with or without gas extraction Proposed to install new cover layers. 0-10 >20 kWh/day <5.0 km from the grid 10 10 0-10 11-30 31-50 >50 3 Yes/No Runoff control structures exists (i.e. wet ponds, ditches, canals) 8 Yes/No 1) Existence of monitoring with gas extraction Yes 2) Existence of monitoring without gas extraction 10 Years 105 Site maintenance Monitoring program should be evaluated on site. Set of activities to keep the site under safe and quality conditions Infrastructural needs Evergreen solar panels weight (18.6 kg/panel) plus support weight depending on the wind load. Yes/No Weight/m2 Has the site set up for quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) plans. Yes but not evidence No heavy structures are expected on the top and side slopes 5 10 2 30 kg/m =10 Total panel in the layout area/area (m2) North Dade Landfill: 0.46 # of panels/m2 Panel Layout See table B-2 Rated Capacity The ratio between the energy delivered and the total capacity of the plant. (Table B-3 and Figure B-2) Percentage Energy Efficiency Ratio between the energy yield and the installed capacity( Table B-4) Percentage Energy Delivery factor Total energy to be delivered at specific interval of time (Table B-4 and Figure B-1) 10 0.3-0.6 = 10 >0.6=5 <0.3=5 ______ kWhyear Installedcapacityx8760 8* Energyyield =52.01% Installedcapacity 5.2 EDF = EEF= year ∫ P .dt o. Percentage EDF= 106 Pm .8760 5.2 =52% ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMIC Initial capital cost Funds to be invested per kW installed (Table B-5) Energy Cost estimates Principal decision-making parameter (UCE) cost to pay by the customers for the service (Table B-5) Profitability Index $/Kw 900$/kW = 10 >5900-7000 $/kW= 5 >7000$/kW = 0 0 $/kW >0.15$/kW = 1 0.12-0.15$/kW = 3 0.10-0.122 $/kW = 5 <0.10 $/kW =10 5 Profitability of a specific project based on the average solar radiation per year and the selling price (Table B-6) Dimensionless .0>PI>1.1 = 3 1.1>PI>1.3 = 5 1.3>PI>1.5 = 10 10 Reduction in Greenhouse Emissions Amount of greenhouse gases that could be avoided if the project is implemented (Table B-) Metric tons of CO2/year Environmental Sustainability Measures the contribution of any specific project to the total potential of solar energy in the Florida estimated as 156,000 GW/h (Table B-7) Percentage 107 >100,000 =10 >50,000-100,000 =5 <50,000=3 >5% = 10 >2-5% = 5 <2% = 3 10 3 Index of Renewable energy Measures the amount of total carbon emission per kW per year avoided per square meter in the project area (Table B-7) Metric tons of CO2/m2-year >0.3 = 10 0.1-0.3= 5 <0.1 = 3 10 Percentage Predominance of land use: Institutional=10 Public=10 Commercial=5 Multifamily=5 Single family = 5 Industrial = 5 5 SOCIAL Land Use Measures the distribution of the land in the area contiguous to a buffer of 2000 meters from to the landfill (Figure B-2) 108 B.1 Panel Layout North Dade landfill - Seven cells of 21 each one Total area 630,000 m2 Area available 585,000 m2 Standard 0.77 panel/ m2 (2 m2/panel) 253,300 panels Cell number Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Sheet 5 Sheet 6 Sheet 7 Total area available Table B-2. Layout distribution in the North Dade Landfill Area Area per orientation (has) Placement area available South Flat East (has) (0.70x30) (0.65x30) (0.4x30) (0.38x30) Active Cell Active zone 21 19.5 13.5 11.4 --65.4 0 5.265 0 2.85 12.6 9.75 10.8 8.55 0 0 0 0 4.2 4.485 0 0 8.115 41.7 0 8.685 Figure B-1. North-Dade Landfill topography 109 West B.2. Energy delivery factor South 0 5.265 0 2.85 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Sheet 5 Total area per orientation Total panels Table B-3. Area distribution Area per orientation (has) Flat East 12.6 0 9.75 0 10.8 0 8.55 0 Area per cell (has) West 4.2 4.485 0 0 16.8 19.5 10.8 11.4 8.115 41.7 0 8.685 58.5 40,575 208,500 0 43,225 292,300 TOTAL Installed capacity MW/h 8.115 MW/h 41.7 MW/h 0 MW/h 8.685 MW/h 58.5 MW/h Delivery energy 4.54 MW/h 22.07 MW/h 0 MW/h 4.76 MW/h 31.37 MW/h 55.9 52.9 0 54.8 13.9 71.3 0 14.8 100% 7.75 37.72 0 8.13 53.61% Energy conversion efficiency (%) Area distribution (%) Overall efficiency and area relation (Eff/m2) Table B-4. Energy yield from the empirical model with orientation Orientation surface TMY hourly Radiation average (w/h-m2) Average Hours per year (hr) Area (m2) Energy yield per MW/h East West South North Flat 214.50 229.34 212.34 175.75 200.89 3631 4184 4615 4572 4615 49800 49800 13100 0 275600 0.00 4.76 4.54 0.00 22.07 110 Energy Delivery Factor 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 EDF 0.5 Log. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1/0/00 2/19/00 4/9/00 5/29/00 7/18/00 9/6/00 10/26/00 12/15/00 Date Figure B-2. Energy delivery factor at North Dade Landfill Energy yield per orientation MW/h 25.00 20.00 15.00 MW/h 10.00 5.00 0.00 Eas t Wes t South Orientation North Flat Energy yield per MWh Figure B-3. Energy yield North Dade landfill run under empirical model conditions and per orientation 111 B.3 Energy Cost estimates and profitability Table B-5. Energy cost estimates Economic $/kw installed for flat $/kw installed for flexible Initial capital cost (ICC) Amortization rate AMR (7.5%) Tax and insurance rate (1% ) (TIR) Operate and maintenance cost OMC (1%) Energy delivery factor (EDF) Installed capacity (MW/h) $ 7,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 409,500,000.00 $ 30,712,500.00 $ 4,095,000.00 $ 4,095,000.00 0.77 $ 58.50 Unit Cost of Energy UEC (kW/h)- Flap panels $ 0.10 Table B-6. Profitability Profitability Index Initial Investment Cash flow from investment Number of time periods Opportunity cost (5%/ time period) Final value of the investment Present value of cash flows Net present value of money Profitability Index Benefit cost ratio 409,500,000 50,522,727 20 5% 50,000,000 648,469,325 238,969,325 1.58 B.4 Environmental Table B-7. Environmental sustainability Reduction in greenhouse emissions CO2 (metric tons per year) Environmental Sustainability % Index of renewable energy (metric-ton-m2) 112 197,261 0.0000375 0.3371 B.5 Social Figure B-4. Land use 113 APPENDIX C. Wind Load Analyses Case Study 1: North Dade Landfill Study Area: North Dade Landfill Location: 21500 NW 47th avenue, Opa-locka, Miami Dade County, FL 33055 shown in Figure 58. Latitude: 25.97, Longitude: -80.29 Figure C.1. Satellite image of North Dade Landfill Assumptions: 1. Closed side of the landfill (left in Figure 58) is considered for wind load analysis. 2. Elevation contours for the closed side of the landfill range from 10 ft to 80 ft with 87.9 being the highest elevation (from Auto CAD drawings provided by Solid Waste Department, Miami Dade County). Assuming the landfill is leveled using appropriate soil to an elevation of 90 ft, suitable for solar systems installation, the height of the hill or escarpment (landfill) relative to upwind terrain is taken as 90 ft for wind load analysis. 3. Distance (upwind or downwind) from the crest to the building or structure site (x) is 30 ft. 4. Distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half the height of hill or escarpment (landfill) is measured as 306.69 feet. 5. For slope surface scenario, topographic factor (Kzt) is taken as the average of the flat (top) surface of the landfill and ground surface. 6. Eave height and ridge height of the solar system are 2 ft and 6 ft, respectively. 7. Wind Pressure (qh or qz) for the structure is analyzed at z= mean height of the structure (h) = 4 ft. 114 8. Effective wind area of the panels corresponding to appropriate zones at different tilt angles and type of wind flows were for the following cases: 1 panel corresponding to zone 3; 4 panels corresponding to zone 3 and zone 2; 16 panels corresponding to zone 3, zone 2 and zone 1. Design Inputs and Calculations: Wind speed (V): Range of wind speeds for the study area is between 140 mph -150 mph as shown in Figure 59 (wind speed contours, wind speed map of Figure: 6-1, page 33 and Figure: 6-1B, page 35 of ASCE 7-05; wind speed map of counties by FBC, 2008, Google map resources). The corresponding design wind speed for Miami Dade County is 146 mph as per FBC 3-second gust speed at 33ft(10m) above ground corresponding to Exposure category “C”(FBC, 2008). This value was used for the wind load analysis along with different wind speeds ranging from 120 mph to 150 mph. These wind speeds correspond to 3-second gust in mph at 33 ft (10 m) above ground for Exposure Category “C.” Figure C.2. Wind Speed contour map for Miami Dade County (Google map resources) Importance factor (I): Importance factor was assumed as 0.77 based on wind speed velocity and the solar systems were considered as category I (Table 6-1 of ASCE 7-05). Directionality factor (Kd): Directionality factor was assumed as 0.85 for the solar systems considered corresponding to solid sign category (Table 6-4 of ASCE 7-05). 115 Velocity pressure exposure coefficient (Kz) Kz = 2.01 [15/zg]2/ α for z < 15 ft where, z: Height above local ground level taken at mean height of system = 4 feet. Nominal height of the atmospheric boundary layer was assumed as 900 ft for zg: Exposure “C” (Table 6-2 of ASCE 7-05) α: 3-sec gust speed power law exponent was assumed as 9.5 for Exposure “C” (Table 6-2 of ASCE 7-05) Then: Kz = 2.01 [15/900]2/ 9.5 = 0.85 Topographic factor (Kzt) for Flat (Top) surfaces of Landfill Kzt = (1 + K1 x K2 x K3)2 K1 evaluated by interpolating H/Lh value (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) K2 evaluated by interpolating x/Lh value (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) K3 evaluated by interpolating z/Lh = h/Lh value (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) where, h: Height above local ground level taken at mean height of system = 4 feet H: Height of the hill or escarpment = 90 ft (assuming uniform ground level attained on the landfill after leveling, suitable for solar systems installation). Distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half of the Lh: height of the hill or escarpment = 306.69 ft (from the AutoCAD drawings of the landfill, provided by Solid Waste Department, Miami Dade County). x: Distance (upward or downwind) from the crest to the building site= 30 ft (assumed in Auto CAD drawings of the landfill, provided by Solid Waste Department, Miami Dade County). H/Lh = 90 / 306.69 = 0.29 Hence, K1 after interpolation= 0.25 (Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) x/Lh = 30 / 306.69 = 0.098 Hence, K2 after interpolation= 0.976 (Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) z/Lh = 4 / 306.69 = 0.013 Hence, K3 after interpolation= 0.971 (Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) Kzt = (1+0.25 x 0.976 x 0.971)2 = 1.53 Topographic factor (Kzt) for Sloped surfaces of Landfill Topographic factor (Kzt) for horizontal ground surface= 1 116 Topographic factor (Kzt) for Flat (Top) surfaces of Landfill, calculated = 1.53 Topographic factor (Kzt) for Sloped surfaces of Landfill = average Kzt of flat and horizontal ground surface = (1.53 + 1)/2 = 1.27. Velocity Pressure (qh) for Flat (Top) surfaces of Landfill qh =0.00256 x Kz x Kzt x Kd x V x V x I qh =0.00256 x 0.85 x 1.53 x 0.85x 146 x 146 x 0.77 = 46 lbs/sq ft Velocity Pressure (qh) for Sloped surfaces of Landfill qh =0.00256 x Kz x Kzt x Kd x V x V x I qh =0.00256 x 0.85 x 1.27 x 0.85 x 146 x 146 x 0.77 = 38 lbs/sq ft Gust effect factor (G) : Gust effect factor (G) was assumed as 0.85 for solar systems as rigid structures (Sections 6.2, page 21 and 6.5.8, page 26 of ASCE 7-05). Angle of Panels Placement or Tilt Angle (θ): Angle of panel placement or tilt angle corresponds to angle of plane of the panel from horizontal, measured in degrees. For tilt angles ranging from 0° to 30º and wind load analysis for solar panels is analyzed with respect to wind flow, wind direction and corresponding zones. Wind directions: Wind forces on the solar systems acting in the directions of D=0º and D=180° are considered. Wind flows: Clear wind flow= relatively unobstructed wind flow with blockage <50% Obstructed wind flow= Objects below roof inhibiting wind flow with blockage >50%. Sign Convention: Positive forces correspond to wind pressures acting towards the panel’s surface. Negative forces correspond to wind pressures acting away from the panel’s surface. Net pressure coefficients (Cn) Cn=Net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) at different tilt angles correspond to type of wind flows, effective wind areas and zones (as per figure: 6-19A, page 70 of ASCE 7-05). Net Design Wind Pressure (P): The net design wind pressure is calculated using formula as per section, page 29 of ASCE 7-05. where, P = qh x g x Cn G: Cn: Gust effect factor. Net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) of the panel. 117 Effective Wind Area (A): The effective wind area of the panels denotes type of zones for evaluation of wind loads. For values of A ≤ a2 , a2<A≤ 4 a2, and A> 4a2 with a= 3ft (minimum), Zone 3, Zone 2, Zone1 or combination of the above were chosen for wind load analysis. The analyses were conducted for 1 panel corresponding to Zone 3; 4 panels corresponding to Zone 3 and Zone 2; 16 panels corresponding to Zone 3, Zone 2 and zone 1. A: a: Effective wind area, in ft2 (m2). 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h ,whichever is smaller but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3ft (0.9m). Wind Force (F) The wind force acting on the panels with respect to different wind speeds is calculated using the formula below. where, F = Pnet x A F: Pnet: A: Wind force acting on the panel surfaces, in lbs. Net design wind pressure (sum of external and internal pressures) for calculating wind loads on buildings or structures, in lbs/ft2 (N/m2). Effective wind area of the panel surfaces, in ft2 (m2). Wind load analysis for flat surfaces and sloped surfaces at the North Dade Landfill are provided in Appendix C1 and Appendix C2, respectively. 118 Case Study-2: North West 58th Street Landfill Study Area: North West 58th Street Landfill Location: 6990 NW 97th Ave, Miami, Florida 33178 shown in Figure 60. Latitude: Latitude: 25.84, Longitude:-80.36. Figure C.3. Satellite image of North West 58th Street Landfill Assumptions: 1. Closed landfill section (left hand side) is considered for wind load analysis. 2. Elevation contours for the closed side of the landfill are ranging from 10 ft to 80 ft with 85.6 being the highest elevation (as per Auto CAD drawing, provided by Solid Waste Department, Miami Dade County). Assuming the landfill is leveled using appropriate soil to an elevation of 88 ft, suitable for solar systems installation, the height of the hill or escarpment (landfill) relative to upwind terrain is taken as 88 ft for wind load analysis. 3. Distance (upwind or downwind) from the crest to the building or structure site (x) is assumed as 50 ft. 4. Distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half the height of hill or escarpment (landfill) is measured as 120.81 feet. 5. For slope surface scenario, topographic factor (Kzt) is taken as the average of the flat (top) surface of the landfill and ground surface. 6. Eave height and Ridge height of the solar system is taken as 2 ft and 6 ft respectively. 119 7. Wind Pressure (qh or qz) for the structure is analyzed at z= mean height of the structure (h) = 4 ft. 8. Effective wind area of the panels corresponding to appropriate zones for different tilt angles and type of wind flows are analyzed. The analyses were conducted for 1 panel corresponding to Zone 3; 4 panels corresponding to Zone 3 and Zone 2; 16 panels corresponding to Zone 3, Zone 2 and zone 1. Design Inputs and Calculations: Wind speed (V): Range of wind speeds for the study area location lies between 140 mph -150 mph (wind speed contours, as given in wind speed map of figure: 6-1, page 33 and figure: 6-1B, page 35 of ASCE 7-05 or wind speed map of counties by FBC, 2008 or Google map resources) as shown in Figure 59. The basic wind speed for Miami Dade County, Miami is given as 146 mph as per FBC 3-second gust speed at 33ft(10m) above ground corresponding to Exposure category “C” (FBC, 2008) and the above value is used for the wind load analysis along with different wind speed ranging from 120 mph to 150 mph. Wind Speeds mentioned below correspond to 3-second gust wind speeds in mph at 33 ft (10 m) above ground for Exposure Category “C.” Importance factor (I) Importance factor =0.77 based on Wind speed velocity, for solar systems considered as category I (from Table 6-1 of ASCE 7-05). Directionality factor (Kd) Directionality factor = 0.85 for solar systems considered as solid sign category (as per Table 6-4 of ASCE 7-05). Velocity pressure exposure coefficient (Kz) Kz = 2.01 [15/zg]2/ α for z < 15 ft where, z: Height above local ground level taken at mean height of system = 4 feet. Nominal height of the atmospheric boundary layer = 900 ft for Exposure “C” zg: (Table 6-2 of ASCE 7-05) α: 3-sec gust speed power law exponent= 9.5 for Exposure “C” (Table 6-2 of ASCE 7-05) Hence, Kz = 2.01 [15/900]2/ 9.5 = 0.85 Topographic factor (Kzt) for Flat (Top) surfaces of Landfill Kzt = (1 + K1 x K2 x K3)2 K1 evaluated by interpolating H/Lh value (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) K2 evaluated by interpolating x/Lh value (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) K3 evaluated by interpolating z/Lh = h/Lh value (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) where, 120 h: H: Lh: x: Height above local ground level taken at mean height of system = 4 feet Height of the hill or escarpment = 88 ft (assuming uniform ground level attained on the landfill after leveling, suitable for solar systems installation). Distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half of the height of the hill or escarpment = 120.81 ft (measured from the AutoCAD drawings of the landfill, provided by Solid Waste Department, Miami Dade County). Distance (upward or downwind) from the crest to the building site= 50 ft (assumed in Auto CAD drawings of the landfill, provided by Solid Waste Department, Miami Dade County). H/Lh = 88 / 120.81 = 0.73 For H/Lh >0.5, Take H/Lh=0.5 Hence, K1 after interpolation= 0.43 (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) As H/Lh >0.5, Lh=2H for evaluating K2 and K3 H/Lh = x / 2H = 50/ (2x88) = 0.28 Hence, K2 after interpolation= 0.9328 (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) Z/ Lh = z / 2H = 4 / (2x88) = 0.023 Then: K3 after interpolation= 0.956 (as per Fig. 6-4, page 45 of ASCE 7-05) Kzt = (1 + 0.43 x 0.933 x 0.956)2 = 1.91 Topographic factor (Kzt) for Sloped surfaces of Landfill Topographic factor (Kzt) for horizontal ground surface= 1 Topographic factor (Kzt) for flat (top) surfaces of Landfill, calculated = 1.91 Topographic factor (Kzt) for Sloped surfaces of Landfill = average Kzt of flat and Horizontal ground surface = (1.91 + 1)/2 = 1.46 Velocity Pressure (qh) for Flat (Top) surfaces of Landfill qh =0.00256 x Kz x Kzt x Kd x V x V x I qh =0.00256 x 0.85 x 1.91 x 0.85 x 146 x 146 x 0.77 = 58 lbs/sq ft Velocity Pressure (qh) for Sloped surfaces of Landfill qh =0.00256 x Kz x Kzt x Kd x V x V x I 121 qh =0.00256 x 0.85 x 1.46 x 0.85 x 146 x 146 x 0.77 = 44.2 lbs/sq.ft. Gust effect factor (G): Gust effect factor (G) = 0.85 for solar systems considering them as rigid structures (as per sections 6.2, page 21 and 6.5.8, page 26 of ASCE 7-05) Angle of Panels Placement or Tilt Angle (θ): Angle of panel’s placement or Tilt angle corresponds to angle of plane of the panel from horizontal, measured in degrees. Tilt angle ranges from 0° to 30º and wind load analysis for solar panels is analyzed w.r.t. different tilt angles for each wind flow, wind direction and corresponding zones. Wind directions: Wind forces on the solar systems acting in the directions of D=0º and D=180° are considered. Wind flows: Clear wind flow= Relatively unobstructed wind flow with blockage <=50% Obstructed wind flow= Objects below roof inhibiting wind flow with blockage >50%. Sign Convention Positive forces correspond to wind pressures acting towards the panel’s surface. Negative forces correspond to wind pressures acting away from the panel’s surface. Net pressure coefficients (Cn) Cn=Net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) at different tilt angles correspond to type of wind flows, effective wind areas and zones (as per figure: 6-19A, page 70 of ASCE 7-05). Net Design Wind Pressure (P): The net design wind pressure is calculated using formula as per section, page 29 of ASCE 7-05. P = qh x g x Cn where, G: Gust effect factor. Net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) of the panel. Cn: Effective Wind Area (A): The effective wind area of the panels denotes type of zones for evaluation of wind loads. For values of A ≤ a2 , a2<A≤ 4 a2, A> 4a2 with a= 3ft(minimum), Zone 3, Zone2,Zone1 or combination of the above are chosen for wind load analysis. The analyses were conducted for 1 panel corresponding to Zone 3; 4 panels corresponding to Zone 3 and Zone 2; 16 panels corresponding to Zone 3, Zone 2 and zone 1. A: a: Effective wind area, in ft2 (m2). 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h ,whichever is smaller but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3ft (0.9m). 122 Wind Force (F): The wind force acting on the panels with respect to different wind speeds is calculated using the formula below. F = Pnet × A where, F: Wind force acting on the panel surfaces, in lbs. Pnet: Net design wind pressure (sum of external and internal pressures) for calculating wind loads on buildings or structures, in lbs/ft2 (N/m2). A: Effective wind area of the panel surfaces, in ft2 (m2). Wind load analyses for both flat and sloped surfaces of NW 58th street landfill are provided in Appendix C3 and Appendix C4, respectively. 123 APPENDIX C1. Force vs Tilt angle graphs at different wind speeds for flat surfaces on North Dade Landfill Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1 Panel Table C1-1. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for single panel For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Angle of Angle of Wind Speed=150 mph Wind Speed=146 mph Panels Panels Clear Obstructed Clear Obstructed Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs 0 1269.281 -1198.77 564.1248 -1269.28 0 1202.488 -1135.68 534.4393 -1202.49 7.5 1692.374 -1480.83 846.1872 -1833.41 7.5 1603.318 -1402.9 801.6589 -1736.93 15 1903.921 -2044.95 1269.281 -2256.5 15 1803.733 -1937.34 1202.488 -2137.76 30 2750.108 -2679.59 1692.374 -2468.05 30 2605.392 -2538.59 1603.318 -2338.17 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Clear Obstructed For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees 0 1105.685 -1044.26 491.4154 -1105.68 7.5 1474.246 -1289.97 737.1231 15 1658.527 -1781.38 30 2395.65 -2334.22 Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs 0 953.3709 -900.406 423.7204 -953.371 -1597.1 7.5 1271.161 -1112.27 635.5806 -1377.09 1105.685 -1965.66 15 1430.056 -1535.99 953.3709 -1694.88 1474.246 -2149.94 30 2065.637 -2012.67 1271.161 -1853.78 124 Negative forces, in lbs For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs 0 812.3397 -767.21 361.0399 7.5 1083.12 15 1218.51 30 1760.069 -947.73 541.5598 1308.77 812.3397 1714.94 1083.12 Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs -812.34 1173.38 1444.16 1579.55 Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 3000 2500 2000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 1500 Clear,positive(146 mph) 1000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 500 Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-1. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 125 Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 2000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 1500 1000 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 500 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Obstructed,positive(130 mph) Figure C1-2. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow Single Panel 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐500 0 10 20 30 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐1000 Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐1500 Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐2000 Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐2500 ‐3000 40 Clear,negative(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-3. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 126 Single Panel 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐500 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐1000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐1500 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐2000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐2500 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐3000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-4. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 127 Case-2: For Effective wind area of 4 Panels Table C1-2. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 4 panels For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Angle of Wind Speed=150 mph Wind Speed=146 mph Panels Panels Clear Obstructed Clear Obstructed Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs 0 6769.498 -6205.37 2820.624 -6769.5 0 6413.272 -5878.83 2672.196 -6413.27 7.5 9025.997 -7897.75 4512.998 -9590.12 7.5 8551.029 -7482.15 4275.514 -9085.47 15 10154.25 -10718.4 6769.498 -11846.6 15 9619.907 -10154.3 6413.272 -11223.2 30 14667.24 -14103.1 9025.997 -12974.9 30 13895.42 -13361 8551.029 -12292.1 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs 0 5896.985 -5405.57 7.5 7862.646 15 30 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Clear Obstructed Negative forces, in lbs Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs 2457.077 -5896.98 0 5084.645 -4660.92 2118.602 -5084.64 -6879.82 3931.323 -8354.06 7.5 6779.526 -5932.09 3389.763 -7203.25 8845.477 -9336.89 5896.985 -10319.7 15 7626.967 -8050.69 5084.645 -8898.13 12776.8 -12285.4 7862.646 -11302.6 30 11016.73 -10593 6779.526 -9745.57 128 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees Positive forces, in lbs 0 4332.478 7.5 5776.638 15 6498.718 30 9387.037 Negative forces, in lbs 3971.44 5054.56 6859.76 -9026 Positive forces, in lbs 1805.199 2888.319 4332.478 5776.638 Negative forces, in lbs 4332.48 6137.68 7581.84 8303.92 Wind Force(lbs) 4 Panels(2*2) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Clear,positive(150 mph) Clear,positive(146 mph) Clear,positive(140 mph) Clear,positive(130 mph) Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-5. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 129 4 Panels(2*2) Wind Force(lbs) 10000 8000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 6000 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 4000 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 2000 Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-6. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 4 Panels(2*2) 0 Wind Force(lbs) 0 10 20 30 40 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐5000 Clear,negative(146 mph) Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐10000 Clear,negative(130 mph) Clear,negative(120 mph) ‐15000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-7. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 130 4 Panels(2*2) 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐2000 0 10 20 30 40 ‐4000 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐6000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐8000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐10000 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐12000 ‐14000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-8.Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 131 Case-3: For Effective wind area of 16 Panels Table C1.3. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 16 panels For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=150 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 40616.99 -37232.2 16923.74 -40617 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=146 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 38479.63 -35273 16033.18 -38479.6 7.5 54155.98 -47386.5 27077.99 -57540.7 7.5 51306.17 -44892.9 25653.09 -54512.8 15 60925.48 -64310.2 40616.99 -71079.7 15 57719.44 -60926.1 38479.63 -67339.4 30 88003.47 -84618.7 54155.98 -77849.2 30 83372.53 -80165.9 51306.17 -73752.6 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 35381.91 -32433.4 14742.46 -35381.9 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 30507.87 -27965.5 12711.61 -30507.9 7.5 47175.88 -41278.9 23587.94 -50124.4 7.5 40677.16 -35592.5 20338.58 -43219.5 15 53072.86 -56021.4 35381.91 -61918.3 15 45761.8 -48304.1 30507.87 -53388.8 30 76660.8 -73712.3 47175.88 -67815.3 30 66100.38 -63558.1 40677.16 -58473.4 132 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Positive Negative Positive Negative Tilt angle, forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in in degrees lbs lbs lbs lbs 0 25994.87 -23828.6 10831.2 -25994.9 7.5 34659.83 -30327.3 17329.91 -36826.1 15 38992.31 -41158.5 25994.87 -45491 30 56322.22 -54156 34659.83 -49823.5 16 Panels(4*4) wind Force(lbs) 100000 80000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 60000 Clear,positive(146 mph) 40000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 20000 Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-9. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 133 16 Panels(4*4) Wind Force(lbs) 60000 50000 40000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 30000 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 20000 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 10000 Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-10. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 16 Panels(4*4) Wind Force(lbs) 0 ‐20000 0 10 20 30 40 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐40000 Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐60000 Clear,negative(140 mph) Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐80000 ‐100000 Clear,negative(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-11. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 134 16 Panels(4*4) 0 ‐10000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Wind Force(lbs) ‐20000 ‐30000 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐40000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐50000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐60000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐70000 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐80000 ‐90000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C1-12. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 135 Force vs Wind speed graphs at different wind speeds Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1 panel Table C1.4. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 1 panel Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 7.5 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 1083.12 -947.73 541.56 -1173.38 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 812.34 -767.21 361.04 -812.34 130 953.371 -900.406 423.72 -953.37 130 1271.16 -1112.27 635.581 -1377.09 140 1105.68 -1044.26 491.42 -1105.7 140 1474.25 -1289.97 737.123 -1597.1 146 1202.49 -1135.68 534.44 -1202.5 146 1603.32 801.659 -1736.93 150 1269.28 -1198.77 564.12 -1269.3 150 1692.37 -1480.83 846.187 -1833.41 120 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, in forces, in lbs in lbs lbs in lbs 1760.07 -1714.94 1083.12 -1579.55 -1694.88 130 2065.64 -2012.67 1271.161 -1853.78 1105.68 -1965.66 140 2395.65 -2334.22 1474.246 -2149.94 -1937.342 1202.49 -2137.76 146 2605.39 -2538.59 1603.318 -2338.17 -2044.952 1269.28 -2256.5 150 2750.11 -2679.59 1692.374 -2468.05 120 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in lbs lbs in lbs in lbs 1218.51 -1308.77 812.34 -1444.16 130 1430.06 -1535.986 953.371 140 1658.53 -1781.381 146 1803.73 150 1903.92 Wind Speed,in mph -1402.9 Wind Speed,in mph 136 Single Panel @Tilt angle = 0 degrees 1500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 1000 500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐500 0 50 100 150 200 ‐1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐1500 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-13. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for single panel Wind Force(lbs) Single Panel @Tilt angle = 7.5 degrees 2000 1500 1000 500 0 ‐500 0 ‐1000 ‐1500 ‐2000 ‐2500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 50 100 150 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-14. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for single panel 137 Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 15 degrees 3000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 2000 1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐2000 ‐3000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-15. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for single panel Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 30 degrees 4000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 3000 2000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 1000 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 ‐2000 ‐3000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-16. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for single panel 138 Case-2: For Effective wind area of 4 panels Table C1.5. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 4 panels Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 4332.48 -3971.44 1805.2 -4332.5 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 7.5 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 5776.64 -5054.56 2888.32 -6137.68 130 5084.64 -4660.92 2118.6 -5084.6 130 6779.53 -5932.09 3389.76 -7203.25 140 5896.98 -5405.57 2457.1 -5897 140 7862.65 -6879.82 3931.32 -8354.06 146 6413.27 -5878.83 2672.2 -6413.3 146 8551.03 -7482.15 4275.51 -9085.47 150 6769.5 2820.6 -6769.5 150 -6205.37 120 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in lbs lbs in lbs in lbs 6498.72 -6859.758 4332.48 -7581.84 130 7626.97 -8050.688 140 8845.48 146 150 Wind Speed,in mph 9026 -7897.75 4513 -9590.12 120 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, in forces, in lbs in lbs lbs in lbs 9387.04 -9026 5776.638 -8303.92 5084.64 -8898.13 130 11016.7 6779.526 -9745.57 -9336.892 5896.98 -10319.7 140 12776.8 -12285.4 7862.646 -11302.6 9619.91 -10154.35 6413.27 -11223.2 146 13895.4 8551.029 -12292.1 10154.2 -10718.37 6769.5 150 14667.2 -14103.1 9025.997 -12974.9 Wind Speed,in mph -11846.6 139 -10593 -13361 4 Panels(2*2) @Tilt angle = 0 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-17. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 4 panels 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 5000 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐10000 ‐15000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-18. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 4 panels 140 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=15 degrees 15000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 10000 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐10000 ‐15000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-19. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 4 panels Wind Force(lbs) 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=30 degrees 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 ‐5000 0 ‐10000 ‐15000 ‐20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 50 100 150 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-20. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 4 panels 141 Case-3: For Effective wind area of 16 panels Table C1.6. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 16 panels Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 7.5 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 34659.8 -30327.3 17329.9 -36826.1 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 25994.9 -23828.6 10831 -25995 130 30507.9 -27965.5 12712 -30508 130 40677.2 -35592.5 20338.6 -43219.5 140 35381.9 -32433.4 14742 -35382 140 47175.9 -41278.9 23587.9 -50124.4 146 38479.6 -35273 16033 -38480 146 51306.2 -44892.9 25653.1 -54512.8 150 40617 -37232.2 16924 -40617 150 -47386.5 27078 -57540.7 120 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, in forces, in lbs in lbs lbs in lbs 56322.2 -54156 34659.83 -49823.5 30507.9 -53388.8 130 66100.4 -63558.1 40677.16 -58473.4 -56021.35 35381.9 -61918.3 140 76660.8 -73712.3 47175.88 -67815.3 57719.4 -60926.08 38479.6 -67339.4 146 83372.5 -80165.9 51306.17 -73752.6 60925.5 -64310.23 150 88003.5 -84618.7 54155.98 -77849.2 120 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in lbs lbs in lbs in lbs 38992.3 -41158.55 25994.9 -45491 130 45761.8 -48304.13 140 53072.9 146 150 Wind Speed,in mph 54156 40617 Wind Speed,in mph -71079.7 142 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle = 0 degrees 60000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 40000 20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐20000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐40000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐60000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-21. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees 60000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 40000 20000 0 ‐20000 0 50 100 150 ‐40000 ‐60000 ‐80000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-22. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 16 panels 143 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-23. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=30 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C1-24. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 16 panel 144 APPENDIX C2 Wind Load Analysis for Sloped Surfaces of North Dade Landfill Force vs Tilt angle graphs at different wind speeds: Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1 Panel Table C2.1. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for single panel For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=150 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, in angle, lbs in lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 1049.3 -991.005 466.3554 -1049.3 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=146 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, in angle, lbs in lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 994.0831 -938.856 441.8147 -994.083 7.5 1399.066 -1224.18 699.5331 -1515.65 7.5 1325.444 -1159.76 662.7221 -1435.9 15 1573.949 -1690.54 1049.3 -1865.42 15 1491.125 -1601.58 994.0831 -1767.26 30 2273.482 -2215.19 1399.066 -2040.3 30 2153.847 -2098.62 1325.444 -1932.94 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 914.0565 -863.276 406.2474 -914.057 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 788.1406 -744.355 350.2847 -788.141 7.5 1218.742 -1066.4 609.371 -1320.3 7.5 1050.854 -919.497 525.4271 -1138.43 15 1371.085 -1472.65 914.0565 -1624.99 15 1182.211 -1269.78 788.1406 -1401.14 30 1980.456 -1929.67 1218.742 -1777.33 30 1707.638 -1663.85 1050.854 -1532.5 145 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Positive Negative Positive Negative Tilt angle, forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in in degrees lbs lbs lbs lbs 0 671.5517 -634.243 298.4674 -671.552 7.5 895.4023 -783.477 447.7012 -970.019 15 1007.328 -1081.94 671.5517 -1193.87 30 1455.029 -1417.72 895.4023 -1305.8 Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 2500 2000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 1500 Clear,positive(146 mph) 1000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 500 Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-1. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 146 Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 1500 1000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 500 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-2. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 0 ‐500 0 10 20 30 40 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐1000 Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐1500 Clear,negative(140 mph) Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐2000 ‐2500 Clear,negative(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-3. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 147 Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 0 ‐500 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐1000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐1500 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐2000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐2500 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-4. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 148 Case-2: For Effective wind area of 4 Panels Table C2.2. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 4 panels For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=150 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 5596.265 -5129.91 2331.777 -5596.26 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=146 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 5301.777 -4859.96 2209.074 -5301.78 7.5 7461.686 -6528.98 3730.843 -7928.04 7.5 7069.036 -6185.41 3534.518 -7510.85 15 8394.397 -8860.75 5596.265 -9793.46 15 7952.665 -8394.48 5301.777 -9278.11 30 12125.24 -11658.9 7461.686 -10726.2 30 11487.18 -11045.4 7069.036 -10161.7 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 4874.968 -4468.72 2031.237 -4874.97 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 4203.416 -3853.13 1751.424 -4203.42 7.5 6499.958 -5687.46 3249.979 -6906.2 7.5 5604.555 -4903.99 2802.278 -5954.84 15 7312.452 -7718.7 4874.968 -8531.19 15 6305.125 -6655.41 4203.416 -7355.98 30 10562.43 -10156.2 6499.958 -9343.69 30 9107.402 -8757.12 5604.555 -8056.55 149 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Positive Negative Positive Negative Tilt angle, forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in in degrees lbs lbs lbs lbs 0 3581.609 -3283.14 1492.337 -3581.61 7.5 4775.479 -4178.54 2387.74 -5073.95 15 5372.414 -5670.88 3581.609 -6267.82 30 7760.153 -7461.69 4775.479 -6864.75 4 Panels(2*2) 14000 Wind Force(lbs) 12000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 10000 Clear,positive(146 mph) 8000 6000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 4000 Clear,positive(130 mph) 2000 Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-5. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 150 Wind Force(lbs) 4 Panels(2*2) 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) Obstructed,positive(146 mph) Obstructed,positive(140 mph) Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-6. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 4 Panels(2*2) 0 ‐2000 0 10 20 30 40 Wind Force(lbs) ‐4000 Clear,negative(150 mph) Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐6000 Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐8000 Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐10000 Clear,negative(120 mph) ‐12000 ‐14000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-7. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 151 4 Panels(2*2) 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐2000 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐4000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐6000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐8000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐10000 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐12000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-8. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 152 Case-3: For Effective wind area of 16 panels Table C2.3. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 16 panels For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=150 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 33577.59 -30779.5 13990.66 -33577.6 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=146 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 31810.66 -29159.8 13254.44 -31810.7 7.5 44770.12 -39173.9 22385.06 -47568.2 7.5 42414.21 -37112.4 21207.11 -45065.1 15 50366.38 -53164.5 33577.59 -58760.8 15 47715.99 -50366.9 31810.66 -55668.7 30 72751.44 -69953.3 44770.12 -64357 30 68923.1 -66272.2 42414.21 -60970.4 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 29249.81 -26812.3 12187.42 -29249.8 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 25220.5 -23118.8 10508.54 -25220.5 7.5 38999.75 -34124.8 19499.87 -41437.2 7.5 33627.33 -29423.9 16813.67 -35729 15 43874.71 -46312.2 29249.81 -51187.2 15 37830.75 -39932.5 25220.5 -44135.9 30 63374.59 -60937.1 38999.75 -56062.1 30 54644.41 -52542.7 33627.33 -48339.3 153 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Positive Negative Positive Negative Tilt angle, forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in in degrees lbs lbs lbs lbs 0 21489.66 -19698.9 8954.023 -21489.7 7.5 28652.87 -25071.3 14326.44 -30443.7 15 32234.48 -34025.3 21489.66 -37606.9 30 46560.92 -44770.1 28652.87 -41188.5 16 Panels(4*4) 80000 wind Force(lbs) 70000 60000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 50000 Clear,positive(146 mph) 40000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 30000 Clear,positive(130 mph) 20000 Clear,positive(120 mph) 10000 0 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-9. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 154 16 Panels(4*4) Wind Force(lbs) 50000 40000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 30000 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 20000 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 10000 Obstructed,positive(130 mph) Obstructed,positive(120 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-10. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 16 Panels(4*4) 0 Wind Force(lbs) 0 10 20 30 ‐20000 40 Clear,negative(150 mph) Clear,negative(146 mph) Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐40000 Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐60000 ‐80000 Clear,negative(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-11. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 155 16 Panels(4*4) 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐10000 0 10 20 30 40 ‐20000 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐30000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐40000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐50000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐60000 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐70000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C2-12. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 156 Force vs Wind speed graphs at different wind speeds: Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1panel Table C2.4. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 1 panel Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 7.5 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 895.402 -783.477 447.701 -970.019 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 671.552 -634.243 298.47 -671.55 130 788.141 -744.355 350.28 -788.14 130 1050.85 -919.497 525.427 140 914.057 -863.276 406.25 -914.06 140 1218.74 609.371 -1320.3 146 994.083 -938.856 441.81 -994.08 146 1325.44 -1159.76 662.722 -1435.9 150 1049.3 466.36 -1049.3 150 1399.07 -1224.18 699.533 -1515.65 -991.005 120 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 1455.03 -1417.72 895.4023 -1305.8 -1401.14 130 1707.64 -1663.85 1050.854 -1532.5 914.057 -1624.99 140 1980.46 -1929.67 1218.742 -1777.33 -1601.578 994.083 -1767.26 146 2153.85 -2098.62 1325.444 -1932.94 -1690.538 1049.3 -1865.42 150 2273.48 -2215.19 1399.066 -2040.3 120 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 1007.33 -1081.944 671.552 -1193.87 130 1182.21 -1269.782 788.141 140 1371.08 -1472.647 146 1491.12 150 1573.95 Wind Speed,in mph -1066.4 -1138.43 Wind Speed,in mph 157 Single Panel @Tilt angle = 0 degrees 1500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 1000 500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐500 0 50 100 150 200 ‐1000 ‐1500 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-13. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 1 panel Single Panel @Tilt angle = 7.5 degrees 2000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 1500 1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 500 0 ‐500 0 50 100 150 ‐1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐1500 ‐2000 200 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-14. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 1 panel 158 Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 2000 1000 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐2000 ‐3000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-15. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 1 panel Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 30 degrees 3000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 2000 1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 ‐2000 ‐3000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-16. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 1 panel 159 Case-1: For Effective wind area of 4 panels Table C2.5. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 4 panels Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 3581.61 -3283.14 1492.3 -3581.6 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 7.5 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 4775.48 -4178.54 2387.74 -5073.95 130 4203.42 -3853.13 1751.4 -4203.4 130 5604.56 -4903.99 2802.28 -5954.84 140 4874.97 -4468.72 2031.2 -4875 140 6499.96 -5687.46 3249.98 146 5301.78 -4859.96 2209.1 -5301.8 146 7069.04 -6185.41 3534.52 -7510.85 150 5596.26 -5129.91 2331.8 -5596.3 150 7461.69 -6528.98 3730.84 -7928.04 120 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in lbs lbs in lbs in lbs 5372.41 -5670.881 3581.61 -6267.82 130 6305.12 -6655.409 140 7312.45 146 150 Wind Speed,in mph -6906.2 120 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, in forces, in lbs in lbs lbs in lbs 7760.15 -7461.69 4775.479 -6864.75 4203.42 -7355.98 130 9107.4 -8757.12 5604.555 -8056.55 -7718.7 4874.97 -8531.19 140 10562.4 -10156.2 6499.958 -9343.69 7952.66 -8394.48 5301.78 -9278.11 146 11487.2 -11045.4 7069.036 -10161.7 8394.4 -8860.752 5596.26 -9793.46 150 12125.2 -11658.9 7461.686 -10726.2 Wind Speed,in mph 160 4 Panels(2*2) @Tilt angle = 0 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-17. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 4 panels 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 ‐5000 ‐10000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-18. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 4 panels 161 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 5000 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐15000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-19. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 4 panels 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=30 degrees 15000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 10000 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 ‐10000 ‐15000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-20. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 4 panels 162 Case-1: For Effective wind area of 16 panels Table C2.6. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 16 panels Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 7.5 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 28652.9 -25071.3 14326.4 -30443.7 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 21489.7 -19698.9 8954 -21490 130 25220.5 -23118.8 10509 -25220 130 33627.3 -29423.9 16813.7 140 29249.8 -26812.3 12187 -29250 140 38999.7 -34124.8 19499.9 -41437.2 146 31810.7 -29159.8 13254 -31811 146 42414.2 -37112.4 21207.1 -45065.1 150 33577.6 -30779.5 13991 -33578 150 44770.1 -39173.9 22385.1 -47568.2 120 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 46560.9 -44770.1 28652.87 -41188.5 -44135.9 130 54644.4 -52542.7 33627.33 -48339.3 29249.8 -51187.2 140 63374.6 -60937.1 38999.75 -56062.1 -50366.88 31810.7 -55668.7 146 68923.1 -66272.2 42414.21 -60970.4 -53164.51 33577.6 -58760.8 150 72751.4 -69953.3 44770.12 -64357 120 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 32234.5 -34025.29 21489.7 -37606.9 130 37830.7 -39932.46 25220.5 140 43874.7 -46312.2 146 47716 150 50366.4 Wind Speed,in mph -35729 Wind Speed,in mph 163 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle = 0 degrees 40000 Wind Force(lbs) 30000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 20000 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐10000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐30000 ‐40000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-21. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees 60000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 40000 20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐20000 0 50 100 150 ‐40000 ‐60000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-22. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 16 panels 164 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-23. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=30 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C2-24. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 16 panel 165 APPENDIX C3 Wind Load Analysis For Sloped Surfaces of North West 58th Street Landfill Wind Load Analysis For Flat (Top) Surfaces of Landfill: Force vs Tilt angle graphs at different wind speeds: Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1 Panel Table C3-1. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for single panel For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=146 mph Wind Speed=150 mph Angle of Angle of Panels Panels Clear Obstructed Clear Obstructed Placement Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt (or) Tilt forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in angle, angle, lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs in degrees in degrees 0 1587.273 -1499.09 705.4547 -1587.27 0 1503.747 -1420.21 668.3321 -1503.75 7.5 2116.364 -1851.82 1058.182 -2292.73 7.5 2004.996 -1754.37 1002.498 -2172.08 15 2380.91 -2557.27 1587.273 -2821.82 15 2255.621 -2422.7 1503.747 -2673.33 30 3439.092 -3350.91 2116.364 -3086.36 30 3258.119 -3174.58 2004.996 -2923.95 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 1382.691 -1305.88 614.5294 -1382.69 7.5 1843.588 -1613.14 921.7941 -1997.22 15 2074.037 -2227.67 1382.691 -2458.12 30 2995.831 -2919.01 1843.588 -2688.57 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 1192.218 -1125.98 529.8749 -1192.22 7.5 1589.625 -1390.92 794.8123 -1722.09 15 1788.328 -1920.8 1192.218 -2119.5 30 2583.14 -2516.91 1589.625 -2318.2 166 Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt angle, in degrees 0 7.5 15 30 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Positive forces, in lbs Negative forces, in lbs 1015.855 1354.473 1523.782 2201.019 -959.418 -1185.16 -1636.65 -2144.58 Positive forces, in lbs 451.491 677.2365 1015.855 1354.473 Negative forces, in lbs -1015.85 -1467.35 -1805.96 -1975.27 Wind Force(lbs) Single Panel 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Clear,positive(150 mph) Clear,positive(146 mph) Clear,positive(140 mph) Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Clear,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-1. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 167 Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 2500 2000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 1500 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 1000 500 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 0 Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-2. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow Single Panel 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐500 0 10 20 30 ‐1000 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐1500 Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐2000 Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐2500 Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐3000 Clear,negative(120 mph) ‐3500 ‐4000 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-3. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 168 Single Panel 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐500 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐1000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐1500 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐2000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐2500 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐3000 ‐3500 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-4. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 169 Case-2: For Effective wind area of 4 Panels Table C3-2. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 4 panels For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=150 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in angle, lbs lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 8465.456 -7760 3527.273 -8465.46 7.5 11287.27 -9876.37 5643.637 -11992.7 15 12698.18 -13403.6 8465.456 -14814.5 30 18341.82 -17636.4 11287.27 -16225.5 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=146 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in angle, lbs lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 8019.985 -7351.65 3341.66 -8019.99 7.5 10693.31 -9356.65 5346.657 -11361.6 15 12029.98 -12698.3 8019.985 -14035 30 17376.63 -16708.3 10693.31 -15371.6 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 7374.353 -6759.82 3072.647 -7374.35 7.5 9832.471 -8603.41 4916.235 -10447 15 11061.53 -11676.1 7374.353 -12905.1 30 15977.76 -15363.2 9832.471 -14134.2 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 6358.498 -5828.62 2649.374 -6358.5 7.5 8477.998 -7418.25 4238.999 -9007.87 15 9537.747 -10067.6 6358.498 -11127.4 30 13776.75 -13246.9 8477.998 -12187.1 170 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement (or) Tilt Positive Negative Positive Negative angle, in forces, in lbs forces, in lbs forces, in lbs forces, in lbs degrees 0 5417.892 -4966.4 2257.455 -5417.89 7.5 7223.856 -6320.87 3611.928 -7675.35 15 8126.838 -8578.33 5417.892 -9481.31 30 11738.77 -11287.3 7223.856 -10384.3 4 Panels(2*2) Wind Force(lbs) 20000 15000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 10000 Clear,positive(146 mph) 5000 Clear,positive(140 mph) Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Clear,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-5. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 171 4 Panels(2*2) Wind Force(lbs) 12000 10000 8000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 6000 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 4000 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 2000 Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-6. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 4 Panels(2*2) 0 0 10 20 30 Wind Force(lbs) ‐5000 40 Clear,negative(150 mph) Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐10000 Clear,negative(140 mph) Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐15000 Clear,negative(120 mph) ‐20000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-7. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 172 4 Panels(2*2) 0 Wind Force(lbs) 0 5 10 15 20 25 ‐5000 30 35 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐10000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐15000 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐20000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-8. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 173 Case-3: For Effective wind area of 16 Panels Table C3-3. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 16 panels For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=150 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in angle, lbs lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 50792.74 -46560 21163.64 -50792.7 7.5 67723.65 -59258.2 33861.82 -71956.4 15 76189.11 -80421.8 50792.74 -88887.3 30 110050.9 -105818 67723.65 -97352.7 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Angle of Wind Speed=146 mph Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in angle, lbs lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 48119.91 -44109.9 20049.96 -48119.9 7.5 64159.88 -56139.9 32079.94 -68169.9 15 72179.87 -76189.9 48119.91 -84209.8 30 104259.8 -100250 64159.88 -92229.8 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 44246.12 -40558.9 18435.88 -44246.1 7.5 58994.82 -51620.5 29497.41 -62682 15 66369.18 -70056.4 44246.12 -77430.7 30 95866.59 -92179.4 58994.82 -84805.1 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 38150.99 -34971.7 15896.25 -38151 7.5 50867.99 -44509.5 25433.99 -54047.2 15 57226.48 -60405.7 38150.99 -66764.2 30 82660.48 -79481.2 50867.99 -73122.7 174 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt Positive Negative Positive Negative angle, in degrees forces, in lbs forces, in lbs forces, in lbs forces, in lbs 0 32507.35 -29798.4 13544.73 -32507.4 7.5 43343.14 -37925.2 21671.57 -46052.1 15 48761.03 -51470 32507.35 -56887.9 30 70432.6 -67723.6 43343.14 -62305.8 16 Panels(4*4) 120000 wind Force(lbs) 100000 80000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 60000 Clear,positive(146 mph) 40000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 20000 Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-9. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 175 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) Obstructed,positive(146 mph) Obstructed,positive(140 mph) Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-10. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 16 Panels(4*4) 0 ‐20000 0 Wind Force(lbs) Wind Force(lbs) 16 Panels(4*4) 10 20 30 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐40000 Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐60000 Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐80000 Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐100000 ‐120000 40 Clear,negative(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-11. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 176 16 Panels(4*4) 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐20000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐40000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐60000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐80000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐100000 ‐120000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-12. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 177 Force vs Wind speed graphs at different wind speeds: Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1 panel Table C3-4. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 1 panel Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 0 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 1015.85 -959.418 451.49 -1015.9 1192.22 -1125.98 529.87 -1192.2 1382.69 -1305.88 614.53 -1382.7 1503.75 -1420.21 668.33 -1503.7 1587.27 -1499.09 705.45 -1587.3 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 1523.78 -1636.655 1015.85 -1805.96 1788.33 -1920.796 1192.22 -2119.5 2074.04 -2227.669 1382.69 -2458.12 2255.62 -2422.704 1503.75 -2673.33 2380.91 -2557.273 1587.27 -2821.82 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 178 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 7.5 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 1354.47 -1185.16 677.236 -1467.35 1589.62 -1390.92 794.812 -1722.09 1843.59 -1613.14 921.794 -1997.22 2005 -1754.37 1002.5 -2172.08 2116.36 -1851.82 1058.18 -2292.73 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 2201.02 -2144.58 1354.473 -1975.27 2583.14 -2516.91 1589.625 -2318.2 2995.83 -2919.01 1843.588 -2688.57 3258.12 -3174.58 2004.996 -2923.95 3439.09 -3350.91 2116.364 -3086.36 Single Panel @Tilt angle = 0 degrees 2000 Wind Force(lbs) 1500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 1000 500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐500 0 ‐1000 50 100 150 200 ‐1500 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐2000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-13. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for single panel Single Panel @Tilt angle = 7.5 degrees 3000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 2000 1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 ‐2000 ‐3000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-14. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for single panel 179 Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 15 degrees 3000 Wind Force(lbs) 2000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 1000 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐2000 ‐3000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐4000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-15. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for single panel Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 30 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 4000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 2000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 ‐2000 ‐4000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-16. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for single panel 180 Case-2: For Effective wind area of 4 panels Table C3-5. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 4 panels Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 5417.89 -4966.4 2257.5 -5417.9 130 6358.5 -5828.62 2649.4 -6358.5 140 7374.35 -6759.82 3072.6 -7374.4 146 8019.99 -7351.65 3341.7 -8020 150 8465.46 -7760 3527.3 -8465.5 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 8126.84 -8578.329 5417.89 -9481.31 9537.75 -10067.62 6358.5 -11127.4 11061.5 -11676.06 7374.35 -12905.1 12030 -12698.31 8019.99 -14035 12698.2 -13403.64 8465.46 -14814.5 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 181 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 7.5 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 7223.86 -6320.87 3611.93 -7675.35 8478 -7418.25 4239 -9007.87 9832.47 -8603.41 4916.24 -10447 10693.3 -9356.65 5346.66 -11361.6 11287.3 -9876.37 5643.64 -11992.7 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 11738.8 -11287.3 7223.856 -10384.3 13776.7 -13246.9 8477.998 -12187.1 15977.8 -15363.2 9832.471 -14134.2 17376.6 -16708.3 10693.31 -15371.6 18341.8 -17636.4 11287.27 -16225.5 4 Panels(2*2) @Tilt angle = 0 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐10000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-17. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 4 panels 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees 15000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 10000 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 ‐10000 ‐15000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-18. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 4 panels 182 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐10000 0 50 ‐20000 100 150 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-19. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 4 panels Wind Force(lbs) 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=30 degrees 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 ‐5000 0 ‐10000 ‐15000 ‐20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 50 100 150 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-20. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 4 panels 183 Case-3: For Effective wind area of 16 panels Table C3-6. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 16 panels Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 7.5 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 43343.1 -37925.2 21671.6 -46052.1 130 50868 -44509.5 25434 -54047.2 140 58994.8 -51620.5 29497.4 -62682 146 64159.9 -56139.9 32079.9 -68169.9 150 67723.6 -59258.2 33861.8 -71956.4 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 0 degrees Wind Clear Obstructed Speed,in Positive Negative Positive Negative mph forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 32507.4 -29798.4 13545 -32507 130 38151 -34971.7 15896 -38151 140 44246.1 -40558.9 18436 -44246 146 48119.9 -44109.9 20050 -48120 150 50792.7 -46560 21164 -50793 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 48761 -51469.97 32507.4 -56887.9 57226.5 -60405.73 38151 -66764.2 66369.2 -70056.35 44246.1 -77430.7 72179.9 -76189.86 48119.9 -84209.8 76189.1 -80421.83 50792.7 -88887.3 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 184 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 70432.6 -67723.6 43343.14 -62305.8 82660.5 -79481.2 50867.99 -73122.7 95866.6 -92179.4 58994.82 -84805.1 104260 -100250 64159.88 -92229.8 110051 -105818 67723.65 -97352.7 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle = 0 degrees 60000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 40000 20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐20000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐40000 ‐60000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-21. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-22. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 16 panels 185 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐100000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-23. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=30 degrees 150000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Wind Force(lbs) 100000 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐50000 0 50 100 150 ‐100000 ‐150000 Wind Speed(mph) 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Figure C3-24. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 16 panels 186 Wind Load Analysis For Sloped Surfaces of North West 58th Street Landfill Force vs Tilt angle graphs at different wind speeds: Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1 Panel Table C3-7. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for single panel For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=150 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in angle, lbs lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 1208.296 -1141.17 537.0203 -1208.3 7.5 1611.061 -1409.68 805.5305 -1745.32 15 1812.444 -1946.7 1208.296 -2148.08 30 2617.974 -2550.85 1611.061 -2349.46 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=146 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in angle, lbs lbs lbs lbs in degrees 0 1144.713 -1081.12 508.7611 -1144.71 7.5 1526.283 -1335.5 763.1417 -1653.47 15 1717.069 -1844.26 1144.713 -2035.04 30 2480.21 -2416.62 1526.283 -2225.83 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 1052.56 -994.084 467.8044 -1052.56 7.5 1403.413 -1227.99 701.7066 -1520.36 15 1578.84 -1695.79 1052.56 -1871.22 30 2280.546 -2222.07 1403.413 -2046.64 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 907.5643 -857.144 403.3619 -907.564 7.5 1210.086 -1058.83 605.0429 -1310.93 15 1361.347 -1462.19 907.5643 -1613.45 30 1966.389 -1915.97 1210.086 -1764.71 187 For Effective wind area of 1 Panel,in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Positive Negative Positive Negative Tilt angle, forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in in degrees lbs lbs lbs lbs 0 773.3093 -730.348 343.693 -773.309 7.5 1031.079 -902.194 515.5395 -1117 15 1159.964 -1245.89 773.3093 -1374.77 30 1675.503 -1632.54 1031.079 -1503.66 Single Panel Wind Force(lbs) 3000 2500 2000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 1500 Clear,positive(146 mph) 1000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 500 Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-25. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 188 Wind Force(lbs) Single Panel 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) Obstructed,positive(146 mph) Obstructed,positive(140 mph) Obstructed,positive(130 mph) Obstructed,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-26. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow Single Panel 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐500 0 10 20 30 40 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐1000 Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐1500 Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐2000 Clear,negative(130 mph) Clear,negative(120 mph) ‐2500 ‐3000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-27. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 189 Single Panel 0 0 10 20 30 Wind Force(lbs) 40 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐500 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐1000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐1500 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐2000 ‐2500 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-28. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 190 Case-2: For Effective wind area of 4 Panels Table C3-8. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 4 panels For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=150 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 6444.244 -5907.22 2685.102 -6444.24 7.5 8592.325 -7518.28 4296.163 -9129.35 15 9666.366 -10203.4 6444.244 -11277.4 30 13962.53 -13425.5 8592.325 -12351.5 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=146 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 6105.133 -5596.37 2543.806 -6105.13 7.5 8140.178 -7122.66 4070.089 -8648.94 15 9157.7 -9666.46 6105.133 -10684 30 13227.79 -12719 8140.178 -11701.5 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 5613.652 -5145.85 2339.022 -5613.65 7.5 7484.87 -6549.26 3742.435 -7952.67 15 8420.479 -8888.28 5613.652 -9823.89 30 12162.91 -11695.1 7484.87 -10759.5 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 4840.343 -4436.98 2016.81 -4840.34 7.5 6453.791 -5647.07 3226.895 -6857.15 15 7260.515 -7663.88 4840.343 -8470.6 30 10487.41 -10084 6453.791 -9277.32 191 For Effective wind area of 4(2*2) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Positive Negative Positive Negative Tilt angle, forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in in degrees lbs lbs lbs lbs 0 4124.316 -3780.62 1718.465 -4124.32 7.5 5499.088 -4811.7 2749.544 -5842.78 15 6186.474 -6530.17 4124.316 -7217.55 30 8936.018 -8592.33 5499.088 -7904.94 4 Panels(2*2) 16000 Wind Force(lbs) 14000 12000 10000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 8000 Clear,positive(146 mph) 6000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 4000 Clear,positive(130 mph) 2000 Clear,positive(120 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-29. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 192 4 Panels(2*2) Wind Force(lbs) 10000 8000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 6000 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 4000 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 2000 Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-30. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 4 Panels(2*2) 0 Wind Force(lbs) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐5000 Clear,negative(146 mph) Clear,negative(140 mph) ‐10000 Clear,negative(130 mph) Clear,negative(120 mph) ‐15000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-31. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 193 4 Panels(2*2) 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐2000 0 10 20 30 40 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐4000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐6000 ‐8000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐10000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐12000 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) ‐14000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-32. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 194 Case-3: For Effective wind area of 16 panels Table C3-9. Wind force vs Tilt angle calculations at different wind speeds for 16 panels For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=150 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 38665.46 -35443.3 16110.61 -38665.5 7.5 51553.95 -45109.7 25776.98 -54776.1 15 57998.19 -61220.3 38665.46 -67664.6 30 83775.17 -80553 51553.95 -74108.8 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=146 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 36630.8 -33578.2 15262.83 -36630.8 7.5 48841.07 -42735.9 24420.53 -51893.6 15 54946.2 -57998.8 36630.8 -64103.9 30 79366.73 -76314.2 48841.07 -70209 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=140 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 33681.91 -30875.1 14034.13 -33681.9 7.5 44909.22 -39295.6 22454.61 -47716 15 50522.87 -53329.7 33681.91 -58943.4 30 72977.48 -70170.7 44909.22 -64557 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=130 mph Angle of Panels Clear Obstructed Placement Positive Negative Positive Negative (or) Tilt forces, in forces, forces, in forces, angle, lbs in lbs lbs in lbs in degrees 0 29042.06 -26621.9 12100.86 -29042.1 7.5 38722.75 -33882.4 19361.37 -41142.9 15 43563.09 -45983.3 29042.06 -50823.6 30 62924.46 -60504.3 38722.75 -55663.9 195 For Effective wind area of 16(4*4) Panels, in sq.ft Wind Speed=120 mph Clear Obstructed Angle of Panels Placement (or) Tilt Positive Negative Positive Negative angle, in forces, in forces, in forces, in forces, in degrees lbs lbs lbs lbs 0 24745.9 -22683.7 10310.79 -24745.9 7.5 32994.53 -28870.2 16497.26 -35056.7 15 37118.84 -39181 24745.9 -43305.3 30 53616.11 -51554 32994.53 -47429.6 16 Panels(4*4) wind Force(lbs) 100000 80000 Clear,positive(150 mph) 60000 Clear,positive(146 mph) 40000 Clear,positive(140 mph) 20000 Clear,positive(130 mph) 0 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) 196 Clear,positive(120 mph) Figure C3-33. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 16 Panels(4*4) Wind Force(lbs) 60000 50000 Obstructed,positive(150 mph) 40000 Obstructed,positive(146 mph) 30000 Obstructed,positive(140 mph) 20000 10000 Obstructed,positive(130 mph) 0 Obstructed,positive(120 mph) 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-34. Positive wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow 197 16 Panels(4*4) Wind Force(lbs) 0 ‐20000 0 10 20 30 40 Clear,negative(150 mph) ‐40000 Clear,negative(146 mph) ‐60000 Clear,negative(140 mph) Clear,negative(130 mph) ‐80000 Clear,negative(120 mph) ‐100000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) Figure C3-35. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for clear wind flow 16 Panels(4*4) 0 Wind Force(lbs) ‐10000 0 5 10 15 20 25 ‐20000 30 35 Obstructed,negative(150 mph) ‐30000 Obstructed,negative(146 mph) ‐40000 ‐50000 Obstructed,negative(140 mph) ‐60000 Obstructed,negative(130 mph) ‐70000 ‐80000 Angle of Panels Placement(degrees) 198 Obstructed,negative(120 mph) Figure C3-36. Negative wind force analysis at different wind speeds for obstructed wind flow Force vs Wind speed graphs at different wind speeds: Case-1: For Effective wind area of 1panel Table C3-10. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 1 panel Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 0 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 773.309 -730.348 343.69 -773.31 -907.56 907.564 -857.144 403.36 1052.56 -994.084 467.8 -1052.6 1144.71 -1081.12 508.76 -1144.7 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 199 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 7.5 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 1031.08 -902.194 515.54 -1117 1210.09 -1058.83 605.043 -1310.93 1403.41 -1227.99 701.707 -1520.36 1526.28 -1335.5 763.142 -1653.47 150 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 1208.3 -1141.17 537.02 -1208.3 150 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 1159.96 -1245.887 773.309 -1374.77 1361.35 -1462.187 907.564 -1613.45 1578.84 -1695.791 1052.56 -1871.22 1717.07 -1844.259 1144.71 -2035.04 1812.44 -1946.699 1208.3 -2148.08 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 1611.06 -1409.68 805.53 -1745.32 Total Wind Force on 1 Panel (Zone 3) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 1675.5 -1632.54 1031.079 -1503.66 1966.39 -1915.97 1210.086 -1764.71 2280.55 -2222.07 1403.413 -2046.64 2480.21 -2416.62 1526.283 -2225.83 2617.97 -2550.85 1611.061 -2349.46 Single Panel @Tilt angle = 0 degrees 1500 Wind Force(lbs) 1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐500 0 50 100 150 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐1000 ‐1500 200 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-37. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 1 panel 200 Single Panel @Tilt angle = 7.5 degrees 2000 Wind Force(lbs) 1500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 1000 500 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐500 0 50 100 150 200 ‐1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐1500 ‐2000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-38. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 1 panel Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 3000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 2000 1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 ‐2000 ‐3000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) 201 Figure C3-39. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 1 panel Single Panel @ Tilt angle = 30 degrees 3000 Wind Force(lbs) 2000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 1000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐1000 0 50 100 150 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐2000 ‐3000 200 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-40. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 1 panel 202 Case-1: For Effective wind area of 4 panels Table C3-11. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 4 panels Wind Speed,in mph Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 0 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs Wind Speed,in mph Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 7.5 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, forces, forces, in lbs in lbs in lbs in lbs 120 4124.32 -3780.62 1718.5 -4124.3 120 5499.09 -4811.7 2749.54 -5842.78 130 140 4840.34 5613.65 -4436.98 -5145.85 2016.8 2339 -4840.3 -5613.7 130 140 6453.79 7484.87 -5647.07 -6549.26 3226.9 3742.43 -6857.15 -7952.67 146 150 6105.13 6444.24 -5596.37 -5907.22 2543.8 2685.1 -6105.1 -6444.2 146 150 8140.18 8592.33 -7122.66 -7518.28 4070.09 4296.16 -8648.94 -9129.35 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 6186.47 -6530.167 4124.32 -7217.55 7260.51 -7663.877 4840.34 -8470.6 8420.48 -8888.283 5613.65 -9823.89 9157.7 -9666.461 6105.13 -10684 9666.37 -10203.39 6444.24 -11277.4 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 203 Total Wind Force on 4 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 8936.02 -8592.33 5499.088 -7904.94 10487.4 -10084 6453.791 -9277.32 12162.9 -11695.1 7484.87 -10759.5 13227.8 -12719 8140.178 -11701.5 13962.5 -13425.5 8592.325 -12351.5 4 Panels(2*2) @Tilt angle = 0 degrees 8000 Wind Force(lbs) 6000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 4000 2000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐2000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐4000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐6000 ‐8000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-41. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 4 panels 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 5000 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐10000 ‐15000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-42. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 4 panels 204 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=15 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 15000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 10000 5000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 200 ‐10000 ‐15000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-43. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 4 panels 4 Panels(2*2)@Tilt angle=30 degrees 20000 Wind Force(lbs) 15000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 10000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 5000 0 ‐5000 0 50 100 150 ‐10000 ‐15000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-45. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 4 panels 205 Case-1: For Effective wind area of 16 panels Table C3-12. Wind force vs Wind speed calculations at different tilt angles for 16 panels Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 0 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 24745.9 -22683.7 10311 -24746 29042.1 -26621.9 12101 -29042 33681.9 -30875.1 14034 -33682 36630.8 -33578.2 15263 -36631 38665.5 -35443.3 16111 -38665 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 15 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 37118.8 -39181 24745.9 -43305.3 43563.1 -45983.26 29042.1 -50823.6 50522.9 -53329.7 33681.9 -58943.4 54946.2 -57998.77 36630.8 -64103.9 57998.2 -61220.32 38665.5 -67664.6 Wind Speed,in mph 120 130 140 146 150 206 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 7.5 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, forces, in in lbs lbs in lbs lbs 32994.5 -28870.2 16497.3 -35056.7 38722.7 -33882.4 19361.4 -41142.9 44909.2 -39295.6 22454.6 -47716 48841.1 -42735.9 24420.5 -51893.6 51554 -45109.7 25777 -54776.1 Total Wind Force on 16 Panels (Zone 3+ Zone 2+ Zone 1) at 30 degrees Clear Obstructed Positive Negative Positive Negative forces, forces, in forces, in forces, in in lbs lbs lbs lbs 53616.1 -51554 32994.53 -47429.6 62924.5 -60504.3 38722.75 -55663.9 72977.5 -70170.7 44909.22 -64557 79366.7 -76314.2 48841.07 -70209 83775.2 -80553 51553.95 -74108.8 Wind Force(lbs) 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle = 0 degrees 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 ‐10000 ‐20000 0 ‐30000 ‐40000 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 50 100 150 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-46. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 0 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=7.5 degrees 60000 Wind Force(lbs) 40000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 20000 0 ‐20000 0 50 100 150 ‐40000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐60000 ‐80000 200 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-47. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 7.5 degrees for 16 panels 207 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=15 degrees 80000 Wind Force(lbs) 60000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 40000 20000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 ‐20000 0 ‐40000 50 100 150 200 ‐60000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative ‐80000 Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-48. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 15 degrees for 16 panels 16 Panels(4*4)@Tilt angle=30 degrees Wind Force(lbs) 100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,positive 50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Clear,negative 0 0 50 100 150 200 ‐50000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,positive ‐100000 Force vs Wind Speed,Obstructed,negative Wind Speed(mph) Figure C3-49. Wind force analysis w.r.t different wind speeds at different tilt angle= 30 degrees for 16 pa 208 209